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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1898)
O.ü\iON NEWS LOÍL m» r Ii H NEWS Or THE WORLD XEW WORK FOR WOMEN NUTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Pr»»n»l«r« •*» He l.reatr* TUe TBaa Ever This »e«r. The Odd Occupation of a Youn< “The demand for nut* promise» to be Woman In New York. greater tfeU year than ever before.” eaid a wholesale dealer in »uch prmi- «be la Ubai Mlgbl lp>ropriat»ly Be uce in New York to a writer for the Termed sa lerlgeat Koascr. shirr ihe organization <»f Baker c«muiy Star. “Hale* are at present very large, I'rnflf by Others* i wml 34 vears ago «leerer* in dhorcr' and heavy shipment» of from 10.000 to Injurie». 15,000 bags or <*aaes of nut** from . 1 v« t»*en Mraii el at the rs'e of alfuit parts of the world are arriving in this »Hi a »ear. Ihe hat from Hie organ* IN NEBRASKA city nearly every day. Nowadays nuts unique occupation followed by a ti *n o he <xj*ii/tv in I*61 n «w num THE WAR SPIR i T constitute just as prominent a part in COLLEGE MEN ON FUSION T CKL woman was *♦ -srlosed the other er» «I 223 decrees Die record ha* b»-en young the Christmas festivities in America as New York whe’ there ww»an ae rnpleird a- a« » ur.itely as possible, but day in they do in Scotland on Halloween. ‘The on the Broadway cable line. The c’dent t i«*re may have be»*n a few < a*rs omit Germana Will Make I1«- ium « i <1» on most important item in the nut busi accident in itself wa* not especially - I. a» the rarlv «la» re« «.ids were mH ness Is the walnut, and many claim they , ; a car that wa» rapidly An Interesting <'ollr«*llon of N* w- K|»«ln for Mwmagea to German notm ort by are the sweetest nut grown. Formerly • pt in as good sba|*e as those of later xiUDding the Fourteenth street loop, Note« Vllpp< d from our Clila» na In Cuba these nuts came almost entirely from v« ars, and trace ol aoinr migfit have known a* “Dead Man’s Curve,“ struck Exchange». Both the method atxl result* when Bordeaux, but the French nut is row tieeii lost at the time of the destruction i newsboy who was running across the apt to be a very poor article. When byrupof Figs ¡H taken; it in pleasant street and knockvtl him to the pave »I the lourtbouse au<l many of the record opened the kernel i- likely to be found and refreahiug to the taste, ami act» ment. where he lay unconscious, hi» b okn bv fire 8 or ¡0 years ag*> Out of a iota’ of 17K9 foreign*born ilP| shrunken in the shell and the meat is gently yet promptly on the Kidneys. head bleeding from a gi«h cut by a A torpid liver ro»*s you of ambition, I dry and of an inferior quality. The recently l^cuma. bat one firs' raw the light oí The Marshfield town ieiard Liver an-l Bowel», clean».-» the sys rough stone. The car stopped, and thr and ruins your Lealih DeWitt’» Little finest walnuts come from Naples. They usual crowd of curious and sympathetic passed a «log tax ordinance. Early Ro-ers clean-r ih» liver, cure r*»n da» in Spain are the cleanest, and the kernel» are tem effectually, dispel» colds, head People m Wai a Walia are prep ring full, fresh and of a fine flavor. New aches and fevers and cures habitual onlookers gathered about the boy. The Corvallis Times »ays that Chinese 1 «lipstion and m I i e:«>oiach Soon a young woman, with a busi fur i lie ft-in g season, which op ned on York import» from 12,000 to 15.000 bags constipation. Syrup of Figs is the pheasants are b«*ing slaughtered weal oí I l rollt »le» — IV fr Kremer. ness-like air and a tailor-made gown, j the repule of French nuts and from 10,000 to 12.- I here was a warm fighi at of the month, a <1 the creeks only remedy of its kin-1 ever pro Corvallis, ami that it may be necessary pushed her way through thr crowd requires cooking An mi and riream** will be well whipped by 000 cases of the Italian product ar* duced, pleasing t<> the taste and ac- primaries in Femlleion for the officers to interfere. about the prostrate youngster. She ! nually. u ualiy lar/e vote was polled, and it is apo rumen ceptable to the stoniai h. prompt in promptly took charge of the boy, di-j In looking over the property and go* ds “The California walnuts. particulaNy alleged ‘liât peraoiM* who are not rrpub reeled that he be removed to a nearby I The |*ur(office safe in North Yakima. those from the Los Nietas district, rank it» action ami truly beneficial in its left by th»* late A. S McClure, • J I ii effects, prepar.-d only from the most drug store, and sent a man to ring in an li> an* voted. The Mitchell tirkets were Wa*«bington, was drilled into and burg next. They are reliable and have some gene, a sock containing $22 > was f* umi defeate»l in all four Pendleton precincts, laiixed la«! Friday, and the burg of the flavor of those imported from healthy and agreeable substances, its ambulance call. While this was being • in the bottom ui a trunk, lit* also let! many excellent qualities commend it done «he moved quickly through the 22 anti Mitchell »leieg lies lieing elected. •are got awav with about 1100 in money Naples. They are brought to New York about $’>(>• in Hie bank. R»j»oris from lie c*»un'ry pr«*<’in«’ts are ami »tainpe, beside* several registered in sacks by the car load and are sold to U> all and have made it the most crowd. |>eneil and notebook in hand, ONE POI ND OF THIS STARCH WILL GO The work of wiring in Eugene for tie that Hie del« gale** will utand about ttiree secured the names of half a dozen per dealer» who display them in stores or |H>pular remedy known. AS FAR AS A POUND AND A HALF packager, the value of which is un* son.« who had witnessed the accident, new electric lighting system is near<y to i wo in favor ol th * anti .Mitchell ele on stands in every city of the union. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 OF ANY OTHER STARCH. know n. jotted down the nuinlxrs of thr con “The Brazil nut. which greatly” re«rm- ccinplvt**l, a«id the change will l>e made ment cent lM>ttl<‘. by all leading drug The leatlerH on both aide» tint ^aHOfACTUREO ON lv S y ductor and gripman, and made a rough A bdl making further provision for ble® the meat of the cocoanut, but is book Tli«« nvw LVM) dynamo was placml tied har«L and-eversi **x< iit' g incident« gists. Any reliable druggist who little diagram of thr spot where the very much finer, is one of the most j civil government in Ala-ka has puree* I in position VVednewiay. 1 <N-i-ur»*d at III»- |* o II h . The Vliirboil sid«* accident had occurred—all before the popular and beet nelling1 nuts in the may not have it on hand will pro Ihe amendment provided W. Matlock, a cat tie-buyer, ws« h ' •dle/cM <ii-« riniirjatinn again-t its tickets th»* senate. market. All of these nuts come from cure it promptly for any one who car moved on in its uptown journey. for a high liquor licenae, and the one to Rio Janeiro, The number consumed in wishes to try it. I>o not accept any froMil, Gilliam county, week, a« <1 I »n th« purl « Í judge« in Pendleton. Then she hurried back to the boy ar.d n proiitbiting Die manufacture ami »ale thia country yearly !• about 30.000 substitute. renraine«! by him until bis wound had offered cattlemen |2() lor yearling», Tli ft» fl\» years make a generation l»en dressed, and he bad hern carried (or two«,and $31 50 f«*r3-v ar-oh! »terr», I » »• » is b I ng l '«»Ipli t isher.of Z mi ' cm - ■ d liquors there, elicited mil« h disrue sacks. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. “Year« ago the Christmas dessert w n- T - *’ irch i- prepared *»n •rientific principle hv men r. ho have bad year«of practj..i away’ home. v I le, if . Mitleir«l 'torn piles H»* was -ion but they were withdrawn. but found nothing he c >uld get. atn FHA»CI8Cll CAL eip- <•• ir. fancy Jauoderu..- It rotor«' < d linenan«! -ummer dre*...,»/ Probably the most of those who ob- , eo<rrrpo>«ed chiefly of alnsnnds. raisins, 'cured bv using three t»oxes of DeWitt’» UX/I3VIUJ. Kt. new vomt. n r n.i- .: i whiten«--and impart-a t»rautiful an<i labtiug finish. Jt is the only The French lute* national Ar bi'rat ion The sheriff*of Benton county has col I A it« h CL. young woman’s action« ~etions set set J figs .and filberts, which the French axel Salve —W fr Kremer. sen (I the n..i ■ ¡nd that i? perfect y harmlr—. containin« Deitber ar«?nic. alum ,,» — a A h * li uuv m v usilorma - x v »..» tocted $16,00 (or taxes, and out of fbi* <<>cielv has lent biter» to the Spanish called the ‘farm l»eggars/ becau«e no »••h. r -ub-tunce ln.unous to linen and can be used even for a baby powder. iwn as u woman reporter, byt if 1 hei dov. _____________ I litige I h'ltiiMM \ M« Bride today ren- is showing a gratifying increa«*. Th* minister, i fullon, and to the American adult would touch them. the treasurer ha» rent $8500 to the stat**, For sale by all wholesale and retail grocers, so they were mistaken. Her name is | ! <!ure*l his de< mion hi the **a«e ol K. L. ' total estimated product for this year in Harriet Emerson, and she herself de “To young Americans, however, “ecretary of State, Sherman, urg ng the which ¡raves a balance of $644 "»bin et al. vs th«* l*oud«men of Ben- , '».UOO.OOU gallons, which ia 23 percent, almonds and raisins are dear as ever scribes her occupation in this wise: adi inability of ar bit rating the difference Benton county tor state taxes. more than was marketed last year ' jamin L War<1 ex county treasurer who “My interest in people who are NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. between Spain ami the United Stater. aTid probably to young French people lervtofure there has been little profit knocked down by street «-ars is caused also. State univeraity »tudent» Hooker, »«as í'iund to In- $12,b0(> short in his a«'- n the vintages because of the fierr« ‘ eoni- Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon J have leit “ The great rival of California is Spain, Mrs liaile) , of Maine, ol the depart I counts l»«t June. The decision is in chiefly by biisine*s reasons. I assure Whittlewy, Peters and Stanton Martdi 16, 189*4 »etition of grower*, but the produc* n you.” she said, brightly. “I'm what Eugene on a tramn to frdorence, then ( favor of ihe county, which intervenid inent of peace and arbitration for the and the almonds of Tarragora are im RAILROAD Notice is hereby given thai ihe follow* tav«* now mad»* arrangements with a you’d <*all a ‘runner,’ 1 suppose; at ing named settler has filed notice o his down the coast to Coo*« hay, then to «nd claimed in« tieys in the hand« of the W.C. T IJ.. bar «ent to McKinley, on ported to New York in vast quantities. wort-wine ayndkute which will con- bcenic line or TH! world lea-t that is what we used to «till the They r»-*-*iv-r w hich w»*r«* attached bv the behalf of a million of women, a letter The common shelled almonds come di Koavburg, ami hack to Eugene proof tn in support | intention to make final prooi rol the entire product of the Mate and rect from Italy and through London • • » —Gi L- i boys who did this work before I began «■redimrs i,f the firm of How« II A Ward commending the action ol the adininia took their blankets with them. •ivr all concerned some shar»‘ in the I it.” Then, in answer to her liatener’s ; of his claim, an I that said proof will be from the valley of the Jordan. Th* n>ade.*beiore -I. M. Chiles. Countv Jmlge Sergeant M. J Duffy, of the Oregon T ie court hel*l that the various niort- traDon and urging that peace be main exporters in Palestine, however, have , brwikiered look, she explained further: ol Jo ephine county. Oregon at < «rants 4k'»’S **x»*ctiled bv lowall A Ward to lain* d. not acquired the art w h:**h the Califor National Guards, 1» in Token, endeavor R um , on Abril ?!♦, IBM, via; l “ If you ’ ll take the trouble to count Uannon lluir« Wnudrrful Flight. *" / ing to raise a company to v«>lunt*«vr f«»t the bond-men of W arri wer** good and The point bar now been reached where nians have picked up from the Span hem up in your newspaper some morn William W Wilson on H fr» No (.87 m for The moat careful experiment« ever ami lots 3 and 4 sec 34S , military service in case of war with • wildesei'il ion* »nd asji t»*s<iIt the re ’•teat Britain rniiat fifc-ht or abandon Hie iard« of making their l>oxes beautiful rig. you'll see there are a great many the made on the flight of »cannon ball were with gaudily-colored lithograph«, and «•»•iver p»«i«l H ip co iriv the amount o| brave d<**-laration» hi •«!»• during i he pari Spain. He I imm not met wilh the su* th (joe conducted by the English author . iccidenta cf one kind or another in a K 6 West. their I mjxcs arc merely plain, substan He names the following witnesses to • ig city like New York every day. hv shortage It im believed that Inr- two im*nlliM by cer-ain of itr minirtera in ities in the year. The experi ce»s be anticipated. tial receptacles—nothing more. prove hta continuous residence upon an«i ment was miule with a 22-ton gun, and ' «'here are a good many, too, that are Hier proaeciition of Hie crii linai suit» connection with the far eastern question. Five of (he men on the fusion ticket “The hazel nut«, of which every boy In through tourist cara without cbsqi »ver mentioned in the papers. You cultivation of said land, viz: it was found that a ball fl red from th * .lame« Nealev. of Merlin Ore ; W A and girl is so fond, «are grown large are agricultural col lege men . Vea'ch lor Mgaiiifll Howell A War.l will lie Moppe«I The prevailing opinion is that 'be gov rnbabiy know that If a workman who monster made a flight of 12svt feet over Mas-ie, r»t Merlin Ore ; Joseph .McCa« ly throughout the United State«. Not I» isa griHt IcHp from the old lash eminent wi I back down. congress. King for governor, Bra<lMliaw 12 mites liefore it struck the ground. , s injured by a falling scaffolding, or lin. of Merlin Oie , and I s \V. Smith, withstanding the fact. nc*t of these ion»-d doses ol Une un*»» aid nauseous i man has his foot cut efT by a trol ’ ey for advocate judge sixth district, ilaniil i’ll«« stat«* el«*<*'ion of Washington th a nuts we eat are imported from Barce Careful timing with an improved of Grave, Ore. R. M. V eatcii , ph* »or*, to the pl« a-a nt lit He | ill- known ar can prove that it was the fault of chronometer proved that the ball was ton in the su'-oii'i «listrict, and Jeffry in a»* DeWitt's L" e I*arh Risers RegtHier They lall will I mj fur the -«lection of two con- lona and England. During the |>a«t lis employ er, or the railway company, In cliarg* of exiwri-nced condurton C9*/a seconds making the 12-mile cure coHM'ipa'ion sick tu-adarhe end grewinen, a legislature, two an preme year 160.000 bushels were imported the eiglileenlh district. NOTICE FUR PUBLICATION. is the case may be. the taw permits hitn and porter» journey and that the highest point it i!li< usii «* sm —W b Kr* mcr. Cure that Cough with Shiloh'« Cur* j'ldges a"d county officers Ì hr people from the former place. to collect clansages for the injury dune. attained was 17,000 feet above the Land Office ai R«'-ehiir¿. Oregon,I “Nearly all the dried fips that are will m I ho vole on two const Bullona* vs To K"""8* City and Ot The I m * h ( Cough Cure. Relieves I’roup [ But perhaps you don't know that this earth's surface. March 3. 1898.f .TlUllUU» -* cago without chanpr» twoktiiy AND put up in »mall boxes and displayed | branch of the legal busjie* has be One million bottles sold I m - promptly Notice in hereby given that the tollo* ’’ n tiv« /enth-men or la<h< lolravelfor Miiieiidineii:», ou* relating to woman aul- evrrvw here for sale in thr Urrtte*’ States I «ome so extensive that it occ upies the ing-nani«*d pettier h<i*» filed notice of hi- Lake. Mi»(ouri 1'sciAc and * binfi Mie Knew Them. year. 4(1 dos«*s lor 25 cents. Sold »* re-|M*n-il»le. e-lat’li* hod tiou-e in « regon irage and ilie other to local option in and Great Britain are exported from I & Alien Kva. Monthly Riband, xpense-* Position steady mxahoii whole attention of several firms, ft >s -iitenii<»n to make final p'out in support At a teachers ’ association in t*. Kremer. 2 Newark — W. Reference. ** • -* -* Turkey and Aanunrin. Fresh-ripened Kn«-I*»*e se|f-addre«.M*d «*tampe<1 * T ik > s «1- i vs To Omali».Chi<ir>,l* the other day a class of small children a lucrative business, too, for juries are >f his claim, and mat «aid proof will lx* 1 llOUcl v 3 Ja|o bostoa witfeoBl 1 lie Dominion Company. Dept firs are now being - ent to this country Vatican circle* announce that A*< h A. . R null, of (Jin dilla county, -a s envelope apt to give the injured person the ben made liefore I M. Chiles. Countv Jud e Y, Chi* ago. were giving an exercise in •»•«* <•»!* 1 ----- ’».:----- ’ kon ■ phonics. < liHug»* via Salt Lake and 1 i Chicago bi bnp Keane, in the name of the pope, They are put up in tins and their sale «d Josephine rO'inti , Oregon, at iiran ’ s th U llie we iiiier liaa b**eu had ill Hp« ar-' The teacher had received correct an* efit of the doubt. ■ Island & Pacific Ky. will be very large duringthe winter. ” — Pass Oregon, on April 16, 1898 viz cany in for lambing, snow ami c*»id has -ent to Archbi-hop Ireland on ex* “This is whit gate me my oppor- ■»•.vers to descriptions she had given Washington Star George W Swimlen on 11 E. N" 6Uft3lor \Vi*<tiu*<ii'i vs To s’ lf,**‘pl' S»s night* prevailing However. (MM lamb pfesNion ol the earnest dezire of bin noli 1 made up my mind thnt a them of trees, wood. etc., and then tunity. ,» CUI1L Ud \ b HB1| (,jty and 'he >E’4. of sec. 4. Tp. 37 8 , R 6 West VERY MUCH MIXED SOCIETY. had already been dropp'd from his i » mii '’ thought she would describe a brook. w oman who knew just what was n* o that the archbi-hop use hi« in* He names the lolloping witnesses to ¡•«nhoiit cliai'U»', via. Salt I.ake ui “What do you find running through the wii n ted, would have less difficulty in prove nis continuous residem*« upon and Burliiigtnn Ruut«. of 2OX) ewea and bui few were lost. II* tluenif* wilt» President McKinly to bring Gentlemnnly llnralnr » Welcome w ’ cmm I. s . moving silently on the ground, getting the proper evidence than a cultivation oi said Isnd. viz: thinks that stieepmen throughout (Jina about a peace nettleinenl between Visitor in I'nwllali Soelety. Thnrwilii vu To Ka'”'“' Cit! *rj|Sl with but little noise?" she usked. For street boy who knew nothing about it. John >n\«ler. ol Wildervibe, Ore . G N 1 I III I. U«l J Sv Louis without < binp There has been some complaint in tilia county who are pr vi led with shed- Ln Emin.-nt Nrw York Chrmi.t and Sd UnPed Staten and Spain. a long time the little ones were quiet, I’ve been at this work for a year now. Bolt, of Grants Pa-s, J W Johnson, of via. Suit Lake anil Missouri Pacific!! aristocratic circles in Englund that in* ami hire plenty of help, will not Io»« it iaannonn **d that Lieutenant and then a little hand was raised. Col Grants Pass and S.F Wilson, of Gran's entiti Maket a Ere» Offerto and find that it pays me better than my great country houses there is now A <l«v »topover arranged at Silt lait materially R M V eatch . “Well, Bessie, what is the answer?” former office employment as a stenog Pass, Ore onel Bene iicio, who commanded th»' found much mixed society. Olir Readert. and l>enver. the teacher questioned, smilingly. Register. rapher. I do other things beside tak Spanish forces which killed the insur The annual graduating «*xerci*eM of th* Th!» has, however, u'.uvays been the A ride through the Famou« t'olooli “Tramps," piped out the little one. I’he dhtirnmlMlit'd New Yor * he mi nt, I ing notes of accidents, such as serving msdiral department of the Willamette genl leader Aranguren. while viaiting case. A well-known actor passed three Scenery. NOTICE T<i (HERITORS. A k I im - uhi . demonstrating his discovery of ¡vipers and collecting evidence for my days at un historical inuneion without un verHity were held lately. Diploma'* a reliaM' it. i a ■ olu i»t>n * To.*aeeoS|»il ■**•! Smuhr lour Ijfe \ ».*> lira for • on urn the house of Dr. Francisco Vidal, at For rate» and all information apply t, firm, but most of iny income is derived r___ —y I ul»en ulo*»h) and all ___ , (pulmonary In the county court of Josephine conn knowing cither host or hostess; he To quit Ltdta. ec easily ami forever i-e matr tuanaba» ua, ha* been wounded bv a r»* Were awarded to the nine following per linn JR C. N ichol , Gen.A(t., from such affairs as y ou have just seen. bronchial, throat, lung ami < he«t disease»*, ry. state of Oregon. lelic. full of life nerve ami vigor, fake No To* sons: Edwar^ T Anderson Chaw NtuhtMirn ««»ugh«, «'Htnrrhal aneetatioris, vol ver shot ii the neck The colored knew thut the marquis and his w ife did Dae. the wontier worker, that makes wi in- men JE B. l»t rrv, T. P. A . “Of course, I don’t see all the acci In the matter of the vs / not. speuk to one another, ami that each ?tro*ig. All druRgiNla, .MR or St. Cur« ifuarun geneiMl decline and weakness, loss of il«**»ii, 271 " aetiingtoM St. Portland,01 man who tired ttie abot e-ca|*e«l. Henry Brewer, Richard Cartwright, dents that happen, though a good many tate ol Sedley Au-tin* would think he was the- guest of the te«d ami a I «’«mdition* **f waiting awar, will Booklet an 1 sample free. A-'dreaf S. K. H oupkr , G. P A T. A., Denver. j Cliaa. V. Fishor, Edward B. Philbrook TURKE ERICK BOTTLE, (nil <li .«,renO«*f more than you would think come under Borough, de«’ea>*ed. \t present over 20Hi men are at work other. Sterling Ke me-1 y (o Chicago or New Voik or Anv Agent Notice D hereby given bv the under J ». PvanoM my eyes, but I have a good many ways Jas. D. Plamoiidon, Alice N. Pretiyinan. hi« new discovr ir*» I*» any iitfii«-led reader in the Brooklyn navy tarde. and w «rk AU records of the kind have been Agt. U. P. Co., Ore. Ry A Nlv.C* signed, exe« u»or of the estate of said ol th** < » i ' himc w riling for them of finding out about them quickly. For Frank E. Siaiib, R E L. Steiimr, Jaa Work on the surpassed by what, has recently taken Grant» Paa*, Oregon. Svdly Austin B rough, deceased, to Hie 111*1* rrcr. • or Ntampa. Hi*’ N w Heientiln* Treatment "has rur»«l goes on day ami mght instance, at most of the dangerous I W.I.I. tli«'ii amis periiinnent'v hv its timely use, Dolphin liaa ueen completed, and hioihr place in France. A fascinating person creii’tora ot and all persons having Very high pricca, in aonio case's the aii«| lie «’«insiders it n simple pr«>fessional has b«en recently making a round of highest on record, were obtained for street «Tossing* there are men who claims against the said deceased, tn ex (’hildren llk«* il, it Nave« their live« duty to Ntiiierimr humanity to «innate H and ammunition have lieen put upon visits at certain chateaux. He was postage stamps at a recent London know me. and will send a tip to the «ibii them with he ms-essarv vouchers, W h niraii One Minuti* Coligli Cure, ilo trial of ni- in allihle « lire i r There are neatly 20 veaaels in th** “well known* in society,” which mean« nale. A Ceylon four-pence erose, un* office when there’s a ‘case’ on. Similar within six nioiiihs after the first publica Kcience ilailv «levehq»* n,*w w«»mlers, ami ìnlallibiH peinedy ior rotigli* <*ohl»,croni», »at I. iiK’lmiing ihe Uhicago, Atlanta, that h*' was gladly received in it, though ly, I’ve made the acquaintance of work tion Ol tliis notice, to the SMld exe*ulor used, brought >660; a Mauritius post- bronchiti*, grippe, ami all tliroal ami tlii« /real chemist patiently rx|M*rinien in« ffice ... of ...<w Abe .■«<<*,,. Axtell, 1(1 in the for venrs, Ims pr«»«lti< e«l re-u hax ITiiei h * ihi I« ia- ami Ma» flower men in the railroad yard and on som* at the law ___ I lie nobody knew any thing aoout him. pai<l two pence blue, f4t»0; a < ape of lung troublea.— W F. Kreuier. to imiiiniiitv. ms < an l»e claimed by anv i <*ity of lirantB Pass. Josephine county. He lived, when, not in town among Good Hope one-penny blue, error, £325; of the big building*. I get a percentage — VIA THE ----- iiioderti .emus lln n-*<*<ti*>n that lung I lie a«tron tin -rs of Hie university ol Oregon. J omah B enton B okoigh , Very little interest in being taken in trouble- ami con-umpiion nre < uratile tn hi» friends, in a very luxurious fash four-pence red. error. £2*0; a reunion on the fre from rweb case, and some of Executor of the e-tate ol N*dly Austin .ililortiia have rumple rd their couipu them net me as high ms $50. I don ’ t the (>|M*ning of the lulling mmsoh . April any « lunate. Is proven l»v “heartfelt letirr- ion. But al! that he seems to have pos- 15 centimes, first issue, £280. Two hun Stianta Route I Borough, deceased »lion ot the come« discovered Sunday sessed of his ow n •was a set* of scientific dred dollars each were paid for a Nev. have to pick up many of them to make 10. some canneryinen predicting a fair ot itrntiiude,” lile*l in the Eur<«|tenn ami • D.kieil thi- 23rd <iav of February, 18 B Altieri»mi lnl»«»ta ««ru*s in thou nd« from uHiriiuig, by Perrine, i the Lick oba« rv a fairly good living. 1 «lare say you — ol the — instruments of burglary. In his pos Brunswick violet 1-shilling stamp and run <*i li-h and g«M.«l bu«iness. while nth tli -e i ur«*«l in m H par s *»f he world. yellow four-**» nt think it« an odd occupation, but I ¡ike Mv«lit I evp»* t« conee»lr ilint bronchial. .«'on Mini according to them Hie comet session was also found a portf*dio w ¡th a British Guiana SUM MONS. er** sav (he Mert«on w II lw* w *r«*e <'h«*'t nml luti ’t’oii les • nd io «'olisUtiip- plans of the interior arrangements <»f stamp; nineteen other stamps were it, and it’s good work. too. for if it la*t v«‘«r, both mm to prices and (plinths tion wlii« ii ii’iitit»*rrup’e«l, nirans «| mh ** iv will become brighter, and reuiMiii in In the Circuit Court of the State the houses at which he had been stop sold for £100 or over each, and eleven wasn’t for me many of these poor crea sigh' for some time li i* i o» raveling of pack. It in too early to make any mih I < • r ain «1»-atn i . iihmw llama I jubvu Portland Dail» tures, who are maimed or injured by Oregon, lor the County of Josephine. for £.30 or more. ping. >iniplv » rite to T A Slo um. M. C , f* south. positive prediction. The flMliermen's • ine *ir»*et. New York, ivlng post oith'e inward thr rarili at th«* rate of 1,00 «,0 0 Sort the carelessness of others, would never Nelson < ’. Boyntnn, One can. imagine a polished forger. ff.) Fur the nrxt two weeks u 6:00 r a . tr Portland Mt i get their rights." -Cincinnati Commer union will h«»ld a meeting, at wh ch it is and » xpre*»» H*l«lrr . «ml the free iium Ì b iii »* mi rs m «lav AT plaintii Fauntleroy was a most accompliahed A« lion to di« »:<« t. M LV. will I m * promptly eut. Mi -ercTM should w ll move northeasterly al Hie ra e of vs. Granta Paa. LV. -.DM cial Tribune. expected they will take up (he qu«* '¡** ii 7:*&A.M. 1 Ar. San Fran’co LV. lake in-laiit advMnint.'v 1 wive the mar ot Ids générons one *1« gree a dav, north as well as east. person, and gave excellent dinners. g MM When he was uuder M*ntence of death of prices (or the coming season L 1 riagv contract |»ro|M»oitlan, Bohena M. Boynton, The Thlef-Traekers. Above trains stop at all stations bat««« H <s visible at almul 4 o'clock in thr hr was calle*I on by one of his noble Portland and baleni, Turner, Manu», defendant. Another curious prof**»<ioD among friends, who said: “Since you are go morning .ieffer-on. Albany. Cottage Grove, Tanftnt To Rohrna M Boynton, -iefnnil.iit : the Bedouin is that of the “thief-track ing to leave us, prrhap« y ou will now >hedds, Halsey, Harrisburg. Junction City* in the name of the Slate I’ll«* war spirit is in Nebraska, an-l in ers.” Being without paddocks or Ot Oregon, Eugene, Drain Oakland, ami all ^lat»»* tell me where you get that green cu- ; : ... •••••»*• r required to dicaliona are that ihe average citizen stables, and their animal» more or ’.ess i »on are hereby from Roseburg, to Ashland inclusive. racoa from;” but a polished burglar is I »newer the complaint file*l '»Pitear an at liberty, theft of stock would ap hinks a conflict with Spain is in every quite a novelty. I tn tlie alsive entiUed ' nurt against vou Rotebuig Mail Daily pear to be «'in easy and frequent mat [»lay* from the date «»i tin wttbin ten way denirable. A branch of the nation Conceive his thoughts w Nle he is say •e service *»f ihm ' ■ \ m lv I'ortlaml 4 >'M AT ter. Bach tribe, however, has its lit m I volunteers organization has urwn a’ ing soft nothings to the lady he took -iintmoiis upon v « ju , i served within IJ :25 p . m . lv . Albany served 12 50F.I uV. tle (sunpany of “trackers.” an<l it wouid ‘ lit- c»»iintv; nr .f *erve«l within anv > .20 p. m at Roseburg II»« «apitol ii tier the «lirecHon ol stair in to dinner. How he must have ey ed 7JDA-« «V. In either a bold or an ignorant man in other countv of this State, then within Which in bt*t»»-r, to thoroughly -tliiials and the enrollment I im > com* her jewelry, and wondered where she OiNlNG ARo ON OGDEN ROUTE deed who ventured to interfere with an Lit) «lavs lmin the dwe « f the service ol kept it! What night* he must have clHati»*- and purify the I>1< km 1 juat uiemrd, hive hundred name» of prom-; ,1111» suiiiiiions upon voii ; or ii served «■Ju!l man tlut’fei Sleeper» passed flitting from room to room, a | now, or make yourself ltabb* to Arab’s live stuck. 1 have heard of one inent citizriiN bate already tH*rn place-1 * '* instance in which a camel stolen from on \«»u nut ol the str* FYttm t\f llunm T tf/une /fii«< J •• — ami — habit which, if discovered, hr would publication, then bv the many dangerou» uilnv-nt-* 'here r<lrgr«in* and letters to thr g«*v doubtless have attributed a camp near IsmaiEa was, after weeks ’»ECOND ?• ass S leeping C a *» A “bre*king down nf thr nervous Byttem” n« iH»r vr Ish'r J enduing term ««t >»t«l to alo* p* which arc .o prevalent during of lai* r. successfully tracked to the ia » tu«sirrn eipresBinti. —a nicsiern rum- !•» .eel In .* mn< • rm i are pouring in hourly, ami it is ex* walking! How \ery little must hair Atta» h*u to ab ilnough train* 13rd M »ml t\ in \i»riI plaiui II in indured by prolungai «train It ia indureai l»y pmli»ng«*»l atm Impurities have fteen Sudan, where the beast wax recapture*] or .iuor, I«»»*.'» n**il p<*< t«-«l tiiHt ¡0 0 o Hames will fa* on th« been known among his fine friends of Hummer? >i Ap'il. \ D . IMW8 ■ «»vertami^ nf (tie nervous ■vanni. Ulh it i .ii.i i . ami you are here and summary vengeance w reaked upon accumulating in the I.|< hm I nil h\ notiti» dibat if v-tt tail to appear und v hintrrr list brt««re thr inid«ll • of April. this gentleman’» “relatives and ante and U a product **f “ over hurry <n»l n« «Hr with crMiups In J For further particulars inquire of J* E III the robbers. Selected for natural Qoii- answer sani <’**nq»l«iti' a« hereby re D aderta the preacher end thr lawyer the mriv-.-d t<* lak«» Di cedents.”—James Payn. in Independ winter, and right now is the time Purdotu, drants Paas. direct rreull or brain lire. Il affaci» iirnpl* I I he i «ilure o( the government IO pro ent. ity, an«I trained from boyhood to dis Pule Prt.plr I |. qnirtd the n'a'iinff vid arrh for the to gi-t nd of them. A th<>r<u*gl> in any walk <»f life, 1« m > who worry a li •I lr« i b«*tier in fart u««i criminate between each animal’s f >ot- relief demande»! herein, which i« to «lis nr«* a uumfa*r of torpedo cia t i abr<»a> I. cour-eof Swift’s Sp<-citb- ia lleed.-d Wen Side Division lt m«*«nv a depleting <»f the nerve f«»r**ee. n«» m«*rv, (»ul my * The Muilrxl ••llllie.** **’ Vi the marriag «‘-uitrnci cxi« ing Is* print, this faculty becomes so h:p Il ia carabi* l*y e •ampíete -rl real and change int my hf» »I. to cleanse the bl<- d and puri t, aa '» mm catiMH) the navy department to COII «AIL TKAIW DAILY KSCKPT flCBBAT.__ _ tween it plain«id aii*l •!♦• riidanl, The threatened harmonions bicycle developed that a particular horse'i nf Mjenr, al*» i»y thr um * <»f T nerve rv-ioraiiv«-a e»«-ry tintig **l ■ lord i<l. r its means «*1 co structing a latg» fy the ayst.-ni, tonimr up nud camel's trail is unerringly picked an t nerve f«M*l*. A n thr i tirsi inrih*FÌ is noi up * * tv. Portland at . ■ has come to pas«, but, fortunately, it i I lhrrvl..i. is . nhli-bed bi order nuiiibtr at home, tn a short time Chiei at present confined to Germany, Th within Ihe reach of all, , thr latter «»Her» * sr. < < tvh II i i v . OSM strengthening it all over. Those fre >ni among the thou «a nd* of Impre» j'i'lge of - || h Htsive ep the mo«t universal anti pr ictirel m«*üi<si I have i s i bui "it ot striiclor -I chborn, ami Engineer-in V Albany an«l Corea¡.> orni.ret musical monstrosity is fixed to t bi who take this precaution now are sions on the dusty highway, R. Tal- of treating ihe c »uiplaint. . U lmn it is <le- enj<»M-l hfr. mt» r» a» ht«*k- Ilm ___ In* I M» villr have u adr out a scheii-- handle-bar. ami by an ingenious nr lerinirie*! (list medirine Í» 1 Io l»r used, se- Siui h< Iti re ival tn comparatively *ftf« all summer; hot Kelly, in Century. '» Oregon, on nun« of Or. entrai ck ha l*rn Kv Ieri that one which <*< MMitains thr in*sit nrrvr- During that nui** the front but to neglect it is to invite some ' ' MN »AtLY (B14 IF! *»< M’ »’ 1 or Coiislril« ting 10H *thvi«*nt, but i ot rangement is worked by a*»«iri«hing pr»prrti» D«» noi takr nerve w«-«*ks, ■•» Ihm mV lonr Soae. ?» • F M t v Portland ai . ' M ■ I »I»*»!ate craft * Indi *«*uld I m bmll >n wheel. It will play for an hour at a form of sicknee» which is «•> com tnai«*a. T* They ., <»ulv __ _ «tnuiilalr _____ sn»l the r* a *d.»n 8i»me nights I <li<l 7 *k’p m . Dhe no«e, the form of which baa m McMinnvilte tv. 5 *V<J leave« jr«»u sruraa than ..I y«»u were l»vf»»r«. ha* I rm tiiUM'tilnr • i I* «- ihan H\•• imintha. a* » miai <»l « ol spec«! of ten mile» an» hour, and if the mon during the trying hot season, much to do with the beauty of » far* t lie inr»licine IliBI ia tn the nrrv»s ernfly, wh» n I ha*. rider has not been driven mad by that Direct rt nnection at >an Fran< i** n »« < £7, *0 *00. I nt i*r*iir»vtl that ( r it is now that a course of Swift's is amenable to culture, «nd we what turai in to th* hu»ly— nne that »• it gar»l« ii nn«l my ni <>*•« Mental__ time hr I « only to touch a spring srd and Oriental «nil I acitic Mal buihia up th* nerves, al** in«*rrasr* your marknlilv *«rll - inett*«n <»t ««in ii * tan will lie authoi« the machine starts -team-hip line. •- 1 fur .... J , A . PAN .... and CHI8A on the authority of a German pbyn aga n as gayly Specific weight, th* Iwa* thing fi»r th«* !>urn«M*** I« sire ami ran ' hi in. dates on application. — auuil, <1 that it is beyond dispute that di w <r comes iinmrdiatrly. or ihe a* ever. If it should find a home in this • h*q»le, F * rry Salhaih I IH. William«* Pink PilU f»r 1 ‘ t'M and lirket-» to Eastern point’ i*1’ Vlaiy J, half an ordinary hunin life the the tenutali«»!» of whh’h i« bn tit up » «oh«! think I am r*Mi d qu*«ti ii • bangs Are” another country, which the fate* L rfend, we it I* AI.O JAPAN, < HINA HU* an-l in<li*pulNi«lr proof. an»l wh ich ta kiiowu the D> h | wllh .» capable of receiv • nff more noble form ¡ ’> 1 1 I and U s TH a I.IA « an M * If w shall expect nonmusieal cyclists to agi In every hamlet in tue country. an«l »«»met hum it it rami la tn ned fr.,,,, |. s I'nrd. ni. Grant* I ’ a»*- The mental of of an imi ¡vidual I i tate for a license to shoot at sight — A n a proof <»f it« merit* in *u inou \\ l»ii»*d » I » K pre«< nlatik•• U K. Beacli ot O’tio c H. MIRKHAM eal to do «’th «haping Um the fallowing letter ot a clergy«« will accomplish so much toward has London Chronicle. » J. N M- hGRHI.KR, p 4 p Art.. p. I li «Wi g telegram lo Prea.deti ! Free Pres*. Da. W illiam «’ Mm Co Hi rendering the system capable of Manager. pnrtlandOr* • h«* ( Ì! >«n j ■ ■ a “Il «vmk »* «Ift-ia* »« resisting the evil influences which /Var .v,rf in > Hou io FiM> <»l T mamiained th war lor (ferve vear* bt are so liable to attack it during !»•<• caar, <»wmg to * <*om|d*-tr l«r< Fill a l*ottle or c*»mnn»n glass with urine ihvirnaii braxery, rr-vtircrs and sa» ri of in» Htrvoui aystrni sm! («• \ -r»|. the summer when sickn.-ss is s.> and let it stand Iwrntv u»ur hour- •u>mar h iron Mr I h« l hern i I unprveedent»d in all history, will abundant. It is the l>est tonic iment <»r settling indicate* nn unhealthv great many phyairiaii« but recri| condition of *h< Kidney* When urine l li»* Cuban* .-*■«• pt c**mp»omi«e when aiwnent benefit I had het n d< and system-builder on the mark-t. ■tains linen, it i< evideuce of Kidnev tr*»ul»- with nervotia proatrati.*n an< >1 twice thè* cali Aerli« ar in the thnmt ol their le. Too fre»|Uenl desire lo urinate or pain i »• rv»d within th» because it ia a real bbssl r- :n«-dv fwKntui. Th «e attarka w*»u 1*1 rom •»r inflante, but leave in the ba*-«, i» als«' «-onvincm pno»f that bui al eii»m» a «ieaih ratile* Go*l ter* • 4eifea*e d«*e«tlT» ar w uiiin a y o<ti aorh violence an to thr w m< | and is mad» solely to - irch out the kldBeys and bladder ar*- out of order. All the h**n within -0 da Th* time rame wli--n piix-.«- » bici! Will • » nipii ims»* give you back dai and remove all impurities, and unit ro BO atop prese hint or di* I w<i ■ei vic- «»t tnit tn» VfCir •«•n ? »V ill it uiira|»r y*»ur daugh- haa«tr*l after the last aarvire « •upply an abundance of pure, rich There is comfort in the knowledge m » *g. ►rve»i to vou out F I eauld »rwrely art ftrom th. **r W lt revive the mother who and r»-d blood. S. S S. i* made ten e\pre*«e’t that Dr Ki.mer b. publun n»n • •« >V!M K«*ot the great kidney remedv »til •rg»‘*l the’ii »•n with the 1» t**th Which Ihe rti*n. ng le*l»t Ihre I r«mld lette the ehurr exclusively of roots utili h»*rlw». wi.«h m relieving pain in the l»*' k. ■tarva'ion a illowrdf fright iloul gain a little aurngih 1 cuu In liver. I*la*tder. and every part of th tug tlie ser- It and is Nature’s own remedy. >111*1 It corrv* t* ina's-'ty I*» ho d nnn* vcwiri a. »«, the said « le Sai» •I .sting off Ills uniform ” is purely vegetable, and it the |Mi<**K-r'» ï î î and * ahlmg unn m pareing it. and l«a«i et Monda» »41 »hr fad We -Î * yen , chañe* to -am pr»niu»W only bliss! remedy guaranteed V feet« folhtwmg u«e of lk|Uor, wine or beer '♦plein I ivrmant tea* rummrivrd diplomat ir M-»nda» lu and boli» at ••"* ■ .« '»u*m»*«B bti-m—■ met method- contain no |s>ta»h, mercury o? and ovemuHe- that unplea-ant nr»-c*»«itv <»i •>O >flr*: are hetebv t»l»re«H-niati«>* • »o <pain, relame to (hr bring com | w* I led t** gel up many time* *lur 1 nn 1er JO write for parttoLa**** •aster other mineral. Be sure to g»t S. mg Hv night t«» urinate The mikl an«t ex appear *n-t ai.aain«na ra-r. and the German • rul h- traord narv erte* of *•«anq>-Root i« *H<n quire«}, 8. S. There is nothing half er Geir, «»n her way to Raina, ha- p» en mpp real if «rd II «tan* te*l f«»r it* won rvhei tie gisxl. derful cure*» of th ordered to get readv Io pnw'rde lo Cuba hirti •olvs th»- If x ou nerd a twee» tu, I el »1 if «al I »lad ion la not quirk G f »rtfer «ining fr »R - U U BY Al l. DKU ug KT’» the led Tin- • llir'irrman wr-hxi ol the ('annamaba kwnts and DR. PCFFCR « I K II ■am pi < a*r ia that ('ubati inaurante, duritu the night or Mardi 16. aitadird a <r*r •> a ,,< w b «* cow « v anta ratUi Manh man refiner»' at t'annamalMA. belong! g Fishing Season Creates Littli Interest. i *»f lum'*er, io or »hipped io Ind* . Í r carbnilding 1« !- t** l*e d»* ,«»•<. a an i Jun»* an I will bring m**re an $4><<«k) into 13»Ia com ty. Government May Construct Torpedo Boats. ONE ENJOYS INVE/Vr^ no ¥ MAKES collars AND CUFFS stiff and nice L IP I T1LC.HUBINGERBROS.C9 K eokuk ,I owa . N ew H aven , C onn Denver & Rio Granik 1 Weekly Excursions Modern Upholstered Tourist Sleeper« ty w ri:o mi THE WOND RS OF SCI NUE Luug Troubles nd Co..8uinptioD Can be Cured. r< EAST and SOUTE Southern Pacific Compant. It Camei ta the Preacher (rem Over Study and Brain Tira—It Cornea (a Any Person, loo, who Worries end Frtrtf. * S.S.S.ThC Blood Hood ’ s Pills ‘ L’- T ' NDY CATHARTIC AU 34» 50« AMOLUTELTGUARUrEF'■ t J b aa«Tifa a >iiafft» DGUMIST3 ‘ *' ’ SMITHS ROYAL-TANSY PILLS. CURL CO ASTI PATIOM <**•**••■ *rw tW IA m I Lea* X ■ •• I -I r* «m *«^.A « r «r Vw 1 ari fit J to (be firm of Schiaer A S-niuiJt.uf Tnn idad, Santa < lam The menrgenia ar»* «ani to have rifted the aafew. betrnrd th» huiMing«. kille»! huir perenne a dentimi I rd hu uAAupauUi el the rvfinerv. a^^»» • I L w. V* i •• C/lSH STORI «« •****, »V U m»rr««*».l W h|I we»«WWMtaA p«w «a«M V» •*♦* •• ra •• t«r1a«ra»■ i *« m w •»••«•• »••»■• »e r«««a» i • iw < ryartowB S> «• » F rear«-4 »a r • • ••• •» • i « V- J WMiAÍ'dir'áüw rr •k £ Mwkat Str et Ferry. 8 The Blood m* kw * u a»- r» r»r r»rty l «» k . UianiwK vabe.'c« bab t enr« ■»•*« «i, W« »vraM kaak pure IM IA AU «¡ II 1 »er tö TH i ‘•ranu Y. CC