Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, April 07, 1898, Image 1

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    VOL XIV.
Bath» at Mciirrgor Bros
local toappeninge
Up to-dale photographs only at the
Carbon Studio opp court bouse, tiranta
('an you guess bow many people in
toe u will be riding Phoenix bicycle« lie-
h«re June 1st ?
"•ho* a rrpairrd at Hackett's
*» F. < a*» left Saturday night going
nnrh tor hi« h«*mr in Sumner l«»wa Mr
Office over Fir»t Nsti.mal Bank.
Onion art- at Bartlett’»
Case informed 11a that he expects to rr
Gaaxr » Pass.
U bbuo «,
Gold-dust cashed a» ’ rame* Bro«
1 urn in thr tall to have a rest an I a grn
O ir young friend Ed Dimick, bar tak
EAGLE BICYCLE'S a T CRAMER BROS eial hunt in thr n*ountains
K . a BotMb murnod from Portland
America's grrat*-st medicine is Hood’s en unto biuimdf a wile in the person of
diss Annie M Magerle. of Woodville.
last week
*ai»aparillB. which accomplishes w»»n«ler
Pr». lives in all Courts ol the Stale.
I you want your hair t »it to sui’ von, ful cores of h’ood disease* when all «»the« Rev. J A Crutch iel«l tied the knot
m*dnines tail to do any good whatever which made these young }»eople one for­
trv McGiegor Bros Sixth St
Office over Kirsl National Bank,
Mr. Ihmick is one of our indus­
•»Baar ■> Pass,
<> bkuun .
•"»late printer, W 11 I»eed», of Salem,
Mi«» Florri.ce Da\ op«md »ch«»* I in
trious young farmers who has many
w ,» a paa-mger on Mondav's train going
ib J« well die'riel last M>«nda\
f:lends near Grants P ams who are glad to
Mr Leeds came 10 Southern Or
Thr O|M*ra Hou»e meat maiket i« south
-ee him take I tain coil rue in life, I. e.,
lieaiiquarter- tor the kind of meat you
take fur himself a helpmeet. Mrs. Dim­
gai-ate the t*tatr convention.
He •in
want l*> gel—thr beet.
ick is well spoken of and she has main
not «»t'j ct 10 bring re elected
Hon J O Booth informs u» ’lia’ bi«
friends about Woodville who wiil join
Hon. J. 8 >hrridan. receiver of the
biwthrr, who nan been * quite sick in
with the C ovrikr and Mr. Dimick's
(iBAMT'a I‘ a » b .
■ >BK<t N
Portland lor *oin«* days, in much Iwirr. Ro « burg land office and chairman of the Intuid« in wiahing both of tbsi a long
iriiiocratic state central committee.
and pioperous voyage through life.
Fur Constipation take Karl*** ('lover
pM-»w*d itirough Saturdoy morn ng going
R »©( Tea. thr g»ea' Bl»»**«i Purifier
George Sari well, our “Pit” from Ga
10 Jack uiiville.
Mr >hrridan was nn
urrr ii» a«t«i< tie, N»-rv «i-n* — E»up nm»
lice, has been in town several day«, hav
uu»inr»M, n«» doubt, in tegard to the cam
on ill*- ta«r ami maur** ihr h*-a«l c rar an
mg couw V» attend the county cun ven
Ml'ER U. -UKVEYuR .* iiell S«»ld
Sold by it I* b Krrtner
Kr» mrr
lion, to which he was a delegate. Mr.
dort«»rd John of Kerby, rame to the
well will leave mo > ii fur San Francisco
<i«»ld«*n E«.l** Hicyrlr* ure hone t.
< >BM UN
cik la-’ we* k to attend ihr republican
<•» joiii the Examiner's siadut reporter«.
Write to»
wlicrl» al iea»«»llalde pricr-
count' c»nv*mi*»n
Thr boys at Krrb»
«e**rge is a goo I writer »nd will be equal
Mi clirll L- w I- A "iav«-r Co
g.r. wWiat Lhrv wanted in the con vein ion
tu the occasion
Wo wish him «uccae«
Poriiaud. (Jr.
in the iwrson of A. White for countv iu hi»» new field.
A. Coir, of Lonao creek, wa»< in own j»idga
Diev feel tha* Mr White ia n
Mrs R P Williams, who han apaut a
Mr. C»*lr says
tm fird of 1 hr area
»irong man and will niaae a telling ran
\ear or more with her huaband in Cal-
tiai ii ihi« Weather c«mli«»u» N long, (tor
f«N I *r jildgsllip
iiornia, returned to tine city last Writ
G ha NTs P ass ,
O regon prospects for a good top will I m - light
• «day to remain.
Mrs Williainn in-
lorniH uh (hat her mother, Mrs. Vas-.
an«ieon George, will return to Gram-
i’a.-N when George lompletes his three-
P arine» in all Matrand Federal Courts
At Clemens I
Breeder and Importer ut
Witts fur /rices.
Wolff & Zwicker
— OF —
Capital Stock,
Rew ve deposits subject to check or »*
certificate payable on demand.
Sells sight d-afta on New York, San Frai
cisco. and Puf land.
Tslegri phic transfer* Hold on all }»ointe >n
the United States.
Special Attention given to Collection« «»».
general business of our customers.
Collection* made throughout Souther
Oregon, and on all accessible pointe.
J. I). FRY, President
J. T.TUFFS, Vice Preaident.
R. A. B ooth . ('«shier
Hydraulic Pipe
All Kinds of
Machinery for Mining Purposes.
Bridge Woik, Bolts, Rods, Iron Shutters,
Cells, Window Guards, Doors, and
Cast Iron Structure Work.
Carbon Photo
People*« l*Miiy Cunvriitiun.
ih p. < ’ouri I Ion«»
All Work
The people’ pari) convention ih her«
by called to meet on lhur»da>, the 14 1»
<1 m ) of April, al ibe huur 01 1 o’clock p
m. ui »aid day, for the purpose of num
mating a couniy ticket, and transaciiiig
»ucti other bu-meHM a« may pro perl,
come ben ire ii. it ih e»peciaily duHOabu
m the inier»7 h tn 01 good government tha
tbe;e b I iuu I u I m a lull attendani*e of dec
egates, and a» lew ptuxie« jh pfMSnihle It
>»a m Iler 01 rtgret that tbe >ate praier-
entiai meeting« mi tbe ¡2 b ui Eubrua»y
ia»i, w»re Uui mure largely at tended,anu
a <<»mpie<e Jrleg.iliUM • leuted to atu-n i
Hi«- count* ct»nVeullO'i
file perpetuity ui our free institution»
de»irmte U| hjo jeal*ju-ly guarding til«
rigiiiti ol me |>eopl«*, and tnatlerH ol »ell-
government Nhouid not tie left to th« intere»(f< <jt the average puliiician.
I would here! He rscurnmend *bat it*
x-inct» where pi mane» were nut hr.,
and delegate* not elected, that repreneli
«ative pupullHts d»* attend the count)
lohveioiun U? th« mt i.bei 01 de legs «*
• which the tmrepr» -eiiied pret inul-
iiid l>e »mill 4. aud a»K tor a*lmi»»ion.
With li hi ttie n'etcMl o! jU'llce, iiu«l* ubi
a ill tie gram* d.
Il U I'ERKIN h ,
< batrinan county ceu. c >m
J D. H aves , »wcreiary.
Portland, Oregon
Finished in fro»
Special y
3 to 6 Days.
Regardless of
the Weather.
Ç vj - »
V) *
Staple & Fancy Groceries
Every article sold warranted as represented.
in exchange
Farm Produce taken
Your grocer is glad to
return vour money in full
for Schi/hng's Hest
Iron and Steel Implements
Ile«<lquar'rrf <<<
New Rigs, Safe
and Fast Teams. 4
i'ommen ial T*»»-l-r» giren “|*e-
ial alien'ion
Hunws boarded
A A. A AAi
N. E. McGrew
Pioneer Truck and Oelineij
iRlNfa PCH, URK K>*
A Leader for Ten Years
among High Grade Wheels
W. H lxw*ds. of Salem, was in the
countv th«* Mr»» part of th«* w»-«*k.
.Ma* Ix>ra Colton, of Ash laud, ba»
<oae ’o Klarnath county 'o tea» b a t»rm
ot in hool.
Hon. T. T. Geer will »peak at the re-
put»!i< an ratifi* ation meeting in twhland
i on the 9th.
The re-nit m that others are cuunler witu g thie crank, but tbit dka •
n-’ delude wi-e buyers «too have a r» ad) pure ba-e I hundred« of I be 1HIM
Ptpenii Bicycle«. So lar wr have te-en uoa’>ie to get them fast enough to
supply our agent«
But our second car is on tbt road
Cha«. Ni» keli ha* rr'Ufll»,»l from the
I Mate rofiveriion »4 dkon «• rn*«, populists,
and »liver republican*», feeling sure that
tie wa» »ol<1 out.
A number of the fanners of this rosn-
»\ will plan’ «agar oeett thi« sra«v»n. in
tyfder V» make a tiiormigli test, l*x»king
• o De* establishment «X a fa^dorv in the
(Hslant future.
st. darà!
P. train dispatchers who bsve
’«win I jested at D«)n-moi' f»*rmerly# are
now located at the Awhlarcl depot, fiooi
Wrrta for Ove t»cycia Catalog««»
lh<»r <4 Lum Co
Mirs Emma Ewan, of Ashh»n<1. ba*
gon** to Eug**r.e to visit Iriendr.
Are built fur servier arel tn •»
wheel at a moderate prue.
and spiers
Jai k«<>ii < ouniy ,\'ii' «
Phoenix Bicyc'es
bak .nr powder
flavor • < extracts
if not satisfactory.
aitar I’m
' L D. Fay à Sons’
The Sinking of 1 h*- Maine.
M acu M bbritt .
All waaquiet in Havana harbor,
All was gay on the glonou- Maine;
Not a hadow of (»ending danger
Darkened the pirit» of the men.
Laugater floated o’er the water.
Mu Ac’s cadence soft and low
Mingicd with the wave»' low breaking.
Warned them not of hidden foe.
pendent paper. Umier Stine it had re
publican l»-onings; umier Wimer, it was
lor biinetahsin; thi« language was use»!
->|i in it« iesueof Oct. 29, 8t> under the cap
tiiu, ”Hard Times.”
A «11m up, it said.
” The government should unlock some of
I the great surplus of monev w hich it com
; plains so bitterly of having, restore the
free • omagc of silver • • • • and i will
I never »Io its full duty short of that.”
Soma of the boys were writing letters.
To their friends across the wave,
Lillie dreaming that ere iuorning
They «hould find a warery grav?.
All at once u *hock! then crashing.
And the ship rolled on its dde;
Then with all our brave almard her,
Plu.igtd beneath the surging tiiie.
Then came shrieks of drowning >ailors;
Cri s ot •’Help!” from dying men.
And of all who w ere alxiard her,
Few were -sved from off the Maine.
Quick the news spread o'er water.«
To ihe stricken homes on shore;
Telling them iheir brave voung heroes,
They should meet on ear»h no more.
Will our Nation stand it, think you,
The destruction of the Maine ?
And not a-k an explanation
From ihe haughty sons of Spain ?
Wiil our grand, old starry bauncr
Un ter foreign foe tie trod?
Not until each -on of freedom
Sleeps forever neath the *od.
History ,»f ihe Courier
\ear'« course in college. Mrs. Williams
Ma E du k ;—rursuaut to your re
wil look after the orchards Iwdonging^U*
»] tea , I attempt t<> give your many iea»l
hersell and mother
■rs tn brief the early history of 1 to­
Democratic C»»unty Convention.
ol hiek
Tne G rant »» P a *»-* Cot kier made h «
A democrai ic county convention (or
I« st* phi tie county, Oregon, ia limbi tiral buw tu the reading public on F»i-
called to meet at the coart house in Iwy, April 2, 1H86
with J li. Stine ed­
‘1 rant» P ans , Ore . on Tliur.ilav, Apro itor and proprietor. 1 have th* tiles b*
14, at one 0’« lock p n>., for the purja». .'inning with Vol. 2, No 2. and ending
•I nominating candidates for the count» with Vol. 3, No. 26. I'he Cot nikr w « h
• »dices, to be voted for at the coming ■♦•v 11 column, four pag»* paper—paten-
lune election, and to transact such other «ut-hle. 1 have often I m *» n awked if
husiness a* may come before s»*id con­ were the founder ol ths C oirikr b»»i
vent ion.
•et th** reader decide.
The convention will consist of 50 del«*
In March, IS85, Mr Stine came to me
1 • ver.» nilicii Jetdred 1«
gate*, ap| r!5 . ! am ■. the -evciai * • I b ui ;
precinct? as lol low s
-tart a paper in Grant» Fasa, but that
his limited mean« would not pe ■
North '»rants Pass ...
....................... 5 nit him to do i»o, anti that unlew« n»
South (irants Pass................................... 7
”Ut I get a«»ista K*H, he did not -ee ii«»v
Weal (ir nts Pa-s ................... ................ ô
old open out; Ihst he had lawn r»*
......................... .... 2 io
A illiams. .................... 4 erre I to me a« one w ho might aid him.
Male Creek
............. 3
ie »aid he could get Home credit, Im
Kerby............................................................... 5 would want monev later on to meat lb*
Aitlmtme ..
.. 2
I replied thus; “Mr. Stine, if us
A aldo..........
Merlin .................................... .
........... 4 will conduct your paper on indeps mien
• ialice ...............................................................
linen, and devote it to tlie welfare an
Lucky Queen
1 hi tereaU of Southern Oregon, and I OHO
Leland.............................................................. 3
3 itiine county in particular 1 will «♦•
a -*ii ’ reek
Mwun* Ruben......................... ..................... I that you shail not I m » sol«l out.’*
Uak Flat
................................................* ’
1 month» later be called on me for mon«
The same being one delegate for sac
—about six hundred »foliar«
In th*
25 votes or uitjor fraction thereof, cast
Meantime I had learned (hat he was a
lor W. J. Bryan, at the presidential eluc
lri.«king man. ami that to exceee
tion held in November, 18941
-onghi advice as loth« «aiely of aucto e
Il is ordere«l by the chairman ot Ihe <*»an, and was tol<| that it would not 1»
'«»uiitv central committee that the pri­ *»afe. Judge Davi! Brower was my «4
maries ! h * held on >atuiday, April V, ut viser. “But,” Hui
said t Mr Brower, ‘ ”yoi.
2 o’clock p. in., al ttoe usual voting »re going to live here, the bent you car
Io is to buy in, ami you take the bum-
By order chairman county central com- <ieee management, and let Mr Miino rd-
J. W. H oward ,
4 11 ” ,,VVell.” *aid I, “How A ><>l|l hir
I. Y. D ean ,
e »ing drunk 9<' |‘he Judge a -ewa». 4
Acting sec.
*1 will draw up 4 strict article bet we
J. W. Turvey,
alienes they wil! hereafter direct tl»e
movement« of ii»e train»
louand Hr. Stiwe, and in it pioliib»'
’iluti a tiling ” fliis arrangement wm
na ie, and tbe m me\ paid over Noth*«
» mt connection with ibe paper »lid no-
ipl» ar until the ¡»Mile of April 16th 1SMG
We ar ange<l bv which Mr. Stine wen
> I'oitiaiHl, and ex|»eiided about eight
1 mdred dollars for »¿ock ; a new drr»»
lor a • home print” complete, i»eve'»l
hi h of jobbing, and other type a Gor
I m jobber, and Rome other extra«
<> 1 Jum* », the paper came out as ti e
it <i e R d kk Cot kikk . Wimer A >lin ,
I wan so called I ihcaiimh t
»as in th« valley of the K<«gu
I be name wam MUggeMied bv Hon H 1
vl Iler I having asked him what t»»
h<Highl I »diould - nil tin paper
l i««*»
la)» we did not like the nsme, ’'Grant*
’aes.” be«-auee it wa« mi «Ira» ling.
In 1 lie latter part of lune, dr S»i»«
wa- being ‘ pindieil” b crxdimrs, a*
laving some trouble, went on a »pre
reinff what he ha<! do*»
be l*e« am
H»>r<H*e, and in a fit ol meta 1» h«»’y. c»»m»
into th»* office and said, ’Wuner, y«m
tiad better take the other halt of th
• oi kiek
“All rght,” said I. ‘tmt •
»»nt >ou to let me pay up all >«*ur bil •
• round town uut of tiie purcha-e m«»ne ,
«0 that 1 he paper will retain the g-.*>
»ill of its loruier beneficiaries ”
«greed to Ilti«; accordingly on Jul» 2, ‘66
it went into my hands a« publisher rd
i*«»r and buwineM manag«*r, altho I • I
not know a column rule Irotn a gall«*
di< pre« ••» i*» atjtiiu« need Hue ** a*
1 in-1 lined |>e* end er 1(1, ’HO. In Julv, I
•old out to G <». Wick>»ori the bar
Machinery dealer, Kan Francisco, for
|ir>Ni <-a«h. He bought it for hi«brother
ill law, A. A. AIIworth, who took «diarge
of ii»e paper, and conducted it in his
name, until toe ho M it to an a«»ociatiun
of ritisens of Grants Paa«, who to«night it
for Mr. Shepherd, pending tiie rw*-i|g
l>> him of fund» iro n the Ea«t, enabling
him to pav for it
He al«o gave |1Y 0
for it. Shepherd aoM to George B Cur*
ry.Currryto Jerry Nunaa. Nunan tn
1 he pise^at proprietors.
Tbe Cot mix »
W4H the first paper p*i toll «lied in Jose*
ptome county regular y issued rite **Ar-
gii«,” a few small «*h♦■»*(>• 6aK inches, wa«
the first fountv print, bui it toa-l uo r»-g
uiarilv uf appeartriie
I bought thr
whole trgu« plant while I owned tiie
Cei birr , for |IO
The very first pa|»ri
ever circulated in the county, but print-
rd ill Chicago, war the •‘Elrclrir l.ight,”
published by J. Wimer A Hons, Waldo,
tJrrgon, 1HH.3, its p<irp>»«»* bring logdvrr-
ti«r tiirir large mercantile besineee at
that place
J If Btme the founder of
the Cot
»we sl»oi «nd in«iantty
killed near .McMinnville, this s'aie, a
few %rar« ago, in a «pree. by one. H. C.
Conk. After killing Kime. t»e turned (toe
pistol on himse'f, an*l made a g od shot
The Co< Mita has. from tiie first, car-
ried a I »rad line deci an ng it au lode
A n iNnRPKNDKNT P apkr . Dxvurxi) E specially to th »: brrxRXaT« or S ovtiikrn O rru <> n .
IU. C. C. U. Column :
(Left over from la»t week)
Mr. Stru.a went to the P m » Saturday.
Charlie Harper ia visiting his parents
Tim regular meeting« of tbe W C. T. of thia place.
P of tirante Paes, ars held the first
Mrs Evans is visiting friends in your
Fritlav in rack month, at 3 P M at the
Baptist church. The nmihers meeting» city this week.
are held on the second Thnrs«lav in ea»*h
Wai. Hammond made a trip to Jack-
month in ’he parlors of the Prssbvterian
ehun h
A cordial invitation is extend •onvills last week.
A I worth, Khephard ami Curry, were e<* to all to be present
Mothers espec­
Miks Josephine Stites visited her par­
ially inviteli.
* all republicans.
ents of this place Saturday and Sunday.
—--- -
At the time 'his history was made, the
Tacoiut Cen'ral Union, at Willard
Miss Daisy Stites has gone to Apple­
('ui hi kb office was three doo«a west of m.iiiorial wrvivea in their city, raiwd
gate. to take charge of the “Bridge
Hilf's butcher shop on maiu or front 171.30 for the temple, at one culloction.
Point" school.
• *'reet. To the credit of Jonathan Bourne
Mr. and Mrs. Dal Tuttle, after spend­
Men are not made ipiod or bad by the
' jr.. be 11 «aid he donated 'he lot for our
government; but the government ia ing the winter in Grants Paas, have re­
office bi ilding.
W. J W imkr .
made vixxi nr bad bv the men who con­ turned to Williams.
Waldo, March 22. IBM.
duct it.
Reform the tneu, and there I
will be no occaeion for a reform in the 1
Congress and all H im world now know« government.
that the Maine was blown up by rneinie«.
For every dollar that 1« »pent (or the
ail < while tha report does not atM*uitie-
maintenance of the ehurchea of the *
ally name iho»e enemies, it place« the
Uniteti State«, 112 are »fient lor drink.—
I re**pon»ibilitv, in the eyes of every Aiu» r-
i»*an, upon Spain. Leading men of all
Th* Chic »go board of edile dion has
parties promised th«* president before the
eport was sent to «'ongteM ihat the» adopted for its *e in the city »« hools al•
Would endeavor to prevent cun g re as tak­ ths text liooks auUmrixed bv the nation-1
The seien ific law is al
ing any action thereon until he had been al W. C T. U
tiiven an op^turiuni’y to makt* a last dip readv in force in the stats—N W. White*
iinaii« attempt to settle the whole (11
Waahlngton better
i»ai> question with *pain, but it is bv no
oeans certain that this endeavor will be
-uvceHHful. Congress, as a whole, l»e-
leves 'hat war is bound to come, and
may, consequently, get away fr»»m the
eader» at an) moment and take action
hat will bring on war at uace
-hurl of a miracle can now prevent war.
»nd miracles are not of frequent occu
rt nee 111 these days.
Il would be a mir
wle for Spain to propoae to retire from
< uha and recognise i-a independence, if
it failed to restore oeace in a given peri
»»I. at one reporl say« it inland« to do;
a»«d it would I m * a miracle for Spain Io
neel thia counlry half way in any |«ea« e
• hie « ffort tu »etile the Cuban qtealiun.
>01 withetanding .Mr. McKinley’a ex pres
iun of the belie! that it would do no .
the president has not asked indemniG
Irom Spain for the lo»s of the Mam, be-
auao ul to is unwiilmgDbbS to give Spam
ven tha bhadow oi a right to ask
Hie ma ter b* arbitrated. There is noth
mg to he arbitrated. I he alleged report
>1 Spanish naval oftittera, claiming iha
i.ue Maine was destroyed by an interti ll
xploaion, will |>e ignored by thiH gov
Tbe president has forwarded
copy ol the report of our ce rt to the
'»»aniMh government, and it in expected
<» make a reply
L'pon the nature 01
• at reply, the next move of this govern
•lent will de|»eiid. provided it in prouip -
y made.
Blit regardlesa of that repl\
ne piesident lias fullv d«termmed tha
is a duty thia gavernm»*nt owe» to
humanity to pill an end to piesvnl <*011
litions io Cuba, jw-aceably if possible, to»
«ar if necessary.
In accordance with
hat determination, he will ask congres*
> app'Opriate money to feed and cloth»
lie puverty-Niricken Cubana of all cla»«-
h and congress will promptly do it and
he diairibution wiil at nee be made b»
U M. officials. In other words, the in-
rvention that the president proini«e«i
• fns message to congress last Dt-cem-
S. Kenne, of creek, with Ins
daughter, Mrs. Ellenwoou, and babies,
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M Chapman,
Rev Gilman Parker, state missionery,
is coining to Williams to hold a series of
meetings at the Baptist church, to be­
gin Sunday, Apri 3.
At the republican primaries, only 12
vo’er. were present Messrs. H. A. Cou-
gle. David John, Hal Harrington and
R 1‘. Cheshire, were elected as dele­
gates to the county convention.
W tint 1 lie Farmer L umcn Through
ihr Liquor Traffle.
The $l,20).(Mk), 00 annually »prut for
liquor in the Uni«rd States, if turned in
io channel^ of useful imlUNiry, would
give to thr fa'iner a much larger market
'or grain and produce than he receive-
from the liquor traffic. Thegieater part
• •f 'he 2 500 000 or more drunkards tn
«he United States spend for drink all
they earn beyond a mere rxislenva, ami
1 ha' they owe largely to charity
it i»
-afe to estimate that they »>p«n«l $5 •
week for drink, to ob'SID which lhev de­
prive ll-emsrlvcs ai.d their families 01
1 tie ordinary nrcrasltirs of decent living.
On tha' basis, these 2,o00,000 spend
to 0,000 006, or about iiaii the amoun
«pm« annually (or drink in this country.
now suppose that, instead of spending
hat amount (or liquor, they bu> of liu
15,000 000 bbs flour (<i $7
lo.noo.oon |»u. of potatoes^ $1
umijmm ) non |t, beef ami pork «c Sc
IOO,«IUO,4M)O dux eggs ut 2UC ., in Ni.tNNi tb butler (it Joe
. .
rF),0lM>.(MM)galN milk <d 2tk’
(0,0(10,000 bbs apples ui $3
• Hher mil
Vegetables anil garden truck
I’ciiltry. etc
»,00« 000
21,1 MN),I NN I
21.000. 4M)
.0,1)00 (MN
tried Sehiiiiftg'i Best tea and
did not like it.
She tried it again and
made it according to direc-
It's her only tea now.
A Clever Trick
It certainly look« like it, hut there is
reallv no trick about it.
Aoihodv *aan
trv it who h*N Lame B*( k and Weak
Kidneys, Malaria or n* rvou« (roubles.
A’e mean he can cure hini«elt right away
y taking Electric Bitters Thia medicine
»one« up the whole tyst» m, avis
stimulant tn Liver and Kidneva, is a
bl«»»d purifier and nerve tonic
It cures
ohstipalk n, H«*ada< he. Fainting Spells,
S eepl»*«-n» >* and Melan« holly
It i«
purely vegetable, a inild laxative, and
restores the system to its natural vigor.
Irv Electric Bitters and b«* convinced
'»at they are a miracle worker.
•nrtle g’ursn'eed. Only 50v a bottle at
W. F Kremer's Drug Store.
Your Couniy.
Wbm ywur fnriid. in lur haul rv.-lve
20,000,000 a Irttrr from voa tliry na orally have
some curiosity to know something about
and they have paid into the farmei ’.**
f 73.(1)0,000 this part of the” Wild and Wooly West.'*
in plae«* of the
Yon can very easily gratify their curios-
which the liqu ir traffic now |«av», mr it»
iiy and help advertise this country by
grain ami will have left ♦377.000.00) fur
writing to your friend- on our “J osrphine
■ Io
bools and shoes, hardware, |
County, Oregon” paper,
which has
rent, furniture iu*l, etc.
printed on the back of each sheet a tnap
Tills is not taking into account the |
of Josephine conntv 5lsX6}g inches
moderate and free drinkers, who spend
i large and a description of the county
1 lie other $550,000.000 of ihe annual
ami its gold products. This paper is a
Irmk tiill, and who aie assuin»*«i to la*'
gorsl qiiali'v of letter pap* r put up in
■ hie Io buy the bare usees Hies of life
tablets of 50 sheets and sells (or 10c.
am how.
'•Klondike Rivaled” envelopes logo
riir.placing on the market of 48,000.
with the paper at 5c per package.
0 <0 bushels of distillery and brewery rel-
tie» th»*m at the Cot R'KR office.
use at a small price, as food for rattle
«ml hogs, lias a two-fold tendency: (1)
• •» reduce ihe price ol firm-hami gram l»*r
■ •»ding purpoN»*s( (2) 10 reduce lue pile«
»1 tieet and |M»rk
In either cas»* it iiiiin I
he a serious loss to the larmer.
• rv led and brewer» fed beef and pork
are of a decidedly inferior character ami
tiie decrease in price is accomplished al
the ex|a*nse ol the fanner's wli dt-sale
market for wholesome food. 0» the one
Hand, ami at the expense of th»* lieaiih
• »I the purchaser of meat on the other,
I’he extentol til«* tanner«' loss may he
er, if the conditiuns then existing n
uh« were nut
bettered—they ha»»
* wadily grown worse—ia about to becoim
m atvoinplished fact. If Spain rearm»
hat intervention, so much the wor-e for
pain ami it is the general belief in
lashington that it will resent it ano
hereby start the war.
Not a it w person«, especially amon.'
aval officers, believe (hat the **pam»ii
J<»ihla of torpedo tejats and lorpe»l«»
»»>al desiroyrra, now making its w^> imagined wli»*n it ia considered tlial a
•om the Canary Islands to Porto Rico. reduction of one rent per bushel on the
■ being sent to American waters fur a average price of corn would mean a loss
One's physical feeling«, like thr faithful
» *stile pu«|>osr, although the govern- • »1 $21.0)0,(MM), or more than the value of
•etter, search and point out plainly the
»»«•nt of Spain dam declared to the con- the gram puicha^ed by bieweriea and fact uf dixra ac or health
If a man i» not feeling well and vigorou«
try. I hl« government has. there 1» distilleries, or that a reduction of one-
—if he is losing fl«-«»h and vitality, if he in
MNon to lieheve. notified Spain that 1» hiUrlb <»l a «’em per |»ouiid m Hi** pri« e of listless. nervouH, sleepless, hr certainly 1«
*1«- flotilla makes a start fiom Puri«» Hi» hwe» and pork no I»I ill 1600 W"i|hl not well The down hill road from heaUh
to sickness is smooth and declines rapidTy.
»l«’o to Cuba it will t»e d^Htroved to) mean a loss of considerable more th n
At the first intimation of disease, the
ur war ships, as there tould be no »he farmers of the country r *«ei\e from Wise man taki s a pure '
t<>n .
¡1 ■
■■ • •
her possible reason fur such a move*
five *■(•!< r irvl th it put* the rest of his
Th<>»e who have seen the farrnt*rs* »ms body in order
»»• nt than Io make an a'tack upon ns.
The medicine that will do
this is a medicine that is good to take in
li«* siiualion 1« now so »iraine«! that 1. in their buggies on the Seven h or Firs'
any trouble of the blood thr digestion, or
•nuol |MMtsibiy contiiine for many days, lays, driving lowaid the parks where (hr respiration, no matter how serious it
eace is possible, but war ih much mor« liquor is «old. know that there is slid a msv have become.
The medicine to take 1« Dr. Pierce's
mor»* seriou« loss for Hie fsrm»*r in Hu*
Golden M’-dica! Discovrrv
It is a reuiark-
ablr remedy. It cures diseases in a per­
In a speech commending the valor > h
the use of
inieri«an saiiorw when our navy wa» money —Outlook
strong drugs. It cures bv helping Nature.
the lining
»u« h ie»s formidable than it is todai
» l iti -TWOItl HY ANU At - membranes of the stomach and bowels
imi predicting greater «l«*e»l« «j| valor lor
temlemen or Indir«* to travel fui By nuttirg their membranes into healthy
«, estanli-hed toou-e m Oregon condition «timulating the secretion ot the
liem iu tbe future. Kcpre»eritaiive Foe»
ihtuiid eMpeii*»'«., I’o-ilioii ait ati) various digestive juices ami furnishing to
- I lllimi* gave suiiie interest j|ig figures
Em low* *tell-iul«ireHNe<i atainpeti the blood thr proper purifying propertie*-
it reaches out over thr whole bode and
1 ill«* c«»si of our new navy.
He »ai«l
The Dominion Company, I’epi
drives disease germs before it into the
A •* have expended nearly $376,000,(MM
usual excretory channels. It builds up
or the naval establish merit sin e IH a J
firm muscular rtesh. makes the skin and
Mill* »»• G'v-n Away.
JWB b'lyht
f. this $81 .(MM),(RM) has been »-xp n-h-
Dr Pierre’s Golden Medical Discovery
r the ••oustruction Ol new ve«»els, ami
ha» been found wondri ft.11 v efficacious in
(hr treatment of skin diseases — ecrema.
. H. HM. OX) lor armor and armament «>•
tetter, rrvsipela* salt-rheum from com-
iew vessels, making iri all a total 01
pion pimples or blotches to the worrt case
of scrofula
I22,5<M). imm > for Ihe coastruction ami
equipment of new vessels
Today uiir
*avy compares favorably with tiie navies
•if 1 ne world.'*
rii-HM* who believe that men always
•ack their real opinion when they utfer
t» bet, may probably be able 10 extract
pointer from the vffttr of < hairuian
• finon, of the bouse apportionment
«mmittae, to l»et a b -x O cigars that
1 .ere would t«e ho war with Spain
”ffi* ial« of the war department do u«>
t«HDk tha1 it will be De»»H-ary fur th*
«overnment to open recruiting uffices 1
•»der lu get all ilia soldiers that will b*
•wed d in a war with ^pam
o »he >w in the deparimen
1.«-re are mure tha » KM),»MMI men in Ih-
mliua of the »tales
The proeideiil, hi -
rad *d tesuing a 1 all for volunteer*, ha
u , Co or«ier that ib< sale militia or­
al nations be mtjsiered into the Um e»i
- ate« service by ngimems to a«i<| ihe-e
men >0 tiie I’nited Slam« army, and t«»
■ •e as niaiiy ol them a« may be c ms<d-
red u-eewsarv to aasiNt the nav* '»» dr’*
■ ng ttie Spanish out ol t li ra
m* Uta ha» already been made by wtiirn
»hey rouId he landed on the la’an l read
•or bueiueea in a little more than a w«*t*k
Hood« pills ara th« b» si family cathar
u* ami liver tu oc. («eolia, reiiabW. Mr«»
P mplmi. Pr-»*nV
th-■ I
r- ll-aai*, n- an i l>rsp-p«ia ZL m JL mì L wmmì *
« ruov-mant <>f th» bowala -ach day ia n«M**-Miary
r hwaltb Th-» naì» har »np. n*»rsi> k-n T'» cos-
• re
w- will mad i*mp> f»—. ur fell boa for
we. lUte by 4m«gwM. OR. ROSA ft K0 CO. Piala Pa.
1 -TA. •
k {>.
Setting Out in bife!
As well an in the tMck of the battle, ia
a time when a man should be careful
about neat and correct dressing. 1 irst
impressions are half the victory. W ho
has a better cliauce, even in looking f.>r
a situation, than the young ma» who«
attire ia an evidence of taste, thrift and
Young men who wish to
prosper should order their Suita and
Overcoat» from
M. BORN & CO.,
The Great Chkago Merchant Tailors,
.Vow aver M V»,. al IB» Vod of Hu I'uUan Tmdt.
All ages can be suited. Style, fit and
workman.hip are guaranteed.
world's best looms supply the material.
Tk» S»w w Aware The Mo«t Fceaomical.
M,«w aSMcrse r»rr,s». ts o»»aa rasa.
cait. oa
I Inri li