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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1898)
, e. ,/goiernu.ent bv the whole people I—p. Uetrry lieaaa. Whatever may be said for, or against I ¡the piaiionn and the camlnls'es put up There are aevaral case« of la grippe plBUaHID IVXBY Hl MMDAT, , by the runvenlione which convened in uur sect ion. I Hurtland last week, one thing can be Alex George brought over a lead ; truthfully said, and in justice to the con- idit . es end freight for Willie Taylor thia week. ven* ions, it should be atirl, that a large P. M. Logan and faaaily are aooa lo major<ty of all the delegates were work BATI» or Ml BM'MIPTloN : leave for Colorado to remain permau One Year, in advance, • • fl 25 ing, as much a» dalegaten ever do, for wntly. bix Month», • • • - .X &** ; what they believed to be for the best in- Little. Gbores, George and White Three Month», • - -I'» v- tercels of the state. The demagogue and Single Copie«, • • .Of ihe boss were there, bul they did not as brought iu a nice lot of gold dast from Th»* date opposite your name indícales proportions •• a» " to Ire able to Ibeir claim on tbe Josephine this week. the time to whi< h your sub- ription ¡.« Mid : sume " such “va' ,,,w it is your account *nh the Cot ai an . When , dominate the ____ convention«, ________ ___________ it ia true J. M. John return'd Friday from a vou pay your BUbacriptiun »ee that the dal«* that the democrats ami populists were trip to Grants Paas and William« < reek, 1» changed. auspicious oi each other in regard to the where be went to attend tbe marriage of Advertising rate« on application i, < <>pi diMiribution of tbe uflices, but hy the ail- bi« «later, Stella. for change of* ad "fuu»t I* Iwf.UMl.dinbeforr |<)r republlL..n, a,.„n)<__„ , hal,BC. Johnnie Turner, ihe president, con Tuesday noun. wheel between the two forces, a reason ductor, freight agent, engineer and Kntereil at the tu»»t orti, e at Urania l'as» able ailjuHtmenl was effetls-l, which in brakeman of tbe Kerby and Grants Oregon, a. »ecomlo-la»« mail maller. ' the main pioves satislactory to a major Paso freight route, came in Hatorday ity ol the three jrartiss. Tbe ticket is a T hursday , M arch 31, 1898. ' goorl one, with some exceptions, and the from the metropolis vad throe hours late. 'republicans will have to close up the | Mr. Kull, who run a blacksmith shop Demócrata charge Crowell of Jacksoct* I gulf Irotween the Simon au<l Mitchell I io Kerby in the early sixty's is «pending villa a, having »old them out to the {factions, an<l put up a good ticket, or a low days with us. He says time baa they will be left out in ibecold iu Jana. populists last aeek at Portland. marie many changes and that there is The high flood, along the Ohio river THE REPORT HAS BEEN MADE. nothing about tbe town which be would have recognized. caused by the heavy rain, of ten daj » ----------------------------------------------------------------- . t lie legi»la'ive departments of tll.l government. iq>r>n flnosy at the behests of smh in«titn7iJ,*kH I We are opposed to g.iverniu^T\ junction. In stars matters, we deniaed. 13 A simple and well guarded re*. ’S law. '*'« A more equitable inode ot ..., judges of el erf ion. ,v, Stringent laws to regiilai,, ||„ H| ■ii.n of fish traps, fish w beel, '*'» fi.hing gear in the waters witk’’*1’’ juri'diction ol the star«. ** K X| We denounce and condemn th»'ftc* and extravagant republican IsJ?’’’ assemblies and charge that theki . an parry in ils eagerness for W oi office.has become divided into s** factions, so that it ie incapable nt*"^ eminent as exemplified hy the«,.«“* existing m the office of the slat* urer, there being at the same tins, million of dollars therein wru». f the people by the process f)( . wliil-» state warrants are stamp«« . paid for want of funds.” - We demand that all district »nJ tv officers be placed njion »alarm’0* inenMirgte witii the duties to bn.J’* ed hv them **"*» Inasmuch as railroad and other porate prorwrty i« not bearing *■ por'ion of taxa'ion. we demand sm li properly shall bear its equal share of tbe expense« of « t ,.*' rnent ***» ■Harts, wells, in rut». I ibink I l»«ve I mim n»ud«~l in mv .„.mfaming.quality.iino«-’ that gov«."- request«, Ibough 1 uiutl eunfwi*. Io «ouie Xtot »>' eh-*".«*- ’b* political ambition. My candidacy and -her republican,p.rt* uai.r boeu urgwl by myteli u|“'n any I of rheX* *>r,«°"* •*" l"'< * man. 1 did Uetire a raaaminalion h r An Opun fletter tv (be He pa hilvana poini.nldiff-f «*••<» u,‘"lh*i ‘"r the ibe tegiaiatura iu lstlC A« I aieepu-d of Jonaphlnn County. ^of-rryingout f-e gre.*«t un in IMG. when II Btemed a iortora liofw. Jerlymg Prineip^ upon «huh we are Tba accusations made agamat me on I thought that 1 might aspect n »gaiu. account »f my effort! to have myself But many nioolli« belore conveniion »11 agreed, d« make and pr.-sent to • he elected as a delegate to ihe repub i< at. mot, 1 diaco««red a plan to aidetrack me p'.pls oi th*« loll”«'"«'1*''1 lira- ^"principle.- an I to the < wrrsii » county convention, I deem, require of in th« inl*-reat of another gentlemen. ■ _ I — »la. A Ai* B me an explanation, in or .er to make Wbeu tbe time for bolding ibe couvei.* ,nd erery r.nduiate upon our nniled tbe truth known to the republicnne oi I lion approached, I remonstrated si.b thn county. nun. and he off« red to withdraw it 1 '“’w.1 demand the free aud unrestrn te«l I have taken an active part in every would, «eeining to desire my «ieleal ss coins«*»" and gold al the persent campaign in this county during tbe past mm-b a« bi» own iiMxaaa. 1 was then leg.! ratio of 16 to 1. wi'bou* wm.ttnjt tor twelve years. My efforts have been to urged by leading republicans to become thecwnmnl of foreign nation., and •• secure the elevation of other republicans a candidate for proaeculiug attorney, bu to official place, ralusr than u«y own whan I went to ibe convention, 1 found .re unalterably opposed to the policy ol personal advancement. It ie true that a peraoaal enemy endeavoring to lecure Ilie prevent .epubUenn sdmim.tralion in I was once honored with a noasinatiun ibe nomination ol another, by n>aligi>- demanding Ihe relirementot gr«*enback., lhat no other republican would accept, tng and «landermg me to the delegate«. and the turning over of the money-mak and wbeu tbe opportunity of election Although the delegatee of my own eouu- ,„g power of the government to the na willing to work for the party, and who seerne<J hopeless. If it had appeared ly were aupporting me, I found 1 bad to tional bank« as presented by the bid demand nothing for themselves The otherwise 1 probably would not have re give way. I was al erwarde nommaied drawn by the republican secretary of the ceived it. I was however, elected aud ler Blate senator, but was threatened great danger 11.« in those wbo seek to treasury and indorsed by Preaident Mc dictate aud rule Such are the men who for that I have been truly tbankiul. In with defeat, uuleaa I agteed to support wreck parties, though the blame i, of Kinley.and we especially denounce their my conduct in tbe office of repreeento- Senator Mlicbeli. I Cuuld not conacien ten laid on those who have the courage avowed attempt by said bill to fasten tive I pursued tbe course, that I thought The report of the court of iaveotigation The laining days for thio season seem was right and proper, Tbe principles liouely do so, on accouut of bls v ewa ou Io oppose them, to draw Ihe fire from theconotry irrevocably and forever to ago are doing a great deal of damage. Attention. of tbe Maine disaster has lieen made to to be over. This baa boon one ot the advocated by tbe men whe stood by ten tbe Silver question, and I «aid so. Time th. bosses. wlio are the real culprit,. 1 the «ingle gold standard The river ha, been verv high. ahortoet mining seaeona in tbe hiatory of We Jemand » national money, sate llie president, and be tiks submitted the mining In our section Tbe mines have ator Dolph, are aow embodied in the na ba« justified my position, a« the senator am for harmonv a, ever, but as my sac We are no longer agent, for Buiufo. Humor giie« it wu tliat limte Weylti substance o', it to congress, without rec now accepts tbe «ante policy tnat I bad nfiee, in the past have been unavailing and wand. i-»ued bv the national gov Patterns. Mail order, car. be filled l all produced well for tbe time they have will return to Spain to re enact hi» cruel I ommendation or explanation. It was been worked, and if thia bad freon a tional republican platform. embraced long before, and sums of tbe to secure for me fair and just treatment. ernment only, without tbe intervention Vaupol, Norrie A Drake. Ashland, o' As 1 look back ever that legislature, 1 republican« in Josephine ceuuty, who policy of extermiiialion. Keconcenlru- lbw wi Imhof the president, thattbe report season everyone would bave been I now aek it a, a matter of right and of the bank, of issue, to be a full legal The Sugar Pine Door A Lumber Co can recall opportunities lo have support were then loudly for him, are now arrsGt to I th. :. u. u. > t t.o un h*Ppy* bU- “ ,M W? Bre tender for all debts public and private, d'M*e are not dying off fait enough to Ire referred Respectfully. the . «committee on fur*.»« foreign 1 expensm«« |uai ice, a iMlit.g of •niptinu»« around ed tbe stieeeMlul candidate, and gain suit Spanish policy, hence the nece«»iiy affairs immeriialeiy, without debate. In R ubekt G lenn S mith also 1 just, equitable and efficient means our br«x tu» pecksts. We are keeping for myself a federal office, aud political against bun. In the last campaign I re- ul Weyler’a return. of distribution direct to the |>eople is«ed at first to support ths nominee for accordance with a prearrange«! plan a »litl u|>p«*r lip, however, and are living The Convention». prestige. I preferred to go down in de prosecuting attorney, for the reason that through 'he lawful disbursements of the merle with the leader« of the different in hopee that yet there «ill be rain. The financial resources ol the United feat, than to achieve any advantage for I believed that I bad been deprived ol Last week in tbe city of Portland, tbr Having noted with much displeasure, government. parlies, the presi lent’« wishes were car myeelf by political huck stering, and the lat e on tbe ticset by foul and di«- i opuliHt». ibe dr in ou rata and tbe bi ! vu : States in case of war with Spain will We demand that the volume of circu ried oul, and Ihe jrrograin thus far cúm the absence of -aui Newcombs iiilemt meet the demands C apital from th*- whatever may be the motives of my po honest mstbods, but upon bi« r presen rt publicans met in »eparate convention* lating medium be speedily increased to plele. Tbe peojrle have been asked to ing item! in the column« ol the Coi aixa, we are I« h 1 to ask the question ; Harwual. litical enemies, 1 challenge them to poiai outside world would not be necessary la Ilona that be had no part in it, 1 gave After urbanization and some discussion »n amount sufficient to meet the de wail unfit the report of tbe Maine war where art thou? Hurely thy silence ia although much of it would seek inve-t- to a single que«tionable act iu luy politi Now I am ac in each convention, a deiegatioa or com- mands of the business and population given lo the president an I to congress, not caused from lack ol local happening«- cal career. 1 have always given freely I [ buri my cordial support ment in Uncle Sam’s securities cused of being a disturber. In 189(1. 1 .nittee of nine from each convention wa* I of this country, and to restore the just and then something would be done., Or didst the work become irksome? I’erbajHi thou liasl tired of our communi of my means, and devoted uiy time to appointed to meet the other nine in1 Life insonni-« comp.,inc. du not wan' Nomething lias been done and that is, ! ty, and bavias greater aspirations than tbe success of my party. I |have never, | desired to go to tbe slate convention, but joint session for Hie purpose of agreeing level of prices of labor and production. Just as men have. The sen« upon being requested to waive my de We favor such legislation as will pre lire lejtorl II«« Ireen practically pigeon we, have hied thyself off ie a larger and wer al any price because of the heart to iny knowledge, stood in the wav of' mands, 1 withdrew in the interest of liar upon Home plan of iu»ion Theseconunit- tiona list and fakir is looked upon a more renumerative field. Hut what vent for the future the demonitixation holed, which fact pn'a ibe Maine que« losses it would bring to them. And tin tee«, as a natural consequence, bad the ever thy lor, we wish thee sucre««, anil any man to secure a nomination. I was w th suspicion. Business upon j million, in all I he companie* of the land lion outof I ho way for the present. 1 hi« if in the -uture you do "bob up serenely " llierefore somewhat surprised to learn J muny. 1 had some amtriliun to be num- heaviest burden of all the delegate» fori of any kind of legal tender money by business basis is what the public will be a «Irone influence to exert on uray be ibe lrer-1 tbnu to do, and the on- »« a news gatherer in our vicinity, we laet Friday, that a movement was ou I mated for representative again, but ihey realized that they had a bard private contract. We demand that the government, in demand today. Our store is evid the president and on «ouïe member, ol It tiring lire American propio can do, is , will gladly lay down our pen in tby foot to ambush me al the primaries. In withdrew iu tbe interest of harmony 1 was urged to be a candidate for prosecu ta»k to brintf together partite i. e tbe payment ot it« obligations, »hall use its ence of the success of up to-du to trust in tiro president, to do what be lavor. congress order lo protect myself, I procured a list ting attorney, and alter being maligned democrats and populists which are lirinks the treat for tbe country. option as to the kind of lawful money in merchandising—a progressive »tort The winter term of s«*hool, which has of 20 names that bad been nominated, and humiliated. 1 was asked to withdraw HunpiciouM of each other in wanting the Spain h¿a 70,00 > able buaiwi soldier- Accepting I Ire diapoeiiion of the Maine been so aiiccesafiilly taught by Misa which lhev are to he paid, and we d- constantly forging ahead—PROV Miss aridfproceeded lo have three tickets print in the interest of harmony, and I did ho best places, but. lhev labored long an I nounce the present and preceding ad ING. DEMONSTRATING daily, in Cuba, who would I m ? hi a bad row 01 affair a» bring currai't, we cannot have 1 I Itanzau, closed Friday last stumps in cate of war, the lfiaurgenu Ural abhjing faith in the preaident anil Itanzau »nd her pupil« deserve great ed.contaiuingall the names.and with my I was nominated for «tale senator, bul hard and even then they could never • ministrations for surrendering this op that values such as we offer art |>rai>-e for ihe closing exercises which hammenng away at them from withii in congress, to believe that they are in- 1 were held Friday afternoon and were name on each ticket. Up to this time ; was openly threatened with defeat, be have reached a a .tisiactory adjustment tion to the holders of government obli XOT findable elsewhere. and Amen* a’« battleahipa|«rom without tailable, and cannot and do not make largely attended by the patrons of the the primary tickets could not be se«-n or i cause I Lad opinion« of my own 1 or conclusion had it not been foi the • The tickets 1 had printed again withdrew in the interest ol har silver republicans who were willing, it * gations. entertaining the SpanÌMli fleet, * hereL* errors. A biief ins-Hage w ill be sent to district. The program consisted of song« obtained. We demand that there shall be no by the school, speaking, etc. All of were never distributed, on account of rendering exai* ini|>ossible. mony. Have I done enough in the in net-med, to Mac ifiue all right and title tv further is-ue of United States interest Here are figures. , >.ogress I- lav W»-lnes«lay). in which llie pupils conduct««! then.selves in their objections rnade’bv some inters-ted.par-! terest of harmony ? Must I be required office for the eake of harmony and to bearing bonds. Draw Your Own Conclusions. 'lie president will ask that Irody toinak«- declaiming with great < redit Mi»s ties who affect to be the political censors , to move off the earth ? Secretali«« Gage «mi lilla« are salii t< bring the three forces to work in unison an appropriation of several hundred Hanzau and Mi»« Ka< hel Whipp deserve We demand that postal savings banks "Best and Cheapest,” of tbe early in this city I gave them ' be oppesed tu war un «ny ground. I bei I have always believed that a fair, They succeeded in adjusting the loaves be established by the government (or the Must be Your Verdict. ilioiisanrl dollars a« a reliel fund for tin- special praise for their duel work Col. Straight added to 'be program by to but three per» n«, and did not a»k are oppuaed tu any action llial will In thè open coutest ill jroliliea was proper. 1 and (he tishes taking nothing to them- safe deposit of the savings of the people starving Cuitaría, while Spain's policy ol j a »hort talk to ihe pupils and parents any man to vote tbe ticket in my pre- lutai buri tb. feeling, of mode-i Spaili have, on every occasion taken the mem Melvea, but tbe other committee» courte and to facilitate exchange. externiination still goes on. That this. < ■raiidfiilhar Mills «poke a sliort piece Any cabinet oflicer wbo will eounae' Miss cinct. 1 had sugges'e«! such a uieftaod bers of inv party into my con ously gave them something, and all « Spain's |H>licy and Iras been for a which Heeuied to tickle the girls. We demand the election of United piece when thè nailon ih «pii iipoii ami Itanzau spoke a lew words ot praise for at the primary nominating convention, fidence, as 1 deprecate secre< y and star agreed and the work of fusion, so far as ong t me, and that Ibis country is cog- States senators by direct vote of the They must be disposed of this lier pupil, and for ibe kind treatment but had no tliougbt of doing so myself insilile.I In more wats llian one, ia ni" : the committees were concerned was chambers. iiisaiit of llri* fact, cannot lie doubted which she had received during her stay, Spring We will not carry a single * settled. When the committees in joint people until I heard that 1 was to be secretly I «uiiable fur «o rssponsiblve place ni Ibi. I have been presumptions enough to dm it is «uid try our country's dignits alter which theexeri iae«came loacieae. We demand the initiative and referen SUIT over, and have marked prices knifed, and then did not carry out tbe ask to be sent as adelegate Io'iub- I session reached an agreement each re lime. ties that if is contrary to international dum svsteei of law niakuig in its option Die republican pnmariea for this pre plan. Al though gentlemen protested to lican state and district conventions. If ! ported to Ks separate convention and al form, local, stste and national, and on them that will make them ieleg ------- MM — to "■* the ----------- county i When Ihe different parlies have mad' aw or custom lo interfere on purely bn cinct to elect dele march at a quick step. convention was I hull in the 1 0 <). F. ine that no one bad any objection to my the convention thinks I am entitled to | moved the adoption of the report. The the submission by congress of all their nomination« lor ihe office« in ih. uaniiarian grounds. Such may Ire tile Hall Saturday aller There was a large nomination, tbe result of the eler tiun Men’s Sack Suits, blue and i silver republica is and democrat» adopt such reo-gnilion, 1 wish to Ire elected. important national questions for an ad alate and ia the county, the Covataa use. but il «eeins lo us that the time has nd enthusiastic ai tendance and the fol bears ths strong imprint of malicious I think I am If I am defeated, I will ed it w thout a dissenting voice but the visorv vote of the pimple, until such black Cheviot, good linings—wide , ollie for a nation like the United Atalas lowing named persona were sleeted as design. And now for attempting io de will aeleet ita ticket Dorn the fiat, li collar—buttons sewed securely. To understand that my affiliations are no ' populist convention bad in it a lew will do ao with 11.e avowed intent! n ul • rr like England, to take a step In ad delegatee : J M John, A. H. Hopkins, fend mysell in an opeu, frank manner, I longer desired by Ibe republicans oil ! middle of the roaders, some of whom time as the national constitution shall you for. ................................. $ 7 50 I’ G. Harmon, Geo Floyd and Thus. H., vance of the unwritten, international have been amended so as to provide for giving to ihe people a ticket of the men Yes, Josephine county. I would still be a re-1 were of the weeping sort, Col Luce for Chapman. The ballots shewed that have been ruthlessly condemns.!, Men’s fancy mixed suits, small law. ami sle|> in for humanity's sake on it lliinks most suitable (or the offices n there were forty voles cast. Tbe eon- I mors than that, as 1 did not attempt to publican from conviction. I have advo ' instance who thought it both serious direct legidaiion. Long We condemn as dangerous and unjust check, a splendid value. venlion also named T. II. While for carry it out, 1 have beea eoademned be filled. We do not lielieve that all the ly cated the position of mv parlv on ihe. ’ and sad to contemplate that his party the surrender, in all departments of I lie Roll Sack, not to button. Vest Wu are informed that thia method Justice of the Peace and Thus. H. Chap good people are in any one party, and man for Constable. Steps were also for having contemplated such a mon money question, when other gentlemen winch be loved so well was going to government, to the influence of trusts, with notched collar. To you for for thia reason we ex|H*ct to«up|>ort men would at cnee precipitate w ar, not only taken to reorganite the republican club strous act. Gentlemen who have year ware anxiously debat ing ss to whether forsake the iniddle-of the road. The con corporal ions ai d aggregations of wealth ..................... 7 oo generally ; and ti.e packing of the high inatead ol advocating the platform upon with hpain, but with other European at this |>la< e and a meeting was called after year, stood and seen but one pri they would go to tbe silver camp, or vention howev r did not heed the tears, est courts of the land with corporation Men’s Scotch Tweed, mixed which they stand. It ehall bo our aim countries, which would exclaim, "llanda Saturday Mnri hOatJ 30 oclock. These mary ticket, when I was almost alene in but by an overwhelming majority adopted stayfin the fold. 1 therefore make this lawver», too ready to do the will of color, four button Sack, heavy Ital to not abuse any candidate, but to toll off!’’, li a declaration were made to the club meetings will be held regularly protesting against such practice, now | ajqreal to the intelligence of the republ the committee s report, whereupon the their late euiplovers, and to set aside every lu o weeks and evervbody is cor- ian linings, made to resist wear. the people frankly and courteously world ot nations that the only object of dially invited to attend. Program and hold their hands up in holy horror, and ican county convention. The threat lias middle of-the-road men left the conven valid and «holesoine law« p»s-ed bv A GOOD BUSINESS SUIT. To auch thing, a, they, a, volera, ought to iuierventiun was ’o prevent extermina nl« .. meetings will be announced accuse inn of having attempted to wreck been made to kill me off, without ap tion. Everything adjusted with satis tion by starvation, that enoagh of those later. you for.................................... io oo know. theparty. Tbeee same gentleman ha vs eat parent reason. I am glad to say that faction to a large majority, the following nations would join in to make the force Col Straight’s assay office presents a in a convention, and have seen a motion this baa come from but few, as far as I ticket was placed in the field to be i Young Men’s Suit», Boys’ Since II W ^'ur ril lailt-d of a aeat in rflective without war. Granting that it busy aspect thsse day« He has one of I School Suits, Childs’ Reefers. We’ll the UnitedStatrt senate,* strong pressure may product* a war, ami that as many tlic iineet individual oulflt« on the coast carried to suppress free speech- a mo am informed. 1 wish to gain nothing by accepted or rejected next June as the people may see tit. has been brought to bear upon Governor might be killed in battle as have atarved and the colonel knows how to handle It. j tion to prevent any member from mak deception, and am willing to express mv Caused by Stomach and Liver tell you about them next week. THE TICKET. ing nominations for delegates to the $12 00 for Men’s round cor Lord to imhico him to call an extra io death in Cuba still it is not »uflicient i Views to auy who desire to know them Verily the course of true love does’nt! Governor.— Will K King, of Baker! Troubles-Could Not Eat or Sleep always run smooth a« was the case In stale convention, end did not think it of -Creat Weakness- Now Entirely ner Sack Suits, superb quality session of the legislature to elect a sena reason for non-intervention» While 1 have felt some resentment in county, populist. the demo-|>opiilu republico, free-for-all- I enougli importance to object. Gag law, the past at my unfair treatment. 1 have Congreeeman,— First District, R. M. tor. We do not believe that the Govern- Cured-Hood's Sarsaparilla Did It. It is no disgrace to die in defense of •< ramble-for-offioe-convention remntly or will call an extra Muion, it would the right, though it take a million lives, helu al Portland. The outcome of the and picked primary tickets have been never cherished any feeling, and <lo not Veaicto, of hougla» county, democrat ’ Novelty Secund District, C. M. Donaldson, of i “ I suffered for shout five years with net be wise for him to do so. The good hut it m a crime to stand by and see a so called Union convention was closely' accepted without cavil, but always over deeiro to have this letter construed as a Its k er county, silver republican stomach and liver troubles and tried name of Oregon cannot bear another neighbor literally starved to death by i watched by the middle of the-road |>upu- my objection. Yet I, for eltempting to personal attack on any man, Mr. G. W. Supreme Judge—W M Kaiutey, of different reined:, a without much benefit. Grey c >lor in plaids—Cassimere— I had 8jx*lls of vomiting which would last meeting of those legislators The the hand ol the oppreasor. It is not a lists of use seel ion. The reeuli ie not maintain my political existence as a e- | Colvig included. Such is not mv motive, Yamtiill county, democrat. entirely satisfactory. I'bey see their paneled lining, corded seams, side United States mutate ami tin? state arc question ol how many men il will take, j party being gradually draw« down to publican, have been ruthlessly con- i D any part ot it pointe to him, it is not «Secretary of State.— Harrison R. Kin for a long time and I suffered severe pain. not Bartering seriously for the services of or how much property it will take, bul , warn ths inailstrom of tbe Bryan dame- , deinned. llad I preserved a silence in ' in a spirit of malice, but simply iu order caid. of Lane county, silver república. I could not eal or sleep. I a as very* weak pockets in trousers—very swell, a .^late Treasurer.—J. O. Booth, of end could hardly walk aero«» the room. splendid April value. The open a s< itaiur. It is not. so much the need it is a question of which shall prevail, ' cracv and tile free «ilver-office-seekiug- I regard to candidates, or made each one I to explain. I demand only fair play and W bllssuffering oneot those terrible spell« ing gun for the season and a winner Velieva that I would support hiui. 1 just treatment. 1 have no wish to build Josephine county, democrat. of a senator that prompts the calling of the right or the wrong” Intervention* republicans. Attorney General.—John I Story of my husband urged me to try Hood's Sar in the tine suit line. In all the populists, especially the would have been elected. 1 have b«n n myself iqroii the ruins of another. 1 am an extra session as it is the need of /A« mav come alter extinction. saparilla. Finally 1 consented and after Wasco county, populi t. middle-of-the roads are not quite satis- accused of trying to wre«k the party. senator. The complexion of the Oregon Men's Stylish Tailor made | simply tired of being a victim of petty .State Printer —Chas. A bitch, of taking the flrat buttle 1 was greatly bene We want to nay aow, to begin tie«l legislature may change bv next June fited. I have now taken three bottles of Trousers to arrive next week. You Noi Ir*. with, that we will try and keep from Doea my pest record justify such an as jealousy, without excuse or cause, that K!ackamaM county, populist. It is to lie hoped that there may be a tiranti Pass Oregon, March 15, '98. writing anything pertaining to po litic« sumption? I have never raised mv voice ' should actuate one in politico. I wish School Superintendent.— IL S.Lyman, Hood’s Sarsajiarilla and am cured. I have cannot afford to fail to examine not had any of those bad «jwlls and can these good values. hadk ' ai . change in one m use,and tliat is Notice is hereby given tha. the firm But if you obliging editors ot the Cot aixa in objection, except to ai jteal for fair, either to he sustained or condemned. As of Clatsop county popnli»t. Judges for First Judicial District.— E. eat anything 1 wish.” M rs . W eslky that representatives may do their duty of It I. Coe riiomas A Co. is hsreby do eotnedav receive a h ng string of bent- opes politics, in opposition to secret and long at the republican party demands u|> leeling »tuck on to the end of a aw legislators first, and as partisans last. this day dissolved by mutual consent, •tubby lead peuciland a worn out araser, dark lantern methods. I would scorn mv services in this county, it shall have (’. Wade, foeephine county,silver repub F bkdenbi k l, Box Ki, Ca|»killt N. Y. lican. John A. Jeffry, Jackson county, Oregon in general and certain sections of It riiomas retiring, and It I.. Coe A Co. we lio|>e lhev will not lio completely to yisld my opinions to political buck- them, but I do not wish to be placed in populist. it io particular are snfleiing more on ac will continue thè business, collect all oiercome, lint that they will survive s'ers, ami cheap basses, whose dictato a position of one who forces hie presence District Attorney —First District, A. count of deniHgogi-'in, IsMainni ami accounts and harcbv ^assume all liabili« the ordeal ot '"reading copy” and do rial and unfair methods have made more on those who do not desire it. It ia not N. S o I ish , Jackson county, democrat. as they see fit alieiit putting it into tyj>o II. L C or . partisanisin than it is for the want of a Is the^best-ln f,rt the One True Blood Purifler. P l it mo km If we don't find some channel 1 Brough populiats out of republicans, than fiat a nutter of much moment to me. but is M attik n . D i P vt . all drujun«|q. B’ RixforfS. United States senator or for its need of a which to ei|>re«s ourselves, wa'll bust money and free silvar combined, and highly important to the candidates of ' amv L Cox United in a common caune for the whoop—lookout Doc® Las. It TtL'MAM Josephine county is no exception to the Ibe party, to treat fairly those who are «»acred purpose of preserving the princi- leal« lative session. s Pilis ROGUE RIVER COURIER Coinniunicatione PRICE A VOOR1HE8, raucBtcTuBs. A Store lias i Character.... HERE ARE FACTS. Our Men’s Snits. ■ I Severe Pains Sawyers Suiting. HOOCI’S SparHla Hood b.liuUMUTM. ^Joenu. ( a P. II. Harth à Son $ Men’s Boys’ and Children’s Furnishings Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Trunks and Valises. Í \W j Vy 4 BIG CASH STORE ncluded by the beat informed Chicago h.n Get your samples and prices together, and either bring them or send the largest and best assorted stocks of Dry Goods, and is the largest them to the store and we will absolutely guarantee to save you money. distributer of Dry Goods If you can save money bv trading elsewhere we have no right to expect your trade. IN TIIE WORLD But we lielicv. that our Mammoth Spring Stock and verv attract and lielieviug as we do that our |«>plc appreciate our efforts to furnish ive price», a tew of which are herewith respectfully submitted will them at all times, induce you to call ami »ee us before making your spring purchases and THE BEST THE M \RKET AFFORDS. will convince you that the GUI AT HOUSE of R I. COE & CO de We have gone to considerable time mid expense iu visiting tins serves your patronage. Great Market, and while we did not buy all the nice tilings we taw in F.MBREI-LAS AND PARASOLS Chicago we brought home with us about 10,000 pi ill nils > t freight We are showing seme of the very latest novelties tn silk And while our claim that u ian . (double tile >t(K.*k Of piiriisols “t • '■' fd-ay, fi 49 and Ji with the new attachments1 other firm in Southern Oregon can lx- hilly proven by reference to the silk cord with purse Heavy «ilk hand ribbon with gold and silver county recordei, name plates. All of these goods are made with the best «teel parogan We wish an opportunity to prove to those who have been sending frames steel rods and very latest novelties in handles. to Chicago and New York tor theii Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes that The superior quality of »ilk used makes tbi« the most serviceable we cannot ouly *ave them money, and attractive line ever shown in this country But will compare values and prices with mv mail order house in the country. DRESS GOODS. We pay nearly double the taxes for the support of this community* We are showing s. me of the best values in our dress g.sKls depart- that any other Dry Goods' Finn in the country pavs We carry double nient ever placed on the market. the stock of any other bouse Fast black cashmere finish aatine woith 20c. our price uhc. Now all that we ask is that» hen you get ready* to make your Light colored lawns and calicoes -t'rc Light colored outing flannel spring purchases you give us a chance to figure on your bill and it we 4'iC. Double width dress goods in plaids checks, stripes, are not able to savey ou money and give yuii a sujierior quality ot goods, plain and figured, a toned and solid cv'lored. t|c. actually worth 25c. then we do not ask for one dollar's worth of your trade Rcmemlier One ot oui Big Chicago buvs was one lot of Turkey Red Oil all we ask is a cbauce. Calico never buiore »old under. 8lt cent» Our price 05 c 4 !*32..>O SHOES. Here is one of the best values ever offered in this line. Ladies Genuine Dongola Kid patent leather tip Coin toe, lace or button, width D E and EE for $1.5 Ladies heavy every day Satin Calf Button 'hoe only Sr.< We also have the famous Pingree & Smith shoes, men's, women’s and children's. These are one of the best lines in the market and we guarantee every pair. Childrens Shoes the Hamilton Brown, Future Great school shoe best value on earth tor the money*. We .have them in th late coin toe Button or Lace, size 5 to 8 $t.oi. Size 8 to ij , ft 25. S.r I J to 2, $1 50 Mens heavy Brogans tap sole Buckle g>xxl for mtnet ware for fl .25. Men’s Satin Calf Coin toe.with cap in lace.the latest «tvle tot ft Ladies’ Wrappers. 49c, 69c and 98c. Ladies' Shirt Waists. 39c, 49c. j 5c, 98c. Ladies' Silk Cl $2.98. $3.48 to Ladic»' Silk SI $4.98, $6.59, Ladies' Wool Over Skirts. $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 to $5.50. 2 Satine. ( nder Skirts. 53.50’ r»Uc. $2.50, $15n $300 '• 25c. Black with heavy black aat^" S HatS' Men's Heavy Black X T W°r'h 5° .‘his 'ot on,y S* sa * i y i » 11 S°X With White Feet. 1- l-2c-Worth 25C. — ^«■tel maundered shirts. “nd Wrist Band Our Price-. 37 l-2c. Worth 9ÒC. Men's Cottonade . Pants—62 l-2c. M^s(xllU|oid Collars-^ 1.3c. I-adir- es ’ ’ white skirts. 69c, 98c. Summer quality. Only <»5c *ip $125.