■ 4 a lìngue îlibef K. A m IxDiriMDixT Exrxa, D xtotxd E»>- bcixily to ths I ntimi «™ or S oithbmm O bioox . VOL XIV GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH jt, 1898. ---------------------------------- -- desire for good, for purity, and a virtu in loana Further inquiry will show Up to-date ph-Uofraplis only ar the Bvarrbody Ray® Mo. Carbon Studio, opp court house. Grants ous life The heart once stirred with a that all this time the bank clearances Cabarets Candv Cathartic, the must won Ben E Stahl of Galice creek, was on ATTOKNEY-AT LAW, Ease strong desire for the "higher life” and a have exceeded the records of. formet derful medical discovery of the age, p eas our -Ireels la«t week. ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently «■•elice» in all State and Federai Courta Can you geees how many people in glimpse of the heavenly can never again vears, the railroads have reported gains and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, Will Ireland went up Applegate to the cleansing the entire system, dis|»el colds, Office over First National Bank. ' find repose in the lower life. town will be riding Ehu-nix bicycles lie- in their earning«, the iron and othei To a Friend Onion rets at Bartlett’« ¡Coffman A Bristow mine Monday, on cur » headache, fevf-r, habitual constipation GBarr » P ass . * O bsgok . fore June 1st? Shoe* repaired at Hackett's A wave of light and love is passing trades have shown increased activity, ami biliousness Please buy and try a i>ox his wheel, returning Tuesday. At the twilight’s lone hour, when nsture of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 rent«, bold and Linlsav Sizemore of ’»ainsValley, J ack- Gold-dust cashed at Cramer Bro« over the earth for those who are ready the export movement baa maintained guertmteed to cure by ail druggists. is still, Miss May sir Foster went to Medford pjENRY L. BENSON. its usual level,and we have drawn large Ils must first feel FAGIF BICYCLES AT CRAMER BROS last Saturday to spend Saturday and son county, was in town a few days ago A nd a mantle of beauty enwrappetb the to partake of it. trying to sell a »pan of fine driving hor» the need of a happiness more substantial sums of gold from Europe.—Tribune. A German Jew, calling himself “Pro attorney at law . bill, If you «ant your hair tnt to suit you, Sunday with her parents. es to one of our leading physicians. Mr. 1 1 han any thing he has yet found in sense factices in all Courts of the Slate. ’Ti* then tt.at sweet fancy, beguiling my There is more Catarrh in this section fessor Bernard” ana claiming to be a try McGiexor Bron Sinh St. Golden Eagle Bicycles srr honest j Sizemore informs ue that he has a fine pleasures, and he must be willing to give pain. of the country than all other diseases hypnotist, is now making a tour through OfF.ee over First National Bank, Mrs. W. T. Sovern« informs u» that wheels at reasonable prices Write for team, but they are not fast enough lor on my memory thy features up the things from which he has been put together, and until the last few Oregon. He is a man of medium height, QBA mt ’ s Pasa, - O bxgon . her husband is doing i.ieeiy in Skaguay. catalogue Mitchell Lewis A Stavar Co the da-tor, who wants logo at a 2:40 Engraves again. seeking the-e pleasures. As religion is wearing a black felt hat. dark glasses years was sup|>oeed to 1« incurable We learn that Mrs. Eugene Kienlen is Portland. Or. rate the dominant element in human nature, and rather ababov looking dark clothes AuJ while I sit watching soft shadows For a great many years doctors pronounc lying quite tick «t her residence in this D. C. Brownell, J. D. Hayes. Major AXTHUR P. HARTH, the studying and applying of this sub The delegate» to the eeuntv republican He left Oregon City 8unday night for that pass ed it a local disease, and prescribed city. convention from Kerby are: J.M. John, Abs Axtell, T. s. Gundy, John Kan.lie In wavy succession, like the wind, o'er ject is of tbs first importance. Salem, where he expects to practice hi® local remedies, anj by conatantly fall DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. Burrows, A. B. Hopkins, T. G. and H C. Perkins came home from rhe The Opera House meat maiket is T. Man's aspirations and reaching out al- ing to cure with local treatment, pro profession, llis intentions may be all the grass, OMc c over First N tional Bank, headquarter, for the kind of meat you tlarmon, Geo Floyd and Tho* Chapman. Portland convention», last Sunday morn j ter something he knows not what are nounced it incurable. Science has'prov- right, but his general appearance it A figure familiar in fancy 1 see , I I can ne,er be mistaken,I know it is thee, ¡evidences that he needs the unseen, the somewhat suspicious. Ue left hete in We are informed that Father Des ing;E C. Wads, Will Merritt, E. E G bamt ' s P am , • Onaaon want te gel—the beet. en catarrh to be a constitutional disease debt to everyone he had bail any deal better, aad feeling the necessity of a and therefore L. M. Kane, who has been at work marais. ot Jacksonville, delivered a very Redfield and Judge Crawford <auie requires constitution a Thus the hours must vanish afar from All the gentlemen higher power is the strongest evidence treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, man ings with. The probability is that he is near Sisson for seme time returned to interesting discourse at tbs Catholic home on Mou-lay. the side, C. PERKINS, a cheat and a fraud —Oregon City Enter of its existence. Grants Fas* last week to remain. church last Sunday on “Church and report having had a good time ufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co.,Toledo, As I drift o'er the wwrld like a boat on If you want a first class bath, you can “Come, let us reason together saith Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on prise. State. ” Miss Bernice Cameron, of the public the tide. U 8. DEPUTY the Lord; 'tho thy »ins be as scarlet, the market. It is taken internally in schoel, went to Jacksonville last Satur For Constipation take Karl's Clover I get it at McGregor Bros Nor time can dissever, but e’er must re MINERAL SURVEYOR day to visit relatives and friends. they shall be white as mow.” Are you doses from 10 drops,to a teaspoonful. It Root Tea, the great Blood Purifier. | Washington Leiter. new When love weary and heavy hearted? I>oe» your acta directly on the blood and mucous knocks at a wo Prof. W. J. Cameron, of the public Cures Headache, Nervousness, Eruptions O b » « on G bavts P ass , Washington is again a b to ria center That deepest of friendship 1 cherish for burden seem more than yen can bear? man ’s heart he surfaces of the system. They offer $100 -chool, went to Portland last Friday ev on the face, and makes the head clear as you. J. E. usually come® in All eye® are now turned toward® the Are you severely tempted? If man were tor any case it fails to cure. Send foi 8old by W. F Kremer 1 aiNguisc. Doesn't ening for his wife who went down some a bell president to barn what action lie will want it known permitted to go through life surrounded circulars and testimonials. Address 'pHOMAS SMITH, nne ago on a visit John E. Pelton, of .(»blued, passed Ln seen Köret« t what he’s up to. •eke upon the verdict of the naval court with every comfort and free from every F. J. CHENY A CO , Toledo, O I f she knew all H L. White of Rock Poiot, Jackson north last Saturday with 13 car load» ot I of inquiry. A perfect storm of excite Sold by druggists, 75c. "Be not deceived ; Gai is not malted ; temptation, he would never develop his about the little UNDERTAKER, county, ass a visitor to the Pass Iasi catlie about 2b0 head for the Portland ment is raging and it im conatantly grow ior whatsoever a man »owetli that sliall inward powers or bring out hi» individ Hall’s Family Pilla.are the best. rascal, would she let him in ? That’® a question. The cattle were very fine, Friday. He made the Col Kix* office a market ing in intensity Congreaa ie making a he also reap. For he that sowalh to ual cliaiacter. If »uccessfullv resisted, W*omen are apt to look upon O regon pleasant and substantial call. O bants P ass , costing about |40 per head. Jackion County Note«. love and marriage as purely brave effort to wait patiently, but it is the flesh shall of the flesh reap corrup temptation is the greatest blessing An h mailer of sentiment and af oaly FUieveding in wailing, because it tion; but he that soweth to the spirit opportunity is afforded for tiie develop At last Dr. Parsons of Ashland, has fection. That is pretty nearly must wait; it® member® are human, and »hall of the spirit reap liie sverlastiug." ment of character, which could be devel gone to Skaguay. right ; yet there w a practical side to it too ; and the best way their stock of patience ia practically ex Many virtues Il is a self evident I ctthal like causes oped in no other wav. to preserve the ideal aspect of The jury Hat for the coming term o kiausted. There are a thousand and one produce like effects, and now'hs leading I could not exist but for trials which call marriage and maternity is nut court has been drawn to forget the practical part of rumor® a® to wiiat the president will du question ie—“Is our present condition 1 them into existence. Trial is Hie it. A woman cannot be a thor Taylor Payne and J.W. Wiley recently with the report, but th® impression pre the result ot a cause?" All great minds strength of all virtues. oughly happy wife and mother skipped two car loads of hogs to Portland. unless the distinctive physical vails aiuona senator® and other® who agree that Divin* laws are self existent, Mr. Hpurgeon lias said untried grace is organism of her sex ia in a A. D. Parker, principal of the Ashland have talked the matter over with the omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient no grace at ill. First the battle, then - healthy and vigorous condi- . tion. The best friend that wo president and member® of the cabinet, a« cause, and cau-e is evert where and the victory, then comes the triumphing. South school,made a trip to Yreka lately" man ever had is the “Favorite that it will depend on the nature of the forever effective. Judge Hale of Klamath, was in Jack The effects of the Every temptation then, is an opportu Prescription.” of D t . R. V report how soon it will be sent to con mind cannot become a nonmotive |s>w«r, nity for eliaractei building. Pu rer, Pin- f Consulting l’h\ aonville last week, on Ins way houp Lsician of the Invalids Hotel gress and made public. If it merely while it is a fact that mind is a motive "My brethren count it all joy when from Eugene, where be had been hold WILLIAMS, ORE and Surgical Institute. Buffalo, show® that the Maine was blown up power. Its form forces it to move, and ye fall into divers temptations, knowing ing court. Judge Hale was highly com N. Y The ’Prescription.” is a perfect and infallible remedy for every from tlieout«ide by unknown parties, It its movements force it to form. The at- that the trying ot your faith worketh plimented by the bar of Lane county. form of “ female w-raknrss.” It cures by will probably be sent to congre«® right mo»pli»reic fories set in motion bv our patience. For the Lord knoweth how to restoring health and strength to the inter Mrs. Dr Geary and children of Med Breeder «nd Importer of nal organism, which cannot be reached by awav, but if it ahuw® that the explosion internal forces are truly a part of our deliver the godly out of temptations.” ford have gone north to visit in Ei gene "local applications ;” thus the cure is radi ITALIAN QUEENS AND BEES was due to the action of any Spanish of- own conscioiismws. Therefore our con- 8. V. and will join the doctor in ■ ortlaml in cal, complete and constitutional. Dr. Pierce's eminent reputation as a phy fi«-ial or official®, it would probably Ire Write for Prices tbs course of a weak or ten days. Tin sician of wide learning ; and his special withheld until everv preparation to docter has not gons yet, but will in a knowledge of the delicate and intricate or make aggressive war was complete«!, a® ganism of women, accounts for the unpar few days. alleled confidence, which women place in the pie®ident know®, a® doe® everybody Dr. John Kenter of Jacksonville left his “Favorite Prescription.” over every else, that in that case, a® loon a® the of other reniedv. Its use obviates the neces last week fur Portland where be goe- sity of dreaded “examinations” and the ficial fart® were laid before congress, war stereotyped “ local treatments. ” to piactice Ins profession in St Vincent's would be declared. Dr K V Pierce feat Sir I suffered fourteen Hospital. Johnny is a nice young year» with female- weakness, nervousness, and Sign® of coming war ar«* plentiful in A Southern Volunteer. Ili« Northern Brother. general debility, trying everything I could find man and we wish him the beet of success to help me —all to no avail. I then heard of « Washington. The houMs naval com — OF — Dr Pierce's medicine« and although I was thor Yes ®ir, I fought with btonewall. in his work. Just make it two old fallow, I tnittee bat added million® to the regular oughly discouraged. I thought 1 would try once And faced the light ith Lee; I want to - land once nioie SOUTHERN OREGON. more to find relief. I took your " Golden Medical Prof. Shaw of the Agricultural College Discovery But if this here Union goes to war. naval appropriation bill, by providing Beneath the old flair with you " and " Favorite Prescription,” and too Make one more gun for me' As in the days of yore was in this county last week and did Sreat praise cannot lie given for tne rapid relief lor additional battleship®. tor|»rdo Ixiat® MANUFACTURERS OF lev gave me I am now free from the former 1 dit.n’t shrink from Sherman Our father, stood together some good talking to the peols about troubles Very siucerely yuurs. and torpedo boat drstroyei®; bill® are A n he gallopetl to the sea; A n.l fousht on land and sea But if this here Union goes to war. The battles fierce Hint made US sugar beets. If our farmers would take now under consideration to provide for Make one more gun tor me' A nation of the free. Rscsive <k|HMÌu subject lo check hold of tins matter with am earnestness an extensive increase in both the arm\ (Mr») esHilcate payahle un denisnd. I was with 'em at Mananaas that the oecaeiou demands there would I whipped you down at Vicksburg, and navy ; hundred® of official notice® ot The bully Boy« in Uray; «Mia tight d-»fts <>n New York. San I-< You licked me at Bull Run be a (stere for the county lu beat sugar recruit® wanted are be>ng prepared in I heard the thunderers roarin' On many a held we struggled, cieco, and Por land. production. Round Stonewall Jackson’« wav, the navy department, so a® to be ready When neither victory won. phit transfert solfi on all point* Ami many a tune (hi® sward ol mine You wore the gray of Southland, to k»e uwi in every city in (he c »untry at lift" blazed the way for Lee: I wort» tiie Northern blue , il Staisi. Wliat Becomes ol Metals? But if this old nation goes to war, abort notice—»hey are being sent out by Like men we did our duty Special Attention given to Collections mi Make one more gun for me! w ben - remniuj' bullets flaw The greater portion of the lead mineil mail, ®o that in case it become® neceF- general businetu* of our customers. 1* converted into white lead, red lead I'm not so full ’<> tightm', | aary to ut>e them, the department will Four yearn we fought like devil®, Thrice « Week Edition Collections made throughout South?« Nor half «<> lull o fun, But when the war was done and orange materials, which are used as ■ onlv have to wire it® agent® to go ahead, Ah I wax ha< k in the sixties Oregon, and on all accewible point*. Your hand met mine in friendly claap pigment* for paints Much lead is man rhere is an unusual bustle in every bu When 1 shouldered my old gun’ Our two heart* beat a« one J. D. FRY, President. It may be that my hair is while And now when danger threaten*, ufactured into »heel, soms into I ulle-tn reau of the war and navy department, J. T.TL’EFS. Vice President. bich thing«, you know, must be, No North, no Houtn we know, and other projmtiles, and the only lead The World has 18 page» a week; IM and in addition to the telegram« re But if this old Union's in for war. R. A R mth . Cnshie» Once more m stand together Bridge Wotk. Bolts, Rods, Iron Shutters, Make one more gun for me! which comes back into the market in the ceived over the wire® in the building, To fight the common foe. papers a year, form of scrap, is that used for lead pipes Cells, Window Guards, Doors, and there is a continual Htreaui of telegraph I hain't forgot my raisin* - G. PHKBY LU. VAN EXXh My head, like yours, is frosty The Thrice a-Week Edition of Th» New Nor how. In s xty-two, Zinc is largely used in galvanising York World is fir-t among all “weekly pa inewaenger® going n and out. Tin® i® Old age in creeping on ; Or thereabout«, with battle shouts, Life'« sun is lower sinking, steel or iron, in manufacturing brass, as per» in sise, frequency of publication, amt aot only during office hour®, but goes un I chargeti the Boy« in Blue. My day will soon begone. llie freshness, accuracy and variety of Its a »licet sine and as oxide of sine used contents. It bus all the merits of a great a I day Sunday and tiie greater |N«rtion And I say; I fought with stonewall, But If o.ur country’s honor And blazed the way for Lee; Needs once again tier son, pl daily at the price of a dollar weekly. Its in paint. The only zinc available for of everv night. The work at the gun Studio Opp. Court House But if this old Union's in war. I'm ready, too, old ftllow the new use, is that usod in making political news prompt, complete, accurate and carriage and amunition shop® in I lie Make one more gun for me! Bo gel another gun. and Impartial as all lie readers will testify. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. brass. Next to »crap iron and steel, It 1» against the monopolies and for the Washington navy yard i® continuum«, - Atlanta <'onNtitution. -Minnea|>oliN Journal. people. ESTIMATES FURNISHED............ scrap brass is found on tbs market. three shift® of men each warking eight It prints the news of all the world, having All Work . ................................................... .. >♦ Most of the world’s tin prafuct is used special corresdondence from all important hour® right along Such a big hole has in tin. The »crap i» not available, and, news points on the glotie. It has brilliant been made in the $50,000,000 emergency Finished in from illustrations, stories bv great autliois, a I appropriation that there in already talk witions are the effect of the correspond Iteaoluilons II, ClackamasTeachers. tho many effort» have been made to util capilal humor page, coluplete markets, de 3 to 6 Days, of another big appropriation All this ing forms of form within our mind. ize tin scrap, no considerable amount of partments for the household ami women's Th» following resolutions were unani work, and other special departments ot un- Regardless of doe® not, of course, wake it certain that metal has been obtained this way. But the fact that our conditions are mously adopted by u-llal lnlerv-l to »11 . la-.es ol reader- the Clackamas Nest to iron and steel, cop|>er is most we aball have war, but it curtaialy We oiler this unequalled newspaper and aliai we create cannot lie a fact to its County Teachers’ Ass-s iation at a regu the Weather. the liouus Kivsa i'oiaira together one used in metallic form, only a »mall pro ®erve® t® increase the chan< e® in favor ol until we conceive it to be such. year to new or old »ubseriher* who pay lar meeting, held at H ih West Oregon war. portion lieing used la the salts of cop|>er one year ill advance, at the smau sur-i oi “Whatsoever* man sows that shall City school Saturday. February 98,1888: If all the annual re|»or(® of govern he also reap,’’is a law of the universe, and blue vitriol The great ma»» of cop GRANT’S PA88. ORE Resolved by the Clackma* County DEALER IN ment official® were a® full of valuable and we find it werklng th rough the per 1» in the manufacture of bra»», of I Educational Association that the heal and interesting information a®'hat made whole development and manifestation winch it form» two thirds, io plectrical interests of ths public »«hoot system ol of tk>® operation® of the U. S patent of of life, we cannot change Um laws, an I conductor», sheet nsiffing. rooking ulen- Oregon demand the election to the office ills and pipes. fice for ’97. u> Hon A. P. Greely, ai ling whether we like them or not we must r of State Huperinu-ndeiit of Public In Just wiiat liecomes of the snoimoua cotumivsioner oi patent®, there would I m abide by them. Goii »ays he will render struction, an officer of sn|>erior excillive ho occasion (or calling public attention to every man according to hi* deed», amount of metal mined every year is » ability, a teacher ol wide and successful to money wasted in printing annual re an<l the laws of the universe ar» certain mystery, as a very small proportion ie experience tn public school work, ano port®. Pressure of more Bcnna’umal mat in their operation an 1 it 1» useless to re-urned in the form of scrap material.— an educator ot broad c ilture and com ter madethe synopsis of 'hi® repoit that work against llierii There always come» prehensive knowledge of the theory Western Mining World wai sent out by the pres® association ut a time when the transgressor of any and practice of teaching. Ilaailquartere for Dreadfully Nervous. Every article sold warranted as represented. Farm Produce taken terlv inadequate In fact, the only way law receives the fruit of hi» transgression Resolved, That the various political to fully appreciate <t® value to inventor®, I was dreadfully nervous, and for re io exchange .Nothing can work ua damage but our parties of thia Slate lie and hereby are patentee®, manufacturer®, capitalist® selves. No offense goes unpunished requested to nominate for that office lief took your Karls Clover Root Tea and publicist®, tn showing how mu« h Wm-annotdo wrong without suffering Il quieted my nerves, and strengthened some educator prominent in public ihe great progress of American industry wrong my whole Nervous System I was tro Every crime i» punished school work, and thoroughly acquainted Commercial Tiavelers given spec ®e® to the United State® patent system, Every secret 1» told. Every wrong re with tlie need* ol the educational system ubled with Constipation, Kidney and ial attention. to read th“ enure thirty pages of the dressed. Curses always recoil upon tbe Bowel trouble. Your Tea soon deanne.! I of Oregon. By erder ol committee. GRANTS PASS, OR. pamplet, which may I m ? had free by head nt him who imprecate« them. uiv system so thoroughly that I rapidi) T. J. G abkv . Chairman, writing to the comuiis-ioner of patent®, Every violation of justice in mi» social regained health and strength. Mrs. s Horses hoarded at reasonable B. «t of All Washington D. C. A. Sweet Hartford, Conn. Sold by—W rate«. relations are speedily punished Every Hie naw Spanish Minister is both thing ha» it» price, and it must be paid, 2 To dranra th® ®y®trm in a grntla and F. Kremer brainy and audacious In a«ldition to it 1» impossible to get 11 without paying truly manner, whan th« bringing Hire»- Cuban Comn>i®®ioner® to its price. Commit a crime »nd |«n*lty .Springtimeromra. use thr true and m?r* I Washington lu open negotiation® will» will,'certainly foilow. If we wrong our fret remedy, Nyrup of Fig®. Buy the gen our reciprocity cotniniBftiuner for a com- neighbor we shrink from meeting him. uine. Manufactured by the California wern al treaty with bpam, j®«t a® though Keuiors« and fear are severe punish OF ALL KINDS F>g Hyrup Co. only, and for fair by all he really beleive t in the pa-«tbtlitv of menta. druggiHt®, at 50 cent® per bottle. h® coriciusion «»I such a treaty, under We *av we are tired of »uff -ring and A < oiiipai I kwii Of ar Panic*« exiatiug circumstan« e®, nWnor P«>lo ha® Sorrow an I desire a change “A» ye G»rt..i «iatli and I .«treeis made slreiiuon® effort® to have the world row eo shall ya reap " A grrater eeuMattonai eiia« t wa® pro We have sown te-.ive that the only reason aut* nomy in ' onr tares and we are reaping according- duced on the stock market by President Uut>a ha® not been fully accepted by the |y How call we find fault except with Ulevelami'e Venezuelan meeauge than ' insurgent® and peace restored tv Cuba ourselves Four and four are always the .Maine diaaatcr ba® made, although h *• been tba warlike attitude of this eight, and ths laws of the universe work the taltor i® the more critical event. c >untry toward® opsin aad the presence with just such precision Juel as cer True, the Venezuelan etcitamant and 1 ot tk»« strong fket of it® warships at Kev tain as night follows day, ari l autumn panic were practically compre-®e<l into Wr»t. It i® imi«oMible n >1 to admire' io’lows summer, will we reap the fruit a «lay or tfu, while it lie® brrn a month , tiie ingriiuii/ and iudiisirv ol this i^pa«»- «four «owing I higher law than out since the Maine di®a®trr, and the eflrci 1*1» diplon»®!. but lhatd«e® nut preveit' will regulaies event«. Thus in*n makes on t ie *|M*<-iilativr ®UM*k rick atigra ha*- a number ol prominent senator® ami rep 1 bi* own condition, a woe or a blessing te*rn growing all that time. • J g well said that manners make the IF man,but the m..re solid Ingredient of r •♦niaiivet thinking iliac he and his The net l«H»«r® are probably a® great li our lite so far ha» tsren a failure, it W character is aito necsMary to a tree «lummy commiMions should be given a is never 100 late to begin rermilding I now a® thrv were hi the Venrzueiaa type of manhood. If a man has these both, tittle bint that their laik and rondu« i hew life, and a new hope 1» our». ►care and bear a greater significance, br- In and also has the good sense to dress well ( Onr Plownix One Crank made a record for itnelf last M>A«on—one • bringing t'lrm da«>g»*ruu«l) nrar to be sie«d •« spending our lime in regret ting, eauie the Venezuelan mrnMage struck he will find the ‘‘latchstring out” for him broken f rank in Oregon, W «uhinrfnfi nr Idaho nut r»f the hnmlrwla tn all >*er the world. i > ■ >g dashed a» i)inf mb >) isla. Il is »>t let us resolve. Wilhm everyone lies he Wall street when the finance® of the wtM-ela wold in ihr««* ihr«*** Biair? I« ItW". plraeani to hear these fie sons aaaariing power to make the life worth the living country were in a drpHrablr shape and FOR REALLY CORRECT DRESS The rr-uit I« Ihalmhrra are « <> in’rr rri thia « rank, but thia dur® lb*« an onauiy, which r^-naiur® f’na-u*r, Deep -lowu in the heart of every one is a unable to inert such a blow to contidrn« r In Material, Style. Fit, Finish, and Gentle noi delude win? tm.rr- wu > l»»vr a.r»-«a*l> pur« La-r l hundredi of the HU h Gallingrr and Money , who have f«erson a® that gave, while the .Maine diranter, manly effect, you should order your tailor l*h«jrnix Bn j'ch*? Mo |«r <»• have b***n unable t<, ¿¿at thrui fate enough to ing of ally investigated declare to be a miser lending an it «lore to a possible war with What auppt; our agri.re |tnt our M-tí»iül car it on the road. able fail are, is a su« -ce®®. it is a hide **pain, came at a time when t^n <: too much like «-»'.ling our senator® bars. wan entering upon a period of h The Orest Chic age .Merc hast Tailors '««tarai Absolutely G«>ar The object is *o try to ruaae lrien«l® for • rte M»r»onin»*«. Loat vttAllty activity, with confldrsre in the national For «»ver HO Years the Leaders in the Cu«tooi Ion». I.«at Power, Trade You can get a **BOWN’* Hutt or Overrost a«rumrjmy in congress, but the evidema ry. W mum I»U currency and the maintenance Are built f«»r «ervir* and »nd to tappiv the dotMMMk for an honest, durable for tee® moset is U»u«ity paud for lutenor H i M »r rjrUdli guods and ta lunng against them i® Luo cuorm «ng for them IJ a®4 obrY< al a »»»oirrai*- ji tea payment® fully reatored. Y FIT FINISH Gl 1RANTKKIK »II r»<t« to make any headway in that directive, a R_r»*«4a » r mÄt laew* b«*- February t'j a comparieon of lb** moer rhres ffM»»4r«4I < Setta.pl— fa 4« • Al Kirw MRHLuK* a^.-fat rt <M even if eongroa® were ixX over«helming •• wt • -rar per ntai ir stock® will show a atuudy decline rit< A W Kttew O war ly In favjr of Cuban independence all along the line. The effect upon the L« Write fer Oer Bicycle Cstslegu:« PORTLAND, OREGON rbeta commiMioners ware 'orcoally pre banki ie very apparent in the large de I*. II. Ac Moil. r 'M K* BOLD BY M. C..EME.N8. •aulod to rw» ra ary ffbarman today. I creara >a daprjaita, in legal tendem and I CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOT’S AND SHOES. StfMBr Pint I>oor A Lum. Co. ROBERT G. S.MITH, -ir—f-i--il----- — — I ,i n - fwi ~ - -i -i -i — Hatha al McGregor Bro» local ljappcnmo® Communication® H. BEE HIVES BEE SUPPLIES Easter Dyes 12 COLORS FOR 5c At Clemens I J. W. Turvey, Druggist. FIRST NATIONA Capital Stock, Wo ft &. Zwicker The North and the South. $50,Ut -Hydraulic Pipe JSSES All Kinds of Machinery for Mining Purposes. And the COURIER for only $2.00 Cast Iron Structure Work. Carbon Photo Portland, Oregon, f J. M. CHILES Çt»»o Staple A. Fancy Groceries > ► > > :> New Rigs, Safe and Fast Teams. > > t Ask Your Doctor Hardware, Tinware, Tableware rhe Cheapest Place for... Iron and Steel Implements Oil, Paint and (¡lass. what effect alunx has make up your mind more low-price baking or children's food. SchiHing's Best is soda. Nothing else. E. II. SCHMIDT Phoenix Bicycles “STAND THE RACKET” 'Tlio Leader for Ten Years among High Grade Wheels upon the stomach. Then whether you will put any powder into your husband's pure cream of tartar and «« J'iti’iinx Ont. Weak Man Made Vigorous PEFFER S NERVIGOR Did TIIE GOLDEN EAGLE BICYCLES MITCHELL, LEWIS à STAVER CO. There's money - making for you, your grocer, and us, in Schttlmg's Best. jy M. B()R> & GO.,