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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1898)
ROGUE RIVER COURIER rVBUsMIP BVKBY III «»DAY. PRICE <fc VOORIIIES, KDITOBM AMD FM«’» KIKTOB» Baras of »< sac-'kirnoN : On« Year, in advance, - - fl 25 Six Months, .... .66 Three Months. .35 bingie Copies, - - • . .06 Th** date opposite your name in<Bca e- the time to which your -ubM-riptiun is ¡»aid. it is your Manual « oh th*- ‘ »1 » »t o in n you pay your sub»rripUon nee that the date I is changed iH'u b tu hiams aa thuse r»*pro«-ntativea 4 Hi? dear peoplg who aliuwe«l thè coni pany lo drive a »harp bvrgain rifiutil i tire riiUiiii'les appoiritrd by thè lai papera re,«ori Hial ihe c»».itraci may I m * antruikd, il no «l »ubt will he aitetiip*e«l and thuB il will iav ’lve tbe state in a laasuii wlii«b will Dot em! until »he <(M»traci with tbc American Book Co end» Tbere are three ur four years ol ihe present contract uneip red. IMI I i»rwb»*r will be obtained bv thia con. • a y or iioni»* other, but tn»* ¡»e<»p »* newi <* look uui f**r th? price to b»* paid 11 C Trliord 1 aliiiiklcnl.ii .1 liaebrr 1 pkinlrr E Mjun 1 vhM’triviao »’«p 1 1 hoirhnan. |-»p Jennhig» .. .1............................ Ed Newell ... . 1. c»rp«-nier . W MlDUiOltS 1 ........................... lie» Barker 4 factory man A E Everton i brakriiiun. I h»>* Ht-rbig 1 fireman il L Ben»on . 1 attorney ^am Hoyt . . . 1 ..................... i Bartlett . 1 grejeer.......... I> Md »rthy I **♦*< foreman A Cleveland . 1 carpenU-r F ed Schal thorn I ba'iefuirr. Nat k'tMM 1 J M lluzgcrth . .1............................. strong ............ •» i J II Km/. ... ti H Barton .... .1 .jeweler A Ho»xJ............... 1 ipr letter A Amlvroon. 1 b >ukkeeper M.» Colvin 1 wi4>w Sain »xiell I............ ■flak bridge........ 2 ......................... rit arges.................. 1 ..................... I>oxie................... 1 Black 2 Fv'xovr ............... 1 capnaltel Hvuvlll ............... 3 ...................... Colby .................. 1........................... »1 lolinson ........ 3 land owner CJ Kurth 1 ch-rk 1 I' fiolwuer .. ..1........................ . Y?M Ye. Ye. Ye. Ye. Yr« Ye« Ye. Ye- ..... . Y ew Yea * dealer makes anything, owing to their delicate naturr and the constant lia bility to low? on them. Tlir total receipt of permmmons her? Moleet amount to only a few hundred box?» • annually, somewhere between 5h0 and 1.000 boxes. Tb? drtnand for them is slowly but steadily growing.—N. Y. Sun. NO OHIO MEN IN THE \ A VY Buckeye 8 ta teem en Do Not That Department. Floatfa« falaad of tb? Dassbe. I Le "1 Corrcaponöencc U llllMIU- ll»*IU« Jeff Limi-ay aeui io the i’a»» »atl ! revciai ca«ra Ml M grippe repwrtod SPECIALS On the Snnny Side... NEW THIS WEEK. t.’OR SALE -THE RlUIDKNi r I A. Mile,, and two a. re. (lf „1P« t •be city of titani. Pa,»--. heap , old iiiimedialel.v. For further tw»*’’ h nquireo! H A Rotermund. Î* r A A. Stile» Vallejo. Cal MR rALK OR RENT-< ca-b Hi sen* farm near :u«n h«»u>«, barn, and out buildiu»/ k •ows, w«KOD hark and iartn or further particulars «ddr*.«.! i •¡ranU »’a?«. Ore. M P tbia »««a Gattie McGee reUiraud fruiu Medford An ¡»land of the Danube, co.'led Engel, near PiHinwnt, began one day in May, a i.'Hwiay. lite to final, and rooted a distance of 80 »Ates Larne harr is th« miles before it »topped.—Chicago I«--:«» JUllD. Chronirle. 1. il«R ««nt to (jrauts SCIENCE ANJ INDUSTRY. *1 h a toad oi onions. If a man is well dressed and he knows it and feels that bis chothes ol lbs are just about as near perfection as Friday its possible to secure them, he’s the fellow that’s most likely !o be found A kiauk Itytr went to Medlord ^«tur on the sunny side of things. Uaj «ccuuipauicU bj Dis nephew, t baric’ good suit—in the height of style f r nurj rr. fit and materials, does act as a iiiM My itic .4od«r«ua returned lo be« great bracer—there’s a pleasure in Uuuir .^aiur «ay and will begin t?act*«ug ( just wearing it—it helps a fellow to April 4iU. be sunny to know he's just as well Mr«. Lryvr is the happy pu«sc»«ur ut a | titir Uc a i»rg»u. bLe <« u* * prepared to i dressed as the other fellow. One >ODMpicuou« but not generally noticed exception to the pernicious or beneficent activity of Ohio men in Amer ican politics is to be found in the fart MlSCELLANEOlg Ere another issue ut ibis paper, the that though the state of Ohio has a very Advertising rate* on applicati«»«! Uopv WA'TED light HR 4M A Sir considerable water line on Lake Erie for change of" ad "ni usi be banded in before free silver forces, which are uow in con ’’ or egg, wanted Leave word .*U Yen —Thirty-four acre» of mountain land Tuesday noon. there has never been an Ohio man at venliun in Portland, will have complrt- Ye. E. Voorbie» at the Cot ai ».a othie. 4 in Berkeley county W. Va., thia year the head of the navy department of y e? Entered at the po?t uffi< e at Grants Pass, rd their labors in uniting and putting tV INI» Ml! I. -SECONDHAND ¿7?, the United States since the establish yielded a crop of apple» that brought Oregon, as second-eia?» mail matter. >ut a lickeL, or rl^ tlwv will have re «■ for sale cheap Inquire of p H ment of the post of secretary of the the owner. John .Miller, »20,000. The fused to j*»in »orcee, M my people are Ye. navy in 179M. The present secretary of same gentleman alw realized nearly 1/rTRAY THERE HAS BEEN ATjfY Wai'ing w lib baled breath lo see whs* is T hursday , M arch 24 1898. Ir place since August 20. W Ye? the navy ia a Maaaochuaetts man. ex *4.000 from the peaches he raised dur with c ing the same time. going to t>e done, in t a*e ol fusion, there Gov. Long; the first secretary of the in the -A Mancbeater confectioner hascon- naw uaa a .MaMsachusetts man, too, ia a p«M»ibilny of a part, ui of ail the i.v pa) Yrs Georg? Cabot; and New England men, verted a bicycle into an ice cream Silver haa taken a little oten Upward Creek. ticket's tn*ing elected, but otherwise h re freezer. Mounting hi, wheel, which, of generally, have been largely represent Yea give iv«suiia al Dvr Uume Conta Bica ani Nicaragua mar yet (here is no chance whatever. It is lo hr J QU SHE FTS Of APER l0B ¿ course, is «tationary. he pedals away Yrta ed in the administration of this federal 1 at the ( ou l«a otliee Juu 5e hoped ihal all partiea will put forward have a elaali ( hailea Elevens a ent to Grants Taae at a good rate, thechain being connect department. Yr« ■ for school UM. Come and their best rnen >n order that the sta>e Ye. One reason which bus occasionally ed with the freezer, ca-mir.g it to turn Fit-dav wil L a load of tine puiam?*, 01 ; Congrsvs would better not resign while may have Hie best of officials, whaleve EI.I.O! CRESCENT CITY' ¿L been asaigned for the absence of Ohio very quickly. He can freeze a 17-gal- W micu Ue easily diapo«td. tbo Cu boa question is the all absorbing party el«*cta. The I hmjs is always a con Whenever you want any fire insurance can talk Iwtween Grant. P.,. Suits that have that newness men, conspicuous elsew here, in the navy Ion can of ice cream in 20 minutes. Mins Lelia Mood win departed lor Cal Crescent City and all intermediate •L.”’ one —It i« good fishing in the St. Albans -picuons figure in state and local »-ol- don't fail to call on Price and Voorbiea i drpartinent of the country is the fact over the G P. A C. C. Telet.hXT? in their making — that appearance — ifoiuia fitua) LO frmaiu lU/re uiuntDa inc-, and he is nut taking a back acai They will insure your property in the I that so far as ocean coast line is con (Vt.) reservoir. Years ago the reservoir barge, reasonable. Grant, l'a« OIH„ ‘Til reported that I'reaidenl McKinlc Wild ner stater. M e E L. Kellogg, *Uu that absolutely right style that goes ( the < OVK1EK office raW a hie year. The people, irrespective ol world’s lM*at company,the Liverpool and cerned, Ohio is an in^ind state; but was stocked with p'ckerel. Noone has Il ititfertiin from a -poi of net voue pro» been allowed to fish there, and the Lvea near ^au biaitctecu. this view of the rase cannot be very well with all our clothing. Clever and lx)ndon and Globe. parly, aliould unite in »ending these fe) trat ion, from whc h Im mar col la pre anted tri stworthy andag . him , Lithe i'euce, ot the Grauls Paaa J maintained, for Indiana, which U more pickerel have multiplied until they have •owe up the Yukon, that we may have choice ideas—best suits by best tire genileinrn or ladie» to trami* of an inland state than is Ohio, haa Iwcome a nuisance. TJe town author!- iiigti >uiiuul, cMiue Ituiua »Mat Ihurada.« rexponoible. »statili-hed I ioum - in <)rrm P’M«-e and quiet, with g«»od g<»vernmeni Could the American |>eople litera l tie« have ord?red the drawing of the houses for Spring of ’98 Correct Monthly been represented io the president’s cab _____ Position,^; »«Sanii expenses. The Objectlea to Rta*e ( oaebes. I he orator win? can make lb? view the aitnation in < uba, they wont* ai home seine to rid the pond of the piscatorial tu spend a lew uava Midi her paiema Reference. Kn<lose‘se!f-ad<lres»e<Í">t.'ÍÜ' Suits for Correct Dressers. In 1762 there were, strange aa It inet in a secretary of the navy, and so. pest. ot Lpper W »iiiaiua treea, arikin »i»»g by sounding the virtues ol rise up in their might end demand ib> enee ojie. The Dominion Companv 1 . »rems, only six «tag? coaches running too, has West Virginia, which is in the Y.Chicago. »' ’P1- —Dr. Peate, rays London Knowledge, M im Eva bill tM-gan a laid mg the rod ire «-il’ er or the gold standard, is ih» overthrew of every Spaniard a ho ha- u in all England, and of course these were mime position as Indiana. Moreover, «oi Men’s round cor great lyee of the hour,but the country I»* only public vehicles for travelers. Even the state of California, which has a has romp!ete«i the procera of grinding tn the iiuxie dialrtvl MuuJa), March voice in lire Cuban oppreaaion I ! m rONHOF MIXEI. riMoTlk (’lover and Alfalfa for sale; horü2 •O' going to sutler hall so much from thr these wen? a novelty, and a person longer coast line on the ocean than any and polishing a gigantic d’vlc of g!a«s 14ui, 20 pupil» were enrolled the tiral ner Sack suits, superb quality ever Cl in«*hes in which he Ia case ol war b tween Sp dn a .d th» other state, has been tin re presented in ‘ e,ltH per day App,y' G- W. Hoi? •oiicy standard, whatever thai may b , named John Croaaet thought they were da> ami t-erera. entered later. \V dilani*, (»regon. **• the president's cabinet by a secretary has lK’?n ?r'gBgvd more than two years. United States, Consul-General la?e am tali will aufiTe», and lias suffered frou« such a dangerous innovation that hr liieSxiarp biothers and little Ne-lie of the navy. Some other reason must, By th? aid of this gift»1« a hair ran be the Americans in Havana would b.. in » the demagogue and the bo»s wrote a pamphlet againat them. “ These Hon sty i GENTS »25 TO »50 PER Will therefore, be sought for Ohio’s exclu seen at a distance of 1.0i0 frrt. and the An icitiuii returned to Williams last ■ \ easy! 5 ou work right around ho®, serious plight, lor passport* a»e w>n h inpolitksis worth more to the ronntry ronrhe«.*' he wrote, “make gentlemen sion. The most probable explanation reflection of th? moon at the focal point ba<u«day after »pending two luunihs A hrand’new thing. Write to u> quirk com? to London upon every small oc Grey color in plaids — Cassimere — but little from a governm«<nt like Spaili tiMii ei her the silver or the gold stand of the case is this, that Ohio men gen would be absolutely blinding. You will I* surprised at how easy it cant, ^y>axiiig various part» ut Califuruia. t casion, which otherwise they would not panneled lining, corded seams, side — It has been found by careful < b»ere erally have sought in Washington done rend u. your aiidre-s anyway. It a rd. The boss and the dernag» gur are do except upon urgent necessity. Nay. March haa areumed the naiurv of the1 Spain will beg Hie Uu »are for |»racr will be to your interest to investigate Wnt, preference—that of lation that in thr New York t?» cment twin brothers, and ih«*y need lo I m * th? convetuency of the passage makes other posts by ikets in trousers—very swell a todav. Address. "People's,’ 3MI Mute but there is no peace, except this tyran« •'Lion, ” hiiow haa ialieu nearly every district th? American fam ' the Matched every a here; in the precinct, li their wives come often up. who rather president, secretary of the treasury , at street, Philadelphia, 1’a. Tdid April value The open take her departure from the American Cru|* ('Ail not grow very much aa spletíc torney-general, or secretary of atate. poorest and at thr : rente*« c •«? Cl • the day than com? such long journeys on horse ne county, and in the state. >7 tier íti continent I «rath is in »re deHirable to which is held by an Ohio man at pres contrary, the Italian lives in thr iHp*-t long as sucil weather continues. ing gun for the season and a winner back would stay at home. Then when ent. In a political way the office of sec w hnlesome manner at th? least expend, a liberty loving peonle (ban Spanish they come to town they must be in the tieorge Chapman aiftl Herman Mvs- in the fine suit line. while th«» French follow closely upon <’uw Owner« in the dig. rule, ___________________ wade, get fine clothes, go to playsand retary of the navy has usually been re garded as subordinate to some other the Italian. Th? German is eccncmical. singer wrote from bkaguay tbai they buys Men's round cor treats, anti by these means get such a Much lias been «.«id lately pro and ton Senator Stephen B Elkins Hi places in the cabinet of the president, but th? cooking is not as dainty and had artivtd safely and had started for habit of idleness and love of pleasure uer Sacks — handsome, all wool II»* c<»u> ruining at latg«* in thrciii. palatable. Dawbon in company with a mau who the Unite«! States has n »causa I o go t Cramtr that they are uneasy after.“ Even peo and it is for this reason, perhaps, that cheviot. Not those cheap imita i>g<iiiiein h.iv in-eri set foilli on both —There ar? no remaining pubic had a go xl team of d>»gn. Ohio men have found in this department war with Spain. If ripain refuses i Brtr. ple w ho come to the city on steam c»rw tions, but the best the looms pro | id» « on? h» aiiow Why thr COW« simul I vrry little attraction. In the last sen lands in any of th? states ♦ f Nt w Eng < HRliKH’uM.I s f pay the indemnity which will s»ir«dv b* ar? sometimes similarly affected by the duce. Elegantly •gautly made, lined and | q / k nil FETs OF W» ITIN gpamr ate there was not a solitary Ohio rep land. in New York. Penrs* b*ia. New- demanded breausr of ilia blow up of the I m * krpi up, the otb«*r l> aiiuw why she visit, even unto this day.—Philadelphia Klondlk« Mining Conipuny / 7 ?.rt 10Think oi • rra« resentative on the committee of naval Jersey. Delaware. Marylari’. Vlr**;ria. finished Newest cut for Spi ing of . 1 in Press. Maine, then Mr Elkina may change ah«Mlld I m * al uWrd io run al laigr . > • . i . ti’.n ...«b«» of best quality Note Paper at this nnce-1 affairs, and such haa been the rule gen W» st Virginia. North Carc”ra. S uth 98 c.res-y, up to date \\ 1 make ream 2 ik ; ream lOc, at th« C oimicbo J^ K tondikr — Y iikoii Alining A Drvulup- i publishers .>f Ibis pa|M*r have main liin mind and l»r r^a<lv for m ( „hl erally. Ohio men have taken little pnrt Carolina, fleorg'a. Tenne««» ■ Kentucky Colore In Oar Cwrreaey. ing t.'u. o! Spokane, Washington l a** a you feel friendly towards our store, lain**«! Iroin hr fl at inat thr eny «hould \VANTEI» - TRUSTWORTHY AND in the affairs of the American navy as nr Texas. There nr? 25.fl<X>J oo acr< * of Nearly 1,200,000 pound» of color« are when you note this superior va ue 1 v v active gentlemen or ladies lo travel for Il la said that Mrs beoa or Tliurston pa a an ordinance prohibiting at's k public land in Ohio. 37.000 < ’0 in Flor cMpi ai ehek of |2. »00 00 • fully paid up admirals or comm oil ores. uaed by the United State« government re-pondl»l?, estahliehed house in <‘regor. ami r»<»n assessable. A b ock of $2n0 0*0 was overcome by the !»• art rending fr»»m running ida. 32.000.000 in Alabama. 2S.000.000 in ’argr in th? «treutg, and Yet it is a fart that the city of Cleve Men's correct Pantaloons— | Monthly l'û ami expenses. Position steady annually for printing pa |>er money, rev arenes shr wiltiraae-1 among Hi? rrron llhry liavr sr> hrrtli »‘«me of thr reas »1»? Louisiana. 30 000,00»? in M'-hirnn and ot I’rrasury at-x k is now offered h r -al? Kelerem e. Enclose >«eH-addressed sump« enue and ¡xiefage ataui|ie —Cincinnati land is now one of the largest ports of made in newest shape, the right I envelope The Dominion Company, Dept centra<l<M*M in • ub♦ aliicti c.i-i«*-l li»*r im ' for III.*' Iwlir* On the fir-t of commerce in the United States, and 34 000,000 in VVierorsin. Th? other pub a' 10 centa per «bar?. III doing so tlirrr ha Enquirer. finish and colorings Spring ideas Y, Chi’ ago. lic In nds «are in the western states and that, in the event of hostilities with April it will advance to 20 cent- per mediate drain She visllrd I hr leland lin' I m rn Hi«* l«*a»*t feeing on tiieir pari now ready for you and our usual any foreign country with which Canada in the territories. share. Invest now and double vonr in the Interest of hunianitv, but the Hgain»«l Olliers riiteriaining and expreas- A HOLE IN THE MOUNTAIN MONOGRAM STATION low range ol prices took part. Ohio would probably be on«* money in a few »lays. You can hold your shock proved Io great for her eon-til ut ion ing in Hi«« columns of Hi»« Cui hirr a con American Bunting. ERY. lV<>ad-ra of a C bt « Near Chattanoor» of the chief points, if not indeed the 1 hat I'UBBla Urulnxiitta. Young Men’s Suits—elegantly ir irv «»pillion We th llrvr that it is lor Imperative requisition* by the go\- job in the sunny climate of Southern < all at the UovaiF.aoA-t chief point, of attack. Another consid Ono of His greatrat living slate-ilirii ••’¡ in* most iMrculinr cave I ever MW, and see their xaniple« of tlir g<>M| the rilv in gNiieral. and I liai eration which Ims. perhaps, operated ernment authorities for the production (Jrrtfon and still make m«>nev in th? fro tailored garments-tbose pin checks, Monogram Stationery-the William E Gladsinn« ha» ps“sr<f brynd said n ( tiattnnooga man ton Wnshitu ia the rrasoi» why we advocate it to exclude Ohio from prominence in of bunting for navy flags ar? what in irn North through these men of means broken plaids, mixed grey effects best in the market. Thev tun • tur writer, “is on Raccoon mou any interest whatever in the great que-t sure the superiority so well known to and ei|M*rirnce. Cali and see me. the naval affairs of the country is this: supplied a large number of trousers, side pockets — loop for belt, I’I hmm w ho are on the other »ide of tile tain, m ar (’hattanoogii. It haa new ions that are agitating Hie public mind l»oxes for Chri-tnia*, and all who received The Naval academy has long been es characterize the American articlr. The J E. P etkrmun , Agent. very swell. Ranging in price from qursthm are entitled Io lie heard ami L*en xplrncd, ami no oue really kno\ them w ere delighted with ths paper. Mr. Gladstone is low and cannot* live Grants ¡'¡ am *, Ore . tablished ut Annapolis, Md.. as the Mili regulations prescribe that the fabric $5 50 to $8 50. We have many | thrir argument will b» (realm! with re v* I k <»r not there is much of a cm bv made entirely of wool of the best long al I m * n I, but his Ufr lias been a re tary academy has been nt West Point, Educate Your Dowels With Casesrsts I hr Ind nns have several Irfrends co? more nice for you and we Candy I» II Correct? spect . (’atl.artlc. cuir constipation forsw N. Y. The proximity of Annapolis to quality and/show no imperfections, the markable one for activity in public affairs 10c 26c. If C. C C fall. dr'urffiMK refund moMj will be delighted to show you them. Brio* arc given the name«, as far as M-riiii j it, and It Is r< markable that n weight to b? 5% pound« avoirdupois the states of the Atlantic seal ma rd has E ditor Cot bikm :-*Will you kindly - an I m * ascertained, ot those who own one ha» ever entered it. It wan aw, made Washington, though not a harbor, per piece of 40 yard?, of ten-’nch width, j tell us whu-her or nut it is proper to USe In Portland I livre ie no lack of candi poaed by the Indians tola* haunted, an« cows in th? city. Cliere mav be some the headquarters of those identified or the yarn to be evenly spun, the warp FOR SALE. date« •akimt Hie dear |M»rple to help “Sociable” as a noun lor a place of social there sre some gniFaonie tsJra tol dcairingto be identified w ith the Amer and filling to contain no le>s than 30 wbnge nainrs w? did not get. but will about it. Thr only o|M*ning yet dis tliein into office at the com. Ilk munlci gathering in preference to “social,” threads to the inch and the warp two- V<H< SALE - A SMITH - PREMIER ican navy, and Ohio men have not gladly give thrill if some one will fur covered is on top of the mountaiD. 1* 1 typewriter for sale cheap in good pal election. It ia aafe Io aat that liter, sought undue distinction either at the ply, with one-ply filling, properly ' which Is mor? exclusively an adjective, condition. Enquire at this oiiice. niali thriii The reason win this list is hn« 1 een Bounded with n Hoe of ronsUt are not leea than five for each office, Inn academy or at tea. It is worthy of note twisted; further, a tensile strength is a> d comes from “suciiis,” a comparison? imbliahrd is to answer thr on? argument « ruble kn.'Tth without finding a bottom I.’OR SALE- M HORSES. FOCR U M the maximum number no man dvre trv that this exception is, in fact, the only required of 65 pounds for th? warp» Crabb's synonyms, Webster’s Interna I her wagons, 4 sets of harness, bean H>M far pr<nlured against Hie »»rilinancr, to th? (hninbrr through the roof conspicuous one of the diffidence of and 45 pounds for the filling, in test lional, the ’ Standard” and Encyclope te tell. It ia Io lie hoped that Portland which the O|r?nlng exists. 77ier? is r and light, one light wagon, also ranch two pieces two inches wide. Th? colors! i r., **The |MM»r wi«l«»w or rra* poor people Ohio men when it coni/« to office-hold »ill do aa aome other place in the alate miles from Grants I’as.-», l(i0acres. 30 acre» constant roaring souud, like the win'1 I must be as “fast” as it is possible to | die diciionarie- give it. the preference, do rannot affonl it.” Ilrie 1« the list, and ing in the United State«. There has under fence. 6 in orchard. 2 »mall houNi S chool B oy . I •hould do at tliair next municipal elect soinrtme» makes. It dor« not seer make them, and not liable to be se ihey not? and barn , easy terms.—J. VV. Holmes,three been no lack of Ohio men in military af -»ur city rrad-TM mav lo »k Hi? matter up like water. an«l 1« undoubtedly cause«’ ion», and that la to rid Itcrwlf of her miles south of town. Mriclly speaking, you are correct, but fairs or in the war department.—N. Y. riously nffectedi by l>eing soaked con- ■ l »r llirins»*lvrs to sea how many of thr by R'r circulating in the immense hole tinuouslv for 24 hours in fresh water you must rememlmr that the American worthleaa official» They are like leeclre» Run. pOR SALS FA R MING IM PI F.MENTK • a nrr««»( c <» wm are in realitv poor wi»i* in th? mountain. There are no vol ■ and then thoroughly washed in water people are faat travelers, and it is very to hang on and will not down until the A household goods and stuck consistingof canic indications, «nd the cave is a puz » wm <»r real poor people Nine-tenth»» of with which is combined'a good grade I horsSB, cattle and hugs. Cheap for cask people apeak, hut the people are aome PERSIMMONS IN SEASON. dilli< nil for authors to adjust their dic zle to geologist«.** We have ordered a large stock of en w ith privilege of renting a ranch at Jeronw Hi»* real p »»»r poop e of the low-it io not of laundry soap. Every stripe and de time» alow to a|reak out in tone« which tionaries ¡to fir the usages of the people. velopes which wi*d arrive the last of the I’raine, 6 niiles southwest of Grants Eass The Demand for This Fruit Limited vice on th? flags made of this superb Keep cows have no uncertain »mind. Inquire of (». W. Bolt. Grau is Pass, Ore. Mor« Than Flat ter «4. Hera, lint Incrraalna Blowly. I material ar? measured with the most The word rocial, by standaid authors, is week, and in buying in large quamites Own No Ocru- A rather amusing story is told of Ad Moat of the persimmons consumed , perfect geometrical accuracy, and th? u-e I a*« an .adjective, but common cue- Hom« Name. Cows, patlon. we are able lo get better prices, so we HEAL ESTATE. vocate Auret, one of the Johannesburg here come from Florida. There was a ! stars are put on so carefully and evenly Lord Salisbury is sick and not able tn Yer t mi, which ia a few year« in advance, so will give you the benefit. We will print 1 truckman N E M Grew attend to the affairs of state when his Mi h ('haiiH-v VALUABLE PROPBRTY FOR SALK Y.r reform Icadera. The advocate was on time when some persimmons from that when the flag is held up to the to speak, of authors, uses the word as a 1 widow your name and address on 100 envelopes ’ A num tier of splendid bargains are Yes bad oud waa walking along Commission Staten Island, in this slate, were sold light the stars, w hirh are made «if mus 1 ti A St.mard h <nd to p »int the wav is m'*l needed nonn The dictionaries which will l»e for 40 cents or in 1030, 2000 or 5 MX) lot- lifted below. For information inquire of er street, near the Rand stock exchange, 1 pv'ieionrr here. The (»rrsimmons from the more lin and» put on both aides, appear to be The world is on th? ev? of, possibly the hilin Lay Price & Voorhies at the C ocbikb office. published ». »on, will g've the word as a with his wife, wheu lie was familiarly 1 widow H im Irimblv . at a big redu lion. northerly states arc ripened by frost, a pnrt of the fabric. The stars nre cut greatest struggle ever known find Eng F F »rove* Farm and city property for sal? Callon Y • n addroxed by a peculiarly diareputable- those from Florida and California by 1 earp»-iiier. no »n inorder to keep up wi»ti the hm t. When yo i want printed matter of an\ or write us for information. We can show w ith chisels out of bleached muslin laid land can Bl afford to I m * without Hi*»* A r Hiiii'li............ 1 CHpll l let . . Yes looking Kafir. The iiNtoinabrd advo the sun. The persimmon?, from the 30 thicknesses together on a large open kind call on the R ugi e R iver Cut kier . you >ome good bargains. 1 hlarkMinith the guiding hands ol sla’e. but de ill» s k Brii-on cate inquired of tLe grinning native the more northerly states are wild, those block.—Boston Transcript. I A 5-acoe tractof land; very rich soil; a Yr« 1 . nierehanl .V E D- an why and wherefore of the greeting, waits for no mail, it takes the g»raf a» goo«l bou.«e ami many conveniences close to from the southern states nearly all cul • I Tucker .... I mid cvptc- cd his impreiniqu tliat they tivated. Grant.1* I’as.«. This property at a bargain. well as llie low, without regard tn tin 1 cHromter . Y» ■ hud not met before. “Oh. yes. we huve,” »V S W idem in Ztornze of 11», In th. City. A 10 acre tract, about 2 miles from town; Persimmons of several varieties are DreeHMilies of tlo* hour. Complieation* ri«l Lirtrr Ye- 1 liven inan In the la«t two years there has been Did Not Cot Over the Weak, Lan retorted the imperturbable black, “we goodNoil; fair house; small fruits. 7 car repair* r now brought from Florida; the great 1 «r n«»n Yr« la the East and elsewhere demand tin ! Seven ami one half acres near th? city. A 4 capi alisi Y M wua in Pretoria jail together, bass, we est number received are of the Japanese a decrease in the number of stable fires i r ruffs guid Feeling-Terrible Itching and attention of Englands' greatest flirii sidewalk ail the wav to town ; a goo«i Isriri Mr. Auret felt more amused in New York city, and an even larger 1 ercli >n man Ys was!" lohn Uarr Thrice , Week Edition variety. The cultivated persimmon is Burning on Limbs and Hands. house ami out buildings; all out to a good Who will arise to steer Hie ship oi stat« • otlll llrtrkrlt. — proportionate decrease in the pecuni . Yr« than flattered. 1 HMddler less puckery thau the wild persimmon, variety of fruit. A very desirable location ‘ •After I had ty hoid fever, for a long safely to t»ort 7 ary losses resulting therefrom. This is Ye« 1 |Mtm«ionrr lohn I'airn k Karl'« rinv?r Roo« T?a. for Const!na and it grows larger. Some cultivated 100 a< res of good placer ground. Yea <bue in part at least to the law which time I could i.ut , ■■ the weak and 1 i»«i WaltrrM tim» its thr Brat, «nd if after using i* persimmons grow to be as big as good- languid feeling. 1 had ho app* tue and A beautiful home in Grants Pass contain 1 factory man \ e M M Ruininwg* . regulates the storage of hay. feed and The tax payers of Portland at the a»» v»Mi dnnt sev sc. return th? narkag? and sized oranges. was taken with a i«ri. ¡e itching, burn The World has IX ¡m»t?« a weak; 156 ing 3 acre* out to a goo<1 variety of fruit;» V A < toodlllHII 1 straw . By this hew steps must be taken g<»o«l dwelling and other building*» ' heap nusl meeting in Ian. appoin rd a com 1 A few persimmons come from Florida Yr? get your monev — W F. Kremer. 1 .truckman t T End man papers a rear, to make the building more or les, fire ing heat on my limbs and hands. 1 was and on good terms. initle of three to rxauiinr in'o the eon Ye? in th? spring, but the great supply 1 phiMtrrrr . rank Eastman treated fur a long time, but I did not proof. No loose or unhale.1 hav or We l av? in this citv a bouse ami ht. The Thrice a-Week Edition of Th? New Dvspepsia Cure«! ShBob'a \ itabzer comes in the fall, In-ginning at al»out \ r|» tract of the American Book Co. with th» Ferry .................. 1 get any better. 1 could not eat or sleep. York World is iir*t among all “weekly pa I<»t 55x170 feet, on which are I »earing ¥••? imm«*rii«h*lv relieves M »nr Stomach the middle of September and lasting un straw may be stored in any tenement A friend ad\ ised me to try »' • •e»l ('»Ivig 1 lawyer stole, io see if there is not a possibilitv ol s Sarsa pers in *ize, frequency of publi ation and fruit trees apple, peach and nectannt YrH C«»n In? tip f Fond Di-trr««. and i« «he til about the last of November. The house. Of baled hay. a quantity not ex It YaiiH? 1 the contract's lietug broken It is said truningM A l>«an 1 Will trade for ceeding 25 bales, and of baled straw, parilla, and 1 procured a bo. Jo a. d began th? frv'hn?**. accuracy ami vauety of ii«* A barn and gn<»d w.iter Y es great k dnev an«! liver remedy. Hold bv contents. It ha- all th? merit- of a great persimmon is not fit to eat until it is 2 that the committee will noon l»r read* to 1 \ Jennings not. exceeding 15 bales, may be stored, taking it. In a h w cl =» 1 hit better and 1»; daily at the price of a dollar weekly. Its a gixsi span of horses and take th? dif 1 . insurance Y»- p —W F Kremer, dead ripe, and after that it spoils rap ference in rash nr something ?!■?. could eat and sic» ’ >. 1 continued taking political ne< * prompt complete, accu ate but no more. No feed, bay or straw rawh»»d 1 make its report which will I m (•» Hi< Hhiloh’s Consumption Cure cur?» idly; it is very susceptible to handling.' d i it ’ ¡1 I was entirely and impartial a- all its readers will te-ti v VCR R \LE WE John \ Ikitt . . . 1 ....................... may lie kept under any stairs in any Hood s Rar p t i |; TOR 111 effect that the contract can I m * annulle I It h against the monopolies ami for the where other» fail It is the leading Itipr fruit, if it is to be sold at all, must tenement house, and ail lights used cured.” Mi t it Mi-Grew 1 ... ............. v. ry . Bergen, N. Y. * this week a place of five acres of verv • The enormous price Hie people are o»»tn be sold at once. In the earlier part of I rough cur?, and no h«»tne »hould l»ewi»h rich soil near Grants Pass, sidewalk leadM d Balier 1 “ My little . I is a n o t blind, owing It prints th? new« of all the world, having must be peotected by wire cloth g’obes polled to pay for school books in thi > • • nut it Pleasant to take and g*»e» righ* to the season, with a plentiful supply In 1 blackamitb 'ini Ii U«»»k We resorted to special corresdondence tn>m all important into town This place has on it a food or eyllndera or lantern«. No smoking toascroful - tr • . ?. dwelling, some good iruit trees of dirterent 2 track walker Ye- the market, and the demand, as it ia. •like (iwlviti state ia evidence that Hie |»eople'a rep the spot RoW by W F Kremer is to be allowed. All stoves must be Hood’s Sar«i a ’’a enl to‘ay her eyre news points on the globe. It has brilliant kinds. Thi» place at a bargain for part I 2 dam man comparatively limited, persimmons are regulative« who made it possible toi It 1 Laniar are p*»rfc ■. •’an‘she 1st eplctureof illustrations, stories by great autho.s, a 1 ash ami balance on time. Call on, or protected by a sheet or sine or iron un •’e« 1 1 1'igiruy capital humor page, complete market*. de often very cheap here, and they may be Bucklen s Arnica Salve _ the American Book Company to get sue B c . •• «-y, SCI W st 61st partment» for the household and women’s write to Price A V oof M m . derneath and by a portable sheet- health.’’ t> IT Mil l| Yr- 1. hotel man sold on the East aide. The Brat Salve ia the world for Cuta Street, N» w \ * Y. a »Inch on the people. were dishonest o work, and other special departments of un- I-1 iron jacket surrounding and inclosing KALI A SMALL BUT CliOlCt 1 l< -b' Bout Ii Bruises,Sores,Ulcers Salt Rheum K» ver u-u »1 interest to all cla*s?M of reader-. The persimmon is highly esteemed by at least three-quarters of the stove. farm three miles front town, contain- I ill 1» flMtlil 1 clerk they did not p *ar»*H sufficient ••»mm«n Rorrs, Telle*, Chapped Hands Cini We mier thi-unequ tiled newspaper and ing 32 acres, mostly rich, river Inittom connoisseurs. It Is sold in the very There were 4.649 stables in the city of 1 •1 >11111 II sense torn hie them to pass intelligent th? R ogov Rtv«a < ovkdr together one land blain»,Corns and ell Skin Erupt io. .1» and A part of it is braver «tarn land, finest of fruit stores, and late in th? New York at the date of the last re H Price . . 1 edi’nr oi KIKH Yea year to new or old >ubscril»er> who pay ;*o»itivly cures Piles or n«» pay required ialh adanted to raising vegetable* upon the subject. That too much i* K •!»' M«’kun 1 mi t*t?r Y es senaon fine persimmons command a port ai.d 73,746 horses.—N. Y. Sun. I* sold by all dr *ts. Price ft; s i f<»r on? year in advam-e, at the ruiall -urn of I here ¡ m on (he place a tine peach and It is guaranteed to give |M*rf?rt satisfac paid (or school btoks g »?• without sa» Yen 2 rugit err H I'ad lock. prune orthani this place is offered for Hon or monev refused. Price 25c in*r high price, selling frequently for half ■ ■ n>|t ar-f’.s o» ’y p’Hto U » ................. 4 .engiiirti , . . . Y va iug, but the I look company is not * UWig 'ale simply because the owner cannot as much ngnin as tine oranges But Try schilling a Beat tea au. baaing powder. b«i. For Sale By W. F. Kremer. |1()(X1 S Pl IIS H.ib Hood à äarsapwritla otH n ’ * 1 ’ * or iern,s enquire at tbia ♦•ven .it such pt ues if is doubtful if the Splendid Spring Ideas H W $12 00 H Sawyers’ Novelty Suiting. $11 00 The Eagle Bicycle 1 P. H. Harth à Son Clothing, Men's Furnishings, Hats, Fine Shoes, Trunks and Valises----------- After Typhoid Fever And the COURlFR’oronly S2.00 Hoc R. L. COE & CO. R. L. COE Just Returned From the Eastern Markets - WITH - CAR LOADS OF NEW GOODS. For $35 and $50