I b or boi Til EKS O keuos VOL XIV GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH .-4, is.,s. ROBERT G SMITH I ATTORNEY O I » ¿♦•ra l‘o*>I goes out lo his school or » k on his bi* %< !e in about on a ti morning Up to-date photographs only at the Carbon Studio, opp court bouse, Grants Paas NO. 20 — Com nui n i cations d wo bv a Mjiia’l and was sinking, he ami a committee was sent to Springfield cd’rd alt hands to muster, and ordered by the National Convention to inform A. th *m to sing the **tar Spauglod Banner him officially of his i> rninatoin. some P aetk-ra in all '!»'• an . ur'« w-«icb thev <iid with th«* greatest coat ol. b/i I • Bicvch*“ are •» » i • of th« rich neighÎMjrs sent several Cm v»m guess b«»w man» people in '»®n nvwr Fir«i National Rank. 0 «1 of a number ot our vessels, and A Ip < - i* • «- ui ble on ■ ** A’rr iov ii will lie riding P tvniv bicyt lv> br- XuY.rl l>l -c’lptiiit' ami Etiquette. 1 >1 it >11 se m R hi Thu regular meating* of the W.C. T. bottles of champagne with which to liaan's I'aaa. - O biooh British, then* wa« but one saved, and U. of Grants Pass, are held the first treat the coining committee. Now cam« i‘ >re J uoe 1*1 ? L*t»l H-O^QP Mi chell Lewi-» jfc >tav *r U » rtatlis it VIcGr* g»»r t*r* •»» Wuh in • persAtna* ♦ x;fo rienev an«i ob When Friday in each month, at 3 P. M. at the the tint of Ixttle, the teat of principal! MlO s repaired al tiack» » > Portland. Of P. I Ridings who rneides near Mar« servation while in Hie naval arrvice, I lha was au English cruiser J-JBNRY L BENSCN, she passed the ship where the sailors Baptist church. Thu mothers meetings What <iiii he do? Why, like a true Keekers nite gold know that they ma» quam, Clackamas <mmty, r»|K»rts the Guid-dust casbe«i 41 ('lame H«os are Hehl on the second Thursdav in each will write a few lines which mav be <»f Were singing, thev gave the American monthin the parlors of the Presbvterisn moral hero, lie sent the bottle* back, anil I m * d>*appoLited. but seeker« af’er heal I finding a ledge of <lecntnpt»sed qnartz t<n I ATTORNEY AT LAW EAGLE 8ICYCLEX *T C .AMEK BRO interest to those who ire not familiar toys three cheers fur their bravery. it 4Ke tl »<»d'H >ars tparilla with the u church, A cordial invitation is extend informed his wine bibbing neighbors that his farm, that yields IS j»er ton in gold. with the strict discipline that governs PMptK-r» in all Court, ol the «latr. Father D*-»insrais m* ie hi-u-u. ri:> was iin|MMM»ible for Hie Eugluhmen to cd to all to l»e present. Mothes •spec- when lie wanted liquid fire to treat motM confidence that it will do then The ledge is easy to work and Mr.Ridings the officers and crew on board a man-of- USIce over First National Bank, 10 lliis div Mindly render any assistance, for a moment's ially invited. hi» guests with, he would let them w imlerful good. will put in machinery tucrush (he quartz. war ii*A*r’a I’***, " bisun . If you a 41.t your hair < »ii <u 1 von. delay meant sure death. H eaving- know. Noble, manly, God like! Tbit Rev J I t’ru’.chfirld ha. been labor. We are anxious 'o do a little g<M»«| in To those who have b«jen brought 111» trv Mr4iie*t«»r Bros > x 1» >t In ease of war with a foreign country one act was the key which op-ned tl»o ing with an attack of La Grippa for a this world andean think of no pleasanter from l>»yhood in the service, discipline Lo, I'm a weaver, and each day door lo the temple of hi. beautiful char bthur p harth I h« Op* ra ii »u e 1. . u> * I ’ uinner of days, and of a iun>eq'ienee or better wav to do it than bv recom anti etiquette are part of their natvre. It it is to the naval militia ami to loy al The threads of life I spin ; TI iih acter. Abraham Lincoln was a hero. iieaiiquarter b*r ti*« ► 1» • <u m. aaw unrtb'e to fill h a appointment last mending One Minute Couth Cure as a w onld be as ditHcult for the greater por men we look to recruit the navy \nd be the colors What they may. DOCTOR nF HENTtl. >l’K -EK > is a point you should al wavs keep in He dared to do ri<ht. He did noble ser want tu ge» — th* be«*« >unday at Provolt 1 still must weav? them in. preventive of pneumonia, consumption tion to give the definition or the terms mind, and if by any mischance a civil vice, not only for freedom, hut for teni- Oflc over First N donai Hack, You cannot pies r.lx- »pei* by Monday morning at the depot, jiKt »- and other serious lung troubles that of discipline, as it would lie for them to war should break wut upon us, 1 think With morning light there cornea 111* imrance. Hi. son Ted, was a chip of the linio» rille or b> th«» 'h«»U and 1 «.uh «see i> the .rain pulled out, there was a pugilht follow neglected t*olds.— W. F. Kremer .give an insight into your methods of car U ba MT’ k C am , thought. you can safely say that the navy will be old block. Like his own father he was he peculiar, and net*«is »«pecialh u«ij is e 1 eih outlier between John Abbott and rying on huainesf in civil life, but after Aa I my ta«k begin— mil the government, right or wrong. roic forth» right. Hs bogun a temperance len>cH iu obtain 'he best re-uH» I rui Washington Lett r. veers in the service, and travel to differ •eorg** Hartman over some private at N«»w as loetiqaette in the navy. There My le>rii to me new thread» haa brought, youth. When traveling in Europe will, JJ C. PERKINS, !iob e fils glasse» Ou s« iriiunc prim ipk > lair. ent countnea, politeness l»ecoines second Abbott »lapped Hartman, and A ik I bid» me "weave them in.” The Spani“h Wag must go’ is something more o it than the mere Boiled hie mother, he wa» frequently offered nature to them. the compliment, Ex-superintendent <». A Suva.«- c I um ?M Hart man returned down, that is the univer al sentiment in raising oí the caps, and the outward sometime« he gives me threads of gold, wine to drink l>r the daughter« «< nobles U 8. DEPUTY 1 can only hoi»e to give a general idea a very succesutul term oi scnool in the alien tlie lUo clinched and down they congress. There are dill' rent opinions »bow of politeness; it is the difference and king«; but never yielded—aiw.lv« MINERAL SURVEYOR. D:mick district be «»w town last F i hiay, aem, Abbott falling on top. but George To brighten up the day ; as to how, but there is a general rgrve- of the nJiitury relation of officers among »lie pass to constituted authority, an- Then somber lints, ho bleak, so cold, aaving, "I thank you I signed tin» pledge and will comm* nee a tiiree molliti R gave him the flop. Friends parted them ment that the end must I m * the driving themselves, and with the men under O b *« on hority derived from the government- L when a boy. ami do not wisii to break it G butt » B am , dial change the gold to gray their charge. term in Jone»’ district April 4. and the recorder fined them each |2.50, the Spanish flag out of Cip a. A week is not the man to whom we are polite, it now.” This was moral heroism—moral Ever since sea going has been a means His love, alas; I oil forget, A. N. Soliss, the democratic attorney and that ended the program. Next! ago, there was some doubt as to whether courage. Would that all our boys »nd is the office and rank which have been 'pHOMAS SMITH, When these dark threads 1 spin, from Jacksonville, was in the Pa-s Sun For Coustipation take Karl’a Clover thia sentiment was field by Fresiti- nt Mc of hvehbootl, d scipline on board ships ‘«inferred m»on him by a higher power young men would imitate hia noble ex has l»een regarded as brutal In m»n» i'hat cause me grief and pain, but yet ample—National Advocate day night, putting up his fences lor ihe R >ot Tea. the great Blood Purifier. Kinley, but his actions inc»‘ congress han either. It is hard to give all tin He bids me ‘weave them in.” UNDERTAKER. distn« t attornev ship Soliss, it app ars ' ures Headache, Nervousness, Eruptions unanainonsly appropriateti I’ j OO >0.0 >0 cases this is too true, but mv own ex iltle niceties of naval etiquette, but a There w more Catarrh in thi*« suction is going to make a fight to the fini-b lor on rhe lace, and make« the head clear as lor him to spend al his discretion in pre periem e has shown me. that under tie w will perhaps lie of interest to you. tod so iny shuttle awiitly tiles, present rules an I regulations, there i* of the country than all other diaeanee O regon this office. a beB Sold by W F Krvuier 1 paring for national defense, have i>een G rants P ass , rin« junior alwavs salutes the senior, With 'breads lx>th gold and gray ; put together, and until the last few those of a man wh<> expects to fight, ami Happiness. »Inch should al wavs be relurued, how tud on I toil, till daylight dies, vears was suppvsed to l»e incurable. Numerous tbdiuitions of discipline ar« the «lelight expresse I over the prepara ever exalted the rank of the senior, or And lades in night away. For a great many years doctors pronounc tions for war. which are now visible on given in the dictionary, but these tww l iwly th it of the junior mav be. Of Oh, when luy day of toil is o’er, are sufficient f«>r our eonsi«leration. ed it a local disease, and prescribed every hand, allows that th«* country*« ficial intercourses bet w eeu officers should BEE HIVES And 1 shall cease to spin, 1st: Elih’ttion, development local remedies, and by constantly fail and fighting blood is up, which adds a little oh courteous and grave, and the junior I I I I I I II lisa’ll open wide my Father's doer, training of the fa<* iltfei by instruction ing to cure with local treatment, pro to the certainty of war. According to BEE SUPPLIES should bear in mind that if his senior And but me rest within and exercise, wlieihe* physical, mental nounced it incurable. Science has prov the general belief, it is now only a ques smietiiivs does wrong, it is with the or moral. en catarrh to be a conalitutioHal disease tion of how and wliere the fighting mil «nental reservation that he can an«l will i'here, »ufe at home in heavenly light, 2d: Punishment infiieied by » ay <4 ami therefore requires constitution a begin. How vivar y 1 shall see »•all the other swiftly to account (or correction a*i<! training. treatment. Hail's Catarrh Cure, man Although secretary Long has again de Milts committed Tile colors should be That every linead, the dark, the bright, ilhM tu’-ed by F . *1. Cheney A Co., Toledo, The qu *stion is whether fear of pu-■ Surely had lived to be! nied the renewed statement th t the “altited in coming on bond diip and on ishmvnt or hope of reward is a greater —[Our Young People. Ohio, is the only constitutions! cure on president has been informe«! of the na- leaving; also on coming on deck, or incentive to duty, the market. It is tak< « internally in Th'» qneation ha- WILLIAMS, ORE. tme of the report tiiat will be tn.ide by when they are hoisted or hauled down, Th« loss of life caused bv the recent doses from 10 drops to 11 teaspoon fill. It liven difeusse« in every debating ».M'ii t. the naval court of inquiry, there is no i’lie Hvnior gets in a boat last,and is first dimater in Havana llarlior is a national acts directly on the bhxxl and mucous sin«e tiiev were first organized, ami I doubt that the president, in common »ut. unless he imy have gouty toes, calamity; that caused every year through surfaces of the system. They offer |H»0 have been on b >lh sides in mv «<•!»«»•» with almost vvervb«»dy ptse, is fully sat a iicii be wdl signify ins dioico. Iu a Breeder and Importer of drink is infinitely greater.—Outlook. for any case it fails to cure. Send fur boy days, and have «telivered what Icon isfied that the report will be tiiat »he ex ■»»at the junior salutes firat, the c«»x ITALIAN QU'ENS AND BEES circulars and testimonials. Ad«lress siderv«! convincing arguments, bill afle« plosion was on the outside of the Maine. 1.liu always rising (*»r hissaiuie. dark A. u»u«lly ueciir», ihr foil«:!' word hum F. J. CtiENl de CO , iuiedo/O. all, evv'i handed justice seems best, !•>« Writ« for ’rices Of course he cannot act until the officiai ire tossed or trailed for a flag officer, ilio Semuiol« dlairicl, 1» tu thu effect timi Sold by druggists, 75c. g >ot| discipline Punishment swiit and Hall's Family Pills are the host. re|K>rt is made, but h * can get ready to 1 «I lav ou oars for oiti *er of command- Ilio uprising w»»dim to whiskey. Unilnd hack up his action, and tin* he is doing. sure following a fault and the knowledge ug rank. The starboard side of the States Marshal Brnnelt »a»: "The Everyl»o<lj' Say« Hu. Every ship that can possit»|y l>e made that il is to be expected after due invet* quarter deck is sacred to the command* whole trouirl« la i.ue to whiskey anil Cascar«;'« Candy Cathartic, the must won* ligation of tin* offense by constitute« use of in a war with 'pain is beii g care derful medical discovery of the age. p eaa- ng otfirer, and officer of deck or watch ibout ninety percent of the crime* com authority, is surely a detriment from (pit. ami refreshing to the taste, oci gently* McGregor Bron ’ fully looked alter bv naval experts, ami Everybody reports to the officer of deck, milted down in that country can be and positi' rly on kidneys, liver and bowels, oiher faults, and a reward fo.* duly well cleansing the entire system. dispel colds, every manufactory with a plant forinak vhen leaving or coining on boar«! ship, naced directly lo the same cause — Out Guaranteed cure licatlaclir, fev«»r, habitual constipation tug guns an i ammanii ion, has rec eive«! and faithiullv done. stating by whose permission, the execu look. INCORPORATED and biliousness. Please buy and try a box Ex iinple sirikes all hum in hearts, an * of C. C. C to-day ; io, 23. 50 cents. Mold and assurances that «he government will,ui« tive officer, or the captain, that he mav it mav be set down as an axiom that ii> Mrs. L. M N. Stevens, vice president guaranteed to cure by all druggist#. til further notice, buy everything in that leave th»» ship. The party failing to do my military organization the subordi al large of the National W.C. T. (T, and line they* can make. so is subject to a Nummary court martial. The American medical mission in the MANUFACTURERS OE therefore next in rank to Miss Willard The only actual enlistments yet I h ing nates l«rok to the superior for example^ It is a discipline one becomes used to suburb of Chung Ming Fu province of \ 11 ollicet to govern a division of mei in that society , has also been president made are of men for the two new aitil- in course of time. It tea« lies von lo be Szo Ch wan, on the Yang Tae* Kiang, ha» Cooling and invigorat lerv regiments, authorised by congress, is required lo show in himself a good 1 x exact in everything, and to lie regular in of the state of Maine for fifteen years been attacked by n mob. The native ing to the Scalp; Pre and of men tor the navy, but the war de iimple *>i virtue, honor, patriotism and vour habite; there is a given time for and has never had a dissenting vote at medical Htudente have been maltreated vent« the Hair from fail ing out; remove.“ and partment is getting together arms, am mi I» c -hna:ion. Just aa sure as the otli everything. an<I you are to do it corrwt her election* Thia is one of the most re ami one murdered. prevents Dandruff. markable facts in the anuah of women’s munition an I accon reim nts for 100,0 i0 «•er of any organization is shiitlcss an«! Iv or not at all It teaches a man to be This preparation in men, so that there will be no delay in ignorant or negligent of his duties, jus. kind and coiirt«*(>us to all whom lie work and shows theexceedi' g poise and 4 sold um der a positive Some men are afraid i rust worthiness of Mrs. Steven's nature. guarantee—if not ¡»er getting an army together at short noi n*<>, tti u tne will t!.«• «ten ot the command »mes in contact with, whethor on duty 4 ef death, some are wetly satisfactory re show it, and the body ot men will h« Sl|e Ims one of the best balanced judge as s»M)ii as the first « ail for volunt« *rs in or off. not. Most of ua turn the bottle and <et 4 menlM that any woman, (or man eitbei would rather not meet your money back. issued. How soon that will be will de come a disorganized and undisciplined With these i«»w lines of discipline y u 4 mob. tile grim destroyer to DIBKCTtOXS: pend upon citcuinNlanees. We are al wi II perhaps be able to form some idea lor that matter) has munifested on m day. We would rather Apply thoroughly to The comm m ling officer m ty awai . I large scale Mrs. Stevens, nlthougi 4 ready going ahead too fast lor Spain, nt what is expected of the enlisted men. put it off until tomor the roots of the hair punishiiieiits m the way of directing con ardent for Pothibilion, was appointed b» which 1» now showing nil anxietv lo de row, or until next 4 every two or three days, C B. PKkKIN«, linement 111 irons not to exceed a period rubbing briskly. the republican governor as a managi i jVar. Mere wishes do lay matters. Yoeman U.K. navy. 4 not count for much in Shake the bottle. Bridge Wotk. Bolts, Rods, Iron Shutters, of the woman’s departnn nt of the Co Señor Polo, the new Spanish minister, of ten days, deprivation of liberty on the matter. A man 4 shore, ami extra duty aboard ship. If iinibia Exposition and a membei of Un wbo has just been presented to the pre-- rSKFABKD ST Cells, Window Guards, Doors, and may not want to die. McGREGOR BROS. He niay not want to To cleanse the system in a gentle and National Board of Churniea and Cor ident, is either ignorant of the ni»nation, the offense wirrarits, the senior officer BABkMR. be tick, lie may wish has done her usua 4 or is making a gigantic diplomatic binff mav have th * ac;*use«i brought before a truly lieiieticiai manner, when the rections. She and hope and pray Grants Pass, Or. 4 to make us th nk he is Hist think ol summary court miriial, which can 'pringfime come*. iimc the true and her thoroughgoing work in a way that ha that he will not lie \------------------- the nei ve ef the man, now when the award various panis iin -uts reaching a* tec; remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the gen- M-ciirrd the universal cenlidvnce ol goo« one or do the other, 4 opinion is universal that Spain’s la«( high as tbjrtv «lays s litary confinemen: •line. Manufactured bv the California people. Indued, it is not too much h but wishing and hoping won’t help him. 4 It is what he does, and tv t what he (INDEM’E "GLUTTED. bold on Cuba is bound to bo orokeu in on brea 1 ami w r- r, wth full rations at Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all hav tiiat for many years she has etoo« wishes that serve his purpose. If a man 4 CORLE'! a!«<l limes. an<| in irons. But it 1* druggists, at 5(1 cents par bottle. side by side with Gen Neal Dow in th- ESTIMATES FURBISHED............ the near future by intervention on the is losing flesh, and is nervous, irritable, usual to refer such sentences to tlie me«I 4 love ami confidence of the temperam « sleepless and debilitated, he m.iv wish lie part of the United States,eit hei peacab’y i« al officer for common* as to the effect would get w 44. ’ t one Ixdtfe of Dr. hosts in Maine, — Union Signal. or by for« e, in giving out a column new - Pierce’s Gohlen Medical Discovery will on the health ol the accuse«!. A genera paper interview in which he enlarges do more than an oc< -ui of wislit . If a No l”’-rmanent >1 miKlpMl 11** fori» — OF — court martial may award al>out any pun Anti fit with the best. upon the success of autonomy in Cuba, man is on the wav to consumption, he Vt title Ihr Halooil L a «( m . Arwwww w V should make a stop as quickly as pos SOUTHERN OREGON. which everyb<xly in Washington kn«jw-l ishments that a civil court ran, even For Sale by sible. He should put on brakes. He There will certainly be no perinanei death, r»r a s a(e*l 1**1111 at hard lalmr to be a failure, and become enthusiastic needn’t t»e afraid he luw consumption if municipal reform ho long as Ainern GRAMER BROS over the reciprocity treaty, which he i a prison or penitentiary in anv st hr will do the right thing- if he will tolerates the saloon. Men who ki>o designated bv tbe secretary of the naw I say» he expects to aid the delegates ot just take the right medic ine. Tlie “Gold rim Powderly• how ¡»oliticai compaigns are manage Th«* firs' care of an ideal officer shoal« en Medical Discovery” cures incipient Receive drpoeito subject to check or *>1 the autonomy cabinet ot Cuba in nego- | Die nomination of P. V l’owd* rly. a- in municipal affairs will not accept h an«l well developed cuns’.’.mption. Con be the men under his (*ou>m «nd ; tbeii certificate payable on demand. DEALER IN Hating with the United States. If N^ri- ' sumption is a germ disease and a bloo«i if« 1 mmigration rommi«Ni«mer, wa« confirm- nomination which by eommon custon Bilie right drafts on New York, San Fran <»r Polo really ux|»e<*is to do a« he says ! health, comfort atid huppim-ss, disease. 'ihe “Golden M«<lirid Dis e * by Hie Minute in executive session by makes t b»*in the prey of every !>*< shoald be to them a gunle, counselor an«i •tova aad Put land. covery” kills tire germs and pun ties the he does, the inwide of Ins head would 4 vote nt 43 to 20 Senator (/'handler « Higer We have known reform cao n blood. It increase* the appetite, helps hit transfers «old on all points in make a fine study for a specialist in I friend ; he sliould nev«*r send them wher« digestion, m ikes nssimilauou perfect, the only republican yoiing ugAinsi dale« for judicial bi-nrhe* who ware with ■ (i m-<• t , in m H c.isr . a States. brain disease Nuiiody b.ames Seiior j he would n< ■ ’ and so builds up soli(lt wkoiesotHr flesh. •• mfi« iiihi ion, whi«« a large nuruoer of out a »'tain upon their names or a vic lea1. rt wb Attention given to Collections an« Hundreds of i ratrful people afflicted Polo any more for talking alsml impos* iem x-rAia voted for Powderly. Ph« vole of which they could I m - accused. Ind iron le«lge or ph pun re* of our customer«. with consun «.lion, brow uial, throat and .-¡ble treaties than lor being “ » c«,rk •• ne | was precede ! by a rather sharp d«»bate, bar to bar lhat thev might win the vol* kindred disease®, have testified that it portion ■ >f i Oollaetion“ made throughout Souther* that neither Spain nor the Unite«! Miai a has actuary sivr ! their lives. For the in which the question whether Powderly of the »lurne by free tw-er Nothing *« in Ov*<tMd on all acceasible pointe. wan war; it is the business of a diplo- sake of the information they contain, narf ma le a trade with the republicau*« apeakcM to in the degradation of pohti« the J. D. FRY, président. some of these letters have been included mat lo preten«! lo believe wl.at he knowr m t|>< last campaign whs discussed <piite as this. In many of our cities i lie >aii J. T.<UF FH. Vice Prvrident. thev in Ih*. Pierce's Common Sense Medical to Ire unirne. Every article sold warranted as represented. Farm Produce t iken irueiy •«•nab r« Pallt-r and St wart at- R. X B ooth . < ashier baths Indore a municipal election mi Adviser, a thousand page, illustratevi Nearly every «Jay brings a and ou receipt in exchange. t e i e.| Powderly’* record on the financial “imply pandemonium let loose. Hie bock, which will be seut of twenty -one (21) one-ci Ht •■’.! Jps to more or less elaliorate actheme WHII»» q 'r-tion, and Senator Stewart read a w bartender |M>nes an the director of Amer O. PHKBY L C. VAN F.XXE pay for mailing im/v. Every family »Oxt of intervention m Cu *a by [ ie r IfUi P w h riy. wrilhii «luring ican d’-Mliny. There is no candidate tin- should have 11 copy for rt wdy reference ernriirnl liefofe ihe public, I» ft- -I ___ «'Ampaigh 01 18112, in w hicli lie declared lordly to do him obeisance, Bel ween in caw of sudden sickn >s or a< Menta. (lent »McKinley’s sc.hwmw. it he t h a iliereiicif to the < » u - f * of bimuiahsui rival parties 1« consciously holds the World's Diiq*» tisarv Medical Association, 11 Main Street, Buffalo, N. V. is still unknown. l'tie laiesi a and ienoilm « m I th«’*u of the lats>r elmn* balamu of power. Hie Royal sceptre is hink Opp. Court H omo I ha1 tiie United Stales shall de d of nt wI10 had aligmsi tliem«*elves on tlie ' a ta-er fau< et. By a nod he makes >r un- '• word | ootii the Spaniards and the Cubans thst republican aid* aa rendering ilieniMlve« maki*H th» credit of cities whose mnlii* are a »• m»n ; ii«>«tiiities cease, and that some son <>t rn the liable to the charge ot hrilrery. Stewart ■ Hid*« a ho once lime constituted an wtn» All Work an arraiigeiiH-nt tie m ule whereby I he «‘intended that Powderly ha«i placed pire. Shu’ up the « a I oum from the «lay I Cuban» are io cunVrol <1104, ani lo re Finished in from him-ell in exactly Hie category in which ; •>(the firnf cam us until the election ir main nominally under control of Spain ii« had previously nougu' to place otlierw I decided ami municipal p>liti< H woiild 3 to 6 Days. I Tiie advocates of this s«*hem? ihink it an by Ion (ourae in the champaigri of lb'.Hi. r-dorm themselves. Ho long as the «a» ail around <•> >«' on*. lH , < n i'«»- it w iiid n. Regardless of Headquarters for "Mr Pow«!erly,” lie sal 1, **<*ame to us I ioofi flour aland« ajar ai every corner acrepieii by hpain, and because 11 would OF ALL KINDS ol hi* own a««r»rd and without any so- ' the street tiie affairs of cities will prob« the Weather. obviate Hie necessity of this g veri hcitaiion on our part. We di«i mK g<> ably I m « manage I bv men who are not as-11 m 1 ng control of Cuba. Fhe after turn, and we «ini not promise any* aG>ve purchasing Hie privilege from Hie Chat Hie Cuban** are urifillt*<i for I. II. SCIIMIDT GRANT A PASH. ORE tiling ” ' breweries It is not a cheerful outlook, Corner biath and 1 Street* pendant M-li gr»vernment. ami that 11 Traveler» given spec I* wrtberiiiore« Hanna ’said tiiat lie wan even foe Hie im>si confblunt op'iniict.— ial attention. the pul4’ion becomes nm<*h imp! not originally a supporter of Powderly The Chi< au<> interior ttoe island would not make a de« lor the jSMiliijti of coniiuisaiuner of im GRANTS PA3S. OR. Moral <'/iiiragi* accession to the U nited State» ; the migration, having another candidate fur arded at reasonable that th»* logical o-itcorim is a Cuba When Mr Lincoln was nominated fi r th«* office I his fact oiigiit to be snfii' lent eminent iirnJer bpatiish aiisprt*««. eviieme, Han a thought, lo convince the highest <>ffi< e in Hie American nati« n all lh:s is put forward in the !>uii< Hie mo«t skupm 4I that there had been de|*end*nt npni H»e contingency u<> bargain th»«. P«>w lerly should tiave Spain will «aiisfactority im*et nil ti nfice as file rewar'i lor hiq services | 2^ I.* »UM* local tiappcnuikW . Easter Dyes 12 COLORS FOR 5c J. W. Turvey, At Clemens , : < < Wanbruff Cure Druggist. Wolff à Zwicker Iron Works Í- > ► b b -Hydraulic Pipe All Kinds of ► ► Machinery for Mining Purposes. > < ► Casi Iron Structure Work. FIRST NATIONAL 4 ..Portland, Oregon < ► ► > 0 RIDE AN EAGLE / Capital Stock, $50,000 J. M. CHILES e,«« ' 4 A Staple à. Fancy Groceries Hardware, Tinware, Tableware The Cheapest Place for Carbon Photo Studio L. D. Fay à Sons' Iron and Steel Implements J» New Rigs, Safe :• and Fast Tearm Oil, Paint and tila«*-. AfeMSr0RTME KLONDIKE PhoïnX B cycles. “STAND THE RACKET” A Leader for Ten Years among High Grade Wheels...... I Our Pimenix One ('rank ir«a«?e a record for Pnelf Igat season—n«»t one broken crant in Oregon. U «long* r Idaho 00« of the bn*-dr**«!« of Rl" r.ni, wHeeia «old in the«»e three etat» - 1 >• 1:1 HMWnfl->t wl.. run . The re-uIt 1« tba« <r h •Qi delude wise Hu-er« wb . Phoer.ix Bi«-’ supply our a, «*r».r 1" are Th > ' »1 ikon ; Ar* h WUr« MITCHELL LEWIS <L STAVER CO Writ* for Oer Bieyelo Coloque. i « au.pa.gn .idler madu another gfreech in oj >n, reading prot«* tn from labor «i and d<-«tariug mat the 4op >iu 1 l«J «ilnta« < EETINÜ WITH DESTINY No man can tell when it wilt cowr «Long Often it »Urtn up Ix-fure «• tn uneapcctcd time« and place«. h»eu an afternoon «troll with a friend and a chance tnlroduclton may ahape «11 the course uC one*« after life. To be alway« at your beat and not a*h«m«*d of your 'kittoy you niiiat dr^M Ilka « true Thi« can tie «lune by ordering your Sal’« «ad Overcaata of M. BORN & GO., Marlin Repeaters |SV«A«»IM T»p«. • - r il PORTLAND, OR OOM them. The Great Chicago Merchant Tailors VI ho are unrivalled W m U pia / lhe_TalJ<»rt»jj_Art. IIMtNKW rattern« SIMM MalWMl Perirci ra Nr*M..<k LatMt Styl«.. fc.t Work- m . bmii ,. Tkrifty Friv«.. A Chaory Uuarantaa With AU. Cail » 1*. II. Ilfll'lll aV .““on 11. »riiiN .. rraxiBitiNG goods , hats , cats , loots and mi - iks i I