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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1898)
4 a « 4 4 ‘nd onl,,h. ' nun^ Peott? ;,nK "Cs an‘* exxJ ,ble- '»■ «ay»; ’ 111 Sciatic 1 Pl‘y»iciaa,,* ‘7k au»n y d.d 1 orse untij [ „ ’le to tai,* A n IxMnumart P ai - kb , D kxotko E. vxiixlly tu tun I ntkbbntb ur B ucthbbn O bbuox . XIV GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1898. OBERT G. SMITH. Phot« graphic* Hint». Wa»hlngfttri Letter Hon. John A. Jeffery returned to his * A Fennsylvania man is prospecting home in Medford last week, after a few lor slate on Coyote creek. A slate fact There has been no perceptible change Ry I. C hkstku V an E xxk . lu days in this city on court business, It is ‘ in the aituati>>a in Washington during lory in that vicinity ought to do a good Photographs, and the making ot th. m, 1 wvw reported that the pops are going to run 1 business simp'y supplying the small the past week, and, unless Spain is has become of late years a science in John for th»» circuit judgship. -late rcau hers with school material. Onion set« at Bartlett'» Jackson County Notes. The regular meetings of tbe W. C guilty of some overt act. none iaexpect- which every boy is dabbling. It io a nie s" jhurr'» Paas, oax<...x. Fur Constipation take Karl ’ s Clover It may seem discouraging to some to tl. of Granta f'aaa, are held tbe firat Baths at McGregor Bros e<l until the report of the naval Court of 3 3°on ableto The Hon. C. A. Towne, an apostle of^ learn of the increase of "Tuffs” in our Rout Tea. the great Bloxi Purifier. Inquiry has liven made. When (hat will science and art which is a lite time study. Friday in each month, at 3 I*. M at the Shoes repaired at Hackett’s ' r'Rht .„a, The ‘'push tbe-button,-we-do the-rest” free sliver, has passed 111 and out aud is vicinity, but J. T. and wife are rejoicing RY L. BENSON. ! Cures Headache, Nervousness. Eruptions 1 be is very uncertain Some of the Ha Baptist church. The mothers meetings 8 1 could Take yuur kndik films to Fheby. cameras, lias plared it in the reach of gone. on rhe face, and makes the head clear as vana dispatch«« sav that lhe Court ex over the arrival ol a young Fuff that will are held on the eecond Thursday in each attorney at law , 035 'he roo ail, but many do not know the difference Gold-dust casbe«l at Cramer Bro« I'rof. Warm, of lhe Ashland normal tight Spain or any other foreign nation month in the parlors of the Preabvterian a bell. Sold by W F Kremer 1 pecta to come t i Washington this week, in nil Courts of the State. °ne ¿Öz,,, between common table salt, and chlo school, was sick some tims with la to preserve the honor of his country. EAGLE BICYCLE» AT CRAMER BROS church. A cordial invitation is exteaded but nothing indicating such intention «nd aQ|1, Rev Father Desmarais will hold s»*r- OAcn over First National Bank, ride sodium The material wasted dai grippe. \Mutl .Mother and child are doing well. to all to lie present. Mothers especially J. B Lindsay oi Murphy, was in town vices at 10 a. m and 3 p iu . in St. An- has been received either bv the navy de s F am , O ukoun ly would enrich many of us times over The school census in Aahlaud district .4 is a girl at E B. Gabberts (Roseburg invited. last Friday. j lie’s church on ."undav, the 27th o* partment or by the president. Tiieir However the result ill the main is satis shows 804 children, an increase 'JI 28 pa tiers please copy) and E. B gabs very Htrlve for the Highest. W )*. Wright look a short run to Ash March. The afternoon leisure will be has been no change in the prevailing factory to the devotees of the camera RTHUR P. HARTH, over last year. enthusiastically over the affair. While | "Church and State " Everybody wei- sentiment in Congress—that war with land last week on business. The object of this article is not to give b C>ncer,^ , ■ The excuse for the inebriate often is. Spain has got to come before this busi- J. A Whitman and wifa have returned Grave and Covote cteeks are swelling "Mv heredity is against me.” But the trouble. V' DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. If you want your hair < «it to suit vou, 1 come. a history of photography, its advance ue»8 is ended. ak<?ablooí¿ from the far East and will uuw settle lhe feminine population Wolf creek is reply of tlie "white-ribb.ner” is a good MisaS. V Sparhawk, oi thia county, try McGiegor Bros Sixth St ment from an obscure bef inning; its pre. Congress is ready to vote the ad min is ^Purely Office oter First N tional Bank, producing big boys lo meet the emergen duw 11 at huuie. one: "If you had lived up to your beat ■othíeng,íl¿*»»»’»• O bbo «'»- County Supt Haves and his wife will who ».s a professional nurse has gone to (ration all the money that would be ent apparent perfection, or the brilliant cy at lhe age of "sweet sixteen.” >k ig lav to engage in her profession. If future before it as an art, but to make Clarence Keauiee, of Ja<kaunville, has heredity instead of dowu to your worst, needed to put the country upon a war close their school at Merlin this week Our present school board deserves a rv|»oris t»e true as regards the amount of footing, just as soon aa the president will the pathway of the professional photog goue to uold Hill to vugage 111 lliv mer ‘«‘‘er pemf you might have had cause to exert your •ee_ W. H. Barr of Medfor«!, (be Brigg’s si< knees in that place, her services will say that he wants it done, but tbe pres rapher somewhat smoother by a lew cantile business with bi. broiuer Will.e card of profuse thanks for the efforts heredity.”—Northwest White Ribton. U C. PERKINS, creek mining man was among us la«t marie in securing for our district a new be greatly needed. \ ident and his cabinet are of the opinion timely suggestions to intending sitters. Assessor John Urieva has taken uulu w«ek for a short time. school house on an economic basis. The At the retpieat ol -Mr. Win. I. Bryan When toiome, bow to come, and how Miss Minnie Tuffs is now teaching her \tbat it would be regarded bv tbe world uimseli a wile 111 the person ol Mary h. U. 8. UBPUTY The Opera House meat market is new building will be completed within wine was not served at a banquet given to dress are important subjects, particu fries 01 Central Point. second term ol school in the Wolf creek at large as equivalent to a declaration ot MINERAL SURVEYOR, heaiiquarter- for tbe kind of meat y«ti 30'lavs, and Miss Tuffs will move her in his honor at Lincoln, Neb., upon district having taught tier first term war agaiust Spain to ask congress to larlv (interesting to ladies and mothers, Attorney Muir, ot Portland, one of the family therein, lu the meantime school return from Mexico.—Union Signal. want te get—the beet. t his article, then, w ill be subdivided in there last fall. The peop'e in that dis make a war appropriation. Still, if that < )BBOON. P am , 8. P. Company’« lawyers, was tn Jack will be held in lhe shed called our school A. K. Rues, of Kerby, and Will An* trict are well pleased with the good ser were th? only obstacle, congress would the above three divisions, and treated to Chanfed His Mind. souville recently looking up the injunc house lor the past nine years. dereDn. of Anderson, were in the çitv vice son, »er« , Miss Tuff© is giving them as tear ( lier, ufn frobably be asked to act. but there is an the point, and in as tew words as possi tion case. While attending a convention iast Satuiday These gentleman bari 1 ‘ rol. Hampton, tho miner's president, and more formidable obstacle. To ble. •*< Hon. C B. Watson, the Ashland I»*- other, lhe Ashland school district in tile is yet in British Columbia, and some month the subject of distributing WHEN TO COME. | been to We«t Fork to identify the body ask for war appropriations in advance of yer and politician was chatting ac What hours oi tlie day are best lor the year just past paid |b,4ol) lur readier.’ tear he may locale there and thus de erature was being discussed when ’ of James Calvert, who perished on the UNDERTAKER, quaintances at tlie depot one morning the report of the naval Court ol Inquiry ID t*est results? This a question often asked. services, and they luaimaiu, oeyumi prive the miners of this district of a prob of the sisters gave thia unique experience. mo .ntains three months ago. last week while the train stooped here. would be discrediting that court by as KE WOELJ O regon . Taylor and Weidman have the con Mr. Watson had been to Salem and Huming what its report would lie before I The hours between 9 a tn, and 4 p in., question, the best schuoi 111 Souiheiu able and very deserving state represen Sirs is president of a new union recently I mants P ass , Cloudy, hazv Oregon. They pay good salaries and tative candidate. With such a man as mganixed bv one of.our National organ- j tract to put shelving in the Odd Eel Portland for tbe past week on something it bad been made, and 4uuld indicate a are equally suitable. weather is no detriment whatever. Come gel the best teachers. William Huntley Ha Upton at Salem, ixers, an earnest wmker, and I will give i lows’ store rooms These gentlemen are more than political business. This gen desire on the pait of the administration ii passible alone; du not allow a number Max 1’racht has uot given up tbe idi a Southern Orsgon’s interests would not it aa nearly aa 1 can in her own words. also doing some work un Mr«. Crawford ’ s to make a reason for going to war with NDUC tleman’s name ha« been used in connec "A short time ago, ’said she, “«friend • house, besides bunding a storeroom and tion with the republics nomination (or Spain. Although this is the position ol oi friends to make a picnic of the occa oi Asiiiaud's worth as a peach growing be neglected, but ably championed and HIVES who is a physician, made us a visit. Ha B oxanki . ks . ■ shed. the administration, it. is by no mnans sion. If it is a child that is to he photo district. Hu recently pur- tiased a four- secured the circuit judgship of this district. WEEN graphed, let no one but the mother or acre tract that lie loruierly owned, and is an intelligent gentleman of very pos idle. It is making every preparation for SUPPLIES Prof. J G Goble is now located at M rs. Wo-lo- Bac tor Fitly Cnia. George Hiller went out last week to itive opinions During the conversation nur«e aciompany it, and du not tell it will pul it in good order in accordance war is possible in'advance of appro Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, maker. weak Pigney’s, opposite the Joaephine Hotel. put up the saw mill beyond liases’ hill that it must stand still a long time, or with Ins taste. he learned that ,l;waa a^member of the aen strong, blood pure. Wo, SI Aildruggmta Those wishing their eyes examined will for Smith and Welter Tbe mill to he priations by congress, and is even mak W. C. T. U„ and he scented greatly the**man’’will whip it. Best tell a child At the Medford school meeting llie please call. Prof. Goble fits glasses on put in by these gentlemen has a capacity ing some preparations, on the advice of A Policy. Not a Principle. nothing, keep it in ignorance, except first Monday N. ti. Bradbury was elected surprised He bsd lo use lor the|organ- LOUIS I; si ientific principles with the aid of the for 20.000 feet per day, instead of 6,000 leading member« of congress, that would that you are taking il to see lhe pictures to till an uuexpired term and J. R. Wil ization, said it wae?the work of thed““!l Protection is not a principle. It It latest improved instrument«. Glasses or 10,0(0, as was stated in the C oubikk not under ordinary circuinstantes be and toys. Please do not threaten a child son was elected to succeed Hou. W. H. aud woman seeking ¡notoriety, I triad only a temporary policy, its legitimate j ground to order to fit each case, when some time ago. They will deliver about justifiable in advance of appropriations. to answer him, but I was new in the in order to get it under the studio light. Parker, w hose term ut llitee years ex WILLIAMS, ORE It is the belief ef Secretary Long ano purpose is to establish industries in our necessary. Examination is free of charge. 6,000 feet per «I rv Grant« Pass, and A child can be coaxed much better than pired. in AaUland D. L. Rice was elect work, he was very positive, and I hardly other prominent officials, that the con country that can not stand or grow I "Where are you going, my pretty maid?" the remainder will be disposed of in that knew what to,say it can be driven Izave a little discie- ed 10 succeed Robert laylur. stantly repoited buying of war ships by against foreign competition. Once es f^ve Portij “To the Carbon Studio, sir," she said. community. "A few weeks after he ¡returned and lion to the ingenuity of tlie artist He I >en ver At, Spain are largely the work of European Breeder and Importer of l he people ol Mediord are desirous of tablished, however, lhe need of protect We are anxious iodo a little good in said he had come to offer tne an explan- has no boubt photographed more child hailroad» ship builder«, who have vessels on hand ion ceases , and then protection may be having tliu S, P. Company move lhe de ves l’orto ITALIAN QUFENS AND BEES | tlii« world ami can think of no pleasanter ation amt to apologize to me. After ren than you ever saw, and knows more which they would gladly sell to the t N Denvat pot building in that city out ol the street, come, and often does become, a prop ot or better way tn do it than bv recom leaving our house he was going to T and about it in a minute, han you will in a Write for “rices :e >hore.NN United States at war prices. Secretary trusts and a means of extortion. mending < >ne Minute Cough (’ureas a Ubanj i« And fly with the best. lxmg positively denies the statem* nt life time. If he loves children, and he lhe city lathers met the official mogms It is not possible to lav down any rule had to stop a short time tretw.en trains ** Wednefe- preventive of pneumonia, consumption lias no business behind 'he camera if hr 01 llie railroad company last week al llie at C. In lhe depot he saw a wall pocket ndeandB¿ that the United states was contempla or principle for a protective tariff, be- For Sale by an<l other serious lung troubles that does not, he will I m * able to get a good depot to lay lhe matter bulore them. with W. C, T. U. on it. and after his ting securing options on a number of 1 Im officials promised lo lay tbe mailer cause there is no principle in it, and talk with me bethought he would look follow neglected colds.—W F. Kremer. CRAMER BROS. proof of the cliihl that will please you. ED OX war vessels, nr that it had secured Op therefore can be no system How far at the contemn of the wall pocket aud If possible, always bring children in tbr oelurv me higher auUiormes, but would McGregor Bros ’ tions upon any. Of course he ought to protection may or should Ire applied will see what we did believe. morning. They are better natured,fresh out piumise anything cerlalu as a reaul.. ’EClAl know , but all the sane nobody aromid BuarantecO it was thought tor a time that Hie depend altogethar on circumstances that “The lirat thing he found was a paper er and sweeter tempered than later in Washington will be greatly wurprised in in 2Gif are continually changing; and herein called The Union Signal, It was the the day Do not imagine that your child People's party had voted against fusion, y otherl® when the shooting begins, to find tbe is a Held of vast breadth for the play of nilav KwL beet paper 1 ever read, I was so inter- thould take lhe same class of picture as but later It wa< discovered that a small stars and stripes Boating above a num opinion and interest. It is this plaj ’auihe mui sated in it that I put it ill luy |>ocket and i-hti you law at Mrs. So and so’s. l>o majority were 111 favor oi it. There a as i «imilarei I her of iormidable vessels which are not that makes the contention over the tariff read all the way to T. I made up my not bind the artist down to cast iron a small vote polled lor some reason. now supposed to belong to Uncle Sam. 11 our politics. It is largely a local File anti-fiisionitM were out in full force mind I was wrong. The W. C. T. U. is rules, that you must have a position just “ppiy b “ Not even the probability of war with question, affecting different commiiiiitier the work of (rod. and not of the devil. Coolinr ami invigorat like Mis S o and so’s, or you wont take but were downed, and now it is hard to Spain canjessen popular interest in a 111 the moat opposite wavs, aa the condi ing to the Scalp; Pre cn..t|(t I That paper teDa of a grand work you ure them Altbo he may be ever so glad to tell what -> il. Holl aud Grant Raw vents the Hair from fall pamphlet that ba« just been published tion of its imlustriea change. Proleell on, r. A. H doing, and 1 felt 1 must come back and please you, yet it would be impossible lo lings will talk about next. Fstliaps ing out . remove- and latid, th. ¡L by the U* S. Geological Survey, by di therefore cannot be called a principle prevent.- Dandruff. tell you to go on ; never give up the W. photograph your child at vou want it, they will start a new parly. I ten vet. S rection of a joint Congressional resolu at all, and tha strife over il is merely a This preparation is The importation policy was buried loo <!. T C. work.” And soour sister urged an<l get a truly pleasing portrait, simply vent sold un der a positive tion. This pamphlet contains 44 pages conflict of variable and shifting interests. : y bei ause your child may be of a distinct Jeep lor resurrection at tha school meet the distribution of literature, espscially guarantee -if not |»er- of authentic <le«criptive matter relating American manulactiires of many de- fBclly satisfactory re ol the Union Signal, ,to convert the un and entirely different cast of feature«, ing in Jacksonville the first Munday in |to lhe gold regions of Alaska, practical ■vripiiona arc making their way abroad. turn the bottle and get believing. that require totally different treatment March. J M Horton, principal of the your money back. Druggist. information for prospectors and.miners, from yo lr frie id’s photos Dress chil school last year, was lelt out in order to They »re sold even in England, and ill I »IRE- TIONM The W. C T. U. at Spokane, Wash., ¡and maps of the Forty-Mil« ami the almost all partsol Euriqie "Had some Apply thoroughly to dren in colors to suit the r coin pie on. give place to a man from Missouri, and Klondike gold-mining regions, showing body told an American hardware man nas commenced holding public meetings the l«ots of the hair at ths Working Men's Home on Sunday If a c did has a full, round neck, s’ o MB the people who are op|K>svd to import every two or three days, at a glance all of the known gold bearing ufacturer, twenty-five years ago,” says afternoons lire different young peo much of it as is desired, otherwise lo ing teachers when »« have heller al rubbing briskly. rocks. Those who desire copies of this the Tradesmen, "1 hat the warehouses ol ple's societies take turns in furnishing Shake the l>ottle. not. Let I Item play all the way to e home turned out at the meeting and pamphlet, would belter lose no^time in Sheffield would in,the 'UOs tie carrying lie program This union is to edit live studio, all th« tim« they are there—the said in no uninislaken terms that we FB epa Rin BY writing to a senator or representative for great. invoices ol American tiles, suiali roluinns of temperance matter in the Western Home Journal —Union Signal. artist wont object — and all the way want no more such foolery. J. H. Hui- JRDii McOREGOR BROS. it, as only 40,00) have been printed. cargoes ot Ameriuan shears, pljers, tong«, home again BARBERS, ler was elected director and 8. .1. Day Our publishing a-sociation printed last ? wbenL They will be distributed gratis by the riveters, axes, etc., etc , tbe man making n hood: ok Grants Pass, Or. now TO CONK. clerk. year one hundred ami thirty million senators and representatives. ly G bv such a prediction would have been told I,----------------- v Italia Wolf Cre«*k,Itema. if au adult, throw all your cares lo lhe Th« report of the senate civil service it Power, that he was a tool or a tit aunject for a peg. sof literature. If thesearescattered Ing DU wind, put your family skeletou in the committee recommends that all deputy lunatic anylum ; but he’s fe*en proved a hroarlcasl over our country it must have Cf»M 11. C. McIntosh is on the Bick list. siimptK collectors of internal revenue, store closet for one day at least, and make up prophet by time, and no long time, either a wonderful influence in giving our istitute» < has West is visiting in tlm county st on bi* keepers and gaugers, and all deputy col your mind that yqu are going to assist seat. borne oi ihrse implements and tool« an principles to lhe public. or It CM (INCORPORATED wrapj*. lectors of customs shall be removed from the artist all in your power to get ag<xjd bidding lair to > un tlie home made ones n Onar Ralph Hamlin was in .town Saturday pbletfrw tbe classified service; and says.that tbe picture of yourseli. Do not think for a out of the English market." The boart ISO, 1» from (ioldan. Government printing office was never le moment (bar you cannot mshir I him; in added that our .Southern cotton mill» tg— OF — MANUFACTURERS OF John Grant departed Saturday for produce goods at less litbir cost that Your thoughts gally placed within tbe classified service much depends on you SOUTHERN OREGON. and is now, by right, in the clMsitied are indexed on your face, and if yen are Hoaquin, Wash. they ran I m * made fur in China or India, worried or tired, depeuii upon it it will service. Mr. U. E Ranus and wife of Hepner, where lhe < am ot wages is not 2d pel Capital Stock, l he decision of S|«aker R««*d that de show al llie corner« of the mouth, the Oru., are regislertd al hotel Kearns. cent ol the Reale of our Southern Blate»1 Features don't mat bale in lhe hou«e, when Mining as a com lack lustre oi the eyes, and tbe stoop ol Dr. Miller, of ulemlale, completed en millM. Ho long aa this conspii hour «up ter tun much. Modi iepoeit« subject to check or od mittee of the whole, sball| be confined to tbe figure. Be happy, laugh, get your gagement« on Grave creek and returned priority of mechanical invention an< any features will do le on demand. self in a meiry mood with yourseli and if the complexion is the subject matter of the bill under con practical skill in manipulation contin home Friday. clear, the eyes bright ft« on New York, San Fran- sideration, tumbied.over a long line of with every on« elne l he true artist pho 1’be grars is getting green and uur ues, to lung will the United ¿Mates forg« and the lips rosy . Hearty, healthy whole- precedents. Mr. Reed is getting round tographer never loses oatience because ¿raiisieni ¡«»pulation is on the move, all ahead of all rivals in the world's market." totnencM is better then mere beauty of All Kinds of tra ns fem sold on ail pointe in ly abused fur Ihe.dnciaion by bis political people laugh too much under the studio the same gypsies il is evident, then, that whatever pari features. A face full of the glow of good health full of the -- - kindliness ------------ and good opponents, but if dhe decision lie lived light, but bet ause their faces are as ex- I protection may have played in establish Our gardeners are rushing the season humor that health brings, „ , is -J bound to lion given to Collections an¿ up to without partiality, there is not the prussioniess as a corner lamp poet mg these industries. protection is no* be an attractive face a face that will •ome and may require quite a lol ol hot of our customers. wligiilest doubt that it will facilitate the necessary to sustain them in other in* make friends. The face tells HuW TO DKKNM. ** the * story waler hags later on. ft made throughout South en disposition ol public busmens bv the ' iustries it will run out rapidly, as it ha» of the whole body. " Murder will out ’ Thin is a difficult quefltion to properly BD all accessible pointe. Bridge Wotk, Bolts, Rods, Iron Shutters, R. A. Booth and hrank Mee. of m these, but perhaps not in all. What —and bo will "female weakness" am ! house. And the great appropriation and handle in the limited apace th« editor nervousnese an«l other disorder« peculiar President. revenue bills will always afford ample ! allows me. The dressing of the hair IB Grants l’a«s, spent several days here it clear is that it is not a principle, but to women Cells, Window Guards, Doors, and I. Vice President. legitimate opportunities fur the making ; very important, and i*ui a few hints can last week on business. I only a temporary polit y, about which If there is a drain on the system and R. A. B ooth . Cashier ol |M>litical siM-euhes. strength, the record of it wifi show i i Jack Nickelso’i and family of Man men will ddl'er, according to their view« strengtl [ I m * given for you lu enlarge on If your the face. tiic If there is nerve naggi».^ T,nKgi»-Ä Francisco, have moved onto llie Wagner as to special industries or I'x al interests. The government has increased its re face is full, round, and short, dress your " bearing-down ’’ pains, dragging and G. PH BBT. L.C. VAN EXXE nd ward tor information that will lead to ) hair high, which apparently lengthens ram h near Tunnel 8. 1 Moreover, it is clear that even a« a |«>l pulling at the most sensitive organs in a tbe arrest and conviction ol the murder Prof. Anderson made a .busine s trip I i icy it is becoming more and mure subject woman’s body, the face will show il. your face, !f it i« long, dress it low and Abused nerves draw linen of rare ami CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ers of the colored |e>stmaster and his wide. You Bund study your face, and lo Roseburg last week, lhe i'rof« iias to limitations ami restrictions; for not worry on the f »ce Nervous prostrati» i ESTIMATES FURNISHED.............. child, at Lake City. S U , to 11,500 in only does the need ol il at many pointe tlie Alaska lever in a mild form. and see what become* you. If your writes its warning on the face long before Opp.Court Hou«e each case, and lias put some oi tlie best it conies. Sleeplessness, nervousness an ! neck has a tendency to «litiiiiinrs«, dress In district No. 34 W. Klum was elect cease, but ahu-*e lo which it is subject ire detective tab nt in tlie employ of the it rathei high Wear any colors that ed diivclur and J. <>. I urck re elected • ome more an I more apparent, u« when debilitating drains make mure wnukk-s than age pout ofiice department and of the depart may Fuit your taste, a- the plates (Iso- clerk. Their school commence« in April. i 'dividual* getspecial advantage through Nine tenths of the sickness of women All Work ment of justice to work on the < a«e it, beuauee of control of opportun eloroinatiu) used now a «lays will give comes from some derangement of organs <i«ue «a} s a whole family ought to be I be senate passed the bill extending) liues that cannot be |Mxaes9ed p,,.so....d or distinctly feminine Nine tenths of tbiw Finished in from the color values, and red no more takes able to do him up. He «avs he's going tbe homestead laws to Alaska, and pro black, nor <1< m *« blue lake white shared by others All llie-e movements sickness can be cured and avoided by the to lhe coast where clams are duly in lhe 3 to 6 Days. use of Dr. Pierce ’ s Favorite Prescription viding for the right of way of railroads ) I are continually narrowing Its Held There are fashions in photographs, swim. There is nothing rniracuhrus about the in Alaska, without a division, although ; and this year dark grounds and heavy Regardless of Every intelligent mind sees the fact and " Favorite Prescription ’’—nothing super Mr. L A. and Mrs. C. H. I^ewis of , the landencv. Irresmtible lorrew work natural there was objection from Pacific cuaet ' Bbadowe are ths rage. The port folio the Weather. Portland, are visiting Placer, Mr. I«ewi« fur the emancipation oi industry; and It is the result of rational thought senators to privileges exlended by tbe photographs will soon supercede the old being largely interested m the Columbia equalisation oi industry at home and lire and study applied to medicine. bill to Canadian railroads. MT style cabinet site. They are a portrait It has been prescribed by Dr Piervt | mine. steady progress of cheap production rnl for over 30 vears It has made thousands GRANT'S PASS. ORE. There i. more Catarrh in tbia section uumounted on very heavy paper, which DEALER IN The n P Company is bunding fences, 1 off the r.eed for protection aganiM foreign of Women healthy and happy, happv, and hat women A cabinet ol the country than all other rliwaaea is preserved in a portfolio. thousands of h. homes. __ granite platforms, painiing buildings, lands. In twenty five years more iper* brought joy to tbousands wnl be printed on a p«p«f 9x11 inches put together, and until the last few In "female weakness” it acts direct! v ami iMi proving its pruj>erty in general at haps h*ssj the process will l»a practically years was supposed to be incurable. masked of vignitted. and strongl- in healing and strengthen this Biatmn. completed, and such protective features ing the frart, that are moat severely tried. For a great many years doctors pronounc a fkw imimt ’ b . I Miss Minnie Tuffs arrived Sunday p m as are still retained in our laws will be It clears out impurities and promotes ed it a locxl disease, and prescribed In conclusion, do not over dress; do regularity at all times. merely the noleeisms of h*gi«lation. local remedies, and by constantly fall not expect too much, and tnen yon will to touch the button Monday morning that Bets our edu< ational ma« hm«r> in ing to cure with local treatment, pro- always I m plea««rilly surprised. Do not nounerd it incurable. Kchmoe has prov try to instruct the artist in bis profes motion. >be ably wields ths tirch. •• • sb * It is pretty hard to niirs« a man thru r en catarrh be a c'rosHtiitioMal dr «ease «ion. H mist he. no doubt dries not a siege of sickuess and then have him ami therefore require, consiitutiona claim to know it all, it is ^«oseible he Al M -J t tie * i .11 most friendly s mils STS Every article sold warranted as represented. Farm Produce taken treatment. Hall's t'atarrh Cure, m.n knows mor« than you do of a matter take your handsoiMe widow away from nu llwiys tridy tor the well-dressed you, but “ all is lair in love and war.' in exchange. nfa<*:u-ed by F. J. < bene. A Co.,Toledo. which be ha- mad»* a life study ’ I man. There's no mistake about Any s*> let the widow go Ohio, is the mils constit atmn .1 cure on •dagrstioo« you may have to advance this. Energy may miss its mark. Talent may go a begging. Virtue itself may di« «pain tbe market. It ts tak n interna ly in willnudoubt be lohowed. if practical of neglect. But there is always a welcome d<»es from 10 drops to s tea.feronfnl. It l>*ave a little t«> his judgment. When Cspt. M irns, of > and mea-ure of success for good clothes. acts 'll redly on the hire.I arid mucous two neg i live- Are made one as d«*vir»*d by rd in quart« in this It you wish to test this bit of Philosophy, just order one ot lhe elegant suits of ot the system. Ttrey offer $11)0 the sitter, and then one t« still the ar famous “l«rru i r any caw it fails hr cure, .“tend lor list s teste, the latter ir usually aele» tod. Compare with rculare ami teetimomal«. Address ate ir a Mr. l*n all you can to a« they AIS F J. CH ENY A CO, Toledo, < > inc you. The be«t pl THE GREAT d by druggists, 75e. creeks yourself tin reserved! y Chicago Merchant Tailors li'a rsnoly Fill* sre the best. te'. him »0, and then A h*«« predMtiBaB art sate* t««rvwBara far ckalca Kv»rv*w>cl7 Ao, level best, and «rii ■atartal aaat Bf aw4 I a UR, aad »«'*•*< ar-«a-4«ta (’ a ' vm .F'- a (,«n«i*' CAU'»rt'<* the m- a ' wou rule arUsta love to *'»rk h >« s»e n i««>| ie. •tyte A "BORN" »«it •! cla<b«i la arena* U«Í4sl h » -4» obì «tufo «rv«f U»« «r? p jwrt ta tba War!* t frtraBnlCp’ < ’ aM to »b** ’we, «i «rr.u, Il calls fust the very heec tber»* ia>n i tin A PIKFICT FIT lUARAMTHO. OF ALL KINDS an«l poBttlon kHn«»vB, )iv**r and boweia, Don't te i him four troubles, or ak BOO Bei»«ic4 FaUeriB* te order !>•■*• rk>tiA<n< the entire «säum. d1*i>ei cold*, C^AU. u/r about I i» «otDpetitorB to him They u * ear»* H*a«iao»>e, le???, habitual « '•nadp«tion ft : >i KHMMMMMk P)«««A «UJ Bhd U uaiiy t ave A h'lle pf.>«-o ¡ft«- y I*. II. 11 «tri Ii Ac Mon, af < ’ C. C to day ; 10, Xv. Xi cent*. I that yo«; »h J4f-1 respe< u C^araateed la cure Oy a4l dr«K<teCa. ( Loi HIN , H RNI8HING i.uut>8, HATS, CAI'S, BO 1T8 AND 8H0EM bandit iy way; j ATTORNEY AT LAW, tely helpl^, AxMicro ia all 8ute and Federal Courts lt>es of s.s5 offke over Firel National Bank. local tiappcninoe 1 ilorrceponfciicc . (I. a. u. Column /J i 0 6ffl(rH0“AasM1T,[ BEE BEE R7HWE J. W. Turvey, < Chûï RIDE AN EAGLE S>anbruff Cure j« > -5c SACK At Clemens j orous 4 4 Wolff &L Zwicker FIRST NATIONAL llie Beauty of Health ; -Hydraulic Pipe k k Machinery for Mining Purposes. Cast Iron Structure Work. I tarbon Photo¡ Stud IO Portland, Oregon 4 J. M. CHILES Staple à Fancy Groceries Hardware, Tinware, Tableware Tli<- WORLD’H BEST UO\Y The Cheapest Place for.... M. B orn & Go Iron and Steel Implements Oil, Paint and Glass