— Mr and Mrs W A Blakesiey returned they are able to know their will Dae to their borne at Leland Monday even­ man, who is a friend of tns saloon and who believe» the license should be ing, after spending a month or so in the mines near here. granted, »ays, "It should nut be left to the people for the reason that there ara A g.od looking young man of our vi­ William« Item». »0 maar men who are aanan.ed to have cinity is of such an observing nature Miss Ethel 1 ‘ slmer is quits sick. their names seen »11 a petition o.' thia that lie will ride only the observation Grsnt Tupping expects lo move to bit portion of the train when be lakes a rail- kind that they would refuse to sigs it and hence the man could aot get his farm or claim next week. road journey. license," Herein lie» the trouble, too Mr. Fryer went to Medford Wednes­ It has been rumored that one of Mer­ many men lack backbone, or tbe cour­ day with a load ol pr-siuce. lin’s most charming young ladies has age ol their convictions, to cosse out and Mrs E Fryer, ol Medford, is visiting been caught Robin—son lone; of a vest. show where they stand on any proposi­ her parents of this valley. As this is the first charge that has ever tion. We respect a man who entertains We have beard that the oyster suoper been brought against this young lady of a contrary opinion and is not afraid or a similar offense we will not presume to ashamed to ezpiesw it But this man was postponed until Saturday evening. subs'antiate the rumor as yet. March »th. who ia ashamed of the principles he rep­ While Emel Zolo passes his year's sen­ Miss Ella Perdean, who haa been visit­ resents and will on everv occasion en­ deavor to conceal them, is the man that ing friends at Williams for several weeks tence in prison he might put in bis time writing a book entitled “He Fell in Love huida with the bare but rune with the went to Grants I’aaa Thursday. With Another Man’s Wife,” end we are hound. M Chapman went to Medford Friday knottier who opposes th» right of peti­ accompanied by Mias Katie, who will re sure it would "take” much better than tion said that all saloon men are alike, Slime her dutias tn the Jacksonville high the one which was written sometime ago entitled ‘ He Fell in Love With Hi» lo which we disaented and cited a» proof school Wife ” At least it would be better suit­ ol our argument one of tbe saloon men Mr. Chapman killed a panther last ed to the present condition ol affair« in this city, who conducta Lis business, week near tbe creek on bis farm. The J im . so tar as >r-e knew, in accordance with the offender had lieen making a feast of Mr. law which |>erniiui him to sell it. The Ca hogs. ed was made for the Great Northern John J. Ingalls is inclined to the opin­ Bucklen • Arnica Salve railway. It has a hauling capacity ol ion that we are oo the verge of the aforesaid gentleman ail tai tied the argu­ Miss Eva Sill closed her private school The Bent Salve m th* world for Cut« ment but still be wuuld not admit the 7700 tens on the level. greatest explosion ihat the world's his­ last Friday, and returned te her home Bruiaea,Korea.Ulcer« Salt Rheum Fever i right of petition. tory has ever recorded, amUfor this sea­ on Applegate. We understand that Mis» Sores, Tetter, Chapped »land«, Chil- In our last issus there was a very in A certain element who are Dying to blaina,Corn«.and all Skin Eruption»,and son he counsels a withholding of opin­ Hill will return in a short time to take 1 ponitivly cures Pile« or no pay required tereating communication from Am. Fid­ strengthen their cause ia hopee that the ions relative to the Maine disaster, un­ charge of the school in the Hoxie dis- It is guaranteed to give perfect naiiHfac dler, which was full <>t good common people may continue them in business tion or rnonev refuged. Price 25c Det til a complete examination has been CoaaxsroNDXNT. sense, and to winch we had intended to at the next city election, are al»o using ■ trict. b>x. For Sale By W F. Kremer. made as to the probable cause, lie wish­ call special attention their utmost to create svrnpathy for No Cure—No Pay. es this government to not be too hasty ttieiiiselve» by telling that the Cot bibb That is the way all druggists sell Wolf Creek Item«. Boutelle, the inaine congressman, is in forming conclusions, but quietly wait is fighting the saloon and hurting the tirove's Tasteless Chill tonic for Mala­ and let th« Spanish provoke us to wrath decidedly opfsised to war talk, lie says town. This they cannot do for those ria, Chill« and Fever. It Is simply Iron I. E. Miller is in Grants Pass On par .......... this is a time for sober thought and not before we, as a nation should do any who are our subscribers will see from and Quinine in a tasteless form. f.'hild- ren love it. Adults prefer it to bitter, ticular business. a word should be uttered that would in- thing, ft is not necessary that Mr. In these columns that all wu ask 1« that the nauseating Tonics. Price, 50c. J. 0. Peterson was doing insurance galls cautions the present administration flame the minds of our people. laws be enforced and the people thef'igbt business here last week. for there iu not the slightest danger that Jackson County Notes. to govern. This is what ws advocate One carni t help believing that all the piesident or any member of bis cab­ Prof. W. II Hampton is doing busi­ and what the people want and will have, J A. Whitman is finishing packing ness in Astoria this week. wars are a curse to the people, unis«« it inet will do anything rasli in 'lie matter if they will be careful to aot allow them­ the apples that he has on hand, about be a railroad rats war. The Pacific James T. Tuffs transacted business in Next Monday will be the regular an selves to be deceived by the deceiver. six ear loads. Northwest is enjoying the second one Josephine's metropolis Saturday. nual school meeting Io elect a clerk for since the completion of that trans-conti­ Ths cities of Ashland and Medford To Cure « Cold In One Day N. E. Britt, of the 0 4 0. land de­ one year ami a director for three years. nental line, and the people enjoy it. Take l.avitive Bromo Quinine Tablets have each levied for municipal purposes partment, was her« on business Friday. The work of a school director is a thank­ All Druggists refund the money if it fails 10 mills on the dollar taxes. Possibly more sailors could have lieen less task to which few men desire to as­ to Cure. 25.-cuts Miss Nettie Cain, of Nichols, acted ar Win. Ulrich ef Medford lias returned saved when the Maine was blown up, if pire who have the best interests ot ilie station agent here Friday and Saturuav from his trio 10 Del Norte county where NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. .Moro Castle and the Spanish battleship, school purely at heart. It is a duty that Him Cardwell’s graph phon« has ar­ Land Office at Roneburg, Oregon,I - be has been buying cattle fur tbe spring Alfonso XIII, ha,8K'4. sec. 34. Tp. 37 tbe revival meetings there being ccn politics warming up. 8„ If • West. the work will not tie done after all the and by qualification we mean something ducted by Synodical missionary, E. A. 1 It is a nice little girl, and Valentine Ila names the following witnesHe» to talk. In fact, it is about settled that it lath man is Pa. and I’a's mustache -is more, yea infinitely mors, than mere prove nia continuous residence upon and 1 Lloldridg«. will not tie done. getting gray nn the tips. book learning. To have knowledge of cultivation of »aid land, viz: Attorney George B. Dorris of Eugene J H. McFadden of Murphy, Or«., W. The war scare does not affect tlila com­ An attempt was made on the 20th of books is necessary, but all the training William» el Murphy,Ore., F. G Day of in company with his wife ar« visiting February to assassinate King George of that may be had in a normal sclieoi or Murphy,Ore.,and A.A. Hyde of Murphy, relatives and friends in Jacksonville munity, as Wolf Creek is not navigable R. M. VttATCll, Greece, by two would be assassins, who in a college, does not imply that one is Ore.. Mr. Dorris is one of the prominent law-; for the Spanish warships ___ Register. yers of the Willamette valley. wars concealed inn ditch alongside the capable •( filling so important a position. Good bye, February, Winter and NOTI0B FOB PUBLICATION. road which the king was traveling. The A teacher needs to l»< possessed of good Mrs. Thomas Boyd, daughter of Mrs. ground hog's month, and hello! ani miscreants fired a iiunitier of sliols, but common sense and to be sn excellent Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon,I J. H. Russell, of Ashland, after a visit of welcome Man band Spring none of them took effect King George judge of human nature To teach, one February 7, lHltffi some time in Ashland, ba» gone to Ca! ! Ed. Browning and Newell Dysert are Nolic« is hereby given that the follow­ is reported very un|sipular since the war must have a diploma from the state ifornia to join her husband, Thoma" very sick at thia wiiting, their friend­ board or be required to pass, sometimes, ing named settler has filed notice ol his with Turkey. Boyd, who is located at Ixis Angeles. being very anxious a« to their recoven a silly examination, but alter all this, intention to make final proof in «upport of his claim, a«d that »aid proof will tie Senator S H. Holt has come out in The Klondike fever has subsided and At Juneau on I he 2 2d, the steamship the fitness ol the teacher to teach reust mad« before John G< odell, County Clerk Oregon bad a close call. The storm be passed upon by the board of directors, ol Jo-ephine county. Oregon at Grants quite a long article in the Ashland our camp will not send any representa­ which was raging swept the vessel on wbo»e duty it is to enipl >y them there l as«, Oregon, on March IU, 1808, viz; Valley Rscord on Ills |>e«ition relative to tives to that congealed mixture of land, ths fiats and almost upset it. remaining Is a great responsibility upon the direct William M. Royal on II. E. No. U240 for fusaion with tbe democrats and silver ice and other conglomerations. the S‘.,SW and K'jSE1», sec. 12, tp. republican». Mr Holt does not believe Jeff Wallace is moving more rapidlt tn this position for 3fl hours until the or, but none the less upon the people .¡■i -. if i. west Storm abated. There were about 400 who elect him. If voters would have the 11« name« the following witnesses to in fu»ion and he think» his party will than usual ami we think its a boy, but can't tell till Jeff recovers sufficiently to passenger« on boaid wlio were badly best interests of the school at heart in­ prove I iih continuous residenceu|>on and look aloft There Is only one way to build up and «peak audibly. Lightened, and who got oil the ship as stead of the promotion of some friend to cultivation of «aid land, viz: David Lind»ay, of Grant« l*a«a;E. A. quickly as possible. a place in the school, as many often do, Wade, of Grants l’a»a; Abe Axtell, of maintain a city and market for our Frogs and robins^ara as thick here in it would result in always electing the < irantH I'a»« ; and A Bartlett, of Grant« farmers. And that is by patronizing February, as populists ar« in Jump-off Both women and children are dying 1 Iregon. If M X > tn 11, home industry and merchants. Gold Joe precinct in the month of May and most suitable men Individual friend­ in the streets oi Havana from starve ship is good, but it should be secondary Register. Hill has a mill winch turns out as good October of election years. NOTICE TO~CRED1TORS. tion. There are about 15,000 men, wo­ to the good of the school. a grade of flour as van be had.in the state. Scott Marshall thinks the storm ha* man and children in the city who have In the county court of Josephine conn Our merchants handle nearly all lines id blown over, ami exhausted its multipli neither shelter nor fou l, and who are goods. Now the thing to do is lo pat ­ AMENDED. ty, state <>( Oregon. cation powers, Consequently lie i» completely emaciated. There are 14, In the matter of the m *) ronize them and thus leave the money again thinking of settling on Coyote The city councilinen st their meeting late of gedley Austin J- OoO in the «(reels of Matanz.as, who must in Gold Hill Ot course if the article creek. ) very shortly succumb to the inevitable lit«I Thursday night passed the final Borough, dei’eased. yoa may want cannot Ire had it is all Notice is hereby given by the under The great religious weekly, the For many of them the lted Cross iu too reading ol a number of bills, among •igned, executor of the entate of said right to rend for it, but a better way 1« which was the liquor license ordinance, Sedly Austin Borough, deceased, to the Coi aika, stem« to tie stirring the “sa late to be of benefit. to have our bonis merchant get it for but this measure was not passed until creditor« of and all peraon« having loonaticks” and evil doors, to a realiza- When Admiral Glierardi who in on the the clause pertaining to a majority peti­ claim« against the «aid debated, to ex­ you.—Gold Hill News tiou of the effective power of the press navy’s retired list, though subject to re­ tion was stricken out and a two-thirds hibit them with the neresftary voucher«, for good. To Cure A Cold In One Day call within the next five years, was naked con- eil vote subatituted The old ordi within six month« after the first publica­ Take l.axative BronieQuinise Tablet«, Paul Scharingson has struck another tion ol this notice, to the said executor if our navy was iu such sliafie an to meet nance on thia sub) cl required the man at the law office of the Axtell, in the All Druggisis reiund ths money if it falle rich quartz ledge on Gravecreek, which, to Cure 25 ceste. Spain on theses in case of war. lie said who wanted a license to retail liquor, to city of tirantn Pass, Josephine county. from reports, is as rich as the “Green J omi ^ h B knton B oroioii , "We have the cleanest navy in ilie world go Iwtore the city recorder lor tiis license. Oregon. .Merlin Happening«. back” ledge owned by Browning and Executor of the estate ot Sedly Austin Not only the cleanest, but ws have tlm Now he inuRt obtain a two-thirds vote ol Hannum. Borough, deceased. Mr. Misner and family moved to their best fighting blood of any navy in the the council. Voting 111 favor of striking Dated thi« 23rd day of February, 1MVM. General H. B. Compson was here Sat­ ranch near the river Saturday last. world. The boys would not ask more out, ware,Harmon. Calhoun and.Curnell, Take Notice l>rmo< rat«! urday looking after mining interests on Mr than 24 hours with the Hpsnish navy." Calhoun, of Grant* I ’ a hr , took the oiitmsed were Hinl.h and Kinney, Dr. upper Wolf creek, lie was also looking By or 1er of the democratic county cen­ Monday evening's train for Portland. Flanagan being alment when the vote All Paris, France lias been ablaze the after other "fenc.s” that may need re­ tral cuminiitev, o( Juaephina county, was taken. Mrs II E Booth has recovered some­ past two wee'is or more iH-cause of the pairs. The General has many friends The ordinance.in our judgment, ia bet­ (here will lie a inaia convention of all what from her recent severe illness trial of M Zola, for slandering the first here among the l>eins and oilier classes, ter limit 11 was before because it will Ire democrat« resident» of the conuty, to b< W. A. Massie shipped quite a number •specially the old soldiers. court-martial of Paris, by publishing an held at the county court limine in Granta more difficult for a man who rune a den of boxes of green api lea to Portland last article in the Aurora. This trial became Mrs W. H. Hampton is oo the sick to obtain a license from four men than l'an on March 12, IHiM.at 1 o'clock p in week. famous the world over and one could list, but we are (lad to note is on the front one, but our argument was and is, for the piir)»i«e of electing «even dele­ hardly pick up one of the great dailies Mrs Carey, of Ashland, came down to improvement order. Placer seems to that it would Ire «imply im|Mi»».ble for gate» to attend the »tate convention, without finding much devoted io the visit her parents. Mr and Mrs. Ilefling, have an unusual amount of sickness this which uieela in I'ortland on Ma.ch 23d. trial. Zola was given one year in ion- one of that cliaratter to obtain a license Monday evening winter. 1SPH, and lo alterni to «uch other bu«i- finement as a prisoner, liesides a heavy | from the people We have no quarrel to ue«a a» may come before the convention. J. 1>. Haves and wife, Mrs Lanter­ The M-ccabees have taken in eleven fine The jury was out but a short j make with the council for wlmt they All democrat« are requeued to attend man. Chas Stiles and Maro Jordan were new members this month and still they 1 have done in the mailer, since lliev J. W. How»«n, time when they returned with a verdict voted as they thought beat for the good Chairman County Central Com among the Grants Pass visitors Saturday come. The order will give an entertain­ of guilty, and Zola said on hearing the morning ment in a short time, which will be a ol the city, but otherwise, it seems to us, decision 'They are cannibals " Mrs. Reube Clark went to Cottage grand affair; watch I lie bill boards. would h ive lieen better. It is argued Alum Grove Saturday evening to attend Mr. I'resident McKiulev realizes that the by one man, who ia op|H>wed to the right lira. Miller and Wagner, of Glendale, Clark's mother during her present s|iell are doing professional work in our viciu- country is on the verge of a war with j ot petition in thi« matter, that the |w*o 1 baking powder is almost as of sickness Spain on a< until ol the Maine disaster, pie had their repn »entalives in the' ity, regardless of the Kloudike fever and and lor that iea»oii lie is losing no time council who would attend to it. The Miss Cora Mitcnell returned to Merlin war scare. Little Josephine is very ler- strong as Htii. in consideration of the matter The people'» representatives do not always j Monday eve, after spending alieut a tile, even if she does stand on end ai.d \ rs. and prussic acid is blowing qp of the Maine is not a cause carry out the will of the people even if J month in Grants Pass, the guest of Rev. zlpi* three si let tor war unis»« Spain refuses to disavow they know it, aid it 1» not everyday. stronger than vinegar. ,a B<>X ^Klh Pace and family. ROGUE RIVER COURIER any connection therewith. If she official­ ly expresses regret, which she ha» done, PUBUM1IKI» BVKBY *111 KMDAY, and is willing to pay the full indemnity PRICE < wiih ripiioii Ual« [ tary Gage is anticipating war with .Spain i n h« nj aU. and for that reason lias autbwrixed the Advertising rate» on application. Copy engravers to prepare plates for a bond lor change or*a*i' must l»e handed in liefore issue of »250.000,000. If war comes, Tuesday noon. then the issuance ot bonds may be a Entered at the office at Gra.it* 1* mh , ne. easily, but until hostilities are actual­ Oregon, a- ter. ly in existence theie need lie no bonds issued, neither do we believe the antici­ pation of war should lie used as a pre­ T hursday , M arcii 3,51898. text for such a thing. This country Henry W. Corbett’s claim to a seat in would be iu the wrong, it seems to u>. to the United Statse Senate was defeated declare war against Busin if that country will apologize and also indemnify us for by a vote ot 50 to 19 the loss of the Maine. Otherwise, we The largest locomotive sver construct­ say fight, fight until the matter is settled. aorrceponfrencc S I L Communications SPECIALS 11 h« saved to the »»y P*<>P,e wt,° «OU*r« NEW u,. pour J,,. .tdo., wboi. ~ A it » years ago u* peop«* *n ,u‘* ,,rll.1(1, and media«« vicinity the a. F Baiboad ltll.q^..iu- Depot met and iscorpurated, after a erally.—.hrl, . adXrt- ““•• ‘>1 bard the Grant« Paas Cow Psaiur^. They have met every year since, etuca move is made ***« m their ignorance bolder* and everybody elne bemg aHow*-° alibi» auold, th*» ' Ths» -»I* •** n,'‘ to vote, aud eiertrd mayors to -ee ‘h*1 condemn them tor it. th»y are the une. asked U. cuutrlbul. the sidewalks aeie built lor the use to be ai coumimUicd- the cows.elected councils to &ee that they ia»t unes auuibsr of P-’P1- l,"ve '** useu them, elected «treel commiesion apsuuon for lb*, ordinance, who - era to see. that they were uol.duiurbrd, Ja. and wort for a iivmg who are hon elected marshals to &ee that they kept e»t enough to aimit the right, of others. tbeir beiis ringing all night, electcvt |.r .««mg eoeugh to know tbe beneUt« to , treasurers to receive tbe rent iroui tffi-ir owners, elected recorders to record the be derived in the end. Ask tliecity of A’hland, A* 1 fact that we are the oldest incorporated j cowi paaiure in tne stale ol Uiegon that lol Mrdfcnl. or Roseburg, ask ,.r woman in any of .hew cine«. »I*'»*' bas tended strictly to busmens and never tbev own cow- or not, Mid the» will «»• yet paid a dividend, to record the lacl tnal cows and officers have dune their »n one st.’e mat they know by actual wlo e duty. But at pieasut we bavs a experience that Hi* - ben. fit m eW/ b jard ui officers that Dave decided to de wav to have the cow» out of the street. II. L. T xi ax . dare a 100 per cent divideud ami go out Oi the business. I be result will be a Let lb« Heopl* Decide. sensible stock-ordinance. E wtox Cot x^ZTnoti. ed in th« A slock urdmauce prohibiting di Oregon Mining . ournalof the 19th lilt , stuck irorn running ai large in this city tbe names of certain prominent p.pnh.ta would benefit every person in urants .nggested be some “reformer ” as "avail­ Paas, and uune mure than lue owners ut cows themselves, unless it wuiiid be the able timber” for delegates tothecommg jiopiilist state convention to tie held in cows, and they seem at present to be Portland on the23d n»t. While I have very prominent emzens, with mure no doubt as to the honesty, integrity ami rights than the bicycle or its rider, aud ' ibilitv of th gentlemen mentioned mure sense ihan the people who think availal they aie deleuding the puur man or wo- especially the"honorab|. ” chairman ol man’s cow by trying lo deieat this ordi­ the ¡u ri •' cinlial ci 11 n ittie. 1 do mwt en. phatically Oiqs'»e{alI attempts lofmier nance. in the tirat place it would beaetit the fere with free exercise of the right of the city sidewalks by keeping them iur the peiple tn elect whom tliev please to at people’s use. Lt would, inside oi a lew tend to their business for them. The principal reason I left the re­ years, make these same A'alksshady and comiortabie to use. It would give uur publican party, some year» ago, was be city the reputation of having people m cause there ware too many suggestion» it with common decency and a little re­ and too much available timber, always spect for the opinion ol visitors, wiio rea ly to interfere and suggest at the may perhaps come Irom smaller towns, primarv, county and »tale conventions but are nut iu the habit ol walking in what should have lieen left for the peo the gutter to avoid cows who are so near pie to decide for themselves. I have ftarved and desparate for something io t.ie utmost faith in the good judgment eal, that they look and act more like wild of the plain common people, as the im mortal Lin oln was pleased to call them, eleers or miuriated bulls. Our country and I tiiink they are fu.ly competent tn patrons have suffered loss in every way ; judge for themselves who shall represent t leii horses driven from their leed, a.id them without anv suggestions from »el! cushion» and other parts ot their buggy- const Billed leaders lit« intself and o'h ers I'os pn pul 1 Joz da! H. C. pEHKINs. torn and trampled on ; their purchases, ii left tor a moment, eaten up or ruined. Í 11 is no uncommon sight lo see * cow with her fore feet in the visitor’s hack, » & eating everything from a package of ca1- ico to the leather trimming on the wag r |1 mi ft on. ULi j As far as health is concerned, ask your diH’tor in our city and they will tell you Headquarter« for the evils of this system of using the cows for sewers. Now a word as to the benefit,not to the and Fast well to-do, who should not feel the ex pense of feeding their cow, but to the Commercial Tiaveler« given spec­ ial attention tew |>oor who are paying $1,60 per bale lor hay. A prominent man, who has GRANTS PASS, OR. «ept a cow in town, sentit to pasture, Hordes boarded at reasonable paying $1,50 a month lor the same, hi- rates 'dated, positively, that the cow consumed no hay to speak ut and was kept in bet ter condition all the time at ¡eta coat. The man who votes to allow the cows io run our streets knows, as we all do. and as the experience of our cities in the valley proves, that he uses more mill feed and ten times as much hay as he d >es under stake out or pasture. He votes fur tiade, while an honewt man votes lor the interesta of this city and row owneri. Some wil> say there is no pasture There is pasture. Not enough ¡»rrhaps at pres­ ent, but create the demand and *ee how quick there will lie competition in the pasture business. It is a safe siaismeut that hundreds of dollars are sent out of this citv every year for cow feed, that L, D. Fay Sons’ 4 4 4 4 4 > > Cheeks Are Rosy Had No Appetite, But Able to Eat Since Taking Hood's-Blood Thoroughly Purlfed. * My little buy haa been in poor health for aonie time. He had no apatite and his skin was yellow. His hands "7ere covered with warts, and his blood was in such a condition that when he cut or bruised himself the wound would not heal for a long time. We procured a bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla and be began taking it. His appetite returned and his cheeks tiecarne rosy. The warts disap- I peered, his blood was purified and he was entirely well.” M bs . A nna D kmklmaico , Eureka, Utah. ” Hood's Sarsaparilla bas been our stand- art medicine for the last three years. We recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to all who are suffering from the effects of impure blood.” E. E lliott , Scofield, Utah. Hood’s Sarsaparilla 1« the Hext —In fxrt the On» True Blood PurL Her Me* |l (fa for fit Be .lire to get Huod'l. i V.’-o- i iuuu > r I>i||^ in*» t are , x 4 4 4 New Rigs, Safe THIS wkkk . IND MILL SECOND HAND Ml' »» f,.r -ale cheap. Inquire of p l| ||¿^ Teams. 4 M IS« ELLAS Eni H L’-TRAY THEKE HAS BEKN \T i". p.aee -ini-c Augu-t ». t«7 » re,i-2, » ith crop and »pht in tbe leit ear Ulen»e«. A. C ol «. Creek. E I.LO ! C11 ESC ENT CITY! yOr can talk betweea Grant» p,„ ' Cre-cent City and all iniermediate over the *4- P- A C- C. Telephon» * 1 bärge» rea»onal>le. Grant» Pas» oljj_ ® tbe CocRiKR offioe H A Y- ,W TONS OF MIXED TlMofSi i lover and Alfalfa for »ale, hurt«,(2 (or 15 cent» |*r day. Apply, G. W. Hut? Williams, (•regon. U ¿GENTS »25 TO un PEH ah , .\ ea«y' Vou work right around in,«, A I rand new thing. Write to u- i |( m You will l»e »urpnted at how ea».v it .M ■ done Send us vour addre-s anyway l will l«e to your interest to investigai. today. Addre»». " People’»,” ®»t1 Street. Philadelphia. I'a. FOR SALE. l’GR SALK—A SMITH - PKEM1EP 1 typewriter for sale cheap in condition. Enquire at this office. |’OR SALE- H HORSES. FOCR ¿CM r l>er wagons. 4 sets of harness, bearr and light, one light wagon, also ranch tel. miles from Grant« Pass. lOtai res. 30 x,^, under fence. t> in orchard. 2 small hotu^ and barn; ea»y terms.-J. W. Holmes,th^, miles south of town. SOKSALE I ARMING IMPLEMENT household goods and stock consi-tmtoi bor.»es. cattle and hogs. Cheap for l>(| w ith privilege of renting a ranch at Jerum» Prairie, ti miles southwest of Grants Pz,( Inquire of G. W. Bolt, Grauts Pass, Ore. r KRAL ESTATE. I Al.CABLE PROPERTY FOR SALK ’ A number of splendid bargain, listed below. For information inquire of Price ea<-h and nectarine A barn and good water Will trade for a good «pan of hor«ea aril take the dif­ ference in ca«b or something else. VOR SALK WK »FEER FOR SALE I this week a place of five acre- of verr rich soil near Grants Paas, Hidewalk leading into town. Thi» place liai on it a good dwelling, «oiue good iruit trees of dillereni kinds. This place at a bargain for part cash anil balance on time, f all on, or write to l’rice A Vrhies. pOR SALE A SMALL BUT CHOKE ■ farm three miles from town, contain­ ing 32 acres, mostly rich, river bottom land. A part of it is heaver dam land, especially adanted to raising vegetable». There is on the place a tine peach and prune orchard. This place is offered for sale simply because the owner cannot attend to it. For terms enquire at this office. Crescent Cycles Grade Wheel Nos. 11 & 12 $35 $50 T. A. HOOD - BICYCLE STORE Sundries A large and complete assortment of Bicycle Sundries in stock. Repairing a Specialty Have a regularly equipped Bicv- cle Repair Shop. Parts supplied. How A bout W ah ? The biggest war ever heard of will be at Fetsch’s store when the Spring Stock arrives, because there will be no room for the New Ntock. We therefore offer I'in«’ XllitM P’oi $10.00 $9.00, $8.00. The he., eve, offered i„ Sou.he,» Oregon. Csnre end »ee .hem it F. FETSCH & CO.’S 1 ailois and (.lothiers. Grants Pass, Ore. R. L. COE, THOMAS & C2. THE OJkSTT STORE. Xcu g.Mitls imw arriv ing everv da> and the big bargains still exist. While we only have a few bargain^ compared with what is to come. It will p.i\ \t However, we expect to have the most complete stock that has ever been put before the public in Southern Oregon. Mr. Coe and Mr. Thoma', arc now in th ; I i-t " 1|,t "c *,avc to offer this week, purchasing their Mammoth Spring Stock, which i> to arrive on or about March 15th. Watch tor our Spring Opening, as it will be a Klondike found at Imine Wh i U,,caBoand Sew York markets mie waiting we quote you A FEW BIG BARGAINS Ladies’ Sliirt Waists Ladies' Shirt Waists •• »1 •’ Roman Stripe, ... •< »< " Late Plaids, Tucked Front, • t 4 1 *' Silk Taftilla Gingham, «• . '' Tnckeii Yoke French Gingham, ' “ White Duck, Capes and Jackets. f 5° 7S 1 00 ' >5 • >5 1 JA Ladies’ Skirts A big as«ortmctit now Iretttg shown in ail the tatMt styles of Platd-v Checks, Stripes and Plain. Some Great Bargains thi. weeg in Black al $t,jj and ft 50. Also hoe line of Silk Skirtx at a price never offered before U’e place on sale this week Some Beauties in Tailor made Jacket" and Capes in all the latest Styles aud Colors, which we are unable to list the price here . Spring Novelties. In Oimities and Linens, figured and Plain and all Colors, that we place on sale this week at the untold price of 7'zC- 8‘K, J J Sc, joc . »$c. Come and see these goods Something new Gents Furnishing Goods. Hats Cap« . Fancy Shuts . . t nderwear Fleeced Lined Suit ’ ’ . * • " 50c and up 25c and 50C 5°°. 75c, and Jt oo • - 85c • Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! Don t overew Heavy Buckle at to St 00. « o*>r Shoe Stock, a* •5. Ltdtes fheCùiu «« are now opening ap ¡iurso|- Men > *ee, ft.50; Children s fine, 50c