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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1898)
OREGON NEWS KOTES. ■ . Earle Fruit Co. Trying to Col lect Back Freight. NEWS OF THE WORLD Coldest Weather of the Sea son «n New York. A dispa cb to tbe Daily N?wa I om <) L -*a say«* i :• r r?'» ?«i that M. Z evfeff. Ku»» an am1 ass.-vli r to Turkey, holds an alfirnatum in readin«*^ to l< . «ielivrred to the port? in certain coutiri* gwn«'ie»,to^niuf«-«» «he Sudan’s a<'4*?p an«*? SEARCH FOR THE POLE. Wliat a Man Would Find on Gain ing the Goal Difflraltl«« of Crete Person Which In Wouin Cure lb*l Couab with Shiloh • Cure, The beet Couft. Cure geiievee Croup i rranptle Ot.e million bo-ilt* »»W *•»*• ye»r. 40 dow- lor 2S een'». bold Lang Troubles «d CoMu»P» 6 Caube_Cured. National Drur Store. Be««t the Center of the MOUNT RORAIMA. THE WJSDMS or SC1EHCE "J?* J---------------------- LL" I lii. «»*t*k Pro» Fren h, «»I il*r gd- • ill nral r«»lleg«- w»ld »u .1 ('. Taylor eight ht ud I I m ’ pig» xx of tii»-»e urte egh moiHiiN old and bud Iteen »uhj«*«'ts «>f experimental i« e«dng, tbs par* icu-*ra of a U. c I i will p|>e»r m bulletin« later. T >ey are h mixed bre* d of Berk*b*'M s . h I Poland Cmnu, and averaged 3>X) p »«HitI«» dreaded Mr. 1«« lor states that in 1 !- .i f years experience in butchering th’» IS ’he be»’ lot ••( i»«»gS he has tern — C »rvailiM Time* JUNGLES OF GUIANA. Our ” , York cbemut. A M» m of ».fetotion Thol <•« A sp?«-ial to the Herald from Port su Lived. Be penetrated T A SlOvO'n. J- The rotation of the Guiana» i» » eiy ot • reliMhi^ B* ' Prince says: “It is r mured that tbe i ubereul<—'- If anyone really get to the pole he devouring mao» ot jrreen, whieb vtva » 1 ' lang »lld ‘ hw,(* I’mtad stat?» Minister, William F Pow- would, ift common parlance, be utterly COLONEL MILLER HAS AN ORGAN ■ encroach-s. and 1» kept down only Wl <i »II brvneln»l. >hr ■ al4rrb*i __ GENERAL ARANGUESEN IS KILLED. , ell, ha» been recallin! at the request of “at M*a,” »imply because at the pole ily - e of one pton' 1W.^, •'üt*'”?, •*kD*-”' A pool of b854 bushels of wheat wa» the government on account of there I* no puawbilfty uf ascertaining by the ceaxeteas warfare n another. A - * tree sprlnr» up. -a. mad« up in Indepeud nee Lina week. 1 Me connection with thrLeuders incident, Otte't» whereabout«. A per;»on arriving upi iu Century. ai*> io.» 01 de.h. «n-i»f j - keeb >r- W. Meph.w Kiop arid w m bought by A Herren, who (mid which resulted in Germany »«ruling war- t h re would fi nd an altogether different Good Result Jh»f Experimental Feed it» way to the topl-> it*rwr/y. 1> in< 70 cent» a bushel for it. Ttii. i» iroui It usala and Great Britain arc Offer ■ »hips here to claim indemnity." world before him. Uke a blind man he i sooner " ' 'beCo.. — cstablLs!*e«l ------------------ than a parasiu .riM Ing of I’igs at the Agri «o »uy utflfc«*' ",*ur* 2’i to 3 ceiiUi more on the bu hel than would grope about and vainly endeavor begins ing Loans io China on the us to io climb its in trunk and lac? it Preei«i?nt McKinley left for Washing cult urti College. the average price paid in that market. rr-‘,:,r°‘bv hn“ to get buck to whence h<- came. Thia self around th«* tree, until finally <*«e Maine Terms. I ton th? 28th. Before leaving Windsor bj no mean» enviable bituation is cal grip of the pun»«lie kill» the tree, and ciire.1 ihoUMn'i« Between March 5th. 1S94 and July 1, lt'B „mple hotel the president went through his culated to thoroughly deitroy the illu lioth full to ruin and d«cay. leaum? a 1890,there were issued by the -tate board ."«I d"o^o‘ »utfer.on h»m»»>ly early mail and held a brief reception, sions which he may have cherished which i« imme<]iatrly occupied yjM*ce« v of «education LW teMchei«’ certificate» 8?< retarv Porter said the pregi lent uan when starting on his polar expedition. Tbe ladies of the Dal!«*« are working ’•y new forms. ami diploma». 402 college ami university In hi- farewell lecture. Explorer Nan- I very much pl?Mf>rd at the reception ar His completely chacgt d situation would r j:. träte such a jungle is to get a public libary for the town. To pti diplomas. 20 f »tale diploma» ami 477 •<oi declared that he might accompany id ■nd * b*'IU|1'rerult» ?. h >ut the use of a mac .etc and corded him in New York President be accounted for by the fact that when dblc w .1 The Multnomah county tax levy is 26 eta’e «ertificate». nieniing'er yr»r». •>*« P g|1 be The time of the«« is Peary on the latter’» next polar trip. ! McKinley is suffering from a slight cold. stationed at the pole th? direction, to ax. To ccp a path open requin';- con milk, azaiort 25 last year. the north would be found to coincide stant cu tò g. If you »boot a bini or „ her.eti.lal to hü»-Ht. suance covered a period of 28 months, The 28’h of this month was the cold Judge Chinn, after lis’aning patiently with tin line to the zerkith—that is fo it fall» prrhap« not mor? eUhned b> •"'¡„"“’.roubl«. and eon A republican club ha» been organized the «tverag** monthly issuance l«emg 48. on an ill •st day of the winter in New Yoik The to the tes'imnnv of half a dozen witness »-wrlion tnal lun» eliiniU» 1» >ay, the point exactly above us. The at Cottage Grove, with 43 members. Ai ’hr same monthly ayerage mm forth» tau 2 ’ ntt away: but it may re- .un.puon .re e.K»b . murcury registered below 25 degrees be es, corn mil ted George ('lark for trial, opposite point—viz: the nadir—would :•! ' hour or en hour to reach it. ■«ufre a 1: The flowering mill in fos»il ha» »but pre« »ding period, the number of pM)«ers low zere. nd unberyou cm* shoot fr« ni a «»anoe, and a short time a’ter he was driven to coincide with th? directions to tbe down, and will remain cloaed until 1-nued during the past 18 months w»a Hera Ido says that betide* the active the jaii al Napa Clark c«« med to real south. Th«* longitudional circles, an«l and can drop the bird mtn the water, **0L l i e estimated number of papers ■priog. It ha» 10”0 but*hel of t! >nr on Sipiadron which will shortly leave Cadiz ize that he was leaving forever his asi>o* hence also thr meridian of thejocality, as a ml? you car rot find your game issued between March 5th, 1894, and titer >t a killed. Wonts cannot <le- would coincide with the cine lea of iati- baud. four torpedo boat» and five torped boat ( iations of the last 10 years, and fur th? January 1, 1898, is 2229. tudr; an equator would coincide with cril e the beauty of this mass of green, Competition between the I matilla destroyers will I mt sent to guard the coa-i I first time since his ariest appe «r« d to see the horizon. Ilenc? an astronomical gorous vegf tnliou, nor can one com- The Point Adam» hienavingcrew lately I tangib*y no longer a shadow v outline of county douring mills ha» reduced th? of Cuba. determination of tbe locality,according fti hernl t! e difficulty of conquering -pr»-.h ni’.i found the body of a man near the end of price of flour in Pendleton to 80 cents a to latitude and longitude, is altogether <uch a w ilderness unless ®ne has actual 9R EtuL.reet.5e« York. utvinR A telegram ha* been received from | ’he gallows. the jetty, and »hipped it to the corner. tack. ly grappled with it. iotn»k, West Siberia, which »ava that a | Children and ad'dts torture«| bv bur: s, precluded. otft e ar.deepre-ad.ire-. a.» > Duncan Bro* will erect a steam »aw j Tim tx»iy is now in the morgue. D is Th? same may be saidas regards de- *• ahis, injur?», r< z?ma or skin di-easi-s n.edi. tne «ill 1* pron.pilv »ent "n ■ upponcd io be that of btate ik/atman lump of awriferout» earth containing 74*4 ; may secure instant rebel hv using Lw- H •■mining one’s bearings in any direc er« »I. . . d take in«i«iil advantaRe oi HOW TO FIN’D OUT. mill at duncanvillw, in Grant county, on pounds of pare gold ha» I hcr found on Brudfoxl, who wa» drowned October 20, I Wilt’s Wit« h HaZ* I "a've It Is the tion. The compass, too, will fail there, tbe headwaters of .SIvies river, ou th?| Fil' a Untie nr common gla»» with ^X’ÄMret,’'ortb.tyo0«wh.- while putting a party of men aboard the the Washington estate, iu Mmuesiaak j great Pile remedy —W. F. Kremer. l» < auy-‘ its horizontal intensify is so urine and let it stand twenty four hours; I zee road district. sediment or settling i* dicates an un nffer in ihr Cu< HU- h German »hip Flottbek, then ready to Proposals were opened in th? office of j • /hi as to preclude the portability of Smith <k Horning ha*e bought 7000 We are anxious Io do a little good in Secretary of I lie Naw lx>ng (or th? «on- i -ts action. Th? only criterion for judg- healthy condition of the kidneys. M hen »ail for Europ • The identification i* sheep in Benton county since sb??p- that one ha-s arrived at t’he pole urine »tain» linen, it is evidence of kid n ii complete ?!«» Bra«ifor«i will not be ibi» world amicali think of no pl«*a»antei st met ion of a government armor plant. K or lietter way to do it than by rvconi- •hut the observed altitude of th«* sun. ney trouble. Too frequent desire to uri shrsring time. This firm shipp«*d a JUST TOO LATE. advi»ed tonight, it being feared that the iieoding «>ne Minute Cougo Cure a» a : ¡'here were 09 bid», covering every phase nate or pain in the back, is al««» convinc after having been corrected to altitude lot of cattle from Wells last week. ing proof that the kidneys and bladder ThoUKht T" l o»« About '■> «>■* »litx-k will la* to great The rori*»e is in •revsn’ive «d pneumonia, • « n-umpfion lot th? advertisement. There were only j bo\ ■ the true horizon, is found to coin- Tuuuei- Many carloads of mill machinery arc m terrible state of decomposition, and and other serious are out of order. lang trouble» that two bids ofurohb a complete plant,and j i<!f with the value of the declination -We are now coining to tbe tunnel, W H AT TO DO. en route to Baker < iiv to »quip l..«k»i only the clothes, a p<» ket knife ami u • blow neglected voids.— W. F. Kremer. only one of these named a figure. Hie ■ f th« sun for th? day in question, There is comfort in the knowh lge »<• eaid the cautious lover, reports the De The first «-lana armored cruiser Vises va Huntington, W Va., chamber of coin county mines. This indicates I hat t he bunch of kevsare recognizable. cover, in those region»* there jh often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’» troit Free Pre««, ‘ and according to th. gold output of Bakt r county will I»? tn Has Hared for America I he rest ol •i ly a day on which dense fogb >wamp-Root, the great kidnev remedy foolish tradition of others in love w- m'jrce offered to tollow specifications an I ’ There ha» been shipped to Pendleton ih«i Spanish squadron is preparing to build th? complete plant for $3.325,9u5. : do i- ‘ prevail, nnd CO or mor«* degrees fulfil» every wish in relieving pain in ’he must kiss each other. 1 mention it be creased. a out 500 Ion» altogether of ( a»« adt- < of co’d, such as mostly exist there, back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every «ail for Havana The iron clad Christ John Van Pelt ami Link Van Pelt o ice cause I did not wish to surprise you. II h * lu-t. »hipmeai eon«*i»ted of nine The monthly statement of th? bereau I wil enihanee th? difficulties i f observa* part of the urinary passages. It corrects ".Nothing that you could do would Curry county, have given h nd» io an «iirlnatlr, cut from ihe second crop. The •bai wi I accompany the torpedo fleet of Hta’¡«tics sir.\v*4 that the exports oil inability to hold urine and scalding pain to such an exteirt thut it can only surprise me." she said. t»w?r til? cha»g? ol killing A. I. Coo’idg« [ blix'ks ure {»erie« lly clear, and from 10 («• immediately. wheat during 'he calamler \« ar 1897 ng question of approximate estimates, in passing it, or bad effects following use “D-o-do you anyone we know ? The Chronicle save; The lai Eastern .regah'd 109 9"9 3/8 btishele, a gram o’ and Thomas Van Pelt, jr , <‘Xperiti h < h »| i 12 inches thi* k. The shipment will be uch conditionto are- by no means envi- ofliquu., wine or beer, and overcomes “ Not a soul. ” that unpleasant necessity of being com to furnish bond di-'iilmted a« tollow» : William Roesch, -it iia ion waa dra«u*s«*d be tween the more than 50,(KM) () > husli**ls over IS.») “Nor anyone that knows us? pelled to get np many times during the e us to long for them with all ou: The indications a ? that there will I»« one car; H. F. Johnson A <o . two, Marquis of Salisbury and United State» and over 43.000.' 0 » hush 1* as cornpaired n.ght to urinate. The mild and extraor “No, no.” •arts. lmba sudor Hay before the lat er st «rted dinary effect of Swamp Root is soon real “I suppose there isn’t any sticking • hwHtz A Grenlich, lour 11 Kopiitk« a lively market this year in Mall irti i with 1895 Wheat flour, however, fell i’ ’ thf-p are not the only things ized. It stands the highest for its won or Egvpt The Chronicle understand* off over 2.000'00 barrels, «n compare«! Each car c/ntained abou plaster on your face?” • comity for cattle and ah«•« i». A niiiiih« i <\ < o,lwo • •li are likely Vo make a sojourn at derful cure»ot the most distressing cases that die prospset that an English loan to with 1891 “No. Why?” of Eastern drover? are ♦ xp«-« l»d I here !«• 20 «uns. I'h? extsrrt? of corn in 1897 pr;>a 1 ex mending torment. Won«? If you need a medicine 'ou should have “It might betray us. I read of a bay for th»* Eastern market ('<»n»iderable interest It manifested at ’ 'bina ia very favore* le. *sre unprecedented, amounting to IMO.- i iu all the rret, one cannot count the th** best. Sold bv druggists, price fiity young man like me, who kissed a girl cents and one dollar. You may have Trie Fairview tunnel •^sing hours there; in other words Coyotes ar? mor? numerous through the 127,.509 bush?!» an im*r?a»e f 57,' 0 ) 000 Carvalli«, i»i an effort the Lari Erm like you when they wer»? going through • ip is no criterion for determining a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent Mountains at Johnson’s canyon, near over 1890, ahirh ii'-eif wa very heavy Company is to make to collect ha« i- Vale, in Malheur count v, than free by mail Mention th»* kogi e kivek a tunnel.” i?ne rd day. During a period of six Vilham-. Ariz , is again on fire. and ♦•iport \ ear, fort in the history ol it wti ir« ight and <*««iumi »ion charges on green “Well, what of it? How slow you coi KiKR, and send your address to Dr. ■ • ih*. the sun will neither rise nor tfieja!» of the Santa Fe fear they •na\ I»'line shipment , made by local grower» Kilmer de (,’<» , Binghamton. N. Y. The are.” Persons f??<ling »aiil** report - IT? Herald’s Havanna mrr?s|»ondpnt . but during th? whole of this time p oprietore of patters guarvntee the gen “The sticking-plaster was on her •e compel d to aLondon the tunnel, as fives th?««* details oi th? killing of Iran- many »• 20 ami 2 • d.tiiv. ami on«* |. him »- io ihi East last summer M»uv ol tin always remain edthrr above or be ninesss of this offer. face when they went in; when they hey are at a loss Io devise means ’o ex gneren, th? Cuban in*uig?nt leader. report» having »« ?n 15 in on? band grower» m I io shipped found, when th« th? hcrizon. As the earth revolve* came out it was on his.” mgni-h the flames s axis in 24 hours, the sun ap- Arangueren wi’h a small ’ami was sur The Coos county court has relet the »«•ouiilH of sale» wetc rendered, H im ’ "How lovely. We are nearly through iiiHtead of having bnlam«*» due them a» • r<'. ’ ’ th <Ti scribew, during th? same in Mr*. I'hoebe Hearst, mother of the ( o prised in a well ('"ncealed hut in the centrai't for ’ uilding a <*ourt hoiiseat MISPLACED PUNISHMENT. the tunnel.” rva ’ . a « ire ’ . c of 3450 deg». ’ ?« round the a »e mt of the S4l»s ol th« ir irmt, it h»«l proprietor of ’he San Franrfe«*« Examin Tapa»’e hilla, by the R«*ina battalion, The quille City to H. Snook of Salem “Then it must be now or never." said ln<ry nnn*etv,fp Belabor« !J. t Guest In y. lx*ir g * ibl? at an altitude equal r and New York Journal, arr ved in the under command of Culoiirl Benedict«» ♦ he cautious lover, and the passengers contract i» auhstaiitlalfv th«* aamess ’In not »'«hi for enough in pay t ran m |> o » I a’ i<«n stead of II pf Hu-il ittwl th«* <'«•<• ’ > -ation whenever declina- i hews Iw ’it» ol Mexico the 27th. The governor Th«* insurgent general was seated at a on? award««! bv the court and «• h » h * h I’.-. and commission charges An exchange sto: v about Dr. smiled audibly, for the train emerged tii is < f th«* »anv? name as the pole at <,1irtrk?e« in the illarnet'e Vail •» at of the district and a band of music re- table writing, alien the house was sur iiJicr, at one lime a popular Cougre- into the broad daylight just as he last year. hi ch t.h? observer is stationed. saluted his girl with the long-deferred uni by those who claim to know, t«> itiotialist preacher in England. etved her, in recognition of Mexico’s rounded by Spanish troops, At the tiret The numerous attempts hitherto It is estimated by parties int t r?f«*ed in i c h* <1 been holding scr\ ices at a vil- kiss. • mount to, |l5,if(X), in Benton conn y ¿Latitude io her late husband. Senator vollev several of the rebels tied, but ad? to reach the pole have, as a mat- salmon canning that tl vie will h** lull ,o in York: hire, and, a heavy rain hav- h *v aggregate bet ween |10 )0 and 1500. leaist, in the (’lilting epi*ode r i f coin's?, been bv water—that is to Arangi’eren with four other» were Bliot 500 boats le a a th« coming »?a«on tha« g i < .lie oi . had accept« ! an in\ itation y. by ship s and s’pilg'rw. The idea A pretty incident hi«|»|H*ned during the Wnat pfea-nre i- there in life with a Don’t annoy others by voiir «*«»tighing. last year. Prices are low, and th* «*iin » { a*-s the night at the . .u-e of one of nt ouc mig ht r< t there by air aerial headache, conati fiat ion asd billiousnets? h < p« I « xeicises at the agricultural • ol and risk your life by neglecting a cold, '0 villagers. Th? good-h a. t <1 host, nera ar«» nriahl? to pay -udt price* Sf<'tf*e has not trained ground until ilio«i»and* experience them who could One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs. I- g«* .**»'tirday. It wa» the ( mji I i bir h i he minister's clothing drenched, wil1 demand plenty of h«»lp. cenriv. but If we consider that bal- tan-ome p rfecllv healtny by using De- colds croup grippe ami all throat ami lav ol President Haleb, and after a song rought out a suit of his own anil sent uns are not ravignble. and b.en«reare 'Vi t s Luth* Earlv Risers, the fainou» lung troubles.— W 1 Kremer. Colonel Robert Miller, caudidat«* fot s guest upstairs tn put it on. • »indent arose and proposed I lire« bttle pills —V\ F Kremer. ib’e to be carried away in any* dirr.*- governor, stated that he had N»curt*<l an Ricardo Arna’o,lhe former editor of El 'i he goo<| man hud msde th«* chang < beer» lor the pieHideni They w»*re rirx j by a u : r currents that may areL At a meeting of committee» represent organ (m*w»| apvr). The llrrahL in Ils rel was on his way back to the sitting ■tai iv« n w uh a w ill, and at ’heir concltisioli ing the federated employers and allied Reconcent rado, published »n Havana P vail, and in the most ur.- issue of January 27,mad«* a cotnpl?tv(flo| oom whin the woman of the house in the interests of the autonomist partv, iy t only to the pole, no one l rofe»»oi Conte stepped fmward on th* ’rade unior^|tbe result of a ballot accept me out of another room holding it from a middle of th? road populist papri Mr. E. D. Jeukins, of Lithonia, Ga., has arrived from t hat city on the Segur ses ?d r f * but a moderate allowance piatfuim and presented the preanlei t r hands the big family Bible, out c ng the employers* term* wa» communi ama to a fusion organ, which ia <•< n»i«l?r« <i says that bis daughter, Ida, inherited a • f comrn«*n will comprelhend how An edict was issued by • Hptain w th a magnificent bouquet in honor li ; eh the doctor was to N invited t< severe case of Eczema, which the usual cated. A (orinai agreement embodx ing significant, taken in connection w ith Col <* >nld have been expected from General Blanco for his arrest on the < lid ihedav I he incident h*it the presided' • I a chapter before the family* re- mercury and potash remedies failed to he terms of settlement was duly signed charge of being th? prim ipal promoter • uch an enterprise. Moreover, detcr- onel .Miller’s assertion. red. relieve. Year by year she was treated without power to »p«ak He looked at • ml arrangements completed for a aim minat iot i of locality cannot possibly of the recent riot in Havana, during At the ‘•.imr* time she was not in a very with various medicine., external appli William M. McLeod is opening up th« tue liou«|m*i, then at Professor ( note, from a balloon with ai:v ap- ultanenuH resumption of work in the which th*- offices and plant of his m-ws cations and internal remedies, without m'able mood. Careful houseyvives an Tualatin river, preparatory to floating then at (he »Indents, and finally said, •roximatfe degree of accuracy.—Nauti- federated shops on Monday to !• ’mt out of eort» by th? adven* result. Her sufferings were intense, papi'r wer? totally wrecked. Hr dis ‘ 1 ■ about 500,0 () fret of fir logs, bc'onyiiik ‘‘Lei’s sing, Three Cheers for the R« d •al Magazine. f • ??d company. Seeing Dr. and her condition grew steadily worse. Il ts announced that Blanco has ar guised liimsel', ami under the name of to James hi - mil! at Dillrv Th« s« Whit«* and Blue!’ " Every hotly canalit All the so-called blood remedies did not r in i•?« borrowed pnrm?nts sh? Mflk and Water. •ivsdat Mnnzanilio and review«*d the Nestor Prirnilim \ arona Hiiccredvd in seemte reach the dis logs weie cut about three years ago, hut tii»* in-pirai inn and a pret i -r or noisier took I 'in for her bushand, and ns h- 1 Milk i an adtnirable food, containing ease at all until S. as there waa little demand for I uiii I m r arene was never wltne»»ed in the col leg« 1 t' <tps, granting decorations to soldiers making his way to New Yo k. •* ‘ d in front of her she lifted the all the elements of nutrition in a form S.S. was given, when • ml promoting several sergeants to the Th? supreme cou»t has reversed tin* then, it WAN net <*otial<ier?«i advisable Io cha|«el. A l ook r.rd I ■ ’ ■ought it down pri-tty smart an improvement apaible of ready assimilation. Con- *ank of officer He visited (he munii* jmlg«*m«‘iit of tlie superior court of S.«n ly on h's h ad. float them The logs are lying along was at once noticed. ■ ary to be universal opinion, however, TheG. II Hammond Parking House, jpality ami d< livvred a speech, declaring “ There, ” she said, “ take that for ask The medicine was the banka, clove to the stream. Diego county, which awarded <1 images ’iii.'k is i.of always well adapted to th« northeuMt corner of East Q>ak and Waiei continuecd with fav ing him to stay all night.” that la lore (hr end of next month he for libl? to Dr. J. (’ Hearn? against th? < of i' he«ick. c A very activeconditiri The 10 year-old eon of llano Christian streets, Poriland, had a narrow escape orable results, and waa sure peace would reign in Cuba ae«| S<n Francis’*o Chronicle, uml a m-w trial f the ti .1 igestivt .n ative organs is required for fiitnonsen, living four miles south <»l from destruction by lire ths other even now she is cured NURSING SENTIMENT. that the insurgents who ha«i not sur was ordered. The supre.m* court held it* j ¡*« r ci <•! r version of milk, and the sound and well, her Phil.math, wan killed by a tailing tr« e ng. About 7 o'clock a blaze was discov- stive (Iui<!s of the sick do not come Th» French < ultivats thr I.ove of rendered to Spain bv that Unit* would b that th? h»wcr c«»urt had erred in not skin is perfectly laat Wednesday. The little fellow and «•»rd in th«* middh* aimike hotiHe, ol oroiu l>t*«Hl*4. 1^:0 ‘ h * -t:mdard. Moreover, the allowing th? defen*«* to i itrnduc? imp clear and pure and 'reat.*«l with he utmost vigor. two elder brot her» were < hooping c< rd u hh li there a»r three, where ha ns arc tain testimony to *np|»or’ i s s’a’«-m nt ntiment is a thing of the heart, an she has been saved facility wi‘h which milk absorbs gases On the application of I hj II i sides ol (fit* wood while a tree was bring frheiL A» «•ur«*d over the fire, which is probably I h» court held that th? par«« r «lid not anddvvt 'ops poisonous ptomaine? must from what threat ¡net rather than judgment. Tht -nit brought by Georg«* I! Hathaway and have to prove l>?\«»mt a reHM«»mibh* doubt be born? in mind. It is in this way a 11 urso it by that v. hit h excite« ened to blight her life forever. the true ls*gan to fall, all s*ai*ed for a right fret brm*a’h the giai«*» By tIn S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) 'lie truth of its charge-, a pr?p«.mb*ra >' ? t ans and imagination. Dur readj source of infection even when place of »airly, but in some unknown tim«* tin- fire was under control bv’nrrn Richard Heard against Fri«lijoi Nansen, cures Eczema, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheu of evidence being sutlicu-nt r»i the wars between France drawn from a healthy vow. and there way the younger lad wa*« caught. Ih«* Ib.lhH) and 20,0o0 puuml* of meat weie be Arctic explorer, to recover |20<K>’ matism, or any other blood trouble. «Shiloh’s (Consumption (’ure cures is little doubt that much of the milk in ¡and a French officer blew up It is a real bloc <1 remedy and always only apparent injury «a- a »mall hole in • le*’roy»*«l, which, together with the laniagvs for brea« h of contract in failing a here others fail ii pa tjp» leading use is not obtained always from hea’.thy al taken. He cures even after all else fails. o coinph*te the course ot 50 levine» the upper portion of the skull, suppoerd woodwork ami giat«» burned, eniailrtl a cough cur»-, and no Imin? should bewi h I animals. Heat is th? most satisfactory i v all perished. to ha»? been mad«* by a »harp snag or Io»» «if abtmt |2tH)0, the most ol which i» which n is alleged Nansen had agreed ’<• nut it. Pleasant to take ami g »?» right to Fi nch goyernment recognized • of a I sterilizers, and when milk is deliver, ha- beea discontinued. Heard he spot Bold by W F Kremer I piece of a limb. eoverril by in-tirance. c i’s heroism by entering the boiled it is probably safe. The boiling and ilailiHwav were Nansen’s manage «• oi h’s s stcr, his only surviving Take a blood remedy for a blood disease; i!>o renders it more digestible. The luring In» recent lecture lour in Ihi UNIQUE WASHING COMPETITION I first action of gastric juice upon raw v. in the place in the navy list a tonic won’t cure it. country v. hi1 Ins name had occupied, nnd here Our books How FtigHab Women Draw Visitor» to milk is similar t«v that produced by There are three little thing» wliirh ••* at, but it requires <i very active solv it rt aired till her death, says Youth’ on blood and lleiMnu ( 'on non. um»e work tiiMii am other three Inti« skin diseases In England when society eiubnrl<s ent. Water is also a familiar source of in> gs < rcatc«l, they are t Iu* ant t he be» Bonaparte conferred upoi mailed free to id.srase, and all that ic used fordrink- iipon acme charitable enterprise ii«u- J T «•«I |te\lilt's Lillie Early Riser», III. address. r d urergne the title of “Firs* any nlly a bazar or Momethmg on that <>r- jirg purposes should be previously • •I being | he la imo is lit 11»- pill« for »loto » .1 of thr French Army.” Hr Swift Specific ! Isuled.- X. Y. Ledger. ( ) C i-__tliey »«M ’ tire the promise of a «it and in er troubles—W . F. Kreiimr h de I n d promotion tn the cnl- Co., Atlanta, baker's dozen of popular young debu Ga. Land ( omnils»toner Hermsiin ha- \n Iffeelionnte Office ll«»y. !cy of a regiment, because it would tante« to engage in a “washing comp«* irate him from his brave greña- One morning Tomlin®, when editing niecthd the regulations lor lheu»eo tition,” thia f«*Rture of the bazar al- FINANCIAL REVERSES. •s. but he was not insensible to the Jerroal’» .X’eyy.«paper, found his office ml»er on public landa by mining com v ay » proi ing rt big draw ing card. 'notion which the epithet mr loc k« d and no office-boy on the prem- id ' a Li Dl-.ppolntm. nt of an Wh„ o„._ panie», so ss lo provi.le |».r appio sti««i.» Each of the fair washerwomen is at »nt. When hr was killed in ba tt I* lit' yvaited for some Vme- and worked th«* Market. tired in chintz.a big white apron, broad is«'-. • • i nr« base m y«-Hr'» mipply 4>f timh th emperor ordered that hfs nanv They had been tulkinp a ’„nt trurt. • t«e I r» •■» white collar and sleeve» rolled up above when th«* boy appeared reprimanded lo hi * » «i i»y Hll »g» lt him for < M*r«i«e{)irg. Th? Iwiy denied should be calle«! at every roll call of th* ami th?immense profit r- ¡. < | |>v ti c elbow in true washerwoman style. ’ I'»* ami • thè«* «o i I imi ih«* > ouii * K m , st*i h.n r i P?«»pl? had effected a v> itnl. accord, ng to the Washington St Jr. Each competitor is atipplied w ith a ’t, tearfully, and explained that he had prenadiers, and that th? sergeant t>rviuin«*ni furnirr living W li n ||| i-o l»r n j re f 1 tl<«* «ame «lisra»« w I hin w « should answer: “Died on the field kept i»iu ii tati«»ti just ui i»f mine loot in lIliiK»!«« I nil, »«»tn« »-old water, two pegs and a been up all night. “It’s this way, sir.” n?t er sat Med. howxw? |»p i i.» i im I n hi Oi«g<».t and Ma»hnu- l*a. 'I lit y htoVS I«•*'■••«<1 h<* raid. “Mv uncle was hu I he »trenvlli of this tvafiinoiuu »oiled ten cloth. remarked th biit t*«i y?sr*. liHVittk i i it oin «' ’<> give the medicine a tru • i. ili« bui« d m thè ('lei v I nik I ic-«*r«« Old Bi lev th:? mornir. g. nnd ^'.though Hl « if h On the word “go” jeweled hands are t««ii* The chaii/r *»« Iu L-ly «• m ¡or a box uf l’r \\ fill. 1 r en ’ t on speakii »«1« r ih« riMÌNea Mar« h 1 w e w ? 1 ng terms with ot Mrs. kolibin«' I ifm I i I plunged into the water and the wash Pills for Pale People, and pav« 1 i» iiu? »dvi^l li«*r that i a fh-iroiigh trial. I «lid not ih >| i « m V ing begins. 1‘he prize is given to the him. I thought, as omr of tbe family. h? r p ri tinti Rii «e ih off*-mi (‘hii « . her *v«*r ressinnte li»-r 1< “Quit? till I had Irird the second box. I coin|»et«tor who shows the cleanest I ough t to go. to be there.” H 1 • Ui '.«ni» t^rm» m « «rea« hm « h *Thrr? -« «»iiragt*»! a little with the r?Aiilt r i i? h t ” »aid Tomîlrs. “Never reflect M r*. Rohl < loth at the mid of three minutes, the l Ku but knowing that I »hold«' 1 T nourlit 1 I «miirr I in 4 *| h fau.iiv rlntiex. But when* another moM tr« 1 a *ii<ld< 11 cure of such a rliroiih' « »sine 1» mg pegged into place upon the ih ih«’ Al’rr R ii a very or« * to be barged. plea«r ne, I tried th« M-rond box with th« i n<*. Point« are deducted for overtime grt out t ihi 1 hniut*«lint«'l> b* jran grtting l»«■tf r. office key under th? mat. »wu 011 thè »Miti nnd incorrect detail. ■strsral *xes ot lhr*«* pills »nd niii ■< n Oiin« invi • u BBSS, f«»r S uh ! a Jxmdon l»ell«' who recently I, as yon see nir to-day, u« u and ha«t a f ?1 h | R > ever l»«-f<»re. ’’ I »•' «. ber »talli t«mk part in a w ashing com|»etJtion at rears with th» ce of thr truthfulness of I a wrivet social event: *’ i wenty minutes Í r« « |it hi » w«*«*k* I xu ? “Wher?’« Jiggers now?’’ r«>lit'ins v«»h nteerwl tn ma tht* 1 <ii<1 not of that exercise every day would give » ' w » - sw«»rn etutcment: .» IV« “Uh, be'« K ' diking around some- I * a* able to g»- afi rm tliai ihr aliove statriuent anylnnly first rate arm developing ex W here." Stil« I «H -krU • diflerent wotnar true.” ercise. It'« wav ahead of some of the “What’s that?” “My furnirr >tr< p nrpator. Hu«» w .«■« Hfritry IIORHINB. methods in my phyaicid culture class ” <*d. Slid 1 WHN II ‘Trvi•'«.«• t«v find a rich trirl to marry aad b<H)r*. My rn Io h»mr» tn* a m, aik ! getting the cold shoulder for ■hrm pm.rn grow it p»l? mid Hrm tanti of tht* g»nrr the Psri»h of U n n. HUMOR ON THE BENCH. « troul»;? “- X Y Jcrirnal. urtr«'tr.| i hut 1 1 I h* Jli ot M • ■ ■ reporlt d adverse \ <>n • naipHnn Buri ( harwcteriatl«- Inerdotr of I «rd H uw « b , VI* •Valer. pouh'i* in w« u n congres- gran mg « « > Ihn Kngilah Jurist. frr pale I*».| I» OX'E EXJOYS fftrenvih an«i foi rm sll the « The lute Lord Bowen, bcaidra being k i •rgrB ««V» diflrrrHt n«e«th'i Both the method and Koult* when e lit« end r> u great judge . waa a great wit, aud ing arrwir«! to a compart -\vrupof Eign i< taken; it ia pleasant IC'D?, and whti many intrrretiog !»»n tuota of his are l‘erai io star <>n bit stoui Ihvir « w ii in (be an.I refreshing Lithe taste, and acts A SC 1 • •• Ik « L< ag recalhxl just now On the cw'va- “Ihs «mly U s i*’i of thr queeo’z jubilee, says House non aw r»*qtl’r?<, using •he K«at tfintly yet promptly on the K idney«, to do «HU (n ttl hold \V«»rda. th? judge* were drawing lua advice I m 1 bv ’Ik»* Hxuaver* of O»?g»*n, in i.iver and Bowel», clean*.1» the ar*, b«*netitr«t. b»it up an addrew« tn th«» queen. i * ith 11 o- Oregon pil«»ts. Th? tern effectually, diapel» cold*, head ’iri.Mt« ( n».Bn , otdy lemiwtrsry H« “('onscM'UM a* wr are of our abort In rav former fficiklti g roasoir <»f the anialga* ach« « and fevers and cure« habitual » a St-new of «n he nrtiV p«-*f| «it1 coming«/* rm» th? addrena; “conscious *>* and lar?« my < he« kw, 1 I Syrup of Rig» j. the if* a box or «ix the w . Mt» of p«l«»is rffeele«t > •ii’tipatioi n . toilwry. 1 ha«l Hi it a* we are uf one another's sborUxun- of th« ar» ne»er «old in bulk only remciy of it* kind ever pro and frunily. Finally I . e •s «* g , * uh a view to prevent* dr« NA i e |>r. \\ lì aiu*‘ ings.” suggivte«! Ion! Bowen. Not a nn»|-i|*r «»f I h » m iluicl, pleaaiag t» the t*»te and ac- i-brne<*tady N Y. i a n 9’tX'*ii them on bar H < long ago hr was asked to sit in the ad ’«rrn ad* i-« miralty court. I taking h » «-eat Fbe M 4-ttington pi IS ole ceptalde to the stomach, prompt in itti •trgon, that i'« » •♦ •»>. and truly l^IM.firi>i ln 1U hr aahsxt indulgence <»n amwin nil»- •« Iti I tir- a- n or. «i»iF.*d «ilh powrr i«> ap l rxp»-rH*ner l’a admiralty I • n thè expr*«* umirr» effect*, prepan*! only fn»m the m.»t is»mt s “ And may »’ no moan in ii . ! ' t’res I h «* u .8 ou ' u . ¡ry «»re to maintain a healthy ami atfn*-ahi,>«ub«tance*. it* è led. “when I put out toara.” •t-V tor the pur|s»«t* o. gwthering h d! b«»-, 1 , i «on Contrari to tht«, many excelles« «pialitie* commend it S«»met une» hi* w it WMi very decisive, and other < u ban rr'ief maieria's | t » I. u \ < i i ut the law «c all and have made it the nio«t a», for |M •r, when hr remarked: coin rm t?»* pr «•<•♦■» |n >hip. Inlhemarl - y rottkrg’m pros. 1rs popular rcmeily known. “Truth w il I out even .n an aflidavit." (•■ture, al Ira*■t lOcarl. a U Synip of Cup ia for ;n tbr pnsoi • «-• pi I«» • have Not th? 1« *Mt happi • •1 Or eg* n, •« d lhev raprci • g»» , *C Wtt JS »PL» cent bottle* by all Icadiag drup. umfr. Izugt qnanlitire «»t potai«»»-« ,» w heu confi jn»ta. Xny reliable drueviot who ment to tw isensol l'tah and Idati « may not have it on hand will pm. Arctic Circle If He Eczema ««** Freak «»f :»*unt»t. |U,U| ito«- boriti. bjectx of inters ir man Atro vr< ht t j I ht by thr tb< at h z.w lau disunite there ,a that rlniuiM ko much atfew, -vient :i - v.orld a, the ir.iu of lloralm*. Situ^^, r. extern cui n?r of Rîf .wirk’» nllcgetl I oin . ,j. ■tn erdous n:a , v.Tick the •• the M iry rtui ; onr.taTi t ,.v sides (*c rssible to the foot of ¡rnp 7 this impregnali1 f a of trrr’t on ta in upward of 1 •* other inncc-s* h! t f? of the world, th in H no mere v.* I*’ i K, On th * ■ S îr.eînd'nœ i - t.“l<*«r * * I . with fot 1 f. d iron* i ’ - n « lînmt- •’ . -*s In* I' - . >. ntry.ths*. • r > ij-tro jicul.’Itspite its tion. A Spring That • ill. One of tl»e few instan , of a srreaa ruining up hill can bo found m White eoimty. «■&•• si,.vs t,le «'in-innati E b - uirer. the top ot a moun-aiui, 1 -pring. evidently a siphon, and the v. 1 . r rushes from it with sunk-huit ,.,ive to carry it up the side of a very ■ p hill for I’curly half a mile. Reach- ,n ■ the crest, the water flows on to the , .-1, and eventually finds its way into Atlantic ocean. Of course, it of .ae same nature ns a gev e r. but ae spectuele of a stream of water owing up a steep in line can probably iouud nowhere else in the com, ry, and uppears even more remarkable than the gey sers of the Yellowstone, Th? Kaiser as an Art r-Cc. Kaiser Wilhelm, as a erili ■ of art, has put his foot down on the decisions of the jury of the Berlin art exhibitiou. He has annulled the award of the gol4 medal in Prof. Wallot, the architect of the new parliament house, which the emperor two yetirs ngo nt Koine de dared to be the acme of tastelessness, and has himself given the medal to Mme. Viln-a l“arlaghy. the painter She was leapt out of the Berlin academy, but by the emperor's orders her picture» will be exhibited at the royal national gallery. Are gaining favor rapiuiy. Business men and travel lers carry them in v< >t pockets, ladle* carry tl.» in in purses, housekeepers keep Closets, friend* recommend tbein t PATENTS ill Her Lile. A Real Blood Remedy. COULD NOT Efi sss n A Woman's Strong ConstituCcn Wrack Effects of a Treacherous Diseaco. A WonderfJ Czse. A thrill of 1 i* «II»* Fier «-?«l thr» a I ra**» rx>«ig h •>! rmuit mj ' ih J» «><• , ». mghi Hui «he tomvr - «u • t.stog. • lore irl aller One Mmutrl u ' < ure ii«« (•«••> n •du»ini»i» r* d *■»’ «n harm.«-»!» ... »¥, t. fefou»?* 1 to give hia < ' bed given 1 I to ngrer. ■Mfl rwiaed to the peereg* as • vurry ’ “ cun- it promptly for >nv «*ne who wi.he* to try it Do not accept anv »nlMtitute CAUFOfitm FfS smur Cu __ »«• e«»*'w CAL «•MtriLU «V. «fa rgtg, » > < Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat ient business conducted for M oderate F ees . i O ur O ffice is opposite U S P atent office ' and we can secure patent in less tune than those ' I remote from Washington. ? < Send model, draw , : « or photo., with descrip tion. We advi-r, if patentable or not, free of I < harce. Our fee not aue till patent is lecured. 1 A P amphlet , “ How to Obtain Patent^,’’ w ith ' cost of same 'in the U. S, and foreign countries ' I sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. ! O pp P atent O ffice W ashington , D. C. T rade L' D csi CCPYRfGM i Anyone sending a »hetrh and des* quickly ascertain our opinion free invention I* probably patentable. < tiorm strictly confidential. Man.’tb« >o! »ent free, oldest atency ft»r?r< i:t •• Patents taken tnr«»u*h Munn «"v ipfeial nofi", without eharee. in t’. ■ Scientific Jtsr., A handsomely illustrated culaiion of any s< k-m year ; four months, *1 MUNN&Co^ Branch Offic CASH STORE M rket Str et Terry, S. F., C l. SPECIALS. < "Lbling ( >>1,*;,. cnmi.'ete. 75. II 75. - no liâmes« Mrndiog ontfits complete, fl no lj>al >,-ntile«t jHpannerl................... 15. 22 I «I s nttler. galvitnixrd................... 1'5 :o '"’*<1 Rlork l'uni« tn >izH 42 ............ 1 25 'ten . «, n,)rv <h(M.,, btltt, n 5,o(l j 37 I'iruHin» in every line— to ent. tn «.-ar, • to I 1 n H1IH \.k for < al..I". > - ■ ^eoP!<’That Bæk or - Just D Feel Wei].” Il-M—Op.*LLO’'« «O* À f lr*~ Or*i»J..