Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1898)
I — ’ local tjappenmoo J. L. Yokum shoemaker. Will Jackson resident dentist. Take your kodak films to Pheby. Calhoun Bros, for Snowy Butte flour Cranberries l()c |>er Quart at Wade'a. Baths at McGregor Bros Mr. an<i Mr» W. C. Parran. will leave Pheby's pnrtraila of children are O. K. for Purtlsud this (Wednesday) night- Shoes repaired at Hackett's. Soap Foam is puts white.— B. * M. li will hardly buy a meal, and at what cost of health C. St. Louie for watch repairing Mr and Mrs I. 8. I’urdom are expect Clemens, Druggis* opp. Opera House, ed home ab>ut ihe Utk of this nionib. Freeh sugar cured hams at Ahlf'e. ol comfort, what endurance of privation and hardship W. H. Managan, physician surgeon James Fritxeiiawtons of Eureka .Mm Pbebv does developing for kodakere. and dentist. is it earned. Contrast it with New sugar cured breaktact bacon.— ing Company wax in the city Tuesday. B. 4 M. handle Snowy Butte flour. O E. Rote of Applegate waa in the Try S-Llllla« • K»»l t»a and ba A in« y-wdar City Market. Freeh fish every Friday at Ahita city Tuesday, registered at Hotel laiyton. Red Clover. Alfalfa and Timothy seed City Market. George I*ean, of the Denver Citv at Wade’s. H. C. Persin«, .United Slates Deputy ■nine aaa registered al Hotel Josephine Eighteen inches of snow at Shelly Mineral Surveyor. thia aeek. creek. Nuts. Candies, Oranges and Lemons Government land survey inspector, Take yoar shoes to Yokum Sixth St ; Cheap at Wade's. J. S Howard at Medford, waa in the Our hills are full of gojd. This fact is becoming more for repairs. Fully guaranteed Crescents. No. 9 or 1 city last Saturday. Gnffiin pave cash for county and 10, lor *35, at Ben’a Bicycle Den. fully demonstrated every day. It is to be gotten with com- city Scott C. W. !turd»al of tha Baby mine on warrants. present with e.u-h *1 purchase at Jump eti Joe waa a visitor to the Sunday parative ease and comfort, and note what one dollar will If you want a first class bath, you can the A Red Star Store, if desired. •topping at Hotel Layton buy for you it invested at the BJt M, while goods are guar «et it at McGregor Bros I. eave your washing at McGregor's Mi»» Cora Mitchel of Merlin, who has hl. IjiikfN Church. Dixon Jc MeCroaky have just about barber shop tor gv>od work. anteed. beta spending the «inter in Santa Crux, completed takiag stock. J. L. Yokum. the pioneer shoemaker Divine service will be held both morn Cal returned home last Thursday ‘Çofft e, 10 lb« $1 00. 20 euns American Sardin-a »1.00. ing and evening in St l.ukre church on For quick work in photographs, go to will repair your shoes to perfection. B“ Ar bue kies 7 lbs fl.00. R T. Schmidtlene, son of repreaenta After morning 10 “ French '■ardines. *1.00. (lie Carbon photo studio. Sweetland 4 Co. always have a live Scbinidtlene of Woodvi'le, was reg Sunday next. Feb fl 4° O. B 3 ll>e »1.00. 14 It a Granulated Sugar, »1.00. service the Sacrament ol the Holy Cent Particular attention paij lo children'» good supply of choice cuts of ineat. isteied at Hotel Layton laat Saturday. Rolled Oats, 27 •• »1 00. 10 > ans Sweet Corn, »1.00. munion will be administered. 1 After McGregor Bros, «re agents for the Troy | photos at the Carlion photo studio. Mie-. 18 ll>8 *1 00. Those w ho desire a c. py of the Jubilee evening service <'olon»l Straight of 1 Eu 10 •* Tomatoes, $1 00 Laundry, Portland. Call oa them Important improvement in the Cres 10 11» Ham »1.00. number of the Mining and Scientific gene will give an address 10 “ Oysters, $1.00 cents thi» year. See T.A. Hood about it. j Come to the Red Star Store and receive Press, may leave their order« at the Celery as a Medicine The weekly Oregonian and Cot kikk a present with each *1 purchase, if de-1 CocaiKB office. or.e year for *2 00 to paid up subscrib sired If celery were eaten more freely, a at Mrs. Girlie Gunning returned from Call on H. C. Perkins, United States Portland Hospital this (Wednesday) ferersfroin rheumatism would be eo m- ers. Hot staff for cold feet—those heavy Deputy Mineral Surveyor, for work in morning, where «lie has been for med pa.atively few. When celery is eaten hie iine. wool sox at Harth 4 Son’s largely, an alkaline blood is the result, ical treatment. and where this exists there cat) be The popular price for w heels this year If you want your hair cut to suit you, Major Stephen M»»hsll and Ensign is *35 T. A Hood has the No. I) and 10 Catherine Park, after holding Salvation neither rheumatism nor gout Celerv trv McGiegor Bros Sixth St. Crecents at that price. Large assortment of Dried Fruit, best Army services lor a day er two, went sliould be cut in email 1 iecea and boiled till tender, in as little water as possible "After the Ball,”—After the bawl is north Monday night, quality. Calhoun Grocery Co. and, alter adding to tins a little rich .■«ar hrinu th»» a'hiL) tn tha ('»rhnn nhrktT) , Red Seal Lye is pure granulated Pot over bring the child to the Carbon photo George Pheby, the photographer, has milk, thicken slightly with tloAir, and Studio, opp. Court Hout«, Grants Pass ash. packed in sifting top cans —RAM been out in the country for several days season with butter, pepper and salt Second band, as well aa new aewing getting negat'v«» of some of the mines Smoke the Stage Line Cigar. It is the Of celery, the tender leaves and «mall POST OFFICE STORE. best 5 cent Cigar ia the market—J. G. machines sold by Dr. W F. Kremer at and other places ot interest. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. ends ol the stalk, which are usually the National drug store — give him a call. Schmidt. Jas. B. Richards of Vernon, New thrown away, sliould be used for soups The Williams Brothers have their fac York, a nephew ot Rev. Robert McLean And even tlis greener leaves are useful, The best place in tow n to get your •hoes repaired is at Hackett’s harness lory building ready in which to put their arrived ths first of the week, ami will for they nny l>e dried and powdered and machinery. They will soon tie ready to clerk for the Jewell Hardware Co and shoe shop. used for flavoring soups and the drees Go to the Calhoun Grocery Co. suc begin operations Rev B B. Jacques Evangelist in ing> of loasis.—Baltimore American Rev. J. A. Crutchfield will preach al charge of the Baptist Chapel ear Emanue! cessors to Calhoun Bros, for every thing MIne Hold Woodvi'le next Sunday at; 11 o’clock a. is in town tonight to arrange <nr liohling you want to eat. A transfer of a one-halt interest of tlia Rev. Gilmaa Parker of Portland, Ore , m.. and tn this city filling his reg ill ar a meeting in this city in the uear future. Goplrer Mine 011 Jack creek, a tributary will begin a .«cries of spw ia! meetings at appointment Sunday evening. E. D. Sears of Portland, a mining Rev. Robert McLean was^he recipient man, ia in the county casting his eyes to j ump-off-Joe. was mude the that et the Bap iat church next Sunday. ihu week, 8. C. Norton and Sons buying a The water Light and power company of a box ofchoice oranges this week. bear and there, in hopes they may apt ilie half for $'»> ><> Mr. Norton put tn announce sufficient power now for all Die denor waa Homer 8. King of Wells something desirable tn the mining line liis home of Hirer or four acres on Rogue Fargo bank, San Francisco. • till’ stock of \ chides at less than cost a and have some demands at the present time. Geo 8. Calhoun and IL L. Truax river jn-l below the budge, for »1500 as G. I. Brown received word from bis went to Portland Sunday night to tie in A warming up will be given to our pa part payment for the mine Wu are trons in our BLANK ETS Good enough wife at Ogden, while she waa eurou e attendance at the state Republican club, unable to say how valuable this proper to Windsor, Ontario, stating that she which met in that city last Monday. ly is, but those who have bought it aie Bios.' Hacks, 2 Top Buggies, 1 Open Buggy, I Road lor Klondike Harth A 8on had reeeived a message from her mother Deputy Mineral Surveyor H.C.I'erkius satisfied that they have gotten some Have you dandruff? Is your hair fall annoucing some improvement. went out into the Althouse country thing well worth the amount invested in Cart and 1 Ib inociat Spring Wagon. All of these ing out? If so try McGregor Bros Another carpenter in town, at the last Mouday to do some surveying ami it. dandruff cure No cure no pay. house ol Mr ami Mrs. Mark Day. Ho taking altitudes for the Neptune Gold goods a e and you need any Klondike Mining Company. Soap Foam is the only washing pow der arrived the link of last month to reside Mining Company. that will not make clothes yellow or thing of this kind, examine our stock and get our price«. burn them with Caustic Soda.—B. 4 M permanently, weighed 91, pounds. H. L. Bensen went tc Portland Sunday Klondike— Yukon Mining .4 I levelop mg Co of Spokane, Washington lias a Mother and child are doing well. night to be present at the meeting 01 Advertise Southern Oregon by using capital stock of »2.500,000 fully paid up The Salvation Army corps held very the State McKinley Club R. A. Booth The "Klondike Rivaled" envelopes, interesting meetings in both tha Method and II. B Miller were already in Portland and min assessable. A block uf »250.000 t'ot KiKK will sell them at 5c per pack of Treasury stock is now offered for sale ist and Presbyterian churches last Sun and they will also attend the meeting. age. at 10 cents |>er «Imre. On the first of day. Large congregations met them on Alex Watts, who lives ne >r Murphy, February it will advance to 20 cents per McGregor Bros. Agents Trov Steam both occasions. made his semi-monthly visit to the I’»»» -bare. Invest now and double your I-aundry ; satisfaction gusranteed Laun A J. Pike, successor to Mush 4 Pike, with a good clean up last wees Mr money in a few days. You can hold your dry leaves Tuesday. 7.30 P M , returns can furnish you with groceries and pro Watts has a good paying proposition, job in the sunny climate of Southern Saturday, 8 A. M. visions at the old stand at prices no one and it seems to increase in value the Oregon and still make money in the fro- Whenever you want any fire insuiance can beat as ha buys fur cash. Give him more be wnrks it. xen North through these men of means don’t fail to call on Price and Voorbies a call before buying. Mr. T. L. Bristow, a friend of H. C, and experience. Call and see me HARROWS 4 CULTIVATORS. i They will insure your property in ths 1 We are pleased to note that Robert Perkins, is in the county to spend a J. E. P ktkuson , Agent. i world» liest company, the Liverpool and Eberlie who has been confined to his lied month to enjoy a change in climate. Grants Pass, Ore.. Ixindon and Globe for some days with threatened malarial Mr. Bristow lives ten miles out from For information concerning Ladd, fever, has recovered sufticieutly to be at A rieaMani Nurprlue. Eugene, and is one of the energetic farm Chittenden Cyanide Leaching Trough for his post in the B. A M. grocery. eis of his community. L«Ht Wednesday about II o'clock 'uiptinret ores inquire of H. C. Perkins, A number of the boys of the Senior G«o*ge Chapman and Herman Me»»en- a. 111 25 or 30 neighbor* and friend« local agent. Grants Pass Union Iron class <n the school went out to measure gar,two worthy young men from Williams gathered at the home .of Mr. and Mn Works agents for the Pacific coast. the height of Old Bally last Saturday. creek, left Tue-day night for Klondike, I M Joiit’N ot thi* city and gave them Values that, stay right with you until They r> port this mountain 170) ft above where they go to sssk their fortum « genuine ■urpriee, it being in honor of you are satisfied with your investment Granta Pass, o: 2ti00 ft above sea level for wesl or for woe. Ws wish the boys Mre. Jonea’ 62nd birthday Theeompa every time you buy one of our high cut, uv had previously prepare«I all the goo«i A very wo thy young lady in thia city well in tlie frotsn North. double sole and tap, heavy outside coun things tempting to the epiciirtan, is affected with heart trouble, but it is Gus Godfrey, who has been in Ash tered S hoks .— Harth 4 Son. not of the organic kind, and the proa land for the past ««nth, visiting iriends which they took with them, and tiie re- Is there any reason why you should wear an ill-fitting Shirt? The Southern Pacific Company thia pects are that witnin the next month or ult wm an enjoyable oc<*ai>ion and a and ilia beat girl, returned last Monday Most of the Shirts sold now a days are like a sack, with holes week put on their (orcs in tbis city a six weeks, a permanent cure will be ef east ut good things. Mr. and Mra night, and then left for bis father's farm cut in and Sleeves set on, and a collar that feels to you as hostler and two engine wipers. This fected iouea have paaaed conaiderably beyond al Merlin, where lie remains for two will be permanent as this city will here ihe prime of life, well down on the other though it were not content with its station in life but contin week-, fixing up the place. If you are going to take a trip East and after be the terminus lor local freights. siJeufllie MiKiimit, but this day made ually trying to rise up around your ears. want it to Ire a pleasant one, go via the A. N. Solisa of Jacksonville was in hem feel that there is much joy near The Northern Pacific Ry Co. makes Northern Pacific. Their acconiedalione We have a Shirt hobby, and it will prove a good thing for tills city the first ol the week, ostensibly he end of tiie journey, especially in the the fastest time East and gives the best are first class in every respect. For on businoM, but that business [>erli«p« midst of frieuda win» never forget us.* him who would wear a sightly, easy, good-fitting Shirt, 36 service. If you are going it is to your rates on or write to E.E.Dunbar. was to interview soma of our young la inches long, FASHION CUT. deep yoke, collar reinforced with advantage to consider these points E. Grants l'ass. dies, or to talk politics, free silver <>■ E Dunbar, agt; Grant's Pass. reinforced collar band, felled seams and two rows of thread, The Junior class of the public school something of the kind To tiie voters of the peoples 1 arty in At the office of the Justice of the tn «king each seam doubly secure by the use of a lock stitch. had a very pleasant social at the home Mr E. W. Furgeson of Saeretnento, losephine county, Oregon: You ar« Peace, in this city today (Wednesday), Which would you prefer ? of Rev. Crutchfield last Tuesday night Cal, arrived on Tuesday evening's tram Hereby notified that ala duly iisld meat Justice Holman united in marriage, All seemed to enjoy themselves very enroute for Crescent City, whither lie mg of delegates, at Grants Pass, Jose Fifty cents buys a good Shirt from us ; 50c will not equal Archie C. Ford, and Mie» Nellie E much, and wish that something of the had been summoned by telegram an phine county, < tregouon January 2H,|H9M( it elsewhere ; our hobby on a 50c Shirt does you good—we do Hussey of Merlin. Miss Hussey is a kind may occur again. nouncing the death of Fred Futgenon it was concluded by vote of said deleg not make so much profit but we do sell more Shirts. Let us daughter of the well known fruit grow-' Ins brother, who ba» resided in Crescent ■ lion, tlial piiinarv . .....Ungs ol Iks The C E Society of the Presbyterian er of Merlin, and Mr. Ford is one of show you the difference. Yours truly, Merlin's nice young men. The Cot rikk church, will give an experience social on City for the i>a»t 20 years. Mr Furgs precincts of »aid county lie held on wishes them well in this their new life. Tuesday. March 1, in tbs church parlors. son left Tuesday morning for Cresceni »larch 12, 1898, al the voting places of Every member will endeavor to earn »1 to attend the funeral. such precinct», at 1 o'clock P. M. of said The Janet Waldorf Co., which played or more tn a special way, and will nar Mr L F. Lane of Gold Hill,a nephew lay; except North, South, and West I at the opera houee last Friday evening, rate the experience tn aecouiplishing of A J Barlow of this city, visited us Grants Pass precincts ,which are to meet gave the best entertainment of a theat thia. Admission 10c. 'aturday. Mr l.aoe has been at work in the evening of said day, at 7:30 rical I) pe ever given in Itis city, so we in the Dr. Braden mine ne r Gold Hi* /clock . At each of such mee’ings, you Grove ’ s Tasteless Chill Tonic 11 a per are informed by those who are capable will determine by vote of the qualified of judging. It was on the highest order, feet Malarial Liver Tonic and Blood for some time past, but he b is quit work and it this company should return to purifier Removes Hi iousne»» without to make preparation» to start for Klon voters of the party, tin- following, town this place, ss they hope to Jo in the fu- purging. As pleasant as l^-mon Syrup. dike in aimut one month Tlis I >r Bra «hall we form an alliance with any oilier It is as large as any Dollar tonic and re den mine is.working six men now and party or parties, who openly advocate i lure, they will 1» well patronised. lie free coinage of silver and gold, al tails for 50c. To get the genuine ask we are informed by Mr Lane that 1 • Ed Sheridan, the newly arrived bar he ratio of In 10 I and ihe initiative and prospects well. for Grove'»- ber from Mexico, who spent a few days referendum. Also lo elect six delegates For constipation take Karl's Clover working for McGregor Bro»., is now en Root lea. the great blood-purifier Photos in the Carbon finish at I'hwiy to the stale convention and three joying a visit with Feister in the county Cures headache, neivousne»», eruption« 4 Van Egxe, opp court houra. lelegates from each precinct to tiie jail, bberidan says he was drunk when on the face, ami makes the head clear Get a present with each »1 purchase si county convention, and the precinct as a bell. Hold at Kremer ’ s Drug Store. he stole the mosey from the drawer the Red Star Store, if wanted. chairman,and that mean* Ire procured al The Y. I’ S. C. E. of the Presbyterian Then we must conclude that be blames The »indow pane« in the front of tfu- tiie said primary meetings, 10 pav the church held their business and social the whiskey and aot himself for the extrenses of tile slate delegates Odd Fellow's building cost *250. crime Justice Holtnan did not loak at uu-eting Tuesdsv evening at the home of The result of tiie bill >t taken in the Would'nt you like some good Oats at it in that light for he gave him *V) fine Mr and Mr». T P. Cramer. The socie precincts as aforesa <1, 011 tiie aforesaid 50 cents a bushel Calhouu Grocery Co ty bail a good time socially, ami decided or 30 days ia tbs county jail. questions, to be Iran-mitied or delivered Hweel I'otatoee, Callornia Cabbage. J N. Roberta ef Myrtle Point has fil to have an exfierienie social the first Ur tiie secretary of trie party, J. D Hays». Bananas. Oranges, etc. Calhoun Grocery Wednesday evening in March led up a small b -at belonging to G. W. »4 Grants Pass Oregon, within 6 dava Short [>eopie asually Kernan the fact Co. Stuart 4 Soae with a handpower pro from the time of the holding of Sui h The firm of Coe. Thomas and Co,, primary meetings peller. The motive power will be sup that they are short, but they will be the plied by either one or two person«, the fortunate ones at the social next Wed closed their doors last Tuesday te in Formulating Committee: W C. Ed mechanism operating ibe 11 inch pro nesday evening at the t'resbyterian voice stock. j wards, T. 8. Uundy, M. Wibur, J. d . peller being very similar to that used ea church. M the admission IS charged bv Call at Ben's Bicycle fieri and examine Have», Abe Axtell. a railroad velocipede. With this boat measure—2c per foot The ladies have the new 1898 model ».'«I 1.'res. elite. The» III,ItN Messrs. Stewart hope to be able to deliv arranged a abort program, and light re- are beauties er the mails daily between Myrtle Point refreehmenta will be served. A good A Car of extra choice Graia flay jus! time is assured and Coquille City in three hours in It's the brightest arid beat Hay we have bad this winter. Calhoun Grocery Co. The Opera House meat market is beadquarter» fur the kind of meat you want to gel- the beet. Wears informed that the Pickett t Mirnag Company down the river ba» been bua^ the past month ram or no raia The coaspanv has lost but two or ( three days lor a month and this wa» not - for lack of eater John Alton the nupt A-’ ■ v. d - i-n New York which we shall sell at Bargain prices, Another 1< Jff ¿-zj,- We are wiling lot» of Repreaenta our FREE HEARSE. is doing gore I work and we truet the 1-, 4(¡V' »' ntLe :-)■<■ mTnih» m'-ith» -/ Ak» .-ar ' We sincerely hope none of our company will be well paid for the Wioset 1 friends will need it, but if they sad labor that is being put into this should have that misfortune, they property. DOLLAR personal IN THE KLONDIKE—ez DOLLAR IN JOSEPHINE COUNTY FRESH EASTERN OYSTERS, 50 Cents Per Can. B. &, M.fiw e are Selling Out... new high grade. If Cramer Bros A Little Shirt Talk P. H. Harth & Son Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Men’s Furnishing (roods and Hats 50c Celebrated Bridge Beach Steel Range Headquarters for Mining Supplies The Jewell Hardware You can sajía Money by buying at the >,5New York Racket Store TRY IT ONCE The Above (ait 9 PairsíOen's Shoes Sold This Week for the Klondike. XVills« Kigflit Kinel. Tin and Granite Ware We well it Cheap. Candlesticks. 5c. machine oil, 2-oz. bottles. 4c, fi 00 Tea and Ci« Pots, toe; Coffee Milla. 26c A fine lo oft Calico Remnant» at price» that Nothing stays ic-ng tn our hands. New York Racket Store. Bscklsn » Arnica Salve The Beat Malva in ttie World f»r Cuts Bruire«,Morsa.Ulcera. Mail Ritenni Fever H*ra», lette*, < happed ilaud» Cbti- blsms,Corns and all skin positivly cure« Piles or ao pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money reinsert Price 2bc per bit. For Sale By W. f. Kremer. would lie welcome to our services and to whatever undertaking goods are needed ata ery small advance above actual oat to us; and fifteen years of successful experience in the piofewiuti 1» the guarantee of our ability to render appropriate rrvic e. J. R. HALE. The Baron-« DownOtll. Last Thursday night W T. Coburn, tli« barber on Front »treat,who is known as a quiet gentleman, one who would suffer a wrong rather than to inflict one, bad a pugilistic encounter with bis hon or, Baron Von Lempke who is becoming noted lor frequent appearauce in court ol lato. It seems that Coburn and lampke are jointly interested in a mining propoai- tiuu on Galice creek, and on Thursday night after Leuipke had imbibed too frealy of the contents of his shop, he came in contact with Cuburn eitber in or near Redfield's and began an aseaull of words upon Mr Coburn Mr. Coburn, seeing that he could not reason with the shop keeper turned and left him, but tiie Baton followed him until they reached tualarber shop where Mr. Coburn, in order to rid himself of his antagonist, started to enter, when the Baron struck him a blow. This was more than Mr. Coburn could stand, »0 he turned on the Von ami gave him such a blow as to cause his downfall into—the mud. The marshal come along and took him off requesting both to appear at the record er’a office next morning, which they did and were fined, Coburn »3 and I-empke *10- Coburn's fine was enough but I^mpke'e should bavs been 40 or 50 dol lara. Thia man is appearing in court t< o often. Our police judge ia entirely too lenient in bis dealing with some offend ers, we think. It ia very well to put a nenunal fine upon a mau who makes an error, not wilfully, but the fellows who have nothing to do but to cause trouble, should be made to pay for the whistle and we are satisfied that it would have ■ salutary effect upon them Always tell a very interesting story here. Nndavene Flakes The most economical and palata ble preparation or oats. Contain more brain, nerve and muscle forming elements than any wheat product. Two pcuud packages only roc. Comb Honey ",Ve have a nice display of it in the window this week. There is no bogus or manufactured honey about it. We can safely will find it the best tasting honey you have tasted in a long time. It's in full one pound frames. You can have two of them for 25c or one for 13c. Cyullete* Pvtfiloa A petitton will fie presented lo the city council at their meeting tonight, by bi cyclists, asking a efianite in the present ordinance, wlm-h prohibits riding on Sixth »treet from Hotel Josephine to B. McArthur's corner. The petitioners pray that a part of the ordinance which forbids riding from the Company’s store to Howard's corner on ths ea»t side ot Sixth street be revoked; alto from Pig ney'a corner to he post office on the same side of the street, giving cyclists permission to make use of this walk. Calhoun Grocery Co. Evaporated Froit We think we have about the nicest dried fruit that i> to be had anywhere and if the following prices don’t suit and you buy tn larger quantities we will make the price still smaller. Fruit! Fruit! Fruit! Petite Prunes, per lb 3 to 4c Silver Prunes, per lb • 5C Peeled Peaches, per lb, . .. • 9C U upeeled peaches per lb. . 6tfc Peach Plums, per lb........... • 5c Appies,bleached or common, To Cure a Cold In One Day per lb........... ... 5 to6Xc l ake Lavittve Bromo Quinine Tablet« All Druggist« refund the money if it fails Bartlet Pears,quartered,per lb Sj^c to Cure. 25cents Nectarines, per lb«....'..... 6#c Raisins, the '97 kind.per tb . 5c Teacher's Hxainlnarton A J Pike lias the tin est stock of dried fruit in -outliernOregon and will furnish it at actual cost of production. Give him a call Frice» no object Notice is hereby given that, for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, th« county superintendent thereof will held a public examination at th« court house in Grants Fess be ginning at 1 p. m on Wednesday, Feb ruary 9, 1898. J. D. II aws , County Superintendent. Dated this 22nd day of January, 1898. Notice of Dlaaolution. Notice is hereby given that the grocery firm of Calhoun Bros, has by mutual consent, been dissolved, E A Calhoun retiring, and Gee S. Calhoun continuing the business at Ihe old stand under the firm name of the Calhoun Grocery Co , who will pay and recieve all accounts of the old firm. G ko . 8. C alhoun . E A C alhoun . ■ ■rants Pass, Ore , January 21, 181)8. Butter We do not claim that we are the only dealers handling gilt edge butter but we do claim to have constantly the very finest product of Southern Oregon creameries and dairies- Cheese We sell great quantities of cheese and the constant cutting and outgo keeps them all the time fresh, moist and rich. We have just in another lot of William Cheese averaging 4 to 5 pounds each at I2#C the pound. Change In Teachers Miss Ada Thomas baa resigned her position as Teacher of music- in the Southern Oregon State Normal Hekool on aeconnt of fKjor health. Him lias not Is'en strong since having the measles one year ago. and hat gone to her home at Turner, Marion County. Mrs E. I. Fisher of Ashland, who is so Well and favorably known as an ex reliant music teacher, has aci-ept.-d thr |K»ition in the Normal faculty made va ■ ant by Mias Thomas' resignation.— Tidings. A Funny Party. A hammer and aeedle social is the latest The ladies of the W. R. C. will give a dime social on the evening of Feb ruary 6tli al the A. O U W. hall. Kach lady is to bring t needle, a spool of 1 bread and teveral buttons and each gen tleman is lo firing a hammer. When all the materials are on the tabla ea> b lady picks out a hammer and is given a block and some nails Each gentleman ia lo cho1 se sewing material and button» and the contest begins. Tlis ladiee drive as many nails in tlieir blocks as ■ hsy can in five minutes and the gentle men sew on aa many buttons aa possible in It) minutes Everybody invited. Economy is practiced by all good house keepers that use our Viena brand of Roast Coffee, knowing that it is supurb in quality, also keeping its strength and aroma. Roasted by the new process of roasting, the oil. strength and flavor are all retained. The price to all is 30c a pound. Of course we have lots of cheap er grades, like Arbuckles 7 for f 1 00 and a very fair roast (.not broken) to pounds for $100. Calhoun Grocery Co. Successors to Calhoun Bros. Klondike Supplies If von are going to Klondike or even thinking about it, we invite you to call and examine our immense stock. We have an entire floor, 100 x 75 feet, devoted to noth ing but Klondike Supplies where you will find a com * i plete stock of Blankets, Rubber Goods, Mackinaw Clothing, Shoes, Tents, Sweaters, Fur Caps, Groceries and Provisions We deliver everything Of all Kinds at lowest Prices the wharves either at Portland, Free of Charge Tacoma or Seattle. Send for our Catalogue Free. Moyer Clothing Company 3d and Oak Sts. PORTLAND. BEN SELLING, Manager. ,I