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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1898)
Your 1 ax 1670 iu our columns for reasons best know« ' any one to allow Ilia row or cows to run Me« Bru» A Co................. J «75 to outselves. The columns oft’reCoi area the streets at will, t'erhsps two or Mencto, Benj JIMM Mea*enr«r Kiui««on FIBUfcMED BVKBY .illkeÜAY, will he open to a reasonable discussion three month« in Ihe year there is a little Miller, I'eterVV baking powder will be 1313 > .V.— - " ’ j Kras, on the vacant lot* in the city, but *87-0 of principles by members ol the different Miller, If B PRICE ¿ VCMUtlllES, for the coming Best and use 20 ♦. t'oliti« » or ihr First Gun. political parties, but this paper ia net | lor the remainder of the year there is Miller, Marv J, Williams Items ‘'^^Xoa^toitW kdituk » jui) moreiicTuK». S82-5 Moors« Ur* 8 A j comparatively nothin* On tire out* the organ of any party, neither is it re I 1»IT< K < •’! E LK 'hr shadows of Mo*«. Joe 117' Julius Goodwin went to the Past last sponsible for tha opinions expressed on ! skirta ol the town there may tie browse Mudd Wm 1295 the night pass aaay and the «lawn of a BATtJi or st bm . airr ion . only one heaping tcasp _______ ' lor a longer time than two or three week. .... 2S00 urw political campaigu break* upon our Nauck« A Stith................... One Year, in advance. - - |1 25 the political issues ol the day by those Otie Fryer is visiting friend, in Med 121« bix Mouths, - - - • M who are permitted to use this medium I months in the year but even that is not Nauck«, T () 1I.-.5 -latr, so the pe »pfo, the monarchs of our lklree Months. ... .35 to convey their minds to our leaders, Inf sufficient consequence to »arrant Nau« Me, Nanna ford 1217 nation, begin to ic<*n the horixon for Naueke. A W Hon George B. Hsrt is visiting at The dale opposite your name indicate* lur readers aie numbered among »•> the cow* rennin* at Ur*e to the annoyance Nrelev, J^ hihm 2480 *igns of what is to lie. the tune u> which your sutMcnption i- paid; ) of a lanre majority of the people Williams f* O. Nickeraoti, >arah .......... 102 parlies and it is out ot respect to them it is yuur ae«x»unt with lite Col miss . U hen 1 be pi« lure LKH-cHted tu us is vrrv like 2780 The only ar*ument we have heard in N'ico«i**ni j *. you pay your »utiscripliun see that Ihe dale that we may allow a brief discussion D. John went to Grants Paes the first a Harlequin** costume, so variegated in Oregon A < d R R Co 2>7W? u changed. lrom time to lune on the different issues favor of no cow ordinance is that it vol«»* and fashion that it is Hard to di*- of tt.e week ( 7b 6e Continued. - is about the right price to pay for a Ten Dollars is Advertising rates on application Copy The proprietors are reeponaible for the works a hardship upon poor people who lingniah the coat from the pants.and the James Hall went to the Basa Friday Overcoat We believe you will find our This might be for ebaiige or ad' inu.l I« banded in Isdure opinions expressed in the editorial col are 'inable to buy feed To Cure A Cold In One Day porp»»« «4 this letter is tu inquire where on bu-iness. Suit or Tuesday noun. umns and in these •« reserve the right j *i»i reasoning, if there were plent» of Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablet«« I me people are variety of cloth« greater than can be Medi'.rd the Mr. trank Tryer weut to Entered at the po>l office at <»rants Paes, i" »peas commendatory or der-gatery of leed on ttie outside fur even one-hall of til Druggists remnd the money if it fails iound at any other store in Southern Or All part H-* in our state have com pl i-, first ol tbe week. to Cur« 25 cents. Oregon, a* Mcund-<*las» mail matter. al' parties as ws think the ease demands the year, but there is not, hence the ar- cations and divisinoa that make the i egon. We don't fiddle ou one -tring, for A. N Cox is visiting Irrend. and xurueut, which otherwise would be forci- Thoma» A Edison i* now credite«! by jMjiitii al outlook more interesting and i ble, falls flat. Those who keep cowa in there are hundreds of patterns at prices relatives at Williams. The laleet plan yet devised for rea* h T h L'K. sü AV, F ebbcaky j . 1&98 (he daily pre»» with the a»>*ertion that puzz ¡ng than ever before. But it is safe Miss Addie Bryan returned to Caliior mg ibe North Fols baa been coaceived tewii must feed them, thou*ii they aie hi» magnetic prove»* ui working iron ore to suit you. t» predict that, *h«juid the populists,! [ turned out to run ihe streets during the in New Jersey justifies him in extension If you will inspect our lines you will President Ikile of Hawaii, asln d Ilia* by Alfre<J Rie«Jel of Ballimure, who be de moer ate and silver republicans once nia January 201«. day. of hi* achievements to working gold «•ome together on one platform of princi- i We are informed that Mrs Cheshire is no special honors be lonferred upon him lieve« there ia no land at the Fule, ami find something to suit you at from Ten The argument tn favor of horses and mines. In an alleged interview he is therefore be feela able to reach that while be is ir* this country. i pies and the mutual endoreement of one ; improving in health. Dollars up point in a auboiariae boat. Hie plan ia cows running at large can be but little, quoted a* *a}ing that “by a new process I ticket, that sitnonism, Mitcbelh»m and •Miss Eda t'erdeau of Medford is the JAve also ha^large stock of Gents’ Furnishing Goods. The Golden Jubi’ee edition of the Min U> take hie boat to Hpilxbergen aad start while that in favor of their being kept which I have invented I can profitably i< urniMii mw*i bite the dust ur eat crow guest ot Mr. ami Mrs. Try er. mg and Press. Han Fiam iMO. lrom that point and sail north to the up re mil' h. ‘'Well,'’ one vaye, ‘ what is • , mine ore which contains a* little a» lrom next June forward. W tn. W ilson came down lrom his farm it? ” Those who wish to put out shade I F. 1 ETSCH. Jt CO. nolat where the Fran» wa* frozen up, Cal., contains much intareoH**» r:— |! 25 gold to the ton, and I prefer low to The question agitating the minds of all on Rogue Kiver some tune ago to visit gold ami then, ane. jfer ®**le <>( • hi» trees along the side walk or inside their ! high grade ores. In mining gold I »hall matter concerning California's <----------- true reformers today is, ‘how can this be . ................. boat would take a «live for 100 innv. h** ' »ards near the fence, are constantly an- employ Mibntantially the same pro« e*«» brought about honorably, i?«pii.ably and j relatives. field» in early dsvs. Miss Nora Shehan returned to her eating the leaves off that I am now using for mining iron. fore coming up tu breathe. Kie«Jel be i noyed bv tuv effectively ?” home on Applegate ¡Saturday, after visit Senator Tsller's résolution, whicb pro lieve» be would »trike an open *ea after and breaking the limbs, uniee- t1—»■ is When I M(»eak ol mining it is not in the Ranzao, wMcli KreaUy enjoyed by Thers h unquestioned unanimity on ' vides fur thè payment U bondi “at op traveling 100 miles, but if be did not, he a horse high yard fence to protect the H«*M*e that inc ier*" »* generally used. ing friends on Williams creek. ed loi nge for hale cheap Z the subject of platform in the three di- Inquire of A. E. Voorhies. tion" in silver dollars, na»»ed thè sanate im natiafied that a bole could be bore«* trees entire inside and a strong. ht*h The day of the old-fa*hione<i minr. Mrs J. K Reeves of Jacksonville all present. “•«* v'-ioiJN of the reform forces of our state, Quite an excitement waa rreated here by a vote of 47 lo 32, but front the ap through the ice, by which mean* a goo«i box to protect those on the outside, arid man who dig* the ground with a pick— . came down last week to spend a few pearance of things it will meel ils dealh supply uf air could be ubtame«L Fail even (ben we have seen the trees badly is past so far a* I am con«*erned. 1 have i»opulists, «ico»..»»a and silver republi ■lays with her brother, George Chapman, last Sanda. evening bv tbe|cry ol »ire cans , each have given specific | Every one rushed to the scene, which in the bouse. ing in thia way to obtain air ie believe* damaged, and the owners provoked to no use for him. My mining i* all done that theii platforms shall embrace the u»i3'~ his departure for Alaska proved lobe the burningout ol the clnni pOK HALE I AR MING IM PLRM I Ms I h< u-ehold goodsand stuck consisting of «rath. No one wants such a high fem e l»y machinery, and it does the work ai three plank*, to wit: The initiative and Mr. Edd Cox was itiru-n lrom a Wl* n«v ol Mr. dtith’s residence. Ihe fl»«»«* The latest telegraphic dispatches indi the ice could be broken with a torpedo. horses. * attle and hogs. C heap for ask around his yard anyway, neither does ter a fashion that is pra« ticaliy automat He appeared before the (acuity of John» Uli* cate that England will be comp lied to j referendum; the government issue ol all gon a few days ago, and was in ail »ere soon riUf^uished by Kerby’s Hook with privilege of renting a ranch at Jerome he want his ornamental trees, that will ic." Ko much is published in sensation* ! moneys ,and the free coinage of silver and concious state when he was taken to the 4 Ladder Company, euu'i-""« ol » Prairie. <i miles southwest of Grants Pa>*. fight or back down. Kn-sia ^aya in Hopbine .Lnivetaity and outlined bi» Inquire of G. W. Bolt. Grauts Pass, Ore. add to the beauty of his home and of tbe al dailies hh being said and wing by Mr. open port at Port Arthur ami the Czar plan. The faculty believes, after listen gold. But distrust, selfishness, greed. neatest bouse, but bis injuries did nut voung man and a bucket of salt. town, destroyed. mg attentively to his plant, that they Ediaon and other diMtingthshe»! men VALl A hi/: PROPERTY FOR SALE usually mean« what be says. Johnny . fanatii ism and prejudice must tie over- seem to be of a serious nature A very disgraceful ruw occurred last ’ A number of splendid harcains are There are so many cows that will open that the ap|>earanue of an “interview ’ ¡ « orne, and reason ami common sente Bull usually fee*» that way bimswif, and are worthy of careful consideration. The oyster snp|>er given by the ladies Friday night at a spelling school held in li-teci liclow. For information inquire of needs more than ordinary gates and walk into gardens and yards new spa per Price A Voorhies at the O ouxieb ofnee. we may look for »erious complications. , prevail, il we are to concentrate this great of the M. E. Church on Dec. 22. was the Sevierth district. Two » oia (both of Theie is a striking contrast between to eat and destroy, this is not satis (ait- statement to carry credence It is pos- trmy and march to certain victory. Karm and < it\ property for sale. Cull on quite a success, considering the weather. good, respectable families) got into a or write u* fur information. We can show We air anxiously wailing to r-e the ibe Canadian mining laws just ioeifed lory to the man who is trying to raise a *ibl«j Mr. E. may have *aid something As popiihsls, we must choose again, as Ihe people ot Williams are always very dispute over some trivial affair and were you >ome good bargains. present administration at WaMbingtuu und the laws ol this country. The Can good garden and keep a beautiful lawn. like the quotation, but not probable, in November, 1896, between patriotism generous on such occasions. A 5-acre tract of land; very rich soil; a soon in a rough and tumble fight.pulling to act more vigorously in I he Spanish idiiin, from the time of th«* great gold Every feed store, every grocery store, Mr E. or anybody else would find con- an ■ partisanship. hou-e and many conveniences»love to - George Chapman and Herman Mes- hair, scratching eves and doing every- good ■ hscovery in California, has been free to »¡rants Pa--. This property at a bargain. Cuban imbroglio than it is now doing the livery stables, the hotels, and »e siderable «iitficulty in gold mining to dis* - A middle-of-the-road policy looks like singer, after bidding farewell to their unir, e«inuui»ft -y— ----- ‘thing ill each other’s power to eat the A in acre tract,about 2 miles from town- ‘Tit hard for some warm friends of tin- locate where l>. pisases without Inn might say tbe dry goods stores, can ail penne with "the man who «lig* the sure «1 *feat and an indefinite postpone many friends, starred for Alaska to seek i other up. ( heeled good soil; fair house; small fruits. The crowd aloud and cheered adininialration in (OOgress to hold their drance. No oyalty »»« at any time testify to the annoyware ot cows running , ground with a pick.” He is al?-«/ credit- ment of oui cbeiisbed desire to have the their fortunes. They intend to take th« Seven and one half acres near the city. A on instead of trying to separate sidewalk l>eace in the lace ot existing *oaditiun*, put upon the miner in this country at large, (or in all these cases, except it ed with Haying that "at present it is im ail the way to town; a good large people rule through t|»e initiative and steamer at Portland for Skaguay, and I them as intel legent . people should do, house and out buildings; all out to a good The Klondike miner, or he who wishes be the dry goods store., cows can be possible to profitably operate gold ore and in the fare of th« 8t. I xmiim platform 'tlrem — referendum, and will signify even more from tlidre make their way to the gold until they had fouxht ier an hour and variety of fruit. A very desirable location. to become a miner must first pay |IO foi found often, either at the front door or going less than |l.25 per ton,” which is in the ey«— oí many. We shall be ac- [ lfiO acres of good placer ground. Great Britiari im «lowly working her the priylege of prospecting and he hunt C orrespondent . were completely exhausted and tbm At cused of sacrificing our principles an I j fields. the back door, ready to pick up a sprig not in consonance with the fuels. home in Grants Pa»s contain, Meli out ei the international complira have a miner's certificate before he is pulled apart, one of the boys taking his ing A 3 beautiful of hay, a piece of apple or potalo.or any various places on this coast gold ore opening the road tu republican success. ! I’M kett Creek Item» acre- out to a good variety of fruit; < tione that have vexed her fur eoine allowed to even work in a mine. These friend’s ear as a memento and ths other good dwelling and other buildings ( 'heap yielding less than |l 2"» per ton has been thing tliat looks like something to eat There are populists who say: “The Cold nights and frosty mornings are mouthe. Britian'e demand that th« are but the beginnings of his sorrows for a finger. Let tire spelling school contin and on good terms, A farmer can not come to town witli a an«i is being profitably treated. — Mining democrats and silver republicans have! among our delicacies. porty of China be open to the world, in- as soon as he finds a claim th"ii he at ui'' Frost. load of hsy or a bunch of straw in his mih I ue tor sociability s sake. AY in rONM»F MIXED TIMOTHY stolen our platform, let them complete I 11 •tead of tu favored nation«, ie the cor once pays |15 in re and then 10 per cent Plenty of snow, but bale water. I * < lover an<l Alfalfa for sale«: horses fed wagon without lieing met on the out 8 am N ewcombe . The date opposite your name on this the theit and don our clothes and assume for 15 cent- per day. Apply, G. \V’. Hoxie, rect one and in thia that country should of the gross output of his claim». There Messrs. Bradbery and Schaffer,the lat skirts of town by from one to ten cows, paper indicates the time to which your our name ” Williams, Oregon.* The democrats retort : have the moral backing of the I lilted is nut one clause in this new code tha> which will follow him until lie has dis subscription is paid. Please look it up “Whilst we believe this luueb uf you» ter better known as old Skookum. have State». ________________ MONOGRAM STATION offer» any inducement to prospector», posed of the contents in comebody's When you pay a year’s subscription *. e gone to Galice creek to prospect for quartz. piaiiorin, we are nut prepared to accept Following is a summary weather ERY’. It is »aid that a man in town last week bn’ they were made seemingly on the barn. Sidewa ke are broken and often that the date is changed, as H i a record ihe balance, therefore we refuse to dis Mr Harry Kevtsisin oor locality look I nervation at tirants Pass during ('all at the (\»i kier office And of your ac«*ount with us drank a quart of whinky witlmut remov assumption that the whole Klondike re made unfit over whicb to walk ing after the porphyry belt which lies month of January, as reported by J.B ba id a- a party for the «ame reasons tha» and see their samples of iiw.i.i.wb l..,.ul I j Patidock, local v.slnntarv voluntary ikhsw»rvHr observer tor tor ing the butile from Ida lipa, but the gion, every stream from source to end. neither last nor least, is the common op Monogram Stati«»nery- the the populist party refuses, et hi quotjue;” in the hills surrounding this locality Grand Ma»ier McFadden. the Oregon State Weather Service. every mountain from foot to summit, 1» best m the market. They probrium that is thrust upon us by visi fool-killer wbm off viaiiing ami we have Lew Gibson and Thomas Crow are ben it? this plan is impracticable and »upplieii a lar^e number of The Workmen ami Degree oí Honor beard nuUiipg more about it. "When ncli hi gold onlv awai ing to be taken tors and travelers that Grams I’ass is a Sax Min Mean Precip boxes for ChriUma . an«t all w ho receivrd working a high bar on Pickett creek lacks equity. DATE Im in ” Tear lodge* upheld th«? credit of Josephine Tem. Tem. out. "Every man for the government, them were delighted with the paper. ever the wandering demon of drunken- Cow ttn/n. fhe yoetnen ami backbone of the pop with good results 32 for l.oapitallty and good cheer iu 30 35 1 This article is not written in the inter- county 1 ne«a find« a ship adrift, he steps on the governipcm for nobody,” is appar Educare Vonr Bowels With Cascaret». list party cry out in their anguish: “We Al Parker, who is mining at the forks 1 ‘2 31 37 43 hoard, takes the helm and »leer» Htraight ent ly the motto est of the milk mail, but in the interest their usual whole soule<l manner on last have stood bv the standard of reform for , Candy Cathartic, cui" constipation forevor. 31 35 39 of fay lor creek, was in oar locality the 3 10c.25c. If C. C C fall, drngiriKis refund money- of the city ami a majority of the people Saturday evening on the occasion of the the las' 20 yea: -, since biave ol«l Pster for the Maelaironi.” 35 38 33 4 first of la»t week after supplies. Mr Th« insurgent general Arangiienn. therein Mawter’a visit amongst ih , Ihe ||l-:i.l.(>' i l!Esi ENT i ll'Y’ YOU The writer hast» cow, but he Grand ' 38 41 ; h > 5 Cooper fought (he oattle of the ballot* Parker informs us that he has struck an 1 ■ nin talk bewcen Grunts I1#., and Tlw Dominion governn ent lias made who had the Spanish general, Ruiz pm finds it more profitable to keep her up hall was comfortably filie I with * >tne 200 40 45 35 <> su t fell, w«* have seen ourselves sold by old , < rc-r. nt i itv and all iiiierinvdiate points channel on a high bar which lias 58 45 31 a contract with individual purlieu to con to death for asking him, Araiigueren, to Ilian to let Iter run out, and be-ides, lie of 1 the order* ami their firieml*. w!,< Ii. tricky leaders, weakened by bairbraine I over the (.. P. A (_’. ('. Telephone Line. 42 gold in paying quantities. 30 3« .25 1 « • • • struct a railroad between th. Stickyen yield to the Hpanish yoke, has himwelf has the satisfaction of knowing that site ' considering the ahortnesA of the notice, i harge, reaumahle. Grant.- I'as- olliee m 1 28 37 ( 9 33 f «ii «t cqembai ra s d an 1 loade I dow n b the ( ooai kk oltii e As last Friday was your humble ser river and Ink» Tetlin in the Yukon coun suffered death at the hands of Castilian is doing no damage for others. only five «laya, was very gratifying 40 19 30 p ati nd« s lustrad uf principles until the . vant's birthday, he wav surprised to we i lb try If the Klondike proves as ri< Ii na troops under the command of Colonel Mr. McFadden remarked that In* had 40 24 32 eciiu ol the old Jewish slogan of 2 CO ( coming up to his cabin dour a party of !11 ■Ml 30 40 reported, travel in that direction a ill \ranwal>e. The young general had been 12 never had such a reception before .JoNvphln«-'« H<*avlet»t Tax I'Miei-w. III» «earsago is beard in the land:” “To ladies | 44 38 32 of the Overland Monthly. San Francisco. with well filled baskets of ruasi 18 continue,and when this road ¡1 ceitipleli in the habit of visiting hie affianced in t|»e<K*h wa* listened to attentively. Th« B low we give a lint uf the tax-payer« 48 38 No entram e lee or other charge. >end 5c, 43 .21 »our tents, oh Israel.” Let that sound pork roast turkey, chicken, pie. and 14 the mode of travel will I ease n the din a hut in the Ta paste hill«, and this fait eup|M*r table* were then spread and JiO 1 for particular- and sample copy. 36 43 3« 15 of Josephine « ounty who pay on |100i) remain forever an undefined echo, and cakes . an 1 other g< od things l< o numarou- Iti tanc« many time■ from what it now is. became known to the Spanish colonel loaded down with good things. J H .22 32 39 45 «»ver: like the sword ot Damocles be inertly to , \V ' x 8TWORTHY AND 39 mention. A grand good time was 17 46 34 and the danger, will be unthought of. alio set to work to capture the slayer ol .07 Goodell, in his inimitable ami amusing (('itJihuiirtl frum hut wrek.) active gentlemen or ladies to travel for tne warning sign of danger ( 44 1 39 18 34 21 the result and we ask the ladies to come Th. work on thia rood will Iteg hi al Ruiz, dead or alive. Ph«Spanish troop» Hate J ii re-pon<ililc, established house in <‘regon style, pres<m(ed the grand master wi h ...I 08 45 36 19 40 Are we not ready to accept an honors j again M<»nthlv and »xpenses. Position steady 30t>5 a souvenir in th«? *liap»» of a gold nugget S ilver B ug once and th. contract rails lor its com surrounded the hut and so complete!* Hamlin, W H................................. 47 20 32 —2 3'J Releretice. Enclose s«?lf-ad(iressed stamped ble alliance whereby other patroits may iiainiuvmlv Mining Co ................. 10 HI pletion by tile first of September It surprised Aranguertn that he wan found pin from Josephine lodge an I Brothers 48 39 39 envelope. The Dominion Company, Dent 21 01 No Cure No I ’ ay. I I lit-. 11 . I'. !• I fl ¡J ~ I1 1 1 be permitted to aid and assist us in car Y. Chi. ago. 22 . must necessarily take thousands of men at the table writing a letter. A little Hat Kt*tli, Jacub 43 33 38 1H25 Halleck and Kinney presented him wi»h rying out the prim pies of the Omaha That is the way all druggiMtn aeil 23 .. 38 26 32 14 4 GENT.S- $25 TO to du that aiiiuiint of work iu so short a girl was out in the yard playing, ami llarknean, Hunan ¡’ER WEEK ....................... 2501 a manzanita cane and gavel. The lodge Grove’« laateleMs Chill tunic tor Mala 36 • l«l Ill’ll; , I < I I l(J0 28 platform? ( ria. Chills ami Fever, it is «imply iron 24 33 *1 easy! \ 'i on work ................................... .. 21 right around home. till"'. when she saw th« soldier» she ran al*o gave to Supreme Ma.Mer Tait a very 25 43 19 A brand new thing. Write to us <|u!<-k <|ui< k ! 31 Let us keep our organisations separate ami ¡ Son . ... 4.120 h in dan m <> cine to tak«» hack to Nebraska Quinine in a taHteleHK tortn. ’Child screaming to the house, but her screams Harth, I* H j ou will be -urprised at how ea«y it can be 26 22 4.5 33 Hayee. Lewis JE i .'»•». love H. Adults prefer it to bitter ami intact but let us join hands an«l ren 1 Senator White of California is disre done. >en«i >end u- U' vour addre.-H anyway. It 49 27 . 23 36 with him Sunday night, wlien several were soon ilenced by the volfoy of bill Ht'berlie, L A.............. I il>0 nauseating Tunica. Price, 50c. will be to your interes to investigate. Write'■ travel t »gether to the parting of the ways, 1 garding (he insirm lionn of the legisla 44 28 24 34 workni'm and their wives met him at lets which literally tore her body to Hogu I totiay. Addre-s, Addre-s. ••people •• People ’s,’ 3<m 3941 Market 29 ............... 48 and when that limit is reached. Provi- lure of his state winch elected him. rela 24 ;i6 News From Karby. ii .mi. j n i: i • < treet, Philadelphia, Pa. the train. It was a source of great di«- piece* trangueien was killed ami sev 30 52 2.5 38 II < >1 111<I , Wm idence will direct the course of civiliza live to the admission of the Hawaiian eral others, umong them the young lady ap|M>intinent tu the I dge that Brother !Ì6 1 24 31 . Tom White has moved . into 30 Emirate Your Bowel« Wuh CiMcarnni Hopkins, AB ............................ L">02 ti »n, as in the past. O O. islands. In 1893 a resolution was | a^ed alio was *u«»n to become bis wife. She Howard, J MT Tait was sent to Jackson county nt the ?,n‘ cor»,|P»’!on forever. Thrasher's house. 4510 by the senate, concurred in by the -5c. If C. C. C fail, druggists r< fund money SI MM »BY : Mean temperature, 86; was not killed outright, bill died before Howard, riioa E A Mary M .... 1500 last moment inMead of Grants P ts*. Tlie Benton county jail is empty for Mr.Nickereon Ires rented the James inaxiiiiuin temperature, 52; date, ill bouse, instructing California's senators IbOtl reaching Havana, where the bodies of Hughe*, Chaaewt. I SHEETS 'll Will l ist; f'Al’EI! the first time since last April. On lancli lor tlie summer minunam temperature HI. dates, III and representatives in congress to u*v Hulbert, AN ........... ... 11-^0 ■ "r I" ' ent« Think of it. a ream the insurgent killed were taken to be ex account of Ii.e^w .-aknesa ol the Lincoln and 25. total precip, 1.7s inrlies; total Hull, Berk A Felton .......... 231.» ot ii.-t quality Not» raperai tlii. pries: all honorable in« am at their disposal, Sunday school at the Kerby school snowiall. 3 inches ; numberdavs clear, 0, posed to the public gaze. This young Hn*tler, JA ............. county J ill, the Renlon county jail lia. reaniJOt-; i.reatn Klc,at Ibet’oiRixaothi-e. 1270 looking to the annexation of the islands, house. All are invited. I partly elomiy, 5; cloudy, 2(1; prevailing 1-*Ö4 Cuban general was not more than 23 ihiMH«*y, T J................................. b en used for tile salekeepmg of Lincoln | wind, 8. W. 1 < »•> i i; I ■ 11; . provided that little government dewired The snow ¡.as come and fair weather JenningaA Dean .. 3S00 vaars old, but he w as a daring ofticoi, Caused by Stomach and Liver county prisoners, Fred McMurphy, held “ Just the to come under the | iroteetion uf Uncle L liitiu.'-, JA... . ’ prevails, with plenty of mud tiling for school use. Come and get suine. styled the Sheridan ol Cuba, b it he lor alleged burglary, ami Andrew Carl Troubles-Could Not Eat or Sleep P A V. E M M E C. P. l«w< ii. I L 4 * 1 bam Mr. White ii exerting all bl» Jim Logan is sood to make a trip to evinced a we <knets in not hiving a »ul Jewel! A D«*lge -Croat Weakness—Now Entirely ton, held lor a similar otTensa, being tlie . .»2.»0 ability in opposition to annexation not Explanation of the above—Phebv A l.'OH'tl.E WK > FEER yon .-ALT llcient guard to be oil the lookout tor Jewett Mme . 1100 tli.- week a p e of live acres or very Both Ohio ami other Eastern plan's Cured Hood's Sarsaparilla Did It o >ly ix-cupanre of the steel cages. withstanding the feeling in his state fa Van Exxe make many e egant cabinet ri. Ii soil near Grant' l’u,s, »ideaalk leading lai.ger H im negro cook ha?« previously i-'ltn. I M men were taken Monday to Toledo where Born to Mr. and Mrs. Churchill, at “ I Buffer««! for aljout five years with into tuw n. rhis place baa on it a eissl Turing ii. Jenn, Davhl John 27s 2 photon, opp. court hou-e been captured and by torture and bnh ling, » g,K,‘t .run trees of diderent Jone», IIntmaii D . . 1125 atoma. h am! Im-r trouble» mid tried ihey are io appear for trial in Judge .-elina, on January 30, 1898, a daughter. kind- Thn place at a bargain f ir part er/Im was made to reveal ths wlierea Josephine Mining Co different remedies without much benefit. t ullerton's com I. which convened .»ton ............ Mr Stith, one of our prosperous mer The visit of Hie Maine to Havana had ni'ii and l.alain.. on time, t ail on. or baits of his master. Spanish cruelty in Kelley, Henry e«»t 17V0 1 hud »¡M*ll»of vomiting w hieh would last w rite to Price <V Voorhiss. chants, made Grants i’ass a visit laut the tendency to create great respect for ................. 1756 for a lung time amt 1 auffvi« «! severe pain. this death was no less evident than in Kelley, John F week. NOflCErOK 1'1 A THIS. Americans in that city, '¡is high time K» Iley, John F A Ge«» 5030 1 could not eat or sleep. 1 was very weak . ........... ■ . ........ I •■ im .a. lour I lie t • i| similar eases under Wavier. BEE HIVES Laud Olliee at Roseburg. Oregon,) Kein leu, Eugene 1005 and could hardly walk a« runs the room. something was done (o cause r«s|»ret (or A sociable is to be given by the Sun- To quit totaecc. easily and forever Oe tiiag January III, IMIIBj Kinney, II < anti wife 1VO0 While suffering <>m>uf t hose terril»les|«ells □(■tic. lull ot l.te nerve and vigor, take No-To- American* on the island if the admin« day school on St. Valentine's day A BEE SUPPLIES Notice s hereby given that the follow Kretner, W F 35IM) uae. the wonder worker, that makes weak men 1st r ill ion do« » not wish to interfere with my hust»aiui urgv«l me to try Hood's Sar- ng-nanied settler has filed notice of his titre lime is anticipated. strong. All druggists, SOc or St. Cureguarnti- Lanterman. J G . ................ 1030 t"d Bookie; au 1 sample tree Address Spain's method of carrying on the war Other ci tie» and town» of Southern Lav tun, J T 50 »0 sa|tarilla. Finally I consented and after utenti. ii to make final proof tn support Mrs. Raphael of Astoria, whose hua- alerting Remedy (O Chicago or New VorX i r 2fofo taking t ho first bottle 1 was greatly bene 4 his claim, ami Hint said pr«s»f will be there is one thing that would add to the Oregon have etock ordinance», why not i band has purchased one uf our Southern l.».’<» fited. 1 have mw tak« n three bottles of m i le l .-tore ' M .< lilies, County Jud.e dignity of Viide >am‘s common wealth * irant» P smi ? All np*to «late cilien an I Lempke. A | ' ' i i i|. .1 Utegdn mines, is at the Union. Le«»nard, it t Hood's Sarsaparilla and am cured. I have of Ji'sepbine county, Oregon, at Grant’s ’ym three mites from town, (aintain- and that is to demam' a>»«»lutv r«-|»e«t town» anywhere elm» the himv of Graui» L«*ouar«l, reue« n«»t bad anv of t! '•* t ad spells and ran l*a-s Oregon, on March 5. 1898, vis: I- acre', mostly rich, river Isdtoni A dance took place at the Odd Fel ier Americans who do n«»l in any way Pa<i have ordinance» requiring th»» own Lruntird, Mar» E ■ti't A part of it is tieaver dam land, eat anything 1 w Mita. WULBT lolin I -win hn on If E. No. 7530 lor low s ha I Iasi Saturday night and ah Ibe I tt see. 34. I'p. 37 "(.Il adapted to raising vegetable-, interfere with Blanco's melteods on the ere of hureee and «'owe to keep thriu up Lrwio, LA.................... WILLIAMS, ORE. e-p'-i E rkdenu C ro , B« i \ « , Catskill, N Y. lliere is on ttle .,|a,e „ hne (.U1|1 MI1)t seemed to have a pleasant time. - . K . 6 eat ............ island We believe that the Cubans | Why im thia done? I m it |K>SMible that I«ewie, John pr im onhar.l. |l,j. |,|.,.e ¡, „tiered for II m names the following witnesses to Limeln, AHiertba G . . lien Cassidy of Fort Jones, Cal., for will ultimately throw off the bpanieii I Grantn I'a»« in right in this one parti 'a i e. au-e the owner cannot prove ni< i ontinuous residence upon and Lister A Calvert . . merly manager of the Pioneer hotel of oild'e l° *"r ,' rni" »'nquire at tins yoke, notwithstanding In* la< k of tidclit) cnlar and other place« in (tie * rung ’ Ixigan, R Nl ................ cultivation ol said land, vis: Breeder and Importer of I 8 M : i ' n . i '1 i.rpln ' h . tV. this place, is visiting us this week. of some of their numb« rs Ceriainlv lhe people who paua auch MH'ann. E«l Is the best In fact th»* One True FU mh I Purifier Williams e .Murpliy,Ole , F (, Day of. K *ri * ’ R ' Tea for con tipa- ITALIAN QUEENS ANO BEES ■ law» inunt think them fur the good of McCourt. Ja* ami Hu>.h An entertainment was given last Fri Sold by al) dr u- |t;sixf >r*x M 'phv.Ore ,an<l A t Hyde of Murphy, lon. it • the Rest aH,| alter using it von Mi'I^ean, Lucv ............ We occasionally receive t-ominunica th« town. Write for Prices In reality we cannot are Mackin, J A T.............. day afternoon by the pup Is of the Kerby don t sav so, return the package and gel It M. V kstch , I IIUUU » rill» PSII«£ nit ' U Ore ti -ns for publication llial do not appear wherein there ia any great advantage to Mawb A Tike ................ Register. school conducted by their teacher. Mies vour money. Sold bv The Xatiotial Drug Store. ROGUE RIVER COURIER Communications Gorrcsponocnce [if you think, you think & Co. B Severe Pains t J. W. Turvey, Hood's ®pariiis Store News— late ¡hi, i-s«s> * as written hy M.i.tei Rev llaiketi ariose th rd i ■ \nivals. Miners full sto. L Grain Cretdtnore Shoes counter^ heavy extension outside sole leather 1ST: Tü THK CVSTOMKR i pi c. fie a inulti get he will have to charge more for his goods, and surely there is no advantage in that. These arc the advantages of the cash system and the disadvau- tages of the credit system, to the customer. 2N'I>: ¿es A great shoe fur BED Our Kompetition Krushers Your Choice Í Just arrived—New lin TO THK MERCHANT. 11 a merchant doe* a cash business he will be able to dispense in file tiade system u^cil largely in this part of the vountr» > pt < i great nit i sure with book keepiag and wholly with the making out of tically the credit system and is one of the discouraging features of bust bills or a collector. ROCK tiess in this country. Th« 'chant if he be an honest one. does not intend to make The first great step toward the credit system is to give credit to mote th in i fair protit for he wants to ’ live and let live.” some pereon, and if the merchant gives credit to one person, he will in In Jackson » administration when he had divided the money in justice have to give credit to any reliable person who asks lor it. the United State- bank among the state banks money became very plen Il the customer a>k* credit it is just that the merchant should tiful, and then it was that the credit system sprang up. because the ask ete.iil ot the customer should he need to buy of that customer amount ot money in circulation caused speculation and consequent^ very m.tny merchants were bankrupt. Warranted solid throughout new English Bull I)og tor. a while it the customer paid cash, the merchant would also pay cash One great fault in this country is that the meichant is often the That is but an example of how when merchants give credit rnanv Stylish Shoe for <? 25. fir-t otic to ask credit of some other prsxlucer and then wants him ’o are swamped but when was a merchant ever bankrupt, who did a take the amount out in trade " fair business on a cash basis? Now come» the greatest argument for the s isb system Wlu I cannot in m.igme any reason whv the credit system would be the the customer pays cash the merchant can aff «rd to sell his merchandise i best for either cur stonier or merchant, for when is cash not acceptable to at cash prices tor he is able to get his goods from the manufacturer any one? he manufactnrer much cheaper if hf pays cash A go xl example ot the success of the cash ») stem •» in the sue- lithe merchant has to give credit rices, th it re the cess of R L. Coe. Thomas ISt Co., the proprietors a( the lead ng From aou pairs of Men sand Women s Shoes lor fi so same aa lemliug money without interest the prutft which »tore in Southern Oregon. ROY HACEKTT Mteel nails; hob nails a Cotton Batting Mackintoshes C’.osmg out Mackiutoshe Wall Paper At IOC. i3c, 20c tha January Clearance Sales IS VLI DEPARTMENTS Don't Miss Them