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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1898)
lingue llibrr •An Independent Paper, Devoted fespedatty to the Interests of Southern Oregon VOL. XIV ROBE RT G SMITH. KO. 13 GBAMTS PASS. J08EPH1«* vOUZTTT. nnvOON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 3. 1898 • * W hal ol the Ouiconie? We will give One Hundred Dollar« for any case of deafness <caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Core. Send for circulars free. F. J. < hfnky A Co . Toledo, O. bold by D a.giats, "fir Hall's Family Pills are the best Washingt« n Letter No Bankruptcy Law How tt Is Kl S u , r nriit>£ Ì > | The first question • man asks when he Police incompetence may be over Dear Sir:—It is to be hoped that the There is an air ot expectancy around CorrcepvnOviiwC. i is whether she is re- the capitol and among visitors to the congress of the United States will not looked to eonie extent, and in some di —— spected or not; such bail White Hou««—official visitors. Cuban , cloud the era of proscrit? that has l>een rections. but not wheu it contributes a doubt at once. This being the caw, matters came dangerously near to rea< h inaugurated, by the enactment of a ihrough passive neglect of the first prin Gallo* llama no modest girl can afford to indulge in The commercial and ciples ol police duty, to the existence of ing a crisis last week, through action i bankruptcy law Mi ikes ar- being inads in ths East as .. .... . . , . . i the paatims. When the down ia brushed the house on the belligerency resolution. industrial interests of the country have sucli houses as (liai recently discovered weB asia Southern Oregon and Alaska. from the peach its beauty is 00 marred it It required all the power of the adminis suffered severely during the past two or —by acculent, as it were— at 206 Fourth We have been having Klondike weather can never be restored, and when a girl The luring of young girls to trât ioh and of Speaker Reed to keep the three years, and it is our firm coaviction street. Dear Sir:—Mr. E B Braden, he as- rrpub icaus in line, and if Chairman that tho passage of any bankruptcy leg ruin through pla. ing upon their igno of late and this has been no place for throws lightly aeide that sweet and mod aayer in charge of the United Stales as Hitt, ot the house foreign committee, tslation will be detmuental to the best rance or vanity, or contrtbui ing to their Jerry Simpsons. est reserve »0 becoming to a maiden, say office at Helena. Montana, haa sent had not made bis speech in which he interests of the entire conutry. Such neeeosities, and possibly th« necssstiies The wagon road routs was snowed un and wnich so elevates and enables her a circular letter and a list ot questions viriuaii) si al rd that the administration laws, however wisely framed, are not « of their families, seems tc be accepted as der this week and the grade stakes may to command the respect of all, she loses to all of the mins operators and owners stood ready to respond with armed v«s credit to any nation, people or axe. her best charm, and becomes rather a legitimate business by the present po not be foiled until next «pring. cheap and common, to use no rash in the slate of Oresuu, whose add less he eels whenever Consul General l^*e Any law that could be agreed upon lies department. There can be no other On ncconnt of tha freezing weather of could obtain, with a view to securing as prrveel the button, they might not have would certainly and serioualy disturb explana ion of the immunity from ar- late, but little placer mining is being terms. Flirting may seem to the giddy and thoughtless girl wonderfully amus complete etanatns of the mineral output sutxeeded l he nerve« of congres- are the bright prow|>ects that give promise I reel enjoyed by creatures like the 1‘ierce done, especially aasong the small miners. ing, and she may gst the idea that she is ot Oregon for 18U7 as possible. Tuie in on edge, ho to speak rhe attendance is of a prosperity, that alone will give the I woman, through months of such "nefa Chinese New Year was celebrated here fascinating, but it is a most degrading formation will b.- complied and pub unusually large in both blanches, and I people of all classes, and the nation as rious business" as that in which she has last week in the usual manner. Ginn thing, and should be frowned upon by billed by the director of the mint in tile lhe oppoeilioo leaders are watching each well, happy issue out of all their trou lieea engaged under the flimsy disguise and Hap suffered throughout the cel every young la iy who has ambition to annual report to congrese ul the pro*luc- other The number of consultations the bles of a bath and message establishment ebration. become a worthy and charming young tion ol tlie previous metals of lhe I’uited prerideut b«s had with prominent meiu Any law that leaves the several com- To believe members of the police igno Many at rests are being made through woman—Ex States. Tbis is a matter of public bn lier« of his party, also indicates the pro immwealths of the nation the right io rant of tlie character ot this den unul its out the country for selling liquor to pot lance and should receive prompt at bability of some move or his part retain oil their statute l»oeks 'he exist vile mistress wa- arrested on a complaint minors ,but as vet none have been made trillion al the hands of mine owners and ing exemption laws, cannot be uniform ; Owing to tbs Teller resolution, the issued from I lie district attorney's ollies for selling the same to miners of Gal ice. a> a remit, the amount credited to Oregon senate will not devote much time to the and the constitution ol the I'nited States is to disqualify them as foola for their A red hot republican has been figuring was considerably less than half lhe ac annexation treaty this week. Its fate is do«.- not, ami its wise fiamers did not vocation; lo believe them cognisant of tual output. Last year Mr Barden stili in doubt. intend, that any other should ever be I'» character, and y at permitting it to on the Ga'.ice election board and finds as near as possible, that it is composed puhl'sbsd a paiupulel on the mineral Judge McKenna whose nomination come a law. flourish, is to disqualify them for their of four Bryan Sewall Watson men, and Example* of the inequality of lhe vocation as acoundrels. production ol Moutana, by counties for aascenflrmed last wees without a roll The public. ISSAtt. which was ol great value to the call, will be sworn in as an associate different states are be*t shown by the However, with a full understanding of one republican, a clerk, which comes near the It> to 1 proposition. One of state, and he has luienned line commit justice of the aupreme court, on Wednes following. the matter,is deposed to place the blame lhe state of Wiaconain provides io* w livre it belongs—up in the heads of the tlie judges should be a republican. tee tbai bo proposes to publish a similar day, ai d i! the senate acta upon the The wise The Galice populists when solemnly ptoamplet tn regard to the Oiegon out nomination of uov. Griggs, to which the exemption of l4 of an acre intown |sihce department—ami to reprobale as doctor w-h e a put for 1HJ7. It ia theretore important there is no op|>ositioii, in time, he will and 40 acres in the country ; in Iowa l2 mercenary tools merely the individual drafting lesolutions must have allowed be is called in to attend a that as lull and complete a report as assume the duties of attorney gcuc/ui on an. acre in town <nd 4<) aurva in the conn members of the force who, having eye* humorist of the diggings tu "get in his pain - tortured posaibie be made in regard lo the ontpui Thursday. try» together with all the property that see not, simply because they ars in work" judging fioui the following: woman, knows that she could Resolved, that we believe the construct in this aiata. Xhote who have not re- rhe exemp* structed and paid not to see. It is not believed that President Mc may be placed thereon, avoid ths ag ion owning and operating of tho Nic ceived lhe circular letter and liat of Kinley will allow himself to be swayed nona of the state of ony that she A Wm iiiiig to Yuung Men. aadurea by taking: proper care of her „ , . ___ . l.rwfF Illinois amount to ........... aragua canal by the United Slates will questions from Mr Barden should no by the schemers who have candldaie- »14 0 manly-self. No woman can long long; retain her U 00 eventually lie of more value to th» general health who neglects the health of tify him al once and lie will send them ahoni they wish to succeed (he .ate Hun. I’alifornia and Idaho Lhe (allowing from Kobort G. Ings su 11 Maine .... .............. 60" Deafness Cannot be Cured American people than the election of the organs that constitute her w omanhood. i copies. Ae the information furnished Benjamin Butterworth, commissioner of .MawHachutetts........ ............ KUO is worthy of reproduction. '’liiere isa She may suffer onl> locally for a time. By local application« as they cannot in reguard to the output will lie tegard- patents, whose death was su generally »New York . .......... 1250 prejudice aruinst any man engaged ia Mark Hanna to the United Slates senate Eventually the nerves aie ruined by the Halsey, Harm constant wear and tear of pain They cra-e We eoncur. City, Eugem reach the diseased portion of the ear. ed as confidential, and be used only in iam«nied. He knows the valuable work tiluo........................................ ......................... 1IHHI ttie manufacture of alcohol 1 believe to impart the necessary nervous activity to Indiana fl 0 There is onlv one way to cure deafness, the composition of aggregates, it 1» done by Mr. Butlerworth, in reforming I’vnnMylvania A late visit to lhe Bolt quarts mine re the various organa of the body. A general dial from lhe lime it issues from the 3.K) and that is by consiiUttional remedies booed that all parties interested will criminal abuses in the practice ot pa Noitli and Soatlt Carolina ................. 1500 *oiledand poisonous worm in the distil- minded us of a circumstance that hap and serious break-<l<»wn follow- A wonderful medicine for weak, nervous Hosebuig Mail Dally ' tee In sss is caused by an inflamed con join in furnishing full and complete re- tent attorneys ; alao, that acting Com North Dakota .............. ti.10 < lery until it empties into the bell ol pened rears ago. as relate.! by Charles women, who through local troubles ace 8:30 a. M 1 LV. Puriland Ar. , 1 .-'i" i’. M • Inion of the nincoue lining of the Eus- ■ ports Yours Truly, Trie fleet word« of the ao-callnd "Hen- death, that it is demoralizing to every Sanders. A company, among them Mr. threatened with a general break down is niissioner Greely was an important lac I2:2 ôp . M. Lv. Albany *»▼. 1 I2:50p. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It arts J. F. B atciixldxk , achian Tube. When this tube is in 5.20 r. M at . KoNenuru tor in that work, secund, in ia?t, only to <leraon Bill.” now pendim; in the liou-e. 'body that touches it, from its source to Sanders, undertook to work the mine directly on the delicate organs that are dis «V. 7 :3U a . * j Chili Committee on Mining and Mineral Mr. Butterworth bimself flamed yon have a rambling sound or are: “ An act to emabli>di a uniform tinctly feminine. It restores them to vigor and it was so managed that only the w livre it ends Others re OlNlNtì uAHo UN uGutN ROUIt. health It allays inflammation and Resources imper ect hearing, and when it le en- law on the subject of» bright white quartx was crushed, the and gard Mr. Greely as the lugiual successor 1 «Io not believe that anybody can con- soothes pain. It gives the tortured serves Pullman bSutfel Sleeper 'iretv closed, deafn"«» is the reeuit, and throughout the United State». ” And ore containing »ulphurets being dumped a rest anti permits them to resume their template the subject without being pre to Mr Butterworth, and it is lielieved -- and — After years of untold suffering from unless the inflammation can be taken out the act then falls utterly to provide such judierd against the crime. All they have into the i reek. At the same time a eon natural function of directing a healthy ac that Mr. McKinley also so regards him SECONU Abs oleeping C a tivity of all the organs. It prepares a wo piles, B Vv Pursell of Knitnersvilf, Pa , and thistnbe restored to its normal eon- to do is to think of lhe wrecks or either nf Erin contracted to clean the ditch for man for wifehood and motherhood. It Bv refusing to grant hearings respect a »ystem Alia. lie.. loaL rhiouiih iramr wan cured by using a single box of De* The most serious objection ta the pa« side of 1 he stream ot death, of lhe sui $100 and in a week he apjiear.d for hie makes baby’s advent easy and almost pain I'ti* n, hearing will tie destroyed forever; less and insures the child's health. It is the Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve Skin dis fully asked lor by lhe executive commit sage of bankruptcy legislation is the nine cases out of ten are caused by ca cides, ot the insanity, of lhe poverty, ot money, stating that 'he job was com best woman's medicine and more than eaweM such as eczema, rash, pi in pies and tee of the American Bimetallic Union, fact that neither the debtor nor creditor twill, which is noiliing but an inflamed "b-’inate sores are readily cured by this the house committee or bauking and the destruction, of lhe little children pleted with the exception of the ditch qo . ooo women have said so over their signa tures. DruggUts **il it class desire it. Such a law in force 1« a tugging at lhe breast ul weeping and de needing prying up where it had eettled c nditi.m of the rnucou« surfaces famous remedy —W F. Kremer. West Side Division currency, which has heard everything •‘I cannot sav t<w much for Dr Pierce's ravu.- I continual menace to the honest, coni, i spairing wife asking for bread, of the -X Ray. Ite Prescription.' writes M>*s Clara Baird, of _ tue friends of the gold standard had to MAIL TRAIN DAlLI E»l KF1 tiUNbAÏ Bridgeport. Montgomery Co . Pa I feel it my entious. pains taking merchant, no mat man struggling with imaginary serpents, at . fi:50p. ‘ Bv.rvbody Sey. So. duty to say to all women who may lx- suffering 7 :30 a . m i.v. Portland say, made a br» ak that will help the ail ter where located, ami no matter whai pro meed by ibis devilish thing; and from any weakness or disease of the distincllv V. . <- • > ■ 12.15 P. m . at . ’ 'orvalii Cnscarete t'andv Cathartic, the most won feminine organism that it is the best medicinMm ver men more than it will hurt them, as the magnitude of his business. The dis- W h « ii you think of the jails, bf the alms deiful iii.sjical dis.-ov.rv ef the age. peas earth for them to use I cannot praise it tin» \( Albans anti Corvel :• unreel wn will he been when they appealed from the and refreshing to the tasie, a.*t geutl, highly foi the good it did me anv owe deubta 11am- • >. 1 h . emrai 1 a . rn dy honest, careiesa or indifferent trader ha- houses, of lhe asy luiua, of lhe prisons, ant and positively on kidneys, liver end howels, this give them my name and address." decision ot that committee to the voters EXPRKrtb TRAIN l»AILV (FX • K! 1 -( n i> \ t him at a disadvantage, for he can under and of the vcaiFolds, on either bank, I do oleanslng tlie entire system, dispel colds, Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are a sure. in ths Congressional District lhe lina.laclie, (ever, habitual constipation •1:25 A. M. Al. :.’Or. m . i.v. Pv.iland sell, out-trade and defeat him at ever) not wonder that »very thoughtful man is cm* and biliousness. Pleat" buy and try a box Safe, speedy and permanent cure for con- claim that only those were granted hear V . :5nv. . .30 r. m . ai . M< Minimi One is a turn He can conceal hi. assets, or con prejudiced against the vile slutr called of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 'M, Ml .eats. Holden» •ipation. They never gripe ingb who api>«ared to advocate some gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic. Direct vert them and place the money tieyond aiculiul. Intemp' rance cuts dow n youth guar an toed to cur» by all druuglsts. ------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- j— [ u It I: »><•«• particular currency bill, put forward by That will not Warp, Split or Break. the readi of the law or hie suffering cred in its vigor, manhood in its strength and Jackson County Notre. 1 Mail Hteniii iiq the coinnsiiise was a mere subtarlugv itors, and obtain ins discharge only 10 age 111 its weakness Ic.ilNA xriog« It breaks lhe ta that fooled nobody. Such action on the The voters of Ashland school district Rate* ar. I tirKn repeat the operation at his pleasure mer's heart, bereaves ths doting mother, part of this committee would have I »can laihl Europe. \l Such always has been, ami always will extinguishes natural affectieus, eianes voted a 12-tnill tax last week. IllGNOiaL'L* ai>«l inexcusable if there was any chance ol Ashland school district is in need of be lhe operation of such a law, no mai conjugal love,blots out filial attachment, [be obtained from I favorable action upon any bill that ii ter how wisely and carefully framed, or bligtiis parental hopes and brings down another teacher in their school. I I ’ may prepare, but when it is extremely ' R. KOEII LEK, how skillfullv administered. Herbert McCarthy of Granta i’sss, was mourning age in sorrow to lhe grave; it doubitul whs her a majority of the com M anneer Honest, unfortunate debtors can in produces weakness, not strength; sick tn Ashland last week on a visit. mittee ca . even agree upon a bill, and Is noted all over this country at variably obtain relief iron» their erislt ■ mss, not health; death, not life: It This connty ha« mad« its tax levy of for the «uperiority of Btyle and txr‘ain ihat if they do the bill cannot be tors, witliout the dissipation of a I <rge makes wives,widows ; < hildren. orphans ; I!) mills, a little leas than last year. Finish. Customers say it come a taw, it seems that v«miuon de PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. percentage of their assets, in much less lathers, fiends an I all of them paupers cencv, not lo mention fair play would Mrs. II. L. Whited of Ashland, want WEAR8 BEST time, without 'lie sacrifice of commer BIG RED and beggars: Il feed« rheumatism, to San Francisco to attend the Jubilee. have cause 1 them to give the silver men PLEASES MOST cial character and integrity; and it is nurses gout, welcomes epidemics, invites a hearing Any illogical ism or tad can E I). Brigg, of Ashland, has Iteen COSTS LEAST c 'needed by all that sm-lt a law should cholera, impoits pestilence and embraces be overthrown <n this country by argu not be created for the dishonest debtor consumption: It covers the land with elected city attorney ia that city for the Men’s All-Wool Suita from 97.AO up ment, but suppression will never be »lass They ar« not entitle I to relief; idleness, poverty, disease and crims : It next vear EXPRESS PAID. countenanced aa legitimate opposition. but should, for the iienefit of the entile tills your jails, supplies your alms houses E. J. Kaiser of the Valiev Record, re lhe Teller rtsolalioii,declaring United ....... tnuntty, he kept out of business, tn- a <1 demands your asylums; It engen cently paid a visit to his old home at You are cordially invited to call Yellow Apples btaiss bunds to lie payable in silver dol and see H amplkm at the steail of being provided with an open ders controversies, fosters quarrels and Yreka. Cal lar*», at the governmenl’a opuun is, now Earliest and Latest Keepers d,tor of escape, which >s practit ally all cherishes riots: It crowds veur pen i ten I'oetiriasler (i 8. M"«re of Central be:ng discussed by tne senate and will J WANAMAKER & BROWN k that» bankruptcy law amounts to ti ir:; - and furuishes the victims for your Point lias gone to Texas on a VÍBÍI, to (INCORPORATED t* voted upon Thursday of the pressât j AGENCY. L We are fully aware that it will r»e tie he gone sometime >ome new varieties of Apple.l’ear scaffolds: It is tho life blood of the week, and, ol course, adopted. When it claimed that tlie law will provide for the Prune. and Plum. Also z-hade and Oranta Paaa, Ore. gambler, ths ailment of the counterfeit A E Ream«« returned from bin trio ^Front St. goes to the house, it will be smothered Nut Tree-. exposure an I ptinishmeol of fraud, and 1 er. 1 lie prop ot the high way inan,and the *o Salem where lie had been in tha in in committee. The country will doubt MANUFACTURERS OF I lake special care to have lhe trees the return to (lie estate of secreted as healthy and true tu name. support of the midnight, incendiary ; It terest of Ja.kson county in the a««e»s lees be glad that the financial debate on sets; but the execution of such a law is countenances the liar, respects the thlel ment case this resolation will be so short It will neces-arily in the hands of officers who BERRIES OF ALL KINDS. and esie<‘ms lhe blasphemer : It violates probably get all the financial di^cuisi« n E C. VAN EXXE Pro). Eubank of the Ashland Normal, O. I'HKBY. take very little interest in proseeiiting obligation, reverence« fraud, and honor* it wants and much more, in lhe coming has tieen on the sick list for sortie time, criminals, or hunting up assets for the infamy : Il defames benevolence, hates congressional campaign hut we are glad to state that ha la now benefit of others tn whom they have no love s< orris virtue and slanders inno If a bill which haa been favorably re CALL \T r.lE personal interest, ami perhaps have cen e: It incites the fattier to butchei able to he out again ported to the house becomes a law, first A spacial train was run between lark- Opp. Court House never seen The litigation attending ins helpleag offspring, helps the husband class mail matter will not be forwarded «.nville and Medford laat Saturday «neb eases frequently takes the creditor to masa< re his wife and aids the child to after the first of next July, unless the mglit to accomriKslate those who wished It barn» tip postage is fully prepaid. At present a far away from home, at great expense, grind the parricidal as: 'o hear Supreme Ma»t»r Work man Tate. All Work 2 eent Hamp on a letter will insure its I and after he has prepared hi« ease, per man and ronsnrne*» women, detests lile, Rev. Kober» Ennis, who has had formed bin journey, and is readv for curves (iod and desmses heaven : It being forwarded, no matter how much i Finished in from barge of the Presbyterian chnrrh in free* in-pected every year. th»* pO'-tage may be, the government de- trial, on the moat trivial esenee. H e < see *<uburns witnesses, nurses perjury, de- Specialty 3 to 6 Days, lacksonvtl!« for a number of years, lias Orner* by nail will receive prompt 1» carried over until some indefinite fu tile«» the jury box and stains the judicial (»ending upon collecting wbat IB du**, br Bridge Wotk. Bolts, Rotis, Iron Shutters, of attention. resigned. It ia not known where .Mr. ture term of conn, and tlie journey must Regardless of ermine: It brines voters, disqualifies fore it is delivered J. T. TAYLOR, Chidrent’ Cells, Window Guards, Doors, and votes, corrupts elections, poll nice our in Ennis will go, , In-tead of reporting a bill, th» hone* b. repeated or the ease abend >ued the Weather. proprietoh The laet bankruptcy law made ample stitutions ami emJang'-rs our govern Photoe Mr J. A. Whitman and Mi»» Nellie civil service committee ba- starled la provision for the punish.cent of frail ' merit: It degrades the citizen, debases ft. MBcisell of Medford, were married giving p blic bearing« to all interested That is what lhe senate committee ha« ulent debtors, but in ths twelve years of the leginl «tor, dishonors the statesman list week and left Tltnrsdav morning GRANT’S PASS, ORE. It brings test for a bridal tour through the South- been doing since the extra session. As it. existence, we succeeded in convicting ami di-airns the palroit : -rn slates and around by New York and iar a» the house committee is concerned, but two debtor», both of whom eaceped -haine, not honor; terror, not safety ; de this is regarded as merely a move for punishment ; one, (led from the court ■pair, not hope; misery, not happiness; Chicago. Supreme Master Workman T. G Tate time, in order that it may be seen how room while the jury »as determining its and, Aitb the malevolence of a fiend, it far the modifration of the civil service verdict, and the other one, after convic- cahnlv surveys its frightlul desolation : of »he A . O U. W., spoke at Medford i rules which Mr. McKinley haw decided ti >n, and |>endii>g a motion for a new and, insatiate«! sub havoc, it poi-oi s Ia«t Saturday eight to a gosd indi enee, Portland, Oregon trial, took «ick, died and was apparent I felicity, kill* peace, ruins morale, blights Mr Tate is an able speaker and he doe« vp»n will go Ferhap« tin* fact that the Committee ba« been unable to agree ip- buried . but subsequently it develo|»*d <*onfl lenue, slats reputation and wipe» much good for tlie order of Workmen Headquarter! for on lhe details of a bill rnty also have that he was living tn luxury in a foreign out national honor; then curses the wherever he goes. had something to do with these hearings. country, at th» expense of hie creditors. world and laughs at its mi *1: It <io«*s all Th» Medford McKinley Club met last If the crsditor class and th« honest that and more /t murdtri thr Mini ; It is week and elected delegate, to the state The M idem Way debtor class do not ask for tliis the »uni of all vileness, the fa*her of all club. 'Ihe following were elected : tieo Commends itself to the well informed, legislation, why sbonld it be for a < rime«, the mother of all abomination F. Merriman, G L. Davie, Dr. J. M to do pleasantly and effec ma I ly what moment seriously coeyidered f>y the con • he curse of < ur tew, the devil's Iwsl friend Commercial Travelers given spec K»ene. W. I. Viwter. C. W. Wolters, ial attention DEALER IN wan formerly done in the cnideet man gray« of tha United Htales- and God'» worst enemy.M W ' T. Verk.J.H. Norrie, D. T. Lawton. ner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse Asking you to oppoye the enactment And every Tuesday thereafter, a spe* GRANTS PASS. OR. H G Nicholson, F. M. Slewart and C«»url«*r < lobbing List the system and break up colds, Lead* ef the i.gislatton referred to, ami thank irondu.'ted fouri-i E>*ur-mn will lea < \ J. Howard. II >roM boarded at rvasonabl» ache«, and fevers without nnp!^s»ant ing you tn advance, we are, w-th respect. To new sulmrriliers, wr to <>l«i su I m - h I m *!? 9'ortland tor Mall Lakel ity. Penver.' >nia rat«. K. K Kubli. a yonnt attorney of Jack ha. < hi ago New Yu s and Ho-um. Tin atier effects, u e the delightful liquid Very truly yours, ayir g up all arrearages and one year in ad e.r wi.i ru.i via he I'enver A Rio Grande X. X. X. lax Hive remedy Syrup of Figs. Made vam-e, we ofier the following f lubbing rates: sonville and Mi«» Molli« Millie, a highly respected young lady of the sains by ( alifornia F ig Svrtip Co I bin nIf-anM invariably <*a*h in «dvsnre Whooping cough is the moat distrea. Pub. With ttlace were united in marriage last ing malady , but its durattae can ire cut h «; Price Conner Do.rsdav morning by the Rev. Robert has been received hero by •bort by the use of One Minute C’ottgb Hardware, Tinware, Tablewarc < Information Ladi««' Home Journal, |2.< j U Ennii at the home of the bride M. Hamilton, who has written the Cure, which 1» also the best known rem Mr •dy for croup an t a. lung and bronchial M. dnre’e Magazine, 2.00 and Mr« Kubli have gone to Son Fran ( anadiaa government lo know what trouble«.—W. F. Kromer. Overland Monthly, 2.00 A. Every article sold warranted as represented. Farm Product take« -tepe be aho.ild take to he allowed to .-taco to »pend their honeymoon. Cosmopolitan, • 200 tn exchange — OF — I dr»dgs the stream» in the vicinity of Weekly Examiner, 2 10 irawson ( ity, notifying him not to at Tha Surprit» of All. Weekly Oregonian, • • 2.00 SOUTHERN OREGON. bflk -nf p-.wdef tempt to s«e a dredger on Britirsli tern • IM N. Y World, (thrice a weeki 2.00 i Mr James J ones, of the drug firm of s<>iess erosrts Mining and ."' ientilir Pre«*. 3.00 i tore, a* i was atririly forui.kinn. ffrwjg- tones A Son, Cowden, III., in shaking of 200 Record’» “Klondike Book." r- hat* net. r base need in and How Whitman riaved Oregm .00 I i Dr.King'« Nev Discovery, says that last there are n< sw s governing them al pre«- Receive *le|>s*it« subject to check or oo winter his wife was attacked with LA- Harper’s Magazine, 4 .<0 Thie will |,r. hab.y c.ii"» many of Grip|»e, ami her ca e grew no serious that crrtificate payable on demand. Harper's Weekly, 4 *25 •» aho are ntfii ing egj»<tition« for Sella sight drafts on New Fork, San Fran- physician» at Cowden and Pana could do I Harper's Bazar, 4 be North to change beir mans or re llaryier's Round Talite. nothing for her. It seemed to develop | cisr-n. and Portland. -riair, awav entirel. re.»« an I a a »..nA Literature. • • • • (.no tiw, Telegraphic transfers «old on ell point« in • rito Hasty Consumption. Having Hr , ar -are you money ot n any puldua- King's New lhs<-overy in store, and eell he I nitial .Mates. We • ran n A rtoo. I at u- bmr from you. I F A I ng lo*s of it, he took a bottle home, and Special Attention given to ('ollectiona and the surprise •»( all site liegan to get general business of onr '-'Wtomef« ’ ♦•iter from (he flrat dnae, and half dosen OF ALL KINDS ••y A I > Collections ma<ie throughout Souther. •follar b<> tie* « ured her wound and well a « ver C Dr King's New IMm-overv for <-onaump Oregon, and on all asrewble |«>inU. )il. Paint and Glass. J. D. FRY, President. A« m tinti, coogha andcoids is guaranteed o M Km l J. T.fUFFH.YiM Prmi.W do thia good w«»rk Try it. Free Inai Th» 'immoti Cohit O K Hundreds of tbousande of American ATTORNEY AT LAW, I’ actices in all State and Federal Court« citizens are m«hing toward Alaska in a Sort ef wild hope bat fata has boms - * tftiec over First National Hank thin.* tlieie i More L»r then), bni t» w ha « t '» I’ ash 1 tKKt.i.N. of ih m a-e p |»r»* for 'he retur,. to c v llX.'lon in « ase ihoir hopes shall be ¡JENRYL BEXSOX. blight, d. hi short, m««at ol them who ATIOUXEY Al L aw con'emplate going norih have "burned the bridg." behind them, and should i'ractices in all Courts ot the State not their hope, be realized, they will be Office O'.er First National Bank, G rant ' s I’ aw . • - O moob . cast upon the icicles of Alaska a» de- pendent upon charity as they were lhe dsv thev were born AU will expend ARTHUR P HARTH, their las' resource in the search of gold, D-H’Tt'R 1>F t'Esrn -CR .ERV. and when their last dollar ia gone, and «hen th. r last mouthful of food is .-on- Mfi over N to al i’>a k. «lin ed, th»v will realize what a predic »KANT'* ’ A.>h, ‘ >KEU S ament the. are in ; that stai vat ion stare» them in 'h- fare and that they have no means with which to ward off the grim PERKINS. messenger When this time sliallconte, which is as certain as time, what will S DEPUTY thev do? Nothing, for they will be Ml.'ER \L SUKVEYuR helpitgs Then the government will lie i-alled up m to lend its aid. and tho sen UBANTI» I Abb, sible ones who staid at home will lie punished for the foil’ of their less prov ident brothers The government will be a A called upon to furnish teturn transpor VIA THE tation from Alaska far those who tn the mad rush squandered their substance in iSiiédîstéd Houite the irozen clime. Of course Congress — ui tlie — will then act ami will supply means fqr the di-sapoinled argonauts to get back. But would it not be better for those who hxuiobb ltHiiib Leave Puritana Oaih youth. North rush away to seek for wealth if they I would prepare some mean« for getting « *00 r. m 1 OÍU Hid 0:30 a » s:oô v. a a .» ra.iti* Pas* home before they start—Times Mount- 7:45 a . M. Ar. sun r'ran'eu rineer EAM ana >OL’1 doutlieru fticiüc Uomoanv- People Talked. About the Celluloid Combs -for 25 cents J WANAMAKER J & BROWN’S J CLOTHING- M. CLEMENS apples Wolff &. Zwicker Iron Works Hydraulic Pipe Carbon Piloto Stud io All Kinds Of Machinery for Mining Purposes. Cast Iron Structure Work. Ocean to Ocean L. D. Fay à Sons’ < in J Tuesday, February M. CHILES Xu- &•» ' u • i New Rigs, Safe and Fast Teams. Staple 4 Fancy Groceries xcniu Route <4 tlie World ’ FIRST NATIONAL T ri il - - Are Schilling's Best "t* Iron and Steel Implements F. II. SCHMIDT as good as Schilling's Best tea? Yes and no Othercoffec. baking powder, and soda, are not usually so bad as other tea Other spices and flavoring extracts ai e almost worse. Capital Stock, $50,000.