Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 13, 1898, Image 4

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Portland’s Bonded Indebted
ness $4,000,000.
A *?\rre engagrinen» waa reported
roin Manzanillo,Cuba, between a Hpan-
i«ii column under General Godan and
the patriot forces under General Gaicia.
The «Spanish, after eight hours of contin­
uous fiiz hl mg, ha«i to ret ire to Manzanillo,
with a lues of 60 officers ami men.
mort important part of the convoy waa
irizod by the patriots.
Evangelist E A. Holdridge and Thom­
as Boyd, D D are hobling revival ter-
WILD GEESE BY THE THOUSAND vices in th? Fourth I’rewbvieriau church
iu South Portland, and are attracting
large and deeply ini errs ted audiences.
I be evening of ibe 8th, an object I m » oii
Extensive Batlaeis Done at Eugene
tor 'hr children and young folks was
Poatofflce for the Week End­
given by the evangelist, ami the program
ing December 31.
tor Sunday included an early morning
service beginning al 7 30, a roll-cal I
service at I0;u0 A. M., and a Uiuii'i
meeting ut 4 1*. M..
Portland’s bonded
indebtedness is
Messrs. McKennon, Foley, Scribner
|4 957,537 70. Delinquent taxes for
and Berry, mnethiiting the l«a Grande
past five years about $428.000.
lajrt sugar fac ory subsidy committee are
Tliere were 16 naw convicts added
not idle
Utilizing tbs information an«l
to the pcuiltentiarv during the month “I
iQtrodactione gaine«I from the Portland
November and 13 regularly discharge«!
chamber of com merer committee, Messrs.
Wild kwn by the thousand? are feed FieiH»’hner, D?vrrs and flpencer, the two
iag in the stubble fields of Sherman committee« swelled the subsidy fund by
county now, mostly in and about Hay hundreds of dollars. There is a general
appréciation among the business men of
The Violet Dramatic Chib, of Arlin » poiiland what the institution ot the La
tun, gave its first performance Wednes Grande l»ert sugar factory will mean to
night, presenting “Among th. Oregon, and w»lb that appreciation they
I are donating liberally.
A meeting will bu held in Toledo, Lin
Bids fur furnishing supplies for the
coin county, next Saturday, when tnoe* -late in?aiir as) him were opened at Sa­
persons owning tidelands on the Olalla lmi last Tuesday afternoon. Most of th?
■lough, in Lincoln county, will consider contracts wrre secured by Salem men,
the feasibility of diking the slough.
though there were a number of bidder?
Prosperity comet quickest to the inti from outside. E. H. Ingham of Eugene,
whose in good condition. l*e
a as lowest on tobacco. I’he Eugene mill
Witt’s Little Early Risers are famous lit
was lowest on while flour. E. H. Ing­
tie pills lor constipation, bili* usneas, in
digestion, ami all stomach and live» ham was se<ond on coffee and beans
YuranA Son of Eugene, were second on
troubles.—W. F. Kremer.
t leischner, Meyer dt
Two bog? that were raised on the Ore imhj L s and shoes
gon AgriculluraK’ollege farm were killed to, of Borland, wrre lowest on dry
the other day and dretMvd 1340 p«>un«l? _■ ou*. Faletu men had their own way on
One, a pure Berkshire, weighed 756
The other one was a cross-br-d Berksbiir
and Poland-China, weigh:i g -)90.
A Pendleton bov found $10 in a rack
and wishing fo find be owner asked tin
first man be saw. It happened to be m
Yes, he had lost it.
He took
the money and that was the last seen of
The Oregon State Poultry Association
has doubled In membership during the
past six munthM, there being about 15
from Linn and 20 ir<»m Marion countie»
with a lesser number from the other
The intereKt is coustaiitly in
Miss Daisy Dil.ard of Etuene, about
19 years of age, was shot in the arm last
w«ek. bhe was alone at home,her moth
er having gone down town. 8he was
sitting near the stand on which the
light stood, when some person shot
through the window, evidently with
murdwrous intent.
The bullet look
effect in Miss Dillard’s left forearm, the
wound not being serious, The officer?
have a clew to the would I m * murderer,
but no arrests have yet liven mudi*
There is a general opinion that hr was a
rejected suitor.
William Toner of Corvallis, is testing
the merits of a dark gray granite ledge
which he located near Summit some time
ago. John Hcrofford has just finiah«*d
pulisning a piece of stone from that quar­
ry and il takes a handsome polish, fhr
product ol this ledge very much rt-arm
hies the Quincy granite, which is sold al
the rate ol $7 jwr cubic foot
tests of the summit ledge have been
made to enable the owner to conclude
that it is first-class for bans c
and fur all the ordinary uses lor
granite is utilized.
Governor Bu*hnell is now announced
to be out of the race for either the long
or shortjsenatorial term.
The intense
feeling over Ohio has irightened the
friends of the governor, and they are un
willing that he should take the chances
to test bis popularity before the legisla
• uie
Senatoi Davis, chairman of the coiu-
mfttee on foreign relations, gave notice
in the senate the 5th that he would call
up ttie Hawaiian annexation treaty in
executive session .Monday following and
ask the senate to consider it each dav
i tie other things.
thereafter until the treaty should be dis­
Hex T. H. Dulin, who has been pastor
posed of.
of the Albina Baptist < hurch, ac< epted a
A dispatch fr<»rn Washington, D. C.,
» all to the Baptist church at La Grande,
says that the benefiig of the rural mail
and left last night with bis family for
that plai e. The call came some time are to be < xtended. A bill is being pre­
pared, the object of which, it im under­
ago, but the Albina churi h wan re tic-
stood, is to give mail carriers in the
tant about giving up their pastor, Mr.
Dulin’s health firing much impaired it country districts authority to receive
money orders and to deliver registered
was thought that the change would he
helpful, so the membership consent« d
rrack'aylug is now progressing satis
tie leaves the church united and in
goo’l condition. Tuesday
night the iactorily on the line of the Astoiia
mrmbers tendered Mr Dulin an«! his Columbia river railroad. At the Goble ,
family a farewell reception, which war end of the line an additional force of
largely attended and hearty appreciation graders has been put on, so as to permit
of the work of the late pastor was ex of steady work by the trac klayers. (July
25 miles of track are yet to be laid, and
pressed. --Oregonian
R-v. Mr. Dulin, w.»s formerly pastor ol a mile and a quarter of light grading to
be done
the Baptist church in this city.
Four VOUlig men of Pendleton went
ent to Foster in Umatilla county, after
They fired 790 shotgun
cartridges and brought back 203 rabbits
What Everybody Knows,
which were shipped to Portland from
Echo. The hunters did not pick up any Or ought to know, is that beulth and
of their victims that fell beyond the line even life itself depends upon the con­
of march.
ditlon of the blood. Feeding as it dors
An enterprise is on foot in UmaUlla all the organs of the iiody, it must be
county relating to melon culture at the rich and pure hi order te give proper
D. W. Bailey ranch below Umatilla,cov nourishment. Hood’s Sarsaparilla makes
cred by the Bailey Irrigation Company’» the blood pure, rich, and nourishing,
water ditches. A Mr. Broadus, a Cali ami in this way strengthens the nerve*,
fornia uit-len grower, will supoiinteiKl creates an appetite, tones the atomach
operations at the Bailey ranch, where il and builds up the health
in the iiiteutiuii to plant 400 acres to sarsaparilla wards off cold*, pneumonia
and fevers, which are prevalent al this
Lor the week ending iMcember 31 lawt, time.
tbe Eugene poslothcu issued 199 domes­
tic and 1 foreign order? to the amount ol
a little over $1000. During t »v same
time, the office paid 230 domestic an<i 3
foriegn urdeis to the amount uf $1950.
In order to make payment the Eugene
j>ostma<iter drew on the New York office
the balance being against him.
Our Plblic Hr b oui
t»a>hl>,Rtrn l.ettrr
read* to appoint any representative citi­
zen of this ««ate wl>o is willing to go and
It is sixnfi.-am ut tue rarneat interest
C'ongre»» will muMeuhle on 'Ve.lnea-
bear his own expense«.
ith as much urn- rtamty as to taken by ail American communities in
i The week of improvement of the upper what will b? accomplished this year as their public schools that while justly
! river between Eugene and Harrisburg rxiaieii on the first day of lb? ee»«i«>n, proud of the system as it prevails, there
has been b gua. For the past week a nearly a mont t ag *
Instead of bring­ is everywhere an incessant criticism di
Venezuela no Reciprocity crew of men has |,«rrn at work cutting ing
the a* oatore au«j reproe Ha lves re«- rd it ns ifiip-,rfri- io is an 1 a p
down ail overlapping tree« from the closer together, the holiday reces* has eul effort to remove them.
Treaty With Us.
banka. The steam piledriver at Un bed ?erve»l to accentuate their differences
Addresses made at •e.whers’ conven­
to the snag boat commenced work on and te »how bow very far apart they are tions, and at all meetings of educators,
the Sladden rapids abutting up the south upon almost every subject upon which mingle praise and blame in about equal
COLD DID DAMAGE IN FLORIDA channel and forcirg the water down the legislation will t»e attempted The ex­ proportions.
The praise, however, is
center channel. The rock con tract was treme g>ld sian lar«! republicar.s are in­ frequently conventional ar.d perfunctor*
was let to E. F. Hutchins.of Salem, who sisting that the party must put legisla­ while the defea ts are pointed out with
was the lowest bidder. The rock is to tion through ifie house, iu which they tereene«* and vigor
It «terms as if on
Outlook tor the llalifb ailon of the to l>e p weed on bo»«d scows ju-t below
have a majority, that will prove the s n- teachers have adopted the creed ilia
fluwatian Treaty Consid-
It in ceniy ol the party towards th*- gold stan I nothing is done so long as anything re-
the Eugene wagon road bridge
er.*d Good
likely the ruck will be taken out of the dard ; the republican silver senators are [ mains to be done, and that no con eii
bank close at band.
talking ot the <•» rtainty ol a big par­ *i h existing good they d-man I per
The outlook of ratification of th< ty defection if this advice is followed, i feci ion.
Hawaiian annexation treaty is now con* ami the c*onservaiive republicans ar?
One result of this critical spirit on th«
The wheat crop in the northern dis ,
tillered yerv bright. The friends of the trying to get th? consent of their radical part oi our leat hers is the belie! in '-a
trict of West Australia is estimated to I m * j
measure believe they can te ure f >r i colleagues to a pr ogramme that will ; community that some other has a betlr
between 14 and 15 bushels per acre.
I 62 vole« or three imre than are needed. either let finance alone entirely or only Hystem. A few weeks ago the Bo*tu-
The czar ami « zarina will receive their
rm measure that can be sup Journal reported a speaker at Faii?u
There has, it is said, been a marked im hide
friends at the Paris exposition of 19<X)
change of sen'iment since the European ported by all menioers of the party. rial! «s having said: “Education shorn
in their own pavilion which will cost
power« inaugurated their policy of ag­ The democrats ami populieta, having t>9 made thoroughly modern
£90 000.
gression in China. The feeling is very I declared thems« Ives in caucas to be up what observation I have been able
Mayor Fawcett of Tacoma, has sworn strong in nteceH that Unless the United i poped to all tlie financial rettumtnenda- ' give to the public schools of Boston and
out a warrant fur the arrest of ex-Clerk States cause us trouble in the future ! lions of h-d lent McKinley and Secre­ ! the vicinity they seem to be lacking n
Miañe, of the municipal court, who left when one or more ol the Ear« qiean tary Gage, are now merely watching certain respects now common in com
that city last week
He is s ippo««d to nations attempt to acquire them or to ■ their opponents amt waiting (or them to munities further West.’’ Against ib
have gone to Portland or Han Francisco. I give then to Japan as <•«mpmsation for I try to <lu something.
compliment to us it would be ra«v '<
H im accounts are |700short. His trouble I , ...... grabs in China Senator Mavis
The upporivnls of existing civil service quote ihe saying of Western teacher*
is attributed to fast living.
I chairman of the committee on foregin • conditions have so far only been able to ■ ¿hat our schoo.'s are lacking in mtn
All over the state of Indiana, January
8, the democrats held district meetings
for th«* election of a new state central
committee. In h < cordanre with the ex­
pression of opinion from the state confer­
ence held in hidiana|M)hs a month ago
every effort will be made to elect the
new governing body democrats who
Miami on the Chicago platform.
Shiloh’s Cons imption (’lire cures
where oilier? fail.
It is the leading
cough cure, and no home should bew i h
mil it. Pleasant to take and g >es right to
the spot
Sold by W. F. Kremer.
The cold weather uf January I and 2
did considerable temporary damage to
Middle of-l lie-Hoad Popullats.
v»*getetion in Florida, but none of per
Th? middle of-the road populist ask? rnanent character. Orange trees will in
ions of thone who have a<l sonic in lances lose their foliage. Re­
hvred to its former principles:
ports from the pineapple belt of the east
const indicate that the <lamage to pine
Dear Brother*;—A* there I n som
.Ilf apples was trifling
The fall crop of to
terences of opinion as to tne policy
banco in all parts of the state was in
pursued by the People’s party, we
juled badly.
decided to submit to every voter the
The Quaker City's second big annual
question« on the attached poHtal card to
bicycle whew opened the 8th al the Sec
be voted on. Will you please read care
ond regiment armory. It was an immense
Hilly the question? and Htibmit yout v >tt*
afi'air and included many new and novel
try marking u cross just to the left of th?
designs A h a matter of course tbechkin
answer yrs or no, as you wish your vote
less wheels, in which the whole cycling
This is a practical illustra­ world is interested, was the chief of at
tion of direct legislation, the vital princi­
tractions. All the big bicycle builders
ple of our party, and leaves the matter
were represented and without an excep­
to a vote of the people. No posluge i*
tion each one had some form of chain
nrct*s«ary for the return of this card. less wheel.
Jiibl record yotir vote, sign your name,
The last payment to the government
tear off the card and drop it in the post
un the Union Pacific railroad company's
iceouiit", amounting to |8,.538,401, was
Ki n li\ » AKI» - ql 1 'HON* AND AH*W«KK
the 5th made. There is considerable
I to vou favor the following dr» laratinn
satisfaction in financial circles over the
ol priciplrs
Direct legislalt'Nt by I hr
absence during the past ten «lavs of an\
|M*oplv, ihiough (tie initiative and op­
diMturbane« in the money markei as a
tional i«'ferendum, state and national,
result ol the heavv payment of principal
pledging the party nn«l its camlidat *« to
and interest of the Union Pacific bonds
ciihi p to the voters at the polls, for
ami New York advices say that the con
ttiri» advia »ry vote, bills to provhle for
veraative methods of Herietary (¡age ar.
the tree «- linageul silver, full legal ten­
higtily commended by the fiiiain irr o^
der government pa|M*r monrv, abolition
that city.
of the natKYiial hanking system, govern
Miss A Air Huge«, Noriol k. ' 4., w a*
menl ow ner*l)i|** of railroad? and tele­
fnghlfullv burned on the !'.n e and nvek
graphs, aoolitiun of government by in- Pain was ma'antly relieved
bv DeW.ii s
iunction, th»* ballot to tn* in su< h form Witch II hzh I Malte, w l-ich lie.» «1 the i i
li <. the i t tin* v.Ur must le* cast and counted jury without leaving n M .»r
\V. F. K » n?>
for or against making each law a« a ma- motis pile remedy
Cure that Cough with
I he best Cough Cure,
One million
year. 40 doses for 25
National Drug Store.
Shiloh’s Cure,
Rciiwea Group
botti1 s sold law:
cents. S« j 1J by
A Sc andal on Juatlcr.
The hanging uf rbeodure Durrant is
a tardy retribution for two of the most,
shocking crimes that have bren kouwn
in the history of the United States.
It is to be regretted that it cannot hr
regarded a« a triumph of ju.-lice. The
best that can be said for it is that justice
has not been beaten down. The ¡»enalty
that shoul<l have been paid promptly
has been paid after the lapse of nearly
three years. If that is a victory for jus
tice, it is so near a defeat that it blings
no credit
To speak the truth about it, the Dur.
rant case has been the scandal of the
American courts
We do not know of
anything that I ibh bap|»em-d in the his­
tory of our jurisprudence that has done
so much to bring the administration of
criminal justice into contempt as the
struggle of the state of California to
puni»h this man for the murder ol two
innocent girls
It has presented the law
as the sport of attorneys. It has shown
the courts ho tangled in their ow n tech­
nicalities that they were almost unable
to move. It has spread among the peo
pie a no other case ha- Hprea<l it, a con
tempt for the proceedings of their tribn
uals. Ami it has reduced the orderly
process of law io an absurdity.
Blanche Lamont was kiih*don April 3,
1895, ami Minnie Williams was killed on
April 12 of the same month.
Durrant was arrested for b<>th crimes on
the 14th. Yet it has taken tlm law from
that day to bring him to the gallows.
The rlory of the <lc!ays has been al­
most altogether one of techni<*alilies ii)
The evidence of the crimes
was collected easily and promptly. Pros­
ecution amt defense had al! their testi­
mony in hand at an early day
technicality the trial was del layrd until
more than three mon lis ha i elapsed
irom the crimes Through techiiiralitie*
i lie Hvlectiou uf the jury to>k seven
Through technicalities the triai
of thecate was drawn over three mouth».
And after conviction t‘’e technicalit'ea of
«ippeal consumed two years and two
months. 1 he d-tails of the legal fight
are familiar to the reader
Thev have
not illustiatc l (he dignity of the law
I'hey have made law a je*t more fit for
comic opera than f«>r .lie serious busi-
nets of giving justice.
The technicalities
with the merits of the
settled at the trial.
before the jury made it certain—as cer­
tain as anything can la* t’uat dcp-.*nds on
human evident?»—that Vheodore Durrant
was the man who killed Blanche Lamont.
I he record of the testimony shows it as
the most wonderful case of c ircniiiatsntial
evidence in the history of crime
By in
'Impendent and unimpeachable wit ni-s
every movement of Dur,ant and his vn-
i m was traced lottie door of the church.
And when Durrant came outa'ione, tln-ie
is no human doubt that the girl wasd<*ad
and by his hand
There are sentiment. I
|»eople who will doubt the p *oof of gudt
in (tie face of the solemn denial by Dur­
rant irom the scaffold But tiled *nial can
count (or nothing against the evidence
Why should it I m * Miippo»vd that the man
lhe aedate members of the United w ho was not atranl to kill two girl?
"iaim supreme court ar? Iikvlv to hold *lnmld be afrai'i to deny it at th? scaffo »•’.’
a quiet jubilee on their own account il Is it worse to hr in th? fare of death
they ?ucct*ed in their ainbilon to catch than to kill an innn< ent girl ? Th? m.«n
nt» with the docket by the end of th» who had no scruples against themurd«*r
pH-sent term
Su< h a thing ha« never of Blanclir Lamont and Minnie \\ i liam«
happened Indore In the history of th« coulil not be expected
Men h. Several yeara ago the court wa* solrmn denial of it ev
I860 chpcn behind, but the arrearage ha* death
The first murder mig
ueen g aduallv reduc»»! until dean deck? -ninmittrd by a man uf ordinary natu
are now almoat in sight
Unles* (her« under th? impulse «»f passion. But il
is a flt»od ol litigation the bench will man who could commit th? second nnir
therratter Ire able I«» keep up with it? «ier under th? cirviimstanci
ronmlrd ttie killing of Miniii
Mis. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, <> <
“Aftei two dcattors gave up m) , boy tu
die I saved him from croup by using One
Minute Cough Cure.” Il is the quickest jority v>ite at the |x»lls ? Yes. No.
Are you in favor of mg free
and most certain renir«lv f r coughs,
colds and all tbioal and Isug trouble — silver republican!» and democrats on the
W. F Kremer.
paopl« •'s partV state and county tn kvts,
Ata mass meeting in Corvallis, the providing satisfactory arrangements can
deincs ra's, |»opuli«ts, silver repul Mean be mA<l<* by conterance committee? ap
and pruhibiliuiiista perfi-ctrd a plan to |s>inlr<i by regularlv elrcte«! delegate
unite forces in the (*ouiitrv and atate dur­ coiivriitioiiM, endorsing substantially the
ing the coming campaign. The meeting above principles? Yrs. No.
wh * atien lrd by rvprr»«-nuvf m< mhrrs
\re you tn favor of straight prepie's
of each partv from all | atti of the • «»tm- party state ami coun'y tickets'* Yes
try, am! the proceedings were barman
There are but two declaration
principles in the pls
the initiative and
\ ene/uvla has declined to make a
ami are opposed
the United
The prefer»-nd tin
Stale?. ?*he war un, ot the few South
candi latex w a«a
American c mntries that made none un-
«Irr the pr«>vi«< in* «»I th« M» Kinl« v ta'ifl
The Corvallis Ti
law, alleging a» a rva«un that there wer«
person? in that my
witliin i*S trordrr large fob ign mt?r?*i*,
•ration a plan for u tnj
that «»bjecird to ar.v dis, iminati »n
and will ieav
against their own roulitnes.
Mr. iva»
mente can b •
son. who is negotiating the rviipriMity
th»* parrhsse
treaties with foreign countries says h*
•el, and Ila
still has hot*** of impir?*tng V nrznel.i
visions and
Some port her
• y, alni
and a cruise In
a landing and <
9 to
• here mav l«e
In all. il
izr*. 30 people
Searching ship,
interesting them-<-l
Con allisitrs wb«»m
have any notion of J
g I hunt.
a.’r»? upon one thing—that they want a
The coininiUee apt><>int«*d ai
' affairs, rays he will call the treaty up at
i the first excut ve session of the senate.
the ('»im, tit r«-pub.jeans to a
bill ia divided iu Munimeni, and likely
to n*p >rt two billZ, one to modify ibe
lax and one to repeal it outright, and it
ia aialed that neither can conimand the
«olid volt- of th,
Hi,., attended the ,-au-
I cas
The deiiiovrata have in canraa
i agreed to vote for a bill for the reje-nl of
the Ian but aitainat any bill modifying
I It. and the poi uluta have der ided to vote
•>">' Hll proposing a cliinge.
|lu»tafter that republican <au.
held il was Stated that President MeKin
ley nad decided to forestall legislation
■ ui th-subject by materially modifying
(lie extent of tile civil service nites, hut
he is said to have changed hie mind
since he ascertained the divided condi
tion of the opponents of the law.
-enator Teller will seldom express his
opinion on what congress will or will
not do, but of the outlook for financial
legislation, he said: “There will be no
currency legislation pasted by the senate
at this session and I predict that the
forcing of Mr. < .age’s financial scheme
will result III a split between the presi
dent and the bimetallic senator.
110 I...... ibility of any legislation touch­
ing national bunks that will be of a char
a, ier to satisfy the banks and permit
them io issue greater eirculalion than
thev have now, although I have no
doubt that the attempt will be made b.
the administration party to do so.”
Mr. Teller is going to put the senate on
record, he save, by offering a resolution,
originally offered bv Senator Stanley
Matthens ill 187H, and adopted by the
*“* FSe‘of Zsua' iS'JA Reporter
M. Lai«
For «orc- »>“•
'ffectea in me
olsee. and
laughter of A. J- Adam ,
¿=X'e.he ;
that a ehsri ’» « f «• imate w«>uld be of nenrui
child. M ...-h «Oh""*»’
for d.xton' 1.111«, win« «ff
^»insd the story of her great trial
Vd «« --
■hr th.rd d.r of F<*ru»rr, 1®7.
When ten
nroke of par.lpi« wm ,"l!'”|e*iF.nnTe11 wu
.ion., .nd from thr time link F» '"le
ren month, old until ObruMT, 1SW.
.u not a ainglr d*-T "r ? nlu'h,,,h k /X , !
M>t hare apa«m. <>» th. n>-st di» trewnt.
naturr. N<'t a sincle convulsion, hut al-
waya three or four, and iwiuetiniea as bifcU
u ten in one day. .
. .
In. family wa. all broken down with
-are and Mrs. Adams state« that for one
vear she did not eo into her kitchen ‘o super-
,ntrnd her household work. All ’he
,f the riftht hand of the little girl are en­
larged and rniaahapim, caused by Her Pil­
ing them during tli- fearful -u .ring, rhe
cam baffled the skdl of the 1„M physician«
and they were frank to say that they could
,ot d-t-rn. ne the . auw,
preaerib. g lu Sid th* afflicted chi d.
But what a chauce »•>» m that household ■
for lit«« >
h ut ■•««•»““y heen reh*.. j
from her «iz » ears of agony, which liringa t
light othappm««»'» the laces of the parent*.
% January, thia .Mr». Aoaiu, w|,0
had pur.-ha-ed Mime of I*. Williams |-|„g
Pill» fur bale People «»r •»«’ «Mtrteeu fear
old daughter, determinedI to try their effect
u .n little Eannie.
After three or f„,
.... ,1 e noted an improvement and oh«
thru’told the father what »he had <lon,.
lie at once went to the villaire and bousht
another box. and up to this time aiz h..,«,
l.ave b -11 need- 1
hr«t pill«. Mrs. A an,,
ran«. •«-
•“ J»?»»?. lh«ta,‘" I”',
and certainly not earlier than the fifte.-, ,k
or twentieth, »nd «»'* •’J“1,1 l,!ld )ler <»*'«■«•
vub, '» on February Sd, u-arly three moaihi
a~o Iler general condition ha» improved ,,
everv w.vv, and it waa not a month aftirti,
fir«t pills were taken »»hen »lie began to walk
without assistance.
] h<- r 11« w*'re bought at the drug a tor»
of Dr Shelton, in ITnatill». In an-w.rto
the question, did he, to his penoMl knowh
elee know that the remedy had bemfittg
Fannie Adam«, a» « ua atattul by her parent»,
thed Ctor »aid that he waaaregulnr practicing
Phv.ieian, and »« »uch waa loth to rranni.
■ d UHV nropriemry medicine, but »till ha
7" read»- t.' d.’. i -’ice to nil men and he did
/ * - /
e/ .Li
____ __
Lung Troubles .nd Consumption
Can be Cured.
Bottled Up!
eries to any affiictrd reader oi the Cm R
ier w riling for them
His “New Scientific Treatment’* has
•tired thousands permanently bv its
imely use, and he considers it a simple
professional duty to suffering humanity
i<> donate a trial of his infallible cu e.
Science daily develop* new won lers.
ami this great chemist, patiently experi­
menting Ier years, has produced results
is beneficial to humanity as ran be
claimed by any modern genius. His
assertion that lung troubles and con
«umplion are curable in any climate is
proven by “heartfelt letters of grati­
tude.’* filed in the American and Euro­
pean laboratories in thousands irom
those cured m al! parts of the world.
Medical experts concede that bronchi
al. chest and lurg troubles lead to Con­
sumption, which uninterrupted, mean»*
speedy and certain death
Simply writetoT. A Slocum
9S Pine street, New York, giving post
• •fh« e and express address, and'he free
medicine will l>e promptly sent, suffer­
ers should take insiant advantage of hi>
generous proposition.
Please tell the d<\ or that you saw his
offer in the Cot rif . r
& Co-
Branch üffi< <•, i
- 15
J Oct
• .
r t!i
J . ..............
I cost ft Uu-.
¡sent free.
. I
oop f *** • e
.3 JM
How i o I X I) oi i
a hoi f 'e
Mild h-l il *
d .'i
meut or *•
Market Str ct Ferry, 8. F., Cal.
.leali li\ coii.i
111 ■ lie n ; ' ¡I* I i i
nev : rou h e
'I. •
Cobbling I httfifs l onin'ete. 75. tl 75. 2
• »n'e or p i n ">
llarnes- Mei.di' g outfits complete. »1 '»
dig h h
, h
t oal S-uttles. Japanned.
are om Oi o *
C»al Scuttles, galvanized
J 5
umno do .
There is com «>• ( in I hr k u<
Men s sun.irv Shoes, button. 5 to 9
often expressed,
rd. that Dr. Kiimer’s
bargains in Pv,.r> |jn,—toeut. to wear,
^wamp R<kot, the great kidnev rem? iv
fulfils every wi*h in relieving pain in the
back kidnevs, liver, hlailder and every
part of the urinary imseagee. It correct»
mabilitv to hold urine and -cabling pam
in passing it. or bad vffecis loll«.wing u-t
>f liquor, wine or beer, and oven-om» ?
that unpleasant necessity of being »urn
polled to get np many time? during the
— IS —
io urinate
urinate. The
Hi. mil
n.glit io
mil«! and extraor
dinary etfea’t ol Hw anip K >ot is soon real
It stand, the bighe. M . for its won-
lerful cure« Ol the most dlatres ♦»ing cases
If you need a medi! me oil eh muld have
the beat. Sold bv «ireggiaia,
I The World has 18 pages a week ; 15« cent, and one dollar. Voti price fiitv
may have'
Pure White, will not make the
papers a year,
a sample bottle a:..I namidilet •-oih
sent j
free by mail
Mention ihe not.
yellow nor injme the finest
The Thrice a-Week E.l lion of The New cot KikR. and »en<l your addre-«
to Dr I
York World is tir*t among all weekly pa
per* in >ize, frequency of publication, and
ihe frvhne*?». accuracy and variety of im l> oririetora of |i.i| er- guan ¿;. e ,,,,
content*. It has all the merits of a greai nines«s of this offer.
$«i tally at the price ot a dollar weekly It*
political new * prompt complete, a ■ mate
Lami Office at Ro«^
and impartial a-» all its readier? wih testily.
It I* again*! the monopolies and for the
Notice is hereby giv
Il print* th? new* of all the world, having ing-named settler hai
s|>ecial correedondence from all important intention to make final 11
new* points on the glut«. It ha* brilliant
f hi» claim, and that *a
illustrations, stone* by great authois. a
« apital humor page, complete market*, de­ mad? Is»fore lohn G«>od?
partment* for the household and women's oi Josepbin« conntv, Or?
v. '"-ni
narelily t'urw wix»n ail
¡’nen” ’ • -n i ï
work, ami other special department?uf un Pas« Oregon, on Febrm
iiianho'wl: oli
a»’.—I to < ore .s¿r,,‘?„r.Llii,i Intelr
ln'r( Gear-
u*ual interest to all cla**e* of reader*.
Wilìiaui M Ro%al on H. E X
uost Vitality,
% \\ e
thi* une«|ualh-i new-paper and
he tD . j R s WG m l Sl.»SE
■i - ti
r "A
tne R» h . i k Kivta « ot wire together one 36 S , 6 West
• m«*rv, Waatinir IH<-
♦*'.«-atutf nr rrfc$.e/ff ,^nd
year to new or old stibsrrilier? who pay
hamvjk th»4 following
one year in advance, ai the »mall sum uf
"’I -» a * -rtidi-M putz <ttwS <> m
►prove hi? continuons
1 ne» A
,n.“" n b,r
• f li
i VH'Iiff***
» if.ilH, ,r «JJ),-
, .,a -
cultivation of eai.l land, viz
*• r*r*‘l*«'t pia .i •«
Dav d Lindsay, of Great
£ •»„< ■ Mr,.nr |Jb JJ» A U rm-
ritt* .«loar-
» r.u«r-
^a.i?. of Grams !’<-? ; Ab
Grant? !*■»?, \ Bartlett of
>'»1D BY M. Cl
Soap Foam
Queen of Kitehen
and Laundrv
And the COURIEHforonly $2,00
Woak Men
Both t! " im th<Hl anil rvoilt« when
I- igs is taken; it is |>iea«ant
and rt frwhing to the taste, and acta
years in tl ibi? Íastiion, it is a warning that 1
ffvnth yet promptly on the Kidney».
our svstm in »»Í jiis'i»«» i* near to wrv» k.
Liv r’
»n<l lloweh, cleaniea the ays-
We can te nq»r lilt ? rom :li? »ml ,v • m
< etuaUy, di«|>el« colds, bead-
the wav of
rtdorn». though th? tn < t « r
iibl f«'vem and cures habitual
should ai K*a 1 slioi'giv I«» lhe»u
on. Syrup of Fisrs is the
the taste odati ire »ho ild wqw «mt
edy of its kind ever pro-
whole li«t >1 oli te» hiucalitirs that I >a» r j
I. pleasing to the taste and ac-
grown up • Ihr» *i’g!i th? last bah rent u» V ,
■toniach, prvmpt in
and let tin ie t\»'un* take a frt»*h start.
truly l«’iw'ti< ial in its
the Lrgieii ialurV dors i*s dutv in the t
«1 only from the mont
ter a«
«venlit ”f th«* scamlal in the
health', lii.i av'rtsablvsubstances, its
MM*. the criminal of thereat
eellent qualities,s>mnien,i it
serv r«I one u*r
If tfcw-ftvu
ml have made it the mo«t
»tech•«1 against the mii»d-
popular remedy known.
it lw* a sv*t?m of law utHier !
Furs m for sale in SO
rdrrers are promptly |
all leading dnig-
ble druggist w ho
it on hand «ill pro
it promptly for any one who
* to try it. Ib> not a«vept any
»•**».« MtDiUri^rviî^'ïii
A;e You Musical ?
If so. send your wubwcription to
National Home
""-1 Music Journal
II • is a monilily gotten up in th?
best t possible
poMible st
Eact» issue
contains 17 pagra uf v •al anj in
strumentai mu* of the latest and
best compositions.
R. .M VtAT.1
Bjcklen s Arnie» Salve
The l‘>?
ve re. j
blaiD'.l o
H is guar;
tion or m nrv rt
For !te
Subscription only S’. OO per Year
The Music you get in the 12 num
hers wimki mt tou about $08 at
usual ratee, ftend 10c
Chicago Book and News Co.
it ■
ea«v to get
Wabash Avt. Chicago
CALIFORNIA ne srnup co.
( uMaakMM u> cure by ad dre»g »»U.
know that Dr. Wdliama’ rink Pills for, Pnl»
People had bent filed Fannie Adorns, and n|N
good things that are common in th
voluiit'• r.-<l the information that he knew of
Other children in the village who hail be«g
¿hat the critical spirit so prevalen' i>
benefited bv their use.
jte W‘llPink Pills for Pale PeoTle|
educational circles in all parts of tin
are mid hv all dealer», or will be sent post p, 1(T
Union is on th * whole beneficial to th
on . ....intof price, fin cents a Lox, or six ls,ie»j
for »’.■ In (they .ire never sold in hulk or by'
«-ause of public instruction is bev on
the I'"I by uddre»sing Dr. Williauta’ Medkiu»
Without it we should hav«
Co., Schvuectady, N. Y.
I wade no advance in the pa*t nor inak*
any in the future. Like ail good things
however, it becomes injur.oils when ca
ried to excess. It is an excellent thinfc
for a man to have a wholesome self con
twntednetw with his work and with tbs
standard of accomplishment required oi
his profession in ths community where
he lives. T iki much criticism leads it
too much change, and change is som •
limes bad simply because it is a change
In the addresses delivered at the teach
era’ convention now in session in the
r i *?'■ >
city there is abundant evidence of th»
25* 50 ♦
critical faculty. Fortunately a good deal
to «w* <ny<T.M0«>r
>¡ *1. Gì-’ • . tb «ir» th? LU m I Ltm-f ‘
ol it is directed at criticism itself, bom«
AlibuLu 1 LL I ullÂnÂn I Lob
- .m
. . ? s.i . ..
. j .
id«- Bud Sooxht free. A l. T) HLB(2 V'L1*I''
of the leading speakers have pointed ou
that the faddist and others who wish to>
change in the course of study or disc
piiue are not al ways g ol guides to fol
low. As a matter ol fact, it is the teach
- ,r
er rattier (han the method that make
the school, and with such competent
3 k F*
men and women to educate our youth as
are now engaged in the task, we could \n Eminent New York Chemist and Sci­
entist Makes a Free Offerto
well afford to have a convention of jubi­
Our Readers.
lation once in a while and remind our
selves that the East is in many respect*
cov Jc-v
I’he distinguished New York chemist,
Anvnne »«»’Kl’ntf n «I
behind us in school work as well as in T. A Slocum, demonstrating hi-» discov-
qulckly aswrtaln nur opinion (.ei- ■
inreiitimi i* prohnl. y »• itt .. - •
-iy of a reliable and absolute cure for
tionsfrtrictlyf«>nüdenti;i!. li m ■■
onsnmption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis)
seni fron. (>bh-st «¡,’<n v f«»r-----
Patents t »io-n tnrouch 2. '
and all bronchial, throat, lung and chest
^pfCial n
wi’hotll r
Harases, stubborn coughs, catarrhal af-
lections, general decline and weakness,
oss of flesh, and all conditions of wast
A handsomely Hliu-l
ing away, will send THREE FREE B )!'•
cuiathm of nny *«••:«■
vp-ir: four
I I.ES (all different) of his New Discov­
senate declaring that all United States
brmds are pay able in silver dollars al the '
option of tiie government
Whether in the form of pill powder
it has been suggested by those »ho fs or liquid, the doctor's prescription for
vor making utinlic the pension rolls but blood diseases is always the same—
mercury or potash. These drugs bottle
are not certaoi as to whether they will
up the poison and dry it up in the
support the lull authorizing the govern­ system, but they alsi dry up the marrow
ment to print it, beeatise of the monei in the bones at the same time.
The suppleness and elasticity of the
II will C >*t-about $201,0(10-. that R wj||
b? cheaper ami would place the name? joints give way to a stiffness, the rack
ing pains of rheumatism. The form
before many more peopfe if the list u: gradually bends, the bones ache, while
pensioiiera of each cminty w?re publishe»! decrepitude anil helplessness prenia
turely take possession ot the body, and
in the newspaper? of that county
Whether thia plan would be cheaper is it is but a short step to a pair of
falling ol
a matter of d«»ubt, a? «*ongre?a a* a body the hair and decay of the bones,—aeon
would hardly have the nerve to u.*k the
Contagious Blood
pres? of the country to perform such
Poison —the curse
service without com per sat ion. however
’ mercury /
of mankind—is the
mu« li individual congressmen mav im*
most horrible of all
p»w? upon the uenerosiiy of individual
diseases, and lias al
ways baffled the
publishers, the e can
be no d«>ubt
1 doctors. Their pot
l I mhh its being the best way to get th?
lash and mercury
list before Hie public. Every intelligent
I bottle up the poison.
man ivada the newspaper?, while onl>
I but it always breaks
j forth again attack
ihonv wlio hake nomv particular reason
I ing some delicate
ihvivlur would lake (hr trouble to even
glance at the contents of twelve or fit-
throat, filling them
teen ponderous volumes, even were the)
with eating sores.
pia».vd where access to them would bv
S.S.S., is the only
k now n cure for tin«
secretary Sherman has again denied
disease. It is guar
auteed purely vege
ilie irmh ul tiie report revived lor the
lOHii Mine that he tniends resigning table, and one thousand dollars reward if
offered for proof to the contrary. It
in* trieiHH say that his health is as go« d never fails to cure Contagious Bloo«
a* it has l»ern f»»r the last five years, and Poison, Scrofula, Eczema. Rheumatism
»hat unle*.* it gets worse, he will remain Cancer, or any other disease of th
If you have a blood disease
at the head of the »leparuuent uf • lair take a remedy which will not injure you
«luring thia administration.
Beware of mercury; don’t do violence
The politicians in Washington think to vour system. Don’t get bottled up!
Our hook* sent free to any address.
the w it Inlrawal of Gov. Lowndes, as a
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
cam iidaie lor the senate from Maryland,
in favor of Judge «McL'omas, has made
tiie latter’s election as St* mator Gorman’s
.»uc«-essor very probable, Their opinion
is strengthened bv the understand in*,
tha; the influence of (he administration
Thrice-a Week Edition
is also i ring exerted in favor of Judge
Met ».ma?
wa« of a net ur? that ronnol
stood by the ordinary man.
Tti? case ought to lead tn a
th? criminal proerdu
When a man like Dm
money, with two lawyers
•wlow the or«hnsrv, witt
influence, can make spor
ûMtfirau. f>.
*4« » um ar
***. t* e
• ire locare.—W. • • ^rwtuer.
ÇèshveiMts 25
“P- * rm, a ld,.M
««aachfr. Oyse?oslS end