An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon. VOL XIV GRANT’S PA88, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 6 1898 ROBERT G SMITH, If, when the old year glide* away, A weary the -now and the cold. We could but begin on ike New Year a Da» A< '.can new life and could drop the old— Old nna. old shaiaes. old thrusts of pain. And the myriad things God only know»— And into the sweet year, clear of stain. Could step with the freedom of fu 1 rej»o-e. What bivsamg untold would to u* l»e given' Scarce in our heart« would I* room for Heaven* (Margaret E. >ang»ter. A I TORNE Y AT I 4M I* ai-ti»es in all ^tafe an .i.jurt» All kinds ol Office over First Nati* • RANT * I’Ass. 1 • I ÏEXRY I. BENSOM. A WRITING MATERIAL ATTORNEY \I LA'V o Practices in al* Court* Office over First Natmi ¡KANf’s P ahh , Vi, Washington Letter. The Gold Crate of Iff At the time of the first gold discovery in California iue pro?p«**tnr was un­ known. < aptaiu Sutter built hi« houee at the head of navigation,on the Sactamen- to, because he believe»! that a tide of immigration would flow westward over the Rockies as soon as the news of Call foimas addition to the Union w as known, ami that this would I m * a good •pot lor a trading-poet and outfitting eta tion. In 1847 he made an agreement with James W. Marshall, a machinist from New Jersey, lo build a sawmill, some miles up the river from his own bouse .t was while the mill was building, on January 24, 1848, according to the diary of one of the workmen employe«! there, that Marshall found some grains of gold hi the land wb le walking in th** tail-race of the null. He showed the specimens to his half-dozen workmen, but none ol them realize»! tlx* importance ol the dis covery at that time. On the following dav Marshall gathered up as many of the hits of gravel aa he coil)»! cairy in the crown of bis hat ami look them down t*» ins employer, Captain Sutter, The ia'- ter conveyed them to San I ram i-co, where they were analyzed and Pro- nonned to contain gold Then issued su.di a scene as mankind had never before witnessed, \\ itb al most electric rapidity the report went around die world Gold m California Rivers lined with gold ! Mountains Of gold! Gold to be had for the picking it up! From all parts of the Union, from Europe, from every quarter of the globe, an army of frenzied argonauts was «»»on racing across the plains, around the Horn, crowding every available route that le»i to this wonderful Western land of gol»l.—I* rom“GreHt Gold 1 >isco\ «ries,” by E. W. Mayo, in Demorest'« i ainil» Magazine for January. Th* outlook for the ratification of the treaty for th»* annexation of Hawaii by A A RTHUR I' H \R III. ■4 the senate is believe«! inWashington to have materiallv improve*! during the last i > l < >R • >1 H» N 1 1 K >■ PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST week, notwithstanding the incraatad ef­ •il La ' * »»!>< over i-ir* \ i.■ fort« of th? lobbyist«* to add to the aenti- J I merit against annexation. Th? public . i reason for thia i? given aa the belief of a niiniltar of senator« who have heretofore f- u ¿W. JÛL. been indifferent towards annexation that 0 N ‘ (■¡RSI N h i 4 the acquirement of a big «lice of China by Germany ami the probably acqnirment K 13 £3 o( Chinese territory by England. Fram e t and Russia has changed the situation — OF - ' and made it almost an absolute necessity sorriiERX’ or .\ 1 that this country should own Hawaii, in ¡OH 'if OIAS INCORPORATED 4 order to protect its interests in the Facif- ic. A reason given privately is that som« of the senators who had themselves ? MANUFACTURERS OF Receive »k*posits »»n ^ew i «> ik . Sai, desired patronage, and that having sue cisc<»> and Pof land. ceeded thev have informed the president Telegraphic tr;msi*‘i>- - »1 «*n all p**^J of their willingneas to vote for annexa­ he United States. tion. There is still another r» a’on. too Spei-ial Attention given *•< < "ileetioi Prominent democrats in various parts of g *neral business of our ciistouiers. the country have been arg hug with the Collections made throughout H<» i democratic senator-* for the purftose of All Kinds of Oregon, and <»n all a< » es>ii>le p nla. e convincing them that in view of the pre­ ( J. D. I KY, President. «5 vious attitude of the partv towards th? I. r. ri'i'i* S. Vh-e President. acquisition of territory bv the govern- R. A. B ooth .(> | inent, not to mention the present JK»pU , larity of annexation, it would be a ¿rave mistake to have the democratic partv Bridpe Woik, Bolts. Rods. Iron Shutters, ¡charged with the responsibility oí de- Cells, Window Guards. Doors, and ' tenting annexation, and. it is said, that — VIA T Ht, ”• — Robbed tli«* Grave. •iOine of them have been convinced. K» j ute i 1 A startling incident of which John Hon John.W Foster, ex secretary of •I — ui the — 1 ttate, ami Hp«*»-ial United 'Mates seal com Oliver of Philadelphia, was the suhjei-i, missioner about expressed the prevail is narrated by him as follows, “I was hi mg official opinion of th«* award of $464,- a most dreadful condition. My skin was ( olii: l>lo.NDI.NCi: SOLICITED. Leave Port I an t* rax co LV. b >0 f .I • ...Portland, alleged ¡¡(«gal sealing in Behring se.i. weaker »lay by »lay. Three physicians Above trulli.-' .s:* p al all sial ni fili when he said “There was no occasion had given me up fortunately, a Iriend tween l’"rilami a id >al»-iu. 1 lr,,‘w-n- for surprise m it. President Clevelantl advised trying ‘Electric Bitters,’ anil to Marion, *letl«’i>"H, Al 'uny, ( t tag»-Grc \ir^ * * ** Tangent, She»l.tklami ami all s:.;l¡on* trunh ia settlement of these claims, and having tied their use for three weeks, Hint win Ko-ebuig to t&hiand irx iin-i\•■. ¡ p* C ! appointed as the’American t’oinniisBion- now a well man. 1 know they saved my Rosebuig M..d Daily cr lo adjudxate the claims a |H*rsona life, and robbed the giave of another I 30 P. a at . s :30 a . m I LV. Portland and political friend, it could hardly be victim.” No one should lail to try them P uV. DEALER TH 2 2 d r. M Lv. Albany 7:30 a . a rxpe» led that the latter would streiions Only Me per bottle at W. F. Kremer’s. 6 ..V- 5:20 P. M. AT. K< »sei «Û Tif ly contend for an award of th? lesser fttchai-d Mansfield As a Huin<»i*lst DINING vARo UN /.UU * t. amount ’’ As soon as congress reassein- H u i i m h r That Mansfield's keen sense of humor 1 hies it will be asked bv the president to does not desert him even under the must appr»>priat»* mones to pa\ these claims jtGo» Pension Cominissioner Evans duean't trying circutuslancuB is proved by an intend that hiy recommendation for the amusing episode w Inch occurre I in the priming of the pension roll should be lehearsals of “Napoleon.” One of th»* Hardware, Tableware. lorgotten. Ih* will have a bill providing ,*supers,"whose stage experience was a- therefor introduced in both house ami sinall as his salary, was being drilled to West S«dd Division - 1<1 warranted as represented. Earin Produce taken senate and will use all the influence he rush in at an exciting moment with th* raAiN xah ' can command to have it made a law. | t ragic tidings : “ The enemy is upon u-. l.v. Porliaixi Again and again Mansfield lold thu AT. ( '»irvalli There is no reatmnable argument against printing the roll in order that everyb«xly man how to deliver the lines with tin- AlbariA an-l ' >r^ of ’ >r. enirai »k may know just who, in their neighbor proper force and expresiion Finally i KF» THAIN »»AIM • I ii«M>d are drawing pensions, and how desperation he rushed down the -tag- LV. l’orttand i :'U,. M I much they are to he accused of being ashamed to have no duuiil in the minds of the company that the enemy was a« lualiy in t he it known that he draws a pension Mail -i.-ani-'i'l- ' w i ngs. While China w»>uld un«pi»*stionably be CtllN \. -I "Can't you cat* b the idea?” he «ani Rate* ar. I tick« . mor* than glad to have the I'niled and E u '’«> d *! U- ! States Income her ally ami call a halt turning to the “super.” HONoLCLI' :<"•! “1 can, sir," was the quick reply, i upon the apparent d •trrminati in oi the bs* obtained from Da-. U. H great European powers tu divide < ti na “but it 1 could do it like that 1 should OF ALL KINDS It. KOEHLER. among themselves, it can be stated upon not he working for |3 (lOaweek. Manager “lhree dollars a week?” pondered the highest oflx iai authority that China lint and has not asked the United Slates t«j he Mansfield, “ Weil, it that* h ail ) oii get, I . Fioin ‘ Ru h such , ami it ran l»e furtlmi stated that say it any way you like ttli snj 1 S'rfvis the request, if made, Would he utterly ar>I Mansfield From a New Point ol >’ •. « a - knit View,” by Mary \unable I autori, in ing to attend tu much nearer home than I lemorcst >1 atnily Magizine lor Januarv M. CLEMENS 4 4 4 4 Wolff à Zwicker 4 4 4 EAM and >GU'i.' <- S u Suutiieru Pacific Coiupa > > ► > 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 C.Lpit i• Stock, - - > > > Hydraulic Pipe ► Machinery for Mining Purposes. » » ► Cast Iron Structure Work. > » > ■J Oregon Stapled. Fancy Groceries Tinware, Iron and Steel Implements Glass. II. SCHMIDT How Marcus Whitman Saved Oregon BIG RED • • • A TRI F I ■ M A Ni F F PATRIOTIC HEROISM, < IlKISTI AN DEVOTION and Yellow ApPlc FINAL MARTYRDOM Earliest and Lut Wr h Kket- net oí ‘aff/ i In Pioneer Daye BERRIES OF ALL KiNDS. Riverside Nursery < hie mile *?• A t» Pass. chly * h iJi^inal Drawings by the Best Artists ¡rintil from large. clear new type «i eitra A 4 <.ok .• Sil kCheap r too» RivraCm « di -, asd add 7 aed th« bent will be t r?n yen If I | ameur. AUl.'H - 1 ’ IRS ÍB mak.i g M ir a • bl *urM 4 a □ ai-srs. pay up ’• ist« and $2 mnr« and re< «ir»* Il you • * * t to y . b* ms «4 i rents «et the Bo« is the time— lulu $2.00. Order today. -nd H J. T TA/LOR, «opaiXTOA SMITHS CASH STORE < Market Street Ferry. S F Great Qïrland Mont y » SOVN'EVÎLLE W"L’d her tc. izin. r'P ra- t rd tdosrinj ’ Idea Vò‘i Dollar • Near. « Mi Q’hly Puc.. I San.f -an ci »co. Caí SPECIALS. Búlete . * • • , * • e« t • J» «need < «te, I 22 sn ( ob I r« itt *• g*Haaix«d Go d B m k Pa te to - /e 42 ------------ -- 25 Ir» •bo.* h.’tea . v i ¡ 37 ¡ *-¿* •• ' ¡in* to ,* *. p *♦ -Iti Ass f r ( sta, gss ’Si# PILLS ( h na that Pirnish« - him all the trouble J. A. I’mk ma o A ntxpiity < ) . was for lie cares to undergo. thirtv '»ar« n»f a large major t v «4 their Britain ia without t a white ally constituents, t«> w huln they Ma'ed that wh'-in sli»* C"'i.'l depend in aha » fl >r' !<• | President M Kim»-y was a go"d ami ear- | »hsiodg«* Russia and <»»-rmauy from fh»*ii | nest fr end i'Iism ami that tt»? * footholdB on < bill«-»»* «oil or to l*»r< «• a »leclara!lull in favor of international ’ iii»»re gem-rul iivision oi the priz< - { bimetallism in the r»*publi. an platform ¡Ami Without such an ally, nothing was meant l«> be < arri«-d <>ut, ami tha: in |«-<»u'«l be »lune. Rua»..«, r«*pr»*»-»-nt tt»« face of tli' -e *-ta’« im Dt? for tnem u> I I* rance as well a* f* r»c f. an»I ' «»•rman *. remain silent win -• < ratary Gag«* con standing f»>r th»- hr» bund, ar»- too strong ' tinualiv talk* the gol standard and th« f >r E g ami to inert sirule-hamh I o l>e equivalent with tlm aid of Japan. But EnglamJ goM standard a ne, w to committing p«« id al su ci«|e ami that Japan and th«* Cuile»l State« coiild prob f-1 r»-erva’ n wi I f«jr«-e them tu pro a . d r< e a ■ ' Jp1 u* <*•• * a I > ’ c ■ ■ r / l?wt So th«* matter stand- a* present. • U / The mor«* conservative men in the party are trying to prev»-nt at yihtng like a partnership. That seems »b»*the iirltitb xle *. h < break l»etween ll? adm nislration amJ the • 11\«r rep .o a- ■ ami th* < han- ?• it is one that • ni rm-«’ *« ant favor w tn Americans ulike Euglaml and Japan favor their success. this eonntry .'»as no |s«liti<’ai mt* rests in C atarrh in the head that t roubleaom? (Jhina and i > d»-sire to a*'pure th«*m. » • t»e entire a A .’ * ‘ . I r.» the J»** lit>or U ’t.e i i,. ♦ I riiffi by 'be for oi Eur .p»-an taritl- >ar*aparilla. tl e gr« at purifier. ' deprive us of fbine item of trade i- prohably true, but we cannot ..»ro- w th trie pein« ipa we La • . » V|»-r'- « b«*a;-n» •- .• often a own .»«luatrial d»*f»m« I'ii« I n «-i quality, and ha« held» n r» t . »• na* •« or a ■ • make it h gbly unde«urable At •elf w thoril reg ar I b»-n • ff- fu »» ng in«’ ai. - . f regin trade, am ever» m»w i -| f g Wii ir and I n ny -et up Japan > claim i> r tr*»- pr«*s» rva stand tfie other « mine I«thr iem ma le the fell iq . u .” lik- «Mi* it. ikes S^üling Mistress likes it J 'e t giocer pays in t r Pi»* D-xx A Lum. <-■ treaty privileges in Hawaii after the latter becomes a part of the Union, Hence, it cannot with safety safety or or goo«! good tr?.n«*Fress such |*olices where they are advanced by foregiu govern menu*, and enforced at our expense In a word, we must concede to German H ivcreignty in China the same ireeduiu as to taritf legislation that we enjoy au l wu ild ext ami to a coiony But theie Is an even inure important reason fur l»«iiig neutral. If America interferes in the politics »( lbs Old World or a*ks a -hare in its territorial distrih utions. how can it stand Euoipe ofl’when the latter peeks quid pro quo in this hemisphere** I’nder the burden of our :nconsit>lvncv th- Monroe doctrine would break d< wn. The ••Chronicle” does nut nee«l to argue that it is more ini- to safeguard that doctrine, and with it th«» liiierties of the New World, than it u<>uld l>e take of commerce. 4nd wlut is more, while widely led. we never will try the experiment. Come what may to China and he the blandishments what they may from England, the attitude of this country as an interested but neutral •ipectaior of the events hi the far East is nut to be changed. Ja«-k*»on County Not«*«. Courier ( luhblng I.i-.t To nr” nb-< ribers, or to old Bubscribera G.F. Billing* and wife of Ashland, took trip to San Francisco during the holi* paying up all arrearages and one year in .Ad­ vance, we oiler the following clubbing rates: I days. This means invariably rath ia advance. Senator Holt has announced himself Pub. With Price Courier a« an out an»l out middle-of-the-road pop $1.00 S2.OÛ Ladies' Home Journal, ! ulist. 1.00 2.ff) McClure ’s Magazine, David Linn of Jacksonville, is the ex­ 1.00 2.00 Overland Monthly, ecutor of the estate of the late Father CoNinoi>olitan, - 1.00 2.00 Williams. Weekly Examiner, i B 2.00 1.50 2.00 Hon B. H. Beekman of Portland, vis Weekly Oregonian, - iitd his psr»»nte in Jacksonville during N.Y World, (ihri ea week) l.nO 2.00 Mining and Scientific Pre.*?*, 3.00 3.00 the holidays. Record'» ‘ Klondike Book.” I.5O 2.00 'I he city of Medford has thr?** tickets How Whitman Saved Oregon, , 1.ÔU 2.00 in the held for mayor: People's Citi­ We can save you money on i any publica- zen's and independent. tion. Let u* bear from you. J. Conner, of the Hotel Oregon, Ash­ An iia|H>nal decree has been gazetted land, will take charge of the Willamette directing that the respective contribu­ Hotel at Saleiu, Febmary 1st. tions of Austria and Hungary for reve­ Hon W. 11. Parker of Medford, ia nue lie the same for lS'JS as were fixed s|»okeii of aw a suitable c.iadidate lor cir­ for the tariff of 1897 cuit judge at the coining June election. General Weyler has aubmitted Ina Judge« Crowell has until February 1 in promised protest against McKinley’s whi» h to tiie his brief with the supreme message to the queen regent. The pro­ court ih his Jacksonville acUool diHtrict test was forwarded through the minister case. af war Weyler also communicated its Messrs. A S. Foster, G W. Isaacs text to the newspaper!. The government and Frank Steveuson are tlie appraisers i! surprised and indignant, and instruct- ul the estate of the late Rev. M. A. \\ 11* ad its censor to prevent its being tele­ hams. graphed abroad. Wavier is immure Prof. W. T Yau Scoy, of the Normal, from punishment.bia e Teachera’ Associa­ Nothing sensational is contained in tha protest Weyler complains of McKin­ don't g«t your moneys worth —B. A M tion. The average daily attendance of the ley’s insulting references to the Spanish Ashland public school for the month of troops. The lCural-l>elKcry Evperluaent. The Short Cou car, for Farmers. December was 48.'. Total number of In the late report of Hon. Perry 8. tardiea, 93. Person« the FarniarB’Sbort Heath, first as-istant postmaster-gener Mias Bernice Cameron spent the lioli- Course at the state Agricultural College al, the public is given, practically for the day» with relatives in this county, She at Corvallis, 1» ginning January 11th, first time, a plain presentment of the ex­ periment of ire“ rural postal delivery. returned to her work in the Granta Paw may have the benefit of a reduction in railroad fares over the lines of the H. P. It has from the first been com vded that school Sunday night. R. R. in Oregon. All those who attend The treasurer of this county gives no ­ the idea is a good one, and in support of it tlie success of the system in England tice that he has funds on hau l- i«>i the must a*k tor a recti pt from the station This will be hail been cited There all mail is deliv­ red« inptiou of all warrants outstanding agent for full tare going countersigned by the president of the issued prior to January 11, 1892. ered, whether in town, city or country, college and on presentation at eithei Al­ Aiul the postal svstriii a lelds a surplus Mi-» Alfir Huge«, Norfolk, Va., waa revenue of from $1 j . O i . h OO to|l.'>,000- frightful!« burned oil the far« and neck bany or Corvallis will entitle the holder ilDO vearly. If England can do it, why Pam waa matantly relieved by DeWitt’s to a return ticket at one third fare, pro­ W itch Ha/.el fialv®, whu h healed the in­ can it not he done in the United States? jury witboat leading a scar. It ih the fa­ vided at leant 2*> persons use these lines in going to Corvallis or Albany. is asked And the sufficient answer is: tuous pile remedy — W. F. Kremer. T homah M. G a i< it, England has it« 30.0«'0,01)0 of (»opuhilion Mr. R N. Wbifenrad has extended President and Director. combined within 50,ooo s<|uare miles, the time of th? loan of the $19,00) lit ha* a bile our 70 000,0 m ) are dii'ributed against I hr Medford school district. The weiuuti over 2.000,000 square miles of settled Th»* district is to pay him 7 percent in- who w e irs an ar­ mor of goo d «•ountrv. irrrMt in i lie future. health protect« This difference in conditions has not, herself against About 40 of the good singers of thia almost all the however, prevented our postal authori ordinary ills and county went to «¡rants Pans to attend ties, supported by congress, from exper troubles that be­ the Choral Union Convention last week. set her sex. The inieiiting with free rural delivery, \ m far a» heard ironi they all isport bar woman who riiree appropriations, aggregating $00, takes proper ing had a very enjoyable an well as a »)')>, have been voted for this puipo e. care of the profitable time. health of her md exfieriments have been mad«* in 29 i womanly - self, We Irarn that Henry Wendt has the different states and over 44 routes So 'ho h careful LI ’hat the oigans far, aboil’ $24,09) of the funds appropri­ * ntract to carry tli? daily mail between | constitute ated for tin»- purpose have been expend­ Ja«*kH"iiville ami App egate after July 1, |w womanhood are Mr Wendt haw b*rn carrying J .¿! aa »»sw»ll and ed. \ total oi 830,308 pieces of mail |M*18. 1 ■ Id C W <11 I r matter have been collected or delivered, H uh mail for a loag lime ami th«* people ® happv in hr! wifehood a n d ai a cost of 1.08 cents each In other ar«* well pleased with his work. capable in hei Aornt simply paid out E A. Carter who is gathering up motherhood. The best ami lime money for tlx* pli-zsure of parforni- dog* for the Klondike reports that most used of all ing tin- service than it received ia pui- . th« h»-altli ol iiia- have lierii only 1 o,o!«! m? thnt and Normal, wa- arre»lr«i in Ashland With these farts as a basis of opinion. riiurrtdav night for burglarizing the rrsi unir«« ! wmt loth«- li-.-pitsI snd )uvl nn opera­ tion I N' ih< continuation >f thase experiments at d»-n ? of John Gallagher, of Medford. ni.Mihir »’,.*[low.p, n Co . Kans. ■ ‘ I had ul» rr.if I- hi . hi -I »v. iknr - nn«l r.»< Ii month the present time m «*«* iiih most unwise. I k»-\ouiig man was taken Udore Judge I Would urt ' .v»u III b. d mid ill i -»-v»rel% lor » i < ’onditions render • hi- attempt practical .lone* in Mediord an i In» trial set (or ' rnv stoma»-Ii » *t tier inmutrs nt .» tit!»« I have Iv impossi)»le a« a husinens proposition, Sat ii r »lav lati, wilh liends hir tirai. He taken four h* tt ■ ol j I ivorit» i • • rlption* am now Hie '|>erry bill, which pa-s?«i both a linitte«! Ine guilt and returned »23 and and I ran > h»»*tfully »«' ■ «• ■ i it to -m; si.flrruig h«»ll*Wh of I congress. provided means a watch. T'iiing Kiiinev failed to ap aa I did Dr. Pierce’s Ph’asant P« llr-ts aro a safe, wheu-by rural delivery « o'lld pay its p«-ar for trial Saturday, «nd his I mui 'I«* •ure, sp« *«ly ami f>* tmanent cure for < >n- wa . but it did not reach the president « a «-re «h clar«*d f<»rf«*ite«l stipation They n« ' ’ r grip?. On«-i- a g* n- labland Advrr tl? 1 »* .• ■ • , in time for hi- signature. It enacted finer. medicine deal* i ■ that oil th«- petition of not l«ss than 20 people j of any one on«* d«*livery th** |Histiuas- i o r in ght apjMiint appoint one or more carriers who. on the written reipiest of the ad- .fia'.-ps, ?-hould deliver their mai's, re- ceiving from the I'«inefhriaries such weekly, monthly or • piartarly compensa y o rion as m-ght f'»• hi nt ' ually agre»*d upon ; like or ‘when no mu »’!. agreement is made, they mav dernami and receive not ex* • e. ding 1 cent for < • i< ii letter or <»tl • pa ka/« whi» h th*v d«-liv»*r from or con- vet to th»* p"-tof!i. •• ” I •»«TA " ** WOIll»I be »IlM'Cf I v h « r«*a*onabl) clear, ingot th«* progress niA'Ie • rv xperint»*ni-* that, i •» ti'-im* a* tin- i« .1 I* |>‘»*d, th«* people of ONE 1ÚVJOYH • Ii» gfat rural li-tri- Is will I.Ave to go liotli thè nii'tliml atuT r.’-iilt— w I ioti • r SE»ml to th«* |> -bdlx *• for their mail, Syrupof f 1/ i-t:ik' n; it i- j>i. i«:ii>t a * t.heir ath»-»s »lid, finding such c«»m* an i rrfri-xlnrii’ Uitlic ¡ind ai ti |H” -ili'in as liiPA may l*»r having thu» L’i htly y < t j.romptly <111 tlie KiillivyH, • wa .I iji-on ibein «• .»-s, in th»* reflec­ Livi r unii B iiw H h , cli'aiiM*. th<* nys- tion ’I at through the mar« h of progress ti ri! <-ff>tunlly, f ir- kiinl en r pro­ I / FRESH OYSTERS < looked a* thci ili. ■ '!. pl'"i'irig io the fa- !<• ami »<• i rptaLb to ilio siornarli. proinpt in it - . 1 "ili an i trnlv boni fi< la! in ita • fii ’ . | o pareli only fruin ilio niost In ilOiy an i agri-nabli-Hiilotaiii'«-.. itx many > x- i-lb-nt ipialitit-xriiiiiini-rnl it io all an i hax< niaib- it thè Inost pop.ilar r' ineily known. byrnp of Fig« I« for salo in 50 i-cnt Indili“- L\ all leading drug- gi-Oi. Any reliable druggist who tnay n ’?• 'ivre alwav- at •■irk. But or.e of Hix ii»- xe-t imenti-m* • ome»* from al»r« a«L a* ma-. I h - a» »* by tin- i rm from an rx- < hang? On«* of th»* most ingrnmu« mertKoJ* kR«wn for pi» '»/graphing p»*r*oe« and keeping llmin in ignorant«• of Hi« fart is CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. I i tha* rmpl«Aed in th»* Bank 84N fHAAlciSCO CRI The I Muk Ua- a hidden »tixLo in a gallery louisvim. tr fOHK m r ba«*K oi the ih? caahirr's * 4«a.« r « desk, *»itn»n steady R««lrr»-X<» Enrío-»- -if a«l»lre»-ed nlftliiprd trry Serful in the <|rl?< ’ fraud, a «rive p»’ The Douinuoit any. Dept. w >r»l er figure ti at to Ui»! ev« *ee«liemp » ieiy » «-ra-. r«-t »j .j heiiigf being Icafiy produ* ed in * n arge l pho'"graph of I .»• d < u ent tampered wdb» 1 pi I El n I ot< ><4T í i fei i, Opp -ite Court House GRANT PA», ORE I gli ted < iadwrieN < >ii the Coiisit. Children « Pictures a Specialty. <