Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, October 28, 1897, Image 4

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and carried out by Mr. D. Parker, who
could not bear,** he naid to ine. “the
built tbe mill and press, bteam power
thought of living a whole life that was
a lie—to appear always to be that which
is furnished by th« cr«awi«ry engine, tbe
I wm not to mix and mingle constant­
plant being set up un«Ier a abed at tbe
ly with the wicked of this world, in
rear of tbe creamery building
The mill
which there should lw
be bo
so much happi-
frame is built o! wood and tbe cylihder
.a built of wood and iron
II ia about
Returning to the west airain, l'ippin
lout teen inches in diameter and is eet
entered the service of I'ncle Sun aa a
at intervals with iron knives. Theee
poKta) clerk.
Finding a letter in the mail marked
knives serai e and cut tbe apples to a
HE farms in Illinois upon w hich we
very fine proportion. The preee hold*
were reared were not far apart, but to me, he wrote on the back of the en­
velope: "Hello—Doc.—R. M. S.l” and
“Doc,” who lived with his uncle, left
home before he was 21 and went west. I knew then that he was in the railway
• rated by means of jack-screws. Tbe mill
1 had been in town to get the plow mail service.
hs* a capacity of fifty bushels an hour,
“How is it.’’ I asked one day, “that
sharpened, and on my way home I saw
am a man ia kept b isv getting apples
The Potato Crop for the United
Doc climbing across a cloddy field be- you are assistant superintendent of the
A Naw India »try lnuuuuratad at »he into the
hopper a«<l shoveling the
State« Kaportrd Almost
| hind a harrow, and hr hailed me. When mail service in the west, when you are
Eugene Creamery Cider Mud*
i ground fruit away from it. A charge ol
he came out he hung his chin over under 30. and new, comparatively new.
a Failure.
by the Steam I’roce»«.
at the business?”
1 t «u cents per gallon is osad« for menu-
the top of the fence
“Ilnrd luck,” said Doc, smiling sadly,
1 goin’ west.”
' ia< Luring tbe cider. Tbe apple« average
coughing, and thumping his chest.
about three («lions of ci.ler to tbe bush
Then it was that he began to tell me
el. l^uite a number of farmers are haul- ! Crested Butte. Colo., han had a heavy
some of his experiences in the |M>stal
The toial taxable property of Gilliam ii g their apples to th« creamery and
•now fall
ear, but he did not tell all. He was as
“Yes. W ill you jine me?”
county is $1,222,53b
having them made into cider
mcxlest as he was honest, and would
New Orleans up to the present time
“What’s it cost?” I aaked.
T. J Buford baa bean appointed In
“Forty-nine dollars second class from not tell to me. his friend, the real tales
J M Th ii st wend of Grosbeck, Tex., L bs had nearly a thousand caaee of yel­
ot heroism in which he was himself the
dian ag«nt lor the >iletz Re^cvation in
I St. Louis to Denver.”
-ays that wben he Las a spall of indi­ low lever.
hero. He told enough, however, to in­
this State.
gestion, and feels bad and sluggish he
terest me and cause me to find out more
Doc shook his head.
Hon John Jeffreys delivered a l«cture takes two of De Witt’s Little Early Risers | consular appointments until after con-
from a mutual friend and to verify the
before th« teachers in Lakeview the 15th at night and he is all right in the morn­ grean meets.
information by some of the records and
of < >ctob«r. Th« lecture was pronoun« «1 ing. Many thousands of other« do the I October 15 was the hottest day that
correspondence w hich I was afterward
it all figured out.”
permitted to see.
1 found that his
good and practical.
»■an e thing
Do you? W. F. Kremer. was ever experiei c *<1 >n Boston at thia 11
“How much have you got ?”
loyalty, bravery and devotion to duty
season of tbe year.
Fifteen hundred head of rattle w«re
“Haven’t got any, but I got a job at
had been warmly commended in auto­
rhe first Tliaukagiviug dinner was
shipped from Albany the 22nd to Mon
Destruction forest fir« s are raging near 1 Whiticer’s stable iu Carr street, an’ if graph letters from the highest officials
tana. Tbev w«r« bought by Crab Bro**
Candor sport, Pennsylvania, and if the
in the mail ser\ice.
We can sleep in the haymow and board
at Plymouth, Maae. The w bole American
It was, ind< ed. hard luck that brought
for N. L Cornelius.
rain- do not check these fires much
army wan present—it numbrrad 26 n>«n.
him promot ion and an easy place, which
Astoria has offered a bonus of $50,000
damage will be done.
“How’ll we get to St. Louis?’’
1 he could not have gained save through
Milea Stamliab, the backward lover oi
to Mr
Byers, whose
Commander Gen. Booth of lb« Salva- asked.
the kindness of higher officials. Ho had
Priscilla, nut at tlia leaat, while Pnicilla
barned down at Pendleton some
“Ride when we’re tired of walkin’ an’ been in any number of wrecks, for
tion army baa gone to Germany,perhap a
nerved al the lablea. Th. story will
I walk when we can’t ride,” was his re-
ago, if he would put up a plant in
to try Lis Land on Emperor William.
many of the western roads were new at
appear in the November iaaueof 'lba
that time, and the railroading was not
He will find that William is a hard case. ply.
Ladies' Home Journal. Here Indiana
The thought of getting up at morn­ safe as it is now. Once there was a
The Times Mountaineer says that Th«
Admiral John L. Warden died in the ing and not knowing where I was go­
and whiles eat down together by the
head-end collision, in which the wreck
Dalles receives from 7,000,000 to 8,000 tables aet in the woods, and enjoyed the City of Washington, D. C , the 18 th ol ing to sleep at night frightened me,
took fire. Doe wa« dreadfully bruised,
000 pounds of wool annually from th« roast turkey, beechnuts, clam cbowdei, October Admiral Warden was in com- and 1 told Doe so, and we parted.
but he had all his limbs, and as the
A few' years later, when the west­ flames crept closer and closer to his car
growers, and why not oiler a bonus to fish, salad. cakes, fruit, and other delica maad of the Monitor during its engage
soma one to put u wool.u nulla in ib t ciee provided
he busied himself carrying fue mail
it was at this historic merit with the Merrimac in Hampton
and dreary mountain town where I, matter to a place of safety, When his
city ?
dinner that the first o, stars were served Roads.
having gone west, had elected to drop work had been completed and the
Ait Edwin Arnold, the |>oet and jour­
Yrou can’t cure consumption but you
anchor, 1 looked out from the car win­ flames lit up the canyon they showed
W li Mt I« Pat eriiM I Inin?
cau avoid it and cur« every of her form
dow' and saw Doc sitting close up to Doc lying upon his mail bags, apparent­
Wire. «pponent. of po.tal Mving, and colleague of J M Lesage in the edi
the rrooper of an old sorrel horse that ly dead. The trainmen found him and
of throat or lung trouble by the ut*e o.
was hitched to an express wagon.
soon restored him to consciousness, for
one minute cough cure.— W. I* . Kremer. bank, have no other objection to offer to torihip of the Daily Telegraph.’* mar
1 went over to him at once, for I was K»’ hail onlv fainted from overwork and
tl., e.tabliahmcat of the ayataiu in tbe ned a Japanese woman in London tbe
The Oregon Union says: “Th« sal­
lonesome. A mountain town is not a the pain of his many wounds.
United Blate. they take refuge in the 16th of October.
mon canneries on the Columbia arc
thing that one is apt to love at first
It was nearly a year before he was
aaaertion that it la "palernaliatic,” as
A«iba«sador Hay and the foreign office
about to to to bi us fur mutual protection
sight. Desolate! That is better than aide to take his run again, and this time
liming that auch a declaration estab- officials decline to furnish the press v ith
four columns of agate to describe the his route lay over the Santa Fe system.
They say that something must be done
li.liea their poaition.
the text of Great Britain's reply to the place. The dry March winds came out
to maintain piicos or they will be forced
One night, when the train came roar­
The indufiniteneaa or the term pater
suggestions of the Cited States’ mono
of the canyon and swept the sands of ing down the canyon, the engine
out of business.”
naliarn do.», indeed, make it difficult fury commissioners. The foreign oilice the mesa up into eddies and swished jumped the track, the mail car went to
An English expert, recently from Lon­ to attact the poaition of tlioae who
people sav it is in subftam« identical and swirled in around your collar and pieces against the locomotive, the
don is in Dayton, investigating the
rut your face. The sunlight was so coaches piled upon the pieces, and the
hide behind ita protecting abadow.
with the Associated Tress di* patches.
mines in th« western part of that conn
dazzling that it bewildered and seemed wreck began to burn.
All i» and must be in a
Bom« «ncouraging returns hav« acnae palernaliatic. Therefore th, only
unreal, and the cold winds were con­
When the trainmen and passengers
came forward to look for “the fellows
been obtained by parties who have ceaaialeut opponent of paternaliaui in the United States proven so nearly a stantly contradicting it* warmth.
failure, says the American Agriculturist
“Are you homesick. Doc?” I asked, tip ahead” they saw large and small
claims alrsady located.
all ita forma ia the auarchiat, and it ia
in its final re|>ort of the yields of 1897. as I rode uptown with him. for he was envelopes sailing out of the burning
R. D. Allen, residing near Silverton notable that among the comment» of the
Compared with tbe liberal crop of last, there to haul people and their baggage debris, and they knew at once that the
ir Marion county, re «ntly disposed of Record’* poalal eavinga bank bill,working
mail agent must be fast in the wreck.
year there is an apparent tailing of! of up to the hotel.
i9,000 pound» of dried prunes at 4 cents men an . trade unioniata, the only oppo­
“Nop,” he said. “It’s the dry wind— The whistle valve had been forced open,
nearly 30 per cent in the tonnage and
per pound
Mr Allen lost green prunes sition expressed wan by a few men avow­
it’s busted my lip so that I look like and now the wild, ceaseless cry of the
the quality of th« whole is greatly de­
I’m goin’ to cry when I’m trvin’ to wounded engine drowned all other
enough to make 12.000 pounds dried, on edly anarchiatlc notiona of governme n’
ficient. County and township returns laugh. I’m goin’ back home this fall,” sounds, and made it impossible for the
account of the wet weather
When the alate undertake. to protect
from all the leading potato growing he added, after a pause, “to get my
men to hear the cries of the imprisoned
Silverton, Oregon, ia going to have a Its citizen. from violence and theft it ia States to this weekly newspaper show money—1’ni 21 now, but Fin cornin’ postal clerk.
All this he knew', and
Liberal l-nivorsity, A building is now in a acnae p ilernali.ti*. All the thing- the yield ol potatoes to be 174.000.00u back out here—this country is all while the hungry flames were eating
in course of construction, but will aot which tbe undertake* to do bushels, against 245,000,0’X) in 1896.
their wav to when* he lav he pulled the
Doe, w ho had earned his title by doc­ register bag to him. and began to shy
likely be ready lor occupancy this school for the benefit of the people might be
The Peru senate has begun the debate
the valuable mail into the sage brush.
toring his uncle’s horses, had inherited
The building is being put up bv called paterunliatic rhe public schools,
upon th« measure providing for a gold I a little fortune of $1,800, and when the
When the .-team was exhausted and
silbscriptioae and donations under th* the tire department, the p oatofllce are
standard,which was recently approved by summer had come and gone he went the cry of the engine had hushed there
management of th« Liberal I'aivcrsit) all pa',rnaliatic inatituliona, yet wiih
the chamber of deputies
I' is predicted back home in a Pullman car, for he had < ame no sound from t he enginemen. for
nut them a people would bo lacking an
their voices were hushed in death.
that the measure will pass the senate, «• ivm I $50 out of his salary of $60 and
Above the sound of 1 he crackling flames
Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant in|H>rtant eleinuiit of civilization
and there is no doubt that it will become board every month.
< ■•iierally the term paternalism ia la
Regulate» the bowels, purl
Five years later, in the dawning of they could hear Doc calling to them
ties the blood. Clears the complexion
ken to imply offensive activity in looking
the morning, ns I was climbing out of from his place below the wreck, and the
encouragement has peen given to biitti-
Easy to make and pleasant to take. *25
train crew worked desperately right
an lipper berth at another mountain
out for th, .opposed interest» of the peo­
eta. Sold by National Drug Store.
ness lntreMls by the action oi the cham­ town, a man caught hold of niy eoat in the very face of the fire to rescue the
ple and in regulating their affaira on
Last Thursday night about 8 o'clock,
tail, and I found that the “man under unfortunate.
the pari of the goveriuent that ia out-
Gradually the voire of the prisoner
good effect on the senate.
my hod” was Doc Pippin, lie said hr
two meu disguised themselves and en
aide the people. In the United Staten
grew fainter and fainter, and before
tered th« home of Austin Broxton, the goveruient ia the people, and ia en­
Tha United States goverment realizing was living in Denver: so was I. and
the rescuers reached him it hushed en­
i in a few days hr came in to see me.
about one and one-half niilti west ol
gaged in caring out their will. The that in the time of peace prepare for war, Hr came often, and told the bust sluries tirely.
Forest Grove, and going to the Billing
At last, just ns they were about to
attempt of a free and aelf governing
I had ever heard. He was thin and
room, in which Mr. and M in
people "to use their government for in case of a w<r with Spain over Cuba. pale, and I noticed that hr roughed give him up, as he was now apparently
ware, tbev demanded
V r
the footering of helpful inatitutiona I. In cast* of treuble with Spain the great and pounihsl his left lung w|irn hr dead, they succeeded in dragging Do<
from the vv reck, and to the joy of all he
Broxton gave them $6. all he had in th«
co-o{M>ration, not paternalism.
The brunt of the battle would fall ii | mfh Flor­ did so. Those stories were not told to
me for publiention. but I know he will soon revived. Ih' was yet alive, hut had
heuse, but this did not satisfy the rob­
value n> tlie latter term aa a catch phrase
breathed so much of the flames that his
not rare, for he is careless now.
bers, for they knew lie bad sold some
in opposition to tbe |>os'.al bank island and this is the reason wliv at H uh
left lung was almost ruined, and he was
Doe went to Chicago after receiving
wheat. a«4thai he bjuml have cash, but
cimeiata in insinuating into it certain tune, Cac e Sum is looking «ut for this his money and Ixs ame acquainted w ith
never able to resume his place on the
Mr. Broxton had luckilv loan«d out Lie
The Spaniards are
nut tone of autocratic rule which have no part of Ins domain
a well-known detective. I think hr said road.
money, arid aftei '«Lowing the note, the
hot-blooded, and they are liable to t was Billy Pinkerton. It was like the
It was this unfortunate wreck and
place in 1 hi« counlrv.
robbers departed
the story of his heroism that gave him
Paternalism implies dependant'« The break out aganist the I nited States at Pinkertons to detect in this almost
the important place of assistant super­
»cardless boy a remarkably intelligent
The statu agricultural college ex peri- object <»i the establishinentoi postal sav­ almost any time.
intendent of the western division of the
l'he postal money order service now person.
aacut station bat,oven testing th« («la- ing« panks m the I’niled <tate« is th«
I nited States mail service w hen he was
Pippin got an offer of employment,
live value of cheat and clover hav
For vary ref era« of line. The effect of the (»rings to the Goveriuent a n«t yearly
not yet 30 years old. It was the burn
hr accepted it and was sent at once to
A system
dairv cattle they Lave found the latter ■vaiem w>ul«l be to develop »elf reliant e rev nine of almost |l,000,(MM)
in his breast that made him cough and
a small town in Illinois to find out a
which is thus shown to be mure than
decidedly preferable, but would not dis­ and independence
beat his left lung, that pinched his face
Chicago Rereord.
band of thieves who were stealing hogs
self-supporting, while affording a great and robbing shops.
courage the growth of cheat hay until
and made hjseyes look larger than they
some better gi amh has been found On
convenience to the people, certainly
If Doc had tried he could never have were.
Dr King’» New Discovery for
Not long ago 1 returned to Denver,
deserves a chance to develop its fullest dressed well. Even clotlie»» that were
low, flat, heavy, damp land nothing yet
found will outgrow cheat, but on higher
I his is the best medicine in the world powers of usefulness, ami the more so made for him didn’t fit, and he wore and meeting t hr chief clerk in the street
asked him about Doc. I had been wan­
or null drained land it is believed that for all forms of < '<>ughs and Colds and foi since its giowth would mean little in­ his hat crosswise, like the leading man
dering over the face of the earth for
Consumption. Every bottle is guaran­
clover and other grastiv« can be raised to
creased expenditure by the goverment
nearly two years and was behind the
teed. It will cure and not disappoint. It
upon this occasion was in his favor, ami
l>elter advantage thau cheat.
They has no for Whooping Cough. Asth­ and certainly a material growth in re­
times, and now as my friend looked nt
in was not long in forming ’Le no
huh(‘ve that a far greater amount of clov
ma. I lav l ever, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, ceipts. For this reason the policy of
me his face took on a sadder sliade and
qiiaintum of the toughest lot of loaf
hr answered slowly:
“Doc died six
er can be profitably grown all over west­
general extension announced by the jK»st- er* in th* town. They lik« «l Doc, M
sumption It is safe for al ages, pleasant
months ago.” <\v Warman, in N. Y.
offi< • Department will meet with gener­ everyone did who knew him, but it was
ern Oregon.
to take, and, above all, asure cure. It is
Hun. Chas B Moore«, the u«wly ap
always well to take Dr. King's New Life al approval even though it should an­ a long time before they would trust
pointed register ol the Oregon City 'and Pills in connection with Dr King's New ticipate the public needs in sum« local­ him. Doe’s nione\ gave out. and he trie«!
There is more Catarrh in this section
to borrow, and the gang gave him the
Discovery, as they regulate and tone the ities.
of the country than all other diseases
office, assuiued (he deli«* of that office
stoinat li ami trowels. We gnaranter satis
“Git out an* turn a trick— put together, ami untill tbe last few
The Illinois River Improvement Asso­
last Monday. The retiring register is f.ution or return money, i ree trial bot­
work.” said one of the men.
years was supposed to be incurable
ciation held a convention beginning th«
commend««! by the Oregon City Enter tle* hi Dr W I- Kremer's Drug Store
“What can I do? Show me anal then For a great many years doctors pro­
prise in tbe following words : ’’ l he En­
watch me,” said Doc.
nounced it a Im ai disease, and prescribed
the project oi a deep waterway from Chi­
terprise i» willing to give credit to a man
“See that jay Tidin’ out o’ town?” local remedies, and bv constan Jy failing
Small pill, aate pill, best pill. De*
cago to the Mississippi by wav of tbe said the tough, nodding down the road to cure with local treatment, pronounced
when be fairlv earns it, aud of < ol R. A.
Wilt'« Little Early Risers cure billions
Science has proven catarrh
drainage < anal and th« Desplaines and | where a lone horseman was^oingaway it incurable
Miller, the retiring noisier, it < an sav
to be a constitutional disease, and there*
ne*», constipation, sick heakache
Illinois rivers. It is hoped to inflence : with the sunset nt his back.
that he ha* made an efficient • ffiuer and
constitutional treatment
F. Kremer.
congr«SM Mitin iently to secure an appro­
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
that he has always been very courteous
“Well, hr’s goin’ out to his place in F.
Chenev tV Co . Toledo, Ohio, is
priation sutficisnt for the removal of the
i ’< >i< M/i i ,i :.
snd obliging to (hose having busiuess
the country goes every Snt’duy night only constitutional cure on the market
IS IO acres of land, with an 8 foot government dame in the Illinois river at
w ith bis offi< e
Col. Miller w ill resume
an’ conics I »ark Mondny hold ’im up.” It is taken internalh in doses from 10
dii’di which water ol the same covers Henry and Copperas creeks, and for the
his law practice ami wdl open mi office
Dm* knew the man, ns he knew near­ drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly
10D acre*, also a mill site with pen stock
ly every man in the place, by the de­ on the blood ami mucous surfaces of the
iu this • ity, in which building j he has »ml about oi’H feet of flume. 100 acres improvement ol the river channels.
not yet definitely erttled, though it is fenced and 50 acres in grasses; 1 large cording to the »••tiiuates made by engin­ scription given him nt Chicago, and by svsttun. They offer cm« hundred dollars
for anv case it fails to cure
Send fer
possible he any occupy r< >oms in the barn. I small one and dwelling house; eers it will tost |8,000,OH) to make tbe the middle of the following week this circulars and testimonials. Adress,
w itb 4o0 w inter apple trees
pro|K>s«d waterwav practicable lor com­
Oregon City Rank budding in conjunc-
F. J. Cn in i v
Co., Toledo, (>
40 acres of land joining the above;
headquarters that hr would be held up
lion with Mr. J F. Claik«.
a» res fenced, with water right, and mercial purp >«•■»
on the next Saturday nigrht. D< h * was Sold by Druggists, 75c.
40 acres within a mile of the above, 20
\ dispatch from l.«vte. Philippine nt his p<*t, and as the lone hors»Hnan Hall's Family Pill» are the best.
A new industry has been
acres fenced, 9 acres plowed, with water island* savs that place has been almost I i’limr down the road the highwayman
at the Eugene Creamery,
B o -T o -R av for Fifty (vntn.
right. Apply to
devastated bv a cyclone
That many i stepped out from the shadow of a jack
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, make . weak
now being ground bv steam
G. VV. H oxik ,
b’ood pure. 50c, fl All druggist«
persons have b**en killed and that the »ak and covered his man.
Willianis, On gon.
into cider. The enterprise was projected 7 8
That night the gang drank up the
damage to property incalculable. 1 he
To Cur« A Cold Is One Day
( best part, of tin «2«.50 and voted Doe “a
cyclone destroyed th« towns of Tag i dead game toucher.’’
Take Laxativo Bromo QuinineTablets*.
luban and Het nani on the island of l.evte,
When the proceed* of Doc’s raid had All Druggist» refund the money if it fail»
a* well as several villages
It is estirna been expended, together with seven dol­
to Cure. 2’» cents.
t«d that 400 persons lest their lives lars received for the “jay’e” watch, the
through »he disaster, later advice« j gang determined tn r*>b n
I hQi IWw1
VY Wi*- “b»«AA>
from Manilasav, the cyclone oc< ar«*<l on
Leyte Almost Demolished by
a Cyclone.
Willamette Valley Cattle for
a ¿7' <ifh/tea a it
Schil/ing's Best /> ihn
—_________ because t/tev are monev-baek.
not SAI
11 .S.Ai/á«(c'x
< >t baking
Get Schilling's fit it baking powder or tea at your grocere*; take out
ticket (brown ti« ket in every pn< kage ot baking p«»wder, vello* tk ket In
tea send * t.< u« t with e. h word to ad hrs '»clow before I>r< ember 31st
L ntd October 15th two words ul lowed for every ticket, alter that only one
word for every ticket.
If only one person finds th
it, $3 otk ) 00 will be equally div 1
Every one sending a brow,
creeping babies at the end of t
envelope will receive an 189I
creeping babies and ¡socket cal
the last contest.
DTd, tHut
gets l^woo. if several find
aiming them
yellow tn ket will receive a set of cardboard
l liosu sending three or mure in one
< ket calendar- no advertising on it
ir < will be different hum the ones uttered m
Better cut these rules out.
October ’.2, and added that Carrig.« and
suggestion, was fixed upon elec­
Burgs, on the eastern coast of I evte, had tion night. \ grunt ninny farmers, hr
been wiped out, and that an immense i said, would l»r in to vote and trade, and
the people, twing either drunk or tired,
wsve swept the island. Several thou
would sleep soun<H\ when oner asleep,
NAnd natives perished at fagloban. l'he
j and the gang voted that J>oc was a
cvclone a * • swept the island of Samm«r.
great thinker.
l iie t ill extent of the catastrophe is not
The time arrhrd, the store was en-
v et know n.
temi, and w hen the\ were nll iei Doc
A < •orre»|M indent in Korea.writing t<j K ducked down b<*hind the <* unter and
rear lual the rear end of thr store. Now
Shar ghai pa|»cr.takr« rather an ominu
a bi g bull’e-rve was turnnl u|x<n thr
th« Mate of affairs iu that
gHt’l g. whoar<»se from their work to look
countrv. ■tatmg that there ia no doubt dow n th« dark barrels of a half dozen
but that Japan ami Russia ere both pre
shotft uns. (Ine of the gang, seeing Dor
paring for a ar in the near future. w ith the « ihrriff’s party, made a play for
hie pistol, . but the sheriff shoved hi«
» a»t of Korea, while the RiHwiane ba\r *hot|run yet nearer the n»bber's face
“Br quiet.” and he w ao
■ I tained a »mall island ol! 1 usan aa a anti MaiJ, softly
naval <*<’sling atat <n. They also have
The next day the fat he
i naval v 'aling station on Roza islan l,
iTAiik'. who was
opposite < hemulp’
l'he I a pane«« also made an attempt t«» kill
are building barrack» in German that and, having* done hie ’
will hold 5,lXX) men. although they claim parted
y ttiinf Pippin’« «nere*'* m th
i m
that thev are onlv for the 2"*) men which
it mA a < «< onv
the Russian
tivrntion allows them to <*rlebrate<l cane won for h m the fui
<'onfi<lem‘C of the aifencv, litui L»cfi»re
have at tirnean as wall as «ach ot th«
hr had Teachrd ChiuAi-o other important
treaty port»
Th« Japanree in Raoul are work waa map|»e<! out for him, but to
using munev quit« (r««ly in urdrr to I hr anrpner of (hr ag»‘iiv> hr rvfuet'd to
t loiter an anti Kueaian spirit.
accept anothrr aaei|pnmenl.
mo ,
•f th« TiU*
There is fconirthing cordial air r
xbout tbe name of Bill.
It ia a strong »ml sterling
iu M met meritorious
,,roix>rtion of tire nren who treur it are
£27 men, uml tbe reason 1» ..«M^
Most of tire •Williams" are uam«l for
Mother WiHiama- ft ••
A Tale of Suffering and
Subsequent Relief.
„ po-.ble for ant mother to
1,0, V that rough Old
Irer pretty baby unlete .be
« mjt t
' ' ’
honor some particular |»r-»’'’-
|. i r 1'»'- people >’
thing, being equal, .be would tall b m Ohio, who h.”
Dr. v illtuu* , 1 k
Boath < Str.
< lilfoni or Adalbert or 1.. gmald. But Mi. .Ieru-U ■ U ■ ■
„ M„hl f..,, ,.bly
■ he remembers Cutie B.U Larn.worth bt«r.. .M - 'I
..... al ...rel.s m
X was th- IreM .nd fa.n.t man m known, espe« j-
ar a Ulthfui
lbe ha- be.-nL.fs ’«u‘‘
White Oak preooct when -he
.‘u,,.,, rery ill andth.-
girl, and so she calls the child for him- ani '- "
'."i't.: u s - ndurexlb, her lor
Or the father recalls to mo.d a g«A lUthrillL’S S' 1 >' r
anuithx nave I' '11 uuu ' ,
„j t|1( ,ul«e-
lrearty and joyous character o •
■rhp ,al. .
cay s- .friendly Bill of other «.ent relief snd nn 1
gIn,. ,.,nk pHl. for
—a rightcou» man and a
11 IZ • fcl'e Feopk.
used <'j »"»bie IfW“"
and he recommend, the name of Wd-
an. nc her > ’
a reli.-
ham for the little chap- '•>'«•’
I.ack the memory of that other Bd •
therw ure Bills in the family of Bdls
known to faint.
And now come- the key to it all
These xarious Bills were all named for
other Bilk and the other Bills must ha'.’
»reeis esteemed go«l
citizens and
worthy, else no jsreent would bestow
the name upon that which is next 6. i.s
heart, his man-child. Whenever you
tiud a man named William, nr.l you w .11
find many of them, you wdl i '.ease re­
member he was so called bemuse there
v«as a respectable and upright William
back of and beyond him, and that other
William waa named for a further M u-
linrn of goodly sort.
It does not pay to belittle the com-
mon. plain name of Bill. Every male
bearing that name reprtsents some |«-r-
son. presumably worthy, and if he him-
►elf disgrace and discredit the name
I hen his punish merit will !«• that no Bill-
will be called in his honor.
r-i-n- r, ivii I suffered the most
.Unit three v .
in different parts of my
wk» p-111
almost crazed wt times. -MJ
body .nd wa»
hr horrible dreams aud
Bleep was dist-- „ - waste away to almost a
IbX'T-i.M , inv other affliction, the
catarrhal turn and I was
ronltely M.unie-1 “ at
iii.rni-ie -I well M
as di.-
i,Se.M-. I .-"nanHedthe family
who gave me some kind of a n
physician who E
i1 foolish enough to imagine
triim an<i I *•'< me. I followed the a.lvice
that it benefited me.
hut noticed n«> perceptible
of the physicians Lui
- conditiou «nd ww about
improvTin« t t in my <'
a strong and
to despair c>f ever ' becoming
’^^."‘“"’nyU-iy friend» were esUin^on
’ling on
me on.- alt- rw n ana
»nd ucivi ^ ‘ »•••
(A1 - ", l I
pened to mention i
them recommended that I try r-
e- .-b-li-I.e-l h< u" m
I expense.«. I o-dion >U»I
-e«. ad!:-—e I st am pt <1 |
envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept-
Y, Chi. ago.
responsi- ■
Mor'thlv •
Gave Back
D ealer T n
There is no reason for being despondent
and considering diseases of the blood
incurable, simply because the treatment
of physicians and many 90-called blood
remedies fail to effect a cure. Though
it is naturally disheartening to the suf­
ferer w’ho faithfully takes the prescribed
treatment of the physicians, often at the
expense of hundreds of dollars, to find
himself, no better as time
by, still a cure will result from the right
remedy, S.S.S., no matter what othei
treatment has failed.
The reason that S.S.S. (Swift’s Spe­
cific) has so successfully cured even the
worst cases after other treatment had
been tried in vain is that it is the only
remedy which forces the poison from
the blood aud permanently eliminate«
it from the system, which is the only
correct principle of curing the disease.
Mercurial remedies bottle up the poison
and tear down the system, while S.S.S.
forces out the poison and builds up and
adds strength and vigor to the entire
system. It is nature’s remedy, aud con­
tains no harmful ingredient.
Hay, Grain, Flour and feed!
Largest Stock of HAY iti the City!
All Home Grown.
Good Eating and
Cooking Apples
At Lowest Prices.
tt^-Call and Examine my Stock.
Library-Car Route
Meal- in
D ining
Car a la
Shortest and
Quickest Line to
St. Paul,
For People That Are
Sick or “Just Don’t
Feel Well.”
Remove« Pimples, cures Headache. Dyspepsia and
Costheness. 26« t* a box at (Irui’giMs or by mail
baupiea f ree, address Dr. UosankoCo. Phils. l'a.
A new, reliable and eefe relief for
nuppreeaed, exoetisive, wciinty or pain­
ful meiiet.ruEt.ion. Now used by over
80,000 L adikh . Invigorates thene
ornanw. B ev . ake of DANGEROCB JM-
iTATION*. »2 per bo«, ecuall bo« XI.
’repaid in plain wrni>|»er. Send 4c in
wtampM for particulars. PEFFEB
MEDICAL AfebN. < bicago, Lil.
Daily Trains : Fast Time
Fur Lickel* and full infonuationcsll un
W. T. PERKINS, Ao mt ,
’¡rant s P mi
B en A- L owell , AgcntWoodville.
A 1». <' I’KNMIiTOM.
R. (’. S teven » C J’ it T A, Portland Or.
G W A* A, Seattle, Wa?b.
SOLD BY M. C 1.E.M1.A'.
Mr. Charles Glenn, of 1563 Dudley St
Cincinnati, is one of the many who
constantly praise S S.S. for giving him
back his health. He says:
“From childhood I was afflicted with
a terrible blood disease, and have
taken almost every blood remedy on the
market, but my case was deepseated,
and one by one they failed. The large,
red blotches increased in size and num­
ber, and soon covered my entire body.
“My parents ha«l me treated by a num­
ber of physicians, but the disease was
too much for them, an 1 after their tem­
porary’ relief was over, I found myself
growing steadily worse.
Thus I grew
into manhood, handicapper! by a terrible
disease an 1 having tried so many reme
dies without relief, when a friend urged
me to take b.S S. 1 had little faith in any
medicine. I was happy to find, however,
that I had at last gotten the right remed v,
for one bottle of S.S.S did me so much
good that I soon had hopes of being cured.
I continued the remedy, and was cured
completely, the unsightly spots soon
disappeared, leaving my skin perfectly
clear. My general health was also built
up, and I am robust and strong.
I be­
lieve S.S.S. will cure the worst case of
blood poison in the world.’’
S.S.S. is a real blood remedy, and will
cure the mo-»t obstinate cases of Cancer,
Eczema.Catarrh, Scrofula. Rheumatism,
Contagious Blood Poison, old sore-,
or any disease caused by impure bicod.
It is
Purely Vegetable
and is the onlv blood remedy guarantee«l
to contain not a particle of mercury,
potash, arsenic or other mineral. S.S.S.
is sold by all druggists.
Valuable ’>ooks ami on blood and skin
diseases will be mailed free bv Swift
Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga.
Caveats,andTrade-Mfirksobtai icd.andall Pal-?
ent business c r.ducted for M oderate Free. /
O vr O ffice is O pposite u S. P atent O ffice ;
and we can set ure patent in k: .> u uc thute J
remote from U ashington.
Send model, drawn.g or photo., v. h descrip- /
tk»a. We advise, if patentable <-r nut. tree of}
charge Our fee not due till pa tent is secured. 5
A P amphlet , ‘‘H ow to Obtain Patents,' with*
cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries !
eent free. Address,
There are so manv faker ami Qu*“,
imposing on the public that a man mt-
• urallv hesitates before paying for eerne
thing he knows nothing aboet. nJ
i I that reason, we will semi it absolot«’
¡free by mail, in plain l'a‘^a8Pi,,.5
TABLETS, wliii-h «<■ Ktiarunt** *' ’’
•tore your vitality, d<
1 ■ g**
vofir body and make yon a perfect mH-
The wonderful curative powers rf »'
amazoo Celery are well knn«n.»n<l ••
have faith in onr treatment, r'“ **
would not send it to you free
yon are satisfied it will re-tore »" fr'
wish to continue the treatment your
then .end us our pay.
Send I Oc.
for a
Established 1868.
W estern M edicinr C o ..
(Incorporated) Kalamazoo. M:d>
Alon t lily
Like no other magazine on earth. Filled
to overflowing with glorious pic­
tures of the Golden West.
a Year.
Overland Monthly Publishing Co.
San francisco.
Ca«cnrrt» Candv Cathartic, th
deiful medical discoverv of t!.<
«nt and refreshing to the tasb
and positiv’cly on kidnevs. liver m u
cleansing the untirr system,
cure headache. A'.rr, habitual constipation
and biliousness, ’’lease buy and try a box
ofc C. C to day; 10. ¿Y
cents. boldanJ
guaranteed to cure by ail druggists.
• »an
e a
Hi>W TO F1M» <)l T
Lili a bottle nr common gla
ur n. and let it .land twenty.four I our.
«»r •»»»»
.. _
• I «
m I ihm M or
g . , di ttoaan
healthy condition of t ihe kidrev,. When
irtn» «fain, linen, it i. ev denew of kid-
The World ha* K page* a wees . I ««- uey trouble
Too frequent dr ire to uri-
papers a veer.
oat« or paio in the back, i« « » convine-
inc proof that th. kidn.v. at 1 bladder
5 out ol or far
1 h- '•' ’
■ 1- .
w ledge so
en expressed, that Dr.
K in er s
w a i' • i, I. the graa «
r wn
mpnrtia. a*
bnck. kidney,, hv.r. bladder and ever»
oart of the 'lnnarv passages. 1
mabilitv to hold urine ami •< i
in passing it, or bad effects foil
nr* * ¡Huni* t.»n
d liquor, wine or beer, and t
illudi raliot
that unpleasant necessity of be
capital hui
palled to get np manv times d
pertinent «
night io urinate
Ti e mild an
lie«*« effect of Swamp R w?t
It stands the highest fur
lerful cure« of tbe most distren«
yon need a tDedieine vo!i «h-i
With <
* '*•
Pink Pill« for Pal« People. T htd
had any faith iu medicine« of that kind
paid but little attention to th«
It was not long atltr thi. however that i
»gain heard the pill, highly reeotutueadal
bv .everal person., and then it
decided to give them a trial and pur.iiuej
one box of the pills. 1 non began
an improvement in my condition an.t |w|'
lire whole box Lad been taken my heaJtk
wan to much improved that I was about ready
to begin singing the praises of l>r. Willi.-;.
I’ink Bill, for Pale People.
•• I was not yet thoroughly convinced
decided to wait a while before growing en
thusiastic over the result., and l.wi b.^.'
,,n th second box before I uM round,...,
that I 1 1 at l«*t lound a medicine to bm
the requirements of my case. I d:»<„,ltinu^
my calls to the physicians and bars left
them alone since. 1 am now as well tud
strong as I ever was in niv life: am entirrl,
free from all pains and never f. It letter in
mv life.
I eat regularly and sleep ht, ,
No more are my slumbers haunted
with fearful dreams and when I retire ,t
night I x • to sleep at once.
I remd hr
\t ilhains’ Pink Pills for Pale 1 t,i,. b
salvation, and would recommend fhrm to all
ladies troubled as I was. The pills .re more
than what is claimed for them and
giving them a trial will mon come to t|,e
same conclusion regarding their merits thst I
Dr. WilliMsa* Pink Pills for Pale Prop,,
contain all the elements neceasarT to give new
life and richness to the blood and restoreiliat.
tered nerves. They are osjld in boxes (never
in l.sme form by the dozen or iiumlredi st k)
cents a box, or six boxes for
and may h
had of all druggists or directly |,v mail from
Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, bcueuew
tady, N.Y.
WAtive cent
> or ladies to travel for
Thrice a Week Edition
Iilnr«!» Trtflf
r i
* •* R L C e fau,
_____ —---------- k
Wumfeiu, Ohio..
m -
Yoa 1
cotai.» .nd ». d vr>ur »«,. u, pr
KilnrerAt'o It p,.
p nr .tor. f p»,.,., ¿u.r..t»e tbe
• in.»,» ol thi» otf.r
ot a ‘ t&niooB
-------- r Fr«n-.
_____ h _ pbyiüci&n,
______ -, will
y j2UsL?
or r«J
r»f Ute g>»«tr.-YUvt*
¡{«Mirrative orp
lr«<r--»u. I him in the Back.Seminai I
tWKr Piisp-p-k. I nStne.c« u> Marry, F.xhaunt
< »•UpHth
n«llrwUh>n. I ( »iena ni 1 irispw bv da'
d’R Dftrjro. waMAfa if ootrherkA.1 I
rr rn»F \
A m . k
• Ji <
! "rr
«W Imprtmncv. « I PI I»» * »
_____ u-n »ry or?n«>«oi all impunt • *
,,r ***** I- bwoaMP ninety T*T
P--'■ ' l?VilVv K’vn.,1 r»-rB^<«r tn eure wilful a- '
r ' Tí r • ' " ’ ”
n ’n,’r
» ■> if <*’X
N. « d-.- ■> ' ’ll ts- DA,
I 4 P6
p.O Box »w,(Un meteo,nd.
For Sale by M. C lemens .