O C. TERRELL. VOTAw Letter From AA Illi* John^un That Brasilful bight ei«y uf »wttleme* t !«♦•*use the seal* w lk u-v, went marry » a uitrria.'e bell, C M. TERRELL have « I l»e« ii ex ermin»fed an I uothii. tut w>ien the («rant's Pass b »ys west to GaaMT» Pa«». Ore , 8ep< 27. '97 A few day* ago Hon H. B Miller, in Pl’BUsMLD KVKKT iRVBsDAY. .eft th? d ploman* s tu coa end over save v|«e that courteous feeling, for no on* marked: “I have uae of th« prettiest promise to you by giving a sh«»rt skrtcl« met them at thw train to tell them the sights «1 «wn on my p ace that can >»e of mv trip tu Alaska. I left Grants I’a*- ■ DlToRB AND I’ll«•» » ItTUB*. ANARCHISTIC TALK. whereabouts of the fair ground, nor did fonwd dnijuKert in an apple orchard.” with Lorin Adam* on the evening o the baud uf Medfuni recognize tneiu dur- | kATKa ur ai BacKiFTio*: Jhistu u* seem - I a very bro«d a*»»ertinn( Iu v 31*t and arrived at Sea tie th»* nrit There is a paper publish*»! in Med One Year, in advance, - - |i 25 ford, Oregon, calle«1 »be Monitor-Mi net Ing ii»« whole dav. This wa* verr dis­ fur this wot Id is large. Although we di ‘ evening at at>»ut 7 p. m. The next «lay courteous it seems to us, and wholly on- not « ontradict if, we had a lurking sus- bix Month.*, • • • • .65 • e look a stroll through the <*ity. The whose editor E E I’hipps is an anaichi« Three Month*. ... .35 « ailed fur. picioa in our min«l that Mr. Mider wm * street* were crowded aitb men,while all if we are to judge him Vy the content* The*« are the reasons briefly given Entered at the ik »-' office at (»rant’* Pa-s of hi* sheet. He takes us to task toi cvidt-ntly mistaken in hi* judges rut. tn« talk was Klondike. Nearly every Oregon, a* *ec<»nd • la>> mail matter. why our ¡M-ople came home feeling a* and from the brua«i grin on our phvsmg- bu*ine«s house had a large wign over th* a short editorial which rccurnd inner tnev did. out we want to coun-el them door whhh read ‘’Klondike Ou fi'ter- nomy which it w.i* imp r>»ib!e to sup Cul mu* b s' w»ek on the Latimer aff»i T hursday , S uiti iui h 30, 1897. not to charge thi* up to the be'ter class ' pre**, he came to th* conclusion that hie .«r “Klondike Out tit* “ But the eg. ite an I he roundly chastises us. We woub of people in Medlord for we are sure, p»v no atiei tion to the man, but bi* veracity in our estimation might be m«nt was g»eater at the docks, lor there from what wr know of those ¡»eopie, that ; Weyler is to bao a reinforcement oi called in question, ami hence he »aid: it wa« that the men bound for Klondiae doctrine is so vile and pernicious that i* 6000 men to help him ont iu ( uba. they will give thi* matter the cond»*m- “1 am going down after dinner ami you woul*« spend the day, and when a *ri*l hefcouvea us to show l«> mi» re.idrr* soiii * nation it snrelv de-ervrs >uch thing* left the wharf lor 'kaguat and Dyes the mu*t go along to *«e it for your-ell.” uf the venom that gushes forth iron Marsha! Keenan mu»-’, have dona hi- real® a ho«tility and an enmity be- ■ We went to the orchard where of wharf would be crowded with Fundre«!» ibis fountain of auart hism. duly while al the fair in Medf rd as th* tweeu place* where 'here «h >ul i be lhe course w* c » i 1 nut ami w ml I n »t of people Ret'lt-r peru«e if v ui will three pern Monitor-Miner man d d <>t mob bin« «•■I of feeling a»«d friend-hip. I hesitate «u open our eyes when asked to Lonn ami I spent hours watihing the graphs lak n from last week’s issue <1 look, and consequently we naw that Mr. men loading and unloading ve****!». that sheet. Her- they are: Galle«* Cr»rk Item« Silver has taken a step upward in Miller in our judgment wa* corre« t We spent eight days in *eattle before we “Bui for a * owardiy *et of‘bum*’ an«' price, perhap* due largely to the rumor A cinnabar le«|g^ pm been found neBr cannot explain to our readers m »re lhac were able to *ad for Alaska. I be dev the riffiaffof the community to inarcl br re that possibly In lia’s mini* may »ere. the ore being very rich to eay that th® fol lag* of the trees is as lefors we sailed we met Mr. P. T. \oee, o 1 un 1» r the gui*»* of law, which is n ope a ad. _____ _ ____ Miners on Rum and Whiskey creeks green a* in mi l-summer tnd the apples, who formerly resided in Grants Pa-s. aw, and d«*bberately shout down inol The officer* of Ja< Kaon <»»unty K.’OUl* which are perfect in torin, uniform in and we took the street cars to La»*e en«i.e m» 11 and cl'izens, armtd ouh 4 e a sober and induHirious lot. better carry out their pledges, for, i • ith a jx-nknife, if thi- is law and *du' v Drinking water hereabouts im irnpreg- • ize and of a most brilliant red in color, Washington, where we spent a delight* they do not, the Monitor Miner man may 1 hen we think tin* sooner the |>eople ri*» a’ed with microbe*. Our well produ» • d • oubine to make the must beautiful fid dav. We took passage for Juneau on the “mob them ” 4 lull grown skunk lately. sight. ip and overthrow such rutlsu law th t >eiter.’’ It is,but pr»»per to say in this con- steamer Willamette, which left about 11 Fli« necessities o' life are still on the Cirri it Cuurie'nocket been in it had not the leader« bolle I at lt will I h * hard to get any «ne in Jacl ’ Hark thi« The t.>nprovoked murd< The Salvation Army. »♦-. Rogu»» river will also rise before nectioo that Mr 1 M111er has on»* of I he p m on Monday the 9ih. The » orage •on c«»unty io risii f<»r thè leg sialo a gate near the 'ast turn. Cin uit court conv-n«. in thi,cjtyB wa« a delightful o*»e 01 tbrre day» lie*t orchards containing the b« *t vane •f these |><>or miners, il it does not pr hrisima0, 1 presume. Divisonal CniDman-ler, Major ^tephen next spring. Tliey will be airai.l il- F kip . ay S kpt . 24. Monday the 27, to w.ea le »ilh lb, . ' 'I'itate a bloody levoluuon in tin* cou tv of fruit that it fia* b**en our pleasure through a channel formed b» numerous R Pick well ba.ing di-posed of hi* \Umh*l of I’ortl.n.l, Ore., c >rn.n»i ilinf thè Monitor- Miner man w i! “m da*». 3 in 5. purse low ing ducket : to look upon, and this he obiainei\i»ion, ac* 1120. Won bv Iliac in the 6th h at. CIVIL ACTION*. land iu« tceuery is very picturesque, by accident but by careful study of the he foulest deed, lhe most coward! «iaorue Tol.ua.. >,JS Mo.,-- m»di<4l treatment, being trou'ded with • oinn.nied by Serihe Captain Sheridan, Tims 2 3D. J 33, 2:29. 2 28. 2:29, 2 .30 The governor of the bank oi Enslam and we saw many whales, s»als, and fruit question. rima that has yet besmbehed the pag» « over imuiev. < am er ol I he lip. will ri«it Hrant. I’a««. '•■ tober 2nd, 3rd Alter the first huat Lelaiul W.’a driver announced bis willingness to naiida.1 birds of different kind*. In the evening »1 our history. Then lur a newspn|»ei Frank Luta v* Shaivou Minin, c,. Circuit Court Proceedings one tilth ul the banks bu lion re*erv» 1. an>l4iL. Meeting» will be conduced at wa* taken down and William McMullen recover money. R» s- rvoir heads are being run at the 4e enjoy ed ourselves by listening to pro­ ■ uno g ii dependence, to jump on Del- silver but the London baulera protesi tK'Xander-Bent ndnes, sliming the top Ilei rv Merita vn .1 H Kin, ,nj . , Circuit court convene«! at the court grammes consisting ol music and speak­ the fol'owinc named place.; fla'nrdav substituted, Afterward the judge* be­ wnh lhe blame for all thi*. and lma| the 2nd at H I' M., Sal.a'ion Army had. came suspicion* and declared all bets off. Davis; recovery of money 4 ed. dirt whi' to will help piping greatly iatvr hou-e in tirsnf'* Pa»-. Mon lav morning ing The only thing that we did not en iianie and disgrace on ill«**? poor fatiiei John I' «Vi......... Lev Jd,ur,. September 27th, Hon Il K. Hauiiii, Front .tree« opposite round home; Snn- Hiac won the 1st. 3rd and la«t heats. Le­ io the season. Our boys runs bava stood ready n • ««s < h Idren because their fathers di> i ere as «« Iu e £ Jac- b- v» Fred Kr,,M judge, presiding. B. F . VV.uk in* wan j »y wa* tiie food, which was very poor, dav the 3rd al 7 A. M prayer mealing land W the 31 and 5'n, amJ ¿Volo the It rnuht cause expert miner* pa n to appointed court bailiff, File name- of and right gla . were we when the boat action lor recover» of |>. r..,ua| P l ' carry out their pledge in the Ira I gam <>t want to be< ome veritable slaves— at 10: .0 Holinea» mer-ing Afternoon Sucar Dine I >oor Lumber i o v .■ 4th and fastest. at the Mediord fair last F . lav,Him-e th Im gods prevent the pens of reforn view the i II uhi ration* in various papers thejutors bemg «ailed, the following arrived at Juneau on the moruing uf lhe »Jra.lt.urv, M M D-bbiu. * c s Wr,.? 3 A M in the Pre.bylerian church ; .ob­ The mile and a quarter dash was won >1 mining o»i the 1 ukon. Imagine min- were drawn for the leim: J U(amp Mon i 1 nr-Mi us r man did nut “moi • r«»m lurnii a to »words' M hai a»se* lieli, J A Jennings Peter B»»ur, P 1 F lan • • ject, **the pnrpoae for wi.ich -leauaChriat by Tanner. Free Coinage second. Hot rt em erv oi money Alter renting a small cabin we starte«! them ” nave to deal with in this ’land ol lb« era in tins section using short handled agan, Fra »k Desamger, Ben George and J E Loomis v. Ruben Clark s r came into the worldat 8 P M in lhe Stuff Bessie third Time 2:15. spades, etc. Cha* Hansen. Isaacson au.l E.laard Brown; Ml’Uun ? in quest uf work ami were told that un- r*e and home of lhe brave.’ ’’ The Mondor Miner claims Io be .1 The «pe» ial pace wa* won by Belleair money John Pa'ri- k was ap| unted bailiff for es* w« were experienced miners we Methodiat church; anhject 'wiiv Ntcode- “L t ns elect ju*t such a set of repre To save the dear people ol Southern Populist paper and to mi’ forth I’opul w grand jury. uiu. came to Je.na bv niaht ” Monday in two *1 raight heats, Sieepy Turn second. Jewell A l»..dge vs George a Guild elitative* as » an and w.ll work inteih Iregon annii tl trip* to tlm seashore I Uledeveraon vs W W Woolfolk, juog- could not tiri'l work, fur there were no 4th 8 P M. in fireman's hall. The«e and DC Camer.ii. ; action f,., u,,,..,, doctrine*, but the Populists of J«ck*oi Time 3 07 jobs to be had except at the mines and .ently for *'n h a meaaure, whether the« will endeavor to have R. D. Hume, at iuent lor plaintiff. Butte Creek Roller Flouring .„i|i county,some of whom an* among the be* 8 ATI > AY, >£1«T 25. L L Jewell A N I* Dodge vs G A at that time they were lull handed. At meetlnaa will he free to all. ilo not fad vs Isaac -lautl'er; .-.c'lon i..r th,u^v ne populi- s. democrat* or republican»« the inomh of R<»gu»* river, put up iaige citizens of that county, should repudiai» Subject for Monday night «mild «.k 1> < t amerun, onier for sale ol Juneau vve had .di the fish ami blue ber­ to attend Siili;h A i olvig vs W B «lure ; ,cli„. A half mile hurdle rare, which is • nd then if they don’t live up to th» 1» quantie* of fug in cans for Hummer use. this fillo w and hi* teachings. d 1 ached mining proper'y, or«ter granted. lor money. ries that we could eat, as they were very “the Salvation Armv and i's w rk ” pledges, lei,» mob the whole outfit” something n»*w in southern Oregon, wa* Chas Walters, of Miration creek, and Daniel .>h< ban vs Ad»e*t G Lincoln SL ITS IN EQUITY. plentiful. Wood» HI* Breese« I Im sheriff and his deputies who ar 1 one o: the features of this »lav's sport The editor oi any p.pcr who has thr« « CC Clark vs Haii.mer.ly Minii.gCv K. ( antbdd, ol Lost Fiat, were taken ®ut order com inning sheriff’s sale on l- re- Juneau is a am ill town with about * ' It was won in straight h»*a’s bv Geo foreclosure of ¡©in. grains of common sena» above a nm » • worn to uphold (be law, to do limn tin* week for medical lreatiii>»ni a' the closure. Had a slight shower on Mon lay night J 4 Jrnnirg* vs F G Burns & Caroline C '> Amlrews v* Taylor Placer Milling 4 ho e duty, I10W» ver painful it might !•* Pa«* D avis ’ s llaz I D , *lrrpy J in. 2nd. Time that would advocate mob law,’’uugh Mr. Walters has been ill but a Burn», onler tor coiifir uiatiun ol sale of 2,00? mhabiiants, and is built at the tout and Mining ' o; sun i equity. * San Franciseo parties are i' spe. mg oi a m 'iiut.iin with the hou«es built close 0 tlmin are caHed by thi* howling anar Hoort time; Mr ( antieid is troubled with real prop rtv. to be went baca to nature’* mint, were n 1.-02, 1 01. A li Gai- n ami L W ( «rson vi Geo 1 the Cameron and Griffin quartz ledge t«»getiier. There is a sma'I Indian vil ­ n*t “bums and riffraff ” Il is an in 1 J A Jeiiiiing v* L« e Sill or«ler for con- In the fre for all race for a purse of possible, and reissued mm a counterin' iiin old ailment, dropsy. Hy«le and Geu «I F«-nn ; n jitncuon firm.ii ion sheriff « -a d*■•melv won hy the tion similar trouble», e«-en though of many for cui'firiiialion ol sheriff * -al»* oi leai E Nico«lemn«» v* G W and Akx Gau < irnvi’il 1. ^ - • * 75 years la carried on and there are many saloons . ditch ion 10 wherein mob violence is urg'd sial i 'i> without 1 skip in three Htraight vear’s standing, may be cure«l by using pmperiy. injio c i"ii bis wife 1* 22 Mr* Longstreet «aid that in conclusion we will say that the 1* F ( a*s V» I, Alexander, et al, order It rained almost every day while we heat* in 2:27 2:20 2 23 The second Mrs. D Cai'y and *i-ter left for Mc ­ (iu n v Fowler v- J Frank >ter.iiQH De Win’s Witch Hazel Salve. It «oothea, , when *hu wa* a *mall g rl »hr could not “asses wr Fave to n Mon­ beat ■ ha • • • ; ' 1 rol ad m part I al , h r»c «'*n»e trenglhen* and heals. It im the great DG SiepJ ’ eu« v* T P Judson and help admiring th«* idea* manlnxrd of the ul the free and home uf lhe brave” are I he distance from Seattle co Juneau is day * excursion. C a* U U|ld«*r vm Siskiyou Mii., in -ontl.rru Oregon, an I the time ’* re other«, confirmation sale real prooer'v pile cure.—W. F. Kreuier. (’n; eqniti« , r» riv«-i apnoiiti« Scott v- (•«•<> E Scutl, suit in ah «ut 900 miles, and the fare ih |25 first The lime schedule for the Winner mail F.»-» N’all Bank ol >.«uti»»* n 0r*j,r It nt reported 1 hat a stamp null wid be man who had no ideas in his brad and w hole oui fit ” c a-« and $17 50 steerage Alter staying equity tur «livor« e,d«-< r»-»* gra »ted. The three qn irter da-li wa* won bv vs LdWrci « «• I. «uiard .1 n| ; l«»n»chMiA ha* He* n cha g I to • ave Wondvi le at ere« ted near here within sixty days who lacked tiie eurrgv to make a man Nat Bank of Soul hern Oregon vs T P in Juneau four days and not finding Fanner, Rub''ertieck 2 d. Jnbilum 3d, : C Schos*'UV‘ vs S 1 »Viole, iiijiiiic Such a plant w- uld i»e 01 gieal L«nilil as J ml.-oil ane* 1* about 100 mile« and confirming sale oí rea property. wa« won bv John W. Dvar’.* long-eared i W VlI.Lt. have soma information tb.it trouble is men and women beside« a few children mi I. Or« that runs under |.35 per ton Simon M< s-iiij.Fr \ Georg» ( iiugle ii, C *ho«Now v* S F W hit»*, p •»petual in- the fare is |10. hut one is allowed tu take represent* ive from la kHo«»vilte, beat­ junc' ion likely to occur al llonolula. War ship* appeared at the depot fur a trip to the d e* not pay to »hip. jiihetion granted again*t delendent from 1,000 pounds with him. Il lakes about A good ranch mu-i b-* sold be’ure (ht- ing three other* in 4 22 1 5. Ji hn J l ox vs Minnie t Foi ; di entering m or upon minniu properly lo­ will be sent there and lhe American flag J M ..lord fail, A jolly set they were, in ober 15. See other column Il is learned that the mining proper cat'd on Fenn»* *e<* gulch known as lhe 10 hours to make th»» trip. Steamboat Bill won the q iarter’race voree. ordered hoisted over lhe island iu case anticipation of the g > »<1 time the coinpa* ties of Messrs Nichols, Reeve* ik Will­ J Os» I hi he 111 I ae. I la B Thompson vs* .John > ' Th« luptoii; Dvca is only a small Indian camp in 24 secund* R >n l<> 2 I, Sleepy Dick 3d. | I' osim I Saving*« Banks Japan attempts an overthrow of the Dole nv would have during the day. but era divorce Henry Bne»e admitted to citizenship iams, and Pickwell change«! hand* this with but one store ami a postoffice. We government. Japan is landing Soldiers ilrny returned to this ciiy their juy bad i tii'eiiH Scott vs Georg E s< otl; d¡ F rederick Schallhurne admittqd to cil Small precautions of en prevent great The queitiuQ ut e*iabli*hing po*’al week, J. Cope, of California being lhe met a party Imre who were towing their v«»r«e izriiship on the inland, »«» th»- »•■port goes. turned into worrow or disgust ami each inischiels De Witt ’ « Little Early Risers savings bank is being .gitated more or purchaser Exunsivi* work will soun be Henrv Fvi'erL ami R . Turner vi First Nat Bk vs John -wimlen and out tit up lhe Dysa river, and they ad­ one wa* ashamed of himself tor leaving done, to gel water un the pioperty and Elizabet h Swimien, confirmation wale of vised us to tow our outfit instead of pack­ less throughout the tonntry by labor are very small pill* in *iz**, but are m<»*t tiw»Le L« win and J L v e iil.wrilw An agreeimml has been reached be­ bom«« on this occasion. When we »el t«» wv |e w otherwise Ii ling up for the coming sea real property. ing it, and said we might throw it in u ou- bv I s pre-s in mam p a rs ami effective in preventing lhe invi serious tween the government officials and lile work t«» ascertain the wherefore for thi* A R i aiiii* vs Wm By b et al; fnre- 1 hr grand jury returned a true bill of •011. lhe boat ami help them tow. Thinking t'V prom 1 neii 1 officials of 1 he government, form* ol liver and -toma«* 1 troubles. « lo*ure. reorganisation committee ut the Union fi vling, we found that it all grew out of murder in lhe first degree against Levi kssistant seertary"i auldingof th»* treas- They cure const i pat ion ami headach» that it would be easier for us, we ac- Knowing that 1 conduct a mule tram Kiik Pacific Railroad company, wbeieby th« the treatment accord®«! lhe base bail James T T iff .i d R A Booth vi F L» Cail Reyiner cbaig**«i with a*-sult, cepted the offer, butdeeplv regrette«! it u-rry depirtmenf *11 in ervie ved at and regulate the bouel-«—vV F. Kremer Kev »* ; quiet ill I? latter are to pay ♦ 45.000 .00 1 a d lake I he t am and the band b«»ys at the lair, ami and marriage bureau, avveial ian uiivh not a true »»ill, pris nier vl Furuer for null I liriually wadmg in the water up io «»ui Chicago Record coro'-pun lent he said ; government i*, .n roundn uu.bei . 170, J' ibi «Mu-«* fur indignation on the part o mme had struck me. since lhe warm lar«env in a dw* ihng. Turneriruug '»«11 Notice is hereby givan to all partira li B Miller vs A «x Watts, wiild w.*aiher, and (hat m> lot m 1*1 surely Ire on bail and (ailing 10 app*ar, hi* t> »11 I-- knees, whi*e ofiea we were in tin wait*» “I «Li not th nk th«* g »vern n *nt ought. I 000,600 rhe agre« incut wai r« a< be I th»* p«*ople who «(-ut troin this place. holding Josephine county warrants in- revew lhe water which 1» to enter the banking busins«* in compe­ a l«»nvly one, which was really loo had, men. Feisch broth» r*. were or«lere I lo- upto our Hips Henry Mei.e CE Harmon ; suit in under foreclosure proceeding* and I'm.® Henry Bu>out as cold a* ice, numbed our fee» . equi’y. c •iisid»*ring 'bai 1 wa« evidently cul out Kam will be loser to the amount of Pitas base bull train, C« :«jri espomh «• warrants N’<»s. 174, 175, indorsed >epiem First Natl Bank Southern Oregon vt ts* stl would I h - given by tin* Hocieiy to b» the circuit cour* of tin* district lor lhe ; night at camp my ey«-s Lad swollen im>sl cases reach banks and who diem notice. Hun. F F, Geer to lhe i<*gister«hip 01 winning tvaiii m a Lail game, under th« people oi all nati«ms. Here 1* an illustra- past year wa* di*p«»*»«d >f by Ju Iz«* Hari­ Hated tins 23rd day of September, 1897. By local application, a* they cannot pa • their small earnings under present nearly khut, bu: were belter in thr lhe Oregon City land olii«* hut Mr Ge« r reach lhe di.«eased portion ol the ear. «»millions 1 hat piny« r* troin without tin l un, wiin- ii liapp ne I some tiiu • ag*». A na, thi* week. Fin* ' i* oneot much i morning. condition*. If thi« system reaches such At the city of Grants Pass, Josephine I here 1-only one wa> to cure deaf law, rutuses to be thus disposed of. Ih» 1* mu ii-uict *h>»u I b* barrr«! troin entranc* , reridem of uia 1 e in »ved into a cabin f »r- iut»*ie»t to the miner* ol Southern < hegon county, Oregon Fhe ii«*xt «»ay wo got the work of pack­ people it will prove a great ) enetit to and that is by con«tituiional leinrdin applicant lor collector ol th«* Portland »ml that tv«» game* sh*»uld bu piave , mgly oc'«ipied Gy 'hinain •»i.and put in b**cau*e it involv*** the riparian owner ing from F innegan’s I unit to Sheep Deafness »« caused by an infbuned con ’i A B. aktlktt , them Postal savings banks op ii a way customsoffice and it I* this or notimi^, line garden. Hue day while abaeni a Hon of the mneou« lining of the En«ta» k J ii ion* an arrange .mn 01 Enn happen« d along on his way 1 We made uni« aod become of appreciable value to the W® are unable at thi«» early date tn get ing II cents a p >un«l manded another lor I tie Or go 1 (Jit> lau I you have a rumbling k -und or iinorfed m i«t wa* iiisde w her* bv Men, but three trip* a- we t*»und that it wou d hearing, and when it is t nti rely closed d«*|«ositora. In this way such banks are •fit» e and imw i>u'd « hoeiii* plavedtm vSedursda« and then deafness is the result, and unless the in­ pa ns bettei to pack from Mie« p ('amp an incentive for economy and inline the -uh*tanct* of it a- follow« . would noi be al mg 111 good laith wih I h*- miner gardnei »rani * Pass was to plav the winner on conveiiiently carry. flammation ca 1 be tak»*n 01H ami tbii Mv average pack wa* 60 or 65 thrift. Self respect accomp »me* t he pos-1 WATERLOO, IOWA. the gentleman a Loin lie re. mimended. 1 That ths plaintiff * righi*, a* a ri on lube rest« red to ite noirn.il condition, • riday Flit* arrangeun-ui wasp« rlrcliy swore a ?lus streak when be lound In* p«»und* and Lorin ’ s was about 130 Om "8aved From the Horror* of Nervou* Pros* session of a little nion»-y, and such a The Powers that be will tindthai Hr pauaii owner extend« ;u the cellier ut ti aring will be destroyed forever; n i^ -aiisl.u*t«»ry 10 all parties concerned in trm k missing and who had taken the (ration” by Dr Mile»’ Nervine. feet ln«ing a little *<>re we made our camp ■ \ stem, therefore, ten 1« to belter citiien- ca*es out of ten are cans»*.I bv caiarrk. Geer is hut so easily go rn-mt o!the Rogue ri ver. iraut's i*a*H ami In nee pivparaiiims Name. When next Pappy showed up he which is nothing but an intlnmed cut»di* ai Sln*ep < amp and resie I a few days » •hip. h also ten Is to p a e consider- way and any atteiapt to «isot*hkc 1 allr«l, who -r* med they tare to see at this lime l he Hon bed ol the rivt-r. or to coni-Iruct wing mouth <»f the canyon, which is 4 mile- ernment which otherwise would be Lost any ca»*e ol Deafness cau-ed bv catarrh Ila o «are not lung lor the honor and imeg Chinee wnlin un lhe«l«»or?” wa« over a river be«l and wa* fair travel ­ bulb to the government an I the citizen, ha ’»annot be eureil bv Hall's Catarrh T. F stands well «1 h the best ol hlb • lam* 111 the bed of the alream iu front » 1 y ul the fair, nor lor th« treatment VA II llalli« il «tUS ing. but the trail from here to Sheep it seems to me lhe plan ought to be Cure. Send for circioars, free ul I'lamiiff * ian is party- ______________ lia *h«»uld be accorded Visitors, rxri F. J. (. hewey ,k Cu., Toledo. 0. (.'amp was bad, as it wa* constantly worked out to great advantage to every- i Mr. aid .Mrs. Heu» y Pía IT, went to Sold by Drngui«t. 75c. 51 a« m Meeting« ( Oh.ideratil. co:uu.ei,t i. amng Ihr L*l«*d (h-ir iiillu oce mii «I a piicber, per «irantM Pa«-las raining ami the trail w a* mud lv and lull body concerned ” Tuesd »y w itii a tine load Hail’s familv pills re the best. rounds of the pre., relative to th. p..a liapa Ito* be* I on th« coast, wa* import«'1 ul i»»*«l. of bouhler*. while at time* it was v« rv \ .1 , iroui I ’ ortlan»!. \\ hen uur buys it*a< bed ■ibility ul a war taiw.-en the I'uitad Something to Know Alerp I' look 75 cents to buy a meal a» T«» heal the broken and diseased tisaneN ' Di I Barr uf Ja« k*onvillr was ' ailed th« member» of in» diff.-rr»it young pro It may be worth something to know that M»*«lior«l Friday moiling they lound Staten and -pain on account of the t u pies' »«aietir* and uiln r« who are inl» r S'lrepl’ainp ami il wa* very simple at to«o«ithe the irritated surfaces, to in-J the very best medici ie tor redorintr ibf I«« ►«»* Mm. ILmhler, last week. ban trouble. Minister Muodiurd ba» •Uch con«lili«»n* ciinlr-iiitiug 1 hem, and tired out nervou- >ys em to a healthy vurer r-ird in g «ai law and order to no-et *1 that, hut should you give fl.iK) you -tantly relieve and to permanently cure is Elec ric ¡fitters. This medicine i- putty Mis- Lillie I’ensv wrni to Grant* Pas* recently taken hl. departure for dadrtd • •»» v naturally rearu ed th® in-ult bv * would n«»t receive any « hange. i* fi e niHMon ol |»e Witt s Witch Hazel I Bap ist chur< h. lliur d.n g trip iu '»rants Pass and Merlin 14 mile*. 1 here i* a areat «le il o( differ ­ Electric Bitters improve lhe appri't?. a i* Pre* of Joint Con. Com. larien at lhe court ot -pain, lhe .d- meni, but Die Led' »rd ni ie wuuhl 11«» last week From the Djmo ram* Time* w°« !ip an digestion, and is pronounced by th"- ■' ence hi i he cllma e of these place.*, lor have ii as the very l»e«l blood | uri. ern 1 < <■ iiu cdti » 01 y llimailiN miuialratioii's poll, • in the Culua atlair ami did not, hem e then* wan riowame. while it is raining at Sheep Camp it is • «count of the fair races for Thursday, Mr* Fra k Fry« r and little laughter nerve t«»nic Trv ii Sold lor •'s'c«*rB,,< Il •♦•rinato un that 1 hr (air manage- is nut lutly known to the pulidc, but it :.«ir a» Lake Lm lerinan Fhe (rail t ritiay and Saturd.iv ol last we k per Irottle at W F Kremer - l»ru. - In a letter to Mr. t’ux, the bu- m»,m are largrl r»*-|»oii-ib,e f«»r ihe cun COUGH «lots not always indicate la tMlleved lliat M Kinley an.l bi, .»>., r trom sheep ( amp is gradually up hill. TiirR-bw S ept . 23. VI irm Mollie and G«-i ti ude John, went III •nager lor rimarle » Nashville consumption. Mr. W. H. Palmer, of will deal wnh patu in ■ . ii.-iliaiorv dinoti «»I things wh *0 t'irv «v.«n vomit** It i* inmblv ami rocky and tiegins to g« i dems. a. lind I he f »llow mg t • Portland to th* lair. Trotting and pa. • g Waterloo, Iowa, , writes. yes r- ------ a: "I was taken tu give rar '«» measure, proffering to un. I'ncle Same cei.drti lor one moment to steep at 1 he Stone h«»use, ', but the steep olds; purse H.'<5 Won Rev Harp* r ai. I family wi I move to K..I - with a nervous stricture of the bronchial ed iu pul 4 s .»in infltlance to bring to « do. < tui, hlood, auv prop«»«it «m ralcu e*t pb>ce I* trulli the Hcales tu the s III tubes, which developed Into nervous pros­ ler's Volo; Klamath M *ir mis Pas* tu *p»*nd lhe winter. r* • tration, I was so w»*-tk I could not sit up. I \\ h . • struggle. .Mr. M. .toiler is aiisims, upon ili' lair mil, which is about 45 degree* for al*»ni light 3d. Time 2 .42. . ’Ot nosle» p for days • Z • ;.t «I., n un l* r the D Vmyard and daughter went to without doubt, to get mat tern in ’.ne l>c -i allowed lhrms»*lve* ti »e p ii lev ed w 1 h *4 of a a«ile The trail from the summit Noveltv race, m e mi p 1rs* ♦ 1-0, influence of < >piates. F01 four months I suf- * can compie Grants i’a-s F 11 lay sliair. |ro-rible lor c ingieaa in l> cemb r all day 1* mure tliau hi Lake Linderman 1* much better ferod agoni»** and prayed that I might die divided in parts o? |3 » (or there wt I be no little wranglh g o.t r bend ; ii certainly is • t I "iiin Pierc«*. who Ins been vi>*iii there are thr»»« lak- s between nd Le at r«-t. One n inion. Kublternevk and (air ami will redouil lo II s dis» rr ill. fr * < d« iu K.iiiba* returned Io p • ho till, and l be Hawaiian, tit r sat mu '. i < at y physician said I had Mommi’ an i Lak»« I i Jerman ; ( Dr. rntered Juniliim wa* ti im r ut it i* said <»f om* u 4 <1 of the limn consumption, for I had lake, a u- tw » mi , « I .ng an 1 l8 s 1st ‘ Miles’ ter and kali and Ruhr e a cough that gave me agrrs I ha t hvy a <»o«l irm for Grant's C M si.it« „1 M • r *m 'll« -u inni' , I. 4 lake, at*uui A It.iit< h .1 H rigitial rugram and a ! 4 1 m le* ng an I three phitir. spt ni hunda ra h lour old physician whose Restore« I :I9 2 5. 1 ;47 2 5 ury claims (hai ami M hen thr Mrariel (5'pi er K* ’'le. R’’k' I he mule race was th® feature of th» rd It the l int a i M m> from the horror«• >f nerv us prostration.” Malt Kiln ____________ and ni»wlern !•'»« »ng dav and productive ol a area; leal .• th will spend a I.» tir rash (’ S TIN I'r. Miles’Remedies are - Id !y alldrug- 4 Du »«Ling limited* oi s r'»«»m-. »!•'«’• ,r* »111«. ' h«>u*e on the CoaM ean quote lower price*. house in Southern Oregon can show as large an is ortm *nt YOU CTVZsT ALWAYS DEFEND UPON TYE ZE Bl ING 1 HE LOWEST THE BIG CASH STORE ' ‘ ‘ Ult BEING THE HIGHEST R. L.COE & C2.