3? ague Art Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southn'-n Or»eon. VOL. XIII a rthur p . harth , Two Inky Ways. VICTOR OF DENTAL .-URGER Y. Ollie, over Fir*t N ilionsl Back, O reo G ram ’» P a »». n o OBERT O. SMITH, ATTORN EY-AT LAW, factice» 111 *1' State.n.l Federal Courir Office over First .National Bank. G rant * P a »». • • O regon IIENRY L. BENSON, A attorney at law . practice* in all Courts of the State, office over First National Bank, G rant ’» P a »», • O regon xyiLLARD CRAWFORD. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Practices in all Federal. State and Su preme Court*. Notary Public. OtTi •• at residence—Third St. North. G iiast * P a »», • - O regon OFFICIAL DIRF.Cl’URY. UNITED STAT.H w i.liam McKinlet President........ . \q h president .. . .Garret A Hoher .......... lohn Sherman retarv of "state he. ieiary ot Treasury ...Lyman J Gag« b .retarv of Ulterior................. 0 > B'ias Seen »ary oi War.............. Russell A Alger gieret ary “i Navy.................John I) Ding Secretary of Agriculture Janies A Wilson putt mast*'F’1 ieneral ........ James A Gan Joseph McKenna Attorney-General.. staie oe OREGON ieo W McBride V. S. Senators ... ‘ ‘ (-------------------- I Tims H l ongue Congressmen.......... | A R Ellis . 0 *M Idlem&n Att<>rn<*i (ieneral . . . \V P Lord Governor ..................... . .HE Kincaid Sr, reiarv <>i State Phil Metsrhan State I’rciiHiirer .... ........ G M Irwio Supt I’«1' I"»’ruction W H Leeds Stai» rrinter................... i U E Wolverton .. •< i< s Bean Supreme Judges . (F A Muore i F A Marcum R R Commissioners - I B Eddy ( 11 B (’ompsnn Clerk of R R Commission. Lvdell l>. OKFK K K"’f 111 KU- |G*c»ivei....................... ........ K > Mmridmi R M Vea’ch Krgistei................ J. «BrillNK cot NTY. Joint Senator.............. ........ C £ 11.union J .VI Chiles J County J ixliB* . . .. (Fred Urox'on ! Commissioners | Dick George . . John Goodell County Clerk . . J G Hiatt Sheriff • • ............... ........ H L Benton Representative ............ A Bart It h Treasurer............ School Superintendent ........ J D Hay»-« Edus I’oll.H k A«-essor ........ ......... Surveyor........................ ..BO MrC ill lock Coroner ........................ . . Dr. J Meyer« PRECINCT OI'FICKKS InatirA ............ James Holman Con.t.bie ......... , ........I H Colby < irv or grant ’» pas ». .1 W Howard Mavor . . .Thom»' Smith Auditor .. .. .Col John-on Trearurer. I’ B Elliott Street Cotnntiaaioner . . . . l)avo Keenan Mat&hal.... I H C Kinney l Harrv Smith I C F Harmon Councilman | T B Cornell I < ieortfe Calhoun [ Dr. W m Flanneitan Reg ilar ineetinu»ol the citv eoiineil ol Grant’» I’a*» »'» held in the eoiineil room» tn the city hall on the tir-t and tliinl Thursday eveninip»oi eaeh month. CIKl l it cot KT Meet* on the third Monday in April and the fourth Mondav in 'eptember. Cot NTT COt KT meet Probate c court .............. - s fir*t Monday oi January, April. Inly and >eiHcmi»vr County commi-flioner» court meets first Wednesday after lhe meeting of the county court. lodge dike TORY. P aran E' ncamtmsxt . No 20, I O. " F iiln.|*Z.|l| a,..I-lili 'V. .Ii.rnla.» ot ra. I. monili . I'. W. I. k II. C. K. B oot . A. E. ' ookhi ..», Secy. M A H AWTHORNE L odge N o 21. P of H. A O U. »V. nad. Dixon bik. Vimung mem tiers made welcome. M ay E. S mith , M a BV Kec. C Of 11. GtsLKAt. L ogan P"»T, No •” 1 <’• A K m hi » l«l WrdllH.da» evetnng "I <■»' <> mon'h al A. «». I ■ lia**. l’a M ycr » A be A xtbix . Com A,,i- Mr J. (bit Tolman rrarhed Ashland from San Franci-co ivaterday vvming | lookin and leeling in th«» p rfvetion o % c it* iina11h and much stumer *J. au « hm lit ♦ And just be< ause it didn’t bring i left Ashland in April last, lie startr.i Him customer» by score, from Da* sun City, on I he Klondike, foi » “All advertising is a lake.” J a Circle City early iu August n the «team He said, or rather, swore. i ar ‘ Healy,” and left, the latt.»r plat- Step into the Drug Store opposite post office He teemed to think one hammer-tap August 15 for St Micheál on the steaiue a and learn more about Cartridge Photography Would drive a nail clear in, “Be.le” where he took the Ex rlsior for That from a bit of tiny thread and look at the Cameras in stock San Francisco. Alter a delay of a ie* A weaver tent* could pin lays in Behring «« a,caused bj lhe Excel- If he this reasoning bright applied eio»’« broken prupel'ur. he r*ached Sa * To eating, doubtless he Francisco, September 16ih, making th« Would claim one little bite would 'ceil ■ trip in one month. During his » ay m * Take a camera with you on your vacation Ten men a century. r Dawson City, Mr. Tolman secured an ex * Some day though, he will learn that to ira good claim on the Kluudike, 20 let trwrlwtu» Dragglat Make advertising pay « long up and du»n the creek, w»ih a pn) Ù1111 ì < i u i 111111 n 11111 « K i « t > n « i t * He’ll have to add ads. to hi« ad . str. ak aimo-t 10J feei wide, which li< And advertise each day. i own» iu partnership with ('apt. J. \\ - E. G. Town send, in New York Sun Aalson, formerly ol the Portland pulic« I force. Capt. Walaon remain« during "A Brief History of Oregon.” the winter to work the claim, In addition to this .Mr Tuhuiin Las in- eiests in several claims in the newer-' An Attempt to Introduce Till» Histo­ ry in I hr School« ' and most promisi* g ol recent discuveri-s, Manouk creek, 4 M> miles dow n i lie 'I ukon The state superintendent of public in irun Circle City. When he Irit Daweon atraction, G. M. Irwin, has during his li 'ity it consisted of anout 51 lug buildings j term of otfi< e been guilty of many sins and huts and tent* enough to house i<- 1 b »th of ominiesion ami com mission. >o 500J people, * ho ha\e erv line tune re flagrant has been his disregard ol the la« «eived q lie an addition through thus« in the matter of fees for teachers’ cerliti who started in with the firU r u*b. i'wo cates and diplomas that the state board Ashland boys, named Warner, are then of education has found it necessary to and have interest in claims which thev [INCORPORATED] adept a rigid rule in order to compel the are working, l'hu.e were not more than I money arising from this source to be paid 40 married women in the whole tented into the date treasury where it belongs. town. Rent» were high, ami laboiers get. The latest offense of tins official is an at­ ling |15 p?r day. There bad been abou tempt to introduce surreptitiously into ; _0 deaths from typhoid fever during lin the schools of the state a small pam­ | yuinmer. Wood was worth v>0 a cord phlet, poorly w ritten and not yet comple­ with every prospect of going mm h higher ----- MANUFACTURERS OF ted. which Mr. Irwin styles in hie circu­ during the winter. There was no newspaper published in lar letter to county superintendents, “A Brief History of Oregon ” Here is Dawson but Mr Tol nan met a man on ins way there with a small pi ini ing plant his circular w hich explains his scheme : The newao! the royalty of lhe Canadian S ai . em Or., Sept. 2d, 1897. g »vernmeut proposes to put on the goLI Instruction in the his «»ry and geogra­ taken out of the p ace»» lud reache < phy of the state of Oregon, should, in Dawson. The miners d d not like it bu the judgment oi the »'ate board of edu will sub«• it I'» it; however, it will take a cation, be a feature of the teaching in good many troops to watch the miners our public schools. Therefore, the stale while they are cleaning up. The poll »* board of education asks the attention oi n»rce consisied of about 30 mounted p * the county superintendents and the mein lice under charge oj (’apt. Constantine beis of the state board of examiners to a The town was orderly, there is also « ----- ALSO----- small work especially prepared for in­ collector oi custom» there and one i»as BRIDGE WORK. BOLTS RODS IRON SHUTTERS CELLS struction «n these subjerta. io get a permit to cut wood ami luinhvt Under section 12, title 1, of the s< ho<>l and pay loyalty on the stumpage I wo WINDOW GUARDS. DOORS. AND laws of Oregon, the state board of educa­ -aw mill» are running and common lum­ tion requests the several county supenn ber in $15 • 00 per thousand, llieim» tendents and the meinb-rs oi the sta e qi|lto8 are a pe8t for about 0 weeks in th- boaid of examiners to determine by -uininer and a man has to go around their votes whether the small text-boo* with gloved hands ami a inoe piito n> t called “A Brief Histoiy of Oregon” shall ung over Ins face—something like a co* be introduced in tlie public schools to b»* CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ESTIMATES FURNISHED used as may be ivquired. It is not de 'lime for swa ming bees. There is in»; lood enough in Dawson now for its pres­ signed to take the place of any other text ent inhabit am **, and i hwa will n rt la book now used in the public schools, bm one hall enough to answer oidinai v pm is additional ami supplementary and for po«< s during the coining winter. TI i - h use in the lower grades. is expected to bv a gre t slump in tin Each county superintendent ami mem­ price of labor, and afier the rush gets in ber of the state hoard of examiners will ihc rates that will rule will be about $8 ba furnished wi ’ li a representative copy Go to the------ J to $10 per day. There is no inonei of the liook, although the copy presents passed in biuine«* transactions, gold du-i the text only,, the insertion of the plates being current all along tlm Yukon, and will a«ait the action oi the respective vo silver money which is somethin t? brought tars. The retail price of the book, *up- hi by tenderlevt is purchased an I pa-sed J. E. PETERSON. Proprietor. plied to the pupil, will not exeee*! 50 aiound as a i uri isity would be. Bentd« m ALL PRESCRIPTIONS filled by MrsC. M Stone, a registered Phar i cents per copy. I it is the policy of the trading » oni| antes The vote shall be given by the several macist of twentv-three years' experience, and Patrons can rely I to ehip all money out >»f |lie country »mt electors ami returned to the office of the upon being served with accuracy and promptness. make dust current f«»r pa« m* n Daw- superintendent of public instruction on * «oil City Bad the ihir«t writ h rules in or before October 9,1897. ! mining camp* and tin “palatial ’ saloons Yours truly, G. M I rwin , I get« Olds, foi a drink otwny kind —in Secretary of Board and Superintendent tact that price rules on tin* Yukon. Be» I of Public Instruction. was wertli $1 00 per pound. Eggs $1.90 .Mr. Irwin also furnishes the bank «•a h. The reports of the «curve* being form oi vote, w Lieb is to be filled out and at | prevalent are highly exaggerated lliei returned, as follows . I have not lajrii over three case« in tin* ........................................... . 1897. Y k >n cou tiy f r some lew vear« To the Mate Board of E incation— Gentlemen : I hereby cant my vote for U..e ol the richest ami most «uri-»*«» nl ALL KINDS OF “A Brief lliatory < I Oregon,“ to be tiaed men on lhe Klondike i« an old »Mediord in the public »ciiool» of Oregon for the man w ho furnierl) mined on Rog >v river .Mr term of six jeare, from Die lm d.iv o^ ami the Applegate in Ibis county. Tolman di I not re- all hi* name in iliir November, 1897. section but he is well known on the Klon Adopt.................................. dike as “Swift water lull.” Judge W.vt County, Oregon. V I aiiih of Portland has a very vahiahl» Haim y.»n Birch t r ek near (’ircl«-<’ity Under section 12. lilial, sclioil laws' Farm Produce takes Every article sold warranted as represented of Oregon, provision is iih <1 • for a|M*( ial I'lie latter place is m w almost diverted in exchange adoption oi text book« at other times but must revive as soon as the rush g»*«' than those regularly provided for by law in lor there are too many valuaole p'a the state board of education may order ers around it to be entirely neg e< ted. It is oeeilless to slate that Ciil. is th» the euj»erinlen lent of public instruction to iastaa special circulars to the <* >unty busiest man tn town now. lie isgreetcil superintendents and state board of ex­ on every hand by inquiring riends, and aminers to select as in tlie regular v<»te. w ill remain he rea »outs during the wm any new text-book«, e c. Now, “in th*- t. r.—Tidings. r-gular vote“ it •« prov’de I, sa.-tion 10, title 1 ,that“the state boari Boston seem« to haw induced I’ug'L cular Io ail the leading school book pub N obth S ixth S treet ,’G rant ’ s P ass O r fishers in the t nitod Stales” requiring Fi’Miiiiiiioni to enter ¡»oli’i« - m \ *w them to submit samples of isit-Iwoks York. ! itz«iiniiiotiH mad»* hi« debut at \\ hi This well-known and popular Hotel is the Great Headquarters for de-ired by Hie suite, ari l prices, wbole- Plains las» I u 9 lav altrnionn when- L» | a > Commercial Men. Transient Families and Steady Guests. ts Sightly location insures rest and qutet from the noise of loco •fTer, to those qualified to vote ou the at ten led a conven* i<>n as -•il»4i b n’v d»* • motives while the distance (one block from the depot) ts not enough f subject Has tins been done? If so, gate. líe expects to take th«- -t imp H where can a copy of this cir liar t ■> put» Wim bester this (all in ladialf of Hie re cause inconvenience. linhera tie found? And h »w does it hap- publican camii’tat»* lor »beritÌ Board and Rooms by the Day, Week or Month. Reliable informat.on I« at haul <»f k pru that only o«ok is offered, and J. 0. BOOTH, PROPRIETOR | that not bv itie publishers, as r» q nred gnat gold e -old. climatic condition» ar»- more favorabl- I the aoperintendent says, at a retail than on DEMOREST’S Cartridge Photography Falcon No. 2, $5.00. Improved Bulls-Eye, $8.00. CLEMENS, WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS Oregon Portland Hydraulic Pipe And all kinds of Machinery for Mining Purposes. Cast-Iron Structure Work. FOR PURE FRESH DRUGS CITY DRUG STORE. Groceries! First-class goods kept in stock and sold the lowest prices, quality considered. Staple and Fancy Groceries t Hardware, Tinware, Tableware J. M. Chiles HOTEL JOSEPHINE $1.00 Pendleton II bsrr.l- w beat aio f W. 8 IL gm.bed b royal - tansy ’ pills . 8 m DEMOREST PUBLISHING CO., U* Fifth Av. , Ne. York City. don’t say so. return the pa« sage and get •1 ’ 1-tu¡*l„, .Jo,..., »' C. c C. tall «oeure. dru**i.«« r«U»» *»'“ Only I’-’OS for The K. K G»urier and Sand Y.wr S»b*«riptio I thif Jackson County Note». fCt> - RESPONDENT < r nib. t Ol RIFR lhe Jai k< >n txxiniv board of eq laliza- rnator Elkin* is rather proud than tion will meet in Jacksonville October I raise of his conm-ctimi wi h the M i< Bracht who J im been sick in Port •h «h*cussv«i s«- lion 22 oi the Dingh v land for sometime came home la*t .Mon- introduced in the s» nn v by Mr. El- >l»v. He sav s the «eel ion was intended I a in Miss Clara Bucher of Grants Pas-ie io .\i* away busine*« heretofoie held by visiting friends in .Medford, and the boys i lie Canadian i a.-ifi«- Railaoad, ami thus are smiling loudly. emphasise» his own position: “I am q>- , Dave Keenan, <¡rant* Paas’ marshal, l»o'<«« to the Canadian Pacific KaiiroaH arruiing businvsH hat o ght to go to Am is a* the fair this week helping to keep r rican railwavs. I ihmk lhe biuineas ' order and to preserve the peace. Jackson county’s Sunday I *bool con­ which the Canadian Pacific is now doing •nght to be broken up ami >a»i Franc’s ventiou convenes in Ashland ic ptember An co b come the port of entry of the good* 27 ami w ill <*<»ntinu>* for three days n »w go ng to Vancouver. 1 am in favor interesting time is anticipated. of American shipping against foreign tieo'ge Merriman of Medford ha» tak shipt .ng.” The candor ot Mr Elkina is »•Il the civil service exatni*iation, and if decided! v refreshing w lien compared with he passes all right then we may hear o eH not ex|«H t to return to Havana un­ the reform school rome time ago, died in Mr. »hat institution last Wednesday. til about the middle o O.l»»l»i,r, utile»* High went down to are to the burial of -' inetbing occur’* to make an early re- j hh Fon. : urn adv liable The \shland branch of the Rogue Commissioner IL ( lav Evans, of the p nsion bureau, estimate» that the pay­ River Valiev Music.il Union was organ A L. EMd ment for pension» during the present, ii- , ;/• i in V' h! »ml I bgt w-vk •al year w ill exceed the appropriation by san elected president and Mia» Helen T^e Union will met t moie than $ti O).('O). Tlu appropriation Stanley - rretaie lor til«* 'ear is $1 4l,2<>3,880. I hi* deficit weekly I r practice. will, the rommisaiouei save, be ertaud, The graduates of the deaf, d imb am! bv the old i laims lor peusinn», sonm 2 'O,- ( blind asilnin nt Berkely, California >n* for the iutalligeut exhibition of th * ir:<> 1« breeds and types of horses, , »h q». Baine, ami poultry, and m t i classes of machinery and irnple- -«, manufactures and merchandise «I matruinents, domestic manufac- wo nan’s work, science and art. ra< p -p e of the stale are especially in­ \ i I i » participate. Let ua demonstrate th* tpab liltos of Oregon and Oregon p ■ ¡> Otte fare for the round trip, far adiuia-ion 2> canta. r (•ill uml Nr« dle. A pin ami needle, neighbors in a work- il l I htv h ala ays something in it? ’ “You arc a crooked creature” said the needle. •• \n I >u are so proud that you can’t i 1 v. .ihout breaking your back” said ■' |.ri, ‘ .1» i you always uave a stitch in ‘.otif side.,’ Whih : .icy were thus contending,a little I < n < I, ami, undertaking to sew, she \ ei y so hi broke off the needle at tha eye. Th n • I • ti - I (he thread around the neck i the p n d i*i trying to pull the thread io. :h th • cloth, she soon pulled its in i I I then threw it into the dirt "v the sidt ot the broken needle. “ Wt II here we are’’ said the needle, “We li ve n »thing to fight about now,’ h* was in Washington wa- a cousin ol i The countv grand jury made their re i h»‘ vo'ivlusi >n that rai-ii their homes against the intrusion of Seth Low, ex mayor of Brookivn, amt A heat ¡4 111 »re r *U I II T it I V>‘ t II 1'1 te lltll jobbers and assas­ mr-idvnt of Columbia college. While mg Hchoul under t he e*is' ing low- wag sins There are more dangerous nobody can r*tafa tmeiiiv«-lv that Pre-i I Our «li-trlct attorney, J. V. J lTrev, enemies than lent UeKinlrv will do a»* Senator I’la't ' -omeiA I)ai incen-ed ami pro 'oked at t| either the burglar or murderer wishes him to do. there are several vers i V O U W. because th it oidei employ» against which few w’o- good reasons for believing Ilia1 ths uni I «lb t Httnrm’V« to aid him in thi» pro* m I1 ¡ ii * '»e»n r»i»<* ! I» r ot r of (1 re iter N » v York, think that Mr. Jeffrey whoiild not !<»• It 1* tin* that -he fails to guard against the dangers of v aknr-4 and disease of the he intends to ent th” field a* a r »u h i' ibe uixlter in this light at ail (or th di-iinctly womanly organism. Nearly every lilt«, lor tlio republic in n »iniu4ti »n for 1 Woi ir im*ii hud m» thought ol yasiing r , ”1 n -utlcr has its f this nature, and is president in I9)>. It is lie.*,| es< to s iv Il • lions on any me, hut simply to hrin, inception in troubh continu.illv aggTaval« d by them. hat Mr M *. v loriiev* on the mher side, wonderful merits. No lit •t druggist will v|r l/»w is the record of Mr Vl \'ti offer something else as JuM* ,n good.” [VONTI id on l.or Al. I’.K. I.) it Ii.»in -; lie h n al w.ivs s o > I hr th » i •• While 1 wf»s livini ig »it Fagtr R ■ ck Hotetoutl !«»r. ol Allegh- t Co., Vs..’ " wlite 4 Mr*. <> A Coin •liar ticket of hi* party and opposed • nv tipr ing. Montgomery C<* «> . Vn., “a lady My daughter, agt d - fti< nd ca nr to me anw gels and value it. \ n- n d tiofl Is ’U't out and fivtB away C‘ m II for a limited tine ti!r republic. If yow want a copy in absolutely ekf support of th ..4 cover, send 21 one-cent a heavy mani urn extent that It stamps, tu > .< t co*t < i m liling en/i , to the W.c Id’ , | 4oen*«rv Medical Association, to go in a in 7 If von prefer a fine cloth Buff do. N. Y wise not. W io c- nts extra* 3’ cents in all. biud nv. . ticiid » : pPOl 1 H Mr. Ab kinh THi J WUND RS OF SCIENCE » Pla t re HOC endorsed and condition may arise L‘ lil.lt W ll h'tn-,Lun g TroubL-s uud üo;.8umpticu VIA THE ----- »»» n*maiti neutTA? a1 far a» it may r»c p »♦ 1 Can bo Cured. »ible. He knows In mW rlu«vi y hi * act ion» ' Shasta Route »eihg watched ii n dii» ma iter, both by An g minant New York Chemist and Sci nr e ,di and <»p|M’>n«*nt*. ami will ex of the — ree Oft-r to enlist Make >u lie care (ur which lie i.n re. O of ifle Company. thio p > ith - n »1 ■ • taki » P ii . Portland Da.lv I am h 1 mil Ar. ,UI Pass LV. r ran ’co i.v. P a ali sianoli» be- » n I Salem, Turner, a < h B »I , oilage • »roye IF 00* , Halsey, Harris- • r Rami ?>s.< - i » 2 • r. m DIN i< i V fi! Dally at . i •' la. I'ori land tv \ibany af. i 12 4) f . ■. • M aa V. 1 *r. li«»-ei»urg ON OGDEN ROUTE AR Buffet i Sleepers • and — ss oLhtPiNG C ars T FAMILY M NO. 47 Wa-di ingi ou AahlMiuFs lteiiirn« * of DEM all ecboolt of Oregon wi bin six rn »nth- ol til- W r d. 11. •»’« -’ll I *"■’ d"i r rl OREST’S is redo««d to $1- (GAZINE after adoption under penality of forfei­ ■lava of e tch month in Workm-n hall ture of the school fund In the third a> d . C alhoi n , J A .I esninu *. C. c- "-rk ¡J^Tu V * ..in’ abhouxh H «»- »»e I»«*»« •n'1 r'—fn '••»• fourth grade« ,f the s< houls of <)r*gnn »[’’ Wi'-"- •• are Mine JOJrfM) or more »< hoot < bildren, , mrttuntr f-r • • >■ met -r ..f the lamilv Jor even de ACAZI v J Mrtnient ot the Vu-efn i'f and it« van».! ronunt. ar. of the who are to l»e require«!, und r color ol the I JJ/'t „.„i, n,.> r.r ,t pre-emiMOtly -■- i law, to contribute 110.0)0 toward Is the .rd Itfumi-hefl U>» *»« a«hy ol lh» m -t inter couipletK»n of this alleged lii-tory, i which I , „ . .1 d i ruKrr-iv» wnt»m of tbr da> aad ,.ahr»a tot u.*e- “ rv ruhin^ Art l-iterattire, * „nrr -r-Lty ie a mere pamphlet of :l page« printed Affatr" » i' ti..n HoUM-hori Matter., i-t-.n. etc a -loirle ..am with ordinary newspaper type The ,, T. .m: > ...ntammrfr.-, 2-»> t. »• fine mrraetnK. m.k niitthen..-tronij.lele.nd n.o.t ptotuaely illu.trated of the sarriplea *ubm*t map« or IT ä YTOW» M l*r » » Superintendent Irwin spates that ■ uts gr »t niouthlir». j,.,., rr.t- Mull n. ha«n. n Hepartmenl ifl >n eeere the “insertion of three wi I awai* the ar- MEDICAL a A»N- ckKW» '<*• w.v ahead that contatoed in any other pupluatton S<»l.l> BY U < LF.MK This to a ! non of lb* reep-etive voter«. ■ new metbad of »electing books, •nd w ill i ..... .! .fole-arv tor p-UK* and «rappin«. no doubt lie subjected t» c jtn iiderabie t li' iSm —Te egrs’n. 14 i an a vear • . • «• K y-u ■ an '.■|«ut:-nl I■anel I- •".tP llelj o Karl's (’lover K «»l Tea for conHipa umber with bv mohf'- order or rbe* k to ’**« Keir.-t fl , ’ion. it's the beet and aft**r u«mg it you T« Car. T»lie i ... »r.u 1 = GRANT'S PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 30 1 SUT. > ill th.otifh traili* *r lean a fPMtP Ha-k 1* t li t’W CD I’lirthlid IU<1 Lifi l|*. I *r ariii-iilar* inquire oi J. it* I’«.*. o At a* i h • I ’• r 1 n at '»n F ‘»ncisco I i Gi.*iil*l *n I Pacific ... for .Al Ah 4Nl> • I« <>n ap| I.ration. a to F. .*’*rn i-'iot* • I IP AN. CHINA, Il '.Rll.lt. Can S Purilt.io tirant* u. H M «KEDAH. h •ml til .III I National uRar Pine Door 8t Lu tn. Co I I hr«Ml, Uoe»t « .log MO g«*el »« I Irre «»very. Trial b. vrrin«!'«Drug * Regular «ii« 50 cants a«*