LONG ISLAND TIMBER. that wns tri d s» Fa in is. Cab, refnm* The Burlington Rai Ir »ad com--any WJ33-S Juhn Chambers died in Illinois last Celebrated for It* Oak, Ualnat, Bat­ , ed a vvrd « t «>f rou 1 r in thè second ha« pia« « <1 a • arty of -u wyor* in the week, age-l 1< 6 year*. ternut and • he*taat. ' «legr«*e. L’ole whm <>n tria for mur-ier- fiel«! to survey « r rMt*e f«»r a roa I ta- Mtn It damage to grain is )>eii)g «lone I ween Newcastle, Wya, and Lend city, An interv-tinK fart not gvneruJIv DAN DUTCHER CONFESSES THAT ing hi« sister-hi-hi w. ■ nown i* tUat l«t« ('la“*« produw. HE SHOT GEORG SCH^FIED. The rush to thè Triti ty, Cai., go’«l PM CEM'NRY F ORLEANS FIGHTS by a miiowm orm uvst of the hiJ* at 8. D A DU-u WITH OUNT TURIN. Wt mot, s. D. fi hi« continue*, -mi ib»*r<* arv no in* BY JERKY WRLM. ÿ 'letter working tlro»>er than any other TL. re has b*-» n an «dvnnre 'n the art of the country. It* oak. walnut The convention <»f the F remen « price of B« s-« m* r pig’ron «t < Te v laml N*w« «»f A b Oregn Child llnukl boina—Fatal Rae« i* due t«i the red ing m «»rm ai Fu a hi », C. i I,, a b «>t of overpou «-r**«i Jailer Ben Carr»ll, choke«! <»fl’ in tlie Tule of liniiilgi atl«»a. The executive i-nmmiDe-* of lhe question with which to wrest.c, Aind 1 er an»>. |>n«<. . «»<1 ng o Ler «I unage. vil «*, <)., »loing *| o ,« hjq damage. The company’s yard, at Eagle river, Wi«., ven*i<»n of tl«»* s*-cietiva at Wilkrsbarre the woman to suit my perhaps fastidi- white oak. Like 'll the native woods, South Dakota, writes; “About The desired new sewer *yst -m of The Santa Cruz (Cab) s«, on Kt p’e-i ls*r 28 h. uus fancy, I would wish a o.ie puie it. grain is excel’' J«»** to cr«»pM is great. i*!y haudaonie.tak ­ three years ago, thexscame under Pasadena, Cai., w 11 coni il50,iM>A. . denifil ih«* p -tition of M.-i;Oon-tm*n f r a f 15 »,000. diari»*» E. Br»*«l«-r. former’v cn*hi«*r and loving as v ives used to be, before ing all torts of ci. and wave«, and its my left eye a little blotch about the At the stale election in Yucatan, Whittier, Ixn» Angele* county, i» ex- r»*«lu»-tion Iront $_G ) tobJMi jmt an uni. day*, a hen society gives these later — Goili or Angio'illo, the a««as«in «jf size of a small pea. of a i*a ioiial Lank at New l»<*tbl»*lo*ni, it regular lit»» atrongly t nt livetije they are M«*xico, f -ur men w« r«- killed at the Premier Caiiovas <»f 8 »sin, was put to parieneL g a build.ng boo in. It grew rapidly,and Pi., has I»»* *n nrr<*«’» nf» rre«l Masked hirhaavinen have l«<*»*ii r« Ji­ »»•«•nr ng subsetiptinns tnassist in main­ Populist > at»* Central »ommit e«*. CI» «rie* Ijirón»l»r »er’dislv Lur»p «l r.< ii» 30 years, linked bis arm with that of h:> i I — .................................. •• adv<>< a’e . by league at iTtUburg la*t week took no cabinet will not bv m«>lifiexL cer. and said that it after the a p iraiion <*f ’Iw* rav.« Iiefore friend, and the two slow.y sauntered by springs at its root. An effort is on foot in Ventura coun­ j the Central California i Hotel asaocia- action reg tr ling lhe miners’ strike. The tree was stored away to season must be cut out. General Br»«ll*»y T. Johnson is out Lacombe felt any i 1 <*tr*rt. ty, Cat, to have Pine mountain mad« ti»>n. IT the broad piazza to turn their faces and piewrved for the family’s use, to L>e Char «•« M« < tf’or«l, a Chicago l/.il;«* r, This I would not with a letter opp »«ing the movement i A aen»ati«»n?il aw sift baa b«*<*n co***- oceanward. a national park. A freight train of th rnur h*r»*«l bis wife and then comm tted consent to, having m ide into furniture. Ou learning tint to liavt* th«* Grami Army ol th • R pub-’ Af Oidik s’». The railroad from Kramer to kind«- Pa« ific roa«l wa« wrecked The bathers were enjoying their mid­ aiiichlr. J»*alous.5 cause'l the tragedy. little faith in the had Iss-n a landmark for over a lie m ■ < t in liich.ooiid in 18W. j.dia A. II«s»j»er aga ’ iwf burg, Cal., will b* open f »r traffic be­ dal«*, Santa Clara c«inntv, Cat. lay plunge, and as the young men ap- Ilvavv rains ibroughoiit Kauri- and ntury and u favorite with many old indiscriminate use of the knife Read­ The private bank ng h«»nae of A. G. a pr«»niinent lawv«*r. fore November l*t. roached the beach they met, just carH loadv«I w th fruit wa re th parts of (Jk ahoma Satipday ni »hi and isdlents. Miss Julia Bryant presented ing of the many cures made bv S. S. Kice ol Eureka, lftah| has su«pen le»l 8po»»11,11 of h<«vy wiib’l The Naval Borenti of Ynr«l* an«l clad in a suit of white flannel, a young to go to the n»*w g«>l«l field* in the all direction*. crop. ...»-nefit of the Home for little scar remained to mark the place 3 5 to 318 feet deep. I T he ex»»lo«inn of fire «L»m»» in a r al “>hc is lovely, is she not?” said Hal with gr - f, » is millers are buying w bent Rutherford, as last breaking the si- tion that Mr. Bryant hail been greatly Jam«--» W i . m > i, secretary of agricult­ • min»* near Fanning*'»*», III., re ii *«*J in in Kansas c ly. Within fin* past week the min»»« of Orange county, Cal., with her 22.1. ’ ence, during which she had plunged the «leatli of one ni n«*r, Tlmma • M r- tb«*y are said 1«» have taken lietween ure, M|«»*ak ng about the sugar beet I tin. aml the Herioii* injury of two boldly mid th«* breakers. “She is a M..-> i ;t< rested in. a view of nvestiiu- \ wood not aa well know n or uppreoi- i see«I said that the governm -nt w»u.«l Work on Ihv Great Northern railroad 13.1,000 and 2.50 <-00 buslnds. liases, 1 believe, and quite the reigning Cancer is in the blood and it is folly An ordinance requiring bicyclist* to tuniiel through the i'ascad»» inou itaiiis i ' pur< ha-«‘ ali the surplus seed grow n to ! other*. ted by shipwrights ns it should lie is toexpect an operation tocure it. S.S.3. bell»* this season. Perhaps you may keep off the Hidewaik rained a turmoil p»/'ato blight ift ravaging the i use lor free d.strdniiion. e Long Island chestnut. It has proved {guaranteed purely vegetable} is a real Two m r-kc'l m *n » nter«*«l the home \ iel l «o char ms so potent, notwithstand- in Washington comimoic«* I Fri« j ’ v I '• * | ; coimtie«of C air and Eimeiick, lr«-land. at Pomona, Cal. •»•u.u , | re durable than white oak. The old remedy for every The tunnel will l»v wo and a half mih*s * The scheme Io co«isoli«1ate the five of II. (’. Hu»»J».*ir.» •-, near H uk«v: I«*, ii g your inexorable tietermination to Mortgage* on realestate in San B«-rn- long, 10 l<*»*t u de, 23 l« «*t Id h and rri«-«*M hav«* gon«* up aml th«*re is on.y I. op Idlew ild, built over 30 years ago eof the blood. I republic« of Centra A m-rica into one , 0., HH'I I'OHIxl HIlJ g- r<»4.<| hi>|| the contrary. ” a supply for two ru««nths. ardino county, Cal., have be,*n rcduccl will cost 12,0’it,0)0. It will Ink«* two i d always in commission, is t inhered Th« .r victim i« in ............. ... nation wi I prol ably fall through, ow­ I stole ?TSOO in ea h. “ My -r«-«l <*«l several v»*ars ago lor killing hi» | tnwi h«lraw from (inm ’ ation <*ir<* lar ;t a girl ’ s foot to have her eagerly stoop John 1« Su livan will run for n-avor >w locust and black walnut, and there Tom Nolan, infii« ting a «langcrou* Ins infant t*hild and «• iinmith-d Mtm ide father, iho II ht and bro.her. eberkft, pavnb’e to lea er, which are ind grasp them. True, no v.cman ha« The visit ol Germany’« ruler to the ' of Bo ton this fab a« an indep -ml« nt I «*!a«ftu I a« Lei ig nothing m«»r<* or les« ever frowned upon my suit, Gmnly be­ none finer in any part of the country wound just below tin* heart. bv tak n-g htrvclin»m* aml cutting b « caml date, w tilth«* avowed intention J«»‘«n '-nflin. of Zanesulle. <)., paya: .n those f..iiiiil on the north shore. Seventeen sport*, proprietor* aml throat w th a razor. It is bedevt* I In* i Czar ot Ruftsia la« w«-«-k s s.tid to hav«» of «lefeating Mayor Quincy for re-«•’«•<• - I than ba u mess riiplur»**. U iich IL«z**l Salve cure»I my piles.” Por car ;ng<* n«mr st. Tlmrr*«, Qnel»»*c, a «1 too wel’, content with my prcsf*ul lot to with bn Ji van at a recept on, aml ¡.■i the clay underlying the surface i Eiigl.imL fur gambJng. ih— aml recuv fr«>nl>l»**, «,u»s briiis^a w sh to change it. ” Will!«- L. < minin 'liani.nn employe of M h A i«* M irtim* iu aml M h Ma ia » x-i hampion wants revenge. . I. nr><; mat doubtless tliis ipiaiity in pi:iinw, «•■ z«-m » aml all ft! iu 'ro-ibles De T hree lnindrv«l pounds of giant pow- “Well you may be. with a clear in­ Fi ialIi• • nit wen* ki ed and three Mayor P«*nnov,*r of Porthin«’, Or. lhe Lk-ah ((’a .) B «ttiing work«, was A statement pr«*pare«l by the Tieas* come of $10,000 per annum; but soin»*- 'he'r earth food gives Ismg Island \’ii ’<4 W tch II izel calve is um-'pialled- has been ordercl by Judge Sli.«t uck to engngc»l ill »ha ging the *o«la fmn ai i i d»*r »-xplod d in th«* St. Joe l«*a I mine, ' ury department *h«» v«ih.»t for toe ti «t other adie« bad y hurt. t tubet ts superiority in lieuuty and V. F. Kreinvr. signa warrant lor }-73O‘> on the new with carbonic a<- «1 ga« tin* tank i*xpio«l- 1 near Bonne T* ir«*, Mo., kil ing Wdliam time in the hi«torv of tra«le re alion« Several of the cnt‘on an ’ worst «1 how. obi fellow, I fee! as Ihough this durability and explains the hardness so « «I wi h gn at l >i<-«*. Cu i J igha n was H. Ala hlern a nl Mylor Dodson, an-l wi h Japan, the Cui «-«I Slate« is »• i- factori«*«in 1’ nn^vlvania, '’a^sa'dinet»« limincr I should lose my friend.” garbage crematorv. wearing to workmen's tools.—Brook!.' n wom.diiig lour others. “Never that, Hal,” said the other titled to be »-onsblered ns a s ri»«u« I an ' Rim I«* Uan«l have«- ar’ei un dur­ Pr««feaaor P. M. Comlit of San Jo -<*, biOuli through tin* f|.»»»r, bareiy «-s ap­ hand most cordially, Eagle. ing death, and a bystander named T I k * min uii< <*m« >it that the Southern comp-titor with Emope. In th-* «up • v ing tin* raMt we k giving e nployment »■rasping his Cal., Im* lx*»*n appointed Miipri intend* ‘f’eme. this idle spirit of prophecy is Weils was wounded. Pacilic company was cditeinpln ing of machinery, rail«, nail« and pig r«»n, to several llmiicin I ham!.«. ent of the Eureka I’uLJu Hclmo«* at an To Cure (*un*t I pm ion Forever. xbausting. and in this case you will At a recent meeting of the Santa tin* constrn« t:«m of a bran« h r« a«l from the 1’nitrd Stat»:t as.-umes a leading annual salary of ^180). Mrs Ka’e (¡alLi-.dii r a sub »«»I teau'i- »rove yourself so false a soothsayer Take (’•*< arets Candy Cathartic, luc er 55c K-»*a. Cal, mii ti vi««r* a number of M - ja \ »* to R minien*g to e-capv from a grain crop. A I the ro.ul« are t ix • I to fired. V rgil, the 2n-yc;ir-old son of lightest btest wish, saw approaching her The K«»uth<*rn Ca’ifornia Power com­ coii 'l have their cows m-pvct»*d at Imii««» lie ha I robbv«l, wLI recover, A their fullest capac ly an»l ev« ry car is the w«»m in, Ims been arr«* ted aml con­ nd and chaperon, Mrs. Struthers. ( pany haft fih-«l no’i«-«» of its in!« it on I their own <-x tuts** aml took no aciion warrant » liar ring him e. uh robbery pressed into sc vice. A larg ■ lor» e ol fessed he committed th«* crime to ' ! leaning upon Irving Willis* arm. A WE SEND IT iaaue in >16 Ml boinl* to run 30 in the matter. lias been issue»!. men ar«* at work night and d iy in St. money to spend on a variety netres*. I moment later and she found herself year* at 6 per cent interest. Consul R«»bertson at Hamburg has After journeying all the way fr«nn Louis building »5'>0 new freight car* for Michel Ang’ollilo or Goili, the a-sa«- i formally presented. Already she knew ' Antonio Hmignsti, a sheep-herd»*» sent io tho Slate »h*. ar:merit a letter Arkmi-as, Mr-. Sarah A. Walverton ti.e Missouri Pacific. mii of Premier f air vxs ( a-till >, him by r ame as one of the eligible» of near Belmont, Aria., wa* «Imt in tin* addressed by him to th«* ('a iforni.i arrived at L «s Angeles to lin«l tha her I T he elevator of th«* D.iveport (i ncome wa« trie I bv c« urt-marti ii a Ver ara, the sen so Th«*re a»*e «<« many fakes aml quack back aml killed. Davi«l R*is««»ll G comni Msiotier to the Hamburg exposi­ husband, whom she had cxpede«l to ' It acts powerfully and quid l.v Cures when all •h: t returned from abroad and heir «»’.hers woik« a Dav«‘»iport, Lt., was the s« «-ne Spain, waft fonml guilty aml senten»*e iahtly 1 nii«slon**. I <»«t Power, it her st x, l ail -ng M« tu«»r» , VV iiMtinir l»is- ilnng he kiow« n.»thing about. For The apricot »Irving «-slablislimmit at aml urgi ig that a p imanent vxhib.t litt.e cliiblre i to sup »ort. two persons ware Mirmus.y injured. had to be asfti-ted from the eour’rooin. lamb with the golden fleece to the kind < ©:«•«•*. os«* a worthi*-«» on has taken charga of Alt «riivy J. ('. south wall. Th»» Hecoml wreck««! the her of *tu«leiit* Irom i eighboring c I- European ciiies. A di4patch from Hamim ifcst, No - he had nai.i il\x been spoken of to her you because it vivlds a greater profit. In.-i t on hav- l!(d I* I GX S VII \l REM'OliAT1VE in • I'll 1 III* M It V H.OK. trit « « carried in v«*st po<-t. Prepaid pl ’ -.i wrapper, I Al»LEr>, which we guar.«ntre will re- p*rl*«<’.<*rOi *: >5, vitli A Writt«*»»<;iii»r- st* *n* \ oih vi* a I it v . de\ rlop every part of “Money and brainless, probably.” $1 wounde«l Daniel Ma aiey, « x-» «ly mar­ g«*ics » hi » li irg«*.« of embvzz « inunt iiiul the victims. and day. for llerr Andie»* in a steamer, met th«* .«iitee to < ure «»«• ¡,« ltiu«i Money. F; rm-h et ir e shal «»f The Dalles, Or. Th»» (rouble I grand lar»*cuy. T he tihrrill nays that I Healing v <* hh I Aiken, about Ju y 22*1, was her Inward comment, stueh having » KI EEK MLDHAL AS.VN, < blcugo. ill yom bodv and make yon >« perfect man. The city council of Pa*«» R J»'»* h , (’.«I., The Bhu k Jack gang of bonier band ­ The w<«nne is obliged to yield a dilT* rent verdict, aioazoo ( elery are well known, and we of her crew I a«l .«Imt ii pigeon b«-tw n to boll I lliat tow n for the roiiMtru tion two months ago in KH kilal county. man. Mexico, T hey recently shot ami pr«»b- nave faith in our trealment, el«e we ns. glancing up, she meet a pair of The Amcricmi m of a municipal water and eluctii* light The men m«*t at T he Dalle« ami M i - would n«»t. seo.l it to \«»u free. When ab.y fatally wounded a ram her num <1 . ! N nth (’ape aml Seven Islands, on the dark »«’’ay eyes bent up< *t i, r eves oney «truck P awle, who immedia eiv Aram*e ar iv«*«l at | not th coast <»f Lapland, liea ’ ing a me - v «»ii are sail - fie I it will re-tore you an« I plant. Miller; kid»»«l E»lwar«l M «s« a member which bold her in spite of I erre'f. and »Irew a revolved and sli «t three time.«, •list, io roi.tiiiin* th»* treatment you can of a posse; E>gin IL»lt, a com «anion of sage ««ldresHed to th»* Af.onbla it, i which cause her to rise and tal c his arm The price of I?»« \n r<-le* oil continu­ bitting Muioney oil» »• just beknv the Wash., with ln»r fl ig It read: *‘Ia^ht\-two n«• V fTeet ititis Fu«l«»ral control, mine uI Cinnabar, Shasta «-••mu v, <'.«i. G ivernor l/«r«l of Or»*goii has UFA P.VTIErured in 20 minutes by Dr. Milos' S«» fur a« is known at the Slat»» de­ pliVMH al properties aml chvincal c««n* »ranous tract, the exact seat of in­ and I shall have to confess tn forgetful­ P ain P ills . “One reut a doe." Ai druuuists. The u.«l plain is about worn out and a p liiiled A I. Wagii r of Salem > »litions can be uiiifoimly made aml animation varying with the change of ness. if you insist upon it as memory ’ s partment tin re has b«»en no g«-neral new one wi 1 be pul in. K nr oa«l « nimiM-io ici A plant <*a an la- he seasons. In summer th»* mucous fault. What a lovely night!” order is-u»»«l by th,» Spanish govern­ much wa-tv avoided. T homphoil. A ter I he W. 11. Solcw *rt, a Ib'linrrx illr, Cal., ' built for le*8 than half the money, and lembrane of the stomach is likely to ‘‘Far too lovely to remain unenjoyed. ment for lliv r»»H*iisc of all tin» t*»l»a»*»*o nursery ville, recently d'splav» «1 a yei • hud lai ed to organiz • he d in Cuba for export to th»* United the .«tvcl can be ma«le au«l cast in a e attack»*«!, causing fretpicnt vomit- T con’d not talk with you in that 'ì. 2- r«»a«l coinmi mi * HKTH, low flag in front of hi* prvin ses, I Mild ■g, which results in an interference crowded ball-room. The air st ¡fled me. States agniiist th»» pr>»lilb»t«»ry me <»f »piartvr «>f th»» time now required. after a while b.gin to wonder w ny held t lull t li»» oh I »• in in h . > >n | ith the absorption of nourishment; Is this your first season, and how »1 » General Wuvlvr isnuvd ia«t vea . \ dispatch fr«»m Washington says inalvd aml refuseil to accept trade became Hiiddvn y si.»« k. liile a similar inflammation of the you enjoy it?” I’o- three months a band of whit»» that alv ices to the Agi iiullnral «1«-pert­ bond that they ««11 led. I In* tn-ous membrane of the intestines I ‘‘.M\ first, my very first, so your last A man named Cash ami his t W « » cups has b<»«*n can-ing terror in tin* inent Irom private an«l in«lir»*<*tlv ofli- will be taken to I lie state ill cause persistent diarrhoea, with a question i almost superfluous. daughter were thrown from a In i « guy cial rvMOur»-«** confirm th«» prediction* Ah. vicinity of Ki'igsington, Kv., and a court. ke result. during a runaway at Petaluma, Cao Mr. Willis. I am so glad I am not blase e in ide against of a »•onsi«b*rabl»» »leflviencv in the T h»* Star mill« al Cr«»»-k<* t, ( Cash ■truc'v against a si««n«* fune« a m I In cold weather the mucouft mem- ns you arc.” Europ« an wheat crop, Rve, w hi« h is them by th«* p»»«»pb» of that suctio i. ane of th»* nos»*, throat or lungs was instantly kil r«l. Both the gir«« bc«*n purchase«! by th«- Cn| tor the chief bread grain of EaMlern “Who has been so cruelly slandering The immigruf <»n inspect ora at N«*w Su.'iiraml Refinery «•«mi|a!i\ often»1»' tin* seat of th«» »lisease. were slightly injured. Europe, is alm short, This fact a« me? 1 trust never to be blase. Miss York mad«* a sp«‘» ial search am«»n-.r th»» big building is to be <*onv»*rt Th«* skin «>f infants, too, « tiers but a Hayes. One- tires, as you will soon dis- well a* the wheat «lcficimcy, will tend A Pa*a»lrna, Cal., housemaid »Irew I»« el sugar refinery of Mifficiv cabin aml steerage passengers of tIn­ K coble resistance to outside influences ruver. of an endless routine of society’s BE Al her saving«, alsiiit >506 oiit of a l.o- city to hamllv ad tin- b«*v«s th steamer La .\i»*tagii»‘ for Planas and to n*Mtri» t tin» »*xportatioii of the latter . condition < f tho blood due to indi tr»mth«»s<* European »•ountrivs whirl demantis, hut never of intercourse with Angelts hank brcaiise ahe fear»«! tlu suppliv«! by Coiitin ( <*'ia and Tarri«la Marmol, the Spanish anarch* stion often gives rist* io eczema or. men and w «»non who possess souls and usually have a surplus of that grain. bank might break. She k« pt Io­ joining counties, li isundeis ists. «• »*heeks, scalp and elsewhere,, tin priz»' th»* po '■e -ion.” As to non-E iiop«*H»i c«»un ries othei \ "ti want the news of Giants Pass and Josephine wealth in her room and a sneak tho mm tracts h:»\»* be<-n I»» for i| u h. I Th»» »TV'lit'irs of th«» lat»» \r«-hl»i*di- p than th,* Vnit«*«l siat«*-, their aggre* mptoms being roughness, redness “Li-ten to that charming waltz. Can ina utl ein O;euon, so in helping the Courier ly at Sail Andreas of ap pl«-.xv. Il< ««-a«uii. defaulting a*isignv»» f«»r Purcell, to s»»it>« famine, will hav«* piacliiMlly n > wheat t to give rise to tin* state known as most forgotten mv engagement. An you help jourselvis was a re«i»lent of ban Jo>c uml came at <5o u«»nts « hi the dollar. ILs propu- to export- »linfed skin.” revoir.” ami. slipping her hand from hi* A DIFFERENT CUSTOM. from Maine in 1H »0. I I’.ere .ire other reasons, of cotu.se—Send in your nition w h « r«*i»,ct»»«l. This sensitiveness of the infants’ arm. she took that of her escort, and in v ;.oom*r Auro*a which lelt \’ir- St 25 in advance. Ab«ln»tn 11nin11 Khan, the Ameer of t* lia. B. ( ., last April lor the Coe«»* kin should l»e borne in min«!, and the another moment was in th»* w hirl of th»* The Tulare coimtv (C’al.) Eil»«»r l x- \V hat la Proper In the I tilted State* Io Mot In Meilro. rhniitf«» bram ii b is d< « i led to lc m Afglianistiin, Ims again fallen nn»h*r i«l.iiids in search »if tin* h «l»lvn trva-ure underclothing should be loose, soft, dance. The* man who ha»l been down in \1cx and operate th«* A\t« II mill aml tim.'ci tin* MU'-q-i«'ion of th«» Briti«h. 1 is fear­ bitriv«! there, has returned without it. n.d freqr.« th chunked, while nature’s Tn the open floorway Irving Willis o tryiiig to lm\ up n <*arlon <1 t on he could not understand. It ml guaranttid worth tln-ir weight in native papem ileilare plnin v that tin» uageft Will In* p.i «I in a»«» being paid at set-med »les«*«*ration to sec her waist en­ peating \rnis company, »1 rd 'ii«l«lvnlv cml. terling nher, was in town the othci In view of the quickness with which A ghan ru «*r is quite wilting to try to in In«* flic«» at >;in Francisco of val- any mill in that part <>t th« «tat»*. circled by a man’s arm, yet what mat­ ’ay I» h >K ing for < ustomers. Ineidrntnl- “free Imlia lr«»ni the Christian yoke.” infants become chilled, es|»ecially be- tered it Io him? and. he t urned avvav vulai disease of tin* heart. A Rection of Broinlwa\ «1«»< k at San hc ran across a Star reporter and fon* the periotl when they are able to for a quiet stroll upon the li each. Il your child is seriously ill you do net go the rounds to Fram is». fell into th»* bav on account The blooiliest rare contln t that Ims (•ran i Army of the Republic mem­ .‘«•red t«> «ell him a ton or two of »lol walk, th«» garment worn next to the WTiat mattered it? Aga in and again line! the physician who wiil attend the | alieiit for the least aml of the gA*nt l«»a«l ol h« _*ht that hml aiH. Then th»* man a*ke«l for a light takri place in Aakau«as in months bers i vprv«viiting Ciililoroia 'kin should be invariably »if wo»d. »luring the weeks that fo ■Bowed did he been p/» ed on it. Sixty ton* ««I i t, aml th«* report«*r, flipping tin* ashes <»»*»'Uri»*»! near Little Ro«-k a few »lavs N va«la met at S.m Franci-c«» to con* money—No, indeed! \ u secure the best physician to be whii h material atTonls th»' In st protec a are «lead mi l two others are fatally tampment of the veterans » an be In suiu;m r the garment should be t) in­ as caressing to others as to 'bay. injure«!. Tho trouble was cause by re u v«l f*»r San Francisco fur I S'K. A It jou have an important case at law you do not se­ ner. but always of wool. Infants an* Whence m e th « sweet content, an attempt to arrest a n«-|jr«» niiir«lrrer. strong « tl irt wi I l»<* made to make i the ie myftterv siirr.*unding th»* m I hn M- rarely “bundle»! up” to«» much, not- whet he r on rid«* or drive, dance or walk. cure the serviasof the cheapest ittorney—you want the best, movement muuci ' m -I u I. Th»» < *«»ii 't of Turin and Prine«» I L*nrv h»f Ram her Guor »• '*« <>«»ti« «I I i«t withstanding opinions often freely ex­ so long «he w as hi« companion, this \‘ ti sli >i l use the same good judgment in the se­ Twenty trump« »ap’ur» nma pressed t«» the contrary. morbid un re«t when he knew another r early Sunday morning The flghti g train nt Bvnicti, Cal., aml «tar «*1 t*» lection of sour printer. The standing of a firm is often de­ "‘.«ni c««uni \ < .«I . i * I»« « ii i . <1 : T he lack of resistance to disease in occupi»*«! th«' r place he sought? sought? Had he. Officer* aml train hands m infancy which has been noted in con­ was m«»st «Ivteiminv«! and last«*.I 26 ln««t d. y the <‘«Hlf»,H*i«»li ol Dan Dutcher, w i cided In the appearance of iis < flHl stationery. We can give whose little bark so long escaped the m niPe*. Prince Henry receiv»»«! tw » dr.v ing th« ni ha«l a bar«! tight. On«* nection ith th»* skin and the mu< **us who H'linil* slHHiting him. shoal.« and rapids, been engulfed a you the best work to be had anywhere. serious woumls in tin* right sli«»u d«»r tramp ie«> \v«l a *• ri<>u« w u id on tin* membrane is likewise characteristic of »1 •• liireil man, sav* (li.«l 8« I hea«l, imotlier luicd v store in san Frami «». the trial D it, ber u li pit < IIK>< . are iH'ttcr once had and »lone nn I «»r a light. 1Hr hand- of the duel. * ml i t.a t # < ii 1« -<««. ITien, turning the w«-ap*>n on Li ms«» if. is entirely at variance with the r U i th th«* a«h< is- I at Oaa a id, ( al. T h«» « ot pse of a man was f*»nti«i in at *. sen! a Liiilct crashing thrnnxh Io* ration and judgment of the med- t 1* 1 •a»l mum « rX. but 1 Central park, N«-w Y *tk, a fi w niMi ■* brain, and dit*«l a few hour« a irofession. The scipirm*»» of A n IT a ago who had scut a bnllvt thr«nigh hi« 'I «ten* *n ha«l been work ng case o’b.oi J v (Cal.) grand jtv \ *r a l< ihysieian so often sees . and 1 l»ra>ii. r fl'«* tiling »WiVIILW. .. ,r p- It wti* i• Ie11r*ti<•«’ a* G *«»rgc ran l»nt hvy bad a quarrel a -jl Miuil OU bls I *> cal n children, as the result of one of th«* ex-U • lai' ghb \ . f • u ‘ 1 S“'» cM«e roo of ap ner g lit* «am«* v a « i'; !C ?RESSi Wvyman, tn*tter kn«»wn thr<»ugh«»iii th« discharged. I b.l Msnhoo,. ontagious disease* nrcdlcssly con- mmr «»f tlu-’i I country a« Cahf »ruin G»-o g -, a ttot»»r- raete«!. is a lesson which he cannot ig* A no’tbl M «» 1 rmild sh t H M.-x ions gaiub er anti murderer. »re. One »lisease makes a child h w r- ♦ kv*l on ■ BEFORE 1.0 AFTER iTHjrtAR. ♦ ♦ > ’.I '’!'* . dde to battle successfully with nn- The rebvlli«»!» in Imlia against Brit­ in G»w »rw * > rii>> \ . »tl-er wliieh may be contracted bef«»re ish rule La* as«nm« l alarm ng pr»»p<»r- burg, O ., b wo JLD-WDE CIRCULATION ■ *•'•.'«? PW wnt >.r. tmnbX! »ftfc l-.e is ri«l of the first. \\ sc parents ti«»u* aml th«* entire conn ry is hi w lilt h had I fini k lb*.<>k« . ard -if th«* cm-fagiou« di«« a*. - j :» «çes; Weeklyîlllustnted. arms. The British troops ar<* ls*m. r \ J"-•'‘•Wroau...<>■.,.«. •id«*, dvraili rvi»* w, >,i i» I < Addivi an«u. ildkim ; »o I*. O i: X 2076, Ban Franerò, 0*1» R*ts‘ long a* p ««ible. Even measles fre­ rap div mubiliR »1 and r«--t*iiforvemenis cars. Hi il.«tHritly ki ie«I Po àaiv . y M. vLh.UhNS. quently prmrs fatal in the young In­ are Is-ing raslie«! t«» tin» front er. E ig- i* dca»l fr»v»n rr« Jay« ng«». LIARS Fît TtAR, POSTPAID. fant. while in other cases its evil ef- now ha« vv»*r 3o,U»tl> men «»n the 1» -rd- a tramp w a* rd, \T be tow n «if I feets art* lasting throughout childhool. les Pan«ing « Afi t* n f«*w «Li y ••-.NAfi a :; d scientific fress , Youth’s (‘«»mpanion. hully tr.utui oil the HiRHi 2Ò M »a«r S t . S an F ro bv nvrr*«ary -Tl Roveti. Bucklin*’* \inoas.iiti' badly injure« w I hot tr ■a r had T hk h At Harper, Ka*. the v-»u the w.nLI f.»r cut« ■■ «O «,..•>< !’ of tin* cLurvh»»« have taker * p Gl.»,, bruta**, (»I t hat fix’ not t<» a«««MHtu with v »«mg men fetter. < I 111 at rm tor t •Ii ink. use t«»b,»«vo or «Wear, and all *T IS with General J. G. t>*nf«treeL jn¡ Con­ in *» pax rr A at \ Th«**«* fede at»* veteran, n*»w firing ia n in • I filmuf the fire line Dien w»ut io A a- i* « »on tn marry M «« E len D o M Queen of K itehen <• file t< I ni cc«>. After A A I IMrv X Veftf* -'«I. I h« g< It'F I* i* n >w 7»i lese. ■F re Lrok'- otti i i-cr hi ignorance, to W F > I.aundrv of thè alia t gt thè I g I !• Br g •«! er-Genera! Da» i l G. ** «I ■ intrrmiti«'nal com- 1 if» » 25* 50» ALL ♦ rsmp. < ■ aml V. >. A., rete r»-«l, l«»rm*-r y • pain vvas flip with K<* • rot make I r UGG!5T3 | fl • !«-«| in «.rii, r ! • • itingnish th Are. ih, r whr* igar ” Washington ad vocale- gene ral, »lie I in Washington, I’« r-i.ni*. < litui. A.T t ra injure ’.he ,,u st s lnJiaeriminai«lv. , a few «la» « ag<\ of Bright * «ll«»*.»*e. Ihejury in thè Joseph S. L’ole case Star. •Ä................. ;.................... : » 1A( H IC C««AST.\F,ttS a eu soi iii h world » IN UCXOtl COIJIXD. ? ? s Much Knife! “W A Real Blood Remedy. Weak Men Made Vigorous Vlhat PEFFER S hERVIGOii Didi FREE TO MEN Now is the Time to Subscribe for the Courier si: Not How Cheap, but How Good. l RI( O Vi MANHOOD REST0RED“0—-”- J Soap Foam and IES •WV CATHARTIC CURECOH5TIPATIOH