Blood Poison aebieviug auperhuman deeds of courage j Both Tho newly forme»! Santa Barbara, Th«-re ar.« ov. r J" *«m ire I id« I with wound« from which he died, and endurance on the wurpath. mined lillj 711 KI • o® Kan«:«« city ■»«letracks an*! a men were well-known crook«*. (a., naval iih i i;i auta Owing to the refusal of the armor blocks«!?, especially on the Southern and turning caudle; unou. in dire cap-. Monica. plate manufacturing companies t • Napcfr ' n tcok Eurcp« and toast*! down top- I AFRIC NS REVOLT ANO GIVE BRITISH I roads, in in prospect. A ST AM HP LIN BETWEEN SAN tivity, cutting himself loose from his plir.S thror.c«. i Dried i tilts have nd* snevd in Han | The Hmlaon river tunnel rt to supply the government with armor And strt-w*»ar«l to inquire And dandled kirps like puppxs and mads propnately called ihe curse of m2? *> tliMii 6 Ci nt« f.o.b. wid I k * accepted lor giudut, or raising himself out of some J'rouil < «•* Tr e* Kar l tu Wav* If i< Master's his world-uproar. It is the one disease that phystcTan, into the advisability of esiabliahing a a, ricuU. pu-bed to completion. Played his tatiah ra music, passed, and —(iibife Moldiero Occupy the Out­ Life — A II.«,wards Farmer 1 >n near It u k- moss usurped its hillsides and fla«« And making an examination of the Lox n on the | xt capita < rculati*»n of money jeweler at 926 Peusylvauia Ave u?*?' in charge ot W. W. Monta.ue. AVihianiM, A. I., i-» imre.i in.» the <•«• mar .ct continue* to rise. Ian«!, N. Y., ami killetl twochildr»*n of usurped ita meads, Ih* csiimatts And both its hills and meadows were a projierty, hoping to find sum.* dew to ington.D.c.,^: M. ('. M G«>r.| ha* Ijern installed in John Maul « k an«) injured four others in the Unitr'l State.«*. There will be* only a half-crop of parity »»I its mill from Vo,<*m to 125,000 his history more reliable thun his own that the present holding- of money are tra v rn >r of Arizona. ami th ■ lather ami mother. beets in the Sun Juan valley, Cui., this feel per day. statements. lie shook his head us lie tune under tr^? $22 03 for every man, xx »man and child Sam Pas-o s hard campaiEnir Long year. 'ihe to',» M-sv*s<*d valuation of prop- Four boys v.rrt* «lrowna I in the river A number of families hav? secure«! a in the United Mate*. looked at the cheap dog-eared novels waged the atuboern fray: meut of tw0 ol Frank A. Leach has taken charge of <-r?v in .*m Benito county« Cai., is at Kansas ity, M«»., xvli.l»* batbiug ¡ast c m **s>i. n of acres of lan«l in Shel- the best phn“ And S?m grew bowed ar.d battered ar.d murmuring: A senMational law mi t lias been com­ , ffi.JlUJHO, being un increase over last buu«lav. United States mint ut Sun Franc sco, Sam grew framed an«! gray. 1 I y county, A a. The tract is to be : “That’s v. hat ails the boy—been read c>ans of thi.cit, year ol $»>J ti-'XI. t menced at Lewiston, Me., against the But thoae Laid hills grew green with grass, iug stories of this sort till he has got as auperiutend. nt. Ex-I’ostm.'!-»' r James McK an of At- | laid out in the colony plan. lor a severe c»i , • - 1 • r wife of W. I.. 11.i Iley, proprietor of the • I The Pacific Hr dge company lias ol bloo.1 poISOB Ian i» ci v, X J., xta* killed Sunday in The Oakluml, Cal., Industrial exhib­ A Htorm, accompanied by a striking ‘ Horton House, San 1» * .»•>, by Arthur Sturr.Hd, as r. ub rms of winter, the fla­ his head fi ll of nunsense, and wants to but my condui ’ grant summer sir. ition has just closed after one of its i commenced the xxork of excavati ng t*>r a rimaxxa \ a ■ i i«*ut. | electrical di-play, »cciirr« on, ! Melcher of Auburn, Me. go out x. «-.* t and kill Indians.” Me cher is gun emplacement* on Marrowstone grew worse an most sucresaful displays. I‘i Li _r th«« novels a? -le, he took up Over 300 tele­ suing for The c*tx ■ W it* rluirv, Conn., i«* «lei* Wis., a 1« xx «lays ago. Napoleon took Europe ar.d played his account damages on the While, not. the littl memorandum book ai d turmd mighty tame. tlgcd, «a • • I by the oxeiflow of the phones xxer«* b irned out by it. The navul reserve at San Diego, Cal., point. Pug t Mound. of breach of promise. Mrs. Hadley withstanding th. And wived its fielrlo with corpses and over the leaves, which were scribbled A man ami wifo ami their JO-y< ar- Nutigit u k rh »*r. is undergoing drills on the gunl>oat I igliti'ig steers smaMhed several car­ wa* to have married him but al»*>ut a - f“ct t.ha‘ they wrapped its towns in fame. ol I »laiiglrcr xxcre arrested at Ju, v-on- Bennington, now lying there. Cup aiii I! » li . I, the notorious IVeat riage* in a fum ral fxis-eM-mn at Cin- month ago met ami married Sam Pm* > took bh run-down farm and here ami there with n.-mes and date J- charged me thr« and bits of rhyme, written in a neat, greened its moss-gray soil. 17 y hundred dollars law, I. < *< n*«<*«l fr«>m the uina i. A nunil»er of p? .pl? bad The t.dal va’ne of real estat a in ville, Or., foi hireling vase» ami . I io* «trikeof w hite cotton mill opera- I Mont it a In < p mi I wool rncn have NOT HIS DAY ?> so that for three Sam Pasco and Napoleon! Wide are the residence- not the place ho had named. ■ almost eaten away, Salmon packing i«* in fil l blast in was vxpbxiv»! at Morelia «lam, San jtiff fini lied tin* larg «t clip for tiv« - a- Atlanta, Ga., continues, a« the midnight eki< •, mouths I was unable to taste any M>lid but a village nn»< h nearer the city*. It dU.odged 100,0)0 years ami »bsp »*< I cf the wool at an mill pi* «lent refuses to Man I by his lit* l)i«i Hla Slnutfhtvriug Ouly on Alaska. '¡ lie run of salmon Is proving Dego county. And in the wildness < f the world men aeem food. My hair was coming out rapidly Week Daji. “George IL Burton. I’ ton« of rova ami dirt. of tqual size; to be the greatest ever known there. agreement to «lischarge all col »re* 1 aer!” he continued, ius ny little rover, 1 hope we began to get better, and when I hid -Barn Walter Foss, in N. Y. Sun. Sonal «fl cis will not pay Ihe debt«. duties. the »iv'« rt ei^lit mile« from Phoenix, a negro of Shelbyville, T»*nn., has been he haJted before an inrigni fl cant-look­ hr 11 have a surprise for you in the , finished eighteen bottles, I was cured Manuel Chavez, xvho iniirdvre«! bin Ariz. sold to I . G. Dnflield of Nexx’ York f >r ing little man xvbo was whittling a San Francisco policemen make a morning.” sound and well, my skin was without a : r, » - . -L >Z ■ »>5^ $10,00»>. stick in front « f the Red Dog saloon — roundup of water front pit * pockets niisireH** at the >enator mining ,*iinip, Near v all of I>«adviHe*a (f'ol.) offi­ And, in preparation for this event, lie , bit mish, and I have had no return ot Sunday, and a most u dozen of them 1 San D ego county, xva* h «* u enced to be cial hax»* been indicted by the grand the only man to stand his ground when The discovery that sprinkling with p t a tt b'rram to Bast Cre iwich and a the disease. S.S.S.saved me from a life hang< d at S m Quent n October H b. />Urth were landed in jail. jury, on ch irges connected xxitb the crude oil lays the «lust along railroad th»* terror made bis epparaner “I’m elof bo: ci ics iothechief of police. of misery.’’ S.S.S. land week <7-»7, 00 pound* of frr^ight gamb ing that ia being carried on tr:«« k« has rest! te»l in th«? application the human axalanche from Snake Hill, In the n.crni 'g, after i’oorge bed , vegetable) will cure any case of blood Brakeman Houser was Instantly kill­ poison. Books ou thedisease [ of th«* method to th«* principal eastern ai.d it’s div day fur v.ipin’ hull towns ><-en pi t1 • id cd v i < li a /"'■o 1 I kfa> t. I ed near Colfax, Cal., by being *t u« k w, re f I iij p»*«l ov« naml Iroin Sun Jo*«’, there. and its treat- ¿57*^ ’ systems. uff’n the aiith!” as tai! ii with the Leuh nnnt and th» aga nst the snowshed-* while riding on Cui, Burn,’ th«» »orr?M|M>mling ve kille*l in one battle a abort I M«>., I v her insane »laughter, Louise, avxay vigorously. found on the steps of St. Joseph’s WV “ Wa igh! but h ’ ar him talk! ” roare«! e was ; . • uni fied to hear an excited < power p ant of River id , Cal., | prom- time ago. j who cut her parent’s throat with a church, Berkeley, Ca ., ami has been T was one o’clock in the morning, the oth ria a voice that st vmed to shake I fcm not only to 1» • >e I «importing in | oice, exclaiming: taken charge of by the sister-*. K ng Georg»* of fire»*»«* has abdicate if a «*y*t»*m of John <.riffin, of Zanesville, 0., eavs Cliim-e hi-.'hbindvrs in >a*i Lian im - o i’larenco Templery of Irvington, was gathering iu the air. , euk o ’ I • n glad to meet ole stsrv of revenue to the « ity. sere, Mr. Poli<■«•man!” “I never lived a day for thirty years with European control of Greek fi.iunc<*H Neb., ami Joseph Scanlan «if Corning, death. \\ by. cyclone® »l.isn’t meet me Policeman Packard, us he paced his have notified six prominent Chinamen And the next moment the chief of • oil' Hiifferingaeony, until a box ofDe’Vitti The «’nlor line ha« been drawn on a is »“»tab i*livd. there that they will be kdlvl it iliey [ la., were killed by lightning near in a fa’r tout, and mountain« tremble i J beat near the freight depot, pulled his police entered, ushering in a stout old I Witch Hazel Salve cured my piles,” For 1 coat collar up aro«ind his neck with a continue to oppress ths Chinese slave negro in L •• A g» l<* , Cal. IL* was r,- II. G. Mellon, nn* th few at Georg»* the | cerned, through the mist and darkness, “Ar’ it a payin’ bizness?” charges ot buig urv sworn to by New Wusih, have been iin*r**a*«*«! 10 per craslied into four freight curs that lm«l r»*» ent treaty, is now *ubj«?« t to entry moment they « night sight of him and ■ cent. There is a warcity of laborers been careleaa’.y l«*ft on th»« main track, for Mctti« im-nt. “Ar* it a [ livin’ Luznefis!” echoed the | the 1! un* 0 of the funds ot the Fi«le ity Sav- »1 »• i • ««I z * p here? Who told Pure White, will not make the I’he American Spirits Manufacturing 1 xx.ii’ ««I straight up to the big fellow. i held him am! demanded: Jens I’jorlio. hi , a farmer living in i ingH and L an Mociety of Denver, < ol. Home of hi» r»-parts being offensive to \.m«e 1 was?” him. clothes yellow nor injure the finest company has receive«! a concession ’ I’m a h ctle critter, 1 know, but when “What are you doing here, boy?” poverty at Hayward , Cal., has jn-t | Charles Franz, a 17-vear-ol«l boy, “The policemen tclegraphted tn us, lace. W’i'liain Cummings, th»* leader of the from the Riceman nt non-union miners that xxcre taken to a monopolx* for « -tal»!i-b:Hg a ugh San l'riim ¡ m u . Tin* ofli« r mistook h hi Scottdale, Pit., to take the place of heard that you was found. We hadn’t The con<*e-sion runs six years. mountains nr y «elf I” “Notl.iug,” repeated the policeman, the death of un uncle to Germany. I for a burglar ami in attempting io Hiiker*, xvaa «hot ami k»led xxhih* there. "lept a wink all night—not a soul in th«« looking him over and comprehending “ W ’ ouf! i ‘ . h'g on yer cyclones! Bring With the d<*alh of Herbot E. Fowler William J. Griffith is in jxil nt Oak­ ¡catch him shot and hit the boy in th»« house; ai d your grandpa’s gone to Bos­ In* ami several of his conipauions xxcre o’ grizzly b’ars! Bring on his case at a glance. “You’re fooling ton to look for you,” said the old lady, Naiign*u<*k, Con i., xxas lo-t the secret on yer de land, Ca ., charged w itii coiin*erfeiting. ' leu. fighting xxith htrlkurs. around these cars at one o ’ clock in the yer arniic u’ fighter.« and waL h the of an invention for depositing copper He was arresh d tn Bu te county w th I 'Hie SjIiiiHM Valh v Water compmv vltli tears in her <•;. s. “Oh. (¡eorgic! A dispatch from Cape Town say« that so ution «nt xvoo«l or any rigi«l sul»- human r.i ' :• vhe chaw ’em up in a morning for nothing, are you?” aii outfit In his poMsv^sioii. Officers Georgie! ITow could you run away ?” I has m « «nr«*«l the righl-of-xvax for 50 ii re ort has n-ached then« from tin* “ I — I wanted to get in some place hunch! W :>! but I’m Labie to cnceze Htance. Fowler would not patent bis : think he is connected with a gang. “How could you do it. Georg»*?” ' miles through the Salinas (Ca .) valley Bilini »liMtriet Maying that tin* Port­ any mln it ... 1 l low this infant and nis where I could sleep and—and keep *ch.oed Aunt Polly, reproachfully. The foreign admirals stationed at ' for an nrig ding citnal. Ou* hundred uguese lut'l been badly rout» d by the invention. warm, ” stammered the youthful cap ­ Lull tov.11 clean out o’ the state o’ And ( > 1 («. x« b ■ lonely night i. All the coal miners in th»* O tumwa i Texn. !” WE SEND IT Caneii notified Turkcv that lb «v would ami Mix'y thousand acres xxili be irrl- 1 na'ixcM. tive. The natives claim that there • he cell had piten him a pood uppui- district, la., went on a strike. They not adow any m >re Turkish tro *ps to gated by it. “Why don’t you go home and sleep?" is not a Poriugueae lefta.ive in th»» dis- “G j right d »wn otT’n that hoes and turdty f *r r»!!«- t i« n. evidently won­ demand HO and $1 from the op«*rat«»rs. land. Turkey pro * ohv " to (gore them. A freight train on the Southern trict. ,rit licked!” shouted the little man, as asked th,* onicer. dered him.-. lf bow h»* could have done It is thought that fresh trouble is brew­ P h « ific road ran into a burning tr« s lc The latter granted the HO cent rate, 1 i- I e*fa*i •*•». oving his coat in a bu.«i- “I haven’t any home.” replied the boy. Floods in X. w Jer«?y last week left it. He faltered, repentantly: ing. between Marion «ml J« il’• son, Or, ' a long trail of wrecked barns, ruined but refuse«! to bind themselves to the e « iy. but the other only glared hanging his head ami blushing guiltily “I don’t know. Aur.t Polly. I I There are so many fakes and quack as he added: “Not now, I mean.” The Hundred Tliou“aml club of Fres­ The eiigiii»* iiiul eight curs xvere pi.«-d < r<>p* ami impaired rai mad tra» kw. At I winter pric«?s. at Idin and went on: guess 1 didn’t think. If you’ll take nn imposing on the publie that a man nat­ no, Cal., |*r>>po-eM to have a .lisp ay of on to the burning timbers and five of E iz b<«tli ihe uuter fi le»l iho street« in “ '»■?” said the officer, dryly. “How’s Wi liam Collier of Memphis, Tenn., “Waugh! but I’ve, gotter l>egin my home ard not let grandpa whale me. PI! urally hesitates before paying for win» thut?” the coun y’s prod- c s made in noiihi the , ars xx« re destroyed. «■•me places I*» a «leplh of Heveral feet. is u «dor arr«»st at Narragaiis»*tt Pier, daily nuts ac rrin* on a midget, and—” lever do it again.” thing lie knows nothing about. For ea*t«*rii cit\, ami al- , probably, at the IL I., cliarg« «1 xxitb planning to a*sas- The boy hesitated and shifted his He stopped -uddenly and softly in- Elk»>, N« x., Ims been mo overrun with Tin* (‘lectric light p ant urns flooded ami Whether his gramlfather “whaled” exposition to be lieid hi <>in.ilia next tramps hii »I hard characters la ely, and | the city was in darknvxs. i sinate Dr. Edwnr»! Everett Hah* of «|uiivd, as a look of perplexity came feet uneasily, as if he would have tried him or i ot. the rep» rter cannot tell, that reason, we will send it absolutely * B«wton, xxIu» is visiting the Pier. C«»I- oxer his five: year. t<> break away from the officer’s hold, a*« iiiany biirg^nties ami hoidtips hav«« though he cert linly deserved it; but.m* tree by mail, in plain package, I'R The Cuban sruiv is closing in on Hav­ “Sax, ar* to-day Saturday or Sun- if he had dared. At a recent im-pting <»f the Sonoma b«’vo commitl« «1, that tin* ci arc I ana »li Mpite the » fl‘*»rtH of tin* Spati'Sh lier is a crank. HOFFMAN’S VITAE RESTORATIVE he xxus taken home, and has not sinct He was about 13 years old, neatly County 1 lot licnli un> s •<-etv nieuil»e ra thinking ol organ z ng a x i.dlaiice com- Hohl « rs to < he« k them. A few night* W. B. Perham, gram! secretary ami »lay ?” been found roaming the streets al rAlil.ETs, which we guarantee will re­ dressed, ami won* one of th? military “It’s Sunday, but I’ll lick ye jest the agreed not to <11 their crop ol prii’ies initiee to rnl the town ol llivm. night, it may be inferred that In* kept store your vitality, develop every part of ag > a large lwi«ly of iiiHiirgents BXX rpt ! treasurer of tin? Or«ler of Railway Tel- caps which had just come into favor Ram?.” for less th tn $-’• a ton, cling |tracin s bis promise.--Golden Davs. Guv G. Th nipsmi, a 17-y««ar-old lad. through tin* -uluirb« of the city carry- , egrapher* of America, has been ar-est- your body and make you a perfect man. “What! Ar' it Sunday ? Wall, how with th«* boys. ITis face had a look of not less than jear- I r canning flo was shot t xx it •• ami M««rioii*ly w • umled ing vvcrvthin » Iwfore them, Tliey i e»l on a cha’g«* of violating tin* Federal Everybody Says So. innocence and youthful candor, which The wonderful curative powers of Kal­ coil!»] I hex li ar'o Rich a mistake? Mv and freestone peaches at Portland, Or., by his «(»«pfather, gave hat I»* to th«« S anhirdM xx hereevei statute f«»ibi.bling the importation ot Ca-rarets Candv Cathartic, the moil woo­ amazoo Celery are well known, and we days fur sin ■htet in’, ye know, ar’ only have at n-t cnt., ranch-I saw then •’emrnt and put spurs t » his Finally lie wild: l',anhiri'z the entire s\si tn. dispel colds, bu bling, as a result of a tin at ma I * Th«* huge run of salmon in tin* Frnser on th« lact tl it Spain will mon lose er, was f«>nml dead ,»n a roa«! near her! iir<‘ headache, h < r, habitual constipation you are satisfied it Mill restore you aud ‘Tin an orphan, sir. T lived with my hoi «.id '4 nxx.iv, while the little nd bi innsness. 1 •h«a® •? buy and try a box wish to continue the treatment yon can by the commissioners n >t Io i n then river,B.C., c«»ut nue-, ami (*aniier.s have | Cuba to the iiiMtng<*nt*, said that to home. Tin* horse sin* ba«l been riding relations out in the country: but they men I h >’< 1 longingly after him with ♦ <’. C. C to-dnv; 10, 2'« (H ems, boidaud warrants uiih*"-» they mad luster pio.r- been conijMdled to put a limit on the provoke xx nr xxitb the L’nited States w as also dt*ad. They an* supposed to I then send us our pay. » 1 tired of me and told me to <>iAmnteed to cure by all druggists. t»«ar- in hix eves mid muttered: ress on the work. hiiniber ,»f fi-di taken by each boat. A would l»u Spain’s only Mnlvation for lut- hax«* been killed by lightning. leave. ;1 - ant | so [ came to the citv. “Jest my durneil luck! Hr was the W estern M edici nk O o ., Mrs. A. IL Humphreys, mother of fust feller who exir sas-ed me that 1 » thou ■: t I might get a chance togoout Late reports from Alaska Ma*«* huge ipninlity of salmon is being Mait«*f th»» Spanish mon­ drowned at Lake George, N. Y. Pro­ I'm durned if it hain’t!”— N. Y. Journal. tl*.* ftriuht pass. The | a-s w ill undoubtedly la NE.7 DISCOVERY. NEVER FAILS. rim «mile, a ,««ii«i ‘mile. “I thought so. What a A ‘ ' f r fessor Humphreys ba«l anarroxv escape blocked soon by tlie immense uimmnt Cal., ,*rc»»iii'’ y t'-r the month <>f June archy. i !n1 ■ • nt or I uin- j oti eat th do \ nil r* pert to do out w est In the iimntli ,►( 'I Ii»« Cubiin in*tiri»ent*» have caotiired from death. M >tber and son were in * ' , r of freight being I k-n there, ami as a H'l'tl for 2 u!t I ’. FOi.ü OC IHE WEED. j I • a T ai ith . In*igori*tfM the o if rot et there?” r ” ' • , ANGJ E. I ■ !•:- result there will be soimi ililcnse sutl< r- April it turned out seven ami thice- the town »»f I in Pinite«, a suburb of a rowboat, whi«-h capsized. ITA-?»\ y »¡j er box, rniall l ex $i. ' Th« I :« I 1 h ”1»< v . and mad? nc quarter ton**; in May st xcn tons ami Havana eitv. They plundered a inili* iug Iwfore spring. tr« .4 in i ; um wrrnrer. Sp-J 4C >n Th«« fast flyer of tin? Kansas Pacific InSlnn« 111 Smoke f-«»m Early Child- answer, He had probably I een taught . 5^icAi;^s5!7i;io,S:FK£fi( J7fld and in June six t ni« ami ‘,»31 1 tary Htatloil then’, S»*rure»l th«« mom x railway was wrecke«! 40 miles east of • ti**od I«» Old Ajje John Peterson, a !<»-war-old s.-hool- pound**. Il 1« iioxv r<«ii\ing lx*twven ( that xx uh t«» pny tin* Spanish troop« and J), nver, Col. John A. Ward, engineer, When Sir Walte.r Raleigh, in whose by exveri ’» i vc that l r need not look to boy, lost his life by drowning in a cul­ SOLD BY M. ( LEMENH Su '» and IMhxi pounds «»I milk daily. ! A argu quantity of medicine. Ibex ami W. B. Hartington, baggageman, debt all s mekei k Tin.« ♦ evei lastingly re- his elder' f r sympatl; '¡y xx ith his heroic vert tbn' empties into Sun l *an\'s arm, ton, Cal., ami ii is xx ith d fllcully that Havana and no provisions » hi l»u sent jure«!. •r. pip*, and. thinkir.p R« *i«h*nts «ff the Havana . washout. This to that » ity. that lit* xxas on lire, although he was twice pulled b ue.iili the water-front is kept clear. “X’erter year’s crop in San Joay sank. I Kamiah, Id aho, has been missing for tion«. but, more than la*t year. The «r«»p for the Four lives were lost in an exploaion «lavs. His house is burned down, his Is >1» d. ail users of the wcid must un- «»on,- which took plac*« during a tire a f»*\x «’ergo by way of preliminary trainring: orchar«! cm «lown, and two horses shot. to the «tal XMI HI( ,x’s SCENIC LINK. distinguished Russians now slaving hi ton* In grain «L a is, xx Im have »lays in •=r-ar n 7M7 traLnr the N«»rtli western grain A bloodx’ ii x was found on tlie premises ,\»t. oddly* vro’igh, in the ho me of to- the li»*»it«*’ Kail Francisco, arrangement are being made a carehil ,*stiinat«*. This is 7?»,* hmi elevator at Chicago. Three of the «lead I arco, i • f l.c Indian tril es, no such x oui made t<» put on a powirlul line ol or h>»,UoO tons mor« than xvas prodm « «I ar,« firemen, the I»« m I v of another fin- i which leads to the belief that In* was piebr. ! ar? undergone by n»*o- to The Rock I murder?»!. fimi hii ' W1 Q all steamships between that < it v and \ lad- la->l year. Ballast phyte- ' 1 .. . ’ * I s rt» unusual thing to see man is thought to be buried in the Clara Fallmcr, a 17-yvar-old for the fir ' , r . ‘ * -tb»olutrlv Ala- :n‘lnd Ivostok, the eastern teimiiiu- ol the li it’arr smoking a cigare«te I ; -< uro * *f v.Mi-nr*..,, | .„„j Vitality. i ■«• n*i*a (Cal.) ra lr » id I iiim enn*- mill« of ihe e rvalor. Fifty-one per­ I in«*«!a, Cal., girt shot Ch irles La Ihie : ion«. I •>-* Power' Trei an railway, ami it is H m KVI l- dix iillcxxing her child, lieutrr mt n «med vMab felling permanent sta­ son* xxcre injured by the exph»*i «n. «lining a fit of jealously and then and ex hh«*r?ex, F m »I< hk *1« iu<«rx. WaMinu DiiT- “You wi cd that the new line will I m « m o|H»ra- ll HIM. to t ;ke a puff - r two. The ‘ h *’*; awf-; ,/ "r «n»».« ue will recov- still in an tion probably within a year. uvtiage I mi » : mn»<’ net*« to smoke her«* for tl • i t I t r ’- Prepal! Mrs. Kate Conway of Oakland, Cal., the all - rail ROl te ici‘ce until It dies; but he of the Son’ll S«»as, a r*»l«.uv of mcti that tance of nine miles. • » V. • A *23-vejir-ol«l IxHuion lad named was frightfu ly burned a few «lavs ag-x. «ridoni » “George TO KOOTENAI .MINING DISTRICT, moke» to excess, and he ran •I > 11 i I n< *. • ‘ •■" I !" ’ ( fr. e left San Francisco in the Per« \ I ¡ward* .-.ÍEDÍIAL ass-N. Cbi«i«.; Ill “U bere < i-- 1 ftB i-Lt X.1L.L11CAL J<, ChicHK<>. H’ —VIA— < 1 » it <• i'aiilkn *r, a pioneer nn«l Mart* *ni has inioh* a «lim’overv lliai S)i«> was xxas u-iii4 a lamp to h«*at her hardly I «• sa«lnti<*iiiz<* telegraphx. curling ions and it exploited setting th«* xxav 1 u we do. A rejMirt by the i*l the Kuuth N as, has taken p ace. lhtccgri hs xxilhoiit xx ires an«l iiicm - tin* to her clot lies. manner, rt rd 1 i: .r the name of San I'niiK'i-e«» nisi xxvck. • :i t si *«it on, nuxx in pre®'!, Hie paiiy •■'pill s mrti ov ago ami on«« naget «an be sent a distance ,»f txx«*lve a’ ’*> mi lea away. f information on thesub- Two m xx oil wells nr«» l»eing excavat ­ The railr««ad depot at W li«* ir tin rial, nn »•«. 11 • ha* «I1*«-ovrrvd a meth «1 of The pc’ part started for N w Zea ami in the r • •uspectcd that L - — . 1H.4 » f so .eg ;«n ong the Indians III.« vessel, the Percy Falwar.l *. I hr \c«-vl < 11., xxas roobed a l. xv «lays li -o « olle preventing collisions at sea ami ha« ed at Coilingn, Fresno county. he xx n r « ’ ruth, But, keep­ of ii :« rc-t. y*? p .,♦ « lAiiS, encountered a storm an I was toi.i lx the at vmlanl xxas iib-rlii lor a le w ina«lc communication «» certain, «• pr duction of the wells is n«»w 175 ing this r i.t j sl ’ n *'jrup. r»>tps Goud. Vse elf, remarked: Indian is :,.. |t were marrie«l at Oakland, Cal., ami the AND ALL POINTS EAST. “Well. 1’11 ,‘d 10 cents per bumlred. Honolulu barb r is doth* I with II a n’t find you some- Great Britain se ri oils ■t i. - ’ « ith t.’n in, and even day following tlu* ev. nt the wit«« left isli, Japam-s« ami I’mlcd Mates war thv lieutenant, a M m . .1. I Rugg'.es of Stockton, Cal., fr«»ubl «la Iv. In emi- re« t*ix e Ims’ ami wnl «lay in Al.itm da c«>unty in “finding” a sub­ tore c nvc >< ■ npply ut the trader« ’ «tantini lun< li. x ’.ichthr hungry young Ofli* a! qil li h*is e \ el \ 11 o < • j, tv|H»ru «I sylvania that xx id amount to >1.1-EI’ERS, PINING »t,,j LIBRARY I«»** lo to ««mb each mde. side. From 1’2,0 >0 t<> 15,- and cultivate tlo* farm. lores, the 11 r. i.:>ious i\i lit t,' ia still quiet but the impr« r- - n i* that tin* Work on the Ojai vallev rai’roa.I, fierr. Th e is something about to- vx a ml ci **r de •ur* J with avidity. When OBSERVATION cars W. R. I'latkinan, «t'vretarv and ooo natives i are now in arm«. The g >x- hr ha 1 I his apj ctite, the lieu- contliilon of ail ins is wrv tin ■< aleniti*; tream er of llm I. >s Angel»*« l/g’iting ernnivnt b:«A ba« ordert*«! »•rtl,*rc w hh turns the mind cf the tv ant I to l ’ ini: and a popular outlm ak m \ . V III III rvadin» *« t«> California, xxdl romineiic«* August hub, noher int < onteiupiati’e moods, the »■«»nv unv, is found to 1»? a detail ter. briga«lo at Simla to Is* in rendim y». h ,d better go to bed now, but unv time, alien intern >ii m.d mt« i Irr­ A xxmnuii xxas the causv of his down­ limVv • lo Io lit«* th«1 »rat ** it of trouble. (rouble. To re lexe ami I h * I’Ushed to an vailv «»nup« ti*»n. uagi* ini ml not Ii js U’uin the mind of sekvick and scenery i Nhyi ai .’n. first, »u liaxe any little notions in ence from shii-** in the » u uid fall. the itiir Hurt i minded otim!r«l giurinoli gairisou at Datgai Th«* road xxill b«* hi miles long ami tap ic port. For tickets m t full nforrnationrall on your •*ts, give them to me for safe- occasion a most serums «•<.•!>p,¡. ,tt mil. tr«»o’ s were xxcre roni|»eilv<| e« iiipvi e«l to ma make a fine- a rich fruit and xxoo«l section. The L w ill bux whatever be n* 1 he Journeymen Butcher«’ I’rot,««*- W. f PERKINs. Aon»’. keep; The stream of A«*iuti» lai i t. h Mill « d mutch, xx Inch i< *u te«l in 10 of them he has monev— sugar, col R’.'har«! W. Martin, a xvll-kimxvn p Grant s >’«•• tiv»« an I B«*n»*voieiit a«-«»ciation is in Ge< •rtrc complied w ith this request by pouring in, eatisiu « h In« h mnln. i(u tlxing fmni *un«tn»ke. Th«» natives i young man of San Francis«*». auui«lvnt- w hnt-not but he cann< ‘•»\ \ L owell A entWn.M|ville Sv-ioii this xxec\ ut L s \ng«' e*, ( a ., pulling out of bis various j piM’kct* an feeling aim ng th«* «lilt i< nt ta< OU are ile*perate and heavv lighting is i ally kill«*«! him-elf at Id* father's ran« h to buy t: hr can . A. IL C. Das mistos . w itIi «b* eg ites present from all over lotkv.l for. tJu* island. ■rrsiy imhicc Treasurer Job a!’le part of every 1 Kv, d'*liilvts, liavefailel for$iS>,0*0. j sh'vp, but took an «»vvr.hwe. 'anhloped ’’ye; ; . r coni ctbicrit ben rt lig ou«cv: The mil I * «*rs oi Basad, na. < b. henry rabbel­ Grain flu export is Is'ginn ng to ar- n m f vox condì»*. < baric«* Darge, a 10-yoar •old ls»v of III org inli d r th Imi««-raiKu aUon of wnrorthepurx r vv a ««•<•<] “CUPIDE«” i* on fcalivok The traders ha |»ol tics. blades. a wa x ..... as Th*<»^alVs«etsMs I In« Xcxx Y«»ik state II »p Growers I‘a in«*, in tin* b.u k while tin* laitei W US to rni/r this, anti in ever w • 11* w ViiMh/.-r.Uiepr »••nr* i - -1 r.„. . ' three or A fourth r -cit I *1 in itv the crop for the state al from quarrelling with his xx i The ramrod the will quietly care yea w *11 eer »I a little tin basin on th? < Women 1« I I - ~ * > ■ Ilntr. n*,.L' ¿“¡2,* »UC, «, Lml (■ h(MM) to 7.»,000 bales. WH* in th«' rifle xx he * shot was tar • > Ji*... to il N.rr.rn. P-Mn., f irrally uaihtl to It), con -■> gdvs, Cal. may cait-v It »• *t the Uistra'inn gov»*rnm<«nt tire«l, and it is fra tv cigarette paper and tr a BEFORE <„ *rrEa -¿Y.. ,,, • ' •' ~ T. If. Aliev, a railroad co« ¡ .«mr, blthxl poison ng, xx ii h I result*. w hie' n h’js'O to rxtrml.te Frank Bntlvr, the rr frrrly used by all coders, err,.,,,.,.. ’ “ wits a-c denia ly k .1« «1 by a tra.a i. ar Even mtir«h r.«r, from San Fiaiiri-*r<>. e worst “ beats ” nrv sennitixe Many part«* <»f Aiot Haiti »rd, < al. to nr remark about their use of this Tln«»l«»r. Turner xxa* hanged at Great «lamngt* to pro|*r free •bacco. nml any nllu*. ’ \« *« . »ring llul, Ala., for an attempted life have «Mviirr»*«! in I larger in drive them out of th.. place | ’ _ ‘ ■ keep — Southern —1.^... Caulm.a ^w.........a this year and r »ult on a fanner’s daughter. sml «»th«* imp «rtant ph than ever Iwfore. t’ .-ni away f .r.lav ■ Washington St ir r Dr. s. I* bert, a colored pliys’cian u ! h * river is a.m>»st tlouble its ' by M. C lkmr . ns . The vnroliment of citir<*ns «I. Hantn Indianat'«*i », has rrlii*«*«l the an- still rising. Barban coitnty, (’nb, -object iiiin- I Governor Bushnell «fft»b .» I” tary duty numlwrs 3 «6 ». Hl t I steps to have Mav »r Gans >n • Da in I For the first lime in five years • her-- an.l sheriff M« laiin «>f < v, I « h not a single prisoner in the Waila < county onstrx! from <-tfi«'u, it A li Walla (Wash. ) county jail. them with neg ret of < orking the r a sluice* a negro to In* I Moiiiervy county, ( il., is g dug to with 150 fjot V give a IxMitity of 2 c *nts ea h for every b’liih Three little nl Chai lev ( Sol did; d w hi v squrrel killed within its Inn Is. in a st»ret at t J. Put nt !m 1 the Four playing with 0.1. d. A I/m Angeles man i< going to tf his daughter’s marriage. c working i '»Ml will not I beiti until w as inteii«h« 1 She elo|»r«l ami was wedded at sea. at run two dollar« to the<*<*u ntv. h ’wr 2’»ih, fixF w« a l»rfore the non? sti|M*riiiii r eno»» i nitration. ttUd baa to ri 1 he ,• Hi be Ni-n Y ALL ox er the d vi*i«»ll iff pb ndvr. Wi iam is . sun bon to bui.d and compivle a sewsr sys* d K flow ni. With f DRUGGISTS J (.»’B. icn w a * Kith d Lx >. 11. l'ulgaraì as t«m ; * Il * «v.lth 1» e»t.mated at r.l«e ,.r r.Tiu Cam!y Cathartic ei >• . bent on , (k, | |.,| l.t»4 i E«lwin K«igar, wh» ut turn reiTÌvvd Kk:, A? IfCC-C fati, r , - r-fit.a nnwiey. f!2i ,8WJ,0W. MB-i he put .h «n bis era tad comp«.»rd Mm ’ 'I »■•<« xUf to sleep, 1 Alli 1C (HAST NEWS \ I* \\ \ ( iK Till* \\ n I! I II fi DIlllG-fiOVGl Hero.: ~ Ì 5 BY FANNiE WILLIAMS. I C’-:«.-.. jccoc* - x ttceeecece^ Soap Foam Queen of Kitchen and Laundry. FREE TO MEN !IOYAL-TA*!SY PILLS. GO EAST ill en naie VigaiGus ry-Car Route lltat PEFFEB S It ERV IGOR Ditll Shortest and Quickest Line to St. Paul. Duluth, Minneapolis, Chicago IMMUCEandWISÎ Daily Trains : Fast Time ^ANDY CATHARTIC r^atCOHóTiPATIOti