ROGUE RIVER COURIER sebooaer General *iglin PAI ll ic COAST NEWS.' ha» lhe bt*ii ii!•la•*d to*»-*d from Alaskan waters to tied It was a masterly piesentation of the another proof that a college supported by the »«ate and which i« under the con­ truth mo little uiiderstOixi even now among the chur«he» that the C E PVBUBMKU KVEin III K»J>AY, trol of politician» cannot bv a success as society rightly comlncted not only VOORHIES, an educational institution. In this in­ breaks «iown denominational barrier» but BOLD PLOT TO KIDNAP A WEALTHY MAN DISCOVERED stance, as is too frequently the case, at ibe «aine time foaters the m'M»t de­ KDITO1.« AN b CM« »CK I it To KM. manhood, morals and ability were not voted loyally to the individual church and denomination. of •*••» Fraaei»?« Banker« $2 a Y ear , or ,N A dvance consider?«! by the boani of regent» wher Following this speaker was a sung Clever to >(•»•• Encape Taxation **a • lA.OOO,- making their selection for memlters of by the Ashland l^diaa Quartette This OOO •— A Much-Nought Fwr Man Enterad at the post olin e ut («ranV» Pass the faculty, and political hulks and men ; was tlie first appearance of thia qnar-1 Who ( annul be Found. Oregon, as second-rla»« mail matter. of «questionable moral», who have no tvtte since the ilinea» of Miss Carrie Roper, the leading soprano They special qualifications as teachers were carried the audience by storm and 1 Burglar» have been operating at Mo- T h UBSDAY, Jl l.V 8. 1897. retained, to the disgrace and detriment uf were most enthusiastically encored deato, Cal., lately. the college. So long as positions in the It is proponed to establish a labor The raina in Cuba have put a «light State University are used with which to was Dr Landreth, of Nashville, Tenn We are not certain a» to the denomi* exchange store at Reedley, Cal. check to Weyler’» butchery bu»iue»M. pav off q>ersonal ami political debts, and , national .1 alkliation of Dr Landreth, •*pulP’ rather than merit is the essential . but in ”his eloquent address setting 1 Contracts for a new »choolhouse at have tacit let. Hon. II. W Corbett will not likely get • j iuliti- a' 1« 11 of ca »di late«, will tiie tax- foHh the w«»H of the C E. society he lira--. Valley, < «poke with the logic of a true bine to occupy a seal in »he I’. H. Senate. Ix-muel Nelson was executed at payer's money be squandered in keeping Presbyterian and the fire am! enthu-1 Grunt’s Pa»», Or., Friday, for the mur- up a college that should he the best in- siasm of a Meltiodist, while the ripple | Weyler, the Nero of the West, i» de­ d«-r of Charh s Perry. elouuence male made bin his manding more men of Spain to put down stva«l of the pooreel in the state.—Ore and flow oi hi« eloquence | hearers feel that he had fellowahipped the rebellion in the East province« of gor. City Enterprise. Ba pt ivi perima- with our friend» of * the ‘ “ •ion Cuba. __________ Never before had ___ Southern _______ Oregon „ UL10TT A( QUITTED. California fruit is bringing a good price welcomed such a large ami noble band The preliminary trial of the «tu'e of of < workers, and looking into in the east. Oregon fruit is better than California fruit and it should bring bet­ Oregon again.I T. B. Elliott for hating the face» of those assemble«! there, noting trie moral light ami cieai.iiess, given, or caiiHe.1 to In* given, b< e to ini the noble enthusiasm for all that is noble, ter prices _____ __________ nori on May Rd, 1H»7, retulte.l it. Judge pure ami good. One could not help The Fresidient ha« approved the bill Chile.* di.n.i««ing the c««e. f»*eling that under God there were the providing f"r the admission of foreign We knew none ui the particular* of forces that were not only to save our laborers to lake part at the Omaha ex­ thi« <■».(• until laat, the .Jay land buttbat they would help to their . lofty puriH>**C ami their high ideal make , position next year. eet for the trial. At 10 o’clock the cate­ th«* kingdom» of the worhl the kingdom our lord and of his Christ Great Britain inereaaed in population na« called, and we li«tene yen», 50 per cent. The l ni- to all the evidence on both Hide», but an bad«* adiuw* to their entertainers and the case han been i 1 ih | k > hh r the good oi vention will be a mighty inspiration to Queen Victoria ii too wise to abdiette the boy«, for the benefit ol the home, all Pacific coaat ( hrisiian End» avorers. the throne of England in favor of the and for the general welfare of the com- William* Item* Prince of Wales during her lifetime. It mui.ity, we are coni|M*lled to h I. ow up C ,M. Stile»of Wolf creek »pent Satur­ would bo go »«l for England’s future if she the moral ttatun of the cane. Induing ho , however, it in nut the man day and Sunday with hi» parent». had given him a lesson or two in king Mr«. Evan» of Washington ia viniting we a e after but the principle involve I. craft some year« ago. . We have nothing but friendship for Mr, her niece Mrs. Je»»ie Gotcher of this The British lwa-t that the sun never Elliott, anr even to intimate that it wax not free Mr. Grant Topping i» still hauling ore w ho Im branding I ndc Sam « seal«. Dr. Jor fur everybody. from the “Oregon Bonanza” to the stamp Carso Tiie fact« in brief are, that men and mill near the Anderson mine. dan believe» this to be a safe protection a man tothesealsof Maska. The object is to *»>’• gut plenty of beer, bought by an The new «aw mill erected by Nipper A away w make the »kin» comparatively worth le»»- officer elect, a man whom a majority of Chapman is being operated by Nipper man to for market ami thus prevent the eater the voter« had ju«t «aid «hould be street and John with a force of about twenty tight. commiMioner. Mr. Elliott will not deny men. minat.oii of the seals. The Si I declared the above, but lie «aid to iih in «uh The 4th panned very «quietly at Will- Prof. Thoma« M. liaieli, on» of th. «lance, that no long h « one keep« within I cent tipo best known educator« ol the north w .- hi bound« of the organic law, there i« ian ». A few people were bold enough | affaiis of to go off for u picnic; however we are | dition. coMt ai:il formerly pre.iilent of tin nothing wrong; then in eHtimatmn, if very patriotic. Wellington State VnivereHty, wuh , at a i he law i« violated, it 'The Sts wrong. 8*j far a« ( rot»» of all kinds are very promising inento, Cs recent meeting of the lioarii of regent« 01 the influent» upon the boy« was con­ the Agricultural College elected to tin cerned, it could not have been worse hud in the valley, tin» late rains were highly la k of iih appreciated by all who are engaged in vetoing t responsible |*o«ition of presi.lent oi tba1 dr Elliott willfully violated the law. ensuing tw agri« ultural pur«nil«. institution Prof. Gatch is an educatoi I lie legislators who passed the law, Burglars T. I' Palmer and Ernest P. Stites have of ability and lie made a ,i> ivxt legislature If the present act Rogue river to build a salmon hatchen I of damage (« | to Iiis homo in («rant’s Pass. for Mr llume. Mr. Heals i« of th. a ill cover the case then tin* proiecu- was lying ne George Hart, Crescent City ’ »young at ­ opinion that a hatchery well managed at tion 1» weak. Three Cl We would like to diaciiMH thiH torney, made a Hying trip to Williams three Japan«* the mouth ol Elk creek will increase tin la«t Fri lay We Im tgine that his favor salinop tn Bogue river at least ten fold question at some length but time and Watsonville, Now father» mid ite song these «lay» is, ’•(> darling how my the other wic- Much credit is due Mr. Hume lor thh lack of space forbids received a < mother» whote boy» were present on ; heart grows weary, far, far away.” business like enterprise. Married— M the iiomu of the bride’s thigh. He w 1 hat occasion, you have the facts, what Whenever ami wherever the Iwy.ot' think ye? Comment as to whether «Isler, Mrs 1' J. Hartley, June 23, 1M97, i dollar*. A great sen* principle manifests itself then ami then- «11« h things will injure your boys ts Miss Verdi«* Gibson and Ja i< i*ui or retaliation what would be wrong for our boy» to horn«» in our midst C okki sroMnss r. they arc >Wpt either of which tnakea hroa'I ami deep do? Do you want tin* Cot hi 1:a to re i Australia. I »urn mg.i tching «km diseases instantly the charm twlweelt opposing factions main “DuinQ as an ox on v\«»ry Th«» supr«»me So American citixen possessing a rear question” of this charact«*r? We can’t rclic\cd bv DeWitl’aWttc Ii Hazel Halve, , tow n of Long E unequalled lor cut»,bruises,burn»;it heals unable amount of intelligence, will. afte. keep still . corporated. without leaving a scar W. F. Kremer. large majority < due consideration allow- himself to b< < lirlMt lit«« Kn«l«»avor In Islilaml. Delicate artrle»,« :ch as edging», ruch- been prepared, beguiled into the practice of such a the.» ry. Those who foster »ur-h a principle Munday wah a great dav i<»r th«*(’hri« ing, laces, ami g«»«s imei w ill nut stand i in getting the I'h«» morning much rubbing Soap Foam Washing Pow­ «»n its f«»et again are they who have ls*en injured, a. ihii w«>rk«»r« in \«liand train from the north brought quit«» a der cleans them perfectly without damage O. M. Wclbun they «iippore, by some teal or fancied larg«« numlH*r uf Christian Endeavor revenue at San wrong. If the boycott is pra. tic.-.l aork«*r» frvm ’«rant'« Pans and other or thmble. sus|M»nde«i froi against a firm or a < »mmtltdly. it will in l»oint» in th«» R<^m Riv«»r Vall«»y, a» marshals and «1«» * o I IV I lisi Ml IMI lull ««•II a» a nunilM»r fr<»m farther noith. the eml rebound.for wliat is foo.1 for th< him high and lox \ fine, nice dinner wa« »«»rv«<| ia th«* <>n Monday evening nt the regular his arrest chargii goose seems to Is* I. h .'I for kite gander. I m hii IH u I grove on the Ch lutainpia ground« after which th«» visitor» met meeting of the Workman I. nige the fol iM Zxlvment of go\ Tbi» week witness««! the first ehipment their entertainer» in the talwriiaclv, lowing otll .«rs w.»r • installe I bv II. W According to of early peaches from Southern Oregon when* interesting and inspiring ««*t vicu« Kinney, D G M W Francisco the bai wei«» held. >ix o ’ cltH'k found a l.irgt* to the Portland market. The time i« Master Workman; W T Cobu'ii. Fore­ v»< ape paying tax ci -wti al the«le|)ot awaiting the arrival 000 worth of mon« drawing near at hand when there will of the »p« « ial Endeavor tram from th«» man ; R W l*cison, i >ver»e«*r, II Schmi It, Thi» has been a I mj a gr«»at «lea! of fruit that cannot find north \i 6 30 it came into th«« 1 ata Re -»«r«ler, M 1’ Utley, Financier; F I. a market, ami now is the time for some non Mtiaiiit* with flag» ami C E. color», Corm. R**cen«»r.C L Edgerton, Guide; banks converting otic with a capital of live or six hundred An vnthu«iaMtic welemne awaited mi eu- J I steward, Inside Watchman ; A C itiva into govern which taxes cann thusiantic crowd ol bright faced ( hri»- dollar« to pul up a drier. In an inter tun men ami women Old fririid» Duncan, Gutsid * Watchman . II A Mc­ act of the bankc view with a gentleman who has had a wcr«» greet« I mi l new frivnd«hip« «luick- Daniel amount availabl«» If the kmg«lom of (tod great «leal of experience in this line of ly formed just that sum and Estray Not»«'«*. mean« uneiit»«« menos* of spirit then th«» tin» C ( ’ I*' , work we we re inform? I that a drier hav and city’s rvwnu socieli is doing a most wonderful work Ht raved fr«Hn Maloti M heeler’« pasture about $240,000. in.'» a capacity of 10 000 p<>um!s of green in advancing that kingdom near (irant’s Pass, on or about June (», A bold plot to ki< frur per 24 hours, or there about, wouhl After supper an immense audience one light bav mar«» 1! years old , scar on net cost in the«* inoir than fiMsvinbl«»«! in the Cbatauqua building right shoulder, also one bright bav mare, capitalist Henry M The j eight tear» ol«l »car on forvh«*ad ; white for a heavy ransom fO'iU N »w, if this !»«• afa«t, and we >«• lor th*» v\eicisea ol the «»veiling • 'pi ning i xeici-ies hi re le«l Io Mr I’ P ! hind feet , small «car on front ankle. covered at Baker« leve it is, the cost is nominal an t the ' 1 ■' ■ 1 Urante r*»--. who ii.el nix»| \ny information given I W. Griffith were in the plot, all profit that would accrue therefrom Io all ptesiilrd at the afternoon services «it ant*« Pas« w ill b«» liberally rvw arded. for some month» on parties having fruit to dry certainly \itvr tii«* usual devotional «’x*»rci«<»! a .1. I.. >< 01 r, Riddle, < >r Lux r»nvh. I’hey k heartv welcome was ext«*nd«d to ne w is vxttMi I, d t » lb«» would justify the put* ing up ol a drier in visitors by habit of viniting th? W T I \ an s oy . piv«i- b\ Prof \\ s.i%e on« «,rain over it. Their pl» the Pans. dent of liic Siale N »rnuil s« h »ul a: \sli- land Ihl« wit« follow«» ! I»v mi addr«»«» hew realize that each squirrel destroys him and carty him by on«» of the voiivt*iiii<»n «*p«»Hkers. |>r fl »0 worth of giam Annually. Wake cabin and there • >m < >ar .«j , Hi«» ('u n» « rían.I P«*«d»>tvrnm le«- s Squirrel ami iiopber Exterminator check foi f2>,00>. trust?«* " lb«» Unihtl Society III» 1« th«* m«u»t «•thftive ami economical pois» take a trieiid w ¡th hi tli«*m? 'lk*noinmati«mal Loaltv •u known were together c«»n Price re«luc«»d to 30 cent«. an I Inter-den«ui tallonai Fellowship " I »r «ale bi M Clemens, sol»» agent. napp« i■* > ««uld nut tw PRICE .V NOW GRAND C. M TERRELL 1 Puget sound where she is being repair- 1 Mr-». V. E. Walker was thrown from » wagon near Santa < rux. Cal., an«l 1 received injuries from which «he diud in two hours. During l he progresa of a l>ar!>«*ctie a* Calabas«, (’al., two drunken Mvxi« ans rot into a fight, w hi li resulte«l in the death of FrancUco Covarrubias. 1!. M.iybew was sentence«! to one year at l'nlsom for forgery committed In Watsonville, <’al. lie signed J» T. Porter’s name to a check for $13. Loyd Duke ami Leon Hill, two young men living at Warthan, Fresno county, quarreled «»ver a trifling matter ami Hill »but Duke thromrh th** «»«*••• grants Pass Furniture and Casket Compaq I I RXISII THEIR Beautiful Pu nerâl Car FREE to our Patrone 1—— ft- — aöh - ' FC CL IN ALL DEPARTMENTS AT THE BIG CASH STORE--WE ARE DETERMINED I.* L. L. VoTAW, O C. VERBELL. SALE Ladies'- Men s- and Children's Shoes7'underweai^BHate“11“ PARASOLS, SHIRT WAISTS. CAPES. SUMMER GOODS IctCb« Ladies Muslin Underwear Gent s White and Colored Laundered and Unlaundered Shirts, and that will far surpass any previous sale. Get ready for the grand rush1111 Pla°e 011 sale values SALE OPENS THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 8.