Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, May 27, 1897, Image 3

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    % I
T hursday , M ay 27. 1897.
Strawberries !
The opera house was crowded to its
Hood River Berries reported as
not extra nice. Indications are
that well-filled baskets of choice
Berries will bring good prices.
Tin Top Berry Baskets
and Crates are cheap
this season.
Before Buying.
Burbank Potatoes just arrived!
90c per Cwt.
Yes it
We arc HEADQUARTERS for Snowy Butte Flour
rTli<‘ 11. jiik I M.GHOCHRY.
Notice to Horse Breeders.
Save Your Grain.
Few realize that each squirrel destroys
fl 50 worth of grain annually. Wake­
lee’s Squirrel and Gopher Exterminator
is the most effective and economical pois
on known
Price reduced to 30 cents.
For sale by -M. Clemens, sole agent.
Indian creek seems to be coming into
favor with placer miners. It runs near­
ly east ami west along the California
boundary and mines have been staked
off high up amongst the snow thia
spring. The gold needs a pipe and hy­
draulic to uncover, as the early-found
nuggets were taken by earl v dav miners.
Indian creek is about 15 miles from
Browntown Oregon on one side ami 20
miles distant from Happy Camp, Cal
on the other.
Itir lseye «as down from Fool’s Gdit Fallows' Hall Falls Before the
Fire Fiend.
creek Saturday.
At 10 minutes io 2 Wednesday inorn-
Sweet Cider at Bartlett’s.
from Williams Saturday.
ing of tins week ths tire bell alarmed
I lS||IN(a TACKLE at Cramer Bros.
towu and quite a blaae «as seen
R. A. Booth «as on a visit to friends
reaching skyward from the rear <>( Ter­
Kitchen safes $2.75 at Hale’s.
at Albany an»l Eugene last week.
rell A Son's furniture store in the Odd
Men’s furnishings at cost at How-
8. F. Cass and family returued from rello»»' building, corner ot Sixth and
, ard’s,
Sumner Iowa Saturday.
II. streets. The fireman were promptly
Will Jackecr. resident dentist.
Mrs. P. Hasksll moved out to her farm on the ground and would have kept the
contineu vo the southwest corner
Cramer down Rogue river this week.
of the bull iiug, had not the hoee burst,
Frank Dessinger got back from Grand making it necessary to shut the water off
Ixxlge of O. F. Saturday morning
at the hydrant ami uncouple and con­
Buowy Butte flour at Cornell’s.
Father Desmairats will leave for Mon­ nect again, during which interval the
Josephine county has 1,297 buys and
treal tuis week on a three months vaca­ tUmee gamed great headway ami it was
1,2:16gills of Schoo! age.
decided that the building as well as the
warehouse belonging to Jack Layton,
Boots. Shoes, Hats and Cai* at coat at
Wm Har|»erthe Wuodville farmer and were doomed, lu the latter building
fruit raiser was m tbe city Saturday.
Jewell A I'o.ige had a large stuck of
B. A M. handle Snowy Butte flour.
Mis« Alice Haruion went to Portland wagons, buggies, mining and farm ma-
evening to speml a few cbmery, all of which with the except on
Howard ia closing out his piece g«xxls Saturday
of suiue buggies and wagons rolled out
at Lredrock prices. Call before they are weeks.
by willing hands, were destroyed.
all gone.
J T. Breeding who has a goo»l pros
The fire alao destroyed the building
(reel on Jump » ff-Joe was in town Mon-’ known as Ben's Bicycle den, but the losa
Sweet and sour pick’es at Bartlett’s.
here was merely nominal
Calhoun Bros, for Snowy Butte flour.
The conflagration raged for three quar­
.Messrs. Tebbs and Howard went out
GARDEN IIOSE, lawn sprinklers i at to do some S’irveyilig on the Gold Basin ters of an hour and made it intensely
Cramer Bros.
for the boys who. at one time had 3
mine last week.
streams plaving on adjacent houses.
Fresh nuts and raisins at Bartlett’s.
George Wilson has traded for the Mc­
A'. E. Dean's residence had a close
Master's place near town and will pro- call
All the furniture and household
Snowy Butte again leads the market.
| ceed to improve it.
goods were rushed out, but the streams
Clemens, Druggis», opp. Opera House.
Mies Maggie Chiles finisliejTler school bv the fire boys ami the garden hoae by
G. A. R. Encampment at Gold Hill, at Williams Thursday and came home Mr. Dean himself saved the structure,
which was badly scorched.
Sept 13 to 17 inclusive.
; for the vacation.
Terrell A Son’s loss ia probably »3,000
Have your dealer keep Snowy Butte.
Mrs. Ed. Tynan, daughter of Dr. Will with |2S00 iusurance. Quite a lot of fur­
McGrew’s ice is cold ami solid ; enough Jackson came over from Roseburg Mon- niture was jerked out by the populace
and set in the middle of il. street, more
of it would cause the finest day to cloud j day on a visit.
or lees damaged of course, by rough han­
up and raiu, and he -vlH it t heap and
Presiding Elder Reagan of M. E.
The firm has resumed business
delivers it free.
I church south was here this week hold-
in the Rebkoff building, just oppo­
Parties wanting to rent houses call on ' ing quarterly conference.
site Lister A Calvert’s.
Billy Saunders.
Mrs Prater, grandmother of Mrs. G.
Jewell A Dodge's loss is probably
W. H. Flanagan, physician surgeon S. Calhoun apent a few days visiting »1,500. They had just stored a earload
wagons in the warehouse; their in
from Ashland last week.
and dentist.
surance on thia stock is »1,000.
The flyer north bound Monday after­
The city hall was damaged probably
noon had 8 coaches. Four of them were Cole went to Oregon City Monday night »250 on the rear end and in the cu|x>la.
< on a visit to a sister there.
returning conductors.
At one time it looked as though Lister
Charley l’ernnglon fireman of tbe flyer A Calvert’s stable would go too, and all
wa« up from Dunsmuir last week visit­ the horses were moved out in a hurry.
ED at Cramer Bros.
The city hall is insuied for 5,0 <0
ing friends iu this city.
Go to the Novelty for fine candies.
The Hotel Layton, just being fitted up
Geo. Dean, Thos. Perry, Dick Walker by Johnson Bros., suffe.ed some on ac­
Conklin building.
and Ad Wells returne.1 from a prospect­ count of the beat smashing the windows,
Tiie ladies of the Presbvterian church ing trip to Indian creek last week.
but the new furniture owned a« yet by
will hold an ice cream sale in the church
J. 8 Denise and family were in from J. R. Hale was only injured slightly.
parlors Wednesday evening June 9th.
The water supply was splendid though
the Lower Applegate Saturday. Mr. I*e-
Wall paper 10 cents double roll at Ter­ nise is running the Sterling farm thia one could hear croakers who said it was
rel! <fc Sons.
no good, as three beautiful streams were
plaving at a height of 70 feet and even
Eighteen young people held a picnic
S. W. Forbes, postmaster, mayor, mer­ into the bellry of the city hall which ba l
i at Savage rapids Sunday.
chant, notary public ami «avant of caught tiie.
Come and see the 1897 Whitney Baby Browntown came in Friday on busi­
The alarm was given by Claude Cass
carriages at Terrell’s Furniture store.
who was returning home in company
Janies Calvert returned from Eastern with Miss Alice Thornton, from a re­
(io to Howard's for trunks, valises,
traveling bags and telescopies. Prices be­ ¡Oregon last week, after 4 months ab­ ception given Mr. Cass in the Workman's
sence. He thinks time« are better there hall. Miss Thornton alarmed the folks
low competition.
ill her home while Claude rang the bell
. than in Southern Oregon.
A meeting of Free Silver organizations
G. W. Blalock wa« in town Thursday
has been called for next Saturdsv, at 2
Mr. O C. Terrell was struck on the
and called on the Coi hick
The seas shoulder by a falling secretary which
P. M. City hall.
| on'« run on the Grave creek placers, Mr. was hurled out of the up stair« window
Advertising is like breathing
You I B. says has been “all right.’’
by some person who had evidently lost
can’t do enough of it in a day to last a
Harry laswis spent a week in the In­ Ins head in the excitement. Mr. T was
month.—Cambridge Chronicle.
dian creek country recently ami thinks net badly hurt however.
Terrell A Son can sell caskets and cof­ the gold is there all right, but it will take
John Hackett’s stock of harness «as
fins as cheap as any home in Southern labor and capital to unearth.
hurriedly tired into the street, but the
building was «aved though the front
Mrs. Wm Bingainon of Williams val­
Henry Zimmerman enriched the city ley returned from Missouri last week al­ allow« hli«twrn now as well as the fronts
treasury $10 worth for assaulting Jose ph tar an ab«ence ot several months. She of Mrs. RelikotTs and If. Thornton's
Dveert Monday.
expressed herself as being gla«i to get
The evening was calm and a light frost
of ROYAL COACHMAN home to Josephine county again.
was in the air, making the bystanders
i FLIES at Cramer Bros.
Wm. F. Cameron of Castle Rock, Col. chilly who were at any distance from
Howard is sellingout his dry gooils at lias Ireeu engageil to succeed Prof. Pries the blazing building«.
The firemen worked nobly. Anyone
cost Call at once and satisfy yourselves as principal of Grant’s Pass schools at a
salary of »S3 per month. School begins who save they didn't can get a tight out
that he means what he says.
of tbe Col rikk
' in September again.
All organizations taking part in loco­
No one knows how the fire caught. A
ration Day exercises are called to form
The Weather
lot of excelsior for mattreSHea wa« stored
in line at the site of the Odd Fellows’
in the shed where the blaze was first
hail at 1 P. M., next Saturday.
Saturday was warm, the quicksilver seen.
A quantity of giant |>owder wa« stored
Plenty of barley, hay and feed of all reaching 96 in some shadv places about
kinds at lowest prices. ~
Kott Griffin up town. Sunday was cloudy and some­ in Jewell A Dodge's warehouse, but it
what damp, though there was no rain to was all on a truck near the door, aud
posite Court House.
speak of. Distant thunder could be Mr. iH-an at once rushed this off to a
Strawberries have been coming in heard on the mountains,
place of safetv before lie put on hi«
from the fields pretty freely
___ „ ___
this ______
Monday was cloudy ami the afternoon boots.
They retail at 5 baskets for a quarter.
The odd Fellow«' building and con­
I was very like coast weather—heavy roll-
Breeders of horses will be pl earns 1 to ' mg clouds coming in from the ocean tents were insured for »I,.'KM1; the loss is
notice that the service of Mr. Cass’ | with a regural 10 knot breeze but no probably »1,500. 'Die paraphernalia and
horses has been reduced to meet the i rain. Tuesday was cool and cloudy but fixture« were destroyed, though some of
the records were saved. The encamp­
times. Now is a good chance to get a ' dry.
ment was insured for »250, ami the Re-
good colt cheap.
bekas for »200, which will probably
Judge Chiles has 8 men improving the
cover the loss.
county road to W illiams creek near the
To the Hon. mayor and council of the
Gray place these days.
Sluh-e* ItohherN Shot.
city of Grant's Pass:
We your ¡letitioners respectfully ask
Croup and whooping cough are child­
The Kerby stage driver brought in
hood’s terrors; but like pneumonia bron the ordering of a granite sidewalk on the
chitis, and other throat and lung trou west side of Fourth street from F. street word Sunday morning that a miner who
hies, can lie quickly cured by using One ta Evelyno Ave. Walk to be 6 feet wide goes by the name oí Chatu l’ayne had
shot two sluice-box robbers Saturday
Minute Cough Cure. Dr. \V. F. Kre­ 6 inches deep of white granite material
A I«empke
August Fetich
night at the Gilmore Bour placer mine
C K Root
Theo P Cramer
on Indian creek, just over the California
The Johnson brothers are busy fitting John I> Frv
line. It ap|>ears that the sluice« had
up the Hotel Laytcn for immediate bus­ Robert McLean
S A Greene
been robbed a week Irefore, some $400
i’ll Sampron worth of amalgum being extracted, am)
A 8 Greene
bo Payne was detailed to watch
Fri'lay evening’s north bound passen­
ger did not arrive till 5 Saturday morn­
He observed two men approach the
ing on account of a freight collision on
boxes, and after turning the waler off
the Siskiyou«,in which an engine was
ditcher!, but no one was killed. The con­ Don't MI hm This Good Opportunity they sat down to wait till the sluice«
To Buy Goods Cheap
were dry, when one of them proceeded
ductors special bound north came in on
Saturday inoruing a few minntes after.
J. W. Howard is putting all his large to pry up the riffle« with a crowbar
Then Payne fl re« I Ins Winchester at a
Not oniy piles of the very worst kind stocks of Dress Goods. Boots and Shoes, distance of 15 to 20 feet. Both robbers
can be cured by De Witt’s Witch Hazel < »ent’h Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps fell and Payne at once came into Kerby
Salve, but eczema, scalds, burns, bruises, on the market at actual cost, as he wish­ and reported. Tom Gilmore headed a
bulls, ulcers and all other skin troubles es to get out of thet-e lines. It will pay posse and left for the «cene Bunday mor-
can l>e instantly relieved by the same intending purchasers to call and exam
ine his goods and get his extiemely low ■
remedy. W. F Kremer.
I he diggings are some 30 miles south
Don’t mi«« this sale.
of Kerby. The names of the men shot
The Sugar Pine has received the priv-
Gene Kerr and Fitzsimmons, both of
ilege of sailing iumlier to the citv for
whom are known in Grant’s Pass.
$7.06 per M the ensuing fiscal ) ear.
Oregon Herr es quoted in Port­
land at from $2 00 to 3 00 per crate
No. 1 Sweet Pickles
No. 1 Sour Pickles
Moak IL, IS, 100. standard bred Ham-
bletonian. Martiuff, 1.486 pure blood
Clydesdale will make the season from
April to July at Lister & Cal vert's . bal-
ance at niv stock barn. Season service*
Moak H.
$20.00; Macduff $10.
S. F. C ass .
Subscriptions taken for the San Fran­
cisco Examiner at the C oi ' rucr office.
Th“ Weekly Examiner is $1.50 a year and
you get ail the advantages of their pre­
mium offer.
Bucklln’t» Arnica Salve.
T he best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns,
and all skin eruptions, and positively
cures piles, or no pay required. It is
guaranteed to give good satisfaction or
money refumled. Price 25c (»er box.
Five acres of tine orchard, six room For sal« by Dr. W. F. Kremer.
house, bain and outbuildings, fruit trees
For Sale.
now bearing, only ten minutes walk
from depot. Price $120)
Apply to
The Rogue River Brewery in (¿rant’s
T. S. Cl NI)Y.
Pass with 10-barrel Copper Kettle, Kegs,
Malt Kiln and modern Bowling alley.
Proving I' p.
Duelling House of 8 rooms, Stable, Gran­
Settlers desiring to make final proui ary, etc. There are 83 fruit trees in gar­
on their claims can save trouble and ex­ den. Tlie pre pert v contains 4 acres, or
pense by pending in name and number 26 building lots
Inquire at this office
of ciaim with description, and name« of or of Mrs Geo. Walter, Grant’s Pass.
four witnesses
Applications made out
tree at the Cot kier office.
Mr. D. i*. Davis, a prominent livery­
“Thev tr»« dandies” said Thos Bowers, man and merchant of Goshen, Va , has
of the ( rocket, l exa-, Enterprise, while this to say on the subject of rheumatism :
writing about De Witt’s Little Early Ris­ “I take pleasure in recommending Cham­
berlain’s Pain Balm for rheumatism, aw
ers, the famous little p its for sick head
ache and disorders of the stomach and I know from personal experience that it
will d<> all that is claimed for it. A year
liver. W. F. Kremer.
ago this spring my brother was laid up
Sheriff Newt. Livingstone, of (»rant in bed with inflammatory rheumatism
county, and guard arrived in Salem with and suffered intensely. The first appli­
John ’McMahon and delivered him over cation of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm eased
to th»* penitentiary authorities. They the pain and the use of one bottle com­
were 12 days on the road, the trip being pletely cured him. For sale by all
made via Heppner, as the sentencing druggists.
judge thought there was danger of the
prisoner being lynched if taken by flu­
There are letters in the Grant’s Page
regular route. Two guards accompanied postofliee for :
the sheriff to the railroad. McMahon is Babcock F D
Kennedy J B
convicted of murder in the second degree Brown Frank
Norton T M
ami st ntenced to imprisonment for life. Burk Samuel
Smith C L
The ex|M*nses of conveyance was $285.45. Gulbraith Mr?. H.
Mayer« L E
no charge being made for ‘.he extra dis
man’s pocket
tance ami time required to come bj' was
there are a dozen uses ; ami to use each
of Heppner.
one in such a way aw to derive the great
Bick headache can lx* quickly and com­ est benefit is a question every one mujst
pletely overcome by using those famous solve for himself. We believe, however,
little pills known as ” De Witt’s Little that no better use could b»^ made of one
of these quarters than to exchange it for
Early Risers. W F. Kremer.
a bottle ot Chamlierlain’s Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine that
everv family should be provided with.
For sale by all druggists,
The jury that tried Russel in Coos
county disagreed, eight being in favor ol
declaring him insane and four for mur­
der in the second degree. Russel was
Whitney rubber-tired BABY CARRI-
trie<l for killing his eon in-law. The old
man climbed on a bed. pushed his gun AGEB at Cramer Bros
through a partition wall, an I deliberate­
A W. L. A P. pule rotten at its founda
ly fired at his son-in ’aw. who was seated tion fell against the building occupied
on a chair in an adjacent room.
by Fetsch Bros Monday night and
knocked several bricks from the cor­
Don't neglect a .•ouafi beca'iae the nice.
weather i. pleaaant; before the next
Two dollar capital prize for highest
«’orni roll« around it mav develop into a
rerioua ditfieiiltv beyond repair. One average in 4 games at Jackson's bowling
Minute t.’ough Cure is ea»y to take and i alley, every Friday evening. For ladies
»ill do wliat it« name iinp'iee. W. F. or gentlemen.
Walt Eastman, a boy of 14 went to
Central Point Monday and in trying to
ride a race horse , was thrown and had
his head bruised.
Rev. Father Newell, of Portland, is
holdings mission in the Catholic church
in Jacksonville. A mission will begin
in Ashland, Mav 26, and one in <»rant’s
Pass June 2.
In oixLr to clean up our stock and to place before
our customers
We arc now offering our entire stock ol ladies
$3.50. $4.OO, $4.50, .*5.00 and <$5.50
at 952.95.
Two young men in gray bicycle suits
passed through town on wheels Friday
labelled “Post Intelligen<*e from >eattle
to Kan Francisco on a Fowler.” They
got as far as Bloody Run when one of
them ‘‘took a header” and smash «-«I his
wheel. They loaded their bicycles on
to the tram Saturday morning and took
it the rest ot the way on Mr. Hunting­
ton’s set of wheels.
Redfield's ice « ream parlors are pat'
ronized extensively by ladies am! families
as well as gentlemen who have a tooth
for sweet delicacies
Being m »st con
venienlly situated it is easy I r every
one to drop in and partsk- in the coxy
quarters set off for that purjioffe. Mrs.
Redfield fits charge of the cream ill ak-
ing and serving and patron« can rely on
lieing treated so well that they will
‘‘come again.”
Deafness Cannot be Cured
and $8.50
CAPES AT $4.95
1> »n’t mi— the yrcat bargains we are offering in
. L. COE
Clowe of *<-h»M»l
by i oca I applications as they can in t
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to < ure deafness
and that is by constitutio nal remedies.
Deaf ne«e is caused by sn inflamed con­
dition of the muocis lining of the En-
sis* hian Tube
When this tube is in-
flame«! you have a rumbling sound or
impert»*ct hearing, and when if i« en­
tire!/ «losed, doafneM is the result, and
unless the in flam mat« on can be taken
out and Ibis tube re«tored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroy««! for­
ever; nine casew o il of ten are cause«!
by catarrh, which is nothing but an in­
flam»*«! condition of the mucous
We will x ve One Handred 1 dollars f #r
any case of drafnees <-aused ‘ ’
that cannot t* cure«! by Hall
Hend for circulars, fr
Sol«! by druggist« 75s.
Pill» »r«
All Wednesday night of last week
Grant’s Pass was the headquarters of
the great Southern Pacific svsteni of rail­
roads. It had power to dictate fares and
freights for three million of people on
the one hand and the wages of 15,000
employees on the other. It had San-
Francisco and the whole coast from Eu­
gene south to San Diego in its grin. It
owed the government of the I nited
States $70 000,OM), which it never intend-
ed to pay. Its power was felt in politics
in 5 states and 2 territories from the
election of the U. 8. senator down to
county assessors.
All this because C P. Huntington
•’Uncle Collis” president of the road
loitered over night at the depot here, in
his two traveling palaces Oneonto and
“Oneonto II.” His wifeand H E Hun­
tington were also aboard, They were
making daylight rides over the coast.
Mr. Huntington is a well-preserved
man of some 70 winters, the past 30 of
which he has spent log-rolling bills
through the halls of the American con­
gress with more or less sm eess—mostly
surcesi*, because be bad the money to
push his interests while the great Am­
erican people, who do the work ami pay
the taxes, simply relied on the honor of
The train of 4 coaches left for the north
at 7 Thursday morning, long before I’n*
cle Collis had thought of arising from
his luxurious couch and taking a glimpse
11 .
offl< lais of the Oregon roads, .Mr Koehler
ami Mr. Fields, were on the same
How to Treat A
From Fa< rifle Health Journal
First, get a wife; second, lx- patient.
You may have great trials «nd perplexi­
ties in your buri news, but do not there­
fore, carry to your home a cloudy or
contracted brow. Yonr wife may have
trial- which, though of less magnitude,
may be hard for her to bear. A kind
word, a ten ier look will do wonders in
chaffing from her brow all clouds of
eloooi —To thia we would a»id always
keep a bottle <>( Chamberlain's Cough
Rerne»Jy in the house
It is the best and
is sure to be needed sooner or later.
Your wife will then know that you really
care for her ami wish to protect her
health. For sale by all druggists.
capacity Thursday eveniugon the
occasion of cummenceiuent exercises
which consisted of essays by th« gradu
alee, cf whom there were 7—Myrtle Ire
land. IH-ssa Freed, Anna llbltg, Ida Ed-
gerlon, Helen Crowe, Sara Morris and
Maude Collin«.
The reception tendered bv the gradua­
ting ciara oí W at the opera house Fri­
day evening wav a pleaaant affair. Some
2tW guarta were prevent. The ball had
been tastily decorated with flower» and
moltoea and the chairs were ranged
around the room in parallel tier«, in
the center, tablea were apread for ice
cream and cake.
The alumni cunaiatingof all the gradu­
ate« of the Grant'» Pa»« high aehool
eine« the tirat in St), who are now in our
midst, held a jolly meeting oil the stage
and elected officers. .Miss Lillie Barrie
was chosen (»resident and the young lady
read off the program, consisting of music
essavs etc. for the edification of the
Some 75 graduates have gotten diplo­
mas in the Grant's Pass high school,
mostly young ladies. A'ready they are
making history ; some are in business for
themselves, others are married ami
some as Prof. Price humorously auggest-
ed. are wanting to be. while others are
perfectly oblivious of all feeling in the
The vacation will last until about the
first oí September. Prof Price will not
act as principal but it ia not vet k nown
who will be his successor.
W M Ross, a fifteen-year-old boy of
Camden, N. J., committed suicide lie­
cause his father chided him for using
One man was killed and one fatally
wounded at Joe Ixzwe’s roadhouse,
near Ih»nver, (’ol.
Lows l»a»l trouble
neighl«»r over an Irrigating
ditch which led to the «hooting.
Twopersons were killed and three
riousl v injure I in a fire in a four-
story teiiament house in New York
Several others narrowly escaped death.
The Eriiish commission which went
to Argentine to buy a great quantity of
h««rs**-> fu. cavalry purple«
Colony his made several la
cliHM s.
1 wo steamers ioa«l
< ap«
h, r-- 1 have already wailed I
fxdony and negotiations for i
ther purchases are under way.
At t. Ixiui", May 21st, an explosion
of gasoimi restii»»«'! in the death »»f
Mrs. Ada Mohr, 3.3 years old, her 1 Il-
monthe-old Imby, Hugho Howard, 15
months old, and WilLam Howard, 5
years old.
Mr». Bessie Howard was
fatally burn hi, while Max (ill Ripe I ami
Henry Burn an wave Imdly turne«!. In
order to ma' e the Are ia the nuokstove
buri, . tu - Mr«. M-»hr poured gasoline
over the Wi, -1
“Mrs. Hunter! M ra. Hunter I M-i-a-
s-e-wa-s ii-u n l-e-r-r-r !
Where in the
name of common sense did you put them
tacks that I gave you a few minutes
ago?” Mr. Hunter was tacking down a
strip of twenty-five cent crash across a
twenty-five cent carpet to keep the car­
pet from getting tracked up, and Mrs.
Hunter had been boaeing the job until
there had almost been a family row,
when she went upstairs and left Mr
Hunter to finish the job in peace.
“Them tacks?
P dunno jest where 1
lay ’em. You set down a minute till I
get down there and I’ll find ’em for you”
answered Mrs. Hunter from the head of
the stairs.
Mr. Huuter pulled out a
chair from against the wall ami eat
down. At the same time he found the
tacks. You often find just what you
want in unexpected places. Il is some­
what different at our store, you come
expecting to find anything you may
hap|»en to want in the edible lire, and
you find just what you want.
The find
-I. .. pleasanter
~ than
» I. .. .. Mr.
\! r lllllltur'u
is .......
experience in finding the carpet tacks,
and you will soon find that ours is the
place to buy groceries. Our latest this
week is
B .A. jstik :
Receive deposits subject to check or oa
certificate payable on demand.
Kells night drafts on »>ew York, San Fran­
cisco. and Portland.
Telegrauhic transfsrw sold on all points in
the Lulled Stutea.
Special Attention given to Collections and
general business of our customers.
Collections maile throughout Bouthen
( »regun, and on all accessible points.
J. D. FRY, President.
J. T.TUFFS , Vice President.
R. A. B ooth , Cashier.
Murder or Ncthing
John McMahon, who killed Lewis
Gutridge at Granite, in Grant county,
was found guilty of murder in the second
degree in Canyon City last Friday, the
jury being out only four hours. Satur­
day night Justice Clifford sentenced Mc­
Mahon to the (»enitentiary for life. Ou
the 21st of last month McMahon sh<»t
and killed l«ewis Gutridge, and badly
wounded in the face Samuei (autridge. a
brother oj Lewis, and postmaeter of
Granite, who also would have been killed
but for Mr. Gutridge's wife, who ran out
and grabbed the pistol as McMahon was
in the act of firing at her husband a sec­
ond time. Gossip about McMahon’s sis-
ter is said to have been the cause of the
has seldom been
swifter in Oregon than in this case,”
says an exchange; but we do not call t hat
justice. McMahon should either have
been hanged or set free. He was guilty
of murder or nothing.—Fossil Journal.
R. E. Wrenn, a cattle-buyer from Mon­
tana, whose headquarters are at Pendle­
ton, accompanied by Nate Cecil, w as in
Fossil, Gilliam county, offering belter
than ruling prices for cattle, says the
Journal. He bought 60 head from Alex
Beard, paving $15 for yearlings, $20 50
for 2-year-olds and $26 for 3-year old
steers, delivered at Arlington about June
1. He also bought six head of 3-year-
old steers of Charles Palmer, of Rowe
creek, at $26 per head, delivered at Ar­
lington. Mr. Wn*nn is also buying
O regon
shadr and O rnamrntal T reks .
We have just in a large
quantity of full cream
young America cheese
made at the celebrated
— Aleo —
San Justodairy, Hollis­ Strawberry Plain. Blaclberj Pim: al
ter. (ial. This is the kind
that suits the taste of OUR NURSERY
those who do not like a
cheese cither too strong
rtea Hill Land,
or too mild, its just right
They weigh from 6 to 7
do not handle, cultivate, or
pounds, l*rice 90 to 95c attempt We
to propagate any varieties or
kinds of fruit, until «ati«fied that they
each. We slice the same are
well adapted to tiie soil and climate
peculiar to Southern Oregon
Write for
k ind at 15c a pound.
terms to
G iiants Paas. Oasuos.
Some for ten, some foi twenty and
some for thirty years have suffered from
piles and then have been quickly and
permanently cured by using De Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve, the great remedy
lor piles and all forms of skin diseases.
W. F. Kremer.
W. B. Johnson, Newark, (>., Bay«, “One
Minute Cough Cure saved my only child
from dying by croup.” It has saved
thousands of others suffering from croup,
pneumonia, bronchitis and other throat
and lung troubles. W. F. Kremer.
The wheels in th© power-house of the
Pioneer Electric Power Company of
Ogden, Utah, were put in motion a few
days ago, thus starting a power system
second only in size to that of Niagara.
The Court of Appeals in the case of
Hallie Omberg vs. The United States
Mutual Association, decided that the
lower court w as wrong, ami that she
was entitled to $5,600, the amount of
an accident policy carried by her hus­
band, who died ns the roauit of a mos­
quito bite, th»* Court holding the latter
to he an “accident’1 in the meaning <>f
the law.
T ekkihi . k A cvidknt .—It is a terrible
accident to la* burned or scalded; hut
the pain and agony ami frightful distig-
urments can be quickly overcome w ith­
out leaving a mar by using De Witt’s
Witch Hazel Balve. W. F. Kremer.
Library-Car Route
Do you want really
good butter, better butter Meals in
than the ordinary butter Car
a In
you get at the ordinary Carte
store? We have it. We
believe our butter is su­
perior to any other but­
ter sold in Grants Pass,
Try it and we will have
your butter trade, 20c Shortest and
a pound.
Quickest Line to
St. Paul,
Wonder it the boys and
girls read our ad last THROUGHPALACEandTOURIST
week, we haven’t heard SLEEPERS, lHNINO and LIBRARY
from them yet.
Daily Trains : Fast Time
FKTZNER In this city May 2.3. to Mr
arid Mrs. Joseph Felzner a daughter.
LOWRY BELMORE In this < ity May
2.3, J. W. ixjwry and Miss Julia Bel
WALKER -GROVE In this itv May 25 .
Edward Walker amt < lara Grove, by Jua
tice Holman.
LIBBY—HEY FER TII In this city May
21. Chas. IL Libby and Minnie H Bey-
ferth, by Ju«ige ( biles.
RU.HhEL-BRIhTOW-ln this city Ma)
19, Fred Russel ami Millie M. Bristow
II \ RROM MA Mi' In til
20. J. W. Harmon ami Eva Masters.
phine <’o. Ore . May 19 1M97. David L.
Browning and Meda Rose I. 8. W. Hmitli
Juslieeof the Peace ofllciating.
---------- r~
During his lifetime Edward L. 8chieff
lin, the noted prospector, who discovered |
the mines which made Arizona famous, • Mi i 'I.I’NG On Hlate creek, May 6, Eliza
often expressed the wish that he I m -{ wife of J. W. M» < 'lung, a native of Ar
placed to rest at Tombstone, the town be i kanban, aged 55 years.
founded and christened. His hotly was
■hipped from Oregon. It arrived in 1 J. R. W alk , Undertaker, office op-
Tombstone on Sunday, and the funeral
| posite Kremer's drug store, where
took place on Tuesday.
A grave has been chosen upon a knoll, | he may Tie found, either day or night
three miles from rornbstone, near the
Grand Central mine, an I there a monu­
ment will lie erected to his memory. The
funeral was in charge of Augustus i
Browne, a miner and an old friend of the
dead man.
In thirty days the com mission ers ap­
pointed by Governor Budd to select a
site for the state normal school at Ban
Diego rnuat by law report their decision.
It is believed that either the site on
University heights or that on Pacific
beach will he chosen.
The Paoific
tieacli site has the advantage of having
buildings already erected, which will
be given for aclrool purposes.
He Found ’Em.
For ticket« and full information oil on
Ol a. Id re
B in A. I xiwki . l , A «ent
A. B.
S txvfn «. C P A T A, Portland Or.
<1 W P A. Seattle, Warh.
McCormack Ahead.
Wc will give you the best Mower, Harvester, Rake
or other machine or implement at the
lowest price in Southern Oregon.
< '¡ i *411
Having made arrangements to
buy from a factory outside of the
combine, we now sell our entire
line of Coffins and Caskets at one-
half the former prices.
We carry bv far the largest stock
to select from in the county, and
| the Goods are equal to any on the
. market. We will not be under­
sold on Undertaking Goods ai.d
will furnish our elegant HBARSE
to our patrons URKE.
Notice for Publication.
R om ^ mi ko , Oregon, May 13, 18V7.
otice 18 hereby given that
the following-named settler has
filed noticoof his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, ami
that sai«l prod will be mad»* before J. M
Chiles, County Judge of Joaephine
(b., Or., at Grant's i*aas, Oregon, O»l
June, 24 UM7, vis :
I kkomk B. B knno .*«
on homestead entry No. 6839, for the
-I t
I •• \v.
IInamsa the following witness»*« to
prove hie continuoua residence U|»on and
cultivation of »aid land, viz
Calvin Wells, J. Frank Mee August
.Meyer ami < »»«orge L. Yonker, alt of
Grant’s 1‘aws, Oregon.
I \ i re
\ lcd ici nets
National Drug Store,