lUujuc lUtur An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon THIRTEENTH YEAR 635 th WEEK. GRANT’S PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 27. 1897 The Master of Europe. In Boston lives a man who has been selling SHOES for almost forty years— sells them to store keepers. Fine, stylish Shoes for ladies and misses. Also Heavy Shoes. He calls all his Shoes “WEAR RE SISTERS ** They WEAR. Prices moderate. Sold only at the RED STAR STORE WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS [INCORPORATED] Portland Oregon -----MANUFACTURERS OF----- Hydraulic Pipe And All Kinds of Machinery for Mining Purposes. ---- ALSO----- BRIDGE WORE BOLTS RODS IRON SHUTTERS. CELLS WINDOW GUARDS. DOORS. AND Cast-Iron Structure Work COXRESI’ONDENCE SOLICITED. ESTIMATES FURNISHED Groceries! First-class goods kept in stock and sold at the lowest prices, quality considered. ------ ALL KINDS OF Staple and Fancy Groceries ! HARDWARE, TINWARE, TABLEWARE •■k- Every article sold warranted as represented. Farm Produce taken »•«■change. J. M CHILES. FOR PURE FRESH DRUGS -----Go to the----- CITY DRUG STORE. J. E. PETERSON, Proprietor. ALL PRESCRIPTIONS filled by Mrs C. M. Stone, a registered Phar ma* ist of twenty-three years’ experience, and Patrons can rely upon being served with accuracy and promptness. HOTEL JOSEPHINE N orth S ixth S treet , G rant ' s P ass , O r . This well-known and popular Hotel is the Great Headquarters for Commercial Men, Transient Families and Steady Guests. Its sightly location insures rest and quiet from the ‘noise of loco motives. while the distance (one block from the depot) is not enough to cause nconvenience. B’ .ird andaRooms by the Dav,‘Week or Month. J. 0. BOOTH, PROPRIETOR NHOOD RESTORED a famo Franr û pnyaiHan. win quick!/ ear»yoo oí all a«p djw-awa of U m * »*■>• mu»e orfana. wa M Loat Maaaoed. 'la, panata tba P«Lk «Amiral £a.iaak>oe, Marrou« ¡MtClry. •«. T’flSina«a to Marry, Bxbaoeus.c Draina, Vaneara» a> 4 r Latest An Advertising Fable. I seofX Ray*. Lincoln County Officials. Ex petes not Infall! hie. When we res4 of a mother whs No miner need be abeolrUdf diacour The mandsmua pr ocelli ng» brought One»* upon a time a Hebrew clothing Du W m . T. B i ll , »ays The Independ The Emperor of Russia dominates Eu leaves her new born babe shiv- rope. The exhibition of power he made ineruhaul accidentally came ac ross a copy ent, has Utel’ given to the world an xc by tbe sheriff and clerk of Lincoln coun- aged because some mining expert de on a door in bringing the Sultau to agree to an ar of Fruiters’ Ink, and as he was on adver count of the entire restoration to health •v t<> couq>vl the county court to pay clare» against his properly and thus pre step, unguarded mistice was dramatic, but none the less tiser he read and enjoyed the Little of a woman who had carried a plate of their salaries, decided adversely bv vents a sale. If possible let him keep on from the ele- artificial teeth in her gullet for twenty* Judge Fullerton, of the second district, with his development work until his real. It cannot be said that the situa Schoolmaster. f ments, and to So attractive w that particular num two months, her health meantime be have been appealed to the supreme mine is in better sha(>e for favorable In tion was created to order. The natural suffer at tbe objective point of the Turk was Athens ber that our friend subscribed and great ing at a low ebb, for the removal of court, Meanwhile the clerk anti county spection and hope for better luck nex. mercy of stran Nothing lav between Edhem Pasha and was the o»nsolation that be tout)«! there which he successfully operated. In that court are having a bitter official fight. time. Any one of a dozen reasons may gers, we won der at her cold the Grecian capital but the will of the in. It taught him every week new wrin connection he relates some most inter The county judge is not allowed by the have lt»d to condemnation of the pane, heart and lack esting es pari men ta with the X rays. It clerk to pass behind the railing in the and any one of these reasons may be Emperor of Russia When that will was kles in advertising. yf mother-love. wrong ones. Experts are not i.d L ble. Butt here a as one principle inculcated seems that there are many things that latter’» office, and is required to give re expressed the Turk was paralyzed, An Th«f? ere other They cannot see into the ground L h *ur ceipts for papers or documents taken armistice was concluded before the ech and it seemed to run ail through every may be swallowed—one surgeon enum way** ihan de oes of the battle of Domokoa had died issue, and that was that it never pays to erates twenty-live that have been—and from the office. The commissioner's than any .me e’«*». though they mat be sertion, of exposing a child to a life of suf away. It is still probable that the Rus lie in your advertising— that m publici more than half of tnem are substanoea court, when it holds sessions, is com aid generally niv bett judges ot w’.wt is fering The mother who, through ignorance .vAdu» ’r .or or neglect of the health and vigor of the or sian and the Turk have a friendly under ty, as in other things, "truth is mighty that can be discerned by the aid of the pelled to give th»» clerk a receipt for the in sight and whtun* i»ey of gans that make motherhood possible, brings X rays. Hence he considers that “this journal and the clerk declines to sit as dinary miners. Yet, as stat standing with each other. It is not im and will prevail." Now, the Hebrew merchant doubted addition to surg'cal resources cannot tie clerk of the commissioner’ court. The ten make mistakes eilhet »j rv»wiiK’a.n- into the world a sick and puny chiid is at probable that the Russian considered the ding a mine which turns out bad or con fault for the life of suffering to which it is clerk furthermore, has, since August attack upon the Greek force at Domokos this very much. He had no faith in the overestimated.” If a woman would have last, withheld ail fees collected, and the demning one which turns out good. A condemned. the legitimate end of the war. The Turk principle. But the continued teachings healthy r■*bu«t happy children, with bright Fruit in Linn County. county court, by wav of retaliation, has case in point uf the latter may be cited futures, she must take proper care of her may have agreed with the Russian in of the Little Schoolmaster finally over not since August issue I the clerk u war in the Morning Star drift gravel mine womanly self. that respect, especially as a friend would come his scruple». There is a big diversity of opinion as to rant in payment of the latter’s salary. at Iowa hill Placer county. This mine The best of all medicines for women is So he resolved to break through the be needed among the powers when the »rite Prescription. It acts terms ot peace should come under dis old traditions and to test the value of the coming fruit crop. UherricK are said The fight is the outgrowth of the act of was examined some years ago by two of Dr. Pi« directly and only on the delicate and im the most noted mining experts in the the eountv court in reducing the clerk ’ s to have dropped generally ami the crop Printers’ Ink s advice by writing an ad cussion. portant organs that bear the burdens of mar State, and the» report-j against its pur will be Hinnll, and some of the other salary from |1800 to 1 1200 a year — an act that should tell the truth, the whole 1 A diplomatic victory ¡soften more val It makes them strong and healthy, fruit» will be short, but it is yet difficult that the court claims the right to per chase at a valuadui of |6fi,000on a sixty- ternity. uable than a victory in war. The fruits truth, and nothing but the truth t* wv^fares for wifehood ana motherhood. And after many wrestlings with his to tell. The Journal sums it up as fol form through a flaw in the law regulat day working bond. Notwithstanding Taken* during the expectant period it ban of war may be frittered away by incom petent diplomacy. The prestige gained 'r ameas conscience, much silent weep lows ; A w ritet of this paper spent Tues ing the salaries of Lincoln county offici the condemnatory report of tbe experts I ishes the usual discomforts and makes it was bought, ami lias uv Mid io div- baby's coming easy and «lmost painless. It by an exhibition of power to hold armies itig, and many misgivings, he wrote the day afternoon out on the garden road in als. hlends over $900,000 ami produced .u.»-e insures a robust, healthy newcomer and in check is hardly less substantial than following ad and sent it to all the local specting the strawberry crop, the fruit trees and potato patches. We have FOR A LONG AND HAPPY LIFE. than twice as much. It is to day the ample, natural nourishm nt. Over 90,000 that which results from a campaign of newspapers for publication : have testified to its merits over their largest producing mine in Placer county. women victory. Russia has reached the point FORCED SALE OF SHODDY CLOTH manv notes on the situation, but for signatures. All good druggists sc»» it. lack of space we will only sav that there He Well Fed. W ell W ariued aitd W ell This was a ease where the experts were Mrs. Ursula Dunham, o< si<»i. »ville, Tyler Co., at whi h uo second San Stefano is possi IN g Heated. mistaken in their conclusions about the W Vs., writes “ My now is nearly a year will be a good crop of ¡»ears. There will ble. The next time a Russian army is old. She was last March. Aller she was Were I aekrd for a receipt for mine, for they were perfectly honest in born I had local born I have 20() of last season’s Men’s Suits not be a fourth of a crop of prunes, cher encamped within sight of the spires of weakness I ctmld not stand up Moslem church towers in Constantino —one-fourth wool, 75 per cent cotton. ries and applrt). There will not be over longevity, beauty and ha|»pinewi, I their rtqmrt and believed that the mine long enough to wash the dishes In September I takins Dt Pierce's Favorite Frescription. ple it will not turn back at the beck ol They mav wear Íairly well, but I dobt it. a half crop uf strawberries. Currants, would write: “Be well fed, well warmed was not worth the price put upon it. I took three Txittles and it has cured tne. 1 can They will certainly shrink in wet weath gooseberries ami raspberries will yield and well rested.” Many |n»opleiixe tho;- Some other similar instances might be SOW do all my an English Minister. work.” f "X’ _ • . ’f constipation was Salisbury took a philosophic view of er. The colors will come out in the wet. enormous, but blackberries are severely oughly wedded to the idea that it is cited. Of course, it is not intended to rx It* ■ iPUCi1 'a painful like a tooth- suggest that experts'rep ¿1» are not to I LFI I can’t guarantee that any suit will thinned out.—Albany Democrat. the situation in b s speech before the • I ILIVV J iche. sickness would jitot as well to sit down ami work on, be depended upon, but they, like other Junior Constitutional Club, but he was fit. Every garment is poorly stitched, a very great extent be a thing ol the past If it or tlwit. it i« a sign of laziness to lie men, are fallible, ami if the owner thor to was paiuful, the proper remedy would be prompt- less jaunty than he sometimes is He and the buttons are likely to come oil ROBINSO.i L.JuJ'S ISLAND. dow n in the daytime, »aya the ldulie.-.* ly resorted to and tnc ong train of disordera lor oughly believes in h.s mine fot* re;-«one evidently realized that the expectations w ithout w arning. It is a part of a take which it is responsible would cease to exist. But of the nation had not been fulfilled, but stock that 1 bought for a inert* song, but it Was Tobna«». ‘ -nr Trtnl»l«4. and Home Journal. There is just, such ig of his own, continued work m* ■ p. unfortunately constipation 1» the easiest to n»g- X«»l J unn 1'«-man lies. norance in the world—for ignorance it him correct, even if r e exports !iol<i L.ct of sll sickness-breeding conditions. A resort he reminded his audience that the Gov 1 meet make money on the deal, so I’ll tot*»“ -ght remedy is put off from day *.o day. It ' ^u»winer. A late dispatch iu the newspapers io—of the simplest physical laws. If contrary opinion ernment could not be held res|>onsible sell the suits at <6 75 each if 1 can catch ah- - itself in a h-ad' hr. aa! some injuri throughout the country refer» to a re- a woman, is observed to rest often she lor the sympathetic address sent to any suckers. First come, firsi served. ous neadache powder that gives but temporary relief is used. Dr. Pierce s Pleasant Pellets (ireece by 100 fool members of Parlia I saac A bkamstin , H igh M arket S t . ported sinking of Juan Fernandez and is soon n’gnrdiMi as “lazy.” People who STILL Ci' S . S F N : ¡jo to the first cause of the trouble and cure ment.— Bulletin. Isaac waited patiently for the trade to this island as the fabied home of are averse to exercise, or lag easily in i.. They aie a prompt and permanent cure in- fo» constipation. Tnev cause no pain and that never came. He is still waiting RobiiD ui Crusoe. A later dispatch their work, are sick. When people shun And Ills Jffc...n nevtr gripe Druggists . ON MANY SUBJECTS. ten» ** i»» i’-««l»-cC The public, while applauding his hon says that the government of Chili has exertion it is Invause the physical bal sell them, and s«ll nothing LJzxllpTQ A suit w ill shortly i e bv/z w. h \ . ist else that is jus» as good." ■ VIIVIOs There is more snuff uat-d in Boston esty, did not want the class of goods he decided hereafter to call Juan Fernan ance is weakened. Another odd bit of bigotry vtamls like a wealthy New Yorker and n member of thani in any other city in the I'mted offered. His competitors were "mad dez Crusoe’s island. clear through’’ that one of their number It take« but a moment to show that a “lion in the way:” Our grand fathers many leading chdai in th;H<*itv for the States. should have ruined "der’cloding pizneas’’ ■— — recovery of a •* e uf t months' All the inhabitants of the deep de by stooping to tell the truth, and Isaac— Juan Fernandes is not Crusoe's island. and grandmother» did not do so. «»to. rx :it that. >,<* im a.iegvd for he The story Defoe first published in 171'.» In this cane it is ¡»lain that, tiny ¡id vour each other, and not one of them ¡>oor Isaac—he lost all faith in truthful tells just where Crusoe's island lie/. not need th»» amount of rest that i» re tenancy oi a hou*»* in ¡Junupeat. Par advertising. li>e« on vegetation. ticulars of the claim were received re A French, chemist has invented a blue I And tbe moral is, that while truth in The hero was on his way from Brazil quired in theae days. They Iwid not cently at the Austro-Hungarian con ROBERT G. SMITH, soap which renders unnecessary the us»* advertising invariably ¡»ays, it is a losing tc Guiana when the hurricane wrecked a tenth of the distraction» of these sulate ami th»* cast» was subsequently ATH > K N EY AT-LAW. him and cast him on a lonely coast. huriying times. Besi<iea. ¡icrhapH, if game to tell the truth about goods that of bluing in laundry work. G rant . P a *«, O rxgom . have no merits. They had better not be It was near the mouth of the Orinoco. they had not such faitJi in their transferred to the care of the attorneys Mrs. Susan Stewart, of Wichita, Kan., advertised at all.—Ex. “The master made an observation as straigh<rbneke<l chair« and long hours for th»» consulate, says the New York Practice* in all State and 1 ed trai Court« has a full set of natural and perfect well as he could,” said Crusoe, “and their progeny might have been blessed Tribune. Orni « im B ank B vildino . tet<te and her ag-e is 93. Th»» complainant is Mme. II. Schmitt- found that he was in about 11 degrees with stringer n<*rve». ’Hiercfore, my’ NEW PATENTED NOVELTIES. Lumber to the amouiut of 13,000,(MX) north latitude, but that he was 22 de weary, i|uick-trinpered, cross woman, Ordcxly, ti prominent buslnem woman square feet was last year imparted by A new device for hm * in the sickroom grees of longitude further west from hasten to be “healthy, wealthy and in the Hungarian capital. Iler proper WILLARD CRAWFORD, China, most of it from Oregon and consists of a spoon having a dial in the Cape St. Augustine; so that he found wise” by going to I m »»I early anti often. ty in<*lu<l<*H a villa situated in a faxh- A1TORN EY-AT-LAW. Washington. handle, w ith the hours and lmlf hours he was u[X)D the coast of Guiana, on Also, invest in some sort of comfortable ioiuibh» part of that city. L ist Hum Practical in all Federal, State and Su The most valuable fur is tJmt of the marked on it and an arrow revolved by the north ¡»art of Brazil, beyond the couch, which shall be* inetalled in th»* mer, on the cx'casioii of the Austro-Hun sea otter. A single skin of this animal a knob, to indicate the time for each river Amazon, toward that of the rivei post of honor in your sitting-room, and garian ex|Mmition, she awKcrte that she preme Courts. »ometimeti cost« us much as a thous&ml dos#» of medicine. Orinoco, commonly called the Great then use it. rent*»»! her villa to th»» defendant for O ffici at R ksidkncb T hird S t . N orth . Notary Public. dollars. t he mont I ik of J uly, August and Septeui*- i Among tike many new dev ices to assist river, and l»egan to consult with me ONLY A LITTLE PLAYFUL. b»*r for 1,1)00 florinx, ami of this amount A farmer at Strangfleld, Ont., while the blind one of the l>est is a typewriter what course he should take, for the splitting wood was struck in one eye in which the keys have ruisctl letters, ship was leaky and very much disabled, The Tenderfoot, However, Didn't 600 floriiiH is still due. Thia sum lb* HENRY L. BENSON, hrfiM instructed the eoiiHulutc to re- by a splinter, and total bli<ndnet»A in and which punctuates the paper with and he wan going directly back to the %«rree with the Owner. coast of Braxil. I was positively cover by Jegal process. l>oth eyes resulted. either letters or the dots contained in Attorney-at-Law. “He ain’t vicious, stranger, and ain’t against that; and looking over the got a »ingle meaji trait.” Some merriment was caused In the The largest ahurch edifice in the one of the blind aJpihabete. CHANTS PASS, OR. charts of tbe seacoast of Aiucricu with consulate by th«* fact that a remittance world is St. Peter’«, in Rome; the small For tlue puTjMise of preventing scarf So spoke the owner of the mustang est is a chirrch ten fe>et square on the ¡>ins from coming out a handy new de him, we concluded there was no inhab io the tenderfoot who wa.s Hojourning of 60 cent/« wax inclosed by Mme. (>r- Orrici—Over the Bank. Practice« in all Court« of the State. Isle of Ate il . vice is composed of a small piece of wire ited country for us to have reccur < in th»» hills of *«>uthwrfrit4*rn Missouri, dody in her letter, presumably os a re tainer. If this wa.s actually the jnir|M»«i» .iys the Detroit Free 1’resK A. A. Powell, of Cincinnati, wciglns coiled into a spring and attached by a to till we came within the circle of the Caribbee islands, and we w<*r “You just get on arul try him an«l which Mm»». Ord»xiy desire»! the money 272 pounds, and stands 7 feet 2% inches chain or cord to the tie, the pin being therefore resolved to stand away for ARTHUR P. HARTH, if you (lon’t like him don’t buy him. tp I m * devote<l t-# it. would I m * probably m his stockings. He wears a No. 12 pressed into the «nd of the coil. Barbadoea.” shoe anil a No. 19 glove. He may be a bit spry and playful, but the snuilh’Nt retaining fee ever offered A recently-¡»tented safety cheek for Again, says Defoe, towards the end to a lawyer in t.his country. The luw- Six monkeys in a public menagerie banks lias cou¡on» attached to the upper of the tale in reference to the tide about that’s ’cans»» he’« been in the ateble yer who will take proceeding» against in Paris were lately seen smoking ciga- edge an<l each end, representing tens, his inland: “I afterward understood! over a week.” O ffick ovKK tiik B ank ’¡’lie tesiderfoot sprang to t.he saddle th*» American explained recently, how- I'ettes, to the horror of their keeper. hundreds and thousands of dollars, the it was occasioned bv the great draught <*\»»r, that. Mine. Ordody intendc»l the Oregon and w hat happened thereafter he only Five, miscluevous boys had supplied the larger coupons being detached until tte* and reflux of the mighty river Orinoco right amount is reached when it is de in the mouth of w hieh river, as I fount; dimly r»*meml>ered. The horse reared; money to cover preliminary stamp fe«*«. cigarettes. then he came down on all four«, with In Hungary a ,M*t.ition to Un* courts lx Blotting ¡»per waa first made in Uns sired to use tlue check. afterwards, our island lay, and that oblig«*d to have affixed a revenue stamp country about 40 years ago. Before that One of the most handy wrappers for this island, w hich I perceived to be west his legs a« stiff aa a »awhors»». Having of the value »>f h I mhi I 60 cents. The de time our supply came from England, iju* of doing up newspaper» and the and northwest, wus the great ialand 1 re| mm «ted thin operation Iwilf a doz»»n fendant is at present abroad and isaup- ----- VIA THK ----- and a great many ¡»eople used sand to like has a plurality of slots placed in a Trinidad, on the north ¡»oint of tin tlm»*s. he sprang forward and covered ¡M»se<l to I m * traveling in Husain. absorb the ink on their manuscripts. straight line across the outside thick mouth of the river. I asked Friday i< u good section of the country ata 2:01 ness of the paper, wo that when it is thousand questions aliout the country gait, with no running mate, either. He — of the — THE CULINARY ART. reared, leafivd, plunged and finally made grasped in both hands and given a slight the inhabitants, the sea, tbe coast, an A TERRIER'S REVENGE. The princess of Soubise invented tJw* tv wt crosswise it break» along this what nations were near. He told nit Ilia way I nh k to the starting ¡>oint, made as if to roll over and then »lived for the Snmmoaed Illa I Hltliful Friend and soup n<«w called of tex her, while the line. all he knew with tbe greatest ojiciinu ExiireM Tr»ii>x I..*va Portland Daily Obtained Satisfaction. princess of Conde gave her name to a For the prevention of stealing liquids imaginable. I asked him the uanic .«table door, leaving t lu* horseman dazed, This dog Ht«»ry told by ulady Wh»’ I ¿articular mode of serving a breast of from barrels by attend anta in a store of the severuJ nations of his nort of dumb and limp in a buah near the mnd- mutton. The duchess of Mailly, vying a new 4aucet has an automatic measur people, but could get uo other nan.« nide. The owner helped the would-l»e vouches« for ite ax'diracy H ai », ark a bl« 9 30 a .M 7 :30 f . a with her, invented a special way of ing, legistcring and recording device than Caribs. I easily understood th h purchaser to his feet., shniightentsl him ms it is, she affirms Huit it in Üb» 1/nth, out am! jammed his battered b it on m OO f . m . li», whole» truth, aiwl nothing but the dressing a leg of the saane animal. which will »how the amount drawn from these were the Caribbees, which oui troÜL Louise de la Vail here was skilled in title a barrel, the mechanism bring locked ma|»s place on the part of America Ilia head. Abuv« truiiiHHtup Hl all »tations be* “What kin»F khid of a horse do you An u]>tho»Xnte. family hiu! two dogs, twtM'ii Portland ............... and Balam, Turner, culinary art. in a metal cose to prevent tampering which reaches from the mouth of tbe n bulldog mal a IHack-wnd-tzui, I m > Marion, Jetfareoll. Alban _inv, Cottage Grò va Orinoco to Guiana, and onward to St. »•all that?” g;i>|M«l I he tenderfoot. Mme. de Maintenon became so with it. “ Sho! He ’ » all right. Been, in the tv Tangent, Sherlrl«, U lialwey, Harris- «■n wliiob there exist»*»! every evi alarmed at tlhe delight of Louis XIV. Barbed wire for fences is made cheap Martha.“ City, . Eugene, Junction nce of deep friwaUtiip. ................. - The family bürg, This disjxj»?» of the fiction that Juan stable a week, that'* all. D* eb; a bit over the breast of mutton a La Conde er by a new process in which the barb« playful. But he h . n glit nice gait. nt into Ui« <x»tmtry one »uininer Dram, Oakland, and all «tation« trom that she enJ led in Pere 1» Chaise amd hr » stamped out of the ranter of a flat Fernandez, on the other side of South What do you think of t .mt «ingle, foot of me 16 niU»s frvnn home. They took Koanburg to Aabland incluaive. Pere Duuillwt, and the tr*o evolved the strip of metal as it. runs through the America, is Robinson Crusoe'» island his’n?” e l»tac!< fw d- ten with tiiwin, but left • luck ou Duuillet; thksdisJi is famous in machine, the barbs being so formed Crusoe’s island is in reality Tobago, the Roteburg Mail Daily • comj»nni«m at I mhii They luul not history’ as the means of weaning the that when the ends of two wires are more southerly of the Windward group WORK DONE BY THE SUN. wt ' hrd in their tnimnirr qiMir- It 4 30r.It. at . a so ». m 1 i.v. Portland susceptible monarch from Prince*» de brought together the barbs interlock of British West Indian islands. Dorv thnn a few <tey« lwf<»w t.iw» 12 26 F. N 1 i.v. Albany LV. 12 50F. m . is 20 miles northeast from Trinidad, Conde to the triumphant Maintenon. to form a joint. 7 »A.M. LV. 1 6 JU F. M xr. Roneburg dog hail managed to pick nqunr- Some 200 or 300 years Italy led A recently-designed trolley linen* ¡ mi ir and is 26 miles long and 7% at it« great *'■ ’’a neighbor's bulklog. in in cooking and France laughed and wagon ha« a folding frame work to r«t breadth. To-day it has a capital. ’.•»/•k-nnd ten got rnu<*h the DINING CARP ON °GDEN ROUTE. mocked at the Italian »levotion to the which the plat/orm is hinged, the front Scarborough, with nearly 2,000 inhab ••• * argumejjt miioh m » science of the kitchen. 1 hen came days and hock portions of the standard being itants. Pullmun Buffi t Sleepers ¡.At . ; r- <liHaj>p«»Lrv(| after the bât Tobago is not wanting in a legend of n France when masters in the art of drawn together by a screw’ to rn .** or and — Le h it (»« *“rx ww miM-h woiried. a castaway, an original of Robinson rooking, such aw Beohameil. serving lower the jJatform as desired, the whole They wfirched high and low. but no S econd C lass S leeping C ars Crusoe, for in the “ History of Tobago, “ Lou « the Magnificent, and Vote I. the resting on an auxiliary truck when not tr tuie thatMnnll »log could I» found, Attached * -.1 iliiougb train« by Chief Justice Woodcock, we find an fasnous steward of Prince de Conde, in use. The n<*xt Horn in g there next n morning tliere were am account of a solitary Frenchman who ruled over the dinner table, arxl greet roming up tup t.|«e the road, mail, wick» aide li by aide, th* ladies thought it no ksiignity to pre STORY OF FRENCH RLVOLU1 ION. ■aid be had lived there alone 21 years. biiu-k njwM&Ji and his faithful »Y>n>- West Side hi ioo between I'urtlud isd Two men have at different times lived pare a fa vori te dis h. Times l»«n Vienta Llv»*« Bepvnded ¡minion, the bulhlog from hotpe*. Tlw for years quite alone on tbe ialand of Moderation in manner of eating and on «mull !««■?■. Curvdlig. two loui'h«»« strwiight ¡xml. Lhe luotel, choice of food has not akwajs chara/ \t the time of tbe French revolution Juan Fernandez, »iff the coast of Chili. where tisi family wore stay hig, and terized men of history. Both Napoleon Joixlon, the ci lebratevl F’renrh sculp- One was an Indian who was left there haltet m front of th»» tenne of Us* MAIL THAIS tSXCZïT BUMDAT. in 1681, and rescued in 1684, whose ad I. and Carlyle are wnwl to htoe ruir«l i (whose statue of \«4ln¿re we have bfark-and tea's enemy. In some un venture« the buccaneer, Capt. Dam their digestions and twi jpers by rapid .I admired in the foyer of the Theater ar. | 6 50r. a. known niannvr tha country bulldog 7 30 a . m . 1 i.r. Porti».. , pier, deacribes in hi» “New Voyage »voting On the other and, th*» cafe lt . | l:06r. ■> run »vi se), was thrown into prison, was ^imimoTjcd ami imnu*<Lately his 12 ir>r. M. i At*. <'->rv»llia Round the World.” The other was the with which Gladstone p-...rtak.'W of the till 1er i un exchange. Mme. lloudon, in • ty «vjntanqiomry fell ti|«jin him. The celebrated Alexander Selkirk, who wm vumm I s sot ljef<rre hin hrs been, ar < .sjwir, went to Barrs« <ind w ith found by (apt. Woodes Rogers, and by »'♦■T'igg':* was wvrn* arid prolonged, but know* lodged over and over again as one * < lining ey«5S implored his nsHiwtonre. him taken from tbe island in 1709, after the tome was rawer in doubt. The of the greatest factors which has I Pirra: shook his head; lie feared lie tored-up ¡T» . I>nli-!og wo« <*o>mpl»*tely con life of four years and four months. '•v’a’k.rri to prolong hm life. * r indu* ould do nothing Houdon was a man After Selkirk's arrival in London he •i wr»M) retired in iw gmal ordrir fte Ar. 1 M. 1 Lv. Portland M »•tx*orolup ,t. of gen.iM-. and, therefore, as David wcii was much written about and talked of. pry, ible iD-b rthe» TvurTMitefi'*ea. The 4:AGr THE LONGFELLOW STATUE. the qu I Victor, nnre his t-r.\ coni pl eteri, wh«*d ad 7 :80 f . m . J sr MeMini. Ja LV. 1 5 80 a . m . <n . of t ¡.»-oondemning juifgra.he fuarsd Ills experiences in»pired Cowper when it there was little ol«an«oe for salvation. he wrote his l>eautiful verse» beginning ntM » 11 . :i . I ' I Y, I ’ te> i I • top ZVU'Vfl ♦' : Direct connection at San Francisco Mine Houdon refusing to a»*<*ept this “I am monarch of all I eurvey.” De 16 n * s t • L'or»» ’ITc black aim ! with Occidental and Oriental and Pacific t It- opinion as final and using all the arts foe’s Robinson Crusoe enjoyed adven One of t he best instance» f . into t te* I not--I with »•v»»ry ü . Mail steamship lines fur JAPAN AND find begniilementa of whjcti an astute ture« that bear a striking resemblance statue of any gTeat man ahi ctentem of »»«>m J liete mtsh» tkni on CHINA. Sailing dates on application. French la*!}’ is capable Barnas at test to both the Indian’s and Scotchman's any rate, in the respect if its f his <!lmiuutiw*nonnfensnee. - N. Y Mail Rates and tickets to Lantern ¡»ointe r»,ndefended to aide her if her hunimnd experiences as detailed by their rescu ite perspective with rc za rd I and Europe. Also JAPAN. CHINA had any statue for sale At that time in ers. With Selkirk Crusoe has been HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA. Can and th** Iocs 1 evi r memori: his atudio. Madame replie»! that the especially Identified, and a late writer be obtained from J. S. I’urdom. tirants which it is held— hi 4 hr BRIEF FACTS. only finished statue st present in his of the life of Defoe even relates the Pass. fellow at Portlai-d, »«J t lie st ill fight en aver F ROGERS, iteiier was a figure of St. ftcholastioe, legend of a visit of the true-l/orn Eng fl rd seated figure A -* i F A P Agt ry y«*sr. « KOEHLER. holding a scroll of manuscript in her lishinan to Selkirk at Bath.—N. Y. Sun »crupyinff a ; portend, Or. Manager. HllliMM Raf|ss •« < «>M«rrtlrsf. hand. part of the tov n. A rnendsr of the Connec ticut legisla Lulled Him to K««t Anyhow, ge)»»TM are gifMiuu ly leh»rniDg in ac )n henring th» the wily Barras rang which is kuuv Not long Ago a venerable couple from ture, Mr. Main, uf North StoniDgtes*s tivity bell end «Aid to his «nsw*»ririg »re The atetar v i try: *‘M Houdon has just romplet- a far western fawn arrived late at night 11 as «< hieve«! faiwr by gran ly d<*’lanng. More than half the world’» ¡»rodu- by a fund iu op*n session of the house. thsX at a seoidr resort, and. firing weary, i splendid stntue of 'Philosophy tiun ot quinine diapoeed of in the a wide field, but c litat.ngon the Revolution ’ Hasten went at once to bed. Just as tbe hus “saglrs g^t their teeth Into everything tinted HieU*«. Portland The »ct they <*an lay hanfls on.” Thia i In Italy then* are mor» theater» in For Sale ul the CCVJRIER Office. band was falling axlrep he murmured: rims ttes aubLme work of Art h that cu e it plartri in tftw assembly.” “Listen to the surf. Matilda; it’s glor terrible arm gnment of Freedom's |»-t proportion to tlve population tiian in rhene papei i are jtl«t the thing (or lining rted nnfx inters were carried out, with the ious, worth the journey. T haven't hear«! was part of a »¡r»*« h, mm b of itequslly any other country. cabins, wc r ping bundle», putting ural ai»<l >at not only was the sculptor's it for 40 yean«.” In th«» morning they ligorous. iu which Mr Main besought umlrr nar| •!» wu’’Ing curl pspera »« avow« The opal ¡a the only that cannot bin fellow-statesmen, in tte* rrame of ligl ring fir*.»» nd a host of rd, but he rerehed more ron»- sr.w no sea from windows or piarza. On a “Maine lx* coupteadtcited. It» delicate tin la defy theur imperiled turkeys and greve, nrt other use. Awtiilchvap. tsions for statues than he won stbls riquiry. the husband diacovsred that a n the port. reprod uction to |ai«» a bill imposing on anybody who to execute. On such small imu « i did i teml ntr alky had lulled him to rest. I » aer «rem* Insurance companiae claim that bi- kiUw an eagle within ths boundarksi of the lit»-* cf.nx u hsng in th*we tremand Mt>ti><* ha« much Ths rmunerc'Ml Situation 1 q ths Ar cycling ta mure langeruus than travel nus time»* gentine repub k ; Is an eitrssisly diffi ( onr^rtieiit a fine of 123. His eloquence ing either by rail or »hip. n**M is -S'd to te war wasted, hoarier, for after a long cult on« Failures are reported daily, » «land« ip th* p» debate, in whicji m-'eral rural «dons ad-1 Of the gold min» now in circulation ftsrltest < exports. and tha lo< nsta are ravaging th« Interior Mfrtly wateri tbe destruction of »*gkv» ’he !r. Fjig/ft'F't only a very small proportion Tha ftrst ex porta of cliseae from the provinces. i to th pf ft. earlier than 1H79. LUI was carried by a good majority. United Stat*« are believed to have been The Br »tharhood of Tailors, with a M|M»Aker rns/le the rafh*r Interne ting] Queen Victoria now rules 367.000,000 ■bout H26. *b*o Henry BurreU, msmbersLip of over 30,0$*), have de r*‘\ e|M -on that flu pt-qpnwed persona, a greater Herkimer coSBly. N. Y., opened areyu- cided to • triks in Naw York I er for Ne pur ever before I »owed . ar cheese t rwte with EitgLarMl. The beat sugar seed which the Agri Y»jr1 »l»>Ha sovereign. f np I Russia has the m t rapidly mer cultural DopartaueMl l«ae Lee., dislrilz- • of tn* mg population of airy un fry on earth, uting is practically ¡exhausted, about <1 u- «h ad The growth of the last 100 yearn ha» I9.M0U pounds having bean sent >ut to -Tiuate.’'| l»eea a fraction Ims than 1,000,000 an fariuars in about four-Aft l«a uf th« , BiNüly. t Matas- Professional Cards. Doctor in Dental Surgery EAST and SOUTH Shasta Ko vit« Southern Pacific Company.