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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1897)
- DECREASE IN tECUNDITY. j MRS- GLAJSTONE. i SOME OFFICIAL SALARIES. THE POPULAR IDEA. THE FROZEN BREEZE. I Tto. C.l.e.4 0.4 M 1« Hr, »ll-.M.«.««.-»to. Aff-,r-•< I one of it» ditig) i<»t.m*, with floors of PAST O3EA*I i AMINES. Tbs salary of the first lord of th* tiumplrd earth «i;«l Goy window* in Hoi Th**, Are Wet All lanoeest Mea A Burautfr I'henomruua by Terrible tlaltatlons of Distress Dar Fi»<lrri« k ’j’T’.« i T*<4 ItaltinuJie.1 A womau*» «¡lent iufluenee on the U ho Go to Siberia. u lAotrr of N»t«r«. treasury is >25,000. *; m I vu frumc«, it, uttvoted by m * veraI ia* the World's History. 1*here ia a |>opu]ar idea that the Did you ever aec a frozen breeze? , The cluuicellcr of theexchequ«- also, v.lh .tau« e» the clMUn that, off-iir» of a nation • i*houtic stateaneiita in the low n chron u lb the . ar • r It must not be »uppubed that the icle. mal also iu L h - Faust Buch, printed v .* tea of b.ljenc axe peopled with men You might ti^ve seen one if you had :< Xrt to the v^a held by crn.u. < f M? GUdUcnr. She « Whether in the lortn of 0,0* famine which is now devastating India, in 13^7. from v.hrrh all iaU-r writer* on w:*o liuve been unjustly exitad from gone, with me into the country one win receives STS-000. The »alary of the lord chancel!« is offiemto, tlu-t«nd of <-.4or«l mir-suon vr political leooer. nor m > X or liquid, the doctor', pre«rr,L?'* horrible aa it is, i» unique in the world’s Hie Faust tagend quote, and which i» i;.j>.a, and that the criminal is really ter morning, saya the Country. blood diseases u alwavs th?*’ •10,000. i, from the aouthrrn to Ue northern diplomat in petticoats, "*■'* “ history. The unnala of history give au their chief ou&tkority. .u. d.flivuR to find us the traditional however, This waa the way it came to bo «tchanre. Ttota chanfe. She - "»r^h‘'ib**_®^ “V_*r.’ mercury or potash. The»e don,?* An American cabinet officer gets •*.- .tatro, -V. ar. thentic record of not lem than 350 fam «•die in the bundliof hay Facts, how frozen: AH night long the air hod been __ _ ines, dating from Scriptural times dow n on the in far more than is generally known, not up the poison and dry ft u*! " DOTH WERE GEN1LEMEN. »•r, say* Tit-B ts, do not siyhaAantiate laden with mist. Over the fields, in the (>•■<) a year, and has an allowance for migration, he thinks, is of th* cb I jf lor her «•obetod’o' 1<oro«o health system, but they als, dry up tb? " stationery and for a private secretary. crease. He finds from a s to the present, say« Frank “ Leslie’s ! th.» theory any more than they do the hollow«, all through the w / km I b , even in the bone, at the same tnne **' <•- As principal secretary f state for natural increase of the colored popula- at hie rijH- old nffto but alao for hi« Weekly. Famine and pestilence have I heir A f trrl I» o « jk 1» Io and Their ...rj.’r majority of popular imp reanion«. on top of the hill», the fog hung heav The suppleness and elasticit, tloso Showed That. great ability to a.-compli»h the amount foreign affair» Lord Salisbury drew $2<>,- always gone hand m hand, the oae t.on that the rate decreOM« n® on»- goes \ preui sensation was created two ily. All that tiiae th« wind blew »tead- joints give way to a »tiffuess th. One cold and storm rvesing iOMt (JUO a year and 12,000 for a private »*c- from the «outh to the north. Thu«, of work he baa done through hi» public mg pains of rheumatism Th» causing the other, and vermin and filth I r thr«T yt rs ago by the firn ling of ily, but not fiercely, from some north a prosperous-looking business ' have always been among the chief winter rvtary. while it is 25 per cent, in teu years in fife and since hi» retin ment. V hen he gradually bends, the bones ache' j ien Ruis*.an ex.lcs or prisoners who ern quarter. cause« So recently aa 1»55 there <ame nan «topjird in the vestibule of a large | had mod«* tlw.r vsv-npe from Siberia. Th« lord president of the council Florida, in South (brolini and Georgia vaa in office it was her ceaseless care decrepitude and helples^ies, ’ At nightfall the mercury fell l«low building, on his way out, and at- a plague of locusts in I tab and only the draw* 110,000 a year, andaodotbe presi it is 164, in North Carolina 13.1, that he should not be distracted by un i - turely take possession of the bo/' the They were in an open boas in the P-t- the freezing point, ho that thin mist, it is but a short step to ' appearance of seagull«, never before tt mpted to light a cigar . ay ific and were taken to San Fran* *< ». <w it drifted through the trrep, was dents of the board of trade and agri in the border state« 6.4, and in thing that she eould present, won! Youth ’ » i ’ ompouion. An urchin with Then comes faii|„ ram au far inland, prevent«! the total w here they I mh - uiuc the object »of popi- : frozen upon their oranche« and twigs culture. the northern state« 3.7 or pos- that meant rcniarkabic arlf-abnega- crutches. un armful <>* |«p r» also stood wiih.n the hair and decay of the bone, destruction of the crops and conse But the actual rate tlon. The interests of »growing faml.v dition The English attorney general is not »¡bly Iraa. the arch, stamping his feet on the stone :ir comm seration, u* well as the t< t The elms, the oaJca and the other leaf truly horrible. of seten ch:ldreo, with a fond anti quent famine. f r the <lenouno:ng of the R use '. lens trees took their ice coating quite a member of the cabinet, but he draws of the increase of the colored popula step to wann Uiem, ua I m * lustily cried proud Mkother, aiffht e«r ly htoee n'a>i. Contagion ¡-. Iteaidea inure is and vermin there may riM-thods of drahng with |«r>litical of tion of the north in ten year« was nearly •21,000 a year and about >20,000 extra I evenly, but the thick, impenetrable Poison—the consideraltle demand uj>on «lie father's be other cause« of famine, some natural, hi» war»-». fenders. MERCUR 2! per cent., end the (Lfference between masse* of the needle« of the pine tree« in fees. Th® wind blew out the last match of mankind-. ' some artificial. Among these are rain, attention, but nei’her these nor any so The ( ilifornieua, ever ready with were cohered noticeably only upon the In addition to the prime minister, this and the rate of natural increase is nutst horrible froet, drought and other meteorological which the fhir *uttt<«i broker hail a I m >ut sympathy, gave them clothes and found sides toward the north or north west, cial duties n >r household perplexiti.w iucrilied by Mr. Brown to migration the foreign affair» minister and the diseases, ln,ih phenomena, war, defective agriculture, bis peraori, and he turned to the boy and them work to do. It now appears thz;» from which tin* wind came. Thestrong. Ion!» of the admiralty g*^ residence» !u from the south. Mr. Brwn al«o shows were ever jiermilte.1 to touch h » leis *»y» defective transportation, legislative in •aid : ure from statecraft cares Her watch during the interval of time that l.u that there are great inequalities in the steady breeze lient the branchea to lee doctors. Theui Dow ning street. “Ih-re, boy, give me a match.” tvrferreuce, currency restrictioivs, wpe«* fulness has not decreased these later <* lapsed l/etween their arrival in Sen. distribution of the colored people in • s>t audmer' ward w hile it w as icing them, and w*hen The lad eyed tin- gentleman furtively When an English minister’» term ex ulatiou and m »application of grain. I rmciM'ound now. they have every on° the wind came down in the morning pires. he may receive an annuity of $10,- the south. In some sections the negroes years. She is still his best phyiician In connection with this last-named as he inquired: “Say, mister, is that u but it al • I pturi bed b ' biw of tba land they remained jimt there, leaning to the 000 if he mok»-8 affidavit that he actually enormously outnumber the whites, os and saves his strength in innumerable cause it may lie said that, although In demand «c a request?” forth again att- Hie last of the party ha« ju»4 been southward, iced and frozen to im in South Carolina and along the Missis ways, trifling in themselves, but im In«t<*ad of being angry at this reproof needs it. dia lias been cursed with famine more ■ug some de •HirfeiMNed to 20 years’ imftrisonmeut movability, but looking just an if the sippi from Memphis nearly to New Or portant in the aggregate and poa-ible the gentleman»--for he wan such- re The English minister of foreign af than any other country, having luul 34 organ, f^' for burglary, while one of hia <• rn wind were «still steadily blowing. leans, and in these sections the dispar only to one who has made such saving plied kindly. fairs is supposed to give three recep witbin the century, a* a whole country ‘be mouth a life study. Ble»-c*i lierself witli ex Evep in the afternoon, when the rain “A reqm-at, my boy. a humble rt <|U«at; nidi’s only a shurt lime buck un tions a year. If he is a poor man, he ity is increasing. In other sections the cellent health oil her 1 fe. she wears her throat, fillinrts. it always produces food enough forallof hanged for two murders which he had began to fall and the wind came from i.egro is alm<*t non-ex»ftcnt, averaging and I ’ ll lake a couple of evening papers, 1 with eating gives only the greet dinner and ball on its inhabitants, and even in year «of fam coni mitt ed. S3 years lightly and st il show« many quite another quarter, that north wind S.S.S., is the • the occasion of the queen’» birthday. only one ¡»er cent, of the total popula tr.,. ine there are region» of plenty «uffictant too, I guee*.” lie added, a*« he received of the hsntlaone Mixa Glynne Investigations which have b**en mad* of the aight liefore still remained white known curefo- . to bed the starving if only the grain the u.a■« h f: t »¡I t'.<• )«►'.'!;■ • • ■ hand «how tbat every one of these men hn<’ This some times coats $5,000. The queen’s tion. Thia is notably true of nearly and frozen over the piny wood*, the who captivated the rising young M. P disease. Iti»^ could l>e brought to them. It isniituruJ, Mid pasaeil h'm a quarter, * and you may been Rent t<o Siberia for reasons wh:e’ ¡mle, rigid corpse of a thing once keen household often hel[»« out by supplying one-half of the state of Texas. It is I over half a century ago. the flowers from the royal conserva further jointed out that in these sec therefore, to suppose that the. causes of keep tb< change.” table, and one thousand doll irsrtwi- tions the white population is increas “That man’s got manm-rs if he’s a would have rarnc<lh'm a corre«|M)ndicg ly alive. Indian famine« are quite aa much arti tories. NOT FORBIDDEN. period of exi*1e from the haunt* of h:< offered for proof to the contrary ing faster than the average. ficial as natural and that legislative mind ter u#s* ’em,’’ said the hoy, aa his fellow men, if not absolute deportat on HOW THE GREEKS SLEEP. never fails to cure Contagions B NOTES ON HEALTH. How the U tt> Tnrk Reconciled n Lik- Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rlietin>a; „ foresight could do much to prevent patron boarded a car. liiK for < liainpaune with the Koran. “That >M)y won’t always hove to sell from the country, in any other ¡sirt of Fa«11dioua People Find No i'onven- COSTLIEST OF FISH HOOKS. them. No consumptive person should be per Cancer, or any other disease of ' I irarr« at the Hotels. papers if he pract’crs what lie the world. The William Penn, an American blood. If you have a blood <lls,t mitted to work in cow stables or to milk Tarpon Hook and the Varlwaa Elab In Greet» the hotels of the interior SOLD FOR OLD JUNK. preaches,” thought the broker, aa he sat cows. THE NORMANS. orate Vttaehiuent« That Go with It. pUamer of *»50 ton«, commanded by take a remeily which w ill not injure follow one general type—the Italian. Uirthplacr of Fauat, the Fatuous < on- (low n to read t he news. The flesh and milk of stall-fed and 'rhe most costly of fish hooks are Capt. John Codman. was the first trans Beware of mercury; don't do viole. All th* I.and They Oner Ownrd There uh no common sitting-room, says to your system. Don't get bottled, jarer. G«ea to Second-Hand Dealer. stall-con fined cows is not wholesome; thorn* for tarpon. They are sold at re port flying » foreign flag which was in r«>«aeaiiI<tfi «»f the Sasoa«. A Jubilrr. the Atlantic Monthly. Why should Our books sent free to any add» The house in H< m '; i ^ Saxe-Altenburg, one chartered by the French government in Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. 11 is tori aj is are uonrtantly rein i ml mg there be? There is no office, but that a large ¡art of it is actually tuberculous. tail at various prices from 'rh«*rr 4ia» Iwe.t» a grent dbtcuMwion us the Crimean war, says the Troy T’w s. where I)r. Johann Faust, the fa mo tin ‘o whot would !«• a suitublr mime for people that there is icamejy a foot of does not seem to interfere with the Tubercle in kine is a disease engendered dollar a dozen for bare hooks up She was a newcomer in the Dardanelles magician and ayer of » hi» year, in v tew <>t t.he ract ttiat it is nod owned in England now by the de- presentation of bilks. The ground floor by confinement in close stables and to seven dollars a dozen for hooks and went, aground on Nagara fioint, the fame, was born t card the hist quar tarpon The standard fitted up. Qurwi Victoria’» Ghth year ns rrign- scend*nta of the Norman con«|uerors, 5s given up to a cafe or restaurant, if sheds. ter of the fifteenth century, was length. very spot where Leander swam to his ^uuuuuuuuuuuu.iu1u.llunUUU|||) People who value their horses also hook is four inches in ng monnreh. \\ he-fi thè 501 h yettr was all tbr property having gradually couw* • he inukrepr goes into that kind of Hero. The pasha of the Dardanelles knocked down to a native junk dt-ulrr •rlrbrutcd, it wìis naini-d thè .lubilre sgaiu into the ¡osaesMlon of t.heSixon.. business. Very often, however, the should prohibit consumptives from en Some tarpon fishermen prefer to mount came off to the «hip, tendering his as for |25 the other day, and is now I m - hil ' tering their stables, as the ex pec to ra their own hooks. They have ideas of year. This recali» tlw story of an old who originally owned it. One of the master of the Apollo has only rooms to sistance. and, with the introduction of dssmantled. Five year« ago, wiien the :idy, w ho w ;i« iffhked by hrr grundchiild- rare exception« to th s state of t hire»it let. The sleeping apartments on the tions of consumptives are full of tu their own aa to the best way and the this individual, (’apt. Codman strikes a world’s fair commission <1 «patched a ‘Whiitevrr ih t I h * meaning of t his ytnir Trafford 1’ark, w hich until a ym ago floor above are often approached by berculous material which, drying on beft materials, says the New York Sun. small urmy of curiosity hunters to all note of humorous description. Being ----------- t labile**?” “W’rli, my tirar,” wuh the remained in the pos«e**»ion of t he same an outside stairway, and, as is to be the floors, noon rises with the dust in A swivel is always used. Some of the under the impress'on that the orientals phtrta of tiie globe to ai-ek attractions, w use aiMiwer, “it ih this way. If y<»u family which has held it for over MIX» expected in a southern clime, they are sweepings, This dust is fatal to man hooka that are sold lifted up have smells Stylish and I the go<«i people of Hoda asked a oool of German silver chain. Sometimes were forbidden by the prophet to |>ar- ha ve been niHirw-d tx> a inori 50 year«, yeurvv, the Trafford» of Trafford. Ran scantily furnished. Overturn idling is and lieasL 1100,000 for tlie Lit tie pile of brick, w < mm I. take of wine, that luxury was excluded Tubercle in carried into the human 1 ices of raw hide or porjx>ise skin are and thè man i« alivi-, it is a golden wed- dolph, lord of Trafford, who lived in the a vice anywhere. Under a southern Convenient! iron, mortar and <ln«t. tlist was to be b ding; if U h - man is «iraxl, it is a JulHler.*' reigns of C anute ui.d Edward tbeCon- sky it is a crime of which the tlreeks system very, very often by the milk of used for snells. Some hooka are fitted from the cabin table. “Think then, of taken dow n and rrrrrctrd in this cit s my astonishment, ’ ’ writes Capt. Cod- fessor, dying about. 1050, was the head are not guilty. tuberculous cows. There are other vnth snells of piano wire two feet Long, Worth $8.00- Fut the price was oonsideu J too .«-tiff Jew» VVorMli Ipi i > k in n Drarrt. of this ancient house, which for 800 There is usually a mirror, though ways, of course, of contracting con made in three lengths of eight inches man, “at a gentle hint from the pa«ha and the negnt-rations fell the ¡;rh. hi for $4.95. ; as to champagne. It was, of course, im In the Jewish (’hronicle apfsnirs an years has employed on unbr<>k< n line that tribute to human vanity is some sumption, but this is a very common ♦•ach, link«!, to prevent kinking. Fit < rder thut t.he house might not fall account of a remarkable .Jewish con of male »uccvHHors. and whose land Im« Made of fine qua.- time« lacking, and, like the Turk. Ute way. Every person who does not own ted up tarpon hooks that are soJd at mediately produced. Upon mv remark : ity India Silk—new ; down, the municipal fathc.s of die lit gregation in South Africa, with |x»r- r>ot suffered aJienation during all 11 m * solitary Turkish towel bears no brother cows and owners of cows who do not seven dollars a dozen are provided with ing that it had not l’een offered liefore largo dexi -ns, new ; tie town ordered its iininr'liat«* d -moli tniits of 11 men and 2 women. They changes <»f thia time. The old pkiee i* shapes, lin. d M: - near his throne. The bedstead is in keep them under sanitary conditions, 36-indh braided or plaited linen snells, on account of regard to what I supposed lion, aaya the New York Sun. Interlined, and ve.- w< irahiped in a desert, 3.000 mile* from one of the moet romantic and pic variably of iron. As in primitive United should be careful to use none but regu v.ound for two-thirds of their length, to I m * his religious scruples, he replied voteen binding, ¿ l . This historic Mtructure stood until railrotu! comm indention. The writer turesque sjMits b> «11 England, and, ly sizes, worth 4b.ou, States within my memory,single rooms larly inspected milk that has been from the upper end downward, with with an air of perfect sincerity: ‘Wine quite recently on :i rock cnriiciiec near says: “If ever the pl no* I m comes an im ing aa it dot* just w itliout Uie city of are rare. Two, three, four, five beds touted properly. copper win*. The tarpon swallows the is forbidden by th** prophet; not cham the Jenaiadir« Ttkor (citv gate) It w. portant «»liter, this record will stand Manchester, it is greatly admired by are put in one room or strung along hook and ,its teeth are brought up on pagne. Champan e did not.ex’.«t in h;s 3 New Spring and Summer Catalogue of : If the meat consumed by human I m »- a frame building, wrv ri> »-ty, d h. ' ne evidence of five efforts made by its visitor«. Then* are nearly 2,000 acres the corridors. A fast id ions person who ings was always the flesh of sheep and the snell where it is protected by the day; how, then, could he have forbidden been extensively repaired. Th r i» h earliest Jew ish settlers, to (•eb lvrrite t he in the estate. The hall will shortly I m * desires to occupy u room alone has to pay Dress Goods, Silks, Laces ani ■ cattle allowed a large and free range of copper w ire. Sometimes a shark takes it? Ma.Mhallah! C*cd is great,* contin lagend that it <kitrd back to t • \ all Dry Goods—also House- ■ gnat festival« according to tlw tradi ■ -I Into s bated and tbe gi rui de for all the beds therein. In some places pasture, and the animals were kill«! the bait. If is desired to lose the shark ued Suleyman, smoothing his bend and 1450 CM I •'K>, M • hold Goods, Carpets, Rugs.\ ton verted into jNirks, golf links, race M|M*cial charges arc made for sleeping in in a humane and scientific manner, so w ithout the trouble of hauling it in ami soothing his conscience. ‘Pass the bot tional observance« of their faith.*’ of lb m J a That Faust saw 1h< i ghl i . j courses, et. ■. A considerable |ort.iou of the. daytime, and there is a fixed rate that their blood would not become fe casting rt off. and the shark is likely to tle.’ ” Wall Paper, etc. tlie fine old land will tn* devoted to «hip for slurping on the floor. Mail us your name and address, the: ver«! and poisonous from fright, man free itself by biting through the un-1 catalogue or latest styles will be sent free: WANTED TO GET EVEN. ping, (vs it lies along canals connecting kind would escape more than one-half protected lower third of the snell. postpaid. directly with tlu* ocean. It wa.s only “TAKING’’ PEOPLE UNAWARES. the maladies from which they now suf We are Importers of all fine goods. While tJie tarpon hook is the costliest How n P iinn Flen<l Worked Advance Money can be saved by buying from our last year that the estate passed from of the hooks there are fl vs that sell for 1 A*ent mid Pnnfalied H1 m Grocer. fer. I«adi(*s* World. catalogue. Send name at once. the ha im Is of its old-time owners into The l.ate Mr. M«ron>’s (’lever Met hod •» more; there are some salmon flysthat The theatrical agent who goes out of I’hutuB rupiilng THE HOUSE BEAUTIFUL. the piione-Hsion of a (ximjxuiy. which is retail as high as nice dollars a dozen. | ahead of a show -always lias many funny : The late Mr. Sarony, the well-known • 1 <iivi<iing it up and selling it to various Plain cnoivaii of some «oft color or experience* and » ¡teially with the « a-.o.. mi. r.^r. KANaAS CIT V, Me, photographer, of New York, gave the purdluwieni. A DECOY COW. Rome neutral tone is u/<ed for covering seeker after free passes in the rural fftTTTTTrTffnTTTTrnTnTTTTffTTnnnn ’trtwrri camera something of the freedom of walls by those w’hocan afford it. Denim Wvbraaka Man’» Carver Device for cities, says the New Y’ork Tribune. SOME FRENCH DUELS. th«* |M*ncil or the brush, and in his bands mm anotJier fabric used for the same pur i Ramsay Morris, who is advance man lluntliiK Geese, it di<i almost anything he pleased, says a funny /.mr.«. Glrardln Killed Vrninnd <arr«-l, n pose. John Seivers, of Ames, Neb., made a fi»r ^or \f!»v Trnvin Irw in ’e s zmtnt-nini- company, 4x>llo tells a an exchange. In many ways, it is said, Fopnlnr Idol. story about his last trip to Pittsburgh. Textile fabric« are entirely unmiited practical U*»t of his hunting device re Tlu* most prosaic, the most liourgvuis he waa really u caricaturist. His jmjhcs for any room but a draw ing-room, mu cently and it proved a suwess, says the He lingered over to see the shoe, opeu ——»»!^S of nil eminent French statesmen und were something so odd that the picture sic-room, boudoir or picture-room; they Omaha Bee. 'Flu* device is in the shape Monday night, and while standing in 10 ♦ ALL liiatorians. Ihr late M. Adolphe Th;cra, aeoined like a travesty on nature. For would lw* most unheal th ful for lied- of a cow, It is made of canvas, with the box othee of the theuter in the DRUGGISTS 25< 50 ♦ _____ fought n duel win h n young 11 au with thia reason he excelled iivtheatrical |>or- rooms, or dining-room«, or living rooms, a steel frame, iuh ! can lie folded into afternoon he heurd the tieket seller AkQfli ilTL‘1 V HR 1PI MTPFh ,o r,re anf ‘ roBMltpallon. < ascarsta «re the Ideal l^i«- the irate futlivr of a i *vtty gill v. horn traiture. But his sitters had to yield as they would alworb every o*kir and be a small space, except the head and having an argument over the telephone WE SEND IT BDuvuU 1 UU I UUAnnn 1 uuU ttv». »••»» r rri|i or rri|o . but rauw ru«y natural mails. Nam- »!• a»d booklet free. Ad. MTKHUMG ItHHH < <).. <hi<a«u. Montreal, (as., or New fork. sit.( Thier«, while anxiou Io imirry, did not him implicit obedirnce, and when it come intolerable. i.eck. The decoy is operated by two j with some one. Finally the ticket seller weil, liceause In* \\ an t ui poor to support failed he refused to “take them” any The effect of suitable fabric* on, Live nien, one standing in the fore legs and hung up the receiver with an oath. more. Thia made even popular actreaaes her, Mivs 1 hr (’ornib*! Magazine. Sbet« wall is delightful. For example, what (•ne in the hind kgs, each in a slightly • Mr. Morris inquired what was the mat- wen1 exchanged without result« nr»| the submissive. One of his favorite devices «>uld be more restful and suggestive stooping jjosture. It is pointed brown | <ter. The tieket seller said: coml mi ta n t« einbra<*»«l. The f.mous was to take them by surprise. “Are tluui a medium deep gray-green canvas There are so many fakes and quad and black and in such sliape that w'hen | j ' That ie from M----- , the dramatic journalist u.d lltt(*i atcur, M. Em Je de you ready to do my picture?” «aid Mr. associated with dead-ivory effect wood imposing on’.the public’that a man nit ■ 1 ritic; he n< er fails to work ever}' ad- standing up it cannot be readily dis-! (ìirurdin, r«litou- *»f l. i Prewar, f .tight Blaine, wlit n he hail lM*en chatting in work < mim 1 a picture rail of old ivory tinguiahed at u distance of 200 yards] I' ance man for four passes to the urally hesitates before paying for some >019 n 11. > JI o| m o n p ti » r> « nwr® nJ • j q mu w a j o 1 • n w a 11 q .11 q m four duels in H34 with the rd.tots of the .studio for some time, ami. as he effect picked out in ivory? from a large cow. The front man can I : show.** thing he knows nothing about. For —( mm I i . ou dll i pw»j pus ojjsqoi LMF)«jq»|90 aiU) jo Jvq v Xnq other Parisian joui nais be-,«wc, the thought, awaiting for t.he instrument. Fruit conventionalized mokes a lovely see w hat is goung on through a couple I "Guilty," said Mr. Morris. "I gave that reason, we will send it absolutely niuiuul riilirrripl K>n of French daily “It is done,”/-aid Sarony the snapshot motif for dining-room curtains and por oooeqo i 3ui)|oius Mr. ihinl folir. bu* what's the trouble?" of holes in the neck. Recently 2.x... new n | mi | hi r brui:/ It hat t ime s ) franc«, had been fired just a« the sitter hail free by mail, in plain package, DR tieres; t.he latter, by the wav, should Seivera and I). B. Curtis took the decoy | "Well,** said the - ticket ____ ______ seller, , "that I lie had reduced I.lie | tier <4 l«a Press«* reached the climax of a capital story. not repeat th« colors or style of the HOFFMAN’S VITAL RESTORATIVE out in the field and soon sighted a flock ^How pays his board with those j» by one»luilf, with the re lilt that tlie Thia, lie said, was the highest reach of v.-iidow curtain«. The lemon, orange, '. put on the decoy and 1,n<^ buys groceries and does other TABLETS, which we guarantee will re eirriilat iou of low | «a( * r w n < tw i f:><.tisl v the art “the true pose is not a pose, gra’ie, pomegranite, fig and pineapple, of gex*e. Tlicy I 1 thing*. things, He haa just called up here to store your vitality, develop every partoi iiirioa-sed. In the I st < f tLirM*<’ih K hr but u nati>:ul position.” He was but an are til decorative in form, and «o is were able to get. within less than 40 ( yards lx-fora t he ,.c<*c flew. They flew ! take up two passes and refuse admit- voiir body and make you a perfect nun. amateur in photography until he lost had i lie misfortune t > kill .\rn a,.d ( ar- S.II9MM0B • liair foliage Ladies* World. up and slow ly settled down about 100 • tence to the holder, The wonderful curative powers of Kai- rel, a man of tailc-nt and a |Mjpi.k r idol, the fortune which he had mad« in buai- jo lwq »oiino moj q.»v» opl«U| MU od (ìinirdin, who vvom shot in the hip, had nvsM He quickly recovered it by his EARLY SCOTCH SUPERSTITIONS. yards away and did not appear to be gave the.m to his grocer for two dozen j amazoo Celery are well known, and we -noo oai puw‘Jt»q wuno o»i q.»»» »pi«u| uodiioo , _ much frightened. The head of the de eggs and that the eggs w ere bad, and he lingered lehuvti life atxl deat h ft «r ' originality and h«3 consequent success, have faith in our treatment, else we VJ •uo puu III* n°A JIW’I' «1 •••!•• U| «i If a child died unchrietened it wan* vice is hinged to the body and can be I wants to get even.” week»« before he recovftred from hi« lie was lairn in Quebec; he had a st ml io, . ||nti »uinii»»> • üdM»mm u ini • Wil* 1 would not send it to you free. When wound, and urvcr. in «pite of re; eated for a time, in Birmingham, but New dered in woods and solitary- places, dropped by the front man when in Miner»’ l.nm|>» on Shipboard. you are satisfied it will restore you and lamenting it« inekuiehuJy fate, and was shooting distance. The rear man fires pn>v(M*at H>in. could he I«» induced to York was hi* happy huuting ground. The use of a miner's safety lamp to wish to continue the treatment yon can often to be r «" jv . Such children were through a door near the top and cen fight another duel. “Dueling’’In* raid, avoid the accidental firing of explo called “ tarans." ter of the bark. Mr. Seivers is well then send us our pay. " ih a fault of our rdu<*at oa nc >.in,«t TELL THE 1 IME UY TRAINS. It was cxvnsidereti a sure sign of ill- }.housed with the success of the device sive atmospheres on txsird ship is ad which our intejlige; « <• | iotrwts.’’ But vocated by an English writer. He Families lloiiM the Illinois Central fort lute to mention the name of c»n “un and has received many inquiries from WESTERN M E DICIN E C()., in France you must have killed your j claims a suitably-titted safety lamp Hair So Need for < lock«. christened wean,” and even rt baptism hunters in regard to it. He expects to (Incorporated) Kalamazoo. Mich miui to br able to wtv tl«it. gives the most tvady. trustworthy and Not all residents of Chicago depend the name waa usually written on a slip have several decoys manufactured. ' delicate tasts for s u< h dm geroiis gases on cli»ck« to keep themselves informed of |mi»*r, which wiw handed to the offi tor vaj j I f the flan <• of a safety lamp of the time of duy. It i» ¡terhap« not ciating minister, that lie might I m * the Ge»ta Hack \o Cli:mue. OLEOMA R ARINE. be ext shed v.he.i it was carried generally known that people who live fiiwt. to pronounce it. A London judge luia ruled that where Furmrr l*|»|»u»lll«,n of fit«* Fat '»« thp - along the line of railroads can tell the into a r < ortu.ning combustible gas or If the Iwvlw.- kept- quiet during the a worahi|M’r by mistake puts a larger I iim « from Fur. vapor 1 exact hour of a day or night by the tnosp;. re is almost certain- ceremony, the g<Mun}*i amount, than intended into the church Hr re iu un who from the d.iv* when trains which pax« their homes. Along Iwqvtisinuil ly in : • .ral 1 and explosive von- it w a« not n-vkotu tl unlaw ful to x«*ll the line of the Hlinoi* Ueutral railroad, mourned over it iim destined to a short collection box th»* i..on<iy cannot be re- <liti(7i , < th<- ai i should not be on- T he life, and jierhapa not h merry one. fundtxl on a plea of error, savs the Ot ulvoiiiiirirtirinv a* blitter: for instance, there are many homes Hence, to extort scry, the women who tawa Fn-e Trader. The dee.s on grew tercJ t.l the ¡.tin..sphere has been “\\r no longer have the same profit- where clocks are un unknown luxury. con; pic l.\ replaced by ventilation. If WORK and MATERIAL able w ay of di«|MMung of our waMr pnwl In the vicinity of Thirty-first street, received it fnxn the ftit her wxxihl han out of a su t brought by a vvom^ji who a JiVi’r. tl line be. ibstituted for the dle it roughly <w even ¡«nth it- attends .services in the faahioiiable uct» that we iuui iv few v ears iiip ».’’ «aid for instance, there .s a household w hich on IN AI.L • i. ol flame the test is made still Orrat care was taken timt the l«q>- Epi»cu}>al church at Regent’s park a fur dealer the other day Hr looked is wale awake ut hc ven o’clock in the more delicate, tiaiiksl water should not enter the i»i- ag&inat the vicar and church wardens, retrospective ami a trifle regretful, « n moruing, *mys the Chicago Chronicle. fant’a ey cs not Isx^ause such a m»*- her contention living that, during a fit loitflnml ( nnadn'm Mother-In-Law. • hr <M>ntiiitird “There wa» always a “We always get up at 2tl.” said a ! ready market then for every ¡»art rlr ol m«‘inlw*r of the household to a com- bap might result, in wailings loud and • f mental alM-xraUon, she had placed in i The late Mgr. Fabre, bishop of Mon long, but l«srtMjBe the suffvrar’s future t iiv plate a sovereign ($5) in*-t< a I of ai ti* il, w « a thorough Gaul. Durjng the fat MTitpiniTH from the different pantos in a street « ar the other day. life, whenever he went and whatever he >hJling (25 cents). She therefore one day at the table of the governor akin«. Who took th**in? Why. the olco- “Two eleven, what time is that?” did, would «Mkstajitly lie vexed by the -ought to recover '4.75. Th» court general of the dominion, he referred in I ninrgurinr manufacturers, to I m * «urr naked the friend, ¡»rraence of w raiths and «¡lectena. held that th.- moment the money fell the ■ i tirse « f conversation to “France I’he) would Mend wa^mm up to mv "VVb), I thought you knew," replitsl n » the plate it Ltx-ame un a-< opted < our mother.’’ “France your mother!” ' place every day and curry away «everal I the other. “211 is the »even o'clock train A THOUGHT A DAY. tTcrihg to the lx»r»l and that neither; broke i thv govcnior; "v bat, then, i, . I»nrrelfuls of the fat and ^rriiHe which which pasars the house. \s soon as w e the church ofieial nor the court« are l.n^ .ai.«l to ycu .’ I'he hwe that eoduTvth all thii^w I he busliop siuilinft* have to be taken off the under sale of h»ar the bell on the 211 we all get up. at I Jierty to uiit*hc ze its return to the ly '-hrtij-^c'l h s shoo biers and replied. f-love. II be heavy pelt« Skunks, o|»o*Mim• I’hen we watch for the other trains. We Fancy «houl > always la* sul'on.iinatrd dor.or. This is m to I m * the I rst va«** "Our n otU.-r-in-l:.« all kind« (if animal« contributed It can see them ¡ much the house and as we .uni dv< ,.x on oi the krpd un record and ARE FULLY WARRANTED •dl went into the butter But ttait 11» nil are acquainted with the schedule t<> rtvtfkm. < hnt ><»lr I n Closed. <it for n an v gen over with now Since tin« new law has we <*an tell the e\ ict time of div A man should keep his friendship in n. i) stand a.s a j pt At 1 hat famous, or rather infamous, He also makes SHOES tr r'lel erations to t ome. been In o|M*ration. branch of busi- night we tell the hour by the bells on constant repair. ------*“ Parisian haui.t, thcChat Noir, is a thing I tie.«*» h vx I mm ’I i dra<l People eould ent the engine* We are familiar with the and does REPAIRING in Riches h»»e »tatg». but they flap no M rb I iiu Fl« I i . of the It was crowded w ith visit* i.tokunk ami opoaauni gTr»«r, you know. ■^»undf. V., welcome U» poor relations. have no < l<x k the Best Manner Aloirg the coast f Florida and Geor-i ors during the last v eek of its existence, *0 loil^T a« it wax i’altal butter, but if the house. Never had one an far as 1 The clvarity that begins at home and gia the musical i.< cm <sf what the old! nil an\ >us tn Be <,bh tn tamstof having ON SHORT NOTICE 11he dealers me < blijreo to come out can rew’mlwT and we find train time end* at home in weak in the legs. fifth ennen call the “singing shad** are! seen t.ii- notorious dtn. The propri I frank I) with h dreeription of its real more reliable than a lot of clocks w hich ADDLES. WHIPS, ROBES. Etc Yim w ill limit the number .>f your often hr a nl. They liffer from theconp! etor »< i.t President Feure a really pa- I'hsrtk'ifr, their c ’•tomer« object.” cannot I m * kept In repair.” troubles if you limit the number you tell nan shad in lieii smaller, and alsaj tnet gp» i| t<> -race the closing festiv always on hand. All prices art them to. hfirmouth«. Theiri ities with his presi rightat The >-'ai*tlnr in ln<lln. Mcui) r. m who fall in love juid claim WRITES OF JOURNALISM at nr«t, nut sxkmi an art tale on the “Famine in In to have st their heart« are convinced grow notonous, owing to the fact tn the North X.i.vricau Review-, I k. la.eatlv, «aiall ■<>, Halda rank v «ubraquvnt r «pern*nee that they lost that a *x»n«t;uit re]»rtitjoc of the «»« Vc ww «pa« |»e»p Work alwin Arnold st.iten tlwit lli.oOo.- Bl I BOOM I U.S ill. ’ r 1 * ad« uL«ten I \ Y. \\ eekly. \ bright Lttle boy w bo attrmP <*ne of S ixth S t . O pp L ister &C alvk « t ooo of p •<»ple in that vast country dr Oil tbr ra nfall upon 126.500,^*0 the city public * bools waa told bv his *2 * »thvrilc. cure constipa «• nrrrs w h ich falls u|«»u the whole dur ir.kcher a few day• ago to write an ess^iv . If C. C. C fall, druirsisu r» fund money. Illg two 1 sons In the year If it fail», hi “Journal <in,” says the Atlanta mt tut ion, and the nest day he I here i» i ailitre of cn>|* over the ru II re an«, in this country no Jnuight handed in the following “Journalism TME («voa qj uà« aq> jo win ! vtqx - . , pat 9 outers the entire country; there it s the science of all sort« of journals, uo [Mja)d«a su.w ¿¡uqw u «MUIS «TUO V Great RESTORER ’ Moct..-r ntt \ lerr is a heap of kinds of journals. 0 ■* ,r r •Oseos.rt'J S »«rcroroet* <l<«*« Equi Hv Intrreattng to us is t-hr I—NEWS FROM AI.L OV SI « H Restore« f* '** |MWO| avq |i Wo To-Bar for Fifty Cents urnaln is o gisxl thing *ce|»t when further s< Alcnwnt that all the gvod H « A ¡j n ^9 health, vigor GuarsatoeS totiareobablt cure make* weak l ’iu Àuttdaioo e 01 aan >du> wiq ppi cotnplete and in condetn ry is not journals and then they is nrn | m ; h /_ ■ manhood » r* ground has S v fi A.I. ■ •, b«iM¡n(i I\ ' •*, - -------- * h ’e- -r Í taken up in India- a u ”1 - «>[ ®q w jqu Jfn ‘ e- . 4 • r t move, all chrta* •»t sw fol M) mu, she takes a faahion fact win. I. should sdeiue the frors of ni iMpoaoons í¡¡u •ili i»uit W||F ot •—PACIFIC COAST Nl ele, to mar- >i*- th ‘ ' * : urnal what i« always full of picture« i Horse •« the laa»eetor. w heat gn wera tliat India ha» nuuiv ■ 1 wujn,.u mq ikM > (l OJU! p. Restores 1 f horrid old maids w ■th the ugliest of the week fruiti Belimi t< \n hngliah |ww*t tells >»f an inspector • j ' u 'i aàa w [ « q \ tineu 111vated wheat I wim L« ; • ' TliUlV >7-* entire ne W P Ài’Jl e«srs on I ever naw. / system and st« The fashion <*f «VÍ m X'ÍS who W«UI <»HC 'lay t*YAmm tl 1 v us tom* of the pr<»{We |<v Hr poa '¡.»nq nod 1 pOkluillf 3—JOSEPHINE COVNTY HOMI N A* rvl vital losses • Re * « heap g\Kxler than the hot a ■ ass of villsgv m hool children, and ucxliiAjaq w uiujt uul lortfrf cultivation. 'I'he « moi aoc moves effert.« ’cau>r the hot journal stops wbo sake*! w hat w.w meant by a pslfTim. ces without fear or favor or intent t< AHiir a jvtntfixl »tw'k .** a plow, ' «oRtq» iaa v ¿fui aq jajL w sins of youth a an l the fashion journal start.« \ buy answered \ man who travels qa q w ‘¡ttiupre au ir». an« r»l««ra 3^000 yrai* ago. oiui un» 1 H •< is —INDEPENDENT EDITORIALS a«h on journal don’t «top noth from om* pLu r to another ’’ The inapa>- e Removes a 1) >*» mt* h land m can t*r of dissipation » in* broken W’nd'-’w light and •or. with cU(«irate jmt « mm - c . hoping to * <1 from Jus village real without asking any man s or part)'. ' pairs al! waste j « ■ atN-uunL elucídale intriUgi*iier. «Aid “We¡L btt lence, m>> «mg and rxrning, by his Cures I - : is sheep jo«mis «nd hog I am a tuon w hu travel« from one piar duw mo* i r cat t la restores refr»-' r»< and br uss jouruals. too. an«1 to another Am | a pilgrim9** Where sleep Cu re "«»t a journal downtown at the upon the boy prompt!) rielarme«! *\^li potrnce and res’ full vital F' • er. I w r te« t hing» ipil about folk * but ph* u « k « mt I ib«<rt v giwd man " n ’IH u T J UU4 J U Cures __ di w» n< 'EVENTH YEAR. wf t t<> f -rgrl Then wr had Tbr vnaprv*« rnjwved the j dWMM »nd rf. 1 n<ly t < ooktM f<»r u« j »inrd Sslly T.inj>rn»nt to »11 part« ot the h”l OR i\\ ♦ ♦ WORLD-WIDE CIRCULATION. **h< hi * the funniest Journal NERVE-LIFE to th, on ’ A mpi «*« €«•••• K«p««« «■ .» U^aUb.nt and afford« f ® aw Wbr waa « ba kibe «•le» 1 Twenty Paces; Weekly; Illustrated. Addros: l«M¿l I KIVI R ( Ol l< 11 1C tb. first day'a use It tba ’ * Amerawi rbiMx» known m an<l aasito. nature tc effect a cure ’ •-> M mina Mr«,. Grant s Paai Oregou i»*v ain’t no more journals that I n'ps ‘wfvrv 1*31, b it tfw» pnwluet fuar>ntee<l Special diaoxint to pbj*1' ' * nut an highly rater misi ae the Ku- w of 115 MUAU MR TEAR. POSTE AID. < Our new treatise un Nervous twin« n>«>lt> by MM. Manhood, ita boas and Recovery. n<* '*’ I’ S I forful to say that a man n>p«w«i »rticl«, free in plain sealed wrapper foe two J o 1 tbr -i.m *ad daMfktrra of \n>.ruwn i it puts grra<e «»n the rar wheels is I!XIK AND SCIENTIFIC PIESS. etamps Mention tbit paper tamwre ttw « m tanao<r. vJ a jniimaBst.** _ M arket S t , SA r F qem C i SCO, C ac ) S«a Ms tor Trai Tree's..! ... to !.••'*«*• 4 1 1 -------------------------- <¿5 SEPARATE! SKIRTS. • FOR $4.95. 5 4 ^JANDY CATHARTIC CURL CONSTIPATION FREE TO MEN uieujnn euinueg fl THE ROGUE RIVER COU RIER Reliable and Comprehensive. Al! the News, JOHN HACKETT S The “COURIER is the best paper in Josephine County because it has: NERVE'LIFE ws 'S c. A.SNOW&CO.i Terms: $1 50 aYear in Advance i -tod • < «(«VI UH ItOICAl CO . _ . ...joo toiCn.