ROGUE RIVER COURIER. MUSIC AND THt hunting STAGE. QUARRYING M u T m OD. a bear Clerk'fl Semi A»nu»l Itrport. WAN TEO FURTHER INSTRUCTION Remember EASTER^ Asdatwe b^rnu. • ywoor W wm H»4 Fed »to« PasroS. Bot feto« M *• Usa­ County C .'lert (ioodsll five, the fol loa- tfee Arsa*Mk»H»*v<»«art M*l* Lla* ge/ Agwa. ;ng fig fbowir.g the » Tb.’M-rch In hi« »t ^dy cf«. Audubon »pent We uro all more or hwa familiar with and what forirotn Oct. L ’ TLuoe who have indulged in deep sea t urfa of L.» hf»- witn the Ind.a&s, aud that ex*»[*rating elaaa of mdiv lais 31, 1»*97 * 607 67 fishing L zmdw the fiah Im? cute tor ofle.i joined tn«-n> in their sporL who seem to feel that the »imp:*-, com­ Ruad and bridge account . 10L! iC deeply into th? hard wood of the gun* Hi* jouraai «-ootaix.» account* uf many mon sense of the world vs cent: • 170 20 wale as it la hauled m w-hiie taut. Even an adveBturo with his savag«- friend*. the&Mhev, ami that the r-. si Circuit roart, crimiual 2S7 45 Justice court, crini mal an irot procet-tion. after a time, «bows The bear-hunt which he describes was in urcci uf guidane? sod d«r< c f 114 '£» Stat lonery the wear of th? rope, is «xmjpavw- •jade gear th? Mississippi, in Arkansas • mpJest duties of Lfe, say* Court huuae and jail and board of pri»- tively aofL 7*bte give« a clew to the in­ or Missouri. Magazine. ..524 14 onera ... vention of an Albany quarryman for 1 invited by three hunters to a t Mr. H ----- was a young sd ‘,.30 UO Countv clerk and Deputy 8 COLORS FOR 5 CENTS. rutting stone. I a «trad, however, says bear-hunt \ tall, robust, weli-shaped class. JI«* was alv.ays pwufi .1170 <® SherijTan«! 1 deputy the iJetroit Fro? Prows, of hemp, he pro fellow aasurod me tnat we should Lave fuse in de tails renard in g any 155 ÜU Mor« color» in one pa< M m ? ff‘»r- -ver before. Coyote scalpa ■ pf^t»ra to uar wire r«>pe and with thia he nome sport that day. for he Lad discov­ wished done. ..300* He had a More tiappine»« for the children than ever before. Babtf fees wi!| "arve the marble ami stone right ered tLe haunt of a bear of large sise of wbi«*h be 4’ as * *. -eedirgly 1 examination h'jul tmpC a.nd T 'eacber's - w out of ita native bed. The wire is wound and he wanted to meet him face to face. v»h»T. M was about to <<■ -»br 173 M was put on board the steamer Mari­ talian government 3UÜ uo in scrands. and haa a very rough sur­ We four afaHrd to see Low the man few months» lea * i*g hi* b •« Cuuulyjudge posa Saturday last and started for ig th? tim? of the face, powrrfui »na/ h:neFy gfv*-!. a ofrong 66 20 Commission? would fulfill Ida boast. him. he G/rod «nd « xasprrxv d i’s “Parlier nr care of the parrot» and bis Jury ... a> con t ra ry to la w 268 80 smooth edg? It would b? easy enough ♦hough I could *ee nothing*, and we 7 b? fi ia«t words, screeched from th*- deck of Coroner* InqureC L-cmion rest* with his best to stay In the United States to cut th»* blocks after tb?y are removed BcrafDbbd ou through the canebrake jse of lament. , the atcanirr that l>ore him away were: Treasurn l’< ' *" where murderers are petted and pro­ from th? quarry, but where the clevrr- .ntil we came to an immense decayed .46 00 ! "Hi, Jim!" id? her public tri­ ne»a of the inventor come* in mi devis­ Fuel loif. in •vhich he said the bear was. 2t> 00 tected by all of the machinery of the ‘'MLat:“ shout'd the brother «*n the Aaeeaeor won most genrrouM praia? ing mec-hx»ntotm that <-an be applied to ---------- DEALER IN---------- I *aw the ruan’« eyes aparkle with joy. pi«-r. 34Ó 35 Eacctiun and f &ive, and Juliai* the aton? while law, but he had to go. He will be fr the quarry. This is Hi* n.-«y blanket was thrown off his ttt 10 “Look »mt for mv parrot’ ” came faint­ D m net Attorney ire called “I>* fw.ixiriiD». rr effected by kinking two parallel chan- tried and if found guilty will be - r%, and his bratauy arms swell*d ly ov?r th?'r. 66 85 Printing ... ............ ................... nri* >n the quarry to a d*-p»h of little w th Lb xl as h? drow bm scalping- .................5 90 hanged promptly within sixty days As if this wan not enough, he bad no CemeP-ry . . ............................ groa’er than that «>f the lowest level of Ln f? from his be.” w ith a flourish w hich ‘.’4 '»s Tax R?ni.t(am.v........................ •»»oner roucaed Liv?r?fool Cain he s?iri Corner Sixth and I,Sts., Grant's Pass, Oregon of his arrival there. There will be , .................. .. ______ 15 00 the a»onr to l>e cut. Th? channel« may t'.ow*-d that C>*te ui Litigations *4» Lis «Jelight. the follow ir.if cabhsriam to h brother, Con igingto reform school 50 «5 la* frutn fiu to l'«i f?«-t. or morr, apart Th? hunter told me to climb a »mall v. ho hod a » umed charge of th? parrot: no questions asked as to his sanity IRON and STEEL, <& S 127 Si Tax refund« don tax aa!?«* t Cu. At th? Iaott4>m of each is made a small sapling. a bear cannot climb no appeals taken to higher courts on Tula! amount claims allowed and drawn Lol? to receive the foot ends of th? this. * idle it can go up a large tree with “Be sur»- and feed my parrut.” hardware ^ raz< On r»-?ipt of this the infuriated ................................................. $78-3.3 79 frivilous technichalities; no ladies shaft* of th? machine. Thia is the only th»* nimblen?«* of a Squirrel. Th? two broth, r cable«] hack at his brother s ex­ Outstandn ¿ unpaid county warrant«» » n Th preparation of the quarry that is nwiv other Indian-* watwj themselves at th? will visit him with flowers and nick Tb pense ; WAGON MATEP 6 949 79 th? 31M day of March. 1897 *ary. The ropes, which ar? coiled on »’■ntraner, and th? hero wer t in boldly. “I hav? fed her. but sh? is hungTy Estimated interest Accrued thereon nacks and no sensational newspa­ at r hug? drums, ere th?n passed around All was *d»*Qce for a few moments, I n ge ar coo fh< 68'MI IJO the «-Ls’inehi. and as the drum* revolve w hen h? <*am<- out and said tb? bear was again. What shall I do next?” pers will presect his picture in many 69749 79 Tota the cutting pr»x-?eda. Suitable brakes d»*ad. and J might com? down. Th? In- ' M I N ERS Eltted Out on Reasonable Term, postures to an interested public. He I K es UL KCES SHE PITIED HIM. ’' pr' : for th? r*-g ,'atiun of th» dians cut a long vine, went into the hol­ General fund in Co treasury 556# 00 will be executed and forgotten long ajeed and pressure. Th? ordinary speed low tre»*, fastened it to th? animal, and, And Thought the tuantry Would Do the Current taxes applicable to payment of Doctor Good. of the st ran»! is SIX) feet a minute, so that with their united force, dragged the 1 before either Durrant's or Plotter's u warrants ............................... .105o0 DO One of the leading physician« of Estimated old taxes .............................. 00 a rrnte- length of it pass?« in six minutes. bear out. I really thought this wm i an case is disposed of here. This is Washington is sniad of stature arid very Due county on tax sales, estimated val­ While th? s1»*and is moving, crushed exploit. wbat makes human life safe in all ston? or chiiloj shot and water can be Ijoyish in ap|»eaniDce, says the Star. A le HALLUCINATIONS. 18768 00 I lady entered a is office the other day, one Total resources introduced to merres? th? attrition. countries when the British flag 50981 79 far le-tter. however, thau Htherof these Interesting Ei perlmrn ta Performed at 1 of th«* bu' sort of women u he Net indebtedness IN EASTERN LANDS. floats. By-and-by we will reach Total amount <>[ unpaid tour*tv war- 1 never quit talking. is a composition obtained from rhe tail­ the Yale P«yehologienl laboratory. 69749 79 7 tu‘ f a ir .'gr.'*ti' iron separator, which “Boy.” >hc said, addressing the physi- rants ... that perfection in legal machinery Th? remlta of eom? of th? experi­ shah’s rank ar? said to weigh aln^jst f alxiut one-D-nf^i as mix h as the ments of hallucinations of th? wls »- m | clan, “is the ductor in? But I can set* he 7 in* Champion** Future. we hope, but at present the United founds. ehilled shot. It does not leave the lines at the Yale psychological lalxu-atory 1 is not.” •» æ' States is looked upon by the outside A Hindoo wife may be divorced If sh? caused by th? shot, and it can br u*rd are interesting. A [>?rson. say* the V eougl “He 1« in ” lM‘gari the physician, but Fi Zsimmona baa gone away and does 1 he New York World, placed in a quiet the visitor interrupt -d him. world as a place where murder may wroldfe her husband or g«*-- to a »lance over and over again. not expect io the Pacific C >ast again svriii w hile h»-r huslsand isaij**-nt from horn?. “Oil. he's in. is hr? Then h??s cn- :<>r a long, lung while. He lelt for Ogden ; room wa* ax! »-«1 to not? th? intensity lie committed with impunity except “7 h? » n1*4 to, writ and r»abv, Julian Hickey, Koeber time a telegraph receiver clicked. At sit nt his desk that way?" fur lu and Yarrum. He »ent fur collector Mead- ' ihyinif. just hj » they did 4») yeurs ago. “Madam ?” first the tone was actually produced, Lynch has been bolding court. . ______ 0 * Mire. “Gh, of course, you would say he doe«, ow» Sunday morninz and «offered him r on jjop'ilat on of India, large f-iti- i«<>nly .* |?*r r«krr*) inhabitants, j ri» r service by th«- ¡«««st oflic? «l?p«:rt- » xjM-r.rnrnted on. th»* tone was omitted but I'll \ Trant you’ll catch it. if he «.ees 1225 in cash in settlement of the People's Tm let I»-** than half Hu* j>roporti n do you think the doctor York in three weeks, ami intends to start wa.> one of th«' 46 js>st offirtsr perfume»! ?x tending the fro?delivery service fo l he fall of th? i/sll wsA t .rnrd to corrowjx>nd concluded that the path walled in with declaration never to enter the ring again musk. It was built a thoufeon«! ’ smaller post oflic«»*. When th<- service with the round regularly emitted by to-dc..” “Wrl . I’ll come next time I’m in umier any circumstances, and -taied ai- by human hands was too narrow for year* ago. yet the musky smeJ is still i wj Mn-1M nd«*<1 July J, after hav mg I«• n a metronome. After awhile the ball in ojjeration for five years, the |»ufruns v us no longer dropped, but the sub- town. B ut v u ought to quit fetayingin -o that It would be abKiiuteiy Useless lor i him. The embankments have noticeable, jrcto of th? exprrtment conti n- rhi« oflic nrd go into th? country. Not C >rb.*tt to aik him to rrcouai ler his de* ! Mohammedan depositors in th? post i of th? post »flic? were quit? willing to bursted in many places, inundating office savings lianks ar? enriching the pf o uh* fur ita eontlnuaii«*? at their ov. n tj?d to feel. or imagined he ♦ hat it ii » any of iny buainrsa, but I do «lsion. Brady did bio beat Sunda) to get l riz- , the touch of th»* I mi JI at every wound hate tn s boys look so pale and puny.” »immons to agree to fighl his man once - whole counties of cotton plantations British government, as their religion j rxjiense. She «E fu » I hi- v as Jone und?r an old regula­ *roin the metronome In a third ?x- • • art <1, and the den’tor is won- mure, bur received no satisiauiion He For many years the great Ixittorns forbids them to receive interrst 7'hey , tion of th«* ¡sistal department which p r.jnrnt a blue fond was placed in the tiering w ha? rhe will say when she call* was standing with a party ul friends in | insist on taking out no more tlam they 1 of the big river have been farmed, 1 liar? put in. ninkes it th«* duty of iKMitmasters to d«*- 1 ( renter of a white ring, and a perwon next t ni«* • he comes into the citv. the Baldwin outk-l early in the morning, when a bookmaker told him he diti not liv?r to any private letu r-«-ai r.< r 1« ft«-r> \aiiii«> Kootenay. Mr. bear an earlier dat? than Th? death a child in Brooklyn from buildings, larger libraries, more teach­ • i. li I ' r’vick had cost the goveri the off himself. Shooting scrapes thus 7 I m » ('lean ;ip|?-nraiiI m » f of rasrsof ford Times, a girl two years ohi. had of |>etty regulation, the teaching is not tub« tie old sa'arv. Silver City is excited over a ri< h strike I bination of Christian nations form- i »tatiuns. . I been vuccinatrd. Ther? was no reason so severe, the methods of living are in the Lucerne min?, ami th? fiouhlrts ’ ing a pool to murder Christians and to suspect the purity of the vac’cine i much more civilizing. “The curric­ which it has brought about between the NO SHEI.F-WORN GOODS SOFT CRABS. EVERYTHING NEW and H bondee and Eastern bondholders. mutter. It was used throe weeks ago, i ulum” has gone. maintain a barbarous empire in its ■ Thera Are < on «lit Ion« Which Wake It ui*«l th- child was getting on well until ' 1 The Blue mountains of Ctah are now Either absolute election or a very crimes against civilization. This is Daaaertiia to Kat Thru*. un< in ploying in th? dir* she scratched the attracting some attention in the mining ' large amount of choice is now pern it- “T’here >- no danger in eating soft- va« «1 naled arm while her fingers were olfi what England, France, Austria and i ted. With the abandonment of one circles. They are situated in the center i Ab shelled «Tabs,” ul*b?rved an epieuiv to sm« ur«*an Juan county and contuin gold, ail- 1 Russia are doing in this latter part fixed course th»* required amount of Mu a Washington Star man. “if they are ver and copper \s to th«* '•xistvnev of tetanus bacilli • »reek and Isatin has lieen greatly dimin- of the nineteenth century. With frosh, Lut they are poiaon if they are in the >oil, th? ev idenc? sf ems to lx* am­ < Forty five mining companies in British not. They should In* w«*ll seasoDcil, and ple. 11« al’h Commissioner Emery says iidud and it is demonstrated that class­ over fifty men-of war they are block Us to Columbia tfav? nuticeof incorporafon in I an extra lut of pepprr put on tiirm as a the soil is full of these bacilli am! that ical studies have gainetl more than thvy a recent ivaue ot the British Colombia 1 Or ading aner»ou« (o rur M .1; n<*,w hoot tended t he lit 11? girl, says : to these subjects 30 years ago. On the “ I be germa t*f tetanus ure in the air as The Anaconda, on the Colville recer- right. The masses of jieople in soft ahclled crabs ut night time. 1 do wt ¡1 as in the Mill,but to breathe them is other hand, there is lews attention to vation, on rec entiy sent 2«K) puai.d* of ore these combined nations are in favor not know but that they taste iwtter not neccKsurily fatui. In the vicinity public »peaking, of great importance to the laconia t-melter for a test 7 he Co. py Treasurer - h?nn-Annual Stare- then. It is feuinetim?« dangerous to of the south shore uf Ixing Island Is the wide introduction of lai»orabny results were a « -omplete surprise to the NOTICE FOR I’UBLK ATW of of the fieedom of the little island of ment fo’ lyany to drink milk after eating vrat»s horses, a* well us human beings, have metlioda in the study of »cituce, ea|*e- owner, A. I. Miller, who lives out in East Crete, but somebody close to the L and üffick at R osebiiw . v irt M ilk ►« ems to «levelop th? <‘oiic that fol­ fnlltn victims to the bacillL In the cially in physics, chemistry, ¡)hy»»ol- Spokane, The ore went 1432 to the ton A II t GENERAL FIND February 26 lows eating soft-ahelled vraim with case of the little girl her finger nails <»gy. botany and geology. Athletics in gold, silver and copper governments holds Turkish securi­ Tiiere were ha\e made marxelous advances. Fi­ twenty ourne- in gold.—S| pokane Cbron- Oct. I ’96 I’o Bal Carn .$588.44 some | m rwona. Notice is hereby given that thek « ontained the genu, which wheu ties and doesn’t want to lose on •• tty a is 47.50 ing-named settler hae filed notice’ “Another thing should be rv- brought into contact with the superfi­ nally, the mlmission of women to the icle, March 20th. them Thus the nations of Europe tm*mlfrrr«l, and that is n sharp tbun* | cial abrasion at once inoculated her sys­ advantages of higher education, either Sime th?n lh?y hav? k»*ii following | Amt recd Phil. Me lloni state $ 635. 9 4 intention to make final proof iniG br X I of big claim, and tnat «aid proof » te lucation, or by “annexes,” or Ly the streak, which grows richer and wnt dcrstoriu will kill Muft-sb»st pun- fart and even the ha rd-shelled era'» at I Ifrooklv ndepartmentof health, says the J uoodell cirk fees. .. . murder of defenseless men, women 8J2.63 clerk of Jceepliine county. cu I for times. I Illes* th«* sofVshelied crab has | exist« lice of the germ of tetanus has greatest gains of the period under re­ gold allowed up from the ta« r »•( the luii J G Hiatt, poll tax ’95 94 00 G ran t9 Pai»«, Oregon on April 10. KU • nel. North Fork is wild over fuv discov­ and children for the sake of the prof hr milieu city. I m »- h cooked l>eforr the thunderstorm, been noted for several*years, more par­ view. u ’ 96 63.00 to-wit Theophilus M. Rowe, on r III Hater in Robber * luir nt t ery. which, so lar as known, - withoui t i'sriM vkjfe>h lion O'lly I think the safer plan would I»* toile- 1 Cu tax 189.5 3360.50 No. 6942, tor the E l8 S W ' it on a few interest-bearing bonds. ticular!} in the east and southern tiers F< Die r«>< k is <-arrie«i in s i< ks to Experiment* with a hermetically parallel dim- to rat it. I'nder all other «m\y«4 XE.4 sec 32, Tp 34 Ü the creek, « rushed in a hand m-ilar, Int iax ’95 tiuns there is no «langur of partaking of ' «"mt} 1 Ix’lit ve, hus the reputation of sealed rubber bottle containing water washed in a gol«l pan an I th? gold run 82 73 6 west. T ub Dingley tariff bill, which J M ( hiles D’gl’a Co w’t them, for I «:" 1Ü 00 •t thiuk anyone .voubi living the most affected s|M>t. In the have shown that the rubber is not ab- nto bars on th? spot. I le names the following witnew fines..................... * passed the House last week places ¡00 .4 prove his continuous residence riuiinal gh to 000k u dead past three years, in Brooklyn, there has solutrly watertight, The filled bottle I ax redempliun weighed 17 ounce s 4 drams; at th? rn hard u felwll. The proper l»?rn an average of nine fatalities from a higher duty on imports than even of one year the w right was 17 ounces 2 the Coeurd’Alvties is reported (rum Mur­ lie fur Charles Ladd. Garrett Crockett, Î- o kill a ia to throw him int^ th«* work of tetanus bacillus annually. ray, Idaho R» - . eutl v ash Sny«ler ami drain*; nine year’ x, 16 ounces; r ghtrrn the McKinley bill, which was in op­ ♦ Hi 267.10 M Powers, of Merlin, Oregon;^ ntuins Ir of b water. I know that Ph? grrm, w hen exposed to the air, soon a man name«! Erll. while d«>ing develop ­ CONTRA drams; twenty-three Trimble, Grant's Pass. Oregon. |M*ople think thm ie cruel, but it ”u« < umL*. \\ hen it attacks a wound it years, 11 ounce eration four years ago Already ment work on th? E.ireka, one mile east Co warrauts <*ancehe«l 623 (128 R. M. V batch , Begi* more cruel th in to atab them with burrows down deep, for th? purpose of years, 13 ou noi 4 drams; twenty-five •i town, ii"t ice 1 g I I in a p i nt of quartz 193K s 7 there seems to be a firmer feeling in year«, 7 ounce* (Iramx; twenty-right pai OGIER 1 FAST MAIL WORK. wim h they poumled out, >7 rO that the r.aful Mt-mlarlty. Shasta county, Cal., has txNupromiie n»irlu. Bal cash on band Out 1, isi to the consumer long before the I lid 01 40 I'uwutuatir Tob»« for l'nat Delivery la •» thia s.’bject it should l>e cd with the bcmd«men of the dvfauffo Amt I’c’d Hiatt Co t’x -cT d I’st’s large < |<| m . ID. H ER lx wages begin to raise This proa- ‘t MtCMsl hat It is not my in- I ling troasiirer, Jackson. On the pay­ '»ranis I l’»US 4S It would not I m - surpriaiug, xayy Har* Kjn'ak of thè luan w ment by them <»f ?H,uw tb? tupt-rvi»- Hut rc«l institute hind pcrity, if it comes at all, will begin und Ittble, tu fin«! Boatoti, New imaelf, »»r th< one w ho lie* ' .•1» 1 H'.v agreed to dinini»? all ■ .•?» n « overplus tax eale . at the wrong end lietore it reaches flphia, Baltimore OF KINGSTON, N V. The < ther giwnd division | (»ending and to abwoh«»- the foimi-mcii uiincct«*d by ttibca, those most in need the lalxiring ! ut gene *. whoa«* talent it from Huy further .lability. Of Spasm* by Dr Miei ♦ •■s»4 7J Largest Stock of HAY in the C and parccla tu I m * wofpo. ‘tie and picturesque, poor. The new tat iff lull has gone Judge Bolivar B. Bishop, on? of the C o .N IR a many hours an it now r must interesting. A liar, . By .Gut pai.i .,1, M,| ,U|,t O| r forol 3 h : earliest settlars of Oreg n, died ut AU Home Grown. to the senate and this body will The t« fogmph «‘ompunit'M Ixmixiana Cot» me remi, can ' Salem la^t week. “ disisi o. lai 1.5 affectnl bv th o well uni« mi he thinks you ; very likely put so me ra«lt< il ( han City Treas. 1. Whene'er h«* l»ee acquitted over plus tax sale through the H >«i>- it will raix- du­ ax*, he *hrows his whole In the United State« district court of Int, coupon 5o. At Lowwt Price’'. ti c «barge ( stealing a steer belong* • » L «11 id lies witlinl! his might. ties ou all imports wince the first of lug the t inted State* t-i' Call and Examine my Stock ind condition« rise rapidly | April. brain, one after another, 1 « Hrwtdrncr Property for Rale. I. STAUFFER guv iw'ts them forth ! 13844 72 GoV. s inrs.*agv has liven I A. Bartlett, du hereby « erlify that Two »lory houee i>( s r<>nn>« with hall, the foregoing is r * •- published in the Otv^oniaii II thing mort» entertain« true _ and correct Mate- r! sum .. et<- |>artlv furniaht»!, if ■le«ired "■enti" Hi.-»nionni. r.-. .•iv,“tï.'|'.al,î'"l iti takes two whole pag' s »( tin ^rrat in uling X'.wl L-.lor» ham and ■ uk I reiii. ninic mu h«ni! ni tue co buildings, ¿van I well an.I city water treasury of v Webfoot daily amis-» wry k-w will X* Mill, vino six me HMx US' Inquire nn pre nistv l> St ending Mar. h 31 read it The governor had it pre IMiii' Baptist Chnr. h VS it lies** my I l*a|t*i first »lay of T. E. How tan. Apr.'» A 1). pared to read to the kgisLiture of J- k. MALVEN. P rop ., n*r tone of th? p*Ai*o improv?« w hen ?he itostrumcct i» moved from the wall .f the room. Isaaau«*«! Every 'I'hurs*rage batteries cot »«-cud with radiators, is said to have been I«**? than an hour. T hvbsday , A fbil 8. 1897. Harris’ pan toe» me. “( .r»d?r- t v ear m com put?« 1 to Ixav? cost 5/AMl before th? curtain was ra»^*er« will sleep th MT moil through »hilf hat nt Washington has atsdished ita Board of Horticulture and aubatituti n.»? f and State Commissioner to be appointed b the Governor, with m «aÌArv of 1100) a 1 war Kpnlirants fi»r lhe p»-pi m mu submit «-ertitic *te* ol 1 » H|H*tetirv Iron the »Iste Kgrieultui^l ('.»Urge. Count« authoritiea art* au’horiaed to appoint mnty Commissioners at |2 a >rk N. E. McGrew Pioneer Truck and Delinear MI am 66 years old have had kidney d 1 «••<«** ami constipation for years. A»n now sell— iunh I you H. H Heads« hr ane rpaem. .-oaUnued. ' mw ; her ton rue he.»m« Nervine portUUy paralyuM • nd the dcM-tot, mJ Re.tore. *be would never t.ik c, Health M»1 a Sight »..J du, --------------------- WO o»lrh»l the p.<,r little «offerer »nd tried ev«ry remedy we ad verttMHl for «u.-b Me. but ft m> re­ lief W, bf flu me. lot) FirM-cla.. Meal, served Lour, of the .lav or night. i * "• I 1 -1« furni.he.1 lor transient Gueets at reasonable r*W*- Give the Miner's Restaurant a tn»l •» □e convinced J. l . M. iyi » J *»? I