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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1897)
DRESSING FONDLING A TARANTULA. It la Best to Ms M«r* That tbs Tardatola lkMWS Yoo. The yalckeet aud Small NAVAL A FISH. M«*«c Ou* Method for Tb«**--* l**» vt DISCIPLINE. It No* Tbaa la Tina* Goa* My, DWELLING BUILT OF TUBES. BtrwMar* Fat Cg bf * Ge«- «au Invaator -It* Adr**>■<** WITH HAZEL SWITCHES. How Dollar, ia Uold PERSONALITY OF THE POPES. M-- K**!***“**1*»» T.u o, th. K»il of Th.m- ST.1ANGE .IN CUSTOMS. ÍA.T..1 l'rviul« Vi»» n1 » • Ua Who »'•“ Iul*J I'.I. r !• .• urli/. -.the son of X Some five < W m Fuuu'i HurtsMl In Alubam*- Two or thrw bad men an* i t »poasible iu* n of Champ Cornelius waa a rich Bloun* A German inventor has built & house An American tuimirsl tells a story of the late raj ■ . county fanner, who lived near Che]» old-faahioned di*« ipline in the navy. of hollow tubes, whose advantages are, »nd wriurn aghim,» the eharac’'" of M.tae forty ' One »lay an officer on a ship in service in he says, a constant temperature and in topee before the war When that at cour;«, t! the popes in the middle ag**4» • • rn • Topriat'.v called the curse of», foreign water» gave an order to one nf cidentally strength, durability, com fliet came on he had twenty thorns 10 of Naplwt; Carulfa, of MaJdalom. an in that part . Ir I ' dollars iu gold, which he buried iu a t i» the ui.s■ -<••.«• .. ¡.¡iv^j| ,ec- t-v the enliatrd men. Thr sailor put bi* fort and basQty, says the New York other Neapolitan «bo reigned a* 1 uul to become * * pot on his premises. One night during not cure; thv:. retinal ; . going arma Ijebin«! his back and declined to Sun He first put up a frame of water IV.; and Rodrigo Borgia, a Spaniard, hi» friend;. I W31 ,s remedies only Ixztlle up the I the war, while he was at home on a hi> servants and car >ff 1 obey the command. He was reported tubing, allowing continuous circula who waa Alexander VI., are th- ch.ef journei furlough, a gang of robbera entered the system, to surely break b lace to the station, to the commander w ichout delay for in tion V j a stream of water. Around this inataneea. There were, indeed, many riay.s froiu the ’ low, gave them the tuote viruleut lorui. i v»u!tia„ frame he put up his house in the or i his house and endeavored to extort subordination. »ayirg hv w..uld fol-------- popes who were not perfect, who were from him by torture the hiding place r been heard of since, wreck of the system. The commanded had been warned by dinary way The peculiarity is that all nil hi more or 1-» ambitious at aru iou*. war Mr. Frank B. Martin, a pn!j ieni’.s went t the man who was jeweler at 916 Peniylvaui» An, he surly conduct uf other sailor* that floors and ceilings are crossed and re of his treasure. They hung him up like, timid, headstrong, weak, a.-eora- •he morale of the crew was not w hat it | crossed by the water pipes. The water, four times, says the St. Louis Republic, ing to their aeeeral character»; but it kn?,« .?to have lu-. r. noting ushis guru. it>Kto«J); * ’ thvni: “^ou ««ill night to be. Hr -» «>’vr l to make at having psased through horizontal tubes but each time when taken down he re CM. hardly be said that any of them who simply tol<l 1 was for • posing the G. O. xumplr of the rq »•»’* disobedieiM***, and | under the floor and ceilings, pasAc« fused to divulge the secret. The fourth ae.-e like those I have menttoned. really never Cnd h'uv " rime unde;' Wales were to re- ordered b in to In* < »nfln**d below with-1 through the vertical tubes until all time they left him for dead, fired the M. or the prince of brnnt of t»T house and fled. A faithful negro I mu I men, through and through, v iciou». o Rl it would seem! out food until he was ready to obey the have been gone through In summer, Hie be,t »lave dragged his master out, but Cor un^rupulou». and daringly criminal. tire like thi* h- v . uliject. nay» » 1-°“’ fresh cool water circulates under Dans of thi! To Ulnstmte th< command. I nelius died from his injuries, leaving Paul IV. outlived most of h - vie. », and toi a bevtfxjj Forty-eight hours passed without pressure through the network of tubes, don Times v.rii r. i ,nnj tell the »tory devoted bi* last year» to ecel.fiaatieal the whereabouts of the buried treasure who was the blood nJ dgiin of aiirr* i;<k»r. Put on thr third day. | cools off the walls, and, after having <>f Tilleinathnn a mystery. Yesterday three strange affairs, but Alexander died poisoned t>v but my co3 »Jarkncea, imprisonment and hunger | run its course, flows considerably teacher of the r’. ru. whose ucquaint- men visited the place, which is now uu accident. grew Ww« r to in this chapter, • «»re irresistible. The mutineer begged . warmer than when it entered. In its According to Guicciardini, the poj* anee I am referrii: ' irealthy shipowner course it has absorbed much heat, owned by John Findley, and said that ' ttie while. 1 Tilleinathan was n for mercy. fiuring the as one of them was an adept in the use knew nothing af Caeaar Borgia - . withstand 1 he devoted The e”rw v.civ mustered on deck and ' which it carries away. of high family. In ldoO 1 fact th« . exercises till lhM. the in» ulx>rdinatc sailoT 'va* brought! long and severe winter the water en of the hazel switch, with w hich to lo tion of poisoning himself to relip-i- « “ <? tering through the basement is first cate streams of water, gold and silver, - charset ok , up from the hold w ith gaunt fare ami I heated to nearly one hundred degree* they desired to search for the missing cardinal of Conre when he became “erri •i". ipated." After y hundred 4.' were both to ^up bent figure. The cafita'.n culled ujxm | his attainment he felt 1 sick of tlie world r My moon I and then forced through the tubing treasure, Findley to pay for all cost of ____ t hi* > affairs, divided the officer whose cornmuixl had not been I Of course much of the heat is left all the search and ail to share in the pro 17, 1503. The j o, anil so he wound up fillet with eating sores; my toag^' a first, wa-s thirsty, goods and money among rela- . obeyed, to re;x*at tlie order in the pies-1 over the housr, and at the outlet the ceeds. Findley laughed at them, and nil his f. almost eaten away, so that for •> and went off and, by a mistn! • tives and dependants.^ cnf f* of the crew. Thia was done, and I temperature of the water is about told them that they were free to dig months I was unable to taste as* j after a long fame the «ailor t .Ith hang-1 forty degrees. The speed of the cir and keep all tlie gold they could find. n prepared i. stark naked into the woods. His I food. My hair was coming outran inc in ■isters were grieved and the cardinal. Cm mother and »log look *i.*)ki!y obeyed. culation of water can be regulated so They went to th»? apitwiNVB Ibt two pe died repeatedly pursued ■ him. offering to aud I was in a horrible fix. I hi<!V “Repeat the order,” «aid the captain, mm to allow the fixing of a certain tem old chimneys, all that remained of the j ?xt «¡ m J diank lik je».-..... .«I various treatments, and was near? recoiernl. surrender all to him if he would only couraged, when a friend recotmtQ sternly, to the officer. “It must tie perature, which is equal throughout the decayed Cornelius mansion, stand, and ilx* next day, bu I though bodiy poi-oned. ri. find hint«-. I' return. At last lie simply refused to S.S S. After T had taken fourl^ obeyed cheerfully.” buildintr. dug all that day without avail, but dur n ruined mun and <» fugitive. 1 he car answer their import unities nn l they began to get better, and when? The or<l«*r was renewed and the rout* ing last nigh* Findley found upon in dinal did not touch the wine. This event de-i-ted. He appeim'd in 'Ian • re after finished eighteen Ixjttles, I wu ? First hiipreiiiom of the Vatican. inwr, completely conquered, dashed off vestigation this morning, the strangers 'i*ie ordinary tourist first sees the returned, and at the bottom of a fresh ended an epoch and a reign of i-rroi, that in 1857. Kd’ ' ! md ls7-'. but ha» sound an»l well, my skin was wi^ to execute it. lie is supposed to blemish, aud I have had-no rev- “That will do,” «aid the captain. “Now Vatican from the square as he ap- hole they ha«i dug was found, carefully aud it pilloried the name of Borgia for n<>t ls-en seen sine. give him for«], but brewl and watrr only proachea from the bridge of Sant* An- covered up. u rustj^old pot dug in the ever. Alexander expired in t.he third be living somewhere in the western the disease. S.S.S.saved meironn of misery.” S.S.S. (guaranteed gelo. But his attention is from the groun»!. The contents of the pot were room of the Borgia apartment» in the Ghauts. for 24 hours.” vegetable') will cure any case of \ The sailor was taken below under first drawn to the front of the church, missing, but a note left by the men raving of a terrible delirium, during poison. Books on tbedii- guard an<! allowed full ration« of bread and he but vaguely realizes that a lofty, said they had secured the treasure by whieh tbe superstitious bystander« be and its treat and water. The next <!a” he v. as put unrymmetrical building rises on hi« the hazel switches' use and had kept it, lieved that he was conversing with Sa A CANINE CURIOSITY. ment. mailed tan, to whom he had sold his soul for on unrestricted <li< t, and no further right. He pauses, |>erhaps, and looks according to Findley’s permission. free by Swift “ Hover,” a Big Newfoundlau«i Traiup the papacy, and some were ready to notice was taken of his oflT-nse until in that direction a» lie ascends the long, Specific Co., Dog of Put-in-Bay. »wear tfliat they actually nw «even dev the end of a week, v hen his health wok low steps of the basilica, and wonders MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. There is a Newfoundland dog at Put- Atlanta. Ga. -------- • il« in the room when lie was dying. Die completely nwtnrrd. T!i»»n the rhlp’« in «hut part of th** palace the pope’s in-Bay that is certainly a curiosity. His —The biggest moose. ever taken in the fact that, these witnesses were able to crow* was again mustered on »Keek. The apartments may be, w hile the itinerant name is Rover and he is known at sailor*« hiHuboMination was briefly de vender of photograph« shakes yards of Aroostook region of Maine, the state's count the fiends speaks well for their every house and hostelry on the island. scribed, .»nd he w*aR dlsmbaed from the ¡oor little views out of ther gaudy red best bunting ground, was killed recent coolness, ht all »events.—F. Marion Years ago he was named by Mr. Jay bindings, very much as l^eporello un ly by Col. A. A Baker, of Newport, IL I. Crawford, in Century. ship in disgrace. Cooke, the millionaire banker and “Rigorous discipline, d’d you say!” rolls the list of Don Giovaj ni’s con A game official measured the animal, WORK and MATERIAL Owner of Gibraltar, the cliff-girt little exclaimed the admiral to the li«t< quest*. if the picture peddler sees that and his figures are: Weight, dressed Willing to Learn. island that nestles in the bosom of IN ALL who hr.d commented upon hh rtorv. • the stranger glances up at the Vatican, and including hide, with the bobsled on Ix>rd Chelmsford relates that a friend Put-in-Bay, hardly yet separated from ‘•niiere ought to I»» tuc-re of it in th' I I l.e forthwith point* out the corner win* which it was hauled, 1,360 pounds; of hi« at the bar was once engaged in a its parent mother by a narrow line of American navy to-day. Th«» service j . ( ji.ows of the second »lory, and informs spread of anUers, 49 inches The an- nautical case in which it appeared shoals. Mr. Cooke had no use for Rover pow conducted on sentimental princi I victim that. “Sua Santita” inhabit« Uers have 13 prongs on one side and 13 that a vessel had been exposed to a very and gave him away when he was quite ples, and men are forgetting how to those rooms, and pronrptly offers pho- on the other j severe gale of wind, and had Is-en young to a family on the island of the I logruphs of any other part of the Vati obey.” her beams’ ends. name of Roelfing. In the course of time, - The addition of 75,000 acres to the tliTOwn upon The criticism may have been too can but that. The tourist looks up cu Adirondack park is a cause for satisfac The. barrister, ignorant of nautic says the Buffalo Commercial, the Roel harsh, but. th«» <le<ehir:»t:«>n ?« not infre riously, and finally gets rid of the ven- tion. The land purchased from Dr. Webb al matters, asked a seaman who fing family moved away and Rover, who quently made thn‘ d!.*";p!:n<» ii ?/y> lax < mt by buying something that he does make the largest single block yet in was in the witness box how it had grown into fine proportions, was in the Vnlted Rta,!* *» r«ry. V.’bll«« the not want, with the charitable intention quired in furtherance of the purpose of waa they did not lower the top left alone without a master. Several White Sfjuadron v r • • •••> ntlv n ¡»bored of giving it to sonic dear, blit tiresome, extending the park to include the 2,807,- mast. ujxon which the witness said, times attempts were made to domicile nt SoutJuiihpton. pn*\icu3 to the Kiel relative ut home. And ever afterward, 760 acres fixed upon as a proper reserve with a sneer: ”If you knew as much of the brute, but they were of no avail. celebration, a return ».» a« mode one day I |*rhup he associates with his first im- for the maintenance of the forest and the sea as I do. you would know that He either would not forget his old mas of th«» number of men al^ent without pression of th« Vatican the eager, cun streams so necessary to the state. With this is not a very easy matter.” This ter or else had determined to be true to ARE FULLY WARRANT! leave from the four ships. It waeflOont ning, Hriqiegrao' feature« of the man this addition the public ‘oms'u will incident led the counsel to turn his at his name and lead a roving life. At of an aggregate force of 1.500.—Youth’s who sold him th«- photographs. — F. amount to 675,000 acres. tention to the subject, and he invented any rate, for the past three or four Mt also makes SHOES Marion Crawford, in Century. Companion. —The prospect of another Ashantee an apparatus for lowering topmasts, years Rover has been the tramp dog of and does REPAI KI NG is war recalls Sir Wilfred Iawion’s sum for which he obtained a patent and real the island, without any home. Every Waate of Gold and Silver. MILLIONS OF MELONS. the Best Manner 1 Statistic)« from the royal mint show mary of the English campaign of 1873. ized thereby upward of $100,000 by his body likes him. and there is not a child The I^hnd Whnra tlm W*t*rm«loB M im that does not save him a piece of meat He axked in th»* house of commons what invention. ON SHORT NOTICE that the average coat of renewing the th< «Ml. I or crust of bread. He makes the rounds England had gained by her victories 111 m Brother Was Deaf. Southern Georgir !■» th»* land of water ► her coin.ige averages £31,000. Thin ADDLES. WHIPS. ROBES i from house to house, and always seeks over the Ashantees. “An old umbrella A millionaire railway king has a the kitchen door first. He is round, melon«. Here tl»« v <.u rnwlon is king; represents six tons of silver, which are always on hand. All prict* and a treaty, ” he made answer to his brother who is hard of hearing, while for here «* very bod;, believes in water xpread over the Cnited Kingdom yearly. own question. He was reminded that he himself is remarkable : ls having a fat and sleek, and lives on the fat of rijkut melon*. The melon fields extend In other words, thr daily unavoidable there had bean no treaty. He remarked very prominent nose. Once the rail- the land and is the common property of from ten to a hundred acres. Vines waste from the ail ver coinage iit marly the island. that he was not sorry, as the treaty I way king dined at a friend’s house, covering 50 to 60 a»*r< « of ground are not C86. Gold ir not. so much used a* sil would have been worth no more than Cheap Gas in Birmingham. when he sat between two ladies, who nn uucommon sight. Some growers ver, but its waste in this way in suffi the umbrella. The city of Birmingham, England, ■ ixth S t . O i - p . L ister &C au talked to him very loudly, rather to have cleared $5,000 on their watermelon ciently lameintable. Thr mint, issue«, —One of the smallest men and one of his annoyance, but he said nothing. supplies pure coal gas to its citizens at crops alone. Those w ho do not make a on an average, 4,645,521 sovereigns, and specialty of watermelon« have from five twice that number of half Hoverrigoa, the biggest girls in the country live T'inally one of them shouted acommon- 54 cents a thousand. The municipality to ten acr«*.». ¡‘h's acr. iq' • w ili bring at *<»nrlv. The weight lost by fair wear down in Georgia. The former is Mr. Iplnce remark, and then said in an or bought out two private gas companies least $.'»00, or ut th»» rate of $50 per acre. I it nd tear in t.he first is .0396 grains per Tom Coater, of Flazelhurst. who is 24 dinary tone to tnv other: “Did you at a price which makes an annual cost The watermelon d • trict in southern annum, and hi the second .0551 grains, years old, is three feet nine inches high, ever see such a nose in vour life?** to the city of $291.000. This amount . .t•*;i'Lf 1.1 extends all the way from 'I bom- should anyone care to work out this and weighs 56 pounds. He ha»« two “Pardon me, ladies,” said the million has been paid for seventeen years, and ■ vilie, near tlie F’loritia line, to Albany . uin. he will find that thia wear, if it younger brothers who are each more aire, “it’a my brother who is deaf,” the people of Birmingham have reaped a net profit on the* investment during Thoxr two places are hciidtjuartera ut < <ml«l be collected and coined, would than rix feet tall. Mr. G. W. Hodden Imagine the horror of the ladies. Mom Street ------ that time of $3,570,000. t he u .it<*nn<*lon crop, alt bough immense *<ivr sufficient gold to make 16 aover- berry, of Okenfenokee, hua a girl 13 MANUFACTEK quantities are shipped from the many, igns • very day! Is it wonderful, there years old who weighs 175 pounds, and a fore, that mini, taken from a ¡»art of boy seven years w bo weighs 110 pounds other stations in the district. F ink H AVANA and w ears a numixer six shoe. I. Hidun which has for centuries been The melons ar,* pneked into a rar on —One k-ig firm of ranchers near Miles the »id» track, hn\!nga layer of pine the resort of moneyed men of buainew, straw on the bottom of th«* car. Those hould contain a certain quantity of the City, Wash., employs all the year round precious metals? — Chambers ’ Journal. two hunters and a pack of 15 Russian of regular size an<i ►’ npc form th»1 lower part of thr pile, and those of irregular Vlnr^nr »« an Antidote tn ( arbolle Arid. wolf houuds to keep the rung»* free of riz»* are put on toy». When tlie “special It is ditliciilt for p«-rMHiM in good wolves and coyotes, w htsh are a pest to melon train” comes along the ear is li«nlth to coiHcive why suicides should stork raisers all over the region Ko far hitcher! on, and awuy it goes on itstwo- choos** oic’.i u frightfully painful metli- this year the hunter» have taken the dn\s journey northward, ride-tracking* iim for Cn r ¡»urj-oMe as carbolic acid. scalps of 223 wolves and many coyotes. Whenever any traces of wolves or coy everything that gets in its way, even It i not it p i ralh known that to this passenger train««. * ¡clous aval v»!•. »-nr is an excellent anti otes are found the pack is ta^en out Ea» :» »lay for we«»ks car load after car dote. When a; plied to a cutaneous or and put on the scent, and usually the load of melons roil- over thr railroad: mucin Mtrfac* which has been burned pests are quickly run down and killed. This method is the only one that has leading into J«r?*« \ ( ty. Each car, a by thr arid, t’m chai u<-teristic w hitish we. have said, w ill hold alwmt 1,200 met t;p| irancc pr*..luerd by the caustic proved effective, as the wolves refuse to take poisoned bait. on*, ami when th • melon trains dump I at on r «1 a. »ar«, and subsequent —Another queer happening attrib their shipments th»*- big fre gbt depot ':-“.ri i •? is t » a gn at extent prevented. uted to the recent earthquake that '* in* • . ii qiKilly « tlicarious remedy present sight« worth traveling acre shivered up through the middle states tewn to behold. 'Th»• >ti : d ami d lai I v. In n thr t rid him lx»en taken into th * from the gulf to the lakes is that many md .t I* recommend«*«! that green balloons are rnni'» d i. great | I :i., *tom. Each pile belongs to *<>n.r de.»!. , an thr j:-. t • t ‘ hould, na soon ns possible. 1 wells have gone dry. and not a few cis terns and reservoirs have become empty dr n . • m \ ¡’it gnr mixed with an equal often l»rars hi* nan»«*. AHLc-ugi» t part of x atrr, after which of h«*r meas since the shock. In the case of the lat bunds of melons <*on»v on each • i:. n ! ter it is probable that the cement ures may I a * take» *o more fully coun- every one must I«* vln ck« d off ai d « fetxirt the jm » isoii . St. Ixitiis Republic. cracked or the construction was other pared with th«» bill of ladH; ('*»to I wise weakened, but this explanation a few melons are broken in tra: ■ *. Keepln* I p Vpprnmnrr*. does not entirely explain the rase of the at the d«M'ks ami «lepots you will !■ Oreat RESTd It is difficult. <mv .The Lady, to be wells. The bottom of a well in Lagro crowd of gamins dcMpcrat« lv la-g*. lieve the : i » h -rt ion ».aide by’ a contem- _ Ra»tor««w township, near Wabash, Ind., dropped he longshoremen or th«» drivers » _ health, rigr |H»rary to thr •*‘T«‘*.*f that a man in Lon out entirely, and nothing that has been From Me Chronicle, Chicago, HL tnanhood u ken bit: “Suv, bus*, just, t’rjw don inakea a ha nil <»rne «urn by lending move, al! ” used to sound the depths of the hole has chunk-—do, pl a««».” You will Perhaps in no case at yet recorded has the during nil this time, which hail ths effect of out to “smart” brid«»« an<! bridegrooms .. cla, to our - the h Bunk of England note for one I touched the bottom T q al) appearances •fficiency of a popular remedy been found completely upsetting my stomach aad nerv r colored brother rr.’ycily • V Rester« then» is an immense cavern under the ous iv«ten). utifill melons, hoping r* i ♦ I —«III.-» • M- so clearly as in that of Mrs. Nora F.. Hill. thousand pounds, which note figures well hele “Erom January to July 1885,1 suffered / »vatvrii *» t hat on? stray meh n in ' ’«iH.i'si as among the present« as the gift of While her condition, caused by a frightful frightful agonies, resulting from the trouble »Hai l.w»»i f mid only th os«» who luive seen the t»» th*» lady’s father <bring carefully and distressing accident, places her beyond in my etc math, and whi again thrown into move» ■■ ..’ :i » NATIONAL* TYPE. rm darky in watcri iclon lime van watched by a s|M»cial person told off the pals of perfect recovery, she has received gastric fever, which kept me in bed three »ip, of youth •»< preeiat«» his <h»e|»e> t fevliiu»» v. hei for that duty alone . and is then re- Force* Which Enter Into the Work of It* such marked relief that the story of the ac week«. c»,e> of lata» » L A Jear. Stober I commenced to R«mov«» a:!« iiruc*l to its owner, pins a fee for thr Creatlos. cident and the sufferings resulting from it, * take I»r. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale of dir» pa’.i«» vi i!at watermillion a-«:nllln* th«w i .»n No doubt it is. unfortunately, Probably, «by« Blackwood*« Magu- will be of more than ordinary interest to I eople. After I had taken two boie* they imre' pair» all rat»’’ broke thr gn.tric fever and enabled me to wish »tat watermillion It was true that the “keeping up of appear- zinr. then* is no link hetween an nchro- thousands of invalids. Curca Ir.iaa»' ¡r»*t up. I found al*» that they gave me n«*rs'‘ neresdtat«'^ many unpleasant ous complexion and a hasty 1« n*per H mine' re»tore» i«* Mrs. Nora E. Hill, before September 1893, (w hite folks tnur-t be f -ollsh to lef It expedients in these extravagant day«, •trrnph. and my appetite came back. I tlcwp. Curer modern man other than a racial on*?. was a hale, hearty and strong woman, past found that I could digest the food J ate and dai alone. • » retano» a: í N" but really the ent rprising person who Thr two qualities were coiucid«*ntk de the middle age of life. A smilin' at me from <!< \ the pains disappeared. I alto notice»!’that □ 11 vitali'' limp« r’s Weekly. di««s»vere<i th«» latest ‘‘society ruse“ veloped by inde|M*ndrnt agvnci« s. \V«» I be. »me R m nervous; in fact my general She tells the following story : Cures a.’l »^ ---------- condition improved very much. .»light have invented something neater. know little of thr nature and working dinotate, »a» f* “September 1, 18S3, while attending to COLORAOO HOTEL ETIQUETTE Th- following March in 1*9«) I wu What would happen, we wonder, if of t hr force* which go to create a na î»T»lob»vBt to >0 nil all parts e»rU of oí tbt tin my duties about the house, a gasoline stove «irnin troubled with the ihrn'eiwe» but to a s<»nic w«»«ldi:ig guest, possessed of un SeflVE-LlFE NMVE-LlFX W tb» «T-f. U "Gants’* tre l*rohlbl<e«l from l>olt>* Many tional type. That tbey are to Home ex which I had used for some time, suddenly nnu h 1. ÏT « degree than »va fortnerl. Thia wu l J«''' •»•••• «Mtr IT. 1 (UH WM icstuient and afford» i ' * usual aptitude for figures, were to carry Thing*. tent climatic anti geographical is plain, „Pl.nie.i the burning „nid ov« .----------. -*•------- ‘ “ 1 Pill«, which tin- IA, trvt «ay'i uta. It rsmj”« »*• ----- — ”“«-t my blood to a much \ gvntlemnn of Carroll! »n who bn* in his head the number of that note for in New /«•aland, Queensland and me Before my clothe, which were on fire luJ aaart, nature lo íü.cl a < »♦’ter . ondition. 1 want to explain here that from one wedding to another? And hitcl* returned from th* v.»st hr*e»ea<l Spacial dite-uni*'’rif’’ Xorth America we find th«» prtKTss in eonld be torn off, my right arm and hand ' the d.wtor. «aid that the eauae <>f the appear how do th«» happy pair dispose of sub- Ow nf» treatise on Ntrvout brought with hll were fearfully burned. Thi, however, wu ance of ai.M-e«ea wu due to the ulcerated <»qurnt qu« stions as to what they have * isiblr operation. Ktabeod. Ita and Keco’-.ry. »• he found p<u*ted i .1” nf Lh* »»""••rh. which vitiated the Prolmbly in the day* of purely trib.» 1 not my m-wt aerioua injury, u I had inhaled rr« in plain Maled wrapper Dr •lone with the lumdsom«* present? thr Ugh my entire ,v,teru The hotel was savagery any pec uliar attribute* of the «one ,.f the flame,, an i 1 f.un.i thetn,ideof blood Mvane M.ntioe tbit paper , . my mouth blistered. My hand and arm to [ "The pill, hate allayed my nerronsnew r t nt Little Creek. C Cent Kt ter Trai Tree»me*t •»<» *• c‘r’ founder of a clan migrating away from the GIRLS WORK IN A MINE. elbow were burned to the hone, and my (iUidan«'«* of («ur M5«vL-t:rr nmcAiik hi* fellow m would give th1 key. which phyandan believed amputation neceuarv I tion. they have cleared mv brain, and hare A H<*prehen«lhle In “All gents wl external nature would «levelop and but after weeks of great «uffehng I waa Xiyen rne an appetite which I can gratify by ( uu«iu* uli ^,'. n w>" ! k t r'"°' V ,h ? ut 'h» terrible t her wrtqtoiwi n elaborate inton national riiatu<*trr:sti<*. •pared th, operation, and I have fairly good I pain whi. h formerly alno.t drove me Inune Four «thleHr \ use of my hand and arm now \\ J’t. ntcr ng th«* din Such a pioneer, whether rm giant nr “Bhortlv after the prorem of healing oil The pi 1, are doing for me more than any »plow <»t <t a - t it r X to Is* mciical I hare ever received, and the, outcast, would in most cases lie a man arm and hand, my atotnach rommen . . aid . nrc re of unconi promising temper »nd e\- give me trouble. I did not then realize what n.v. —p„ed mv raffering to a very great ( ' n1" D°* 'h,nk *> * TV attenti» «rptional originality of mind; ar>). as it meant. After each tueal I wu seize-l thanbev will cur- me. 1 ,]| phy.x Sana with a cramping eenaation and then iu a nt t <*m This i a n »« well known, thrwr grn« r*’II \ »with few day, there were frightful pain,, which hi. '«»niiiied tne that it :, J «li»! V it rve n 11 U hm !« of a physical pecuParity ns st<*»nvlv threw me into clammy perspiration. For imp.ia.ible »art ejperience however hu I u • III tier •ight months I wu under the care of my •hown me that they will tn . great extent marked. Morrovri T sra changed evert Su r f>"T»'S1»n. I'*'tllng hard with death. I had ■ »he i„, hfc bearaHa Tin. I believe « •T able « « extremely intolera at > loat 93 pounds wu becoming a mere skele • >1 fortuity or strangi i,tl‘i.n‘U' h ' " n” ,h,r' ,0<”, hr ”>*ny of ; ñVFNTM YEAR. ♦ ‘ ton, my appetite wu gone, and my nervous ur f* ! j ¡£ePlyc’i!r "f ,uff,‘nn« wh,'ni «k«y can often a man, or a f; system completely shattered i.V-r-LD-WinE CIRCULA^ uilk I «»ffrnwivelv ct»n«pi . . n in everything, wu *nd ™i"d in Michinn. and totally discouraged, aad determined to go to • e.Ll way, would l»r exp f y P;. ■;•.£; Weekly; lilus’3*' mv former home. Grand Rapid,. Michigan, earne to < hicago jome ten year, ago I t *",■■ ’ * q">'r a number ..f people on the we« In Central Anver t—NSWS FROM ALL oVlill Till. WORLD > v< \ v,. k and have my old physician make an exaa.1. M e « TC M’W «lerinei! an nation of my condition Re did so and ! i'n i? h*'r 1',¥.,b*',” °f <h» marveloua th« complete atul in cotnlcn»eil form t >r Pdi. « William,. I ; F£ï TMJU WN* aborigines, while t “‘'V* nf ,hr •",n>»»h had Pink formed which he said were incurable, and ■ ins lili« 1«>r I sic People , and if «,,* ,.r.a v ■ X tVLr' E «©'’'ff P‘.£t. I.ilJie we - ¡lab, I , prod j.-e cancer at any time »houhl like to hear more of the .letada of PACIFIC COAST NEWS n .111’ imp<-ttant Rapirti 1 rd \VV f I* SCÎKTinC PFßS.. While iu i,r,nJ jup,,), |h„ n|,vri wh|fh Tny suffering and more of the detail« I to M ID»* of the week from Behring Strait t the t> Tetta del Furt:». '"r™*d i" the stomach broke which fr . ?■■■•Fs V < »""'“"f of '»T» quantities of bbvid and pus This confined me to a sick J JOSEPHINE COUNTY HOMi NEW *om th o « f"r l»»”r*1 w**k’ " hen I became ce» without tear or favor <>r int< tit S • I nt people sutn-lently stri ng to gel up | cm, tn she hr ’ m. *!!' I* *b* m *"* , o M “*■ 1 m ,< ht twelfth day <>f January. 1857. A. F. Pi'rrwix .Vo/oe, INDEPENDENT EDITOR! \1/ o' £»._™L2'? po«.bly one month But I 4 f.r i.7 t 'p rr L7 , '"" f ? w 'I ’’ amv Pink Filla ne.ermined to make as «rung a fight u I art le* «f f.* r i . ■ I jw plethat th„ tr, no| g without asking ain man > or putì »«• 'Lrw wu Exiwimrnti* ha* .h<>wn that MnU iT!*” *U‘“ km V 1 * P”*"*«’“0« tuwd f-r many avoid the bright c«»a»rv<i ratrrpUi a« th« J 77 “if * »I“» of "'»• ®f the year« t y an eminent practitioner who produced a rule An«i this fM**»ins alim» t ?«j the m<«*t w'>bderfu] results with th»«» 4 t ■oat Med and celebrated medical colls,« *11 vf weskneL h*JheD’ CUrln< hes'mr.r a second nature, for a ja ^Llf"K',’*B"n».u,'° Th‘« „aminaXJ . .... 5 1!t rtni .’ 3fri-in a watery h which ha*l been raised in « m Hbrii ** •ksttered nerve*, two tohi me thu’.V”1'''“ R»P'd’ I fruitful « »> off «I ir •«wta iff of almost every ill u> «hirh Se rtoml h h TK •*” *W1» ul'*r» »• fruitful causes The And had uo esperienve in j.ui. .. pill, ir, a eo*p thr<r Mn2^LT,t"f ’he eollege flrah i« * r | ».liblr <|.ialitir, of cater, I so nellC: k’ltrrU *r *”■»• •WhV.wT pavvieian, wm ?hai my chance* ®f * lurml to r«*gu?d the brUliacit ••re one in (M|0 fS ■ all «.rma oT weak.*, rbrow" Mtv iwm ». i •" TI»A«van»1. This was ia < een». % < I pillar of the figare-< f-eight n«»t) XL..//* J""*,1 ’** dow» with OR WHEN NOT IN ADVANCE \ delicate pieve nf sculpture isamMel the i *n*pie’on a id averak*. ahhtvi Iter)in ar« rartne ev-r ea iwl by fSwh nl -e. fcinlii - f Queen \ »ctor s q Jkan.l. whh h »• «till tiew>”r'?,h?K 7»' ’T*». f>"‘ J«»*U> tai worry -~rwih I« pBVC it t of infer* ng their cuxtomers eagerly «tsvoured »bill, pla.n «a “*» ic« n < . a t Ú «■' ■ ' 7^. tddress: E < RI! R. 7.777/7 » " tlt?t ’*»' 1 suffered « ad. a ’rry handsotn** •ne, an«I is it said to f the »!sy* « n wh.»h fresh «Ages Isra piaeed witbin s reach IV MtiooaUy * S • A k , • Im ve *ign»*d more m » |M<iAut state |<t- , K. iMOcing « »ha»r covered was driven l«v h, xrr to a*tac J*B< •*«.• IT tb« L a. «tìi Grant's Paa*. Oregon ■ ’ « ’ »®I •h-..ld.e., pewdns^i bv7h7<xX" h- ps*t * ami been k e • h . the «Mi« other it Cuu ly K' ' • it it, «>vtn< turn than th* band f aay otbvr q.wa Wd thia les- iXe«l CinciBiisti Knquirrt. pteia aeMeucu t er CU »<ur 127’7»,! «»/«* ■revewwwt lut-i daro-g the <W1 and wli t*, j (hai livnrf - Frv» !*-»■• I thiof dlatasiet ii ike prey. I ©•* P«rc*»r Orr>*c -f ' c-ntaaOox «r nt hegm < *%» U » , » • % • % • • * * ZPy.7-*»*». 1 *"* » C^*t taai. v dnu ar- never wld a bulk ue bv ■irwaa,. , I»r will «.»- m L i JTA ° T IM optatee ta, physKsaaw dueeUeoa •kLbene-rwd. »»«iWoo.pway, At thi« M*aj»ua of the year many are “The tarantulas pine in confinement,” remarked an amateur spider collect >r. camping or living in suiutm'r cottages “refuse to spin or eat and *«ddoia inc by lake or ocean. To thuoe who can long. A teBtiptde or scorpion, on the take with them a competent cook the other hand, commits suicide w hen it knowledge of a quick method < f clean ing fish may not I«» of any practical ree* no chance of getting away.” “Coenmite suicide?” 1 asked. “Why, use; but the r* nJ « amjiersarr tuow- who how?” catch their fish, and clean and uook. a- “By inoculating it* body with it* own well a« eat them. To these, although poison. I have seen it do it time and the catching and the eating may be time again. The centipede carries moat enjoyable, tl»e cleaning Is always ¡«oiaon in two little teeth, beside* the sac u bugi/ear. The (|ui(kest and best methed for in each of its many feet. He. bites his Itody savagely when he wants to kill dressing all small fisJi like perch, bass himself, just as a man would plunge a and croppi»*, is as follows. Put *h«* fish in a l«..g ¡an ar si pour over them dagger in his heart.” “And how does the scorpion kill him • (■aiding hot water. Sfrske them alK»ut n thi*» for a moment, then pour It <>ff self?” “Hi* poison lies In the end of his tail. and rinse th»* fish in cold water. Now He turn* the end of his tail up over with an» old pair of Mri*»»x>ra cut «»ff tne bi* back and jabs it sharply; in a few fins aiui tails. With <1 »harp knife rut >ff the heads and rut through the skin seconds he is dead.” ••Which do you think the most inter of each fi.s'h in n straight line down thr esting, tarantula« or centipedes?” 1 in- back. Beginning on earh side of this qulrv<l of this practical student of nat inciaion, easily and quickly pull off the skins. Soim* eplcuraa J>refer the skins uru! history. ‘•Tarantulas,” he replied. “They left on, but if they )i/nl the scalea to have better di*|KNi1tions and are much I Rerape off, they would perhaps change more Intelligent than their cousins, the that opinion. It r«*eJly make« very lit tle, if any, difference in the flavor. centipedes.” The fish ar«* now ready to be open«x! “Do you think they learn to know peo and cleaned as usual. PLac-h on«* should ple r “Do T? Well, Til show you. Look j then I m » wnahed thoroughly, inside and out, in cold water; wiped dry; rolled here, Browny.” The little slide down to Browny’* n corn m«nl or flour; seasoned well hatch was pulled back »nd the fuzzy, j vith wilt and pepper and laid <in ach*an round-bodied king of «piders crawled flutter. They may be «**t iis’dr in a out onto the promenade ground of card ool piner or fried at once. When fried I brown and not too fast in hot better board in front of his dwelling “ITére’a a piece of peer for you, .. nd lard, one part of each, th»* flesh is ! firm, crisp arid deliciou». Browny.” said the master. 1 Wash the tins and knives which have “Does he like ¡*ears?” “Only the juice. Henucksthe juice of been used with jik’iity of hot water and ruw beef occasionaJly, t<x>, but hr vastly soap. Aft» r the hands hav«» had a good prefers n good, fat grasshopjier if lie scrubbing, if they still hav»» a fishy odor, .1 they doubtlrs* will, ward» them in a can get him.” Browny examined thè piece of pear little cold water, in which Las been put critically with his ftrlerand preyed it a half ti ;i«poonful of listerlne, which un if to extract the juice, but he dici not will entirely remove the odor. A very nice thing for the woman who f.eern hungry. The i ¡aster lhen took up the F.tar-shaped enuturr in blx finger* fishes and is the po* < v or of u delicate .2 T .t h st-finitely every un« uf the iulul skin is a fl«hiiig collar. She may wear a veil, big hat and old gloves, but the I tti«' ii-pi. n «rehe Is not ’.« sClc* to me. No*/ hot sun and the rafircted glare from ' ‘ ' fiber : u pt to play with the water will pet at her neck, do thr l est she can And a red nv*»lc is d»*- 1< stable above all thing*. Take auy \ cttrlv’headed young mtn of 20 or •*;er$ul»<A:t‘t drew near and called toth- l'/l»t wash p»iods*linen, cali<»o or glng- 1 '.m, and cut from it a flaring collar tarantuhi cjaxingly. ut least three inches high. Starch it Browny instantly hunched himself very stiff. Fasten ribbons to the end« up and r< treated in u »«‘t. ¡.nw!ng plain and take it along fh» next time you go ly hi« dislike. fishing.—Good lion «»d'crplng “When h«1 wai fret ... I very busy oi • ■ day I watched him unwind yards and Belgn*. yards of apiiu thren 1 and float dow n on According to the “Gotha Almanac,” a veritable ladder of it to a cranny half way down the rocky unfaee of a steep which has just been issued for 1894. the queen of England has reigned longer bluff. There hr < *pturr<l a juicy berth . than any other ruler in the world, hav He dragged his prry nfter him by fold ing ascended >r throne in 1837 Next ‘off it in hi* thread« nnd hitching it to to her in point <»f time are Emperor tho«e pegs on hi* bnek. Hi* eyes are in Francis Joseph of Austria and Fred the top of hi* head.’’ erick, the grand duke of Baden. The “But tarantulas are deadly |»i*on?” monarchs who have reigned the short “Yes, but they use their polaon us a est time are Prince Friederich of Wai- flefrnar. They have rnmdrs to guard k and Duke Alfred of Saxe-Coburg- against just nn other creature*. Th« ie Gotha. Ttie oldest monarch, accord poinon i* carried in a little anc In the In ing to the “Almanac.” is the pope, section of each foot and in the llttl who is more than eighty-three years of sharp cl*« at thr extremity, that iaa!« nge The grand duke of Luxembourg hollow. Th>y aJao have two teeth that and the king of Denmark, respectively are venomous. seventy-six and seventy five years of “I have observed that they tend their age, stand next to hiin in thia regard young until they ure four week* old Grand Duke Karl Alexander, who After that they deliberately run a«*\ live« in Weimar, is fourth in point of from them and leave them to look lift« r age. and Queen Viet«»ria. with her sev themselves. This plan teaches them enty four years, i • In fifth oldest mon* self-defense.*'Ix>ula Star. arch. The youn; t crowned heads are the little <pi •1 of the Nether- . and the king of When a honte is off his feed there I h lamin, who is thirl nd a half years Spain, who is aevc teontething radically wrong son»«* where f JOHN HACKETI .1. G. SCHMIDT. Prr c Terrible Explosion G A GASOLINE STOVE EXPLODES A WITH FEARFUL RESULTS. R The Burning Fluid Falls all Over Mrs. Nora E. Hill S Box Trade a Speciali. She is Fearfully Burned-Inhales the Flames and is Seriously Injured, but Proper Medical Treatment Saved Her Life. THE ROGUE RIVER COU RIER Reliable and Comprehensive. All the News, The “COURIER' is the best paper in Josephine County because it has: Terms: $1 50 a Year in Advance R<Mi( RIVER .< »1 NERVE» LlFi