Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1897)
T hursday , M arch 25, 1897. OVER THE STATE PERSONAL. lloguc River Mining lieu«». C. F Hart was in from Kerby on busi- There are now 133 boys in the reform Bour and Gilmore operate a placer { he«» Tuexlsy. school. i on Indian creek with pipe and giant. A | A A. Porter ol Leland was »een on oor j , Thera arc 26 widow» in the town of ball interest in it was »old the other day . County court, April 7. street« Monday. Halsey, among whom are six widow for »1000 and considerable tuouey is uow I being taken out. Dill picklee at the B. A. M. Mrs. Woolsey went to Ashland Mon . Smith«. It is reported that another pumping day on a visit. There is winter left yet in Tygli Ridge, Will Jackson resident dentist. plant will be put in on Rogue river i in Wasco county, there beiug six tui lie« Sam White of Kerby ha» been spend | Circuit court, April 19. of snow in the bill» and valleys of that shortly, just above the Baylord-lltff ing a few d»ys in town. works. The gravel has been found to auction. Sweet and »out p.ek'es at Bartlett'a. be very rich there. sheriff Hiatt took young Niekeraun to Hopgrowers met in Woodburn and ar Easter Sunday April 18th, lliia year. Salem Monday night. There are 12 men employed on the ranged for buying supplies. They will Clemens, Druggis', opp. Opera House. Jack 1-aytou was m from the Applegate meet again in June to agree upon the Horn-silsby-Tucker placers on the Illin ois river. Considerable work has been , price to be offered for picking. We «ill repair your bicycle neatly this week on buaineM. done on the uew ditch, strengthening it ' and at little expellee. Cramer Bros. Mrs. Walsh, sister ot Mr«. J. D. Fry Eight boys were taken iuto custody by against tlie snowfall in the mountains, the night watchman of the Dalles, Mon but they will have water for working the 1 W. H. Flanagan, physician surgeon returned from Medlord Monday, and dentist. Mr». H. Hulbert left Saturday ior a day night, and kept until 11 o’clock for year around. violating the curfew ordinance. The Lindsey brothers will build a New chaini-bwep us auywhere in the visit with relatives at Auburn, Cal. new fish wheel being put in by tramway for a distance of 300 feet to run ' city al Terrell A Son. H. M. Cbapiu the mining man took a C* The tries Stone a few mile» lielow The the dirt down to the Applegate river from ' A» the C oi kikk goes to press warm trip to Jackson county last week. Dalles, when completed, will lie tlie lar their mine at the mouth of Oscar creek showers are melting tlie a now on the Mrs. Fellow s, grand president of the gest wheel on the river. It is 12 feet this spring. The ground is rich and con mountain tops. wide and 60 feet deep Rebeccas is here from Portlaud. tains a good deal of coarse gold. Sluice 18J7 bicycle* at »45 are guaranteed for John Wallace brought a load of hay boxes will be set up on the river bank to John Riley, the Althouse merchant . one year. Examine them at Cramer went to .Medlord this week on businees. into La Graude last week, with four hor wash the dirt as the cars iepoeit it. The supply of water for the pipe i» now run Bros. ses. ning lew. Mrs. Wert« returned from Portland The hay weighed 2200 pounds, and the The flyer went north Saturday after Saturday after an abeeueeof 5 months. wagon and mud 2560 pounds. The Spokane parties Mho bonded the noon with 5 passenger coaches. J. I.. De Voise general paesvnger agent The present tax roll shows a total of Boynton ledge on Jump-off Joe for »3000, We shall show some special values in Wall Paper at io, 15, 20 and It is reported that Jim Porter will open ot the Rock Island route is in the citv. 3085 taxpayer« in Jackson county, not have found the pav seam widens from 25c. Window Shades, Spring Rollers, et 23 and 37#c. Those con the Hotel Layton. between 700 and 800 to whom its original 18 inches to 4 feet, and some W. G. M. Andeiron of the Summit templating repairing and beautifying their homes this spring should not Brand new Kimball organ for leas than House at Anderson was in town Tue» including of the rock goes as high as »600 to the poll tax alone is assessed. ton. It is probable that the parties will MU. A. R. Yantis. miss THIS SALE. day. During the winter months plowing take the mine, as it is very cheap st Fresh nuts and raisins at Bartlett's. Mrs. Keyes, sistei of J. O. Booth ar and seeding have been under way in those figures. A trrin of 18 stock cars passed north rived yesterday from Prineville oti a Klamath county, so that now only a An assay on rock from the Caiueron little oi the gram acerage iu that section Tuesday, loaded with beef cattle from visit. mine last week went »20 to the ton and remains untiiled. Moutague California to Tacoma. the vein has all the appearance of per Councilmen Alfred Coburn «nd Gey The eight-year-old sou of Mark Burk manence This ledge is located on Ed. Holcombe apjieared before the re er go out this spring, their terms having hart of Woodville run a »tick under his Green's creek, «ome five mile» southeast expired corder Saturday and was fined »15. longue and down his throat on Monday. of town and not far from the Belding- Prof. Hampton of Placer was in town Freeh salt-water fish at Ahlf's meat Dr. Morri», the resident physician, made Dowell lode, upon which one of tlie stamp Monday attending a meeting of the Mi Hie necessary repairs, but tho child was mills from the Hauimer»ly i» shortly to market. The great cash bargains still on sale on first floor are drawing big ners’ Association. not able to speak at last reports. be erected. One hundred men wanted, to trade hay John P. Jones, traveling passenger ct owds. and grain (or buggies and hacks, A. K. The election in Central Point resulted l'he Hampton-Lewi* placer« oil Upper agent of the Southern Pacific came down in the selection of the following officers: Grave creek now keep 16 men busy. Yantis, Grant's Pass. from Portland Tuesday. Trusiees, 8. W. McClendon, J. W. Olwell, Some very extensive preparation« have 1897 stock of (»ARDEN TOOLS on Conductor Kearney was in town last J. 11. Gay. John Clemente. J. W. Merr been going on at these mines for two baud. Hoes, rakes, spading forks etc. Wolf Creek Item» Ttie Kight Man Whipped. week on crutches not having gotten over itt; lecorder, J. W. Jacobs , treasurer, G. years »nd now they are about ready to at Cramer Bro». 8. Moore; marshal, Daniel Lynes; street run 6 monitors steady. A race 1200 feet his accident at Glendale. Tlie Portland Telegram says: “ We commissioner, Lee Ingram. Wallace Brother* art» working hole-in* After Hannibal's army bad wintered at long has just lieeu c- uipleted and this is Peter Snellback. the Mexican war vet are having a nice winter this spring. ” the*ground mine*. Capua it wasn’t much of an army. Lux William Adkins whose wife committed paved with railroad iron to resist the cut eran has sold iiis ranch near Kerbv to ury had enfeebled it, so that it was un The hands on the lower floor of the William Hefling went to (¡rant’* Pas* able suicide in cottage Grove not long ago, ting proceai of rapidly moving boulders. \Ve have just opened up a uew store of to reiieat ita old performances and factory are busy on orange boxes for Thos. Gilmore and gone to California. Thursday on business. was iu Eugene the other day. and in These diggings are among the most val to win its old victories. So with the de Southern California these days. Chas. Decker, mayor of Waldo was in formed tlie marshal that certain persons uable on the coast. Mr*. L. Dyer is anticipating a trip to tested pugilist ot yesterday. Luxurious the city this week on business. 11« re are alter him to hang him to a tree. Ad The executive committee of the min LOST—In Grant’s Pass by the citizens ports things quiet in bis municipality. California for her health. living during several years had been the kins' mind is unbalanced and a complaint ers' association met Monday at tlie city a place to fiud nice tender meats. If the spoil of him. Fitzsimmons whipped him The S. P. I) it L. Co. ba* begun yard T. B. Perkins, formerly employed in lia» been sworn out for his commitment hall. Messrs. Jewell, Corliss, Savage. NO SHELF-WORN GOODS. parties losing 'he above will go to O. D. enough. EVERYTHING NEW and FRESH to the asylum. ing out log* preparatory to their sum | easily Robinson and Hampton were present. \ Corbett has led a fast life. He has had Sargents’ they will And the place to get Harth A Son’s clothing store, has accept mer run. The Oregon Central A Eastern railway new secretary M. M. South, wa» elected plenty of money for luxuries; has been what they are looking lor. Always car ed a position in John Riley’s store at Mrs. Wallace and Mrs. Dysart have fond of eating and drinking and taking ry a full line ot the very choicest meats Althouse. Company lias brought an injunction suit to succeed Arch Taylor, who resigned. L. I. Jewell wa» elected treasurer to iuc- both been lick with lagripi* but are on adipose tissue; has kept his ‘set” at the very lowest prices. David McKinnie has sold his two-acre against Lilin county and Clam R. Long, ceed Capt. Brown The committee or improving. around him, among whom be strutted Howard keeps a full line of groceries, tract near town to Joseph Rauch for restraining the building of a county road dered 500 copies of the souvenir edition swapi>ed wives, among and will take all kinds of produce tn ex »500 and will return shortly to his old over the railway company's road on Mr. Mrs. N. II. McKee ha* gone to the and swaggered. of the Observer for distribution. Some luxurious performances and alto change for goods. home in Illinois. > Long's farm. A temporary injunction »80 was reported in the treasury, al county sett to visit her daughter, Mis* other gether had made himself unfit to stand lias been granted, and the action of the Lowest Prices. Give Us a Call, t Lillian. Doug Holton returned from'the prix*5 court will be reviewed by the circuit though ( apt. Brown is away in Califor PLANET Jr. SEED DRILLS and up before a man who, though of less nia at this lime. It is rumored that one of our beat fam bulk, was total sinew and in bent condi HAND PLOWS with all extras are sold tight last week. He thinks Corbett conrl. ilies is going to move to Merlin, but we tion that temperate living and careful only by the Grant’s Pass agents, Crainer ought to have won. Doug is now a resi The latyton mines near Williamsburg George Justus commenced an action dent fo Granger Idaho. Bros. training could give him. trust not- are preparing to work as «0011 as tlie against the county before justice Jone« WOODVILLE, OREGON. One pugilist is entitled to no more re I.. C. Dodge and w ite are up from Sau- in this city Monday, to recover »400 foi warm weather melt» tlie snows around Sunday was fine and bright and the Hank Gro*- i>eing laid up with the gard than another ; yet we obtain mild tlie head of the ditches which have re Rafael Cal. and expect to spend tlie sum children gathered ‘ grass widows ” and grippe (an infernal bad cold) the boy*, satisfaction from the announcement that the loss of a horse, whose leg was broken ’’lamb'» tongues” on the neighboring mer in Grant’s Pass. Mr. Dodge is a in a defective bridge west of this city last ceutlv been cleaned out and strengthen are getting a rest from road work. Fitzsimmons has beaten Corbtt, for Cor hillsides. brother ol our townsman, N. P. fall. He sued tor »100 for the loss of the ed. The Ferris gulch placer can run till W. E. Taylor ploughed his ground in ! bett has been posturing as the bully or June while that on Williams creek will A. W. Wells and partner came in horse, and for »300 for personal injuries run all year. These are both old dig Terrell A Son have an appropriate and .January, made garden in Fepruary and ! "champion” ever so long and it is grat to himsell, and loss of time occasioned by from Indian creek Monday. Indian is shoveling snow in Marell What will j ifying always to hear that tlie bully has beautiful line of I'lidertakergoods. The death of the horse. Tlie ease was gings and have contributed many thous been whipped. Ill this case it has some stock is all new, having come direct creek is on California side of tlie moun the he be the first of April * tried before a jury, and lasted three and dollars to Josephine's output during tains 15 miles south of Browntown. They from the Manufacturers part of the effect of on abatement of a the past 40 years There is plenty oi The wet weather and snow has driven ( nuisance. This brutal affair could not had to snowshoe 12 miles, over 7 feet of days. 1'lie juiy returned a veadict in fa rich ground yet The placers are 6 miles OLIVER PLOWS keep moving They snow. vor of the county, and costs were asses»- N. Ij. Burley out of his tunnel on Wolt [ have occurred but for the authorization ed to Juritu*. i he roste Wlll fout up to apart and will employ 8 men while in creek and he ba* gone to (’ vote creek given it hv the characterless rott-n bor cannot be beat for good points, and are operation. Miss Nannie Chiles, daughter of Judge the be»t and cheaoest plow nia-h*. Re mines until dry weather salute* us. ough called the »'ate of Nevada. It member we are SOLE AGENTS. Cra Chiles, was taken to the insane asylum 1200.— Medlord Monitor. “Uncle Jerry” mixed up Wolf creek would have been permitted nowhere else mer Bros. Council met in regular session Thurs Monday night. The unfortunate young Worthy of Notioe. items with his personals last week, ‘ but in North America. Most persons must day evening. W. 8. Barrie was granted lady haH been a sufferer from epilepsy vale Second hand lumber wagon for all is fair in love and war,” as he went find relief in the fact that it isover For pt-rmission to lay a granite sidewalk. Or for several years, tlie result of a fall and to press while the big tight was on he is weeks it has been thrust on public atten cheap apply at this office. injury to ttie head when a child. The The 8. B. Medicine Company is th» dinance relating to weights and ineas- tion in every way. The Oregonian has excusable. judge's family have striven to take care only one out ot nine proprietary medi tires, and providing a tine of from »5 to Kitchen safes »2.75 at Hale’s. given it as little space as it could, but ol her during years of violent outbreaks, cine firms incorporated on this coast »50 for violating its provision», was ad We are using the same old shed for a j could not wholly ignore the demand for No fruit has yet been injured by ili» but finally decided to place her where hi uce 1887 that lias not made an assign opted Ordinance introduced reducing school house now with 122 school child it. But it has ail the lnue felt like offer late frosts, except almonds and nectar salaries of city officials. A new proposi ren that we used nine years ago with 2J I ing a Htaiuling apology that tho exercise ines. Tnese never come Here to perfect there would be less danger during par ment. These hard times, with no news tion was introduceil on the interminable oxysms Her parent» acompauied lici paper advertising contracts for two children. Home ol our children are “big oi its function of a newspaper has not ion here anyway. to Salem. years, it speaks loudly oi their merit. ’ ieo. Walter street mat ter. girls” too. permitted it totally to ignore such an af Bills Paid. I 50i per bottle, t or sale by W F Kremer. Sweet Cider at Bartlett’s. fair — Oregonian. Tlie Destruction of Squirrels Haskins A Wilbur lumber »37,82 H. D 8luter was in town with some; IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN Subscriptions taken for the San Fran- 8. I*. D.A. I.. Co. shavings »3.00 nuggets recently among them one weigh Murder in Juckson County. Provint; Up, cis<o Examiner at the C oi kiek office. ing $30 filled with quartz. He must be The following letter (ruin one oi the "I am 65 years old; have had kidney near the grannv lode, to say nothing of Settler* desiring to make final proof Th- Weekly Examiner is $1.50 a year and leading druggisis of Eastern Washington Word waH received by Coroner Kirch- the mother lode. on their claims can save trouble and ex you get all the advantages of their pre will be interesting to ranchers, Mr. M. gesseuer yesterday that bi» «er vices were disease and constipation for 25 years. Am now well—used you 8. B. Headache mium offer. Cleineus lias secured the agency lor wanted up Klk creek, about 40 miles and Within the past sidiool \ ear our school pense t»y sending in name and numtier Liver Cure one year. Used 6 bottles if you want tlie best shoe on earth for rt akelee’s Exterminator this year. Tlie from Mediord, to hold an inquest on the at 50 cents each. J. If. Knight, Rut money drawing children have increased of ciaim with description, and names of four witnesses. Applications made out price has beeli reduced to 30 c per can. wear call at Howard's and ask for the from 73 to 122. in thn face of hard times remains of Joe Hall. He and District At - - SIXTH STREET 32 Be sure -ad gel Wakelee s Exterminator torney Jeffrey left at uoon for the ledge, Or.” For sale by W. F Kremer, BLACKBURN HOUSE BLOCK Bryan shoes. and tlie iect that the large majority of tree at the C oi kikk office. and not an imitation : our citizens are bachelors, this is a pret- j scene. Din^rriiig Liters. Oomlc Operetta “ Penelope. Friday evening's north-bound train Colfax, Wash, Feb. 10,1897 ty good rec< t < I. Hall wan found dead about a quarter wa- besieged bv an eager throng who Me»». Wakelee A Co. oi a mile from his cabiu late luesjay (JftNli l^oi* <■<>!<! Dual, z J. A Mc< tuire, line of our ln-.t looking ! ix-tters for tlie following parties were paid 10 cents each for Examiners ns fast A good laugh aids digesliou and makes Sau Francisco, Calif. evening with a bullet hole m the back ot bachelor» vi,itcJ Gram'« Bass last week uiu-alled for al the Grants Pass poet- as the peanut merchant could hand them tone I ye longer. You can enjoy both of Gentlemen : his liea-l It was presumed that the as- amf called on the "Burier” on busines» office March 24 : out, 1 have sold your .Squirrel Ex HRsHinatiou took place lueHday evening. these privilege» by attending the presen and to »ee the "Devil.” On hi» return Cornell J. S. Crow M ihm Susan terminator toraeveral years and since the Clair Nickerson, a ten-year-old boy, Tue tracks ol two men were seen leading tation of the comic o|«retta "Penelope, he reports the “Devil" an angel and ex- ■ Crow Mi»» Laura Festa Ed. or the Milkman’s Bride" at the Opera was sent to the reform school by Judge price has been reduced, my sales have from the body of the dead man, pressed a de-ire to »it by the tire with all ] Rumlev "in, A. Smith Harry Clnles Monday. He in company with greatly increased and as 1 am farming The decease 1 wan a bachelor, about 45 House on Tuexlay evening March 30th such “devil»” poking in the brimstone. others had been picking up things over 1000 acres of land and have used years of age, and is said to have been a at 8 P, M Besides the operetta, a series around tlie factory (Jue of bis compan and experimented with almost all kinds resident of that section for the past two of original tableaux will lie given enli- Here is another one ol Ira ( anipell's | titled “The Old Man’s Dream.” The ae Mexican stories : All the street cars in , Few realize that each squirrel deatroya ions was fined $2, but Hie fine was re of poison, I have become thoroughly con years. It is a thinly settled part oi the ries will consist of living picture». vinced a» well as a great many of my cuunty and chiefly noted for deer hunt the republic of Mexico are propelM bv »1 50 worth of grain annually, IVake- mitted. customers, that your ExterminaVrr is mg, some 2000 deer having been killed The entertainment is under the direct mule power Americans were successful lee’s Squirrel and Gopher Exterminator Many cases of “Grippe" have lately ion of Mrs. II. Kinney ami is for Hie in obtaining a franchise for an electric is Hie most effective ami economical pois l>een cured by One Miuute Cough Cure. not only the most effective but the cheap there last season No clue or motive lor benefit of the Lailie»' Aid Society of est poison we can use for squirrels. the assassination is kuoiyu in the valley. street line at Monterey, and placed an on known Price reduced to 30 cent». This preparation seems eH|H-clally adapt Bethanv Presbyterian Church. Th-keta Yours very truly, The |i«i>ple of the district gel their prm excellent plant in operation and it wa» For sale by M Clemens, »ole agent. ed to tlie cure of this disease. It acts will be 25 cent» each including reeerved W J. Hamilton, cl pal living (torn deer slaying and the expected that every city hi the republic quickly, thus preventing serieus compli Druggist. Notice lo Hor»e Breeder». moat general grievances of Hie people ol seals, and are now on »ale at M. Clem would have street car» ol like kind But cations and bad effects in which this dis ens.’ Prof Kurth's Orchestra will fur lo and behold, you nev -r can tell what ease often leaves the patient. l'he case of the StaU vs. Pool and Case, tlie dis trict grow out ol troubles ol that nish excellent music for tin occasion. character or tlie caltie and hog raining Moak IL, 18, 100. standard bred Ham- will happen in this country. The first charged with bolding up and robbing The weather of the latter part ol last the 'outhern Pacific train at Cow creek, business.—Record. day the cars were operated, a greaser bletonian. Macduff, 1.486 pure blood I>><! You Kver was kille«! by one ol the cars by hi» own Clydesdale will make the season from week was of the regulation March order. has been continued for the term. Bunshine and bail storm took turn» at deliberate negligence, ami the franchise April to July at Lister A Calvert's: bal From Cripple Creek. Try Eletric Bitters as a remedy for your It is surprising what a "wee bit of a wa» cancel -d without further notice, ance at my stock barn Season service- it and occasionally a wind squall from troubles? If not, get a bottle now and the west varied the programme. much to tlie disgust ami loss of the in- Moak H. ’ »20.00; Macduff »10. Hung” can accomplish. Hick lieadaclie, After Die big tire in Cripple Creek, 1 get relict. This medicine has been found Breeders of horses will be pleased to constipation dyspepsia, «our stomach, vesters, ami therefore in a moment the E. E. Turner of Compton, Mo., writes look a very severe cold and tried many lo he peculiarly adapted to tlie relic' electric car «»»doomed in tins country notice that the service of Mr. Cass* us that after suffering from piles for sev dizziness, are quickly banished by De remedies without help, the cold only lie- and cure of all Female complaints, ex for the pre- it at lea«t. but civilization horses lias been reduced to meet the enteen years, he completely cured them Witt’s Little l-.arly Risers. Small I’ill. coming more nettled After using three erting a wonderful direct influence in will soon Compel the use ot tlie cars de» times. Now is a good chance to get a by using three boxes of l>e Witt’s Witch Safe fill. Boat fill. small bottles ol Chaniberlam s Cough giving strength and tone to the orgau» good colt cheap. pite the pr - i»er» Hazel salve. It cures eczema and severe On and alter March 15, 1897. The pri Remedy, both cough and cold left me, If you have Lias ot Ap|»-Hte, Constipa skin diseases. ce.« on ph itographs will be »3.00 a dozen and ill Hus high altitude it takes a meri tion, Headache, Fainting 8pell«, or are The Sabbath School Committee ol the fo« cabinet». Other size« in proportion. torious cough remedy to do any good.— Nervous Sleepless, Excitable, Melan G. B. H envkkhos , editor Daily Advertis choly or troubled with dizzy spells, R. J. EvEHITT. “Junior” society ol Hie Bethany Presby Electric Bitters is tlie medicine you er. For sale by all druggists. terian church expect to give a delightful frune trees to trade lor wood, fruit, or need. Health ami ntrength are guaran little social in the church parlors Friday stock ot any kind. Riverside Nursery, For Hale. teed by ite use Fifty cents and »1 at evening March 26. A very pleasing pro Dr. Kremer’s drug store. Allah» hav Ur exchange for wood. gramme is being prepared and refresh The Rogue River Brewery in I ’ rant'g ments will be served Admission 5 eta. Scott Griffin opposite Court h >u»e. I’ mbh with 10-barrel Copper Kettle, Keg*, ItlKIl. 1-loar 001 mm to |i .25 All are cordially invited Malt Kiln and modern Bowling alley, Ethel Bartlett. The Washington slate senate ha« passed Dwelling iiouve oi 8 rooms, stable, (iran- GRKKN-lutili» city March 21, Mrs. Annie Chairman, the freight bill fixing a rate of »4 35 a ton ary, etr. There are 8«> fruit trees in gar Green, a native ol Kentucky, ageil about HO year» M. Clemens the well-known druggist for a haul of 301 miles or more and for den. The property contain* I acres, or is having a nice residence built on North lea« distance not more than 90 per cent of 26 building lots Inquire at IbiH office Fifth street, not far from the Hotel Jose the present rale. or of Mrs. Goo. Walter, (»rant'* Rass. J. R. H ai .H, Undertaker, office op phine Messrs. Taylor and Rodway are Have you been there? Been where? posite Kremer's drug store, where doing the work. They are mi amali that tlie moat sensi- he may tie found, either day or night Why, to O. D. Sargent's. Remember If you liaveever seen a child in the ag that he carries a full line of tlie very tive person» take them, they ar» no effect- Is steadily growing in favor. The farmers like these seeds ony of croup, you can appreciate Hie choicest meats to be found anywhere and iv» that tlie iiual ubalniate cavea of con sella at the very lowest prices. Opposite ati pation, headache and torpid liver yield because they are CLEAN; because they are ERESH and gratitude ol the mother» wtio know that J. p> ll.i-iii. that i.aby I Will» Little M. Chile»' grocery store. One Minute Cough Cure relieves their FULL OF VITALITY, and because they are FREE FROM little ones as quickly as it is administer Torturing, itchink. »i-aly »kin erup Early Riversare known an th« famous Many homes in thia city are never tion», burns and s< aids are msitbed at little pilla. WEE OS Weedy seeds are the cause of great losses to ed. without it. once and promptly healed by Ito Witt's ItenKleni-e fro perl, for Hal«. The weed« reduce the quality of hay or grass the farmer. I The long cold spell and ».-«reitv of (rai Witch Hazel Salve, the beat known cure and at the same tune exhaust his land der is beginning to tell on the cattle in for piles. Two-rtory hou»eoi8 nxitnn, with hail*, Orchard grass, Alfalfa. Red and White Clover and Mil terests. if we don’t get some good grow Don't allow the lung» to be impaired cloMta, etc. ; partly furmahe i, if deaired , ing weather soon there will be consider by tlie continuous irritation ot a cough. including 2*atorv barn and out* let. We keep nothing but the best varieties ol seeds. able loss amongst stock. It is easier to pre- ent consumption than building*, good well and city water; lot Having made arrangements to Blanther the cowardly murderer of an ' to cure it. One Minute Cough Cuie tak l(X)xW>). Inquire on premise* D Ht., op* buy from a factory outside of the old lady in Frisco has been captured in | en early will ward off any latal lung poaite Baptiat Cborch. T. E. H owabd . Texas He tried to e»< ape by laking trouble. combine, we now .»ell our entire morphine but failed and so be will for- j line of Coffins and Caskets at one- There la Nothing So Good. Merlin Mitten nish sensation to San Francisco paper« for the next tew months. half the former prices. School has two weeks longer to keep. There is nothing just a» go»l as Dr. Among the candidate» for marshal at j We carry bv far the largest stock King's New Dix-overy for Consumption, We have also a stock of genuine EARLY ROSE and the May election are mentioned the pres Miss Josie Itorneill went to Grant's Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do to select from in the county, and ent incumbent, Wm Johnson, Ex-mar Pa«« Saturday. EARLY SUNRISE Seed Potatoes. shal Keenan and J. C- Randle For! F. Ott is preparing tc erect ■ dwelling not |»-rmlt the dealer to sell vou some the Goods are equal to any on the •ulistitute. He will not claim there is street superintendent. Mr. Galwener will bou»e near hi« »bop. anything better, but in order to make market. We will not lie under contest with Ex-Supt. Elliott. For re-1 Mr Kramer of Myrtle creek wai doing more profit tie may claim something else sold on Undertaking Goods ar.d corder there will probably be Tom smith to tie just a» good. You want Dr King's Will Merritt and the present city trea»- ; business here the past week. nrer, Col. Johnson Nobody seems to : Mr». Adam Shaffer who has been New Discovery because you know it to will furnish our elegant HEARSE want to be mayor, so Abe Axtell may quite sick for the past two weeks, we are tie safe and reliable, and guaranteed to to our patrons FREE. do good or money refunded. For Conghs, have another walkover. bulk and package. Flower seeds in great glad to report much improved. Colds. Consumption and (or all affections Camp Fire. Rev. Webster, a minister ot Throat, Cheeat and Lung», tnere 1» no lowest market prices. preached at the »cho Hunday thing <o good a» is Dr. King’» New Di»« covery. Trial bottle« free at Dr. W. F. By G. A. R. and W. R. C. at the Opera morning at eleven o’clock. Kremers Drug Store. Houwe Wednesday evening. March Slst, M>»« Jennie Burnett came down from Regular size 50 i-ent» a..d »1 .00. Leland last Thureday and spent »everal 1W7. flbnrt «pee« ben by Revs. Melaran and days visiting relatives here. % Uraad Mmh al Comln*. Jenkins. George Tbornlon returned to his home Mra. C. L. .Mangum ol thia city baa ar- I Vocal music by Grant's Paan Male at Grant's I’a»« Saturday evening, after ranged a magnificent programme of tlie ; Quartette. claMical music by the beet of an* Instrumentai iHiett by *wo noted mu visiting some lune with Wallace Crock finest rendered by our fine local ar* ett. N bbo . thora to sicians. tmta at the Op**'* Hom»e on Monday eve | Ilh.wmaliam Qwlckly Cwred. Recitations by two promising young April Mb. Tbia promiaea to I* a m laic* ’ ladies After having been confined to the boose al feaat of rare privilege the people of Drill of the Awkward squad by Cap, lor eleven day* and paying ont »25 in thia vicinity. Everything la of the rnoal ’ O'H'silahan, etc .etc, or»ier, and under her manage* g betel Pwtor billa without benefit, Mr. Frank claaaicai Lar wd ment la sure to aurceed. Fhe tifuai ugualjtri* pri* I fir,toon of Mich., aa* <♦•4 beans, army style. w Jv of alW be fhJF Prerytoofy tho «»••«« to ínpit * r'--» SMALL PROFITS AND ACTIVE BUSINESS THE WEEK'S JOTTINGS House Furnishing Goods Wall Paper, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Curtain Drapery, Silk Drapery, Silkoline Scrims and Denims. Travel smoothly in the same route—at least we find it so. There is an infinitely small profit in the following, but they bring active business: We have just received our elegant. istzew szpiRiinsro- stock Of the above lines and shall arrange the entire stock FOR SPECIAL SALE NEXT SATUR DAY AND MONDAY, March 27 and 29. KEG PICKLES, plain and mixed, per Keg - $1 00 PETITE PRUNES. Fine stock, per pound - - 5c BROWN BlikNS, best quality per pound - 2 l-2c SMALL WHITE BEANS, not very clean per lb. 2c ROASTED COFFEE, crushed java per pound - 20c POTATOES, com mon stock per pound - - - lc FIRST CLASS POTATOES, not a poor one in the sack per pound - - - 1 l-4c EARLY ROSE for SEED, if you take a full sack per hundred ... $1.40 NO. 1 TOMATOES, three cans for 25c GOOD CORN three cans for - - 25c FLOUR BEST BR ANDS, we are now selling at $1.20 We are now receiving fresh vegetables daily. Up stairs on 2nd Floor R. L. COE & co GREAT CASH EMPORIUM. Calhoun Bros. DON’T MISS THEM! NEW STORE < GENERAL MERCHANDISE! Dry Goods! Croceries! Provisions! !i J. O. C. WIMER & Co. 3 14-in. Wagon, $85 5-Tooth Cultivators, $3 Spring-Tooth Harrows 15-tooth, $19.75 Only a few left. JEWELL & DODGE HARDWARE « o <> « <► o o o o o o o <> o o O o o o à I ùire Medicines A I 21« V CI IIGÆT». National Drug Store, Dr. W. F. Kremer, Prop. ♦ UTAH ALFALFA SEED It Is a Good Thing EJLR.L'Y’ GA KI )JON Sometimes, to let the people know what you are doing. We are getting new Mdse, in every day lor the Spring season. We will still sell at discount our mackintoshes, over coats, oil skin clothing, blankets and duck clothing blanket lined. We also give good bargains in hats and clothing. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. POTATOES F. FETSCH & GO. SEEDS J. R. IIALE. GRANT'S PASS Pork Packing House Buy Good Seeds and Insure a Good Crop. .1. II. AIILI’, Proprietor. The B. & M. Grocery. finest Quality of Hams, Bacon, Lard, Etc., at Wholesale and Retail. £ 4 tft»» k'