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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1897)
ROGUE RIVER COURIER. J. NUNAN, P ublisher . has not yet decided to admit them. As the »ilver senators say they will J .¡st in passing a protective tariff, I hsuim I Mvory T'liurasslity. the dominant party in the Senate will not need to do any wire work ülciil Paner oí Joieoilie Csiitr. Oruoi. in admitting members for this pur- I pose. T hursday , M arch 25, 1897. ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE. AFTEKTHEHAm.K NEWS OF THE WORLD. '. fire in St. Louis Mn., Munday The powder war between Pacific »1 1 4 m I i-rn dollar damago <.*oaet and eastern manirfbetwn*rff han in, lit b i n .« pr »j* r y. Two fireman bi eti Mottif I an»l » a h u ill do bnaineM u re k. 1 <J and several injured by in a given territory am! uphold price*. faiiugv.a'w Ont* thou nan« i employe* Siipcrvia«»r Rottansi of the H&a Fran- w ere t! r »u n out >f employment by th* cin-o l>< ard I a« introduced an ordiaunee i fl re. to prohibit the wearing of hat*, etc.» Bv the « xploaion of a heavy gun on Russian man-uf-war Ceaaoi in a theatre or public place of amuae- i. tr<l tl Veliki lunrtven men and an officer Bient in San Fran<*i*co. weie kide<i and six ecu men wounded, George D ngherty, the policeman five <>l the latter will die. who, while off duty, during a drunken Mi>« Bl mche Berard, the oldest f>o«t- ►piee, “h t and killed H. E. Sullivan m xtr«»-N i,i the State«, who t'** in a San Franci*co saloon last week, held t.<«« office at Want Point, N. Y., ha* been held for murder. »••»«: y for the past fifty years, H.,w Corbett »ad Fit» Fell when Ibe Elgin Waa D om «. tooth BRUSHES ■ A tea J ”« bnck company !•«• b*rD awar.te! the aw... ---- contra. ' to furnish 3.DUO.- - the uuu lai'lmn brick» to I* 'J*' 1 ' x ,n evus rui-t ”U "f d<* s.'.evkv • -.ufjar re finer, at salluaa, Cai., which is to la» thi’luigv-t institution of ita kind in HAIR: : BRUSHES BATH : BRUSHES FLESH BRUSHES CLOTH BRUSHES HAT : : BRUSHES NAIL : : BRUSHES E Tlw blow i hat did the buame»* •* eft-hand h'uw over the heart. Jiui ou«g* the world. gered and Mix Btfuck him * right un lue A P rl'antl. Or., jury acquitted ja* Jiu. w*uM bi« Buet?*, vuiiMing »u J- Ellaworth of the charge of ibrropea ilu wa«<iUUi»»rbC*l *‘1‘* poiwm.4 hi» Wife. The trial lasted pain ami be cuuid u»>l breathe tie l/uu in vain Lu rise, but each llmu be »uua twenty day». E«biie, the six-year-old »»on of John ba< * in aguuy, with bia banu u»cr b.* Just five years fr< m the time Adelpl. $2 A Y ear , ok fi 50 in A dvance R. Speliarv of Eureka, Cal., was run Krug »*» elected city treasurer sf ! brail. . over ami killed lust week by failing >towiy Siler counted the iaial .•ecuuus. seald'-, Wash., he entered the p< uit»n- from a moving dray. an<l *brn he raised hie hand al the leuLU 11». v cuuv..s< d of embexxiing jl78,uOO. a Btax^id roar went up iroiu me crowd. T he county road system of Ore G. Hcatto, who for years Ita* peddled h,u.> * arted for Wada Walla Saturday Bob wtood over iuukmg al bi* U» i « h nvai, where lie will comiuenre to serve his gon and especially of Josephine peanut* and tally afamt the «treeta of MMiimg lu admiuiMier the bbiauiug ulu* Santa Monica, CaL, ita* ju«t been in Uli- lung terin. it Jim gol up, build* vauiiuu “ county is expensive and unsatisfac formed that tie ha* fallen heir to an Only lour pri- mera are now confined , tieverawry. tory. A great deal of lumber is be •state in France valued at $2,000,000. J iiu ' h wecofids ruaued lulu me anu in the Humbolt county, Cal., jail. ha« re -igne<l. Rudolph Herold am! P. J. Hurney hu*Ued biui Ui bl* corner. General Weyler, commander of the ing buried yearly and a great many Street swe' l’in; by machine ha» been John 1 o»t*.!a Ji., of C*le* Camp, Mo., ! Lui bell revived and wbeb he itrtrutd days’ works are wasted digging out Spanish force« operating in Cuba, i* have Ix.en appointed member« of the hu* trail uc. entire., isortli of Market he bad loel the tight be ui; •", to Recorder Cbristman of ac<used of «tealing ovur $15,000,000 out harbor commiaMion by (Governor Budd. tile aecuhUa au«i street in Suu I n ■«-■u, and the work rotten Ixjarda and putting down new of the $M0,000,000 «ent te the ialaad for unty, Cat, for any intvlli- ' lie biuke awaj iruiu 'I ueaday morning work wa* com Tular« i 1 iZaltuiiiuue uüu is now duiit- by men with broom«. itisbrd atxjul hunting Au ones to rot ic the shape of culverts, the maintenance of the armv during menced on Sun FranciHio'* new boule g ; • • r .ending hi* und*, John Pua* I atrikmg blindly right and leit il W<4 i-fiurt is l>eiiig made to have the . t«-.», wh«» wai last heard of in Califor ' a pildili extiibdlun u. impotent ra, when these conveniences would cost the pant tliirte« n months. He ha« re vard, thut is to built in unlar to give nia aliout twelve year* ago. luacbiiius done away with entirely. ■ Hi* second* tried iu vain to control At preaeut 200 men are employed no more to put down properly and ported hut half the deaths among his work to the army of urn mployed now 1 h«* wmi situation iu Crete continues 1 him, but tie «truck vh lousiy al ibcin, a« * in tlint city. Only tlioae actually ile- »weeping '■* • Francisco’» »treeta. to grow more threatening. Large i well a* at other*. permanently in the first place. If men and drawn pay and ration« for the The iron aliipT. F. Oakea has arrived Filially they grabbed Liu* by theanu* *vr ing of work will fa takeu on, and mi mi«"» of Turk* ami Greek* are en- balance of the dead. 1 half the money and work were ''be hud been given up and legs and carried inin by lorce from at New York. they uill he paid al the rati- of fl per campe«J within m very short distance of L.zzic reduced the woman’* 25c. for lost two m-j.itli« ag’«. expended in permanent improve ten-mile bicycl* record in Chicago dur day. ea< h other and the picket* *f each vid* i the ring. ten>| Ibis lasted at least five uimules and ment we would have more good ing th»* race* la«t week. Iler record It I m * hum cd that the old crater on are in plain view. The »lightest acci the crowd bruke into the ring They miss MEN S HOSE 5. 6. 7. 9 11, and 13c per pair. the er» *t of Mt. Baker, in Whatoom dent <»r *uspici*us movement might | were thrown out bv deputy *hentt's; but roads every succeeding year. a a* 27:05 second*. county, Wash., is in eruption and that result in a « onflict, with terrible lues of they came U ju last and the ring W 4* E. L. Ellis and T. E. Wallace were in LADIES’ HOSE 7. 8, 9, and 12c per pair. The tax payers exjiend enough on Diapat« he* from Cuba state that on Minoke i an l»e *een issuing from the life. On th«* wnter thing* are equally jammed- Grant’s Pass on business Saturday, BOY’S HALF HOSE 6c—Misses’ and Boy’s Fast Black All tbi* time Fill *at quitely in ills ms bad. Monday all the admiral*, road making, but under our system 1 Marcii lotli a train carrying Spanish crevice. Two or three of our transient families except the French and Italian conr«- corner availing the decision ot the rei- BICYCLE HOSE 8 and 10 cents. there is simply no system about it. troops through the Pinar del Rio prov William Kutrliinson. deputy United disappeared .Saturday night by moon mandvrs, were ordered to imme erue. inc«? wns blown up by dynamite while A full line of Gent’s Underwear, Ladies' Vests, &c. When Siler’* voice could Lie beard light. and we have no roads at all during crowing a high trestle. There were State* custom collector at North port, diately blockade the principle Oraok the noise, awarding Filzsimmon* The pen is mightier than the sword, the depth of winter. If road taxes over 250 soldeirs killed or wounded anti j Wash., says that recently ten Cbiaese port*, vflpeeially Piraeus (Port Ath*nsj, above fight. Julian grabbed hi* red-beaded but one wagging tongue discount* the C or . M ain and F ifth S treets brother-in law about the neck and to pen ami shake* a whole community. were paid into the county treasury 300 prisoners, including ten officers, were Htnuggled aero** the Columbia Kvra and Volo. the river from Canada, and that Tl Cattle in Montana have suffered se gether they danced up and duwn m a in cash, and permanent road work were ruptured by the Cuban*. GEO. P FURMAN, P roprietor . Two of our citizens don’t allow the Ex Mmuggler* got $75 from each of the ver»«.y this winter. Reports state that frantic manner. They were craxy with ct ou Charlie Winter* und Willie Babbitt, aminer in their houses vat thev wear let out by contract, in a few years Chinese for ferrying them over the 75 l>er cent of the range animals have joy. two ten-year-*ld boys by Bedford, Mr*. FiU*immun*, in her box close Co their pant- legs in their boot* and talk alteady succumbed, the Chinook com we would see a big difference for the Ind., were playing Win. Tell and in Hue. of riding a bicycle this summer. the ring, laughed and cued alternately ing to ate to *ave them. It is stated lietter in this county. We are com trying to shoot an apple from hi* play The Hecoml trial of the Daggs broth that Pierre Wibaux put* his los* at $1,- and tried in vam to get through the Times being hard (theadvance ug< a- mate'* head with a revolver, Winters er«, at Pheonix, Aris., who are accused 0(X),(XX). Two hundred and fifty thou crowd to embrace her husband. of Frospvritv «till absent) and many ing to this slowly. After some minutes Fnx was eacorted Kent a bullet into Babbit’* brain. of wrecking the Bank of Temple, thro sand young Utah tattle he put on the through the crowd to hi* dressing-room, poor people in our precinct hungry ami Wai ---------- DEALER IN----------- each family or bachelor of the Iran*.«ml* Walter Hughex wa* shot «lead by ugh worthless note* for $25,(MX), given range last fall are all dead. the-ir. and ins wile lullowed T he C ourier is now in its thir r-r having from one to four dogx the p<X)r i d»*te<-tiv«*H at Ilouatnn, Tex., laxt week, 1 be end ol tbe figtit came with stai thug deer have io suffer if it 1* out of season. | Wil The I' m n« h line steamship teenth year and is holding its own wldlu trying to abduct children for1 bv tlo m while officer« of the bank, Thur, reunited in their acquittal, the jury St. Naxalrv, which Hailed from New suddenness. Tbe fourteenth louud was ra iixoine. < ih mlale precinct ha- a young couple well in progress when Corbett, who had iu the battle of life as the years go York Mu'difitli, bound for the West having been out thirty hours. Mr« Corner Sixth and I,Sts., Grant’s Pass, Oregon. L assumed the aggressive, had forced Fill about 70 cacti that have been courting j Violent gales accompanied by hail j Indies, founder*«! at sea. Of her into (tie northwest corner <>l the ling by. It is recognized as thoroughly Calile pretty heavily of la'e ami toe county A m the tug Occident wa* endeavoring xtormx prevailed over Germany during “ightv-two passengers and crew only tie was jabbing Bob’* bbMzdy laue wiien rlerx «»I that county will probably isstie IRON and STEEL. independent in alt things pertain the latter part of fast week. Several to enter the month of tfi? Nehalem The f< ur ar»1 known to have been saved. it4e latter’* aim anol out. The List caught a marriage license tills week that will ina o ing to public welfare and is always pcrNoiiH were killled and much prop river, Or- gon, *he wont a*hore on the Thvi a riv»nl in New York city last Corbett right over the tieai t and he slag not rt*quire the consent oi the parents ol HARDWARE and r South Spit, mid I m a total wreck. T'h’ir-«lay ou the schooner Hilda after geied. ¡lien came the jolt oil lite jaw the contracting parties. on the side of economy and honesty ery w iim damaged. Mr« khat sent linn duwn. Il was juxt uiiu WAGON MATERIA both Tht? final .segregation of the Oregon .'.Ii**e* Fannie ami Allie Uxboriie have I A tinjioo damage suit was filed in a« « k« of drifting about the Atlantic in in official expenditure» That it an op«»n boat, during which tiiirty-foiir minute pa.-1 I when the deciding bi»»w present»-»! »»ur Maccabees with two ele »••hurt Line from the Union Pacific took I n L arge V aríete mipro has lost some perquisites through place at Salt Lake city ut midnight, Tiiuoimi. (V hm I i ., a few dayw ago against of the thirty-eight occupants went mad was struck gant banners lor their lo«fae room. The | ex-Mayor A. V. Fawcett by i’liarle* B. t'ortH-tt’s dressing-room alter the bat Mr« or died of starvation. tv. O. T. M ’s voted them a card ot this upright policy it will not deny, Marcii 15lh. and all the train* are now ; tle w as a dismal spot for visitors. Helped in*. MINERS Fitted Out on Reasonable Terms. count; running under tbe new Oregon Short | Hurley, the o-unager of the Commer thank* and wish to inform the good The autiioritivH at Honolulu have to td* room t>y tns brothers, ilarrv ami Lilliai but it has gained more than it has Line system. cial Electric Light company, an<l the arrest» d two steamship agents for vio ioo.ung ami generous young ladies that Joe, the defeated champion sank into a our lodge has -ome good looking young ! lost in other ways. Readers respect It it complaint charges falwe imprisonment lating the immigration law* by bring ' chair and burst into tears. Geo. Coe*, an old-time miniftrel ami i men. ilio» ii “1 can lick him, 1 know I can,” he its impartiality and have confidence well-known on the Pacific coaat, died ami |x*r*v(*uti<m. ing Japanese into that country, and trust 1 said ; ‘1 don’t know how I happened to Tne wile of a Douglas county man b A new «»il field is being prospected the affair promise* to stir up some let him get that heart blow in. iluw it in its integrity. The paper has a at Cambridge, Maw*., a few day« ago, the mottiur oi a good looking baby, the Hat age«l tJ9. c<implicated question« between th* two near Fullerton, (’al., by nsveral differ hurt! 1 felt as if 1 should die lor tbe mother being good looking herself, but larger circulation within the county grippi 1 The Montreal Rolling Mill«, Canada, ent parties of prospectors who think iaiand nations. From 300 to 500 .Tapan- first few moment* alter 1 went down uu tli»» most interesting part is that the are gc ese calling themselve* ‘studienta’ have than it ever had before; and this nave close 1 m^.it cf it* shop« throwing 1 had a chance to pul hitz oio H dt is among the regislere«! children SIX MILES SOI TH■ there is a continuous oil holt extend been arriving on eacli steamer from my knees W. men out of employment. The once, when 1 got him on his knees, that «Iran scho >1 money, ami ehe also without forcing itself unbidden Into ing soiitlwu'Xt from Puente, All the tl«»* Orient of late. A* there Is nothing out Janna but I wanted to let him rest a bit and put rid - on half f ue tickets w hen irav• ling, G rants P ass , - 0 i» «ho jreople’s households or toadying to ganvrul manager «ay* tliat this action indications are favorable. there for the^i to do ami they don ’ t him out with a blow. That’s where I ¡‘he hn-hiiil is young and haudsome > «Im* to the uncertainlty ax to the he be anybody or faction for crumbs that (Pnitex States tariff changes. The Bowers quartz mine on Kings appear to s»‘?k work the Hawaii offi- imide my mistake. But 1 nope for au- himseil. «•ials are becoming a'armed. The gener oltier opportunity to get at him, and the The BoX ANKLES. fall. It is among the very few thor The Cambridge, Eng , university ha* river, < ‘al , ha* been lx>mled for $»I0,- N. If. al opinion is that the ‘student*’ are sol next time 1 won’t lose. . uiewca ' h m - enic link . <»><> ny 11 San Francisco symli« ale. The conferred the honorary degree of doc- ‘1 wouldn’t < are so much it it wasn’t oughly independent papers of the ereek dier« sent there for some purpose that — CONSISTING OF- For the Lungs. toi of aclenc* upon Dr. Nanften, the company have agree to expeml $1500 for my iriend*. They have lost thou* mine! w ill «levclop shortly. day, and it takes this opportunity Arctic explorer. and* of dollars on that blow. No, 1 Meals in APPLE, PEAR, PEACH per month for six months in develop "Ui Elder Alnon W Stewr- urite« troni The fr< i rht steamer Riglto bound Ifallnxt don't know just what 1 shall do now 1 Dining to again thank the people of Jose The xug’ir refinery at Williamsburg, ing the property. PRUNE, CHERRY, Al item» from Newcastle to New York took fire don’t know when 1 will leave Carson. Port land. <)i : '‘There is no inviiuine for < ar a la phine county for their generous and N. V., belonging to the American Sugar all ii The ere w But if I could get one more crack at Fitz the throat and 1 unthat 1 <.an recom l’arte The physicians of Vinallia, Cal., have and wa« lost in mid-ocean. COT, NECTARINE A to prt Refining company, after a shut dow n mend to mini^terM, public speakers and jong continued partouage. was rescue«! and brought to New Y < >rk simmons I would stay here the remain of over fiv<? month« opened last week plan» al-oiit perfected to organise a «iiigCiTM, with the enfi li ne»« that i ran der of my life.” MOND, CHESTNUT exeus by th<* Hteanier (’arthxgiuian. with a force of 500 men. The introduc medical asNociatiou there for the bene Meanwhile the trainers were working the s B. <’oligli Ctirr.” For sah* |.y W. We shade and O rnamental It has been ar nounced Hint J one with llieir man. if is pallid lace and the F. Kremer; 50c per bottle. P resident M c K inley has only tion of th«* tariff'hill i* sii|>p*sed tol»«* fit of phyaician» all over Tulare county, schoo THE ALL-HAIL HO UTE 20tli has l»»-«m definatoly fixed for the — Also — nervous i witching of his limbs gave rise anil those of Klug county, if they feel ren tl offices enough at his disposal to feed rexpoiiHihle for the resumption. TO KOOTENAI MINING IHFTKK T, Boomed to It. jubilee thanksgiving day for the cele to the lear lor a time that tie had been ■ Tip, the big an«! vicious elephant of dlspi sod to join. Strawberry Plani«. BlaUbern r> iliikli one in ten of the hungry patriots —VIA— bration of t ffOth year of the reign of seriou*b injure«!. But gradually lt*u ’ girls’ Barnum <k Bailey's circus wa« *trangled The six-year-old girl of Robert <>l«er- Queen Vu toria. George Smith re<*eived a li'tter a few nerve and strength came back to him, I GraDfivlnes. SEATTLE AND M*«»K VNE who worked for him last Fall, and to «1« utii by thi* employ*« of the oin ux, H. but with it tame mental agony, which he I | day* ago from .1 E Sorbin, whois now at lalz of New Whatcom, Wash., wa» After nn absence of twenty-eight ao there is apt to be wailing and nt tlie winter quartern at Bridgeport, nngge R»>**lund. in the letter Air Surbin give* Scalded liv a eotlee [mt full of ladling vearx Mos< * B. Liu us, a well-to-do lmn* made no Attempt to Conceal. ing i.l Billy Woods, dazed at the unexp“rted ! ■ a rat her crisp stat««ment of the condition gnashing of teeth amongst the hith Conn. coffee u|Mi.ttlng <>u her recently. She berman of Eureka, Oal., return*«! to calami: v. cued silent IV in a dirk corner J of affairs where he i*. He say* the coun near t GROWN' O.v - A triple lynching of colored men, in erto tailliful. Civil service laws the a died the next day. She a as carrying his wifi* ami daughter at Vinelund, N. ut the room, while \\ bite, lleianey ami try 1« boomed Io death ami men of all retaliation for a doubl«* murder, hux J. During ids long absence he had Mc\'f V, witti drawn laces end set jiwe, trades an«i profession* are theie, and take a good many offices out of the ju*t taken place at Juilvtte, Marion the is llee pot ami the handle broke. Wit never written home. sponged and rubbed (he fallen champion i lie« h jt. nothing for ilu.-m :o«lu. A bouse mono A thoroughbred Peking duck ou the hands of the executive, and so, with county, Fla. of 20 r«'.«ms will rent at. $200 per montn, into lair condition. from WITHOUT IRRIGA'i . luist week the Austrian gunboat Ze- Scott J a« k*on and Alonzo AL Walling farm of K II. Sim, near Hanford, Cal., ‘ It was a chance blow,” said White, and others in proporthm according to the exception of fourth class post ami 1 benic«) tired u | miii and sunk, near Can- AND ALL POINTS E \ST. We do not bundle, cult our ci Cit\ lots s dl at from $1.00 > to “ju-u what likely io occur in anv fight. size the murderers of Pearl Bryan, paid laid an egg meaaurmg ten »ml one- masters, the billets at lii.s disposal the «lentil pvnulty for their crime by half inches in ciriainibrem-e the long dia, a Greek vesxel loaded with prtr We have nothing to regret, except th it ♦<>.000; tK>ar«l and lodging is li>>m $7 to ! attempt to propagate any via ty go< visions and munitions intended for the llie blow landed. The man's conditioil flO per week. I'lie average laborer will i kinds of fruit, until satisfied . are not so very numerous. It hanging. I'he <•xi’i’iitioi. took plu<*e nt way ami eight n J. i otie-lialf inchi’S the Greek for« «!* in Crete. > are well adapted to the soil tr was all right.” g« t $2 |»er day. while professional men Newport, Ky., Siitiirdny, and wan wit- bail.e would l>e liettiT for the president if sim.ll wav. pecnliarto Southern Oregon 1 receive from $3 to $4 per day when they Neither Delaney or .McVey would dis SLEEPERS, DINING and LIBRARY A battle l>etwe«»n federal troopR ami and c nexsrd by ubout JtK) people. The Mate terms to an* lucky enough t«» rind employment.. he had no office« to give away at all. troop« *urroiimied the jail to prevent Clolri,.» A. Peer has Iweu arrested at revolutionists Paysamlii, Uruguay, cuss the defeat, ¡’lie ex chaiii|>iun’* observation c aks ami L brothel* remained with him until iu- 1 Imre are no .v 1,00 I idle men in Russ A. H. CARSON & he re| Upwar«is Rnndalnirx. Cat, oo a charge of «w indi- was fought a few day* ago. The people should lie allowed to any attempt to atop the hanging. • ariiage arrived, vainly attempiing to ian«! ami those w I-o command means prese, of a thommml were klbed or wounded. give Lun Nome sort of cheer. sufficient, are leaving. Freight tr«»m G rants P ahs . On. Auguxt AA’nyw<»o«l, a xailor wax acci luir It is allegit’l that he represented elect every officer |xxtmaster to HEKVICK AND XCENERV I NF.'H ALED. such ‘ Brodie William*, the high diver, * ()li, it’s no u*e, buys, no Use,” Jim re 1‘ortlamt ihere i- $50 per ton and there dently shot through the abdoinan by worthle amine» to la* valuable prop- president and then let the people be '»now ix now lour For ticket* and full in ''orinai i«>n call on latwrenc«* Johmioii, iinutlmr xailor, who artica mid would -ell them a* mich to jumped in a ball of fire from a seventy- plied to their encouragement “li ’* over is a 35 per cent duly Hat addre-- B en A L ovell . Agent feet deep at Rossland.—('orvahB Tunes res|xjpsil>le for their shortcomings wax «bowing him an ’’empty" pistol, confidi,nt buveia He ia In prison in live foot tower into I^ike Worth, Palm now, and 1 have allowed Fitz to best Meal, r Woodville. me. ” beach, F i , * f<w «lavs ago, struck Hfe the r< at San Fiandwo laxt week, G. C. S teven *, A. I». C. DYNNxToN. lx». Angeles. Daiigci-M of the Grip “It wa* an awful blow, i thought it mule lx»ttom am! broke id* neck. He died T. A. AV. R ? A. C. F A Seattle. I t is probable that the Dingley will die. I bad killed rue, ” and the big pugili-t There will be about three depot, on within a few hours. in ob Portland. <>r«‘gun., leaned liis fiend oil White's shoulder and J«txv I E\ Blaiitlier, who luurilori’d i'he greatest danger from Li'iiippe ,* tariff bill will I k - passed by the Street the San Francisco and Nan Joaquin Prince Yu»hito H.iriinomiyn, heir- M< >l»vH‘d aloud Mrx. Phllopena Langfeldt at Suu Er»n- oi ii* resulting ui pneumonia It lexeon« exeell House pretty soon, but how it will cisco Valley r.iiid from Fresno to the river, appaient t.» tbe Japanese throne, I* And agai i he started to lii« feet aide cure i* uxed, however, and Cham some month* ago, ha* been <•»,»- exnec with the avowed intention that lie would beriain’* Cough Remedv taken, all dan fare on the Senate Is a matter of con tured in a email Texas town, where he hut a siding and platform will l>e put dead. lie wax neurly «‘ighteeu years won it find Fitxund whip him on thestr -ei. but ger will tie a voided Among the tens ot Io an. jecture. The Senate added nearly ha* been teaching xrliool, and going by in every four miles. In» onnty of age. each time tils knees gave why Inmeaih thousand* who have um <I thi* remedy OF will h At hi* h«»nie at Philadelphia Fred him and tie sank back into In-sent white the name of Forbc*. Wlilh* in jail there will l>< at least two defiots la-aiden for lagrippe, we have vet t » learn of a 500 umciiiiinciits to the McKinley awaiting the arrival of the officers to the one at Hanford. .lay t erick Franks, during a tit of iiixuuitv, and brent hie s. SOUTHERN OREGC single ease having resulted in pneumo was II To tl.,- honorable county court of Jose bill, although politically in accord return him to San Francisco he attempt *h««t ami kill«»»! hi* son ....... * William, aged As I ih •trvngth relumed ami the Lit nia. ulii.h show* eonchi<ive|y th.vt thix ilelib. O. I>. M. hm I v , i »»hier of the Comnier- 9, and allot and badlv woundvd Li» ternesw of defeat forced itself upon him. remedy is a certain irevenuve ol phine Co. state of Oregon : We the un with its Irietids in the House. ed Miiicide bv taking morphine. was 1 cial Stato bank at Vfllev, Maal... u an I daughter Amelia, aged dersigned |tetiti’>i>ers an.l legal voter- of •5. He then hi* npp* aranue heenme pitilul. Th« dread diaeate. It wil! effect a perrna* much R. Rainwater, a farmer living at Or Wool and woolens will very likely shot l.y a yuuiif man named Gail Iali sent a bullet through I iim heart. hopelessness* ot regnining h>« »»«t pres nent cure in lex* lime than anv other i Jo-eplm I- < O. slate of Oregon ami pre- veslei rick, Mo., «hot and killed five mem- »incl of Kerby tlo a«k and pray your hon- tige mafie hi* talk almost t hildi«h, and tili near Chewelah, Moody went out go up this Fall and the con sutners bei* of hi* family Sunday, and then elect! “Get jour guns, negro*," is the ad hi* siipixjrters were relieve«! to get away treatment. The 25 and 50 rent fize* for or.mle liolio to grant a lie *n»e to .1 T Hide I y all «IriigeHts <iihno.e to sell liquor sp ritous ami Receive deposits subject to chff for t will therefore be the first to feel the killed hiniM'lf by blowing the top of to lattili.'» ram'll to take pO«*rMMÌon of vice given by Henry M. Turner, the from the an na it was a half hour alu r will 1 a diaputed strip of land malt It.p.or« in le-s quantities Ilian one certificate payable on demand. ! '< >14 \ i .1 effects of the new tariff. We will hix head off. lit- wax in*aurlv jralou* the < urt h» M.... Iv. Ile au arded by colored bisliop of the African M. F.. tin* end «»f the battle before C«»rl»etl c mid call, ii m the lown of Kerb, and ue en.r Sells sight drafts on New York.'1 pite of hix w if«». wain met by church at Atlanta, Ga., to hi« people. be induc’ d to enter the earring«* for the pray. have to pay more for clothing •isco, anil Portland. Ther* i* a gr««at revival in thv wool Lattili’* Min, w ho ordire«! Moody li way. He wax urging them to prevent lynch dnv* to tn« hotel. Names. Telegraphic transfers sold on ill- I < »< > The riile tiraced him to some extent, whethet wages rise or not en buisness In Pittsfield, Ma**., and Whrii thè lutter reftise«' to go young ing. Marlin Rieiond the Unites States. and he was more cheerful wtien he ditch wInch water ot the satm* cover* Peter B«»ui’ vicinity. All th«» mill* ar»» running on laHtlin went for a riffe am a ball William Fee, a Kansas farmer living rra< tieil Iiis room. 11 (’ax-idy 10' acres, ♦:*«> a mil! sit«- w i:h p.*n stuck L II Uhi d* Special Attention given to Collet« W K Stone A I. awvkk in Portland robin’ll .1 full tnmt aipl have more order* titan tliroiigli l attln’s abdomat fee: of flume: 1 h ) a«-n* Ermi Mehl in be-. near AA amogo, blew »»ut hi* brain* * At the ring -i le while Corbett wax be .«ml afxiut 'eneral busmens of our customers. J W Hunt thev have hxd *ny spring for a long llrved Moodv'« w<mnd I* f T \S Janie* few <l*i x ago, aftera murderous ing assisted from his corner ami the fenced and 50 acre- in gras****; 1 large woman named Ross of Jii*. and she tiaie. Collections made throughout DE iKxl-on bu t. 1 small « no an«! dwelling hoti«e; Jack Brady Beit Cobleuti, a youth l'ebuigiug to in winch hr attempted to exterminate arena was fill»-«! witti howling, exulting Oregon, andon all accessible poini ( has Butler attacked him on the streets and with 45o winter apple tree« •I P SimmoiiM Fvlipe Sa< cio aud Jos* Haiuus, fisher thè Salvati«»»» irrny at L»»li, Cai., went an entire family. Th re* of hi* victitxs 1 itzsinimon* supporters, William J. I). PRY, President. Iho* Gibson ( ha m p Pon m acres « t l joining the .»l«ov • pulled his long v hiskers out. The men, vvnr«» «lr«»wnc<l near Pacific Cow, violenti) m aui* (bere a f« w «lai* ago. will probably «lie, and a fourth -is ter ihe • x < hnmpioii’x backer, sprang to a J5 40 1. f. rUKtM .Vice President. a»res fern»’I. with water right; and J Al Smock Cha* Hour rible wounded. Futndy trouble was platform, and waving a roll of green barks Cal., by the UJ'setUng of their boat. R. A. B ooth . fellow got hold oi the money the 4<>acres within a mile oi the above, 20 R L Ei -gh- Jas M Park- Il**« L‘e«l<w»«lo failwav company i* shouted I Ben iieorg. Swen bu I Id I ii gx in Cbinatow a at H maj * nlxmt to vxteud thv r<»a«f (»• San Pedro. the < a use. a« res fenced, ‘ J .«« res plowe«l, with water \ icior B»»ur “ I have $24 JMM) to depo*it a« an ear, the woman had put up as a I mjii .I in ford, Cal., wen» destroyed by fire oa a I hl y iti »»our Ja.* IlainiU.m (i«iv*rm>r Bradley <»f Kentucky has nest that Cor»»ett cm whip F»tz :int» »11* right. Apply to It ha.« 40tM> tot»* ol «Ieri rad* at Red >u- i Jo-eph Fai rmi ■ civil case, and hung to it. The rv«ent night; loiv Sfi'-HNi, no insuiauce. do to I h * u «« d in niuking th» i ’ ihi hei t ion entered th»- I'aitc«! States xcnatorstiip t »r a pur-e ot |2 ».*•» ’ \ iw voti yellit g I>an ('a^siitv G. W. lluxlK, 4 M A P .'V. r- Willi» ms, Oregon •I 11 Wi iter* tiow ling iiliots, coin»« np her«* w,th y•»nr NOTICE EOK l’t BI.IC'b judge did not punish het, but held The (hciiHon building and Central belwevn Gardena MhdStih Pe.lro. The conttM of hi* state. Jut k box monev. ” CH Libby s at,»i pi i kins ha* introduced a I h II CA Fox Nutting up to public execration ltyti’l at I awrrnev. Ma*s , w*rv 4e«- diMtancv ls almut •ix mile*. t <e<> B« h ] i I he challenge leurlve • no alhuiHiUl L and Orrica at Ro«»:m Rl’ troyvd by lire Monday morning ! Geo H I fa fay Tri i tin- "« nate providing far the appro- am! Ih.idv wa« com|*t*l!e«l t«> rultim Ida 'raugr growar* und nhippr ra ar« up U E Tibb* Eel.r.urv • Nutting's meanness can only lie de person* were fatally injured by jump in < ami* Hugh I* emier ‘latiou of $:150,00 ) for tl e purpoae of monev to hi* pocket. againtt *« »Hie unp-saitiuiis ami llenrv Wil,r»»un Notice i» hereby eiven thanl* Fhffl |b->sj|lrf r nounced. There is no legal redress ing from tt»e window*, and it is fl’» red abusa* n<»w briHf pructiced by curtain In h is <lre**ing room 1 t «< i ig a |x»*U»ffi< e at Oakland. Cal. <»eo dari«m OF PENNSYLVANIA iiitf-hatiied -*eitler ha- fit I II While • famage Ì’ .1 Kxiiixt-v intention to ninke final proof ir’ luigi» j«*bbmg frult ti«>u*A»i in Atlantic * Using Object L«..on for Or. Mllee’ New for the woman, although the money that Several otherx are loaL Th,* i'urki*«h minister has itoclared hi* «rati Harry Moore lliivkllnfa Arnica Salve ter* ami he hastily tlr Ey ron I *y lor toast citte*, Their principal .-if. n»e la Heert Cure*. oi Ina claim, and that ».mi l"^’ naiit the offir«» of the Ottoman ent* 1 •«•!! AA in ÍI Little was all she bad in the wot Id 1 lien the whole party > U hi < i p ,*i rei k* made liefore John Goodell, tlw u holn ’•’*■ packing ,.f fir. au nraii* re at Be*t«>n held hi J«weph l*tgi [ rapidlv to tin* t rain in/ j ucru- I tant« < diMX.-n l ux lisar an vt in the world for cut«, Ch ix F |¡ M rv ges Hit.» oraiiffn Itole* witti thè < ahf »r- clerk of Josephine count». ’ ho w** arrested on the charge of i»m Al I) I, ( rook* *l*md*i i«v > I- Bulletin aorva, »alt rheum, fever »ore*, .1 t > Tib Her W¡LI. the people of (Itvgoti Be vv il bruiaea. Grant« Past, Oregon on April A Kelly 7/> iih nt »t trust fund*. letter, chappe’l hand,. < 1.111 >1 a.»«. corn», nin label. A E vhiim to-wil Theophilus M. R'W I . H. Dallidat Jr.. * huxiitvss man and ling to wait two year» for the legl.-.- and all »km eruption», and poaitivel, lion* \\ «<.<! Minute i* all the tune nett>«ary ìl^ne Pt« -i lent M, Kinlev sent to the *en- No. for the E " ’» pile», or no It in mrtaber uf a wall-known ami liighlv le frotH |n>f«o!inl esperi» nue that B R Brad » lature to meet ami provide lot the eiusMi th« ! ’ •!!■. w'i«v munin.itirMi*: Fmba«*- NWl4 '\V‘4 NE'4 Sec Tp " inter* guaranlred to ».ve lion or re*pa« ted fituily M nate ('oligli Cure <loe» wlut sttu U mi * Obispù, •I 11 'X inter * ii >» eat. i « l<> («1« at Hi uam. John I lay oi th* payment of c x|< uses for whir h the I liionev rtdiirideil r fax. Cai. wa* *h<»t twn-r b* hi» voiinger "’inter* llllplivx. G»«. H Hri( slF’cl of ('nlumbla; rml *aa»ador to He names the follow m2 Kaffer Fir *ato bv l»r \\ Geo Ii p.m I» bruth«»i, John DilliJvt. *t thv family taxpayer» will )H>tir money prove his continnmia re«;'!«®® nimv, Horace Porter of Neu York; Rn** kill« il Three Bears IIS V..H residence. The virtim canno! live. and cultivation of said I»»'»' into the state treasury vaults? ert tary ol tin* emb«<«*v te ("treat liril- E Rent Ciiarle» Ladd. Garrett Crockett t ha Family «lieti« ulti«-« r*u*rd (he tragvdy. n. lb urv AVhr.r <»f Rhodr I'laud. Dick l«»wel| The Prineville Rr' iew x:<\s tIn Will those menelected in June haw t * Powers, of Merlin, Ore«»» Ils hud liraii married A Rent ¡H O Kellv. *hile out Imniitig on Mill Tr» tertion «f frutts an«l tre«»* of Cali Trimhle, Grant's Pas» ' ir-u n manhood enough to lay aside | h i sn he became and- ti» i . i hy im an« f Federai q tarantine i. ni! in i r*‘ i W s N< ||(. in l rtMk eountv. tracked * tw*ar (¡23 tl'.’S K. M. V kiti H. R* • mind la »npfswed to atei I n « » •<’cti<»n i* provldrd by thè wnv 11 c can -e» 1« A E Lin.l » the «1)1*11 vave. Jeff ♦ ent up U> th«- u roual interests and meet for tin pub ngf*d h * Hie result nf and MW Bruin, when lie tired and ( Pr. Ruit, Duvi’ls. I. I i introdnwd in ih«» *en- ic g »> It is time the subject was i meet tug*. l'he opening wa« «mall, ho»,. n. who died i n a li limi til» animal " lóti' l'ila bill atithor- he had tuuraalin. He then A t B H”pkin» being agitated, as the months are Cuba. Jutait'* ITobucq, n (• Hunter of s*n •tarv uf agf rii iMlut« lo and wa* dragging the animal u G E Iintit F ihih k <, i », w juried « if (he Hw*t uf hl* itine every I.''«', ¡ laut, Mvuday niti flying by and statee\|»enses .ire th rtiv U h * • nm her one ran out an J in a C I D Stiiitl, him ! crushed (• »ieivtli ln*t week. r«l in th« I m 0 nursery *h* k which .a the v an returned Jeff hat! not let J I »» llpoil ing with them MR- < - H<»l'.l ' »- -uv Yacht du ben a trae or plant .a J J. Aiitluruon of Tncoiua, Watfu, In tl. Iwater in the meantime, ao he fi x» Li. 1*1 d.|%y making parlors in the McArth® EART DISEASE Is curable ’ Forever cuted tl may bo treated, it ".iiisalt*'1 *nd liefe» re It Could ond . lie, an ! gmng in alter that Ii I im * b«m aj pointt'H un inspector of In fo ( B ifuwe ing on Sixth «treat *n<! will forty ymrx writes Daniel Myer, of T hk W C. T. U. ladies have pe dian *<h«K>la. v «»red a third one anil a di be got under cun I rol it b*d » dr*tri»y*«L J .imp« i «raen to have the Ladiea call upon read aa I Two Tavern*, Pa., on ^ug w, Isy*. tot lai. J that <»ut also. m Herr titioned congress to forbid tite Kin- cottafcM. >r thv norlT* hravy- deatroveti «everal tidyuihm -I suffered with heartdiw^ Flma.UgM Satiafaction guaranteed. • here 1« m«»rv Catarr « * til r*a h I.M.'VWV 1M feorge D f Vanderpool ! loiiahip brtvean Jame* Tb palpitation, gradually gruwiug worse. Then etescope exhibition ot the Corliett oi the country than a! Jul •i n Amlvraun .X , il Robert Fi ( mi n>mon* The ltd tea af Oakland, '"'al •b«.ria. ** of breath, »krplt^ne*«. smother together, and until t »FW g«t- Heu »Mill* Fitzsimmons prize fight, Thv m i wa* *up|meed to I*» Pbyaiv, tiiv Oregon Liver ami Kidney ing MUMtkM* and much pain tn the region Caraon city, N’ev., l«*t ting up s plan to aid th* abœers >n A J R Farinenter chine is apt to make lots of monev great many year* doc tl wa* by Fltaeim- th* lande« ard in Sau Frau»w«\ Th«'* regulator. takes the lead witli u*. For of the heart elaruied met,>.| | c..u«ulte4 a M F Cronfi* physician. Heo'i.inx no beneflt I tried I« h ’*I diaesat«, and p rned hU upponent with pr p %» to g*t the •*! wv chihken t* •ale bv W b. Kremer. '»Ov j»er bottle E F M -m r unies» laws aie enacted to suppress a ami liv «'oust ant I v fai r»* a £ Others and a nunl-er blow urer th* beare in each bring -'»a* arti. I* nf fax! wb*ch J‘»hn k.-tfiT D b ALKR 1' it, though public mor tis would not cal treatmeut,pronoii of rvuiedi«». spending aevdy round Khout 4*K1> ¡mo» will be «»mtributed tv the m A AA Nau» ke I Hrienre ba* proven < At* • large amount of ui íes. I» tht* way they h«>pe li M ! ,i •»h lie enhanced by its workings and we *tilution*i rnaUh disvarv, an money bat anally be- >r H Et i,, •ly 1 nsiderwhie *tiff*rtng MALVEN. P rop can get along very well without it «'onstiliit ion al treat im .Milfar H a >rgv Rr<»w came su bad that It st. ( ’ ha* I hi i*an ( •f a k Cure, manufactured unsafe tor me to leave E. ar I Riley bv hi* * aa H ‘« blei, n So too, should the traveling phono Co . Toledo, Ohio, i* and M home I commenced M u Largest Stock of HA\ 18 ' ».lea Dr Mu,, He4rt h. graph that makes obscene -[»■<. h. s t inn al cure on the tn ?d«»«i a t J k rv v mtertially m d tr< J Cure t«o years ego Alev ml.f Frank All Home Gr, tie tattooed, but as yet there is no Uhl«|i ger r r entera n natte 1 Lar a bran welL A|. LT inali i «♦tv« I theiifh T year, of age I <-»B ro where I wuh law rant J< *11» n»ev * »tier •nd I *lr«»p all Bigbt and v*Xe op ** cb^r- In Ita- taporlwi emiri at Tarama, fai a. e Hebe an* «mnsletet» rrarag V »*♦* t talli Si y »ran*, a jary *a»>.U4 »'»•«»ira 4 M l»» The «4 Phrthla and •444 ,,w '•"** *’ie-»'-e srs «„M by ell 4r-e HIlHhlftt* vkl y, Ixvwrar Prie«4. man H-"v 4ama*»a. fat U>* bra •/ an W!»» M mm * • Srai*«.»«, « m ^ i a’..a-_4 a -’<»« S«...-w» r, J UMKHiHV 4 V G . O XiBIMkx b«v» txilh (pululad V *• J I H*MM t*M, •••>•<•« -•« AM«»laan >‘•«■<1», ■«♦hl bjr âU dM«f •!•, M •• •. Nnttor», but th« H ouk of Lord* llll. i Family Fill« bm W k tuMpaay. *-•<«* to »II w. Ho« We 2ST At CLEMENS, Prescription Druggist. Ewry Daiy i* Special Saile* Day ait u THE RACKET STORE in. HL SCHMIDT. Agriculturalglmplements GO EAST Will Library-Car Route Shortest and Quickest Line to St. Paul, Duluth, Minneapolis, Chicago OUR NUH5E! nea Hill Lai NROUGHPALACEand TOURIST . Daily Trains : Fast Time \ FIRST NATIO B .A. JSTÍ Petition For Liquor License. Capital Stock, $5; DANIEL MYERS. Dress Makin! G H I. STAUFFI MINER’SeRESTAURANl r N. E. McGrew •'* MILWRU.IO a L w , «Akten MA Fweei luck dnd Odimi x*«»re r«M ÔMM Hay, Grain, Flour ami (iix)d Eating and C< M>k ina •' i tTAtW« Bu