Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1897)
T hursday , M arch 25. 1897 PERSONAL. OVER THE STATE Hogue River Mining Iteu*s. C. F Hart «as iu from Kerby « mi busi- I Tli ere arc now 133 buy, in the reform Hour and Gilmore operate a placer new Tues«Uy. I school. | on Indian creek with pipe and giant. A A A. Farter of Leland was seen on our . There are 26 widows in the town of ' half interest in it was sold the other day Couuly court. April 7. street« Mondsy. Halsey, among whom are six widow for 41009 and considerable niouey is uow being taken out. Dill pickles at the K. A. M. Mrs. Woolsey went to Ashland Mon Smiths. It ia reported that another pumping day on a visit. There i, winter left yet in Tygli Ridge, Will Jackson resident dentist. plant will be put in on Rogue river I in Wasco counts, there being six im-haa Saiu Wbiie of Kerby ha, beeu rpeud , Circuit court, April 19. “t snow in the bill, and valleys of that ! shortly, J'isl above the Baylord-lhff uig a few dsys in town. works. The gravel has been found to I section. Soeel and sour'es at Bartlett’s 1 be very rich there. Sheriff Hiatt took young Nickerson to I Hopgrower, met in Woodburn and ar- Easter Sunday April 18th. tiii, year. Salem Monday night. There are 12 men employed on the ' ranged for buying supplies. 1'hey will Clemens, Druggist, opp. Opera House. Jack Layton was in from the Applegate meet again ia June to a<ree upon the Horn-Silsby-Tucker placers on the Illin ois rivsr. Considerable work has been I price to be offered for picking. We will repair your bieyela neatly this week on busineM. | done on the new ditch, strengthening it and at little expense. Cratner Bros. Mrs. Walsh, sister of Mrs. J. D. Fry Eight boy, were taken iuto custody by I against the snowfall in the mountains, 1 the night watchman of the Dalle,, Moil- j but they will have water for working the W. H. Flanagan, physician surgeon returned Irouu Medford Monday. | day night, ami kept until 11 o'clock for J year around. and dentist. Mrs. H. Hulbert left Saturday for violating the curfew ordiuance. visit with relatives at Auburn, Cal. The Lindsey brothers will build a New chairs cheap as anywhere in the The new fish wheel being put in by I tramway for a distance of 3'X) feel to run [ city at Terrell A Son H. M. Chapin the mining man took a Charle, Slone a few miles below The the dirt down to the Applegate river from As the Coi aixs goes lo press warm trip to Jacksun county last week. Dal I m . when completed, will tai the lar their mine at the mouth of Oscar creek showers are melting the • now on the Mrs. Fellows, grand president of tlie gest wheel OU the river. It is 12 feet this spring. The ground is rich and con mountain tops. wide and 60 feet deep Rebeccas is here from Portland tains a gooti deal of coarse gold. Sluice 1897 bicycles at 445 are guaranteed for John Wallace brought a load of hay boxes will be set up on the river bank to John Riley, the Althouse merchant one year. Examine them at Cramer weut to Medford this week on business. into La Grande last week, with four hor wash the dirt as the cars deposit it. The supply ol water fur the pipe is now run Bros. ses. Mrs. Wertz returned from Portland The hay weighe«i 2200 pounds, and the ning lew. The flyer went north Saturday after Saturday after an absence of 5 months. wagon and mud 2560 pounds. The Spokane parties alio bonded the noon with 5 passenger coaches. De Voise general passenger agent The present tax roll shows a total of Boynton ledge on Jump-off Joe (or 43000, We shall show some special values in Wall Paper at io, 15, 20 aud It is reported that Jim Porter will open of J. the L. Kock Island route la in the city. 3085 taxpayers in Jackson county, not have found the pay seam wideus from 25c. Window Shades, Spring Rollers, at 23 and 3754c. Those con the Hotel Layton. including between 700 and 800 to whom its original 18 inches to 4 feet, and some W. G. M. Anderson of the Summit ot the rock goes as high as 4*Hk) to the templating repairing and beautifying their homes this spring should not Brand new Kimball organ for less than House at Anderson was in town Tues poll tax alone is assessed. ton. It ia probable that the parties will cost. A. K. Yantis. miss THIS SALE. day. During the winter month, plowing take the none, as it is very cheap at Fresh nuts and raisins at Bartlett’,. Mrs. Keyes, sistei of J. O. B-«oth ar and seeding have been under way in those figures. A trrin ol 18 stock cars passed north rived yesterday from Prineville on a Klamath county, so that now only a An assay on rock from the Cameron little of the gram average iu that (action 1 Tuesday, loaded with b-ef cattle from visit. mine last week went 429 lo the tun and remain, untilled. Montague California to Tacoma. the vein has all the apjiearance of per Councilnien Alfred Coburn and Gey The eight-.vear-old sou of Mark Burk • manence. This ledge is located on Ed. Holcombe appeared before tlie re er go out this spring, their terms having hart of Woodville run a stick under hi, Green’s creek, some five miles southeast expired corder Saturday and was fined 415. ■ tongue and down his throat on Monday. of town and not far from the Belding- Prof. Hampton of Placer was in town Dr. Morris, the resident physician, made Dowell lode, upon which one ol the stamp Freeh salt-water fish al Ablf’s meat Monday attending a meeting of the Mi the necessary repairs, but the child was mills from the Hauimersly is shortly to market. The great cash bargains still on sale on first floor are drawing big ners’ Association. uot able to speak at last reports. he erected. One hundred men wanted, to trade hay John P. Jones, traveling passenger ct owds. them and grain for buggies and hacks. A, K. The election in Central Point resulted The Hampton-Lewis placers ou Upper agent of the Southern Pacific came dewn in the selection of the following officer»: Grave creek now keep 16 men busy. Yantis, Grant’s Pass. from Portland Tuesday. Trusi«es,8. W. McClendon, J. W.Ulwell, Some very extensive preparations have 1897 stock of GARDEN TOOLS on Conductor Kearney was in town last J. H. Gay. John Clements. J. VV. Merr been going on at these mines for two band. Hoes, rakes, spading forks etc. Wolf Creek Item». The Right Man Whipped. week on crutches not having gotten over itt; tecorder, J. W. Jacobs , treasurer, G. years sud now they are about readv to at Cramer Bros. 8. Moore; marshal, Daniel Lynes; street run 6 monitors steady. A race 1200 fret his accident at Glendale. The Portland Telegram save: “ We commissioner, Lee Ingram. Wallace Brothers are working hole-in- long has just liren completed ami this is After Hannihul's army had wintered at Peter Snellback. the Mexican war vet are having a nice winter this spring. ” the-ground mines. Capua it wasn't much of an army. Lux William Adkins whose wife committed paved with railroad iron to resist the cut eran has sold his ranch near Kerby to ting of rapidly moving bouhlers. ury had enfeebled it, so that it was un The hands on tlie lower floor of the Tlios. Gilmore and gone to California. suicide 111 cottage Grove not long ago, These process William Hefltng went to Grant's Pass able to refieat its old performances and diggings are among the most val factory are busy on orange boxes for was iu Eugene the other day. and in Thursday on business. to win its old victories. So with the de Southern California these days. Chas. Decker, mayor of Waldo was in formed the marshal that certain person, uable on the coast. Mr». L. Dyer its anticipating a trip to feated pugilist ot yesterday. Luxurious the city this week on business. Ha re are after him to hang him to a tree. Ad The executive coiiiiiiittre of the min LOST — In Grant's Pass by the citizen, Califoriua for her health. living during several years had been the ports things quiet iu his municipality. kins' mind is unbalanced and a complaint ers’ assiH-iation met Monday at the city a place to find nice tender meats. If the spoil of him. Fitzsimmons w hipped him has been sworn out for hi, commitment The S. P. D tt L. Co. has begun yard hall. Messrs. Jewell, Corliss, Savage. T. B. Perkins, formerly employed in parlies losing 'he above will go to O. D. to the asylum. ing out log- preparatory to their sum easily enough. Robinson and Hampton were preseut. A Corbett has led a fast life. He has had Sargents’ 'hey will find the place to get Harth «A Son’s clothing store, lias accept new secretary M. M. South, was elected mer run. The Oregon Central 4 Eastern railway plenty of money for luxuries ; has been what they are looking for. Always car ed a position in John Kiley’s store at Company ha, brought an injunction suit lo succeed Arch Taylor, who resigned, Mrs. Wallace and Mr* Dysart have fond of eating and drinking an I taking ry a full line ot the very choicest meats Althouse. L. L. Jewell was elected treasurer to suc both b*^en sick with lagrippe but are on adipose tissue; has kept his ‘ set" al the very lowest prices. David McKinnie ha, sold his two-acre against Linn county and Clark R. L our . ceed Capt. Brown Tlie committee or improving around him, among whom be str ittsd Howard keeps a full line of groceries, tract near town to Joseph Kauch for restraining the building of a county road dered 500 copies of the souvenir edition daggered, swapped wives, among aud will take all kinds of prtxiuee in ex 4.5O0 and will return shortly to his old over the railway company', roa«l on Mr. of the Observer for distribution. Some Mrs. N, II. McKee ha« gone to the and s luxurious performances and alto change for goods. home in Illinois. > Long's farm. A temporary injunction 480 was report««! in the treasury, al county seat to visit her daughter, M ihm other lias been granted, and the action of the gether had made himself unfit to stand Lillian. Doug }lolton returned from the prixe court will be reviewed by the circuit though *'apt. Brown 1» away in Califor PLANET Jr. SEED DRILLS and up before a man who, though of less nia at this lime. It is rumored that one of our Ireat fam bulk, was total sinew and in best condi HAND PLOWS with all extras are sold figtit last week. He thinks Corbett conrt. The Layton mines near Williamsburg ilies is going to move to Merlin, but we tion that temj«erate living and careful only bv the Grant’s Pass agents, Cramer ought to have won. Doug is now a resi Georg«* Justus commenced an action dent to Granger Idaho. Bros. training could give him. trust not. against the county before justice Joues are preparing to work as soon as the One pugilist is entitled to no more re L. C. Dodge and wife are up from San- in this city Monday, to recover 44«) lot warm weather melts the snows around Sunday was fine and bright aud the Hank Gro^e being laid up with the gard than another ; yet «• obtain mild children gathered “grass widows” and Rafael Cal. ami expect to spend the sum the loss of a horse, whose leg was broken the head of the ditches which have re grippe (an infernal bad cold) the boy» satisfaction from Hie announcement that “lamb's tongues” on the neighboring mer in Grant's Pass. Mr. Dodge is a in a detective bridge west of this city last centlv been cleaned out and strengthen are getting a rest from road work. Fitzsimmons has beaten Corbtt. for Cor hillsides. brother of our townsman, N, P. fall. He sued for $100 for the loss of the ed. The Ferris gulch placer can run till W. E. Tavlor ploughed his ground in bett Iras been posturing as llie bully or horse, and for 4300 for persoual injuries June while that on William, creek will A. W. Wells and partner came in Terrell A Son have an appropriate and January, made garden in Fepruary and "champion” ever so long and it is grat to hinisell, and loss of time occasioned by run all vear. These are both ol<l dig troni Indian creek Monday. Indian beautiful line of Undertaker goods. The is shoveling snow in March What will ifying alwavs to hear that the bully lias death of Hie horse. The case was ginga anti have contributed many thous been whipped. In this case it has some stock is all new, having come direct «reek is on California side of the inoun- the he be the first of April* tried before a jury, and lasted three and dollar« to Josephine's output during tains 15 miles south of Browntown. They fiom the Manufacturers. part of the effect of on abatement of a . return«*! a veadict in fa- the past 40 years There is plenty ol The wet weather and snow has driven nuisance. This brutal affair could not hail to snowshoe 12 miles, over 7 (eet of days. The J juiy OLIVER PLOWS keep moving They snow. vor of the county, aud costs were werei assess- rich ground yet The placers are 6 mile« N. G- Burley out of his tunnel on VVolt | have occurred but for the authorization wl to Justos. The -------------- cost, will ---- foul J up to apart and will employ 8 men while in creek and he has gone to C *vote creek given it by the characterless rott-n bor cannot be beat for good pointe, and are operation. Miss Nannie Chiles, daughter of J udge 4200.— Medford Monitor. the best and cheapest plow nia*h*. Re minea until dry weather salutes us. ough called the s'ate of Nevada. It member we are SOLE AGENTS, Cra Chiles, was taken to the insane asylum Council met in regular Hesston Thurs “Uncle’Jerry” mixed up Wolf creek would have been permitted nowhere else mer Bros. Monday night. The unfortunate young Worthy of Notice. day evening. W. b. Barrie wa« granted items with his ¡»ersonals last week, “but in North America. Most persons must lady has been a sufferer from epilepsy sale Second hand lumber wagon for permission to lay a granite sidewalk. Or all is fair in love and war,” as he weni find relief in the fact that it isover. For for several years, the result ot a fall and to press while the big tight was on he is . weeks it has been tlir-ist oil public atten cheap apply at this office. injury to tile head when a child. The The 8. 15. Medicine Company is tiie dinance relating to weight« and meas ures, and providing a fine of from 45 to tion in every wav. The Oregonian has excusable. judge’s family have striven to take care only one out ot nine proprietary tnedi* Kitchen safes 4J.75 at Hale’s. given it as little space as it could, but ot her during years of violent outbreaks, cine firms incorporated oil tine coast 450 for violating its provision«, wa« ad We are owing the same old shed for a I could not wholly ignore the demand for No fruit has yet been injured by the opted. Ordinance introduced reducing school house n<»w with 122 school child it. But it lias ail the time felt like offer late frosts, except almonds and nectar but finally decided to place her where since 1887 that lias not made ail assign «alaries of city official«. A new |>rouo«i ren that we used nine years ago with 2> 1 ing a standing a|H>lugy tliat the exercise ines. Tnese never come here lo perfect there would be 'ess danger during par- ment. These hard times, with no uews- lion wa« introduced on the interminable oxysms H*r parents acoinpanied ber paper advertising contracts for two children. Hume of our children are “big of its (unction of a newspaper has not ion here anyway. to Salem. years, it speaks loudly of their merit. Geo. Walter street matter. girls” ton. permitted it totally to ignore such an af Bills i’aid. 50c per bottle. For sale by \V F Kreuier. Sweet Cider at Bartlett's. fair — Oregonian. Haskins 4 Wilbur lumber 437,82 The Destruction of Squirrel*. H. D Sluter was in town with some Subscription« taken for the San Fran 8. I*. D.<k. L. Co. shavings 43.00 nuggets recent I v among them one weigh Murder in Jackson County. Proving Up. cisco Examiner at the C oi kizk office. ing 130 filie*I with quartz. He must be The following letter from one of the “1 am 65 years old; have lia«l kidney near thegr.muv lode, to say nothing of Settlers desiring to make final proof Th- Weekly Examiner is 4L5O a year and lending druggists of Eastern Washington Word was received by Coroner Kirch- the mother lode. on their claims can save trouble and ex you get all the advantages of their pre will be interesting to ranchers, Mr. M. gessener yesterday that ins services were disea«e ami constipation for 25 years. Am now well—used you S. H Headache mium offer. Clemeus lias secured the agency lor »anted up Elk creek, about 111 miles ami Liver Cure one year. Used 6 bottles Within the past school year our school pense by sending in name and number of claim with description, and names of Wakelee's Exterminator this year. The If you w ant the best shoe on earth for from Medlord, to hold an inquest oil the at 50 centH each. .1. li. Knight, Rut money drawing children have increased from 73 to 122. in the ¡ace of hard times four witneMM. Application, made out wear call at Howard's and a»k for the price lias beeh reduced to 30 c per can. remains of Joe Hall, lie and District At ledge, Or." For sale by W. F. Kremer. 32 Be sure aad get 'Vakelre's Exterminator torney Jeffrey left at uoon for the Bryan elioes. and the fa*-t that the large majority of tree at the C oikikk office. and not an imitation : scene. our citizens are bachelors, this is a pret- j Ootnle Operetfa “Penelope. Friday evening's north-bound train Colfax, Wash, Feb. 10,1897 Hall was found dead about a quarter ty good re< rd. wa« benieged bv an eager throng who Mess. Wakelee A Co. of a mile iroui his cabin late Tuesday J. A. McGuire, one of our best looking A good laugh aidw digealiou and make* Letters for the following parlies were paid 19 cents each for Examiners as fast Sau Francisco, Calif. evening with a bullet hole lu the back of bachelors visited Grant’s Pass la*t week uncalled for at the Grants Pass post as the peanut merchant could hand them Gentlemen: his head. It was presumed that the as- tone Lye longer. You can enjoy both of and called on the “Burier” on business , office March 24: out, 1 have sold your Squirrel Ex r&ssinalion took place Tuesday evening. these priyilegeH by attending the presen and to see the “Devil.” Un his return Cornell J. S. Crow Mis'* Susan Clair Nickerson, a ton year-old boy, terminator loraeveral years ami since ths Tne tracks ot two men were seen leading tation of the comic operetta “Penelope, he reports the “Devil” an angel and ex- ■ Crow Miss Laura or the Milkman’s Bride” at the Opera Festa Ed. was sent to the reform school by Judge price has been reduced, my sale, have Iroui the body of the dead man, preseed a desire to sit by the fire with all | Kumley Wm. A. Smith Harry House on Tuesday evening March .30th greatly increased and as I am farming Chiles Monday. He in company with The deceased was a bachelor, about 45 inch “devil*” poking in the brimstone. other, had been picking up things over 1000 acres of land and have used years of age, aad >s said to have been a at M P, M. Beiidet tlie operetta, a aeriw Save Your Grain around tlie factory. Oue of bis compan ami experiment*«! with almost all kinds resident of that section for the past two of original tableaux will lie given entl- Here is another one of Ira Campell’» litled “The Old Man's Dream.” The Me Mexican ut-ories : All the sheet cars in Few realize tliat each squirrel destroys ions was fined 42, but the fine was re of poison, I have become thoroughly con years, ft is a thinly settled part ot the ries will consist of living pictures. vinced as sell as a great many of my county and chiefly noted lor deer bunt the republic of Mexico are propelled bv 41 50 worth of grain annually. Wake mitted. customers, that your Exterminator is ,ng, some 2U1K) deer having been killed The entertainment I n under the direct* mule power Americans were succeeaful lee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterminator Many cases of “Grippe” have lately ion of Mrs. II. (’. Kinney and is for tlie in obtaining a franchise for an electric is ttie most eflective and economical pois l>een cured bv One Miuule Cough Cure. not only the most effective but the cheap there last season No clue or motive for benefit of tlie Ladies’ Aid Society of est poison we can use for squirrels. the assassination iskuotyu lu the valley. street line at Monterey, and placed an on known Price reduced to 30 cents. This preparation serin, e«|s-cially a«lapl- Yours very truly, The |>eople of the district get their prin Bethany Presbyterian Church. Tickets excellent plant in operation and it was For sale by M. Clemens, sole agent. e«i to the cure of this disease It acts W J Hamilton, cipal living ftom deer slaying au«l the will be 25 cents each including reserved expected that every city in the republic quickly, thus preventing gerieua compli Druggist. Notice to Horse Breetlers. most general grievances of the people ot HeatM, and are now on Hale at M. Clem would have street care oi UKu kind But cation« and bad effect, in which this dis ens.’ Prof Kurth’« Orchestra will fur lo and beh <1, you nev -r can tell what The ease of the State vs. Pool and Case, the dis trict grow out of troubles of that nish excellent music for tin ocean ion. ease often leaves the patient. Moak IL, 18, 103. standard br«*d Ham will happen in this country. The first charged with bolding up and robbing character or the cattle and hog raising The weather of the latter part ot last the -oatliern Pacific train at Cow creek, business.—Record. day the cere were operated, a greaser bleton ian. Macduff, 1,486 pure bluo<l !>I<1 You Ever was killed by one of the cars by his own Clydesdale will make the season from week was of the regulation March order. has lieen continued for the term. deliberate negligence, and the franchise April to July at Lister A Calvert's : bal Sunshine ami bail storm took turns al Try Eletrie Bitters as a remedy for your it is surprising what a “wee bit of a was cancelled without further notice, ance at my stock barn Season service- it and occasionally a wind squall from troubles? If not, get a bottle now and the west varied tlie programme. tiling" can accomplish. Hick headache, much to the disgust and loss of the in-1 Monk II. 190.00; Macduff »10. Aller the big tire in Cripple Creek, I get relief. This medicine has been found Breeders of horses will is- pleased to vewters, jbn*l therefore in a moment the E. E. Turner of Compton, Mo., writes constipation dyspepsia, sour stomach, took a very severe cold and tried many to be peculiarly adapted to the relief electric car was doomed in this country notice that the service of Mr. Cass' us that after suffering from pile, for sev dizziness, are quickly banished by De remedies without help, the cold only lie- arid cure of all Female complaints, ex for thejr' - it at lea«4. but civilization horses has been reduced to meet the enteen year«, be completely cured them Witt's Little Early Risers. Small Pill. counng more settled After using three erting a wonderful direct influence in will soon compel the use of the cars des times. Now is a good chance to get a by using three boxes of De Witt’s Witch Safe Pill. Best Pill. small bottles of Chamberlain's Cough giving strength and tone to the organs. gixsi colt cheap. pite the gr**a-ers. Hazel Salve. It cures eczema and severe On and alter March 15,1897. The pri Remedy, l>otli cough and cold left me, If you have I x > mm of Appetite, Constipa skin diseases. ce« on photographs will be 43 00 a dozen and in Uns high altitude it takes a meri tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are The Sabbath School Committee ol the foi cabinets. Otherwise« in proportion. torious eougli remedy to do any g<xxl.— Nervous Sleepless, Excitable, Melan G. B. H ksokhho . n , editor Dally Advertis choly or troubled with dizzy Hpelis, R. J. E vkkitt . “Junior” society of the Bethany I'resby- Electric Bitters is the medicine you er. For sale by all druggists. terian church expect to give a delightful Prune trees to trade for wood, fruit, or need. Health and strength are guaran little social in the church parlors Friday stock ot any kind. Riverside Nursery, For Kale. teed by its use. Fifty cents and |1 at evening March 26. A very pleasing pro Dr. Kremer’s drug store. gramme 1» being prej>ar«td arid refresh- : Alfalia hay to exchange for wood. The Hogue River Brewery in Grant's nient, will lie served Admission 5 cts. Scott Griffin opposite Court h ruse. Paas with 10-barrel Copper Kettle, Keg>*, Flour (io cents to 11.25 All are cordially invited Malt Kiln and modern Bowling alley, Ethel Bartlett. The Washington state senate ha« passed Dwelling House of 5 rooms, Mabie, Gran GREEN In thia city .March 21, Mr« Annie Chairman. the freight bill fixing a rate of $4,25aton ary, etc. There arc So fruit trees in gar Green, a native ol Kentucky, age«! about R years M. Clemens the well-known druggist for a haul of 30» miles or more and for den. The property contains I acres, or is having a nice residence built on North less dinlance uot more than 90 percent of 26 building lots Inquire at this office Fifth street, not far from the Hotel Jose- i the present rate. or of Mrs. Goo. Walter, Grant's Pass. J. R. H ai . h , Undertaker, office op phine Messre. Taylor and Rod way are j Have you been there? f5een where? posite Kremer's drug store, where doing the work. They are so small that the most sensi he may be found, either day or night Why, to'). I). Sargent's. Remember If you haveever seen a child in the ag that he carries a full line of the very tive persons take them, they are *o effect Is steadily growing in favor. The fanners like these seeds ony ot croup, you can appreciate the choicest meats to tie found anywhere and ive that the most obstinate cases of con* at the very lowest prices. Opposite stipation, headache and torpid liver yield because they are CLEAN; because they are ERESH and gratitude ol the mothers who know that sells to them. That is why De Witt’s Little Gue Minute Cough Cure relieve, their J. M. Chiles’ grocery store. FULL OF VITALITY, and '».cause they are FREE FROM little ones a, quiokly as it is administer- j Torturing, itching, acaly skin erup Early Risers are known as the famous Many homes in this city are never ' tions, burns and scalds are soothed at WE EOS Weedy seeds are the cause of great losses to ed. without it. and promptly iieaieil by l»e Witt's R<*»idencc Property for Male. the lami’, r. The weed* reduce the quality of hay or grass The long cold spell and »«-arcitv of fod- ; once Witch Hazel Salve, the best known cure and at the same tune exhaust his land der I, tieginning to tell on the cattle in- i for piles. Two-story house of M rœms, with balls, Orchard grass, Alfalfa, Red and White Clover and Mil terests. If we don’t get some good grow- ’ Don't allow the lungs to be impaired closets, etc. ; partly furnished, if desire«!, ing weather soon there will be consider- ' by the continuous irritation of a cougb. including g ««l 2-slorv barn and out- let. We keep nothing but the best varieties ot seeds. able loss amongst stock. fl is easier to prevent consumption than building« , guo«l well and city water; lot Having made arrangements to Blanther the cowardly murderer of an J to cure it. One Minute Cough Cuie tak- 100x10“ Inquire on premia*« D St., op buy from a factory outside of the en early will ward off any latal lung posite Baptist Church. old lady in Frisco ba, been raptured in 1 T. E. H'lwsao. Texas He tried to e» ape by taking trouble combine, we now sell our entire morphine but tail««! ami so be will lor- | line of Coffins and Caskets at one- There li Nothing So Good. Merlin Matters nish sensation to ban Francisco paper, lor the next tew months. half the former prices. School h,s two week, longer to keep, There >e nothing Just as Rood a. Or. Among the candidates for marshal at We carry by far the largest stock Mias Jo, le Iterneill went to Grant'. King « New Di<xv>very for Consumption, We have also a stock of genuine EARLY ROSE and the May election are n«enlione«l the pres Cough, and Cold«, nr> deiiian«! it and do to select from in the county, and ent incumbent, Win Johnson, Ex-mar Pass Saturday. EARLY SUNRISE Seed Potatoes. not permit the dealer to »ell you tome shal Keenan and J. C. Randle For F. Ott is preparing to erect a dwelling ■uhotitvte. He will not claim there i, the Goods are equal to any on the street superintendent. Mr. Galeener will bouse near hie shop. i anything better, but in or*ler to make market. We will not be under contest with Ex-bupt. Elliott. For re- 1 Mr Kramer of Myrtle creek was doing ' more profit he may claim eomerhing else sold on Undertaking Goods ar.d corder there will probably be Tom -mith 1 to be juste, good. You want Dr. King's iVill Merritt and the present city treae bodnees here the past week. New Dne-overy because yr>u know it to will furnish our elegant HEARSE orer, Col. Johnson N.«body «eem, to Mr,. Adam Shaffer who has been be sat, and reliable, end guaranteed to want to be mayor, a« Abe Altai! tn ay quite sick for the past two weeks, we are do good or money refunded. For Coughs, to our patrons FREE. glad to report much improved. Of all kinds in bulk and package. Flower seed» in great have another walkover. Colds, Consumption and for all affections and Lung,, ti.ere 1, no Baptist minister of ”' Throat, Cheest ••••» Rev. Webster, 1 a “ variety. All at lowest market prices. house Sunday thl"«l,r; . King’s New Di«« preai-bed at the ecl rhool . i . 7 (ov^rv Inal hoU ff oovery. Trial boule, free at Dr. W. F. ~ 1 By G G. A. H. R. and W W. R. C. at the Operi morning at eleven o’clock. Kremer, Drug store Houie Wednesday evening. March 3l»t, M im Jennie Burnett came «town from Regular six* 50 ««nt, a,.d 41 *>**. Leland last Thursday and spent several | 1S07. bhort speeches by Revs. McLeaa and days visiting relatives here. A Grand Mu»l<al Coining Jenkins. Thornton returned to his borne 1 Mrs. C. I#. Mangutn of thia city has •r- Vocal muaic by Grant’s Pa«w Male at George Grant's Pa„ “alur tzy evening, alter ranges] a magnificent programme of the Qoartecte. visiting some tune with Wallace Cro«k- finest clatsical muaic by the best of au I nitrii »Milita; iHiett by two nuteil mu- ett. __ Nzno.' thors to be rendered by our fine local ar •«ciani. tist« a’ the Opera Houie on Monday eve Recitation! by two promising young llh-amarlsm <2wl<-kly Cared. April Mh. This promise« u> lie a m jai<- , la«!îew. Drill of he Awkward vjuad by Cftp. Alter having been confined to the hous- al feast of rare privilege to the peuple of tbit vicinity. Everything is die moat K>K SALE BY ALL DKIlGGl'TS ' O H'iulahan, etc .etc. for eleven days and i-aymg claiaicai order, arid under her manage Lan erved inclizd doctor bill, without benefit, ment ia sure b> tocceed. The Qfuai nri- beans. arm/ tty > fGlwin of Hsult St* cel of admt**on wlFI be étffiffeJ f hj M TO M rrftâr^ftwof th A W, THE WEEK'S JOTTINGS. House Furnishing Goods, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Curtain Drapery, Silk Drapery, Silkoline Scrims and Denims. We have just received our elegant. KEW SZPEdlJSTG- STOCK Of the above lines and shall arrange the entire stock FOR SPECIAL SALE NEXT SATUR- DAY AND MONDAY, March 27 and ‘29. Up stairs on 2nd Floor R. L. COE & co GREAT CASH EMPORIUM DON’T MISS SMALL PROFITS AND ACTIVE BUSINESS Travel smoothly in the same route—at least we find it so. There is an infinitely small profit in the following, but they bring active business: KEG PICKLES, plain and mixed, per Keg - $1 00 PETITE PRUNES, Fine stock, per pound - - 5c BROWN BEANS, best quality per pound - ‘2 l-2c SMALL WHITE BEANS, not very clean per lb. 2c ROASTED COFFEE, crushed java per pound - 20c POTATOES, com mon stock per pound - - - lc FIRST CLASS POTATOES, not a poor one in the sack per pound - - - 1 l-4c EARLY ROSE for SEED, it you take a full sack per hundred ... $1.40 NO. 1 TOMATOES, three cans for 25c GOOD CORN three cans for - - 25c FLOUR BEST BR ANDS, we are now selling at $1.20 We are now receiving fresh vevetables daily. Calhoun Bros. : UTAH ALFALFA SEED EARLY POTATOES NEW STORE We have just opened up a new store of GENERAL MERCHANDISE! NO SHELF-WORN GOODS. EVERYTHING NEW and FRESH Dry Goods! Croceries! Provisions! Lowest Prices. Give Us a Call, i U J. O. C. WIMER & Co. WOODVILLE. OREGON. 3 14-in. Wagon, $85 5-Tooth Cultivators, $3 Spring-Tooth Harrows 15-tooth, $19.75 Only a few left. JEWELL & DODGE IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE BLACKBURN HOUSE BLOCK < "far—ili - ■ SIXTH STREET <■ ol<l “5 It Is a Good Thing Sometimes, to let the people know what you are doing. We are getting new Mdse, in every day for the Spring season. We will still sell at discount our mackintoshes, over coats, oil skin clothing, blankets and duck clothing blanket lined. We also give good bargains in hats ami clothing. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. F. FETSCH & GO. GARDEN SEEDS J. R. HALE. Buy Good Seeds and Insure a Good Crop The .&M. & M. Grocery Jg IW40Í IÍJ fil GRANT S PASS Pork Packing House J. II. Alllal\ Proprietor. Finest Quality of Hams, Bacon, Lard, Etc., at Wholesale and Retail.