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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1897)
ROGUF. RIVER COURIER. has not yet decided to admit them As the silver senators say they will J. NUNAN, P ublisher . sist in passing a protective tariff, I m . ikm I Kvory Tliurw.ln». the dominant party in the Senate ! will not need to do any wire work dlclil Piotr «I loitnilie Couity. Orem in admitting uembers for this pur pose. T hursday , M arch 25. 1897. ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE The powder war between Pacific coaat and eastern man tribe turers has L. - ii nettle I and »-a Ji w ill do buaiii« *• in a given te.iihiry and uphold prices. AFTEKTHK BATTLE S OF THE WORLD. How Corbett and Fu» Felt w hen tbe F'igbt Waa Done. in Kt. lxmis Mo., Munday 1y a imllicu dollar damage Two fi rein * d >» prop r.y. were k> led and «••¥< ral injured by fa lin■: *. a41 l One thouMOd employe« were thro n out-zf employ ment by the Are. B y the • xpiosion of a heavy gun on L tr-1 tl.< Kuto*ian man-uf-war Ceasoi Veliki iuiirteen men and an officer weiv«i and tux cun men wounded, five of the latter will die. | A S* . J bnca company ha* hern »wanted the contract tc furniih 3.U00.- (JUU iui".!f>n brick» V> I* ’J*. I in the evut run •>» <* >h» >;-<eckvl. »ugar rc* finer, a: salina», Cat, which a io 1« tbe lurir< -i inttiturion of it» kind in the world. A F rt'and, Or., jury acquitted W. E Ell»* th of the charge of having l»»ted po!»o:H I hi» wife. The trial lasted G Th« blu* ihaidid tbe buein«« «*» » eH-U.iul U‘v* u»»r tbe heart Jim »- ■» M-rud and Mu Struck blur a ri<bl v" jaa. Jiu. to bl» kuee«. > »»Slug 1U Supervisor Bottanri *»f the >a« Fran« Ib^rope» 111» iaee •»• euu>”ZwJ *‘u* t.aiu aim lie could out breathe Uc wnu co« »b :t r «1 I as inf rod u< ♦ «1 an orlmance it, tain lu n»e, but each lime He »au. twenty day». IL»Mjic, the aix-year-old son of John to prohibit the wearing of hats, etc», back in »Sony, with bi» bauu u»er U.« JLl.t five year» fn u, the time Adalph R. >pellacv nf Eureka. Cal., was run tn a theatre or pubMc place of amiwe- $2 A Y ear , ok ft 50 in A dvance of ! braf l. , . Krtl^ *»» »■ > te I city treasurer — I over and killed last week by falling m< iit in Kan Francisco. >luwiy Siler counted the laiai recuiMl». >e»ltl'-. , Wa-b., he entered the p.-uiUn- BI1 .j a bell be raleed Ut» baud al tbe teulu I from a moving dray. (ieoigi b ugherty, the policeman itarv tone..*« 1 of utubelxiingf i*.0,u0O. . »ecuiid ruar went up Hum tue cru»<i. T he county road system of Ore- G. Scatto. who for years has peddled wl»u, wh<!e off duty, during a drunken K>ua » arl«d for XVaila Walla Saturday Hou »« o . a I over luukni|( at b>, laoeii rival. Bl mche Berard, the oldest poet- where be will emniuenre to »erv» hi» gon and especially of Josephine peanuts and taffy about the street« of spree, *h t and killed H. E. Sullivan m MS-» waiUbit tu adiuibteier tbe huteumg mu» strew» i;i the United State«, who ha« i Santa Monica, Cal., has just been in county is expensive and unsatisfac formed that he has fallen heir to an in h 8an Fra m i*co saloon last week, held t • «-tfice at West Point, N. Y., ii Jim »ol up, but In» eauuuu »» uu- I uur term. On v I ,ur j r * >n»r» urc now contiued | »»VVC^«AI y. • fur lhe past fifty yean», tory. A great deal of lumber is be •state in France valued at $2,000,000. ha» been held for murder. Jim’« «ecund» lu.ued lulu tbe r ug bum in the lluuibuit c .unty, Cal., jail. l»a* re ¡„'iie-l. Kudolph Herold and P. J. Harney huHtuwi biui io bi« turner. General Weyler, comoiander of the ing buried yearly and a great many Street by machine ha» been Luibtll revived and wbeu bu »earned ha\e been appointed ru<*ml>ers of the J-.!» 1 >»»:.lh Ji., of tales Camp, Mo., days’ works are wasted digging out Spanish forces operating in Cuba, is harbor coinmiaMion by (¿overnar Budd. mi .. . to Reuur»l«r Cbrintman of he bad ioel tbe right ue uccmm *. Iran uc. entir. \ di-. Hie.I iK>rtli of Market accuse«] of stealing over $15,000,000 out hie eccuUda aud »treet in Sau F: >uc>»>*u, and the Wvrk rotten l>oards and putting down new of the $8o.000,000 sent te the lalaad for uuty, Cal., fur any intvlli- lie biuke a^BJ irum b— ----- Tuesday morning work was com Tular» mabrd aiMjul bunlhig hiUauuniuu« An • r .a ding ins uncle, John Pxt- •trikmg bimdiy right and tell It wa* is hum dune by men with brouma ones to rot ic the shape of culverts, tbe maintenance of the armv during menced on >an Francisco’M new boule _ made to have the eflvrt is b»iug , lei», a I»»» \xa» last heard of in Califor a pililui ext’ibhlou u. impulenl rage. when these conveniences would cost ' the past thirteen months. He has re vard, that is to built in order to give nia about twelve year* ago. macdiinus done away with entirely. ilia «ecuiide tried iu *ain tu cuutroi At 20-1 men arr employed no more to put down properly and ported but half the death* among his work to tl.r army of unemployed mw The a at situation iu Crete continues bun, but be «truck viuuusiy at them, a« panp. i.’ • 1 laiiiiacu'. street». Only thoae actually de- men and drawn pay and rations for the in thnt city. wed a* al utbera. to grow more threatening. Large permanently in the first place. If The iron aliipT. F. Oake. has arrived j serving <*f work will be taken on, and arruie« of Turk« and Greeks are en- I balance of the dead. Finally they giaiibvd uim by H'cHriu* half the money and work were She hud bean given up an«l leg« and carried him by mrce from at New York. Lizzie G aw reduced the woman's ' they will l»e paid at the rate of fl per ( Hmp—I airliiu « very short distance of 25< for lost two month» :igo. expended in permanent improve ten-mile bicycle record in Chicago dur day. each other and tbe picket« «f each Md« tbe ring ten Thw lasted at lea«l five uiiuuten and went we would have more good ing th«* race* last week. Iler record It Is ( burned that the old crater on are in plain view. The »lightest acci tbe crowd broke into tbe ring They mi: Linee From Leland MEN S HOSE 5. 6. 7. 9 11. and 13c per pair. the fust of Mt. Baker, in Whatoom dent ‘>r -itispiiious movement might were throw n out bv deputy aueritlB, but roads every succeeding year, j wa* 27:06 second*. county, Wash., ib in eruptian and that result in a confliet, with terr ble loss of they came loo tadt and tbe ring XX MS E. L. Ellis and T. E. Wallace were in LADIES' HOSE 7, 8, 9. and 12c per pair. Tbe tax payers expend enough on Dispatches from Cuba state that on amoke can lie seen i««utng from the life. On the water thing« are equally jammed. Grant’« Fa** on business Saturday. BOY'S HALF HOSE 6c—Misses' and Boy's Fast Black mi * bail. Monday all the admirals, All tbid lime Fm »at quitely in road makingi but under our system March loth a train carrying Spanish crevice. Two or three of our transient families except the French and Italian eow.- corner a Hailing lhe deciatou ot the BICYCLE HOSE 8 and 10 cents. there is simply no system about it. j troop* through the Dinar del Rio prov William Katcliinson. deputy United disappeared Saturday night by moon niamlur*. were ordered to imme- erue. ince was blown up by dynamite while When Siler’« voice cuul«i be beard i ligi» t. A full line of Gent’s Underwear, Ladies' Vests, &c. and we have no roads at all during crossing a high trestle. There were States cuatoin collector at Northport, diately blockade the principle Greek above tbe noise, awarding Filzaimmuns the depth of winter. If road taxes over 250 soldeir* killed or wounded and Wash., *aya that recently ten Chinese ports, especially Piraeus (Port Athens), right. Julian grabbed hid red-beaded The pen i* mightier than the sword, but one wagging tongue discount« the were smuggled across the Columbia Kyra and Vole» C or . M ain and F ifth S treets brolher-in law about tbe neck and to- i pen and shake* a whole community. 300 prisoners, including ten officers, were paid into the county treasury 4 river from Canada, and that the ( attic* n Montana have Buffered se gelher they danced up and uown in m in cash, and permanent road work I were ruptured by the Cuban*. GEO. P FURMAN. P roprietor . Two of our citizens don’t allow lhe Ex smugglere got $75 from each of ■ vere.y this winter. Report« state that franUc manner. They were crazy with ct < aminer in tiieir houses yet thev wear let out by contract, in a few years i Charlie Winters aud Willie Babbitt, i’hiuci»«- for ferrying them over the 75 per cent of the range animals have joy. two ten-year-«ld boy« by Bedford, Mra. Fitzdimmons, in her box close tu their pant* leg* in their boots and talk alieady succumbed, the Chinook com we would see a big difference for the In«L, were playing Wm. Tell and in line. of riding a bicycle this summer. ing to ate to sav« them. It is stated the ring, laughed and cued alternately l>etter in this county. We are com trying to shoot an apple from hi* play- The second trial of the baggs broth - that Pierre Wibaux puts his loss at $1,» and tried in vain to get through the Times being hard (lhe advance agent mate'* head with a revolver, Winters er*, at Pheonix, Arix., who are accused bOO,(KK). Two hundred and fifty thou crowd to embrace her busband. of Prosperity still absent) ami many ing to this slowly. Alter some minute« Fitz vxa* escorted Kent a bullet into Babbit’s brain. of wrecking the Bank of Temple, thro sand young Utah cattle he put on the through lhe crowd to bid dressing-room, poor peon e in our precinct hungry and DEALER IN each family or bachelor of the transients Walter Hughe« was shot dead by ugh worthless notes for $25,(MX), given range last fall are all dead. and his wile loilowed T he C ourier is now in its thir detectives having I rum one to four dogs the poor at Houston, Tex., la^t week, bx them while ofllcert of the bank, 1 be end ol tbe right came with startling deer have to suiter it it is out of season. Freuch line steamship Ville de teenth year and is holding its own while trying to abdmt children for* resulted in their acquittal, the Jury St. The N.izalrv, which sailed from New suddenne»*. The lourteenlb round was Glendale precinct ha* a young couple in the battle of life as the years go ritnsoine. York March 6th, bound f*)r the West well in prugreaa when Corbett, who bad i having been out thirty hours. .Corner Sixth and DSts., Grant’s Pass, Oregon. L assumed tiie aggressive, had forced Filz about 70 each that have been courting Violent gale* accompanied by hail Indies, foundered at sen. Of her by. It is recognized as thoroughly ■L, : i w —-■‘t .a. into tiie northwest corner ol tbe ring pretty heavily of la’e and the <ouniy A* the tug Geddent was endeavoring storm* prevailed over Geryiany during <> passengers and crew only Hv wad jabbing Bob's bhHzdy lace when clers of that county will probably issue IRON and STEEL, independent in all things pertain the latter part of last week, Several to enter the mouth of tLe Nehalem •dghty-tw f-urar»* known to have been saved. the latter'« aim shutout. The Ust caught1 a marriage license this wee* mat will ing to public welfare and is always person« wi re killle«! und much prop- river. Or- g-m, »he went ashore on the Th< x a riv»*d in New York city last Corbett ngiit over the heart and he «tag 1 not require the consent of the parent» oi HARDWARE and South >pit, ami is a total wreck. 1 L ir d»iy on the «ch<»oncr Hilda after geie<l. llien came Lite Juit oil like Jaxx , I he cuuliai ling parlies. on the side of economy and honesty try wiw damaged. that sent him down. It was junt one The final segregation of the Oregon WAGON MATERIAL '■Ii««ee Fannie and Allie Osborne have A fin.hfX) damage suit was filed iu in uk* uf drifting about the .Atlantic in in official expenditures That it Short in <»p»*n, ¿luring whUh thirty-fouj minute pa^t I when the decidmg bi'»w presented .»ur Maccabees with two ele Une from the Union Pacific took Tauofim, Wash., a few »lays ago against I n L arge V ariety has lost some perquisites through place at Salt Lake city ut midnight, -»f the thirty-eight occupants went mad was struck gant banners tor their lodve room. The ex-Mavor A. V. Fawcett by f’harles B. or died <»f starvation. Cortiett’s dreaaibg-room alter the bat March 15th. and all the train* are now in . U. 1. M ’ s voted them a card of this upright policy it will not deny, tle was a dismal spot for visitom. Helped MINERS Fitted Out on Reasonable Tenns. thanks and wish to inform the good under the new Oregon Short Hurley, the munager of the Commer lhe authorities at Honolulu have hut it has gained more than it has running cial Electric Light company, and the arrested two steamship agents for vio to his KMrm by his brothers, Harry and . lu ixiiigan i generous young ladies that Line system. Joe, tiie de lea ted champion sank into a our lodge has some good looking young lost in other ways. Readers respect Geo. Coes, an old-time ministrel and cumnlaint charges false imprisonment lating the immigration laws by bring chair anil burst into tears. men. *4 can lick him, I know I can,” he ing Japanese into that country, «nd its impartiality ami have confidence well-known on the Pacific coaat, died and ixTseeution. said ; *1 don't know how 1 happened i<> The wife of a Douglas county man i* the affair promises to stir up some nt ( ambrldg«-, M msh ., a few «lays ago, A new <»¡1 Arid is being prosjiected in its integrity. The paper has a age«I 69. c-»mpli( ated questions between the two let him get that heart blow in, iluw it I lhe mol bur of a good looking baby, lhe m ar Fnllerton, Cai. , by several differ hurt! 1 ielt as if 1 should die for tbe | nioiher being go<»d looking herself, but larger circulation within the county The Montreal Rolling Mills, Canada, ent parties of prospector« who think island nations. From 306 to 500 Japan- first few moments alter 1 went dowu on { th«* most interesting part is that the uw calling themselves ‘studiente’ have my knees 1 had a chance to put hnz> ii . o ’ idt is among the registered children than it ever had before; and this have closed most of ite «hup* throwing SIX MILES SOI DI Of there is a eontin'ioil* oil belt extend »■’ without forcing itself unbidden Into VXM men out of employment. Th« ing southenat from Puente, All the been arriving on each steamer from out once, when 1 got him on his knees, I I that draw school money, and ahe ulso the Orient of late. As there i- nothing but 1 wanted to let him rest a bit and put1 rid * on half i ire ti-'kels vx null tax« ling. G rants P ass , - - • O b people’s households or toadying to general manager Huy* that this action indication* are favorable. there for thei/i to do and they doa ’ t him out with a blow. Thai’s where 1 I 1 he h'l-hin l is young and haudsouie 1« due to the uncertainly a* to the anybody or faction for crumbs that Ihiites <tat»*s tariff changes. The Bowers quartz mine on Kings appear to s»*ek work the Hawaii offl- made my mistake. But 1 nope for an- ( I II I ill sei I. oilier oppur'unity tu get at him, and lhe < mis are bee»uni ng a'armed. The gener B oxaxklkh . fall. It is among the very few thor The ( ambrMge, Eng . university has river, Cal , has been l*»nded for $66,- al opinion is that the ^students’ are sol next time 1 wun’l lose. *'l wouldn’t care so much if it wasn't I oughly independent papers of the conferretl the honorary degree of doc oo t !>v n San Francisco syndi< ale. Tim diers M»nf there for some purpose that — CONSISTING OF- For the Lungs. tor of scienc« upon Dr. Nantoen, the company have agree to expend $1500 fur my iriends. They have ¡ust thous I w ill develop shortly. day, and it takes this opportunity Arctic explorer. Rock ands of dollar« on that blow. No, 1 Meals in APPLE, PEAR, PEACH,F per month for »ix months in develop Ehler Alnon W "'leer- \x riles from Dining Thu fr« i rht steamer Riglto bound don’t know just wbat 1 stiali do now Ballast i to again thank the people of Jose The sugar refinery at Williamsburg, ing the property. PRUNE, CHERRY. At from N«?w<a*tle to New York took fire don’t know when I will leave Carson. Pori land, Oi ; " There i* no nit-divine for Car a ia phine county for their generous and N. Y., belonging to the Aniericuu Sugar Tin* physicians of Visailia, Cal., have ami was lost ill mid-ocean. The ere w But if I could get one more crack at Fitz the throat and [ uin iwum* Carte COT, NECTARINE Al Refining company, after a shut down mend to ministers, public speakers and fong-continued partouage. plans alMuit |»erfi‘cted to organise a whs resciicol ami brought to New Y < >rk simmons I would stay here tiie remain* I singer*, with the u nti lui.u.« that i can of over five months opened last week MOND. CHESTNUT her of my lite. ” by th«* siuiimer Carthaginian. with n force of 500 men. The introduc m»'«lical association there for the bene Meanwhile lhe trainers were working . the s B. Cough Cure.” For sale hv \V. shade and O rnamental I It ha« I >e< n ar nounced that June witli their man. H im pallid lace and the F. Kremer; 50e per bottle. P resident M c K inley has only tion of the tariff bill is supposed lobe fit of physicians all over Tulare county, TliK ALL-KAIL BUl’TIC — Also — and those of King county, if they feel 20tli has been definately fixed fur tbe nervous twitching oi ins limbs gave rise offices enough at his disposal to feed reiqioiiaibte for the resumption. TO ls(»<»TENAI HIMNO IUFTKHT, Boom«*«! to DealIi. jubib*«* thank-■giving day for the cele to lhe tear for a time (hat lie had been tlfaposed to join. Strawberry Plañís. BlaUhern M Tip, th* big an«! vicious elephant of ( one in ten of the hungry patriots —VIA— bration of t ,»♦ 60th year of the reign of seriously injured. But gradually the Barnum A Bailuy’s cir» iim whs strangled | The «ix-year-old girl of Robert Oljer- George Smith rr<*eived a letter a few QraDerliei. nerve and strength came back to him. F ¡¿ATTI E AND KPOKANE Queen Victoria. who worked for him last Fall, and tu d< utli by the i mploy«« of the oireus, but with it came mental agony, w hich lie ‘lays 1* Sorbin, whoi* now at , ago . from .1 * E latz of New Whutcom, Wash., wa« After an ab*»nce of twenty-eight so there is apt to be wailing and h I the winter quarters at Bridgeport, i »cHl«le<l by a coffee pot full of boiling NUnSE! Roseland, in the letter Mr Sorbin gives made no attempt to Conceal. years M osc h B. L iu as, a well-to-do lum Billy Woods, dazed at tin* unexp *He I a rather crisp statement of the condition gnashing of teeth amongst the hith ( onh. eoffeu upsetting on her recently. She berman of Eureka, Cab, returned to calamiiy. cried silently in a d irk corner of affair* w h(»r«* here he is. is He *avs the coon* — is GROWN (> » - .4 tripl«* lynching of colored men, in erto taithful. Civil service laws retaliation died the next day. She was carrying his wife and daughter at Vineland, N. of tiie room, while White, lX?'aney ami ; trv ,4 ix»«tinv»l io death and men of all fur a double murder, has J. 1 hiring his long absence he had McVey, witti drawn luces vnd set jaws, trades ami profession* are there, ami take a good many offices out of the just taken place at Juilvtt«*, Marion | the (’»iflee pot and the handle broke. spongrij and rubbed the lallen ciiuinpioi; t ihei»-is nothing lor tlmin iodo. A house never written home. A thoroughbred Peking duck on the hands of the executive, and so, with county, Fla. into lair condition. ! of 2d rv.aiia will rent at >2(X) per monln, WITHOUT IKKlGA’i J Iaist week the Austrian gunboat Ze- ' ll a chance blow,” said White, and others in pro|>ortion a«cording t<« Scott Jackson ami Alonzo M. Walling I farm of K. H. Sim, near Haufonl, (’al., the exception of fourth class jkjs I AND ALL POINTS benico fired upon nn I sunk, near Can- “just wbat We do not handle, cultt likely lb «xTur i : i any ligiii. t “'ze t'lty Inis s 11 at from $1.00* to the murderers of Pearl Bryan, paid laid ail egg iiieaMiiiHig ten and one- Attempt to propagate any v»r't masters, the billets at his disposal the death penalty for their crime by half inches in circa inference the long dia, a Greek vessel loaded with pro U v haw nothing to regret, except th it ’ $6.040; ix>ar«l and lodging is fr<»in $7 t«> kinds of fruit, until satisfied ta vision* am! munitions Intended for the lhe blow landed, The l he man's comiiti-m com! i It mi $10 per week, ihe average laborer will are not so very numerous. It hanging. The execution took place at I way ami eight n une-lialf inches the Greek forces in Crete. are well adapted to the soil air was all right .” [ g<-t $2 |»er «lav. while professional men Newport, Ky., Saturday, and wu* wit- 1 would lie tatter for the president if hiiih II way. Neither Delaney or McVey would dis- l receive from $3 t*»$4 p«*r day when they SLEEPERS. DINING and LIBRARY peculiar to Southern Oregon »' A battle 1x4 ween federal troops aud nrssed by ubout 360 people. The state terms to the defeat. Tiie ex champion’s , art- lucky enough n» find employment. he had no offices to give away at all. troops surrounded the jail to prevent ('liarlvH A. Peer has breu arrested at rev<»hrtioiil«is near Pnysandu, Uruguay, cuss OBSERVATION CARS. brothel* remained with him until tn.- ¡There are now *,-D 1,00» idle men in Kos«- A. H. CARSON <k‘ xx a* fought a few days ago. Upwards Randsburg, Cal., on a charge of sw in<il- The people should ta allowed to any attempt to stop the hanging. carriage arrived, vainly attempiing lol land »nd tho*e who cotninand ineans of a thousand were klhed or wounded. give Liui «ome sort of cheer. G rants P aks . O xs # sufficient, are leaving. Freight I nun ing. It is alleged that he represented August Woywoo«!, a sailor was acci elect every officer -postmaster to SEHVICK AND SCENERY l NEQÜALXD. ■ “Oh, it’s no use, buy«, no Use,” Jnn re Portland there i- |5<> i>er ton and the:* Bro'lie Williams, the high diver, shot through tbe abdoman by worthie s mines to be valuable prop ^l- ‘ or ti«*kets and full in orma. ion call on president and then let the |>eop1e be dently i* a 35 per rent duty *n(»w i* now lour 11 l(Mwrt«nce Johnson, another sailor, who erties an«! would soil them a* such to juniptd in a ball of fire from n sewnty- plied to their encouragement “It’s over a« Id re«« B en A L ovei . i . \gent now, and 1 haw allowed Fitz to bes! feet deep al Rutisland.—< orvahi«» Times ~ Mei responsible for their shortcomings. was showing him nil ‘‘empty" petto), confiding buyers. He is In prison in tive foot tower into I^ike Worth, Palm .. Woodvillu. the beach, Fa.,* f«w days ago, struck fife me.” G. C. S tevens , A. B. C. D - nnston . at KunFrandsuo last week. Woywood I jo * Angele«. Danger** of t ht* G rip ”(t wa* an awful blow. 1 thought it inul bolt«»m and broke his neck. He died T. A. VV. R P. A. C. P A Scalile. I t is probable that the Dingley will die. had killed me, ” and the big pugiii-t in « There will be about three depots Oil wilbin a few hours. Partían«!. Oregon., l«*Hiivd his head oil White's shoulder and Tin* greatest danger from l«aGrip|ie ,s et re Josef F. Blaiillmr, who murdered the San Friincisro and San Joaquin tariff bill will lie passed by the Prince Ywahito Harunouiiyo, heir* tmbhed aloud. of ii* resulting in pneum mia. li tusson- exo Mrs. Phllopvna Langfeldt Mt San Fran House pretty soon, but how it will cisco Valley road from Fresno to the river, apparent to the Japanese throne, is And agai i he st.irted to hi* feer a'-le cure i* u-e-l, however, and ('ham exo Home month« ag«», ha* been cap witii lhe avowed intention that hv would beriain’s Cough Remedy taken, all <lan- WOI fare on the Senate is a matter of con tured in a small Texas town, w here he but a biding an«! platform xxill be put dea<l. He wasnvurly eighteen years iimi Fiizaml whip him on lhe«tr**et. but ger will be avoi<le»l Am »nj the tens ol lo a jecture Tile Senate added nearly I im * been teaching school, ami going by in« veix f.-m miles. In Kings *««unty of age. OF each time ins knees gave wax I a - iivm ! ii thousand? who ha*, e u-u-l ilii* remedy will At his h'»me at Philadelphia Fred him mih I he sank back into hi-seat white the name of Forla?«. While in jail there will be at least two <lrpi>ta besides for lagripp«'. wc have vet t » learn of a day 500 amendments to the McKinley awaiting the arrival of the officers to the one at Hanford. erick I'niiik*. «luring a tii of insanity, i and breath let s. SOUTHERN GREGO) single uasi* having resulted in pneumo was To th»* honorable county court of Jose- bill, although politically in accord rut urn him to Fan Francisco he. attempt O 1». M ««>«lv, » ashler of the Commer shut ami killed his son William, aged I As hi* sirviuth returned ami tiie bit nia. show* conclit*iv»dv that this deli phinv t'<>. stare of Oregon: We the un 9, ami «hot an«l badlv w minded hi* I ernes* of defeat forced itself upon him, ed suicide by taking im>rphin«*. reinedx i-a curtain iruxeniive ol th it was with its friends in the House dersigned petitioner* and legal voter* of cial State bank at Vrllvv, ish., was He then i bi* npp arance bwame pitihii. The dread diaea*»*. It will efTui t a perma mu R. Rainwater, u farmer living at Or .«•hut l x a young man named Gail Iait- daughter \iuetia, aged 5. Wool and woolens will very likely !•'•|>rlr^8nes*’ ot regaining tits '»wt pr»*«- nent cure in les* lime than any oilier Joseph 11 e < o. state of Oregon and pre- sent a bullet through his heart. v«s • inul of Kerby do a«k and pray your lion* rick, Mo., «hot and killed five mem tigv niMpe his talk almost <-hildi«h, ami treatment. The 2.5 and 50 < «-nt size* for elec go up this Fall and the con suiners bers of hi* family Sunday, and then tin near Chewelah. M« kx I v w« nt out orai’lv bo-her io grant a license to .1 T ’•(»« t jour guns, negro«,M is the ad Ins supporters were relieve«! to get Mway sale I y all druggist« Gilinoie tn -ell liquor both ppiritmis and Receive deposits subject to chefi for will therefore lie the first to teel the killed himself by blowing the top of t*» Lattin*« ranch t«» take puss» N«ion of vice given by Henry M. Turner, the i from the arena It was a half hour after wil malt liquor* in lem quantiiie* than on«« certificate payable on demand. a disputed strip of lan<! awarded by ! < > l< -A ! .1 effects of the new tariff, We will hl» head off. Hv was insauely jealous the court to Motwly. lie wa* met by colored bishop of the Africau M. E. j the end of lhe battle torture Corln-tt r »old bjaH' ii in the tow n of Kerby and we vx i r Bells sight draft** on Aew York. J« Pit of hi* w ifii. church at Atlanta, Ga., U> hi« people, i be indm***d to enter the carriage i«»r the cisco, and Portland. pray. have to pay more fur clothing There is a great revival in the wool Laflin's son, who ordered Mo«jdv away. He was urging theiu to prevent lynch driv* to hi« hotel. Name*. Telegraphic transfer* sold on alb land with un s foot The ride braced him to some extent, ing. whetliet wages rise or not en btiisnes* in Pittsfield, M hm «., and When the lutter refuse«’ to go voting Marlin Kielond the United State«. • »! i he salite <■» »\ ers I Peter Boiir and he was more cheerful when he H Cnusidy vicinity. All the null« are running on Ratlin went for a r fie and sent a ball William Fee, a Kansas farmer living reached his room. I! Mìe XX i: h poll stuck L II Chi <1* Special Attention given to Collet® M«-hl W K Stone oí thune : I k ) aun * I 'eneral business of our customer«. A L awyer in Portland robbed a full tune aipl have more orders than through I attin's al»«loman. It is be near Wamego, blew <»ut his brain* a At the ring side while Corbett was be J W Hunt T W James - in grass ** ; 1 large they have had mnv spring for a long lieve«! Moodv’s w<>und is fatal. few <l«vs ago, after a muideron* ITWatUt ing anaiated from his corner ami the Collections made throughout > woman named Ross of fi(«> and she time. PEI ><Ml*on ft nd du»lling hnti«e ; Jack Brady* Gregon, andon nil accessible point* Bert l obleutx, a youth belonging to in which he attempted to exterminate arena was filled with howling, exulting t has Butler •I 1’ Sifiiinoiis attacked him on the streets and Fitzaiuimon* supporter«, Wdliam Bradv. mi entire family. Three of h1s victim* Felipe S h » cio aud J »-»e Ratuu«, fisher the Salvation Army at L-*di, Cal., went J. I). FRY, President. Thue Gibson ( hamp pot tn L T. TUP¿8 , Vice Prcsident pulled his long v luskers out. The men, wure drowned near Pacific Cove, violently iii -au»* there a few «lavs ago. xx ill probably die, and a fourth -is ter- ' the ••x-ehanipion’* backer, sprang to a J M Smock Clin* Boor plat form, ami u aving a roll of gre»*nba< ks R. A. P hx » th .C* rible wounded. Futruly trouble was Cal., by the upsetllag of tln ir boat. R L Fi gh- .»a* M Park- fellow got hold of the money the shouted : lhe lled<wido rail wav companv i« the »a use. Ben Georg«- V iuiur B»»ur Seven buiidbigH in Chinatew a at Hal about "I have 124.600 to iiepo«it ** an ear, * xtrud tile r »ad to ''.tn Pedro. the woman had put up as a l>oiid in ford, Cal., were d*»tr©ved by fire oa a Dayiil »»uur Jas ilaiiiiJun Govern *r Bradley <.f Kentucky has neat that Cort»etc can w hi*« F'tz-imm m« It has 4xMA> ton* ot steel rails at Red »u- Joseph Far ron I Mu < ’a->»',ix G. \V. Hunt, a civil case, and hung to it. The recent night; lo*s ISOOU; no tnaurauce. do to l»e used in making the «'«»iiiirc tion entered the Caited States senatArship for a pm«e of f2 MM>i Now votj yelling M .A F «X. r* t J .l Wi ,t,r- NOTICE FOR J’CBI.ICAT! Willia in*. Oregon howling idiots, ronie tip her«* with y«»n” judge did not punish her, but held The G m - hochi building and Central between Gardena and Han Pedro. The conte-t of hi* state. Jack b«*x CH Lihliy money. ” distance Is alM«ut six miles. < A I- * hotel at lawrriK't.*, Ma««., weiv dea- < i»*u !i*»»ir i »i Perkin« has introduced « I h II Nutting up to public execration 1 l»v cli.ttlrnge K-vvlve ’ II«» ath'U’iiin Orricx at R o . kbis * Gvu 11 Raley troyvd by tire M<md«v tnorniag Ten C E Tibb* Grange gr««wers ami shippers arc up in t: -< nate providing for the appro- ami Brody wa- compel'e«! t«> return hi* Febnurf • Nutting's meanness can only be de person« were fatally injured by juinj»- II Utfh F ender Henrx Wihroc k in arms against «ome impositions and pri.'ti >n ul $.»50,000 for the purpose of money to his pocket. Notice is hereby given thalli* Phili I »;-* -ii.g r G eu ».a non nounced There is no legal redress ing frem t!»e window«, «nd il i* fv«re«l abuses n«»w being practiced hv certain vi i »g i posL-flive at Oakland, Cal. in his dressing ruom H'.x< OF PENNSYLVANIA iniz-naiued ■settler has tiled iwli " II While 1 »I Ra o i sex intention to make final proof i’* lainaje«! fare »*a- q'li klx r-p.d e | bV large b'bbing fruit houses in Atlantic for the woman, although the inotic) that *« xcial other»» are lost I i Turkish minister ha* declared hi* ’rainer« ami he haslilv ilr* *-»•<! biiu- A Living Object Lmon for Or. Mil««* N«w Harry M«w r«* L x run I <» v lor I < ii <k 11 n’«i AriiK*a Salve Heart Cur*. of Ins claim, and that suiu joOOi* •oast cities. Their principal th n-e is xsiHiit tb<* otliee of the Ottoman em Win ii Little hi G 1* el rei V’ was alt she had in the wot Id sell liten lhe w ule p.irty ura* d'lxen made lielore John Gno»ieil. th«- wholesale packing of ftm .¿ q oran igre at Reston held by Joeeph U|fi, rapi.llv to Ilan* <ih<N*» n Ch xe F ilari clerk of Josephine county. O<* the training quarter». ges into orange l*ox»« with the ( alif<»r- wh-’xViis ,irr» sts.i on the charge uf em- sptmdfmvv > I- M I ’ L ( r«M»k* J ’ » Tu» n.T -u I let in Grant» Paar, Oregon on April ILL the people of Oregon be wil < A Kellv nla label. A Evans be»/.riiK-nt »f trust hiiixia. K H Mo.^e 1 lori» »»od -, <-g to-wil: rheoptnlus M. Rowe li.ig to wait two years for tbe legis I . II. Lhkllidet Jr., a business man «nd One Miiiuiu i* all I he time net eeaary No. >i!>4.’. lor the E L. S h Pre. i-ieut M Kmlex ignito thè «en- G* org Hogue B R I trad » tu -lu* itlu from pvr*o:inl expuri» nee that member of * well-known him ! higlilv ate th f - NWl, >W-4 NE-4 Sec I-’. Tp ;- lature to meet and provide for the \x ■ i»v n<»inni.«tifMi< Emba-*«* One Mmutu Cough Cure do»*« wh»t Winters J il inter* respected fsiuily >»( *an Lou« Obispo, ador t<» Ore it Britam, John Hay of thè 6 Meet. W’ inter* Gt •» H Bri^M payment of ex]« uses for wliuh the name nnpliu*. per »X lie names the following wh* Cal., was «h"t twice b> his younger 1 Kaffer !»\ir*ti of Cnlitinhla; emba»Midor to < reo I i Bin,ch I»r W prove his continuous res;d«w® tax-payer* will pour brother, J«»hti DalliJvt, at the s faiaily France, llo money Ku«* HS V..SHÌ. ,* and Rill« d Three Beam »ce F\.rt»r of New York; cultivation of M»i>l land. realdence. I F It The victim cuniiol live, avert tary oi thè umbuNsy ta Clreat Brìi* White E R» r.b.e- into the state treasury vaults’ Charles Ladd. Garrett Crockett ■ Fam1 ly «lifti. ulti<*« » «used the trsgndy. am, IL un A (»ilmoie II«, ('ill., l>iik Sua eli \\ lille -f IL iq I- ’ Itlaud. The Prineville Review saxs thst Jrtf :i* i’owrrs, of Merlin, Oregon Will those men elected in June have IISSI1* H» Boughman A Reiible ♦ >’Kelly. ahile »»ut hunting on Mill creek, IV iccti(»u of fpihs aw «| trees of Call- Trimble, Grant's Pas*. Urugon I (’ Naucku U S Nell© manhood enough to lay aside per- ill! :» f«‘W it ( rih»g uo-intv, !rtuk*M s -.xr mio « ” ‘ * q i.irHutlne fund a by m«**n* f Federal S W White ♦»23 628 R. M. V eitcii . A E Lind «mail cave. Jetf «ent up u> the «»pv iimg zonal interests and meet for the pub I *ti«l I isfwrtl »n is pre Med bv lhe cum- J G Laue > Huxi hid I *ww Hruin. x» heu he tirvd and killed isive bill lntr«Hi need in the sen- C K Ailey ic g >> It is tune the subject was i l>Gi bin am-ual The opening wm * * iii .UI, *o \ I at.- to Senator V\ bite. Tile bill author- ii Castvn ' H ¡••»iris In h«<l io crawl in. Ha then went being agitated, as the months are t- ampler of san lit * ! he secretarv uf *gvi« oiture to G R Clark G E Hunt and was dragging the animal c ■ tithr *♦• ai « *f bin Wm H Ma-bv hi qnarantin«' ever* tree, plant, flying by and state expense* arc th Moudav n ■ I, ng fir« w CD Stuitii anol her < •ne ran out and in 4 W H patter ' •lenti la«t week. .1 I Wi •.j, l»wd or ntimerv stuck which i« ditero!ci al hl the io >•<■ ths >an returned Jetf had nut let g MRS. C. s HOBBS ti»» open* ing with them John \ Mnjkell «1. When a tree <»r plant is FiaucUH > Yacht i lib. ou th 1» «tur Lisa M. K. y tasking parlor» in the Me Vt»«1 the meantime, mean uni an tie fi.nx Laconia, W m I i ., Frank L >mith DISEASE ta curable Forcer C B Rowe t « »» ■ ih6-t te l 4 » may be treatcxl, fr« n! at •au»alih'. an-I taf. re it euuld • I - lie, end going in after th »1 mg on Sitth street an<i will * in-nr.tar fIn- r**^ write« Daniel Myer, of E<! 1 Mil v T he W C. T. U. ladies have pe lurvd a third -we and a wrl J ames « «reen to have the Ladies call upon b* iicuraUc destn yed. be got under tfoutr- .>1 it Ud prvad and ». nt laid that out alea. A \ Anderson IwoTareru». T*.. <m Au» lu 1^*. »n Kerr titioned congress to forbid the Kin- "I -uffeiwd with heart dta«Ma Flnt a .light J F Kellog fight for the world*« heavy» deal troyed ’‘©voral adjoining X »ttagua. ■Satisfaction guarantee.! W D i reorge h * Iosa will rwaih S l MJSXI. Dr Vanderpool « R Mallen p»lplt»l;..n. »radually <rowia» .vrw. Then hl champiomihip between James etescope exhibition ot the Corbett- •loi n Amlertun TJ Tycer «hvrloeM ot breath, »leeplesenews «nxither. The ¡adir* «f OAxland. <ìgl , are get '»»ri’rtt and Robert Fitssin • mons Gvu Mills Fitzsimmons prize fight The ma ’rrgoii Liver ar<d kidney ln< wuatk.a, and much pain In the resion <» W 1 Beks piece st (ir»n city. Net , last ting up a plan Io «id the lihw?e(> m J R I'armenter A ’ eg I »e wge ut th. h«u-t »¡armed m. »nd I Consulted a vs the lead with us For chine is apt to make lots of money M r ( rook« Thur««!ay and w«s wen i by Fitssim- the lawile* ard in Sau Frau»iec*k They ptir.Klan tteeelrlnc no benett I tried C F Phillips Kremer; MV j»rr bottle E F M. -mr the «el «mt ehB«ken te mon*, w ho downed hk i* opponent with prop %» to unless laws ate enacted to suppress J N Saum other, and a num ’ .r John Keffer II directed blow r over the heart, in each bung «*>•«• article of taxi, which D balkh 1» ot remedies. ap.ndin« J no Y »ung it, though public morals would not A WNam kv ■»ntributed to the m«»e< needy iirteenth round. \hout 4»peo- 1« hn Miichell * I«r»e amount of i T li M l .i be enhanced by its workings and wc w. In this way they hope I the in*t4'h. I K Wn tv mon.j, but inally be II El In •ty eidvrahie snflrring. J I. MALVEN !■ came ao bad that it wa. ? M Miner can get along very well without it. <has Dun •an Viatoria. K < F. iwar l R|ley unaaf. toe a. to I««., W H m « hh. i.h <m the AW So too, should the traveling phon home I oimtneaewd Moi Weh b Largest Stock of HA^ ,B J mi Well uthern I. 1 Ty err aii.t Dr Mite.' Heart graph that make* obsceni *p« J K Tyrt K«» in- F Mah Tare t.» year, »,.> All Home Grow« krank l*ei»!»inaer ik«. the be tabooed, but as yet there eighteen r. oalk» ! here town well A1. Itk the trtHiri u»h year, of age 1 .-an ro where I wi.h He w ZS Every i* Special Sale* l>ay at I THE RACKET STORE Agriculturalilmplements. GO EAST HEIILIM) MRSEIIl Library-Car Route 200.000 TREES FOBS Shortest and Quickest Line to St. Paul, Duluth, OUR Minneapolis, Chicago nea Hill Lai; THROUGHPALACEandTÒÙfilST Daily Trains : Fast Time FIRST NATO EA>Ï Petition For Liquor License. Capital Stock, $5C u DANIEL MYERS, 1 Dress Makin; c I. STAUFFÍ MLNER’S RESTAUKANI ’Hi» gtzwnwra «i Ploriti» »u>i JÜ Blue te y have talli ■p}4li»l»<i V 1. atnalofi, but tta H ouk of Lord* f. ) •«pvrior canti at Taro ihm . a Jwry «Watded IX ki I h 4 H IP ♦ » • « am mimi 4* A »••♦teas FwaÀty •he «■ <*. H lai.< *i>.l fMfiinuiiia * t *io ha Bold b» «U ilra*a IBS, ft 11*1.'* Family PII Il »Z« ths IwM mipAty ir>t:SW*nt t Ht«»»» • la» »MHHMiftI , u^,i J I, Hay, Grain. Flour and and I »leep all auht and vahe ap aa cheer ful a» a ‘>ve and eonwl.tely n.ted Vt W'lew er. anM hy Ml Ar.,. M«<-»k* •*••»»»" are. w. all »yr<-a.te I’M MlLXBNVDtOAI. i»>, Ribnel la* N. E. McGrew f micci linci diid Delibi r*M li#*-.« Good Eating and Cooking A At Ixi«e»t Fr«*- i «TAHÍFfifc B