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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 11, 1897)
King Bmomun - will erect •« >u »raatUK-o Wor^ in th«* Glolie shipbuihling yard A ('. Cark. Northern Pacific ticket at (’levelaild, Ohio, is stui|»ende<i owing a.viii mi Aberdeen, Wash., wm* held up which «¡11 cct to a strike of the unskilled workmen. The silver jubilee of the .h-ll.ation I mi iue dep«>t and robbed of H-A one J. NUNAN, P ublisher . Mr«. Elitb Allen, wbv «bot .nd kill- -t. 1 a n. k’« ehur. L oi ban Frau«wo The number of striking cloak ami n«l week. 1 mmiic <I Every TliiirMdny. shirt makers of New York has increas Orange, Cal., is to hare an opera- ■ou ______________ at M.ryiviUe. Mont., au<l wiU ae celebrated March 17th. lb» G Wingate, president of the chain- eJ her house. »eri »iy injured her husband, is on celebration a.11 Mat three day. and ed to 44.«M>. l-«*r of «-«»mmerce, of Astoria, Or., wiMconwat of tli»nk»4ti»8 •»nd Pr*1“ Th« r. is a |»roaj*ct of a fish canning a-sauhed on the street by Thomas trim for her life. Gov. Bradley of Kentucky ban an Oidi! Piper ol louDlue Canati. üriiQi. During twtety-one month» of Mayor nouncc il the appointment of Major plant I -mg put up al Redondo, Cai. 3 mH in ger, foreman of the grand jury. Andrew T. Woo I of Mount Sterling, to A ra «able deposit of alnruiunm day Wfbgafi* wa- knock«-«! «lown ami bruis Hwih1*« adiuiuistration in Chicago there T hursday , M arch ii , 1897. succeed J. C. Bl ack burp an Up i ted ha- L. . n discovered, near Bant-w, Cal. ed. 'lhe trouble grew out of a local ha« been a decrease of nearly $2,000»000 States senator, lie also called an in the payroll» of the city. RamUbnrg, Cal., haa amended its pu»itical quarrel. wN«*ion of the legislature to cun- Timothy Harlows Abbe, aged 81, haa Ln-*t week < ity Marshal Baker of $2 A Y kar , ok 50 in A dvance extra mining laws ami they are now identical v«*ne March 13th. Cottage Grove, Or., attempted to arrest been arrested, charged with being the ea«ii lime. with those of Cripple Creek. Tiie long-wiml« «l strike of the miners of the l.die. <-f Petaluma. Cal., Th« r in talk of extending the Loa a man named Mosby for a misdemean author of eleven incendiary tires in M m . M c K inley ' s address was at Lcudid^e. Col., has been declared 4ng* I«- and Pasadena electric road to or. Mo>by picked up an iron bar ami Enfield. Conn. are gaiag to give a mini.trel .how. struck Baker over the head, inflicting Th. *>an Franciuo grand jury ha, Mi - Ada Ward, a noted English ac- that of a conservative man x ho does «dl. It was a failure. Mrrra Madre. wounds from theetiectsoi which Beker tr«*r>- .»ml beauty, joiatW the Salvation Uk.m up the case of J. J- Coouey, the Reprcimiitativf* Martin Buckley of Th«* | rj m »«♦-» 1 ordinance prohibiting not care to convulse the country by Jeff«*rN4>n will die. county, Mont., wa» expelled Army in Lnzdon, a few days ago. ex-n*'tary public, now under arrest in radical changes. He said we must from th»* l«-gi.«lMture for corruption in the »«diing of pools on horse races at The Inward of examiners appointe«! by Byron K. Ross of Chicago commenced . itv charge! «'th pwijory in con -an .L»««* was defeated in the council. keep our money to the gold stand office. gathering fMMitage «tamps as an amuse- nection’with the Craven-Fair contest The b I to appropriate $10,000 to rep th • government aomo months ago ard while having in view that fleet Sugar culture is destined soon to be resent N' V.ula al the Nebraska exposi N«*h*« t a harbor on the Southern Cali meat twenty-five yean* ago. A few The jar» will probe the entire matter one of the leading industries of Arizona fornia coast for improvement, haa day-» ago he trailed a part of his collec and a birf sen-atiun i. expected. ing shadow known as "internation valleys, as the farmers are taking hol«l tion was killed in the legislature. decide« 1 upon San Pedro. tion f*»r a >35,000 hotel in Hurley, Wis. While running beaide a rapidly mov it is Mated that Kiskiyuu Block men al agreement." As to tariff, he with a will. See«! Is being distributed John Kalaaich, a smooth bunco man, Julin Corivine, the United States ing train in Alameda six-year-old i re Helling large numbers of mutton wants congress to get together by to T h * plant«*«! «luring the next two Hivep io Sacramento and San Francisco was arrested at Kan Francisco a few navy paymaster, who was arrested in Willie Winn fell and rolled under the months. day« ago charged with “working the Newport, R. L, a few day» ago, charg- cars, and tlie wheel, cut hi. head from the 15th instant to provide reve- j Gov. l/ord of Oregon haw appointeil [ dealers. v.iiis. a bout black, thereby «*d with the embezzlement of govern his b* dy* Cotton people ar«* urging the passage coming wrongfully into posNeaaioQ of nuesby restoring higher duties. In W. H. C’orb«*tt, the Portlan<l capitalist, ment funds, has <*oufessed to having The city treasurer of Alameda has f t • i i 1 I m -fore the California legis $315 for the latter'» money. this McKinley is likely to meet a to Niiccced John II. Mitchell, in the • lature »to!eu Slo.OUU from the government compicU d the count of the city cash lor state fair appropriations, no United tales senate. Through the pa«»<age of the famous during the past two years. an«l finds that it amounts to $70,000. ghost which lingers from the recent Ex-S«*mitor Mitchell of Oregon is that Nome return may lie received on Neva«ia prize-fight bill two brothers Mrs. M. Cicotte, a I/si Angele» »om As a result of the war of the boar«l of panic in the shape of scarcity of Mfter th«* viu ancy in th«* circuit jmlge- the pat iiion built there for fair pur- have located each other. George Gar- en viniting in Chicago, was robbed of heallb uj on the sellers of impure fool, money, which prevents the import ship « r« atc«l by M< Krnna's appoint pCSMM. rani of Illinois read of the bill and of a pocket-lsMik containing S1000, while five grocers of Fan Francisco were ment to the cabinet. A I-ike county, Cal., paper ways a its author, who proved to be his broth ation of goods and causes the lack •hopping in the latter city a few days arr«ste»l ami booked at the city prison It i.« believed that Binger Hermann, brother of Percy Ikmglass, who wan er. They had not known each others ago. fur having offered for sale adulterated ot either gold, silver or greenbacks th«- retiring member from the firwl dis shot ami killed nt Bakersfield recently, whereabouts for thirty-five years. While a Baltimore and Ohio wreck food. with which to pay import duties. trict of Or«*goii, will I m » ma»le commii»- wa-* l anged at Eureka for the murder Manley A. Fair, an engineer, was ing train was on its way to clear away of a citizen of that town. San Francisco business and working Instantly killed by the explosion of a Times are not what they were pre siom r of the general land oilice. The seminary building at Escondido, i boiler in the Keystone laundry, D»s a freight train wreck, it jumped the men are clamoring for xrork to com The session of the California h*gis- vious to 1892 and a high tariff will latnre will probably end March 15th. built h - a part of the system of the Angeles, during the early part of the track ten miles east of Zanesville, Ohio. mence on the |«»ifice building to In? Three train hands were killed. built th« re, an<l have sent resolutions not restore prosjrerity unless we have Robert Helmbold, Senator Mitchell's I uivei-ity of Southern California, is to week. At a meeting of the Spanish cabinet to the secretary of the treasury re be tian*f« rred to the high school dix- son-in-law, <lie<l in } ’ <>rtlaml, Or., a few something to sell and get a fair price Hereafter California notaries cannot h«*ld tn Ma«lnd an extraordinary credit questing immediate action. tri< t f *r high school purposes. days ago, of pneumonia. legally «barge a soldier or sailor fur was agreed to for the purpose of fitting for. He says himself that recovery Th« -nl-|ort of entry has I m *<* u rt- Th«* pure food agitation that has I p >n the examining a dead domestic swearing to pension voucher»*. out additional warship». 1». t n ozcux ing publi«* attention in San must necessarily be very slow, estal»li •li«,«l at Ruche Harbor, W hn I i . dm k that had died from strangulation, A business ddficully at Tacmua, A pocket-book containing $40,000 Fia* «• <*«» for some time is not going to though those who supported him Gov. R«»gers of Washington has Juhn Ganb found its throat full of nails Wash., resulted in the probable fatal which was lost in Kt. I/juis, Mo., was lie «oiifine«l to that city alone, but is to respited th<* Mi-nti m*«* of William (’ary it had eaten, ami which had refused to did not talk that way during the of Scattl«* lo April 23d, on which day go cither up or down. in its gizzard i shooting of George M. Bearce, a prom found by a negro bellboy .in a hotel and be extended throughout the entire inent broker, by O. K. Robinson, a iuer- returned to its owner. state. A p ire food congress is to I mj late campaign. two olh<*r mui‘l» r«*rM w ill l»e hanged in un additional number were found— | chant. A dispute over money was the called ami each county in the state in that city. Care«*N sent«*nced was some two dozen all told. By the e a plosion in a gas main cun I cause. couhl b«« saved D uhrant has been denied a Î1CW rc/pitcil lM*cauM«* Ma ml Pierce, colored, arrested at ning through the center of the city of will b< iuvited to sen«! delegates, who A bill for the issuance of $100,uOO Ix> h tng' IcN as an aciwssory to the i Boston, Mass., six persons were killed wnl a i m a movement to rid the trial by the supreme court of Calif by having thr«*<* han<ings at once. tiv«-|M*r-<-ent bonds for the erection of state of adulterated ami impure foods. Mr». Calvin, a San Francisco Mwiety murder of Jnmes Belle w some weeks ami a dozen seriously injured. a territorial capital at Phoenix has ornia and will probably lie hanged woman, has conn« to grief through a ago, was held to answer. The testi- j The orange shipments from River Cuban insurgents are now raiding in side, ( al., last week amounted to 31,- for the murder of Blanche I.amont fash unable fa«l. To aild to her attract- muiiy went to show that she was the pHM*e«l both hour-« « of the Arizona leg the outskirts of Havana. islature. 85:; < a'« ». So far this season 1024 car- within the next four months. It Iv«*m*ss h I h * had two fin«* diamond/Net instigator of the crime. The Japanese consul at Washington loa«ls have l»een sent out. Chief <>f Police L W. Robertson of in her front teeth. \\ hih* visiting in Tlx* finishing touches are being put will be two years on April jd since l’or laii«l, Or., a f«*w weeks ago r< I»I mtn <>n the n« w u|>-to-«late opera house at Portland, Or., has sent his resignation has sent a protest to the authorities of lUn Patochi, a farmer living near Butte city, Mont., against the boycott this revolting murder was commit «Iruggel her ami extracted the two Kanta Ana, ('al. It will seat 1200 peer to th«; police commissioners. P« iniiim:i, < al., has had a number of which is now being waged against his teeth in or«l«*r to get tin* g«»ms, John M. Oakley, m banker and brok pie. The thefts are ted and everything has been done countrymen by trade unionists in that cattle stolen Irtely. John Miller was fouml guilty of mur er of Pittsburg, Pa., died suddenly an«l attribut«*«! to a band of wandering that was possible to enable Durrant der in the first Icgree by a Kan Fran- Three drunken longshoremen out for under peculiar circumstances at the place. gy|»>ies. a time, fell into the bay ut Seattle, A snowslide struck a bunkhouse at to cheat the gallows and stalk the cisco jury and mtenced to the death I Wash. 'Two were fished out, but the Palace hotel, Kan. Franc isco, last Tues A «ook known as “Growling Lewis” the Daly mine, near Park city, Utah, streets of San Francisco with nu- |M*nilty. Mi|l«*r was «Lusing a woman otli<*r, Wil'iam ('halmer, was drowned. day. He had arrive«! but a few days and was true'ly kicked to «leath bv Wil buried nine men. Five were and she app«*aled to Thomas Child«* prior to his death in company with a liam Brugge, during a barroom brawl merous other murderers who have for prot«*«*tioii. Miller shot Chihls d«*a<l. \. S. Hughes, one of the pioneers of notorious woman, w ho ke«*ps a house resuced, the others perished. in a San Francisco water front saloon. | Washington Htate, died at hi« home a house of ill-fame at Pittsburg, and escaped on technalities. The au- Tin* men had never met Ix-fore. Elizabeth Gibson, a young woman of two and a half mile* northwest of «rested a great sensation by stating Th«» suit of D. Albert Hiller and Cleveland, Ohio, is under arrest there Asa Fisk, th«» noted money-lender A uburn, la/t week. thorities hvae even better evidence Ile wa» nearly 80 that alm was a prince»*» and he her a< < used of complicity in the murder of Sarah F. Hiller of Kan Francisco an I relentlesN compoumler of interest, years of ago. that Durrant murdered Minnie Will against th«» estate of W. S. Ladd is on courier. They speut their time drink William Stewart. died at his home in Kan Francisco last trial at Portlaml, Or. The suit is P.i-a h na, (’al., is getting much satis- ing champagne and th«* li«juor was the iams in the same church a few weeks week. Greece has refused to withdraw* her br«>n*jlit to re«,;‘v«.*r $5‘>(),417 claimed to Ifm tion «»ut of the news that a car of < a use of his death. Oakley whm m after, but conclude that there is no troops and ships of war from Canea, lx* due Mrs. llillcr as dividends and Thomns Qua« kenbiiHh, the aged oranges was recently shippu«l from that married man ami father of a 16-year- use in spending {25,000 of public millionaire of Han Francisco, dl<*d at plarc to Ja< kwonville, Fla., where it buy, and had always bcen considered dt'spite the note from the powers in pro* «•<• Is of th«* sale of certain stocks structing her to do so. War now seems «»ui of which she was defrauded by \\. his home in that city s few days ago. , xva« Hold at g«Mni prices. la very moral man. His wild debauch money on the second case, as the 'TI inevitable, ami the next few days prom 8. Udd. k - «lay prior to hi* «h ath judgment and death created a great sensation. A nexv proceim flour mill ih soon to be Lamont case was one of the strong was rendered in his favor in the suit ise to see it well under way. Foreign Anoth«*r member of the Pastini fam « r« « cd ut Templeton, < al. The inv«*n- A new use h.-is be«*n found for the ers are leaving Athens. Warships are est displays of circumstantial evi which Nancy Abbott had br«>ught l ionis »aid to l*e that of an eastern firm. ily has died from th«* effects of toad- «igainat him for alimony. Siu* claimed X-Ray. It is turned on a hen an«! en preparing to blockade the Pirauis. sto’s eat«*n a few «lays ago. The last dence in criminal history. Dur they had been married by «ontract. I Much labor ami expense will l»e «lived, ables th«* «»perator to tell whether she Thousands of Greeks in the United victim with his two little brothers were lit is sni'l, by this nexv metho«!. States are getting ready to return to rant's name will be remembered in 'I he peoph* of the stat«* of Nebraska I One of th«* proprietor» of the South- is going to lat • ggs or not. fight for their country. In San Fran buried at tin* name time ami presented connection with two of the most re hav«* ask«»d Californian» to contribute ' cm Pacifi«* hotel at Ontario, Cal., has The Supreme Court La« rendered a cisco about I5o al de-bodied men are a sorrowful sight as th«» funeral passed exhibits for th«* TransmiBiiisaippi and <lec s on in the D irrant case, and re along. The parent« are nearly crazed volting and unprovoked murders in I been arrested for violating the pro preparing leave. Int« inalimial exhibition to be held in through grit f. A clo e watch has to be hibition ordinances and he proposes to ins«*« to grant a new trial to the mur- the country. that wtate in IHUM. II. D. Hatcher, cashier of the defunct Durrant'« kept oxer the fat er to keep him from ! contest th«* legality of lhe incorportlon dvrer of BI miic I ic Lamont, attorney’s will appeal to the Endurai North western bank, of Great Falls, committing suicide. Lima bean grow«*rs who control near of the town. Mont, was arrested last week «barged M r . C orbett , G ov . Lord's choice ly DO per cent of th«* output of Califor court. (. hristian Kirketerp a San Francisco Master John Lang of Redlamls, Cal., with misappropriation of $!M),000 of the for U. S. senator, is an old resident nia, have banded together with the ¡ m -.«id to be a musical wonder. He is Russell Mon'gomerv, whose home is pioneer of 1S50, «lied at his home there fumlw of the bank. in 1» n t ¡4*n of < > >1111 ol I in g the market ami a few days ago. of Portland, where lie got rich in the insuring a st«*a<i> market. 'only fifteen years old, but has studied Portland, Or., but was a cadet at the A gigantic strike against a profmsed A. J. Curie of Sacramento has been 1 the piano for tix<* yearn and now plays I naval acadamy at Annapolis, Md., >u«l- mercantile business. Hr has tieen reduction of wage« in the buihiing Tin* Board of ll«-nhh has sc orvod no superior to many professionals. denly disappeared about a year ago chosen insurance commissioner by tra«les is threaten«*! in Chicago. If it senator once before, and is a pro tire upon th«» niftnufacturers of and John Crow and Frederick Donohue, j and Ids whereabouts coul«l not I m * as Gov. Budd. tak«»s place 150,000 persons will be nounced gold bug. He is 70 years dealers in cuiHup that after April lwt j w Im 1« bi nary last pleaded guilty at certained. A few days ago it was aflecled. What app ar- t » bo a genuine vol all tomato catMiip containing aalicyllc learned that he was commander of a cano has bur- htitli in the great Salt of age, a native ol Massachussetts, ucul, lw>ra« it* acid, brnzotv of soda, col I I k.iih, Cal., of taking trout out <»f »ea- dynamite battery ill Cuba and making lhe legislative committee investigat Lake in Uta! , a -Lorr <listan«*e south >n, wer«* sentenced to pay a fine of a r«*c«»rd of heroism. and has become very feeble and pal oring matter, etc., will be coiiiiidrred ¡H $20 ing the bribery charg«*s in connection of Proniontoi y stat ion on tin* Central each. adult<*rat«*d, ami th«* dealers vigorously with the election of Senator lleitfhdd From an incautious w«»r«i dropped by sied. He will probably l>e accepted Pacific railway. The phenomenon first pr«»M' t'iitetl. The standard adopt«*d by I Joseph Wheeler was killed by a prominent slate olficial of Florula it have mn«l«* a report recommending that appeared in th * shape •»' a sma.i cloud by the senate and hold till the Ore tin* board rvqiiirrN catsup to contain 30 train t wo miles east of Kanton, Wash., m wmn a.«<-erteino«! that the g<*neral gov R»*prcsentative Joines, who made the hovering over th* xxaer about a mile gon legislature elects a man to fill per rent of water ami 20 per cent of March 1st. W heeler lived near there ernment 11 a« I m *«* u making arrange* afiidavit that he was bribed, am’ Rep- from shore, h now shouts high in the hii «1 is believe«! to hav«* b«*en walking organic or inorganic total »olid*. nients lor some days pa/l toward quick reM»nlative Perkins, with whom Joines air and can I • that office. He claims to have ob- • u a great «li«:ancv. on the track while intoxicated. transportation of federal troops through charged with having paid him $150 for An iiiNiilting remark ma<le by a William K tained liberal appropriations for young vc, xx ho vHcap«*«l from ’Th«* transfer of several thousand Florida in case of “necessity.” his vote, In* removed from the Idaho man to a young woman al a jail at Lake xx, < >r., about a y«»ar ago hartxir and river improvements and dam«* in Yandol, Mex. , cauMHl a gen Hire» of th«* Semi-Tropic Luul and Cretcn rebels have «-Mptured the legislature. has been c.ij inn i al < !iiv>, Cal. Water Company’s lands to eastern town of Can »ii a mo. will probably work as hard as ever eral tight, resulting in ten being killed capitalists Recent vnrthquak«** have had the is working a revolution at 1 he next se rn s «»f iarmeis' institutes and tilteen wounded. United States troops and th ledali effect of raising the »»c«*an bed in many in Southern < Ii :<>rnia xx h In* hel«i in to get public money for the same Rialto, Cal. Men arc already at work Senator Hal«-’» bill to authorise the preparing 2-KM) acrA for canaigrv. p<di«‘e have been driving gold hut ten place« <»tr the c<»aMt of Mexico. April from tin • »;Ii to tip* loth inclusive purpose now. This faculty seems stat«* l»oai<l of harbor c<»miiiiMsi«»nt‘r» to out «»f th«* Wichita mouiiia ns in the Fire in W »r«*vNter, M ums .,last week did mm mlmxxs; « da V t ., 5th ami 6>b; to lie all that is needed in a senator, VNlabliidi and maintain a free public 'The steamer City of Kingston arrived Wichita ind'an reservation, Ok. T. nearly a million dollars worth of «lam- Oceansi-I«*, 7 and Sth; A;i: h *iin, V.h at Port 'Townsend recently with fifteen market on San Francis« «» ’ s water front besides that of dishing out federal The rush « f business compelled the age to properly. Several firemen were and 10th. (’him se fr«>m Victoria without «■«•rtifi- has passed. s«*rioudy hurt. patronage to thoNe who will stand Marshall C <*\»<aii*l, a miner, fell < it«-» of health. 'They were refused a senat«* to hol«l an «‘lira session a«t Five llo«»rs of the buihling of Bunday afternoon at Washington, I). (’. Every union I»« h I« arrier and plasterer over a 2« M»- • • I i« », m ai Ldloet, by him in the nest senatorial kle, Wilson A Krlcs Company, whole landing and the Kingston was forced in Chicago w«*nt 011 a strike Satur«lay, Wyoming, a mining town of 4<MMipe«j- t<> return them to Victoria. B. C., ami w;i kille.L sale rocers at Cincinnati, O., crashed fight The overlain! shipments from San pie in Pennsvlvannia, la tlireatene«i with the intention of remaining out Th«* Ore - 1. l< j - .i i re mibM.c has down in a heap a few days ago. A until the I m *6»,. s agrt'v to pav the old Jos«», Cal., for tin* week emling Febru with destruction by a «ave-in of a transferí«*«! • !’■ 1 ml, w i r.- Repres- w atihman was crushed to «leath and 20 T iik republican administration is mine. Several buildings have fallen. scale <»f $3 50 for plasterers »ml ary 2Hth xxer«» (100,130 pound«. entativi-H i. »c. Conn, Gnrdaiir an«! two clerks iiijurv«!. I/» ms $20,000. Ed Turner while robbing a home in for hod« ’truer«. liable to I k - lucky this tune, as tunes Jennings ha .. • » n arr« > 4 «1 un tern- Bill Brown, Dave Malc«>lni and a William M< Kinley was inaugurat«*«! Gv«»rge of Gree«*e has issued a poriury Sj»»*a.. r i a x 1 -, in .mi siiance of will probably pick up front this on president of the l’nit«*«l States March man iiHiiic«i W'¡I m *ni quarreled at Bis- Fr»*vh«»l«l, N. J., ,lis«**vv«*re«l that there call King to hi« «'ountrvmcn iu the Unit« d a K^SHIMllOll 1 iss .* Io ihe low«*r house was nothing to eat in the bouse and lor a year or two Good prices for 41 h. An immense crowd w itnessed the me, A. T. Th«* two latter chase«! that the children had In-en compelled States t»» j»*:n th«* ranks of his army at of tii«» legis a 1.. u. i.» r arres s ar«* to Br>»wn into a house, where he locked ci’h'iiioii v Th«* make-up of th«* new to go to bed hungry. Next day he sent the varlist possible moment. wheat will lie apt to pri vail, pending cabinot fol IoXV. as fi»llows: S«»cretHry of state, himself in, M alenili broke down the • w««ek*s provisions to the family; tins The m*»-t im(K»rtant battle fought , door t«< g«*t at him, and was shot thro Iii'lian A • 1 er of the F »r Hall the recovery front famine in India John it-rimm >f Ohio,* secretary of ugh the lung« un«l killed. Brown was •<*t le«l to his idenlifi«*atioii and arrest. siiH*e the Cuban rebellion c«>nimencvd Ag ncy in bl.i Ii-« La-« ven «!¡si!,i«44e<l bv and the «bort crops of Russ .1, and the tn-HMiii v, I.> mail J. Gag«* «»f Illinois; exonorated. He was sentenced to tiv«* years in jail. was fought F«*b. 2t»tl>, near Manzanillo, j th«* secretary «>1 xx ar, ami Lieirt*naiit ••( war, Russel A. Alg«*r of The Japanese government has decid It was a»lvci«ie«l v vtory for the Cubans. Warren of th»* - besides, it looks as though the gen »«•erehirx The little child of Mr. an«l Mrs. Mi«-higan; -■ • ivtury of th«* navy, John ed to adopt th«- gold .«tamlar«l at a ratio Over 1< mri Spanish S4»l«iiers were killed. ‘ e»l. eral war tn Europe, so long threat 1». Ia»ng of M h - mh « hu««’tts; secretary of Cu«iaba«*k of Nogales, A. T., was taken of 32| to 1. The new Mandan! g«jcn Je»us Campeche died >aturday at his The Unit«*« S a»< • supreme court ened, cannot I k - much longer post tin* interior, < »melius N. Bliss of New down with smsllp'ix last week. As into elle«*t next Octolxsr. home in <»uad 11 .ajara, Mex. From re« re verse« I the j n'giiieiit of tin» court of 5 a seciv arv of ugriciilture, James »<»«>11 as it was discovered the family poned. There is hunger among the W Is.»11 of Iowa; poMtmaster-general, was put into a l»ux car ami the «ar iso The California Stale saving Union of lial »iv authority his age is pla<*ed at 155 private Ian ! « Hims in th * Santa F«» He wms the oldest man in land cum », t! Powers for a .slice of Turkey, and Jam. « annulling the grant. Gary of Alaryland; attorney lated to make th«-danger of the «list ase Monterey has file«l a |M*tition for vol years uh I. untary hssc!uti«>n . the world. Th«* bat th-w the manful position little Greece has general, J-» eph Mt*K«*nna «»f California. sprca«iing as little as p«»ssible. 1 *v.a. t f • larg« t in Col. J«»I iii Ileirleraou of Florida has the navy, is S. < letery ILibe t h is vhlia ened ths. I wo men of Selma, ( al., got into a i* y î »r her tidal trip. taken on the Crete question is liable There I k Nothing So Good. Jispute «»ver th«* owrnership of a choice new t«»r|M*do-boat, known as number fi, been appointe«! senator by Gov. Biox* Th«* Sin J»■ • iii..s have re- to precipitate a collision, Let it xhet-p «log, Mild the matt«*r was taken th«* Farragut, slier the great admiral. ham. Hill There in nothing just a* goo«l l»r. into the Jiiatic«* court for settlement. Que«-it Victoria of England is reported Charles Willing sn<l Carl Peterson come if it must We will appresi- Kiiig’N New IHm’overy for Consumption, ■ a- During tin* controversy the dog was were found «lead in lk*«*r Trail gulch, to l*e in very poor health ami is almost ate the excitement and war price 'S Cough* ami Cold»«. ”<» demand it ami do kept in a « « liar, but in the mi«lst of th«» Marx «vale, I tali, lhe had I m *«* ii kiiir«l lielpli*».»«. Her speech is failing. not permit the dealer to «••!! vou m»me so long as it isn't us who are in the Nutwititute. Min«* 44 <»f the Kansas and Texas lie will not claim therein trial Mime •■tie st«»!«* (he hiiiiiih I and the by a snowslnk. muddle. anything better, Iml in order to make cast- had to I m * dismisMetl. 'The largfst single glsss order on coal company, near Huntington, Ark., mor«* profit he may 1 laitn something elne >tmill|Mix is increasing among the In r '«■or«! has just 1« 11 plarvtl with an vxpl«Mlr«l burning thirtv-five men s»- To the Benefits Received From Dr. Miles* G rant ' s P ahs is situated in the Io I m » ju>t n** good. You want Ur. King n dian« on the <tila, ami it is said to I m * I r.disna fa« tvr*. 1 «ails for »ixty car- riousiv, some fatally. Bud Hanlev wa« NEW HEART CURE New lHmsivery livcauis» vou know it to kdle«V .» Is »«nd is 1 a .'« ii I'rnm imu I hui . heart of the Klamath range of I m * nafe and reVaNe, and guaranhssl t » the most virulent Mtta< k the tril»e has suffered in years. The Indian prca«*her President McKinley ha* issue«! a < ■all mountains, according to the U. S. do good or money refunded For Coughs, on his wav I«» v.i« atoii th«* other «lay for a special meeting of the fifty-fifth < ' o I i I k , Consumption and for nil atTectionx ►'or Mair. w a*« stupp« »I ami turm»d back by the geological survey. The Cascade and of Throat, Che«*»t ami l.ungN, tnen* in no congress «>u Mon»lay, the 15th «taj of Indian police N<»ne of tlu* other In Coast ranges ot Oregon meet the thing mo got»d a* in l»r King’-« New Di*»- dians The Hague Rivrr llrewt.rv in Grunt'. this in<»nth. I ihm - tri«*«i t<* leave the reserva rovery. Trial bottle« free at !>r W " t l*M< w tti 10 t>«rn*l Copper Kettle. Keg*. John L Sullivan, th«* veteran prixe- Klamath range .it the Coquille river KremeiM Urug Store. tion Malt Kiln and modern Bowling «Iley, figliter, says he is in his old-time fight Regular nix «» TH) cent A .«III on the north, ami the Sierra Nevada Pan Clubb of Traver, ( al., took a Dwelling HoneeoO room*. Stable, Gran mood snd he is going to challenge the There are XS fruit trve. in gar chew of tobacco while scattering squil ary, etr and Coast ranges of California meet winner of the ( orlwtt-Fils match. I’t rel poiaon a few lisi s ago ami got a den. The property contain« 4 acre., or Mark A Hanna ha» ra«'ceede«1 John it on the South The principal river Inquire at thia ott'lee «‘41 A fait dem» of th« 1 •oiNoii that was on his -*>’, building lote Sherman ms Unite«! StMte« s< nator fr<>m MUI). tr<» in our rang«* is the Klamath, which |*>‘ ha m U> antidotes save«l his or ol Mr. Geo. Walter. Grant'« I*«««. Ohm. IIi't t I life. drains Klam *lli lake tn Eastern Ore W III I ihv C h Dnngrrn of the Grip gou and Hows westward, emptying rting The ol •hl wav of delivering messages by Council met in regular session Thurs into the Pacific ocean some v» miles 1 jioatboyi m compared with the nvsleni tel- •lav evenirg Ordinance No. IOS pass«w| The greatest «lunger from Ivrip|w» .» «phone, illustrates ilivold t«*»lious meth* pnnides fur granite sidewalk on north below Crescent city. Rogue river, If reason- ml. ot breaking” col<la cum pa ret I with «ide ot E. Kirtfl from 6th to Idtli st nets *»f its resulting in pneumonia n able «wre is used, however, and Cham although a gian.l stream, only ‘S pul their almost iustantaneou« cure by One Ordinance l<>* passed, makes it a niistlv herlain sCough Remedy taken, all .laa tm*anor t«> keep a doe without paxiog a drains a local territory. v rnrs Minnie Cough Cure license, fine from $5 to $15 <»r impris*»n ger Mill I m * avoided. Am«»nt the tens of ment Petition of J V Chiles ami oilier* thousand» who have use*I tin» rem * lv a **»•110» I.ratting Qareflon« lluckllu'» Arm* a Waite for lagrippe, we have vet t > learn of a asking a general reduction in orth isl sal* •arpr.-int that all raare arv» no< single ease having re*ulte.I in pneniu tries, was orderetl filed i ’ urvtt. siip t* rw physician h ut made T mk nk«T xalvk in the world lor cut**, « »« HI KM Referring to the alate nia. which shows conclusivelv th«» th Rills paid tin* heart a «p»*« i.ii study for a quaru-r of a bruiava, aom, salt rheum, lever xore«, >f Merer beuM-n and Harmon in \ H Italirr burying dead h< 1«) remedy is a certain i re venti ve m th t century aa l»r Mib* haw done. The f.dlow- inrvw teller, t hap|M-d hand«, chilblai^e, »-urn-, A*t issue let ma auk a few que» N. F. 5i«‘Grew drsvag»* «tremi disease, it will etTv« t a perm » > c> I b < tribute a phy^i. Ian will te read and all akin erupliont, ami positively nent cure in less time than mv <>th< II. C Perkin» surveying »•' I»» with interest ’’For sii years prior to l iking curet pile«, or no imy require» the Oreg' hi legislature not largely M. Clenient stationery treatment The 25 and 5«) «vnt site« lor »16 .5 l»r. Ml lee* New Heart Cure tn y wife w a guaranteed to give g”»*d «almla rrpublt« an b*Hl> • «ale by all druggist/ J. Wolke hardware »10 s terrible »ut/erer frotn heart «1 ■ «tea—e st e money refunded, Pri«*e 23, If *«». whv pit ths biggest blame on had a constant flutter- Fur naie by l>r. W. T Krem Akl'lt •• hamltul oi |M>pulists * “I am »<> years old. ha*e loel kidney 1n< of the heart and !•’<>!< MALE. lh«l Mr Henson ami Mr. Harmon sign diaeam* ami cenxt.i|>ation for J» v»-ar'< After Iteiiig •evere palpitation and • Mit« h»*ll contract prior to el«M*tion? t.n now well— need vou S it. Il<ada»he ininere of thè pais in the left »ide. 1 ¡ic impression ha* gut «Mit that they 1 < » < » and Liver Cure one year. Ueed b I m MII v « She look three bottles igan, w I h » et I «’id Inal they were no* free t«» serve at 50 »-entM each. J. H. Knight, Rut diteti «hw-h ».(*- ot thè ,.n ofl»r Mlles New Heart wag<s, Imvt a^r»'c<l l<> oplr >ir any one e iae but J II. Mit- hslge. Or.” For »ale by W T Kremer. t0> «ere«. •!«< * inìll «ite «ith Cure and was complete Iht! either tvf them sign lhe af«»re- •C»l<*. «nd sboul .«M leel ot (lume; ly restored to health, A ( h - fiiimh sugar Ith< tumulisi Qtai< kly turril lencvd and M) ^ re, in graMe. and has not taken a foni e I et ><4 rii 11 witl barn. 1 «mali otte and dartlin < drop of medicine durine the pa«t two year* ol»je»t of relsing prie« 1 I nder these circumstances I cannot d«> lifer having twren confinad to tiw» h* ure «ith 45<i «tnler appi. tm*. 40 m rr» ol lami joiniug ih A otherwise than rvcoannd tt to othare " («w rlexrn day» and j*avmg c nut f.’5 in int<*rnati«*nal inerte »tendship, NY W H BCOTT, M D doclor Nlls W'thout he«»elll, 1 Mr Frank 25 a* rrw fenctsl, with Watt-i ri| whi«Ìi (rei man sugar Br Mllea* Retnediea are a>«d by all drug- <R Sault Nu*. Marie. .Mich was 40 »4 re» within a mila of thè appropria- Ali «‘«■finiate of tht* vured by mie botile ul I ______ ______ '» acre» fancrd, 9 acre» pk>we»l. wi • atrr gtsu ander a ppaiUee guarantee, flrst butUs hauilterlam Uofix Ih « Na^ioii of r«»ngr«*M» fise» Uie ben.flu or rauney refuuded. oa Heart l'am Ila lui rueting 25 «'ente ami ha» n«< righi. Apply lo aniuuut a( $4’>,UU0,UUU. and Nerv»•» »ent free t.» all apt>: ante. aincr heen Uuubled with thal compiami. 7« BR MIL» MEDICAL «\). Fdkhnrt. lod. For «aie by all druggisu i ROGUE RIVER COURIER. NEWS OF THE WORLD. tooth brushes HAIR: : BRUSHES BATH : BRUSHES FLESH BRUSHES CLOTH BRUSHES HAT : : BRUSHES NAIL : : BRUSHES ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE A Physic idti’s Tribute H At CLEMENS, Prescription Druggist. The Way io Make Honey I k io Save it And there is no better way to SAVE M than by patronizing THE RACKET STORE C or . .M ain and F ifth S treets <r For \our DRY GOODS, NOTIONS STATIONERY,ETC GEO. 1*. FURMAN, P roprietor . SCHMIDT, “I----------- DEALEHJN----------- “^Agricultural^Implements >., Grant’s Fass, Oiegcn. 1 RON and STEEL, HARDWARE and WAGON MATERIAL I n L arge V ariety . MINERS Fitted Out on Reasonable Terms ' ih BIG RED APPLES ! KEIILIMI MÌSERI! • Om Yellow Apples! 200,000 THEES FOR S Earliest and Latest Keepers. SIX MILES SOUTH OF G rants P ass , — CONSISTING OF - Some new varieties of APPLE, PEAR, PEACH, P: APPLE, PEAR, PRUNE, CHERRY, AP PRUNE and PLUM. COT, NECTARINE Ai Also SHADE and NUT Trees. MONO, CHESTNUT BERRIES OF ALL KINDS ! shadk and O rnamental T f MT* / take special care to haue Trees — Also — healthy and true to name. sirawaern PliaU. Buchern Pl a Cl ¿nDerlnes. Call at the Riverside Nursery OUR NURSEF — Ls GROWN ON - One mile west of Grant's Pass or see me at J. \V. Howard’s store. nea Hill Lane J. T. TAYLOR. WITHOUT IRRIGATE)' Trees inspected every year. Orders bv mail will receive prompt attention. We do not handle, cultr aitempt to propagate any van. kind, of fruit, until aatiatied ti» are well adapted to the noil and peculiar to Southern Or-igoi! H term, to lis 25 A. H. CARSON AS G bantb P ass . Olia MINER'S,RESTAURANT! FIRST I Fir-t «•! iss Meals s» rxe«l at hours oi tbe day or night. all ¡« wm I Beils turnislieil for st» «idy or transient (iuests at reasonable rates. Give the .Miner’» K<»«taiir.<nt .1 trial and be cun vince«!. J. I .. M ILVfN. NATlOh B AKÍ OF SOUTHERN OREGO' Capital Stock, Petition For Liquor License I' ■ III h mnnthl • i - hiii ' v .■ n,rf l,wr. i-hwC. .turni Oregon Weihe iin- der-ijtl. d peliti. „Irr- .I'td I votrr, of I.* .phi.- • o -I .or ..f t >-rg . i and prr -in." 01 Krt I h <io n«k and prav . our It >n ■ ir:.t,|r l.rhrr toman' a ll.vnrr to .1 | '.•I t.orr I.... Il li.pihml, .pint „„ .„„I limit I Ipior. I l Ir.» quori.i... ft, ,,„r .al»- it ,n ihr 10*11 m K< tb. m.l ,..rr pr.y. Name«. M »r• in Ri»-i<»nd II ( « Vx i\ S «1 ic« I w Jatfies II L IK h I t»n I I’ Kiiiimoii* < IlHiup |*o\ m J «I 1 iiu- ii m* ti ■'•<•» M i'rtrk** \ icior B011V Jas Hamilton I •an (‘assDiy .1 •I il VVm era 4 II Libby * 0*0 C F. ribb- lb*nry Willrock Geo Mari<m f J Rams« y B» run l ax lor 4 G Frtrely «naw t* Hart J g Tu«*ner A Evan» I io» is \\ inh | i>ck Ilog ) • I • R Brad x’ H 11.1 er« 1 II »\ inters m int» r-« • •»•o 11 B.* igg«« fi» r •»« o II Bunch K II S M'.MxLvh k E Reuble t !>»» k Howe I A R •ihir W K Nrile V E Lind > l>a\ idsor. I ’ Gibu-t . H V B ilnpkii.s ’ • E I hint C I • >n»ith J I W i I m . o I.-a M. Hey t ’ It li< »•* Jam«*» ««reen *»m ni K *rr M I • George J 4«n An>!er«»n I (♦ r.. Mid. I J R I armenier M t V r»M4kf I K r .M« sner J«»*»«i Ketfer I W NmH ke • I M« Ihi.Hi II K< hnwty ha» I hi h ah w H N hlei.h J no Well« F J L Ixivr J Fia ik I*»*«» in ter r $5C Revive deposits subject to cheti , erti Beate payable on demand. Sells sight drafts on New York, 8» ; isco, and Portland. Telegraphic transfert* sold on «di ;* I 'he Unite«! Stales. SjMx ial Attention given to Collsd* I ¿eneral business of our customers. Colleetions nuuie throughout ’regon. and on all accessible |M»ioh J. I). FRY, Pn»i<!«nt. I. r.fJ/FS .Vice President. R. A. B ooth .O bn tir» the bul I Ui« .Mi I ht da] ar« re i I we Gn I he nil •nil SIH for th« tht NOTICE FOR PUBLICAH' L and Orrica at R orrsv * Febriury > Notice iw hereby given that th»* ing-nanied settler haa file«! n«)twe intention to make final pr«*of of bis claim, and that said pnx** made l»efore John Goodell, clerk of Josephine county. Of*’ Grants Fast, Oreg<»n on April '* U>-wit. Theophilus M Rowe. os. Nu. (MM2, tor the K Si M W *< NW»4 >\\ i 4 NEI4 Sec 32, rpR 6 west. He names the following wit®'" prove 11 is continuous ressdeo<* ami «uitivation of said land, Charles Ladd. Garrett Crocks#» as Bowers, of .Merlin, Oregon Trimble, Grant's Pass. Oreg n 623 «2* R. M. V iatch , K< 0 Dress Makin; MRS. C. S. HOBBS ha» npeO# making par lor»* in the Mc Arthtf ing on Sixth street an«l will he to have the La»lies call upon l»*r Sat siactiou guarantee«! G I. STAUFFÍ Pica ER Î n Hay, Grain, Flour and Largest Stock of HAY in ti" ( ì < mm 1 Mating and (xM>king Ai At Lowest Price*- •airCall and Examine m? ' I. STAUFFER G