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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1897)
sweet sir of th« »^t that stole up : know who I mean. Kla'un»—who act of self-sacrifice for hhn—her I ' wouldn't in»*de the «t*te w here his »¡*- GHOST OF TLL •P^NGIIN ” ■ frora the Mediterraneau. enemy, her areuaer—the roan "bo had H „»» about 11 O’clock when 1 ♦er lixrd—but w, .traigbtrntd them out lh«lr ta % ru tv -tn « .*•> *• C'ua- > AUoandlng Swlftno«M of Foot Hhowa by scarcely treated her drill} ' e was stretched myself upon the• cotwhich a Georgia« Masor-Hark. Mime how. and they w-r- a b-ap worae BY WILL LUUthBKB. toiiti u. * kvurrut*. aahan»ed to remember now (hnt ?! •» Muggiu» had placed uponthe dect I Col. Taylor Jenkins who lives a few than you. We’ll jr»-t you a poaition in Arthur 8. Burr, o' Old Haddam, w hen i fell" P. p soon after, and dreamed of thought had occurred to h*»n at the I miles north of Blakely, u* known the war drpartnu-ut here, on- of the going across lota recently discovered CHAPTER IL bedside of his wife at the hour of her For more than a week the Penguin Whether iu the form of. Mugg.u. ghoet. the carcas« of a woodchuck partly eat ■ throughout that section as one of the When Brant returned to bis hotel escape--even on the fatal «1.» •« Ut Which Irarrau offieea, where you krap your hail laid at anchor in the little harbo It leeemed that «me »t range pres or liquid, the doctor’s must truthful men in it. At least, so rank and your unifortn — you don ’ t look en, and a little further along a ruffed there was an augmented respect in the he had l»cen struck down. Aid non blo«i d -eases is al« She WAS a small seboontr. a ence came to 1M-« woman, beautiful gr<>( 1. 'Chinking it was the work of a , says the Early County Times. Re voire of the rlrrk on be handed him n this fond illusion ruust go v *h the ha.1 in it. Kla’un»—on better pay. And at Baatia. mercury » * j lubberly craft, with out vou ’ ll come and we me-*nd we ’ ll talk ' weather-braten. ceutly, while Mr. Jenkins wm bevond any dream; and just as fox, he in axle search aud found the bur note with thi remark that It had been rest—the girl who had served him so up the poisou splintered and vue he ..... ' her Ka-w yard» VflWU KD11E row, with a large black hen and two hunting, hla dogs began bark'ng left by I Sr-i . tor Booiupointer's coach. loyally was ashamed of it! A bitter over OM UOMM 1 - , , _t. iixjiijd Btroiigly reached out to toueh her ahe vanished, system, but they ah I Brant felt hi* heart turn aick within | > “ »»'• bro. en. yet »lw 11 something in a large hollow log. leaving only a faint odor of some in the bones r more partridge« at its mouth. Suspect man 1 He b id no difficulty In recogniz- smile crossed his face. 1 him. But But he waa at at her now! | I picturesque pmturraqu.. , ------------ »an«, -z vita bare po«, » stranee, sweet perfume. 1 awoke sod- h« was her merer mercy now! The supple ing there were youi.;r partridges in the was a wild hog. He tauk the hog home iug Snsv’s ;>e<*uliarly Brobdiugnagian “ Well, I don ’ t wonder! Here are al! But I'»e told against the euasit skj. d.nly with that inexplicable sensation joints give w . row, he made up li:s mind to return ami dropped it in his cornfield. It is schoolgirl bund. lie said with sn effort: the women asking me who is tha ’ good allowed niy little boat to drift before lug pains of and dig them out, u the town of Had there now. A few weeks ago Mr. Jen th.t sometime, tells us of the un«^n jou that my career—nay, mj life—now “Kla uns, I «-all it real mean! I be- gradually bends the gentle breeze. dam pays a bounty of two dollars a kins went out to kill 1U thinking be ' Heve you just bof»rd I wouldn’t know looking Mrphistophclvs, with th«• burn ■ is in the field.” presence of another. ing eyes, wbo is j row!.ng arou ¡«1 my (lecrepitu* Al?oard the craft there were bo signs could easily do ao with his unerring bead. i up and looked about me in | “Don’t you be a fool, Kla’uns, and you If you’re a bit like your old self ‘',r‘ vague bewilderment. Th.- mom had lurel v tak It was flve days before he had a rifle. He searched about till he you’ll corue right off here—this very rooms as if searching fur a victim. leave it there. You have done your of life visi' le. and I ¡.new the it is but chance to do thia, and w hen he dug out “jumped** it. Down a corn row it wen* night! I’ve got u big party on—but Why, you’re smilng for all the world work of fighting—mighty good fight- gins must !»• ashore, CK.rg f rwen out of the sea and was flooding crutches, like poor Jim, when he used to do the with rum, as was hi» custom when the burrow wi*h the assistance of like lightning. He leveled his rifle and the deck with it* mellow radiance. the hair amide I ing, too. and everybody know. it. we ran talk someuhere between the Red Avenger.” CapL Darke was aLscnt. Shefni Fowler he found that the wily “cut down” on it, but never touched a ,u my mind grew more compoaed^I Jit ion truly horrible. a«?ts! Haven’t I grovved! Tell me! Susy’s voice, an illustration. recaJle«] You’ve earned a change. Let other* My old friend, tho captain, had bee □ mother fox had removed. They were, hair, lie “Jumped” It again and shot And m.v! what, a detected a subtle perfume on the night Coot,. gloomy swell the him to hi mself. “Furious I max well I take your place.” pPCTAih ifi ’ beating abcut the Med'terraneaa with determined to have that bounty, and in again, but no hog. Again and again y, Toison— young brigadier is! Th«* carriage vvili be,” he said, with a gentler smile, al I He shuddered as he remembered that his lubberly ncboot <r for half a »core air. the some that had come to me in MERC I’PT cidentally the foxes, and after a long he “jumped” it and shot at it, with the 1 mask; come f<»r you—so you hare no excuse.” though bis ryes still glittered, “furious his wife ha«l made the same appeal. of years, a. ■ f.C • < lr d‘t i ’ 11 Lave 1» * I mv dream. search they found a new burrow, pick same result. He la-gan to wonder w hat W m it only the effect of my imagina- »Oft hoi The effect of this simple note ujmju that I have to wait until the one woinan 'Was he a fool, then, and ihcse two engaged, but for L’l arrival of a lett- r ing up two more partridges on the way. could be the mat tar. 'J hr corn rows t-i-ease- ' Brant was st rang»-[y out of p UlMM’tiOII I came, to see, the one woman 1 have women—so totally unlike in every thmg at Ilaatia telling him of a tian? No; there could be no mistake On digging out this new hole they took were as straight ar moonshine whisky ~11 y» it a« to ita rmlity. Something w hire la v to ita triviality. But then it wasSuM^’ *B i not seen for so long, while th* se pup —right in this? herited fortune left hhn by an uncle out eight partridges, three rabbits and and his gun true as the third party to » ■•octont • st roy fe**t; I pick«! it up; it was a del very triviality—so expressive of her pets have been nightly dancii.;? i»efore * “Come. Kla’uns," said Susy, relapsing wbo had been lixine in Florence. a vrrj large woodchuck, with five Tom Watson, yet hit it lu couldn't. To ?>h, a«* icate piene of lace embroidere I lineu. against his shoulder, “now talk to me! But upon n cei; t of tie g .ods new he and exhaled the breath of perfume that young foxes in the end. The partridges shoot at ti*r hog us it ran off down the characteristic irresponsibility — t hat her—can give me a few moments from You don’t say what you think of me, of puttie rptiB bad always affected him at such mo- them, to talk of the old days.” ware partly eaten, but the wodobuck corn rows win just like nhuoting at it I waa off at once, h s disabled ■ my home, my furniture — of my posi menta. Again, as at Robles, h<* frit i: iw- had before greeted my senses. In his reaction he was quite sincere, won completely cleaned out, nothing standing, so far as getting a “brad on schooner in charge cf Muggins, an c. I While I stood bewildered at the amaz i it” was concerned. Tomakoaune that set against bis own rtbi<*s. Wuasb- not although he felt a slight sense of re tion—even of him! Tell me!” but the akin being left. sailor who was moi e Uon« »t « an -ob “ I find you well. pru«|M*rous, and ing circumstance, I perceived a white right in her delightful mil tern. Ism ? 8|>ortamrn have long claimed that he didn’t “wobble” off the bog he put morse as he the quick fsint color happy,” be said, w ith a faiut nuiile. As my bout drifted along* de the form emerge from the hatchway and foxes were more destructive to game up a small target and ‘ cracked down” Was she not happier than if >bc had rise, as in those old days, even through t Penguin I perccited a roj«e trading move forward, with a slow, gliding “Is that all? How do 1 look?” than all the hunters, and have note*] a at it five tiroes, then took his ax and la-rn consistently tructo Mrs. lVytuu, to the to-night’s powder of her « heck. She turned lf»*r still youthful mis over the port aide, and, making my lit movement. great increase of foxes in towns that chopped in and found five balk all in the convent, to the rpisodr of her the “That’s like the old Kla’uns,” site said, chievous face toward him hi (he inoon- tle craft fast, I drew mysei:’ ujxin dev! . I stood immovable, watching the fig" have not ¡»aid a bounty for the last few one hole in th** middle of the spot. atrical career, to Jim Hooker —even to ’ with a slight pressure of bis arm, “but I looked about me, but to one was years. The only incentive the farmers* I hat settled it that tlw fault w as not himself? And did !*•• conscientiously be we will not have a chance to speak light. Th«- witchery of her blue eyes visible. It was evident that I was th«* ure as it came toward me. A» it drew wm still there as of old. the same frank near. I perceived that it was a girl, and boys have fr killing the fox is the in him or tlu* gun, but the hog had out lieve that Hooker or hifus* If had suf- until late. When they are nearly all ay teed pgrg irresponsibility lM*atn«*d from them; her only soul aboard the Penguin. fered for her inconi Mtency? No. From bounty money. Eight partridges In » run Die bullets. gone you’ll take me to get a little re parted lips seemed to give him buck the I threw myself on a camp-stool in the ar tlie moonbeams fell on the pale face t ibie. and one thousand «^.a all that he had heard she wax a suita 1 I recognized it as belonging to Ved i offered for proof io the .~l,g burrow but four clays old show the freshment, and w«*’!l have a t hat in th«* breath of bis youth. He started, but shadow of the sail and fell to regard LONDON DOOS OUT CALLING. ble helpmeet to th»* senator, in her so never fails to cure Coat.ejS Dork*, tlu? I ittde fruit seller. great destructiveness of foxes. conservatory. But you must drop that she did uot. ing the range of dark hills that rose cial attractiveness, her charming osten Her eyes were wide open, and staring Poison, Scrofula, Eczema. awfully wicked look, and make your back of the romar.t <• little city. Pres Their Card« Go I p with Thoee of Their VENEER PRODUCTION. “Susy, dear!” tations, her engaging vanity that dis vacantly ahead in a wav peculiar to Cancer, or any other diseisfl Mtotroaeea. self generally agreeable to those wom ently I was interrp f e<l by the wound of It was her husband n voice. “I quit* armed stiNpirion, and her lark of re B om « Wood* Can H« Aawed m Thin im the wornnambulist. She was a sleep blood. If von have a hloajl It appear«, from an article in th* en until then.” take a remedy which will not itB forgot,” it went on. as he drew the cur- oars, ami a few inoments lut< r M “.:"- sponsibility even in her partisanship Writing Faper. It was ¡»erhaps part of this reaction ! tain aside, "that you are engaged with gins* tawny head appeared over the rad. walker! The thought came to me like Beware of mercury; don't dog Figaro by M. Paul Megnin, that in I>on- While the finer and thinner veneern don at the present time it is not only the Nobody even dared to hold the senator which enabled him to obey his hostess’ a flash. Yet, what could account for her to your system. Don't Ret i.-l He started when he saw me, and wu of cowtIy woods err »bred tangentially fashion for a lady to provide her lap- responsible for her promises, even w hiie commands with a certain recklessness ,a friend, but Miss 1-aulknrr is waiting about to beat a hasty retreat when n.y presence aboard the Penguin? dur books sent free :o from the wide of th«* log, there are dog with a little wardrobe and even a enjoying t he fellow «hip of bot 1». and it that, however, seemed to I m * in ke< ping to say go«Mi night.’ aud I volunteered to Without attempting to answer the .swift Specific Co., Atlanta,(¿B voice stopped him. find you. ” is said that the worthy man singularly wood« that, cannot be cut thin way no handkerchief, but to have visiting cards puzzling question. I started toward the with the previous Satanic reputation be I “Tell her to wait a moment,” said “Bless roe, I thought you were n amount of Ix/iling or «teaming render made for it, too. When a fashionable profited by it. Ix>oking upon it merely had, all unconsciously, achieved. The figure, but aa I did so, the sound of ing it poflfdble to cut them without lady pays a visit, taking her la|xlog with bn a phase of Washington society, Bram women listened to the cynical flippancy Susy, with an impatience thut was us ghost, I did, by the ¡xjwers!” he said, something like the dropping of an oar seeming well pleased that his feara had undisguised as it was without embar- resolved to go. breaking down the tissue* to Buch an her, she sends up the dog s card along in a boat came from over the i»orL Then of the good-looking soldier with an un rassmeut or confusion. T he not been realized. The moon was high as the earring* extent ax to d* str*>y their surfaces for with berowu. a moment later the dark figure of a disguised admiration, which, in turn, “ Well, now. what the deuce is there But Miss Faulkner, unconsciously fol- whirled him out of the still stifling ave pohAbing—w Lite others, says Hard woman — the same I had seen making the WORK M. Megnin says he was visit mg the excited curiosity and envy from his nnd MATER: about me, Muggins, to make you think nues towards the soldiers’ home a sv I* wood, becoming discolored from editor of one of the l< ading s|>orting pa usmult on UieliUlefruit-scllei—slipped own sex. He saw* the whisj>ere<l ques > lowing Mr. Boom pointer, was already steaming or boiling, and lieing too hard I mts in London, when the servant van suburb frequented by cabinet min tioning, the lifted eyebrows, the scorn upon them. For a moment, (he whole me a ghost ?” I asked. IN ALL “Oh, it isn’t that you look like h noiselessly over the rail. She paused for to rut otherwise, have to I m * nawrd. brought in two cards, one that of a lady istrrs and th»* president wn r»* the ful shrugging of shoulders—aud knew four were si>en( although ¡»erfectly a moment to glance about the ship, ghost, Mr. Ilaymond, ” he returned, good * t- r had “decreed* like i.obUt Th«* flnr-toothrd, *hin-gauge circular, and the other as follows: then, with a cry of rage. that, might that the story of his disgrace was iu composed. apologetically. “But, you see, when khan, "a stately pleasure dome to en- with fiangi’d center, is th» favorita for Senator B<»or • unconscious of cove is looking to ree n ghost, he’s pret have proceeded from some wild ani t«*rtain bis friends and ¡«artisans. As the air. But I fear this only excited mttiug all ordinary veneera thicker him to further recklessness and tri any inielu »ty > ii his interruption, was mal in deadiy combat, she lesped upon MS. FRIVOLITY. thau 30 to the inch; 20 to tfie inch ia the they approached the house the trem umph. Once he thought he recognized calmly wait ng. < ...rence, opposed sud ty certain to take the first live thing b the unconscious girl, the blade of a eyes fall on ior wbn* L»*’s lookin'? for.” thickneas most commonly UBed for cab bling light, like fireflies through the Mist Faulkner's figure at a distance, Colila. denly to the yonu” girl, whom he be “Then you were ixpeding *o e long knife glinting in the rays of the inet work and fini«hiiiff, but much leave«, th«* warm silence broken only by and even fancied that she had been lieved was avoiding Ins r«*»•»»gmtion, something of th moon. Roused to action by the sight of thinner is uard in th? case of rare and Asked if he knew the name on the I n military band playing a drowsy waltz watching him—but he only redoubled I rose, coldly im¡»» iturluhl«*. Miss “That’s a f the murderous intruder, I leaped costly woods, or rar«* abnormal nr acci card, M. Meguin said li«* presume*! it co the veranda, ).n ' »he heavy odors o* his attentions to the fair woman beside Faulkner, l<»okiiig t .ill«*rai»d more erect ’tain't often a cove is believed when he quickly forward, and, l>eflore the knife dental figures, as in the case of burls. was some dog fancier. He was greatly jessamine in th«* air thrilled Brant with him, and looked no more. in the long folds of her satin cloak, tells such a story. There’s a ghofi«on descended to do its deadly work, I Some woo»!» have to Iw cut much thick surprised to we a lady come in, accom u sense of shame ox he thought of his But he wm glad w hen the guests be neither pair»! nor blushed, us she re this old hulk, or eli»e I’m losing iuy eye <■ aught the hand that held it. er, Ix’ing unable to b«’iir handling when panied by a handsome collie. old comrades in the field. But this was garded Susy and Brant with a smile of gan to drop off. the great rooms sight.” But if T reckoned n an easy victory too thin; g»*nuinr ebony, the only An«* M. Megnin went to aatationer's shop presently dissipated by the uuiforuu* “And you really believe in such non in eul | really jet-bluck woo*] known, and largo and ordered 1 Hi curds for l:is little flog that met him in the hall, w ith the pres thinned, and Susy, ap|M*aring on the well-bred apology f mv a ! ;.r . I BOOH dl»- ARK FULLY WARRAV’/h. “ I expert to leave Washington to sense?” enough to I m * of any use, will not stand He whs again M(ir|ir>M*d to find li.nt the ence of some of his distinguished su- arm of her husband, coquettisbly re •orsnd morrow, and may uot I m * utile to call minded him of his promise. “For I “I believe w hat 1 see«, that’s all.” though ag< to all a; >ea; ances. seemed lie also makes SHOES sawing much below one-fourth of an stationer had koi ady printed, neat periors. At th»* head of the stairs, with again,” she said, “or 1 w oul<l not have so "What did jou see?” Inch in thickness, owing to the extreme ly |>acked in pr« to possess the i . ;; ' h cf the strongest n circling background of the shining want to talk to you of old times. Gen. and floes REPAIRINGS itle curd case*«. particularly pressed a Iravetaking up brittlenesH *»r want of cohesion, but “Well, since you ask, I don’t mind man. and, finding“ herself foiled in her crosses and ribuonN of the diplomatic Brunt,” she went on, turning explana the Best Manner torily to B<»ompomt<-r, “ rnari H <1 inv on you. ” there are other woods that can be rut an telling you. You see, since (.’apt. murderous attempt, she turned upon corps, stood Susy her bare arms and ON SHORT NOTICI J “ I was talking with my old friend, Sdopt4*(i mother in ( al if«.; ma .it RoblM« thin ok writing paper and st 111 be Darke went away and the crew was •! t • me with the fierceness of a panther. neck glittering with diaiuouds. her face handle*] in larg«* Nhrrts. Other woods ndlsuf with chlldliki i lvacit| A tig« n dear old place were 1 spent my earli Gen. Brant.” said Susy, more by way charged, the Penguin has been under Coining unexpectedly a>s the attack did, KDDLES. WHIPS, ROBE: | est years. So you see we nn* sort of of introduction thun apology. there are that will lose their fine color it caught me off my guard, and before my care, and I have be *n He* p’i niticant pressure of her little glov«* ms Brant bowed. For an instant the aboard the v <el . : 1 sq (!• ■- j ;o All pr.Mgri on exposure to the atmosphere, «•sjw- I realized my peril, the hand that held always on hand. I n ? mods his bow istettiBd to be Ms oul.v Telatjons l>\ marriage,” si.«* addM« with clear eyes of Miss Faulkner siipjw*d icily delightful naivete. Hooker's once vain cially a Stooky one: these are cut only vvi’lcom**, but. a moment later she of my time here. Last mgat uLuu. t’. o the knife was wrenched from my grasp: ightat B f M when immediately wanted, aud art- then there waa a swift blow, a keen o’clock I woke, thinking I heuid > n < aught hie arm ■ > ou’t jel to 11 ow glorious allusion to his relations to the across him as she made him an old man befor«* him flashed a« ros ‘ Brunt's kept covered until the finishers can put him.” she said, i i half whis|M*r; * l.e thing moving near me. I was keeping pain in. my shoulder as the blade en on a protective coat of some prrpara thinks a good det I of hhnoeif just hhc Blind, but it left now only a smile on in my cot on the deck, an 1 i lucks tered; then a mist gathered lM*forc my his lip« Hr felt he had already become Uon. Jim. But he makes others believe i about me I sees a woman, all in white, eyes, and I sajik unconscious upon tlw sixth S t . O pp . L istxr 4C a ¡»art of the irresponsible comedy of and that’s wbrre poor Jim l.piM <l up." moving like a specter right Ly the deck. Not In the Embalming Daalness. life around him. Why should he resist When my sense« returned it w:u* hatchway. While I was watching, it Once, when a man of great note died, Or examine its ethics too closely? He «« terist ¡calix ilisposcd of and p: <•; * nt< d Th treeined to sink into tlu* deck and disap broad daylight, and I was lying on a hb frienda tried to get. Dr. Holmes to offered hisurm to Susy; they descended Brant. It was the man he had seen I m * n pear. I’m not tlu* man to run from u cot in Muggins’ cabin, the beautiful but. “say a few kind words about the dc- fore material, capable, dogmatic. A the stairs; but instead of pausing in the of single night-prowk-r, but I ’.t qiacr- troubled face of Veda bending over me. < « muum I which might lie publbdMwi.” But glance from his shrewd eyes u«*cus- supper-room, she simply passed through It was about a week lx*fore I was like at this, and can’t see he .v a woman he decline*!. “Do you we?” he said, toined ?o the weighing of iiien’s wcak- it with a significant pressure of his arm. » of th could be on the Penguin. Thinking she able to get ashore, and, though I had a •‘tliey want to engage me in the cm ses and ambit ions, und a few hurried and drawing aside a muslin curtain Ido each might have dtscended the companion trained nurse from Bastia, Veda re balmlng h'leiriCMi! But I cannot help to | stepped into the moonlit conservatory. ladder, I go * dow n with a lantern, but fused to leave me entirely in the hands uses apparently satisfied Lim t’.int Behind the curtain there was a small pieaerve thut fly in mii I mt . ;RI) find« nothing. Then I looks all over of another. Brant was not nt t Iu* moment important rustic settee; without releasing his arm the ship with the su>me result. I slept Well, in that week I had learned to j or nvaifable, and th«* 1 wo men a moment F ine she sat down, so that when he dropped no more that nJght, and though I look love the little Corsican beauty with. I later »Irifted easily apart. Brunt i beside her their bands met and mutual after the ship during the day, 1 shan’t such an intense demotion that I could I tered listlessly thiough the cr»»-*«n«l ly clas|>vd. sleep her** aga.n if i . now myself, call not bear the thought cf separation. “I wu talklntf to tuy uid fri «nd. Qea. Brest. rooms, half remorsefully e»uis» n., “Now, Kla’uns,” she said with a •aid Busy Iler life had been, one of trial« an»! j it ghost or wlmt you will.” thnt !)•■ I' J tn1 < • 0 onn* slight comfortable shiver as she nestled ! htep, and none the less ussuied l»y Cn i With thia he picked up a lantern and misfortunes. The old hag who bad tw ice fashioned colonial courtesy, and taking lieside him, “ i* ‘ .............. ‘ ‘ It’s a little like your chair ; presence of two or three ivportars nt-d (Uxklssu iesn'* •♦ '» 'T’-ll —' Susy’« arm she left the room. Brant did descended to his boat that lay along- sought the life of Veda, was prevented «orr<*s|N>ii<l»*iif« who were «logging hi'« down at old Robles, isn't it? Tell me. uot linger, but took leave of his host al , side. ' from taking my life by the timely ar steps or the glnnerR of two or three And to think it’s five yeurs ago. But “Then I shall spend the night here » rival of Muggins, who had come over Kla’uns, what’s the matter? You are most in the same breaih. At the front pretty women whose curiosity had evi- to the vessel in his boat just before day and lay your ghost fur you,” I said. < hauge<l,” she said, looking at his dsrk door a well-appointed carriage <»f one “You’ll greatly oblige me if you w ill.” break to set* how I was faring. Find face in the moonlight, “or yau have of the legations ha*l just rolled into ing herself thwarted, she leaped into something to tell me.” waiting. He looked back aixl »»aw Miss he returned, “though I’ll I «• blowed if the bay, and was drowned before she Gcod evening, “I have.” Faulkner, erect and beaul ifiil »*.* a l’ri*le I think you succeed. could be rescued by Muggins. “And it’s something dreadful, I in her gauzy <haj»eries. «1» -« u th«* Mr. Raymond. I ll drop alongside euny She waa the. last of the Bar al odo fam know, * she said, wrinkling her brows stairs l>efore the wsiting : i»i is lie in the morning and see how you have with a pretty terror. “Couldn’t you tclt his Ivar! rut strung« I; hesi- ( fared. There’s the key to r.-.y cabin,” ily. between whom and the Dorios a he added, tossing the key upon the dreadful vendetta had existed, and it pretend you had told it to me and let us luted; recalled himself w ith an effort go on just the same? Couldn’t you, hurriedly stepp'd from the | orch into 'deck. “You’ll find pipes and plenty of waa to esca|»e the vengeance of the oi l Kla’uns? Tell me.” the path as he heard the <• rriiige door , tobacco, and a sip of rum in a decanter. woman that Veda had stowed herself “I am afraid I couldn’t,” he said, with close Behind him in the distance, ai d if you look close. Now Hgam good altoard the Penguin, hoping to be car Box ried to some foreign land, and thus es a sad smile, even felt the dust from her I. oisck ’ I ' night to you.” “Is it aixuit yourself, Kla’uns? You hoofs rise around him ms she drove ¡ mas ! | I Ilia oars dipped into the water, and cape the violence and death that con stantly threatened her. know-,“ she went on with cheerful ra hiiu and away. • t he was gone. Veda and I were married, and a pidity, “1 know everything about you | Duak was i.lrvady settling over the month later sailed for America in the THB I always *hd, you know and I don't 1 took a seat out he deck aud lit water. I to hi ' cowtoh id care and never did care, and it don’t and V Great REST I a cigar, and be tn» ,n rur.r.icg over in my Penguin with roy aid friend Capt. Darke, who had returned and had the 1 1 did i.i.»k<’ U m iligManl diflarrnm Restores’ mind aoinc of ih< c evinta thut Lad be- vessel rep,aired. _ heslth. nr to lur So don’t tell it and waste time, THE QUEEN’S DONKEY fallen me sin. c i«. y arri’, al in Corsica. msBhooi I . Muggins waa much elated over th Kla’uns.” For more th:.n i B I La<l move« Hl of • Toor Haaqm | happy ending of my attempt to “lay “It’s not aliout me—but about my Owe U» sits t Bl' *•» lomantlc litth his ghost, though fie always declared been staying x it. n w ife,” he said, slowly. Restorsv ’ ----------- jff island, findii. • .i I it...! • . in it» I had made a moat lucky failure, and Quren Victoria, during her recent ,o- //-*■ ir.tiry V-, Her expression changed slightly. “O. journ at Cimiei. on the French Med quiet seclush ’ • w .j a | . SKingcon- instead of laying tlu* gho«f, I had my / STStem and« e3tc her?” she said, after a pause Then iterranean coast, waa often aeen to traet to the l ’c i l*ud I a t n tpcudlr.g self been layed by it.—N. Y. Tx*dger. vital l.vsMS ■ .I ». half resignedly: “Go on. Kla’uns” moves effects drive, on pleasant afternoon», a very forth** ¡mst two %« ar. n thvgny capitai Hr began He had a dozen times re wil l Of JOl.dl aleck and oomfortable-looking donkey of the restless and pira v ure-lo • ing vosi«, of Inter hearsed to himself bin miserable story, dently been aroused by the singular ab- The aged queen, holding the reins her French. RemovosLi a FOND OF^LETTER H. • straction of th in handsome, dis- always feeling it kernlv, aud even fear self, seemed greatly to enjoy her drive, I One is not likely to expect to meet Of t 03 a ri ri« « ju ■ 1 tinguiNhed. but »ardonic-looking ofli- ing that hr might he carried away by and the complacency of the donkey with adventures of the thnHing kind M«n Vse It for an Initial In Names When Any Other Wonld Do. Cures h •'-■ IF « cr. But the next moment he wm sin- emotion or morbid sentiment in telling suggested that he almost understood in the peaceful preeincta of B&atia, vet rsitorei rt-"1 't* “It's a peculiar thin *. ___ it to another, but to his astonishment he the honor which was being done him. •onirthing bordering upon thi» h.ul said __ the guhirly interest«*«!. sisep Curl» A haowii g found himself telling it practically, This donkey, whose name is Jocko, has come to my lot les« than a month be ootenro a- 1 ' A tall young woman had just moved mor«' for its hospitality th an i; i, for its calmly, almost cynically to his old play an interesting history full vital * __ fore. Into the center of 1 tie room with im in inquisitiveness into the eh- i r of its Curii ail « ---------- « 0?» ’ mate. repressing the half devotion and •at During a previous sojourn in the dolent vet Nttiiple gracefulness that For the amateur urtiet the quaint lit d'wne ir.i ■ guests, "it's * peculiar thing the fond seemed familiar to him A change in even tenderness that had governed him. same district, says the Youth's Com tle city will furia.’L uvany subjects fvr îcv»i'r»aent to all ness that the avers -«■ man has for the from the time t hat his wife, disguiNe*! as panion. the queen wae one morning en her |M»Nitton suddenly revealed her (sec. NI^VE-LIFE .. .... -■ T.- the pencil and bru >h, aiid I had iuad< letter II as an initial. No,.. I don't »••Jfilifli usaunent and sffcr It wan Mi mm Faulkner. Prrviotn»h lie a mulatto woman, hatl secretly watched joying herself incognita, in the open good my oppwtunities since my ar suppose that there are more middle >.• r.rit day'i use. It remo’»« six had only known her in the riding habit him in his office, to the hour that he had air at Acqui*grana. when she saw s rival. • Lu* ruem satura to effect a cun • nam.s beginning with II than with peasant leading along by the bit a don paxsrd her through the lines. 1!« with of confederate grn> which nlir hud Nt pltrva'.ned Special discount t' The most prized among my collec an^- other letter M or R or S or B—but first affected, or in the ligbi morning held only the incident of Miss Faulk key which looked as if he had once been tion *aa the portra t cf V. da, the L t!c Uav naw traatiM on Ntrvou» nine men out of ten if thev are in a flue animal of his kind, but now Mtakwd, Its Loss and Reev^ry.r muslin dress she had worn at Grav ner's complicity nnd sacrifice. Corsican fruit-sell i * re wn.i ►. u doubt about a middle initial, decide <>n seemed to be almost starved. He waa rm in pialo »«»ltd wrippar for t*'1 “And she got nway—after having Oaks. It seemed to him to-night that H,” quotes the New York Sun. Now, MnxBBs. ManUoo this papsr. l«»n. languishing, evidently suffering. > thing faacinatiug t r'.ei; ] we, ai the varelrsM elegance of her full dress k’u krd you out of your place, Kla’uns?” Trisl Tr»«taieBt ari bt The queen asked the man if his don the dark beauty of ! • r face l.r.d draw . tny middle initial is it. I ut for every I MBS Wc. iM’ciiiiir her »»till more, that the pretty said Susy w hen he had ended. M(RVE-lin HDICAL letter I g. t, except from ix-ople I know Clarence stiffened beside her. But he key waa for sale. me to her as if by mo :*. v subtle <• itei ct ; k LAMAfri " illfulnrsM of her < hin aud shoulders That depends, signora," said the well, that has my.initial right. I get One evening, as I was at; warn chastened and nuxlifl^l by the felt he ha*l c »nr too far to quarrel w ith man "If I were to sell him, now, bow three in which it is put down II. It's I 1 pearls round her fair thn*at Suddenly hm conti.lant«* "She went awav I through the streets, I Lc.’.rd a er should I get my living?" very twhlom. too, that you'll find a man their eye« met. her face ¡»altsI visibly; houesdy believe that we shall never | mortal terror rome froui the court cf . "How much did you pay for him?” with sufficient strength of character to * he fancied that ahe almost leaned inert again or I should not bo telling ruined build*ng where » leave out the middle initial of the man -A hundred franca" SO »«»1 you this! ” ngaiiiNt her companion for support; he s writing t. if he doesn't know it. so "I will give you two hundred, and families hat! taken ‘ I ’ Kl*’uns," .he raid Ilf bUy, takinff his you can buy another donkey " ’lien she met his glance again with a tering hastily I he daps in an II and lets it go. There face into which the color had dm sud- hand «fain. ’ don't you belie,* it! She The man sold him to the unknown woman, withered ha seems to be a prevailing superstition won ’ t let you fo. You ’ re one of thoee denly i uMh’tl. but w ith eyes that seemed that a man isn’t just w hat he ought to ' signora.' and poor Jocko at ouee be knife, in the net • f # to l»e ap(»«*aling Io lum, even to the men that a »oman when »he once haa gan a new life Abundantly fed and waa crouched in »•: be unless he lias a middle name, and point of |Mnn iiik I night. Hrant was | h«H>ke l on to won’t let fv of e,eu when I a truck the 1 arvfully groouied. he blossomed out as at the chances are very strong that not conceited, hr could see that the »he t«elie,e. she no longer hives him -or a roval favorite. The story spread, end would be muni t name-begins with the eighth letter TRAOI ■* Kiri’s agitation was not the effect of I meets l.igcer ami lietter men I reckon the queen conld take no more prom f the alphabet face to face wit’ DlttC* any mere |»rri»onul influence In his I It’s tieesuse you’re so different from enades with convenience, for she waa Now. here's another instance: Cast CORVUIO«’’ victim. rreognit ion. but ««f something else. He other men—maybe—there are so many certain to encounter every day several Anyone •ending • iketeh and our eyes over this page ofourregis- She only ¡»au^eil a topmi quick » aaoertam. fraa. whether an t .»* CT. turn«*il h »Mtily uw *y; ym hen he looked different th in its about you to hook on peasants who tried to sell her decrepit 1 la,e quests w ho »r 2* ’ :»•«•’tahla < < mrrun*-al’'*' Jc ad. , I . a« • v ' S I to ami you lion't slip off as eaaily na and half starved donkeya She bought kiaa upon my baud ** drop in here late at nij; Kv ( } W t c k . lull and nroutul again «he wiuigone. ■’ and sign through a p.ip in the ia Amar -a We hara a Wga <• r the others. Now. if you were like old none of them NevrrthrleiMt hr felt filled with a name* other than their own Patent« taken through Munn A •». complete and in condensed lot tn lx Ini«*} - «-...I Ser the That waa U.e I m . t I k I BBMialaoUceintba i vague Irritation. Did «hr think him Peyton, her first husband, or like poor I hiring her late visit the queen drove result: ‘Charles II. Jone».’ ‘John H. To my ini.uirii > i ; • PACIFIC COAST NKWS Smith, 'tieorge II. Robin*, u ‘ A. H. lit SCIENTIFIC AMEUlClVnr. I impoîtAiit h.ippe!) - •uch a ftml hm to imperil her «afrty bv Jim. or even my Boompmnter. you'd through Aequtagrana with Jocko, and ' abouta I received 1 baanttfuliv ■ lluttrated. 1*react etrryb r., Brown.’ ‘F W. Brown,’ ftnd so on. «qwnly re« »»gm/i» g her without her | be all right! No. my boy. all we can do his former owner, the peasant. saw the '1', . . .1 . <K'l . ts.t 1 I urg< » of the week from Behring Strait 1 t 11 *n* •’ ufnal. week'y.t»rm»A ‘ There are ten names oc con«rutDid «hr think that he would is try to keep her from getting at you equipage go by. The donkey was fat. cepting al t of hr- •n that one page gio«.,- and glittering with buckle, of told me that she : id I longed to o the middle initial of which H Now. ’ 3—JOSEPHINE COUNTS HOMI. - ------ is - .1, AS from relui k* M»ur tlatr to prvNUiur upon thr service «h«* I here I reek on she won’t trust herself silver and gold. w ml thy and inffaer tisi family, an*! that letter isn't *ny easier MUNN A CO., ’*«■ to write than 1 ‘ Or n or** ttufragetuiM in Washington again in a hurry!" 1, 3fil Broadway. 5rw lark- cev without fear or favor oc intent t > lece I that she had nvelved a fir >«hed educa sny other letter: it certa niv isn't •Hit |*eop.r Ala»”’ ek.laimcd __ • "Hut I cannot stay here—my career any "When I sold the d nksy. why didn't j tion. But re^etae* hat! come; her fa more ornamental, and I can't see e grace, kruun i ( m . tt w<> ati«l fra ml that j Is In the field " 4—INDKPENDBN r EDI rORIA t N. ’( ’ H ' 1 ’ k I i i« . 12 . » fli lilt ».* c throw mvM-lf in-“ ther had fallen a victim ta a dreadful in any rrapee. it hM xn »ir.nt^ that "Yonr career is alongside o' me. he would th itc her Into a thachmurr to | UTer without asking any inni ■> <r |> .rt v vendetta, an 1 the had finally been left the rest of the alphabet Yet the "••ve hnuwrlf ’ Nt»! no- «be could nut i honey and Boompointer. But nearer Te Ha»ter» old ItqeSs » pennileaa orphan human race sticka to it tri; We ll fix all that I heard »ome ’I* 1* <h** !i:ul rha|*M n errttrd j me Valuable books and engra«ings that with a fidelity 1 ««a d*pl, interrated m her. but worthy of a more important — what *'ir ha<l don* in a freak ^>f glrli«h 1 th mg at»«ut your being in disgrace, age and the Ixxik-o orm have defiled sw , ,. --1 cause. I'd Uke to have aome*wiae mau UU me ’ ' b I »' had iriurnrtl to her old , but the story waa that yog were soft rvwtorvd by i-aper of a n.’ one cuuki gne me the slightest clew whv.” aa to whither she ha.(ytled. f. on kvme aeceah girl down there and kind. n>a.le into a ' nip ami hr < r»’ Still I had ing-r •<ul atxwit the places Uegleeted your business. Kla'una. But ■ xperhnent t »• vl the exact« oh- .< ’>• Their Trwrh. I need to see h« r " as I in love with * * ïî . la'rdy! to think it waa only your own I'tete that le tob r ende.' tbs little Corm can beauty* wife! Never mind, we ll straighten that Arabie or rum » met the a> h- wcarll _ , Her face wou tld come before my men- out We’se ha>! worse jobs than that the mixture ao that it will h . OR fj WHEN NOT IN AN UJ viaum a. « ep or waking, bringing there ess a on. Why. there was that commissary gether. A thin .beet of aim« t r- • • swart s. ; ut i I ha.1 never before ville, ' li« the Aral time, forsooth. I I torre, —In who was buying np dead horses at one »'.ao, or Bica, or ivlhsloxl. • pat ■ n ( ftb/Wo « ’« parienced and rvt I tried to dismls» hare playrtl the roll nf detective The end of the field and selling them to the the a,as u> hr rvfM rrd. «hieh f r«»rer»’aöi« or dinctora of th:9 r^d km.« me not. her ft^m my tnind. govern rue nt for uwm href at the n»ber; »'•fl tbr pulp, witch, by a J, e ! “How to Ch'*» P» t I and there was that general who toueh. 1« wort rd to )>■» the.srfs -e ■ I aal smoktng for «M boo™ upon but I am on their track.” ■ *»• 11 it. L' ». »»» «V*r'* *» ’ _J um th.u B «ton ti>mr<l ««rra li woiiMn't make an atta.k when it the text irr «vf the ■ per that A* U»a deck of the Peaguui, watching th.- OU»1 nw th« way H h(B h.n) rsisrd. sad the other general you IL—5 T 1‘vet I yallaw light, dancing in th« mmaat.c »•el rvry much rat« p - \ y. World 1 btKe etty. and drinking la th« frw^. KEPT AHEAD OF THE BULLETS. Vi I J.b fl?.':' I II Pc JOHN HACKEr c G A R S Trade a Special NERVE-L!f S ( THE ROGUE RIVER COURIER Reliable and Comprehensive. All the News, IM I V BOOM H|.;s The "COURIER' is the best in Josephine County because it has i—NEWS l'Rt >M ALL ' IV SR paper F? v ?: Terms: $1 50 a Year in Advance 7,“ “• lh* 'T-m rSt- iC.A.6NOWAC( I