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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1897)
KotfueRiver Minine lient». If you want the be»t shoe on earth for PERSONAL a ear cal! at Howard’s ami a»k for the Wiley and Sullivan picked up a 1300 Bryan shoes. Mrs Ed. Litter left Saturday evening nugget in a pocket of their quartz i laim THE WEEK'S JOTTINGS Candidates for marshal and vtreet cum- fur Eugene. ' on Have» <*«ek last week. This ia only missioner are bobbing up uumvrouab- Everitt m*L* a flying trip k> Med 4 miles south of Grant'» Pass Will Jackson eeident dentist. California oranges are now sweet. We ford Sunday. Sharp Bros, and Hosmer have poughl Lave a tine .ot oi the heavy juicy kind. -weet and aour pick'es at Bartlett’s Mr« Jamesblovrr went to Ashland on the Bristow placers on Powell creek for 23 and 40 c a dozen. Calhoun Bros. »1000 The sale -ucln-lea pipe- giant lenten», Druggi»'. opp. Opera House. a viert Monday. derrick etc. and I lie firm now control a Al ths school meeting held douday The rainfall for February aaa 4 66 in- afternoon J. W. Howard wu chosen dr August Fetoch went to Medford Satur good part oi this rich gulch. rector to succeed H. C. Kmney. J. A. day on a bu»mess trip. Kremer A Kiesshug are preparing to Oca pound fur onion sets. ( slhonn Jennings was re-elected clerx for the eu* O. M. Knox was in iroiu Murphy last put in a 5-uiue ditch to furnish water for suing year. week on business. i___ their __________ placer mine on Horsehead. Pow- .Mr». N. A. IVIsinater went out lo Ker- rU s/roek will be tsppe.1 for th. pur- A citizens' uicetmg has been called for W. H. Ften-. i, physician surgm. Monday evenlug to advise our members b> Saturday’» »tage. pose. •I denliM. ' u nat economy should become law should Mrs. M. Anderson has xoa. to the city , Youuglov. 4 Green are piping durint t.arg« bright. Iniuoiis, 251 a dozen. Cal- the legislature conclude to get together to pun hA-e spring goods. daylight on luu.e ereek diggings lun Bros. aud iu an) thing «ume six miles from towu, utilizing the « ’resident M iinlev. Now bring on Ed (¡ray came ovei from Roseburg waters of their reservoir. They employ Union bet«, Onion Sela, Onion >ets. u r | op»pent v. eight men. lhey are tine ones, but we bought too la»t <«< k to viait Grant's t'a»» friend». _ ^fiixtG for *96 ire coining in slowly at many, aud in order to sell them quick Mr» E Stack pole came up from Ixeriia A fl80 nugget was bought in from the make the price lu c a pound. Calhoun Cal. I».i week, returning Tuenlay - sheriff's office Jewett Have« placer mine on Decar Bros. X Resting on Jewell & ___ 4ew i-haire < leap as anywhere in the Mrs. Abbott arrived from Eugene last: Dodge's desk it looks like a yellow stone. \V. S Barrie was thrown trom bis bug week to join her husband in tiiia city. y at Terrell A Non. jud t about the sixe to throw at a chicken gy while out uu me south side ol Rogue Irand new Kimball orxan for less than river .Saturday. He was stunned by the William Grant proved up or. hi» home- hawk. i. A R. Yantis. tail and lay out several hours, but iortu- »tead before County Clerk (rootle 11 Fri- i The old lady was right when she said, nateiy uo bones were broken. The ng day. -'resh nuts »il l raisins at Bartlett's. the child might die if they waited tor the was badly dai.»«.ged. Fred Harth proved up on his home- . . • , . .. _ doctor. 8he saved the little one’s life 'resli sall.water fish at Ahli's meat " " ‘ ~ “ Judge (. hiles g ju<»es of One Minute Cough The Smoked Pearls Lad another good »tead near town I before E 1 rket. Saturday. , Cure She had used it for eroup be- house Saturday evening and a new pro- ‘ ,'lairette soap, none better for washing gramme rewarded the audience, ihe Wm. Uhlrich, a leading business man fore. rpo»»s. Ac a bar at Calhoun Bros. various farces, buuiuota and local bits of Jackson county was dow n from Med- I I l.u<k»l Hand»bora brought down the house several limes, fou will save money bv buying your ford last week. I rdware, gar.L 1 tools ami implements, ine entertainment was gotten up ior the Misses Crockett and Smith spent a few j _______ the bencti; ul 81. Luke’s church and bulb J. W. KoRurs two years ago was F. li. Schuiiilt’s. I days colupany” , in ...v the •• fruit-eomiri»»ion firm - at Tunnel Nine last week visiting — •• w'tsipscesay w.- c ...... uighta netted $108. al J I udge i>d 'u Crockett,». ( rrwkxxtt a . ■■ «.*_ rog _ . A Co. of to, i .. . Angele» a ’he B. A. B. are the only genuine »ug- at of z A)len n and J The little touch ut w inter we are get cureff haius on the market. I. G Brow- Ida I’erkius took Saturday even- Chicago. Withdrawing Iroiu the firm he ting now keep* the truil back all right. ing Mis» II. » train for Hillsboro where rumor went into business for himself and at the We are liable to have a good crop this •ays she is to be married. | end of two years he was broke He land )ne hundred men wanted, to trade hay year. ed in Los Angeles last October with |5.75 CT I grain fori uggies and backs. A. R. New t. McGrew, our rustling transler i jn hl9 pocket, his only earthly possession J. C. Taylor the mining man is putting 1 utis, Grant ■ i’ass man put on his store clothes and took in inj nothing to do. 350 feet of gravel sidew alk 7 leet w ide in >. J. Sherril> died at Pleasant creek front of his residence on 5tbs treet. The Medford Saturday on business. j He llaj roa<i o( „ew gold fields in the ___ the 23rd of last month. Messrs. Koehler, Fields and Grondohl California desert and had determined to wooden tidewalk will soon be a thing of were here on their special train Thur«- i there with the hope of redeem ii >< his kltalfa hay to exchange for wood, the past in tbit city. dav, inspecting the railroad iortun®« aud he went U> see Ed Allen, it Griffin oi'i -.’e Court li else, 10 c a pound for choice onion sets was I whom he bothered until $300 wat> hand* lour 60 eeiiti- to $1 -'5 never before heard of in Grant’s Pass. Geo. Thornton is taking a reH with , ej oul. Two Or three week» at Randt- ’ )ur Ad still talks garden seeds The Calhoun Bros, is the place. hi« folks in this city while the works at burg, spent in looking oyer the ground itiuient of our customers is “How i anj studying the formations, convinced Remember that O. D. »Sargent carries Dunsmuir have closed down. -ap you ar« selling them.” Calhoun Senator Harmon and Representative . Roger« that the good locations were all a full stock of the choicest meats to be is. found anwhere in town and sells them I Benson g«»t hack Friday tnorniug from taken, and with his partner went to Red I\ll persons knowing themselves in- at prices that defy competition and must the scene of their trials and tribulations Mountain district, eight miles from Randsburg to proa pec t there. Ued to tiie late firm of Brownell A have your trade Shop next door to J. at »Salem. ' It was » stray suggestion of the driver in8 will please come and make imine- M. Chiles’ grocery store. J T. Tuffs was down from Wolf creek | w[,o louk tbem over, that interested Rog- le settlement with L. G. Brownell. Petite prunes. Not the dried up rusty la*t week ou bufiness. Jim has raised erM 1U A lujne tbere. The driver told of i six-foot sidewalk is being built on E, kind. They are the shiny, juicy black quite a heavy beard since he quit leading a mine between two good producer«, 1 .et from Rigney's residence to Tenth kind 5 c a pound. Calhoun Bros. a city life. which ought to be a good purchase, and set. It will b« laid in Southern Ore- ‘ . Despite the entreaties Frank Jordan returned home to Cot-1•» The length of life may be increased by pj^i decomposed granite. of Ilia companion, he footed it back the lessening 1U dangers. The majority of tage (.¿rove Monday evening after paying eight miles to Randsburg and began ne ¡unday's heavy rains started the gulch* people die from lung troubles. These a visit to his father, Jas Jordan, who is gotiations for the property, finally secur '• tod madaUlie placer miners iiappv mav be averted by promptly using One very ill at the farm near Merlin. ing it for 44000. All ttie money he had in. This Will be a good year for the Minute Cough Cure. J T. Gilmore was in from Kerby on was >#0, and of this $50 waspaid down “fot put of gold in Southern Oregon. business «Monday. He report« miners all and a quick trip to Lus AngelesJ uiade, Tl <• Thoma* Fruit company*® dryer bu»y and predicts lively tiines in the Ill where the balance was secured, and on lev. Father Desmsrai» will hold ser- ___ es at 10 A. M. next Sundae, War 'll 7, at "an (’al., was destroyed by fire inois valley fur this summer. November 10th the property changed. 4t. Annesbhurcli, Grant's Pass. The a few days ago. $■ >0.000. Dr. Smith and wife, of Jefferson, re The next day there was struck a wide j’ HI ject of the sermon will be ' lii’einper- California orange» in demand in the turned home by Tuesday evening's train vein, ami in the next thirty days there New York market, and are on th. after a few days visit with friends in this was taken out |15,000 in gold.—S. F. Ij ^rioward keep, a full line of groceries, rise in price. city. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. T. B. t'urnell Chronicle. I will take all kinds of produce in ex- are sisters. Congress has set aside President Kerby New«. Q»nge for food*. L. M. Richardson, who kept the N. Y. Cleveland’s order defining the forest errell A Son have an appropriate and racket store in this city, is still in San- Cool nights but very pleasant days. AH f-nlilul line • t I'ndertakergoods. The reserves, thereby restoring millions of . Francisco, but not in business. He [jn k 1» all new, having come direct acres of forest lands to public domain. ! takes in the races and seems to be en The mines in this section are all enjoy 'u the Manufacturers. The senate has adopted Senator Per joying himself. ing a good run. 3F-i-cond liauil lumber wagon ior «aie kins’ amendment to the sundry civil Mr McDutfy, formerly of Bandon has Dan Hunt, the Waldo pioneer caiue in bill providing for the improvement of - ijj ap apply at thia office. purchased the Cassidy farm adjoining Oakland haibor, the whole work to I this week on business. The wet weather Kerby for »3000. had interrupted his wheat sowing which ^>itchen rtefe- -2.75 at Hale’s. coal $680,000. $20,000 is available at was progressing nicely, but he expects E. H. White was appointed to fill the . | weet Cider at Bartlett's. once, and of the remaining $660,000, to get at it again in a lew days office of Constable, made vacant by the / I am 65 year" old: have had kidney provision is made for a contract for i K K. Montgomery who held the post resignation of B. F. Cassidy. «1 : -ase and constipation for 25 years. $200,000 expenditure during the current of night operator at the depot for several B. F. Cassidy, our former landlord has ?AL 1 lluw well—used you S. B. Headache year. years, is to take charge of Woodburn to California, where he expects to I Liver Cur« lie year. Used 6 bottles Peter Jackson, the colored pugilist, station. Mr M ha« made manv friends gone 10 cent» each. J. 11. Knight, Kut- says lie is willing to meet the winner cd . in Grant’s Pass since he came among us move his family in a short time. TJ f ie, Or." Fur -ale by W. I Kremer. the Corbett-Fitz match. Ed. Hathaway will finish a six months’ ' snd his leaving will cause general regret. term of school here Friday. He is a ■’hen Redfield gets through with your Farley Temple, age 14, with Henry I A Mr. Labelle is to take his place. competent teacher and is able to direct ch it keeps correct time, lie diag- H. B Miller is in town this week 2 rf«“ its ailment like a L ....... I physcian Gerkins, age 12, were “playing burg Friday and Saturday evenings the Agri the young minds whither to go. J goes right to Die seat ol tt.e tr •iible lar’’ iu Feta uma, Cal., a few days ugu, cultural college will give illustrated lect The mine owned by George Simmons _ < barges liiough are very reason aud snapped a rrvorver at his play ures on fruit pests at th®opera house us at Waldo has ’’taken the cake” among male, the gun went od and the bullet j, ing the magic lantern. Prof. Cordley, placer mines, as they have uncovered 4 pierced young Gerken’s heart killing eniotnologist, and Prof. Pernot, bacteri acres of bedrock in a depth of 20 to 40 anc couple of traveling painters struck instantly. ologist, will tell us what science ha« tim« feet. town laatbreek and proceeded to cov- Hundred* of working men are said far fonndout about these things. Admis ATIOMI the con®pifiioiiH »lead walls in the The Free and Easy mine, one mile from w th cigar advertisements. The ow- to out of work at Ranbburg, Cal. sion free and everybody invited. Kerby is developing into one of the rich ’ 11 f of the wails« obtained a small space A large fi >w of oil is reported to have Representatives Langell and Schmidt- est quarts mines in Southern Oregon. . 'j** their nauie- but the cigar got the h- been struck at a depth of 1100 on the lien, the former of the Benson House ami I’ll- operation, of this mine have totally , 1 ) bhare oi ttie “Ad.” Alien ranch, ten milt s east of Oakland, I the latter of the Davi« organization, dispelled the theory that paying quarts 1 and because of II. F. Bartlett's death Cal., and said to be an excellent qualiy. passed by on their way to Jackson coun does not go down in this country. Al a >n ty Saturday. Judging from their com depth of 240 feel they have struck a well week was Blight's disease ol the Mrs. J. K. Haymond celebrated her ments there is very little probability of defined ledge which they have cross cut. . Ar i'eys. Be was a native of Massa* hundredth anniversary at Montreal. ' a compromise as each one asks too much They are in 10 feet now and have tiot “ esell» and50 years ol ago. lie leaves O»i idow and |wo children io mourn Ins She has five children living, aged 68, according to the other's idea. Schmidt- struck the back wall. The property be 1 lien went back to Salem this week. longs to J. F Stith 68, 74, 76 and 81 years respectively. The quartz mine on Tennesee gulch is ead the Ra. et store's new advertise- The county infirmary at Canfield, The Grandest Remedy. developing into one of the richest mines (”3Lit They know how to buv tor this Ohio, waa burned a few days ago, and in Josephine count y. fl is mammoth in 1 ket and people 111 need ol dry goods, one iii>aiie patient ran into the flames Mr. R. B. Greeve, merchant, of Chil size and extensively rich in free gold and ions, station-ry etc . will profit by and was cremated. howie, Va., certifies that he lutd con- sulphurets It is located in the summit *puing at ti.eir goods and prices. Con- uuipliori, was given up to die, sought all of the mountain 3 miles from Kerby. •^5 building Front slteet. medical treatment that money could With this and the Free and Easy mine procure, tried all cough remedies he within a radius of 3 miles, Kerbv prom NCKKNING could think of. hut gut no relief; »pent ises to be one of the best towns in Oregon. .. II AIIVEK I IMMi, many nights sitting up in a chair; wan The pro|a-rty belong" to White and Da 5Ct' url,ing wor l- never did set the w >rld The Dtevis-Siuion Imuses have been induced to try Dr King’s New Discovery vidson. .MissO. tire It is our policy to repress all meeting with a total of 211 members off and cured by the nee of two bot «ational etah-inent», to deal in fact», and on for the past lew days and they tles. was For past three years has been at « figure» of speech or exaggerations. seem to think they have power tocompe 1 to business, and »ays Dr. King’s !p9wry word Wo print is weighed, and we enough of the other chaps to attend to i tending New Discovery is the grandest remedy After having been confined to the houae ch for iucxacl triithiulness with our form te quorum. There seems to be more ever made, as it has done no much for for eleven dav. and paying out >25 in , , h«eMiial honor. The integrity of our or less dodging on the part of the Mitch him and also for others in hi» communi d of mouth i" unquestioned; the iii - ell men to avoid being served with a ty. Dr. King’s New Discovery ia guar doctor bills without benefit, Mr. Frank ,rk,Sc’f'y ol oar »"rd ol type must be just mandate from this outfit, winch thinks auteed lor Coughs. Colds and Consuni- Dolson of Sautt Sie. Marie. Mich., was cored bv one bottle of Chamlierlain’. uhstantial The object of all our ad- it is entitled to an inning now Thia leg It don't fail Trial bottles free at l'ain Balin coaling .25 cento and lias not n aU fining is to tel, yon about our busi- islature had tietier get together and make tion. Dr.W. F. Kremer ’ s Drug store since lieen troubled with that complaint. s—clearly, plainly, convincingly as an appropriation to pay themselves their For bale by all druggists. .. man talks to another. It costs some mileage per diem, as the men elected Fire in Canea, the seat W the war in two vears from now may refuse to do n iey, but done intelligently, it pays. Crete, deatmyad the gwvernor’» pafaae. ere- ":»xK Calhoun Bros Carson citv, Nov., intends to corner >ut 8« A» fi re« broke out in several parts of all elataes of sports during the Corbett» pointe the cities at the same time it is evident Fitz prize fight week. A Mve bird that robbery was the motive of the shoot open to the world with a big ent. firebugs. purs» hung up is the latest event slated. ■ h . Ca» William J. Bryant ana given a Capt. Jone« of Ix»s Angeles baa been liesrty reception in New Haven, Conn., •entfrftcwff f6 iFire* years in San Quea- where spike on bimetallism. ten for having efri ulate.d obscene liier- The appropriation ootnmHtee ef the ature in his weekly paper called the senate has inserted in the sundry civil “Non-PartNan.” bill an amendment carrying fil.Ofifi.lM The CaUforuis Ftate Savings flank at to pay additional sugar liounty claims. Salinas, Cal., lias filed a petition fer William S. Wooster, cashier of the voluntary dissolution and will retire National Exchange Bank of Hartford, from the banking business. • oiin., hanged himself at the home of A S. Kettredge of Santa Clara coun his father. The aaieide is attributed ty, <’■!., has been appointed Judge of to melancholia. the Superior Court by Governor Budd, A meeting of the wool men war held to AH the vacant^ created by ths legis ¿ROÍ in New York to consider "the best lature a few <lay« ago. means by which the greatest advan inf > ' Washington ha« agreed to submit the tages may I* secured to the wool trade q*ie«Uofi of wofflaH suffrage to the peo a. P»fc irl par generally through eo-nperation with ple at the next general election In that Hit if the new “Wool Exchange." After a state. lengthy discussion a committee was The Oregon House had a morning appointed to devise a lino of action. and afternoon sesffion nn the 2$th. The Allen liner Assyrian for Halifax. , Only twenty-seven members were pres Nova Ncotlo, and Portland, Me., which ent. Immediately after tfoe morning was several lavs ovsrdue, waa signaled session a conference w as held and the of! Hanfax. situation wm thoroughly canvassed. Russia has taken setinn la the Greek It was th uglit that urganiiatien could Creston quarrel and notifies Greece to I be effe. ted. No attempt will be made withdraw ber troops and navy from j to elect a senator. Senator Mitchell Crete at once. gave up his quarters and went fo Fort The Spanish government has pardon land. the * ed Joles ‘»aagnilly who waa srntenrsd Thomas iMjvine, a dangerous insane rifibi to fife imprisonment by a f*par>iah criminal made his eacape from the le sb" court- mar tri al. asylum for the insane at Ms<Hral Lake, , wiU’- He hid a pair of handcuffs Mrs. Jennie F. Abell widow </ the Wasli. former publisher of the Baltimore Sun, and was without hat or eoat. mk sa< married a few days ago to William A gar g of burg'ars and conoealors of H. Duke who met the woman ahíle he stolen g lods was arrested in San Fran- waa employed as a teacher of bicycling. ria« o a few days ago, and among the The groom is twenty years ywunger I k>t Wf rv three very tough looking than the bride. women. A bill Las jsw««d the Arisons leg*»- latnr** requiring fnre.gri building and Proving Up. ■•n * - .it! rjs to flh a bond iu $150,- brf. r.- do ng buainem in the terri . ♦ ’< bettier» desiring to make final proof on their claim» can »ave trouble and •■- tory. by »ending in name and number J .hn M. Watts is dead and P. J. Re- of claim with description. and narn«e el qor* • hanging en th® ragg»-d edge ef instr* four witnesses. Application» made out the grave ■ t LteGrstegte, Ctel. Toted- I St tree at the Cot arsa office. 32 stools were wat.n by noatake for muak- | , ro**' : roiii®. Worthy of Nette». ’ T hursday . M arch 4, 1897. ts rev PER ow is this for a Slide ijst 6 l-4c PER CAN. i’, ( ! Quality Assorted Pie Fruit, must go to make —' room for other goods. 4 CLA.JSTS FOR 250 ood Corn 3 cans tor 25c. Good Tomatoes 3 cans for 25c. String Beans 3 cans for 25c. Table Apricots 10c per can. Table Blackberries 10c per can Pi® Bartlett Pears 10 cents per can »C SOC- The 1 & M. Grocery. ) The l.egtala<l«e Hold a p En. Cm aixa —We gladly sieae ,the opportunity tu »ay eometniugto the peo ple of Joaepbiue euuuly about the legis lative situation. It ba-> been relerred to by aomeot the uewapaper» ot the slate as “1'110 Salem Farce,” but when we consider Die people's interests it should l>e more appropriately styled a tragedy. The people of Oregon are not divided as to the urgent nei-ewily lor reliei Iroiu bad laws by ameiiduieulor repeal; there is not a member ol either branch ol the legislature who stands unpledged to his cuustilueuts in relation thereto, and yet the allotted time lor an eutirc session ol the Oregou 1-egislature has paised by and Homing is done, nor can anything be doue, unless at a later day the'Governor ■hail call a special session and the fol.y o me past be strenuously avoided. The quesiiou winch at this time most inlet eels the people u, who is to be field responsible lor the holdup aud Us unfor tunate consequences 7 A quesuon winch can best be answered by a briei recital of facta. Uu the lllh day ol January sixty men with i-erubeates ol election as represent atives presented themselves in the hall ol representatives and elected temporary odners, a committee ol Credentials waa appointed, ol which a majority have not to tins day taken the oath of office; they did not lor lour days filo a leport, aud the temporary speaker |>ersislently re fused. alter it was filed, to permit it to be considered. The reason ior Illis lor a few days was a luvsterv, but the Dupullsts finally sent Mr. C'reu ol Clack amas county aa their representative, to proprose a compromise which he did, as tollows: “If vou Republicans will vote for Jonathan Bourne as speaker, and will let us have absolute control ol the six leading committees to be selected by us auq sign a written pledge to vote for the Holt Elttclioa law, and ihe Bingham reg* islraUou law, and such measure» as we may submit in regard tu assessment and taxation, we will consider the propriety ol taking the oath oi office and doing our duty.” Rather a mode»; proposition wasn t it? Where is the honest man who would consider it for a moment? Mr. Simon, with equal modesty pro posed that luslriends would come in and do their duly provided that the loyal Re publicans who were in their seals ready to carry out tiie wishes ol the people, would agree not to vote lor anv man lor Senator who was unlriendly to him, or his interests aud would aid him j,, the election of Jonathan Bourne as »pea ker; These and many others similar, were the term» which were the obstacles in the wav of organization and remedial legis lation. it is true that the Oregonian has iter ated and reiterated that Mitchell was the one obstacle in the way of legislation, but we cannot believe that the statement was honestly accepted by the editor of the great daily wnen he wrole it. It is true that remedial legislation is ef vital ne cessity to Oregon, but it must not be ob tained at the sacrifice of the integrity aud manhood of her representatives. The representative« who bxik the oath of office and sought to do their whole duty were not at any time bound to Mit chell, or any other one man. but they were and are bound to the light of an American freeman to exercise the right of suffrage without the dictation oi a pest iferous “BOSS ” These are the existing Conditions and their local sequences. The people are the final arbiters and set the final seal of approval or disapproval upon the acts which are a part of the history of Oregon. Respectfully submitted II knkv L. Bxxsiig C. E. H ammon . Soothing, and not irritating, stieugtb- ening, and not weakening, small but ef fective—such are the qualities of De Witt’s Little Early Risers. The famous little pills. 0 V"E B THE STATE The convict® of the penitentiary would feel th® effects oi a failure of the legisla ture t«> |«a»«s a general appropriation bill. It has been the custom to furnish them 1 stamps and stationery from the state funds If the members disperse without organization, Superintendent < iilbert saya he will issue an order disallowing this* courtesy to prisoners. Married prison - I era have heretofore been allowed the I privilege ol writing OMt a week and Sin gle ones twice a week. Two years ago there waa a failure to appropriate money I to purchase clothing or buv transporta tion away from the prison ior discharged convict®. I Mgs ed a band of sheep owned by W. J Obertnyer. of Tangent, iu Linn county, a tew days ago and ktile I 24 of the duck. Part of them were killed out right and the others were frightened into Caiapooia creek and drew ned. The sheep were upon the farm of Mr. Brock, near Robert’s bridge. The dogs were caught in the act an I recognized. Their owner, Mr Joel Robinson, paid for the 24 sheep killed. A largu uumber of cottonwood and whit« fir logs are now being cut along the Willamette, preparatory to living ratted down the river to the pulp mill at Oregon City, says the Albany Herald. A crew of loggers has gone to work also on the South Santiain, below laibanon, cutting logs for the Oregon City mills. The price paid for logs in the river ia about »3.50 per thoueand feet. Some rascals have been amusing them selves shooting horsec jn Ten-Mils creek, in Wasco county, and 10 animals have been killed recently. A few days ago a fine horse belonging to Mrs. H. A Brook house waa found dead on the range with two bullets in hie body. The residents of Teu-Mile believe they know the shoot ers, and they will endeavor ere long to bring them to justice. The Medford brewery and ice works was purchased by E. Merz, of Portland. This plant has been operated for the Iasi three years by G. W. Bash lord, who pur chased it al receiver's sale. It is the only brewing and ice plant south of Albany, and has a large territory to draw from. Merz left for Portland after, but will return Saturday and immediately pre pare for the season'a work. A hop contract was filed at Oregon City by the terms of which T. M. Baker, of Hherwooil, sells to Horst ami Lach- inund Co. 10,(»0 pound» of 1897 hops, to lie delivered in October, at 9 cents a pound. On the execution of the con tract »75 were paid, »40.) more to lie ad vanced for picking, and the lialance to tie paid on delivery of the crop. The bondsmen of T. J. Craig, the al leged defaulting postmaster of Eugene, are J. S. Cooper, of lndei>endetice ; Mrs. A. A. Cattron and E. 11. I'.tttroii, of Monmouth, and Dr. T. W. Harris of Eu gene. Tliev have qualified in the sum of »4000. The Lawler company has a force of about 20 men doing development work on the Quartxville mines, on the Santiain and the mill is kept runiliug night and dav. A lively time is expected there soon. The Paradise Valley Fruit Company is still retting out fruit trees by the thous and in Douglascouutv,on a tract of land recently bought by the company. Twelve carloads of cattle bound for Omaha, passed through LaG ramie. The animal» were bought by McDonald Bro»., in Eastern Washington. To cure all old sores, to heal an indo you lent nicer, or to speedily cure need »imply apply DeWitt’s Ha zel Salve according to directions, lts magic-like action will surprise you. An Expenalyn “Holdop.” Steinitx the famous chess-player who The theory that the “holdup” will eave was reported dead a few days ago, is money to the state ih untrue. The wav insane, due it is stated to his defeat in ing to be effected is the clerk hire and his late match with Lasker. other ex¡»enses of a legislative session, The silver republicans propose to amounting in all to about $50,000. While the other hand the interest alone on ia unch a new |>arty and call it the In on the warrants that will have to b<* issued dependent party, and the chairman of for state expanses in case of failure to democratic and populist nutional com pas« an appropriation bill will amount mittee say it is the pro [»er caper. to nearly $200,0(M), the perpetuation of A scarcity of oranges is reported in the useless commissions will foot up near* in the New York market and the price ly $100,000. Tu sivr $50.000 “p«r«onal politics” must cost $300,000. Tills is be is going np. But little California is side the direct relief to Jackson county of arriving. from$;k>M) to $ KMX) in excessive tialar* A list of the officers of the Oregon leg.—Record. Short Line railway company was given From Cripple Creek. out as follows: W. H. Bancroft, viee- presideut and general manager, K. W. After the big fire in Cripple Creek, Erkks. general freight and traffic man took a very severe cold and tried many age r; E E. Calvin, general superinten remedies without help, the cold only tie- dent; 1>. E. Burley, general passenger coming more »eltled After using iliree agent; J. C. O’Melveny, chief engineer. ■ mall Imtties of Chamberlain's Cough The Utah legislalure baa voted down Remedy, both cough and cold left ine, a bill to legalise prize fighting in Mor- and in thia high altitude it takes a meri torious cough remedy to do any g'««l.— mondom. G. B. HKNiixaaoN, editor Daily Advertis The United State« Building and I^aan er. For sale by all druggists. Association doing business at Ix>ula- Lingering Liters. ville, Ky., has made an assignment. A saddle equipped with an electric Letters for the following parties were battery was discovered at the New Or uncalled for at the Grant» Pass poet- leans races. mb. • March S: An M|»pliration is l>efore the govern McKinney Mi»» Martha Williams M W ment to get permission topnt a passen Tucker Mrs Annie .Swansen John ger elevator in the Grand Canyon in Dr. Vanderpool s Yellow stone Pork. Politic precedents received a severe Physic, the Oregon Liver and Kidney sho< k a few days ago at Washington when Major Frank Mcl^tighlin, chair regulator, taken the lead with us. For sale by W. F. Kremer; 60c per Ixjttle man of th« republican state committee ef California, declined the proffered BORN. endorsement of the California delega tion in congress for superintendent of WOOLFOLK On Jone. Creek Feb. *J0. to Mr. and Mrs. I'. A. Woolfolk n ton. ■dnt. The major said there was no office he would accept At Hoddi, Tenn., Charlie Brown, a yen ng negro, attempted to criminally i g R a Y Near this city Feb. 'M, .1. H. Gray a native of I'enn.ylvania aged 70 yearn. as«auit Miss Lillie Walker, the IR-year- • laughter of a respertible farmer. Fail ing, he hid in a barn. When the posse J. R. H ai . k , Undertaker, office op attem,»ted tn arrest hhn hr fatally shot posite Kremer's drug store, where Deputy Hadler. A mob formed, Brown he ntay lie found, either day or night was strung up to tree and his body riddled with bullets. E. Dnrand, alias Fiske, TMckenson, and Wilson, nnder arrest at Carlo, Mi<h.. is wanted in Pertland, Or., on charges of forgery, for which he waa indite»! :n ’404. The prisoner admits his guilt It is stated he victimised Or»* gon buHiness men tn the extent of |*o0,0on by various »chemi-» for borrowing money. Having made arrangements to Jmlgr Nathaniel C. hfi-ars has been nominated for mayor of Chicago by the buy from a factory outside of the republican convention on the first bal combine, we now ->cll our entire lot i line of Coffins and Caskets at one- Secretary Herbert has announced i, ... , i n | half the former price». that he would oj»en a law office Washington at an early date. We carry by far the largest stock T>r Fred Riitbland Is in trouble at to select from in the county, and Chitag'» with the government. Ha 1» the Goods are equal to any on the accused of «riling medical diplomas to any sue who had money whether he market. We will not lie under was qualified to practice medicine or sold on Undertaking Good» ar.d not. will furnish our elegant HEARSE Tbr cold wane which followed the to our patrons ERBE flood in th»- Ohio valley has caused mu< h suffering of people driven from J. K, HALE. their h<»Hj-R by the high wat» ra For the Lunya Eld«r Alton W Hte®rt writes from Portland, Or : “Th®f® <« no mmiicin® for th® throat and lungs that I ( anrecom- rnend to ministers, public speaker« and singers, with the confidence that I ran the 4 B Cough Cure.’’ For tale by W. F. Kremer, 5Dr par bottle. MINER’S (RESTAURANT! J. L MALVEN, P rop ., JsKvnros-DKAM Bau x, S ixth S t . First-cisss M«sl» „rv«i at tell ' Kseuse me,” obaerved the man ta The M B. Medicine Company it U m fatal o( th« titer <* i>i«»‘i- am a »urgeon. ani ____ 1 ___ only one out of nine proprietary medi- spectaele». "but \_.a Haas ’» "Siaaar "Never cine firms ireorporatod on this coast that i» not where yoar liver to. -<x»i Bwls forni»b*'l l»r »Usffr “» A lady's gold watch; sisa O;lowt on trsnaisnt Gue»U tel roteteontebto rat*» Sstu v UW7 that baa Mt made an serge- von mind where hi» Uvee I»," retnr ted the other. "If il «a» in bis bit toe or road south side of Rogue river Finder merit. m««t Thmc These hard times, tlonro. with vilb so no news- n.w. t paper advertiainx eooiraxv» lor teo i bite fol’. ear DeWitt'» Little Fari» Riser, will be tul'ably rewsrdedon leavlagit at (Giw ths Miner’s ResU irsnt* trial »nd ; be eonvmeeff. i- D. Mteiviw would reach it and shake It lor bon On this office j »ar», It »pea*» food I j at their merit. , 5rtr p-r Kettle. F« aeie by W F Kremer. 1 th,l vou can bet your gig lamp».” K When a Man Wants a Lawyer Does lie get a bid from all the attorneys he knows, and then employ the cheapest? We think not. The same principle applies to the selection of garden and grass seeds. It is true economy to buy the best. We have a large supply in both package and bulk seeds, including Peas, Corn, Beet, Parsnip, Turnip, Onion, Carrot, Squash, Beans, etc. We have Red and White Clover, Timothy, Alfalfa, Red Top and Hungarian Millet. The prices on above are lower than usual, we haven’t room to give them here, so kindly ask you to call at the store for same. OATS AND SEED WHEAT. Fine, Bright Onion ¡sets only 10c lb. NEW STORE iiUW We have just opened up a new store of GENERAL MERCHANDISE! NO SHELF-WORN GOODS. EVERYTHING NEW and FRESH Dry Goods! Groceries! Provisions! Loivest Prices. Give Us a Call. .1. O. C. WIMER A Co. WOODVILLE. OREGON. JEWELL & DODGE IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, FARMING IM PLEMENTS, MINING TOOLS, PIPE, POWDER &c., &c. BLACKBURN HOUSE BLOCK < '» im I i - • SIXTH STREET < ■<»!<! It Is a Good Thing Sometimes, to let the people know what you are doing. We are getting new Mdse, in every da> for the Spring season. We will still sell at discount our mackintoshes, over coats, oil skin clothing, blankets and duck clothing blanket lined. We also give good bargains in hats and clothing. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. F. FETSCH & GO. GRANT S PASS Pork Packing House .1. II. AIILF, Proprietor. Finest Quality of llams, Bacon, Lard, Etc., at Wholesale and Retail.