Benjamin Harrison, ex-preaident Laz ROGUE RIVER COURIER. ' a baby girl nt hie house in Indianapolis. J. NUNAN, P ublish Rg. NEWS OF THE WORLD. M. Bloiulin the celebrated rope walk- I mmikk I Every Thurwdity. er whose- daring frats at Niagara Fall» Princess Chimay has been offered a position by a New York manager of theatn« al freak*. She offers to ccme for a salary of $2000 per week. Th«- students at Pdn«eton university are n ng a new song, inspired by the a<-t- of three draymen who moved the ef!< - f P h -ident Cleveland into his new home: Three truckmen gay moved carloa«ls eight (f( the hoii«u-hol«l goods of (»rover, n it w hen they came u> hia bottle crate They soon g«-t half-seas over. A I freight wreck «»n the Illinois Cen- tral i near Boskydell, caused the death of th iu engineer, fireman and one brake- man, ami fourteen cars were demoliah- ♦■<). Can-« 1 by a driver on an axle hr« a king. <»ov. Mount of Indiana has requeste<l all editor- in the state to mail him mark« <1 <■ p • s of their papers contain ing < dit< rsl comment on legislation pendin'. He takes this method of a- «*rta ning the sentiments of the peo ple on the »nbjei ta. Jimmy Michael, the Welch champion bicyclist, Lab ugieed to sign as a mem ber of the cycling team of a prominent American wheel concern. This puts him in a position to ride for the Ameri- < an championships and to rnalxo tho circuit during the corning season. The resolution for a constitutional arnendineut grunting women c « jum 1 suff n e with men was defeated in the hoiire of representatives of Mk**- a< l i'iset t-. cn .ACLD CO”ON PRODUCT. .u.M «•»■ uifiii I m Agr ultuml Twenty Iwr*. •>i..e recently published figures and «lata with regard to the growth *» cotton production are interesting, «ajs the Sataunah Hia.) News. In 1815 the average yield per acre was 2G0 pound*. During the 20 veara the acre- denoted to cotton cultivation in- «•reaped 128 per cent., while the pro duction increasefl 183 per cent. That is to *ay, the farm* of the present <l»v are much more productive than were those of 20 years ago. The rec von is, as every practical farmer know», that agricultural methods have b*en greatly imi roved during the time. In- vesors and chemists have labored with the f.irrner to the » n«l of bringing the lands iij > to a higher state of productive ly ss. The former have produced new implements for the cultivation >f the m il in an improved and st the sume time Ial»or-saving manner. The laUer have instructed th? farm* r . to the chemical element» needed f<-j : i- richment of his soil, and the f rt'lizrr manufacturer has provided th«»'** «•!<- meats in convenient form for ufiliza- t on. llub*-o’-thumb farming hn«« 1o a great d< grp«* given way to srieut’0«- firming Those farmers who h > <• n««t their own test tubesand text book re renders of good agricultural period’«- :!«, wli.i-h Hupj/lv useful and aecura*-- in- f n t ticn with regard to soils, f« r- tiliz< r«. etc., to take the place of gue»-*- work. Th? farm«, like everything el ?. is progressing. di her Something to Know ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE. TOOTH BRUSHES HAIR: ¡BRUSHES BATH : BRUSHES FLESH BRUSHES CLOTH BRUSHES HAT::BRUSHES NAIL : : BRUSHES It may be woilh suinetning t«> kn»»w that the very beet medicine for ru-turing the tired cut nervous system t«> a healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This medicine is purelv vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the st* mi< h. gen- tlv stimulates the liver aud kidnevt, ami aids these organs in throwing o* impur ities in the blood. Electric I furs im proves the appetite, aids digh lion ami is pronounced bv itm**^ who have tried it as the very beet bl«>»d p infi»*r and nerve tonic. I’rv it *<*ld at 50« or H ' 0 per bottle at Dr. W. F K’einer’i Drug Store. Ti TH A Morman elder has been appointed Will Ja« cbapia u of the Arnoua legixlattire. Floating ice blockaded the Cascade •»weet a i«< ks, ia Oregon, for a whole day Jlemem recently. The rai Ten «»f the twenty-four county m h<«d superinteadents in Washington are Heap u oiuen. w., The Italian-Swiss colony of Sonosna •V. H. County is shipping wine to Hamburg, .1 .lentl Germany, for exhibit at the fair. :>e*iple will at- at* Thou “a ml«* of eastern people j-arge b Indians are out in canoes in large i temi the convention of the Christian on Hr. nuii»l>ers **|>earing fish by torchlight at endeavor aucieties to be held in *San Sans Po-e , Wash., ’ residei tions were so nearly equal that one A «lose that ia always seasonable is a Fram iscu next July. ur prps On the basis of the new city directory Ex-Treasurer Bartley of Nebraska is could do nothing without the other, dose of Simmons Liver Regulator, the San Diego, Cal., has a population of .fas.f. “King of Liver Medicine».’’ It keeps in jail charged with the embezz!en>ent so the tax payers of Oregon who the liver active; the ls>wels regular; ■ ^Il-rid 19.740. of ov r yoUDJtoo of Male funds. N« j one The roa«isi«ie between Santa Rosa had any hope that useless commis prevents biliousnea* ; ami promotes di Sew efi will go bail for him. gestion. In fact help* keep you well. and Sonoma is marked for several y at Te sions would be cut off, nr that the “1 have watched its effects in families , At th«* annual meeting of the Inter- hides with the stakes set by the engin fraud ii where I have practiced, an«l find it a«l- urk people's interests would lie looked inirable; eer corps of the proposed electric road. ; collegiate Association in New i. A. both alterative an«! tonic in its tStanlor I university of Califurn.a after in a business-like way, are left actum.”—Dr T W. Mason, Macon, Ga. Constable Frank O. blanker of Pomo | wus admitted to membership. •'resh n na ha» invented an ingenious water to pay interest on state warrants for Hereafter it wil! require a year’s Citiien* of Kern county, Cat, ilo not craft propeller w hich may revolutionize And there is no better way to SAVE X rkec * the next two years, while the money want the legislature t*> create a second residence in North Dakota before an ship propelling on the we as. ■ action for a divorce can be brought. than by patronizing ,'iaireti that is extorted from them lies idle superior judge for that district. Rabbit killing ia a popular amuse rpowa. John Hagan, an electrician, was A horse belonging to W. I. Rice, a in the treasury vaults or is loaned ment in ixeke Co., O*., this winter. In farmer living near Ckiah, Cal., com- iou wil one school district over 1200 rabbits btai ls fl in the breast by his wife dur out by the state treasurer, who can mltted suicide by laying down in a rdware were killed by the residents on a re ing a quarrel Friday night at his home jin San Fiancisco and died shortly after make a fortune off the interest in rtream of water and drowning. F. If. - cent Sunday. i wards from the effects of the wound. the meantime. This is the legisla Citizens of Ix>s Angeles, Cal., are 'he B. San Diego is to have a bath house The woman is under arrest charged C or . M ain and F ifth S treets cured i which is tc oat 115,000. Work on the tive muddle in a nutshell. Oregon raising money to give employment to ; with murder. idle men of that city. building has already commenced. I The Improved Order of Red Men can get along very well without a The proposition of bon ling Stockton, I fneInn A decisive vote in the senate of the ' will hold their state convention in senator, but there will be lou 1 aud Cab, for a sum sufficient to construct a Arisona legislature shows a majority ATE A BARREL OF EGGS A DAY. San F*anc*isco instead of Stockton, I ’nil», deep murmurings over the state if system of water-works for that city i against the bill fur the removal of the convening August 3d. J Bhlpwrerkr<1 Men MulH«l*tr<l on Them will Ire submitted to the voters at the GEO. P. FURMAN, P roprietor . ., j. st, territorial prison from Yuma to Bret- we have to pay 8 [>t-r cent interest on next municipal election. Solely f<»r Twelve l)aya. Many of the San Francisco merchants , ________ _ _____________ —. the 2oi eotL Augustus S. Seymour, judge of the “ Do you like eggs? ’ ’ was th«- question warrants while the gold to pay the hav«* sent exhibits to the Gutamelan Robert Walker, superintendent of I oiled States district court for the V Haifa A < "lony of colored people is to be that st rntl up a “ ’49-er” to make some exhibition. principal reposes in the hands of the the .Marin countv water-works, fell dead eastern district of North Carolina, died talk in a Bangor store the other «Jay. Hu located in Kern county. Fred Schineer of Chicago won the state treasurer. There is yet time while attending a meeting of the town of cancer of the stomach. Old settler« are responsible for the wan an old man, nav» th»* I v wist on six-davs’bicycle race jast finished in trnsteea at Man Rafael, Cal. Heart ’ )ur Ad Crowds of strikers congregate«! Journal, and he straiglitem <1 un to a«>lenin warning that the Olympia, tor the legislature to get together diMMisp was the cause of his death. around the Chi« ago tanneries, but ths eoi : »•th’ngliki* the height of his prime as Wash., oyster beds will be exhausted j that city. He ro«le 1788 miles. DEALER;iN---------- itimeni and adjust these matters, but time •ap yoi A syndicate of Boston capitalists has Thu Horticulture Quarantine Officer police had no difficulty in preserving he< d: “I had a surf«<t of them m a hhort time unless the oysters are flies at San Francis««» shoved two particular order. Aside from minor scrimmages, pn«*f , ”• M’was toward 50 years when • given more time to reproduce them I been formed ami will “corner” the ' ¡All pel ly fine specimens of Japanese peach a few lin n who returned to work were was on th«» wny home from ('a!-E»nii'j selves. J wool market. 'led to \ u e-President Stevenson has been N evada , which will hereafter be and plum trees into the furnaces of tlie not molested. Committees have been Wu left the isthmus on i g'f'v! hr'" Corner Sixth and I|Sts., Grant ’ s¿Fass, Oregcn. Farewell Cyrus, a fiftevn-vear-old , ins wil steamer China. They were infected appointed by the strikers to visit the Ixn.nd for New- York, but ran in*o . I pr. sented with a handsome silver ser- boy, is in jail at Ckiah, Cal., charged : known as the prize fighter's paradise w ith diupis amyc«lali. te feet I big tanners and try to agree on a settle uorrl reef in the Car:blx an sra and v -i IRON and STEEL, with grand larceny. Hu stole a horse ’ i vic«* l»y the senators at Washington. ment. wr« '-’ nJ, It was a patch of and jt: ' proposes to give the winner of the i six-fi A | avenger train from Moscow fell After fasting fifty-two «lays at l«os in Round valley. HARDWARE and ■et froi The President has approved the sen- j 9’j' « f th«» water, but yon ought to >•• • Corbett-Fitzsimmons fight a silver Angele* Robert. <iardin*r has I m * tn 1 over an embankment Monday The Good Templars’ Home for Or- j tenre of tin* eourt-martrial in the case , th«* (*'•(•’ < of sea fowl that i *.•♦>'! n belt valued at $3,000. A bill to placed in jail to test his sanity. phants at Vallejo may l>e compelled to nineteen passengers were killed. WAGON MATERIA i deeoi of First Lieutenant Frank Owen, Tlmv i .i«l to move out of the vn« t will One of President McKinley’s this efiect will be introduced in the The Masons of Salinas, • 'al.. Fourteenth Infantry, stationed on the give u - r«>orn to stay there. n:.«l tb.a’ close, owing to the lack of necessary «Ml pur- official acts will be the issuance build u temple of brick for I n L arge \ akietc 4(1 j , n . Pacific coast, convicted of falsifying was about all they would do. Their funds to keep it open. legislature aud very probably will p«WM. proclamation calling the fifty-fifth his iicrountH, and he will be dbrnlsaed nestM were everywhere. and th«»r «* were H. E. Brink of Butte county, Cal., |V| | n ERS Fitted Out on Reasonable Terms, fol put o( pass. At the satin; time a bill has <'<r‘rs in abundance. We nt? about n has I wen sentenced to eight months in gruss t meet in extra session. John Nicol shot J. M. lx? wie anil from the armv on March 1st. I arrel of them every day during the 1 ! the county jail for adultery. The pris ( .ij tain-< iem ral Weyler, c< minander been introduced in congress refusing afterwards killed himself, Both men lev. Fr J. P. Mavur of Harrington, Wash., . » $» ur were there. Some of us got off the Spanish forces in Cuba, is re- __ _________________________«• at 1 the use of the mails Jo newspapers wen* youMg farmers of Plain city, Utah. in moving to Yakima recently, trusted 1 in u boat and went to San Juan, in oner had a wife and children In Oro of j)ort«*d to hav«* resigned. He is angry St. An A combination of eastern capitalists ville, but ran away with Maggie Broe- nty-five head of cattle to a hired which publish pictorial accounts of is said to have been formed for the twi .Vi«*i»rs«»nn, where we got a vessel to go well and was living with heratOakdale beuau**? Spain or«lere«l him to release Dissolution Notice! man to drive ahead. The man sold j Sanguilly, the American he held pris prize fights. Nevada, which has pur|M>se of «••»tablishing an intensive them and pocketed the money and i after those we left on the reef. That when arrested. v«'SM*1 was oemmanded bv William oner. The co partnership heretofore existing SIX MILES SOUTH (i 1,ow*r‘ Nafe-crackers «»peratingin San Diego, reason to lie sulky over the v.ay plant at Fresno, Cal., to take the «redi departed before Mayer reached Yakima 1 Lawrence, of Rath, who was killed by a I will I under the ti«m name ami style of Brow out of raisins. Sun Diego county constables arc put- ' Cab, will hereafter make a careful man named Wilkinnon wh:le he was a Free Silver was treated last . Qstige fo nell & Binns, citv of Grani’n Pas*, is dis G rants P ass , W. A. Brady, Corbett’s lì nan vial ting vagrants into jail on the charge of policeman there. We tried to get to the search for concealed cameras which solved by muiu« I consent. Ed Binns re ’errell November, has probably become backer, has reached Nevada and "ays “evading car fare.” reef, but bad weather stove n* up so w<* work automatically before they proceed tiring from the misiiiesH All persons faitiful to smash open safes. A beautiful like a wayward child and cares not 25(X) people will come to the light from who are indeblu«! to the late firm will Lyman C. Norton and Mrs. F. M. C. had to net in for New Orlean«. where photograph of a burglar was taken □ANVILLE. ILL. please come forward and make immedi u the now what becomes ol her. People euel uf lite Ro< kies. Mosely, both aged ♦>!», were married in we found the rest of the men rescued I»’ Long Suffering from Headache Cured aiit«>niatically as he was opening a safe ate payment to L. G. Brownell. All in by Commissioner Heacock bus decided Han Diego recently. another vessel. But eggs”—the old Dr Dr Miles' Restorative Nervine. — CONSISTING OF-econd are not made virtuous by legnl en the case of Butler the Australian mur in that city a few days ugo. debtedness of the firm w ill be paid by L. man's fare, took on a peculiar expres L<»s<iatoM, Cal., is going to take steps APPLE, PEAR. PEACH,F,pap| G. Brownell. actments and if the demand tor sen derer, with a dozen aliases, in favor of sion. The cash in the treasury of Monterey toward bonding the town for $.30,000 to E d B isnh . county, Cab, was as follows: Gold, PRUNE, CHERRY, A?Uchel sational literature did not exist by th«« tustruiian goverument. H«« re build a town hall, light plant and other L. G. B kownkll . A CUNNING CONVICT. silver, >1521 04; currency, $340; gards the guilt of the prisoner as public improvements. the wholesale, newspapers would dearly COT, NECTARINE certificates of deposit, $218,000; war established. He Tortured llliUHelf In Order to Gat not pander to it. The Arizona Pie.“« Association held MOND, CHESTNUT‘« rants, $2704 07; total, $230,785 61. l*la< cd on the Mirk List. Richard Pastini of San Francisco its annual banquet in Phoenix a few A case showing great cunning and At the Chinook salmon hatchery, in gatlu «red a basketful of toa«lsto«>ls and shade and O rnamental L inn county is the model county himself and wife and family and four «lays ago, with i»ov. Franklin and th«* persevervncp, as well ius tolerance of Washington, over 1,000,000 eggs were A 1_ 1 LlV,; Also cel legislative presiding officers as guests. much sclf-inflcted pain continued for secure«! Ibis season from the Royal of Oregon so far as cdunty govern children partook of a bountiful meal. Having l»een appointed administrator Strawberry Plants. Blacibern f. Or Randsburg miners recently adopted a many months, is worth telling, say» Chinook salmon an«i 750,000 have Two of the children are dea«l and till! by the county court of Josephine county ia concerned. Itembraces a large novel metho«l of prospecting. They Chambers’ Journal. The convict uhb been turned loose. Besides the num family ar«* not out of «lunger. state of Oregon, upon the estate of Au GraDevmes. , territory of fertile farmsand its of hit« lied • ight horscM to a plow and ran must «Jetermined and resourceful in hiR tier of eggs retained at the Chinook gust Crutzfedt deceased, notice is hereby given to all parties liavingelaiinaaganiat ficers have never displayed any in Several men wen* drowned a few furrows tw«» feet deep across their effort« nt malingering. lie began by hatchery 750,000 were successfully said estate to uresent them to me with «lavs ago by the capsizing of a small claim, opening up several stringers running a piece of copper wire into hi* transported to the Kalama hatcherv, clination toward extravagance. lx>at of! Tillamook bar, Oregon. proper voucher«, within six tnouihs knee, by which he nearly lowt. his kg. which has a larger hatching capacity. — 1H GROWN ON- ,l,ar carry mg gold. J, I.inn is free of debt and has $54,000 lie then produced a number of > >rcs Manuel Brown ami William Warner, Rev. N. II. Harriman was ousted Sir Charles Tupper premier of Canada L <>. D i hkek . round the knee joint, and kept up u CUllV from the First Baptist church ofTacoma in the treasury. The county, state lx»tb colored, are buhl to amiwer with says th«* people of the United States W aldo O beoon . town gn at degree of swelling und inffainma- last M<»n«lay by a vote of 50 to 7 mem out bail ut b«a Angele*, Cal., for the ar«- hostiie toward Canada and he <loes ' and school levy this year is 13 mills WITHOUT IRRIGATION Hie tion b\ means of a rag and thread bers. A protracted and stormy meet murder of Joseph Bullrw. nut Io •. f »r any friendly agreement on an assessed valuation of about 40 pushed into the wounds, t'pon th«* d«h- ing was held, at which many speeches gr We do not I alldle, ’. ■ Secretnry Lamont gave n reception toward re« iprocal ttade relations. covery of this he took to introducing were mad«* denouncing Harriman’s attempt to propagate any '*nAjlrjr per cent of the real value. The city aud «linmr al Washington to Gen. EADACHES are the bane Of woman's Frank Burkett of .Missisaipi has been lime below the skin. On unothe»*(e- Kinds of fruit, until >atisti-d ' P|11U, action in refusing to occupy his pulpit life. Frequently relieved but seldom of Albany, which built a $100,000 Alger, his huc « « HMor in tb< cabinet. r!e< te«l president of the Memphis wing uasion a bandage was found firmly are well adapted to the soil and permanently cured, the ultimate re and for chara« terizing members of his MRS. C. S HOBBS has opened dress peen liar to Southern Oregon he cai The lower hoiis«* uf congreiM pasted of the populist newspapvruieu. bound round the man’s thigh, th«* re church as being possessed with demons. sult is continual misery. Miss Maggie Han bridge, across the Willomette only making parlors in the McArthur build terms to week the international nxnietary conference 521 Chestnut St., Danville, Ill., say» in nah, sult being, in medical phraseology . Mi< ha<- Gleason of Indiana was but exacts 17 mills as a total levy. This bill bv a vote of 279 to 3. This is as ing on Sixth street and will be pleased The Theosophists have laid the cor A. H. CARSON & ted ov< r by a ram and a thick of sheep “extensive swelling and lividitv of the ner stone for a building at Point Loma, June 1896: “I cannot add to my t4*stimony of to have the Ladies call upon her. is a strong argument against county a unanimous vote a* is poaidble to get trampled upon him after which he was thigh.“ last year except that I am well and strong. G rants P ash . On-iduw Satisfaction guaranteed. near San Diego, for n school to teach Two years ago I had such a pain in my head The doctor ordered his limb to be division. Nearly every legislature on any subject. found to bate been killed by the ram. the mysteries of their guild. that I ate nothing, was desperately nervous en\»l »ptsI with a large piece of gutta Ix»rd Salisbury bns announced that ' The iiiui'h nt of Consul-General I a * o lias a proposition to divide Linn, but and could not sleep. The Washington legislature has pass- Great lb It is n st amis for granting auton- ' the percha > as to checkmate the prisonet *s e«l a law limiting freight charges in Other complications her people know when they are well osiv to Crete but also that the island resigning Ids post at Havana in pre- maljir.letiies. The latter, however. >y ! peculiar to my sex set closing of the administration has that state. p» r ton is the max means of a strip of sheet ii z. ar.d the off and so the job is defeated. continue a part of the lurkisli empire. cipilated much fueling among the , in and our physician imum rate on grain or other farm pro skew« r to w h:ch | art of his «Fiincr w ,«s called another in con Representative Jones of Idaho has filends and critics of the prusiilent. D ealer I n for 300 miles. Passenger rates are sultation. They de T he policy of President McKin conf<*MH«*d In n signwd statement that j Th«* siipreim* court of Indians has attached, formed a tourniqti i, ,;i .1 1 y duce cided I bad consump it . »ire sed his leg fo much «bir.iig fixe«! for three cents per mile, half he ba«l a< <'<*pt'»«l a bribe to vote for ! NCK1 ley is announced to be pretty much OF rendered its opinion on the subject of fares for chihlren between six and J tion and must die I Srnat«»r-«*1»*'t Ileitfubl. lie is allugi-d f«*inah* sutiiftgv, in which it hold* vot the night an to quite i.t ntii.bze the twelve years old, and mileage tickets to | commenced taking Dr. SOUTHERN OREG05“ *‘ the same as that of Cleveland in re to have I m •«• ii paid $1350 for his vote. ivedicul treatment it had re«riv« d dur Miles' Restorative Nervine and the second ing to l»<» a < ivil and not a natural right. ing the day. The ¡mpor‘.ure was nt be good fur two years. gard to Cuba. He will protect Am night obtained the first nights real sleep in fire As th«* constitution of the state speci« length <h*te<’ted by an order of th.* duc The lawyers and politicians of San four weeks. I know that Dr. Miles' Restor Largest Stock of HAY in the City! «atioa erican interests, while recognizing ties “male” citizens to b<* entitled to tor to expose the limb outside the bed Fraucisco ami vicinity gavo Judge Mc Nealy eruptions on th«» b«*ad, clmppvd ative Nervine saved my life. All Home Grown. clothes to the view of th«* of. cvr «lay Kenna a farewell reception prior tn h a no other government but Spain. hands mid lips, cuts. bruise*«. scalds, vote, women art* not iucluded. Dr Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug art* quickly cured by DeWitt’s The ( anadian Pacific railroad com and night, and from that hour progress departure for Washington to go into gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle ------- ch foi This will disappoint a good many burn* Witch Hazel Salv«». It is at present the pany ha placed an order nt Pittsburg was toward complete recovery. the cabinet. benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart G imh J Receive deposits subject to who hoped that the Jim Blaine en article most used for piles, and it always for («» uh of »teel rai’s. A. S. (’o«>p<«r of Nauta Bumba has ami Nerves sent free to all applicant«. certiti<-ate payable on demand. ” * DR. MILES MEDICAL CO . Elkhart, Ind PUT FISH IN HIS MILK. ergy might be injected Into the Me cures tbelli. bren appointed stata mineralogist by At I/Owest Prices. ' *’y o| Seven out «if a family of eleven were cisco« and Portland. ubsti Gov. Budd. Kinley administration and Cuba killed m ar Chattanooga, D-nu., while Cruel Treatment uf llonent ‘’Faddy” te"Call and Examine my Stock. G«>v. Bud<l has (*h<MH»n Colin M. Boyd O’llarn by Two City Jokers. Telegraphic transfers sold on Charles B M«duv late of Bay City, given a little help in her manly at I ami Rudolph Hurohl Jr. as meml»erw driving Hero»*» a runroad track in frout “Paddy” O'llaru, butcher and milk I Mich., the United States. ~~ rh! vo intaiUj sarrendt re I himself of an engine. I. STAI FEER. tempt at throwing off the gallirg <>f tiiv slate board uf harbor commis man of La t uniier, with his fountains to «-therrs at >an Francisc » this week, Special Attention given to ' "H«* | Pi * hh 1 .t (’.evv'au«l refused to par- of mirth and beaming face*, ia in the general business of our customers. ’ and a.*k»*d to t»e taken back to Michigan yoke of European bondage. We sioner*. To the honorable county court of Jose thm James* B. Wilson of Indiana, who city iigniu taking in the nights. Mays Collections made throughout ' . Government officer* at ban Francisco where hr stands accused of hav :ng em phine Co. state of Oregon; We Hie un- should help our neighbors because i hav«* is serving a sentence for distributing th»* Seattle Timm. “Paddy” im a char < »regon. an«i on all accewible pointe X seized worth of opium bezzle«! bank funds whence he fle«l deroigned ¡»ehtioners and legal voter» ui indecent literature in the mails. J. D. FRY, President. we may one day need help our | belonging to Chinem* merchants, on acter, un original fellow, and im known three yearn ago. Josephine C«>. state of Oregon and pre- J. T.TUFFS , Vice President. sinct of Kerby do ask and pray vour hon I he P«»pe gave special permission to to cteryum* in Skagit county, also to the ground that it w mm imported by selves. Eugene Jones is in jail at San Fran orable bodieii to grant a license to J T R. A. B ooth . Cob (.’him sr, which is a violation of tlie law. Baron van Kuttler, German minister to luobt all of the old-timers uf Seattle, cisco charged with trying to shoot the (illmore to sell li«pior both spiritous and Elsner Litvrtdl was shot while trying Mt xico, to marry Mita Ix*dyard in the lie like» to tell stories, but here is one principal uf m school m which Jones is mail liquors T he senate has passed resolutions in lews quantities Ilian one Mivs Ix*d- tluit Miiother f< llow told on him: to escape from an «•flh’vr who attempt Catholic church at Detriot. janitor. He is apparently in«ane. gallon in the town oi Kerby and we ever of sympathy with far-ofl Crete tn its ed The duties of milkman in I .a Conner to wriest him while burglarizing a var«l being a protestant, wa*» refused pray. The army of unemployed at San the priv ileges of Ix’ing married in the are in a large m<-a*un* regarded a.*» struggle for liberty against Turkey. hotel in Oakland. Names. thoMt* of a public Merinnt, and if the | Francisco i*» to be put at work building Peter Bour church. Earliest and Latest Keepers. Martin Rielond While Cuba is at our door tn fully While a ride ât Ravena, ! a boulevard. L li Cbikls Ex-Presoluiit Harrison's new babv milkman is vwr mu « p <*« te«l of watering il Cassidy Cal., I«eo Schlenhaus fell under the ¡ Some new varieties of as bad a plight, this resolution looks The pr liters aud pressmen in the Fr?«l Mehl his milk a public «cnmlal ia the result. W K s one has been unmet) “Elizabeth.” tram and lost hl* right leg. O’I’sra whs continually annoyed by California state printing ofiire went J W Ih.nt G rant ’* P ass O bkoo *. APPLE, PEAR, T W J arm*» like a joke, something akin to that Rev. 1 J. Quigley of Buffalo and A race war im threatened in Southerni K»mc of hia customers in their banter on a strike localise their wrges were Jack Br»«ly I ’ E Dod*ua PRUNE and PLUM. perpetrated by a national convention California between Indians and Mexi-| Thuiua* Linehan of Fort Drwige, la., ing wa> ncctiMing biin of selling wa not paid. (.'bau Buller J P Simmons ( hamp Povtn who "sympathize with all attempts cans, through the killing and robbery were et»iist*ernt«*d ns bishops last wuek. tered milk. One of them declared he Also SHADE and NUT Trees. I he arrest <>f a number of robbers in J M Sm.H-K William J Kry ant visited Washing would prate llw* milk was watered, and a medicine man of the former by Cha* Hour Seattle brought tn light an t-lab rate K L Ii. gl.-w on behalf of temperance" and then of BERRIES OF ALL KINDS ! ton last week ami given u banquet a wsgi r v. ns quickly cl<»^»«l with two of Jas M Park? seme uf the latter. Ben < teirge \ i ior Buur go on a drunk as soon as the meet Government utlicers are hat after a bv John R M< I r in owner of the Cin- the most noted “joshers” in the com counterfiiing outfit. take special care to have Trees For Sale at the COURIER Oi The Portland steamers to the Orient David tkmr Ja- Hamilton ing adjourns. gang of smuggler* of opium and Chin einati Enquirer. munity. The«» pspet , are put thethingf ’ announce that they will not touch at 1 Joseph Fsrron Dau Cassidy htalthy and true to name. ese who operate around Nurth)»ort, I lf * »•«\t morning “Paddy” wax mor? Honolulu as heretofore. M A Power» lk>ctur Run, th«- American w ho wa*» cabins, wr pp,ng bundles, p ;- J il Winter* J» uk Fox Wash murdered in a Cuban prison, wrote a ••¡ireful than ever, ami gave his cuatoru- under carp ?t« making curl p»i* C tl Libby Call at the Oakland clerygrnen are making an The Arizoua legislature has tinder CA Fox « *oM pun* cream, Hie content pathetic farewell to his wife ami child lighting fires and a host « Geo Hour aggressive fight against the s*l<H>ns <<f consideration a bill fixing sleeping rar ileo H K.iley lort liv?»!, h«»wrv»*r, for in the other uses Awful cheap C E libbf Xbsolutelv pure, perfectly harmless, ren by scratching the letters in the that city, and hop»* to rl« « t municipal i Hii^ii Fender rates and making it a misdemeanor for •e of his best lady customer, as Henry Willrock finish on a « hair, mtmg his finger nails utfi«*«*rs who will closi up such pla<•«•<«. and invariably reliable are the qualities ' Phili Des'inger au employee of any sleeping car tn <«eo Marion One mile west of Grant's Pass or ired out the rich Huid, what of (hie M in ite L ough Cure. It never for the purpose. ti WuHr 1 J Ramsey Julius Haeta of Oakland, Cab, 74 fails in colds, croup an«l lung trouble'« KOK WALE. glide out of the can into the accept a present from any passenger. Harry Moore ***‘hAtor W • colt .»f Colorado has re «ee me at J. W. Howard’s store. Byron Taj lor year* of age. Hud<lenly bucaine insane Children like it Itecatise it is pleasant to Tb« brig Percy Edwards has sailed r but three mnall Puret sound ni ¡1 Little turned from his trip to Europe ia the W ui G Eel rely an«i to kill his hoii with an ax. take «ml it help* them •Ie salmon. O’Hara w a« great I v f< r the South Sea Islands with her crew tisi.» (tlmseii 1OO a res nf land witl tr j Cha- F Hart int< rest of international bimetalliaui. It took four men to capture the ul«i aim I his customer equally of adveelnrers who go in search of for j M l> L ('rooks ditch which water of the »Anttj J U Turner WORDS PEOPLE SPEAK. IL feci** wnuuuraaed with the «siitlook man an<l take him tu a hospital. The ^v*eel was l»ought and out LA Kelly I lit* «Icelarvd loud and long tune Trees inspected every year. Orders 100 acres. also a mill site with A Evan*« fur mi interuatnmai uonfuieme. men who join in the > D M imo ? 1 h:u! been ‘jobl»e<l,** ami. to sul>- fitted by some Mothers and wives of Bants Clara the i <lemt««f P»r»«>n Wh» T«lk« I n«il«h and about 300 feet of flume; I'*-1 bv mail will receive protrpt Hons Wuod.-ock VV rii I »«•• % b< • u ( Tso Th «»«• «toi George Hogue ouuiitv, < al., object to the school for e the assertion, he even said expedition. fence«! an«) 50 acres in grasses; 1J* B R Brady attention. Th^ old * *' of delivering ritei*n.ire« by T H intere he did water his milk a little he refractory girl» being established in J M inters barn, 1 small one and dwelling poatboie compared with the mo lent tel- u W tn W intera Danger» of ths (¡rip ’»coil Rr t ruiltv of pining in the fish, as with 450 winter apple trees. that locality and hate p«tiltoned the epirone, i lt>*trate* the old tedious meth K-*tfer th ' leo Ii Bunch • »> «1 only too plainly display legislature to that « th 'Ct. 40 *< - - o.|. oí •«> raking" voids compare»I with U hm The greet««t danger from I «■. rippe is A II S W.^iu K « 25 acres fenced, with water rift er tlreir «Into«« i.i.tanlaneou. CUie bv < »nr Rol>ert Gardner, the man who claim» NOTICE F>*R PUBLICATION. uf its resulting m pneumonia If reason* M E Reub.e 40 acres within a mile of the Minitie < 'on,h Cure Met Invented ('ortete, C that he fasted fiftv-two days at Loa able care is use,!, however, •nd g Cham lb. k >vwell acre« fenced, 9 acres plow?«!, wit®’, < The much maligned eorwt wm in- twrlain . Cough taken I. u < d Orrici at RoeEBi no. Or., Aiagele», < al., haa been seal to an in A Reuhie .-.I. all dan* M right. Apply to To N.7!Cke ger «ill he avoided. t vented an i first w«»rn by febriury AS, 1#W7. Bane asylum. Among the tens of W > Neue men Th« U« d a n privir f.»r one 1 " 1,'r God thousand« «ho ha.e u^.| "|M. . Mir hue «•rlie.« tnentton in th. hi.tory of th. WilIinni«. Offí A F. Lind Notice is hereby given that the follow • 1 i. •’ M a>< o, n« w for lagnppe. we have vet t > learn .rf a J G Lane There in more Catarrh in thia «... lion • Dav i I*. i articl« wa. by Aritlophanet. who li,«d ------ ing lamed settler I 1« tllci notice of hl« i al., »-»uivtcled itf mur dev of the country than all other disease« put A DGibtM intention to make tinal proof in support in th. fifth eentury, K c In on. of •’ng u raw having resulted in pn-nm > C U ma, whieh «hows conciuaiveÌy thit ih a Hi aalen’ together, and until the last few vear. A B Hu.pui ol bis i laiiu. and that said proof will be hi, « oumm I i «« h« ridie«!«« • brother rvm»Hlv i»a certeìn treventive > tl >t G B Clark 4 xl<w*um and ileorjc Howard I»>«t. who, inordinately n.D na. .up|..««l to be incuraple. For a G E Hum made before John Goodell, county M' i» H .Mash' drva«l diaeaae. lt will effe« t a pernia «real many year, doctor« pronounced it arrest st 1 r» <no, (’a! . for burg- clerk of Josephine county, Oregon, • D >imth ;>rn<>nal beauty, »a.d mu.fl^ Wllh WH Baiter nentrurrin esa urne than anv other a local<l prescribed remedies, J J Wilaou iave t-onf«'*«»-*! tu having commil- tir.nt« Paas, Oregon on April 10, IS«,» th« .hapr of hi. ttouiw. which waa far tteatment» The 25 ami 50 ceut aiaes ior John Vanpel and by constantly failing to cure nith I" Lisa MdU 'V Pewit The- plnlus M Rowe, on H. anv similar ««ffi nses m that tewu. ■>mor«d from ideal «yrumetry, b*:n^ •ale by all druggist» Frank L >mi cal treatment,pronounced it ineural Ie No. i.H.' tor the E V, S W >• .* E I C B Rowe nuch too thin for hi, hr If hl. fl. Ie excavating in Elysian park, Ed lUily bciem-e ha« proven catarrh to be a eoa James ’ ireen ,SI 4 Sec U, Tp 3« 8., R TH RTV-SEVENTM year . ♦ ’( 00c ■ i.rrfor« hit up >n th« plan of improv. igel «. Cal , w *rkmen fi»uml wv- T>« ..f Fnrsp» tr. making an «titutionai discare, and tirerwfore rv.tuire* 6 ne»i. Wm Kerr < hl« phyaiqu« by incatinf hi, body effort to chrck Gr««cr'. in J ► Krllog of stone with impressi 4»n» of constitutional treatment, liall'.l aiarrh ; ♦ ♦ WORLD-WIDE CIRCUp' W D < »eorge fie name« the following witnesaes M T to ( Cure, manufactured bv F. J, Cheney A w small anima * Scientist claim .n an und«r euiraM, made of UtU« i'retr. A collr.ttve note may b. mit R Malien -ff J«d n Anderson prove his continuous res.denee upon cp__ t T J I'vcer re of wood T ’ i « idea wa, imitated Co., Toledo, Ohio, i. the only eon.titu ire relic. < f • prehistoric the Grrrka «t any tlmr rrquirin, th. Geo Muis and cultivation of «aid land, to-*il: i T wenty P>ces; Weekly. Ill®50* tional cure on the market Ater on by another man Kmp«ror An- tm •>..< at« withdrawal of h«rahi|- and G W Pn It I. taken J R Par menter 1-t.ld. uarrett Crockett, Thom twlrr A lei Ge» f»iO‘,pt.«,jA,ir to M ■» **o internally in doee. from 10 drofi* __ __ to „ a toalua n«a who found great iifflculty troope. Hu« Alin*« Arnica Saiwr M F Crooks as I <er<, ol Merlin, Greg in, James J teaapooniul. It >ct< directly on the hi. of C E Phi i ps Il peraundinÿ the Kernan women to Trimble, <¡rant's Pass, '»regon E F Meaner ) TffttB M)tLA*> »»■ T1A«. t The I>ani»h ship Diana, which wm J N Sam and mneuoue «urfa<v. of the «yeten. follow hl« «xaintq« —N. V. World. T hs ssst salvb in the work! f ) u «» ve co*«» va«f John Keffer •OdSAt R. M V catch . Register. leaf ag given up for laet has arrieesi They offer one huodred dollar« lor any tn* bruises, torea, salt rheum, frv» K W Naucke John Mi case it fall« to cere .sen f for circular« safr at I>eiaware herber. { l!IIS€ AND SCIENTIFIC T H M. Intosh tetter, «happed hand*, »hl*' 4 Lost. J K Wr. ie and teetimoniala Add re.«, 2S4 wer | 230 g. S.« and all skin eruptions, and pc H Et hnsty A fire brvke out m the ¿enamoro P F, J. CHENEY A OO„ Toledo. O. M M.uer erteHc r ’ curt»» piles, or no pav required. c • m Dun« an mine in M^xiox an4 |?o annera p*neb- E Iwar t Riiev A bay mare bran ded J 3 ce the !e bold by all drug«mt.. ,“5 «, w H S til. 4Q hip, straved irum K«*rby recently guaran L ed la giVs la'xncd saiHHarlivn OT ed frvo» suffocatlba. I M «xi We.cb Hal.’« Family Fill« are the beet ' money refunded J no cl.4 Price 2&C per box ir»hM«tr-- ------- wiù :tî oe ----------- - uauvu reasonably reward L A large creamery I Tyoer »tob« bulli at j ior sais by Dr. W. F Kremer. J E fyver ed by C rai . I'm lu re J F Such Castroville, Oet Frank D-*?»in<er Kerby. Or. many years ago attracte«! wide atten- j lion has just died at Ix>nd«»n. Olein Piotr tí Joieoiii! Cjiiir. ormi. The Imrsrsbuers of Fan Joae have organiaud and intend te apply to the National Hureeshoerers I'nion for a T hursday , M arch 4. 1897. charter. 1 he county commissioners at Walla $2 a Y ear , or ¿1 50 in A dvance Walla, Wash., haw «iiatributed ninety ounces of str'chain«- among the farm er* around Waitsburg, tu kill squrrela. O ne clique wanted a certain man Krntii'ky ami other territory in for U. S. senator, and the other clique the Ohio valley ia threatened with the wanted somebody else- Both fac- usual «1 sastrous spring overflows. At CLEMENS, Prescription Druggist. The Way lo yiakr Money I m to Save it THE BACKET STORE .. . DRY GOODS, NOTIONS STATIONER Y, ET? r*? For ' our HZ. SCZEiZMZIZDT?“- AgriculturaFImplements IIEIILIM) MBSBIIF01 Miss Maggie Hannah 200,000 TREES FOU Administrator's Notice. OUR N U RS EH’*?.“ nea Hill Lane H Dress Making ! I. STAUFFER, FIRST NATI0¿J B .A. ZsT Eating and Cooking Apples Capital Stock, - - $50..?«: Petition For Liquor License. BIG RED APPLES! Yellow Apples! N. E. McGre» Pianeer Truck and It OLD NEWSPAPER Riverside Nursery J. T. TAYLOR. I Wanted-An Idea'S 1