Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1897)
w? I T hursday , F ebruary 4, 1897. THE WEEK'S JOTTINGS Will Jackton retident dentist. Bluettone at Cramer Brut. Sweet and tour pick let at Bartlett’t The Wide- Awake Merchant is never afraid to sell goods at a close mar gin. We want to get and keep a big trade. We know of but one way todo it, a nd that is to “sell cheap.” We do it and find we gain customers. 15c Table. A number of odd pieces of China have accumula ted and we offer you your choice for 15c. Cupsand aucers, Cream Pitchers, Etc. PICKLED PIG’S FEET! 10c per pound; 3 lbs. 'for ‘25c. POP CORN 5c per pound Choice Shelled POP CORN ‘25c per sack. Choice Eastern Hams Choice Bacon ’/IwHy and * Shoulders Canned Soods "X. CORN, 3 (kins 25c'. TOM kTOES 3 cans 25c BEANS 3 Cans 25c. Canned Fruits and Vegetables all kinds. Dried Fruits, all kinds. Jelly in pails, very cheap Come and see the splendid offer in BAKING POWDER a Beautiful TEA POT FREE with each can All goods guaran eedand at lowest market price. Ec-M See Our Lamps and Glassware also. Experting the Book*. PERSONAL. Mrs. Edwards returned to Saturday. iakiyou Rev. Robt. McLean went to Ashland Tuesday. Mias Kitlie Thornton visited Jackson ville Sunday. Clement, Druggis', opp. Opera Hoaae. Wm Hamlin went to Mediord yester C hinese New Year began Sunday night day on business. J at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Dr. Flanagan went to Oakland W. H. Flanagan, physician surgeon Or., Tuesday evening on a visit. and dentist. R. A. Booth San Francisco on 1 New chain cheap at anywhere in the business last Friday. city at Terrell A Son. John Bolt the Galice creek milling man was in town Saturday. Fresh nute and raisins at Bartlett’t. There i» eome talk of an injunction i»e- intf served on the proposed work of Bo zarth A Staley, th»* expert» employed to go over the county books, but the move haa nut yet takeu definite «hape. The county books have never yet been ex- □er ted, though George Kelh was employ ed a year or two ago tu hm what the ounly debt was tie ran a»: oust a snag in the shape of th<we |4,000 britlge warrants, but was told not to go into de tails, but just to see what the county debt waa. Uf course Mr Kelly was obliged to do as he was told, but his dis- ( coverr of these fraudulent warrants re- | suited in saving the county of Joeephiue nearly |5,00) which was a pretty good investment tor the $100 or so George was paid for going as far as tie did The experts who are now at Salem have nut yet begun their work here. State Iteiua Medical Prope rt lea of Le tuona. “While you are giving people Him pls Harney county*a indebtudnevais about rule« fur preferring their health, why don’t you tel I them about the use of lem The Baker City Republican waa at on»?” an intelligent professional man remarked the other <lav. He west to tached la*t week for $5*K). sav that he had long been troubled with Cattle buyers have been boxing up an inactive liver, which gave him a -lock in Wallowa county recently. Some wnrldoi pain and trouble, until recently of the sales w-r»» at >18.75 for year j he was advised by a friend to Ute a ling* and $13 for calves regularly a gla** of hot water with About a dozen hop contracts fur the the juice of half a lemon squeezed into crop of 1897 were filed for record in Yam it, but no sugar night and morning, and hill county laU week The average price see what the etfect would be. He tried to be pan! ii’Xceuls. it and found himielf better almost imine- | diatehr. His daily headaches, which Rabbit-killing is a popular amusement i I to cure, left him. in Like county this winter. In one tus appetite improved, and he gained school district over 1200 rabbits were several pounds in weight within a few killed by the neighbors on a recent Sun I weeks. After a while he omitted the day. drinks,either at nightor in the morning, A special train of 21 cars of cattle and now at tunes does without either of passe»! through Eugene Friday evening. them. “I am satisfied from the experiment,” The cattle were consigned from Junction City and Harrisburg to California by a said he, “that there is no better medi cine for persons who are troubled with San Francisco buyer. bilious and liver complaints than the The contest for county printing grew simple remedy I have given, which is so warm in Polk conn tv’ that the West tar more efficacious than quiuine or any Side offered to print 10,000 letter heads other drug, while it is devoid of their in for the county for 1 cent, but the Itemiz- jurious consequences. It excites the er gave $2 for the privilege and got the liver, stimulates the digestive orgaus, job. and tones up the system generally. It Petty thieves are reaping a golden har is not unpleasant tu take, either, indeed vest in Myrtle Point. Clothes ate being one soon get« to like it.” taken from the lines at night; fruit and For the Lungs. bacon is disappearing from cellars, and there are chicken thieves galore, says Elder Alsou W Steers writes from the Enterprise. Portland, Or. : “There is no medicine for O. T. Robinson and C. H. Oatman the throat and lungs that 1 can recom struck a very rich ledge of ore on Dodaon mend to ministers, public speakers and mountain a few days ago, says the Rose singers, w ith the confidence that I can burg Plaindealer, f he vein is eight feet the > B. Cough Cure.” For sale by W. thick and t»ears gold, silver and copper, F. Kremer; 50v per bottle. but chiefly copter and gold. Prices Talk. Money Talks. The lower the price the lew» we have to talk. The fact of the matter is. we are overstocked with Petite Prunes, and in order to make them move more readily offer them at the low price of 5 cts a pound. 1896 DRIED FRUITS. The family of M. F. ¡lull returned from Everything for pruning and sprayi ng Ashland Friday evening. at Crauier Brut. Is all we have in stock. Run through the following list, perhaps we Miss Alice Thornton has returned to The Town Talk it a chatty little sheet i have just what you want: the Sisters ’ school at Jacksonville. just slatted at Ashland by Geo. C. Stan De aines» Cannot be Cured ley. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Calhoun went to by local applications as they canuc.l Battlett Pears.................................... ... per pound IOC For tine fruit trees see J. T. Taylor at Medford yesterday to remain awhile. I reach tiie diseased portion of the ear. «< Howard’s store. 8 50c Miss Nettie Redfield returned to her There is only one way to cure deafness and that is bj constitutional remedies. 1« Fresh salt-water tish at Ahlt'a meat home near Glendale Friday evening. IOC Nectarines ......................................... I>eafne-s is i*aused by an intiamed con market. «• Mrs.jJ. A. J. Yokum returned to her dition of the mucous lining of the Eu IOC Apricots ............................................... The flyer only had four cars at it sped home at Riddle Tuesday evening, stachian Tube. When this lube is in « « 8#c Pitted Plums ...................................... South Tuesday. J. F. Kelio, .1 of Kerby was in the city tiamed you have a rumbling sound or II imperfect hearing, and when it is en 8^ic tins week,act.nnpamsd by Dap Payne. Silver Prunes ...................................... Terrell A Son have ail appropriate and tirely closed, deaf news is the resuit, and it beautiful line of Undertaker goods The • Vic Capt. Wheeler left Sunday for Deliver unless the intiammation can be taken Apples (bleached) .............................. stock is all new, having come direct Col., where be has a lawsuit on bis out and this lut>e restored to its normal from the Manufacturers. hands. condition, hearing will be destroyed for Above is all nice bright fruit, which we are now displaying ¡in a “Fer You will find those |1 00 ladies' shoe» Mrs. L. L. Jewell returned from San ever ; nine cases out of ten are caused at Howard’s the best value that has Francisco last week to be present at her by catarrh, which is nothing but an in ris Wheel” run by the Grants Pass water works. flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. ever been offered m the city before for mother's funeral. the money. We will give One Hundred 1 dollars for Call and see it whether you need dried fruit or not, Judge Chiles and Rev. H. A. Wood any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) Anti-Rusting Tinware, warranted fur went to Woodville Sunday to bold ser that cannot l»e cured by Hall's Catarrh 1 HREE YEARS, wild only by Cramer vices at the church there. Cure. Semi for circulars ; free. Bros. F. J. CHENEY cic Co., Toledo, O. Gea. E. A. Merrill will arrive this Sold by druggists, 75c. Baby carriage for sale or rent Apply evening Irom Potsdam, N. Y.,to stop Last Wrek « "Hoti! U|».“ The old Lane blacksaml mine, at Ran Hall's Family Pills are the best. at this office. over a day or two. dolph. in Coos county will soon be in Last Thursday night at 11:30, the active operation again says the'Coos Bay Newt. Gordon was acquitted by the Hailing Deputy*« Salaries. R. M. Eberle and family have return News. Twenty years ago the Lane mine north-bound passenger train was (lagged justice court at Klainath Falls, having ed from the frosen regions of Illinois, employed a number of miners at g»xxl and stopped by armed men at Shady i killed the tough in self defense. after several months absence. Senator Harmon has introduced the wages, and Randolph, which has since point, on the bank of the Umpqua about following bill : Some snow appears on the near-hy sum- Alva and Riley Lamar who have been two miles south of Roseburg. Engineer Section 1. The county clerk of Jose become a deserted village, was then a mite hut the warm tboweis are thawing absent in California for several months, Dick Morris asked what was wanted and phine county shall receive an annual sal lively little town. it away gradually. are visiting their parents in this city. was answered by a shot which grazed his ary of twelve hundred dollars, and he The tax levies on property within the cheek and told to “Get down there--------- Clearance sale at the Red Star Store. Wallace Crockett returned last week shall appoint one deputy clerk who shall city limits of \-toria are : Hate, 4 mills , -------- ------- Fireman Hendricks slipped 20 per cent otf on ALL goods. from Sissons, the mills at that point hav receive an annual salary ot seven hun county, 12 mills ; city (I mills ; district oft the tender and ran for Roseburg to We have just opened up a new store of ing shut down for a few weeks. dred dollars, which salaries shall be pay school, 7 mills; county school, 5 mills; If von want a dress made to suit, call give the alarm, and an engine loaded able monthly. county road 2 l .j mills; total, 36\ mills. on Mrs. II. L.Grav F. street near the Will Q Brown passed byon his way with Supl. Fields' posse of armed men Section 2. The sheriff of Josephine The levy for last year was 31 3 mills, but bakery. A good fit and low price. to Washington City last week. He will hurried to the scene to find the express county shall receive an annual salary of as the assessed valuation for this year is Dr: sees made Irom *2 00 to 3 50. try to induce congress to put a duty on car burned up. fifteen hundred dollars, nnJ he shall ap about |3iM»,(M)d le^s than last, the amount line of the robbers who under»!' od NO SHELF-WORN GOODS. The Gold Hill News is a Bright news nickel. EVERYTHING NEW and FRESH point one deputy who shall receive an of the tax will be coriesjKmdin ,dy less. running an engine, had handled the lev paper just started at Gold Hill. Its mot J. J. Pedigo, having traded ranches annual salary of seven hundred dollars, er» while the others uncoupled the The following notice, with 14 signa to is “A Newspaper Notan Organ’' which with J Delavan expects to move down which salaries shall be payable montU- tures to it, appears in a Roseburg paper: train. is what all sensible readers want, and the to Curry county in the syring when the iy- Messenger Butler was ordered out of News is apt to succeed Section 3. All Ai *.s and parts of Act “We, the undersigned legal voters of the roads get good. the express car, buttftook a shot at the in conflict with this Act are hereby ic- county, do hereby give notice to all own roblM*rs and got out on the other side, Second hand lumber wagon for sale George Kelly returned from Portland ers of dogs used for running deer in and cheap apply at this office. making for the passenger cars last week. The report that he had be peaied. Section 4. Inasmuch as there is no about the district known as Scott’s val The robbers then threw bombs into come a legislative clerk proves to be a Kitchen safes $2 75 at Hale’s. law fixing the compensation of deputy ley, that w-e will from now on shoot all the express car, blew up the stove and canard. Same in Harry Benson’s dogs which we may discover running clerk ami deputy sheriff in Josephine The latest thing in Pear is the Lincoln case. set the outfit on fire, which destroyed all county, this Act shall take effect irom deer in or about the said Scott’s val corelesa. It is a late keeper and fine the perishable express matter but they ley.” Mrs. Rose Cuitis, daughter of road and after its approval by the governor. Get them at the Riverside Nursery. got nothing of value except a few regis master Galvin, lost all her baggage in Twelve carloads of Eagle vallev fed tered pouches from the mail car. The WOODVILLE, OREGON. All theilifferent forms of skin troubles, tee Roseburg hold-up. She was a pas Stands at the Head. cattle wereshipped East by rail from Ba passengers were not molested. from chap|ied hands to srzem» and indo senger to Portland on the ill-fated ker City last week. Iowa buyers pur A farmer near by saw five men going lent ulcers can be readily cured by De- train. Aug. J. Bogel the leading druggist of chased these cattle, paying $3 per hun toward Roseburg shortly after the explo Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve, the great pile Prosecuting Atttorney Jeffries passed Shreveport, La., says: “Dr. King’s dred-weight, which is regarded as a high sions, hut could not get near enough to cure. Dr. W. F. Kremer. New Discovery is the only thing that price, specially so, as they took the cat identify anv of them ami tin y acted as if south yesterday from Salem. He says Soothing for burns, scalds, chapped the supreme court is still waiting for the cures my cough, and it is the best seller tle without refusing anv of the feeders. they wished to avoid him. hands and lips. Healing for cuts anti appeal transcript in the Piaster ease. 1 have.”. J. E. Cambell, merchant of The Union meat Company, of Portland, Detective’s Hume and Thacker of the sores Instant relief for piles, stops pain The defense seems to be waiting too, Safford, Anz., writes: “Dr. King s New bought two or three bu m lies of cattle re H. 1*. R, R. have been at work on the at once These are the virtues of De while the tax payers keep paying for Discovery is all that is clal med for it; it cently for $2 75 and $2.IK) per hundred. case ever since. never fails, and is a sure cure lor Con Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Dr. W. F. the delay. A rewardof^ll(Mk) each has been offer Harry Miller’s Troiiblew. sumption, and Colds. 1 cannot say Kremer. ed for th»* apprehension of the robbers, Representative Schinidllein of Jack enough for its merits.” Dr. King’s New by Wells, Fargo & Co. Pocket knives marked “Stiletts” are eon, passed by on Friday's train, going Discova v for Consumption, Coughs am! Several drummers lost valuable sain- An altercation between IL B. Miller, fully warranted and of the finest quality, to hie home at Woodville, probably tired Colds is not an experiment, it has been president of the agricultural college, ami pies by the fire. One claiming to he out framer Bros, sell them. of staying in Salem on his own expense. tried for a quarter of a century, ami to J. Fred Yates, a prominent Corvallis 8,(MX) in jewelry samples. Several tow n physicians held a licit He spoke a few fcords to a crowd of his day stands at the head. It never disap lawyer and chairman of the Benton coun The injured cars have been taken to mortem examination on the body of acquaintances at the depot, saying points. Free trial uottle at Dr. W. F. ty republican central committee, occur- to Sacramento for repairs. Kremer’s drug Stoie. Chas N Maxwell Monday and found “We've got ’em.” Barties on the inside claim the rob- ed last Friday morning on Main street that the young man had come to lilt Coryallis. Miller sought Yates, and bv’-s got a pretty good haul of coin, not- The Seasons' Itatnt'all. County Without a Saloon. death through a fatty clot at the meeting him, accused him and his bro w thstanding the rei»ort to the contrary. heart. ther, William E Yates, who is prosecu Aug. 9t> ................................................... Threw Away HI« Cane«. Sherman county is again without a ting attorney for the district and a mem The Cm until goes to press at 1 o'clock Sept. “........................................................7# saloon When anattemut was made re ber of the board of regents, of circulating Wedi es lav afternoon. Advertisers who Oct. ”.....................................................L30 cently to have a saloon. Miss Maggie Ea Mr. D. Wiley, ex postmaster, Black wish to chance ad- will please hand them Nov. ”....................................................-5.45 ton, of the W. C. T. U., took her horses a report that Miller was instrumental in bringing forth the Stanley bill, to estab cr»»’k, N’. Y., was so badly affiuted with in not later than Tuesday noon. Dec. “.................................................... 5-72 and carriage, and with another w hite lish an agricultural college» in Eastern rliviimatism that he was only able to 97 ................................................. 2 20 ribboner, drove 55 miles in one day, and Oregon. Yates asked Miller his author hobble around with canes, and even Constipation in its worst forma, dys Jan Total ...................................................... 1Ö.03 oftened 45 gates, and the next day, tak ity for makingsiich an accusation. Miller then it caused him grnat pain. After pepsia. sick headache, biliousness and ing another woman, drove 45 miles and at first refused to divulge his authority. using Chamberlain's Bain Balm he was derangement of the liver are readily The little daughter of Mi. Fred Web o}»ene<1 30 gates; making 100 miles in Finally fie said he did not know who told so much improved that he threw away cured hv DeWitt’s Little Eally Risers. These little pills never gripe Small pill, her, Holland, Mass., bad a very bad i wo days a:xl the opening ami closing of him, but that he was so told and that his canes, lie says this liniment did cold and cough which he ha«i not been 75gates. By doing this they found men such reports were derogatory to him and him more good than all other medicines safe pill, best pill. Dr. W. F Kremer. able to cure with anything I gave him employed upon theia farms and secured One hundred num wanted, to trade hay a 25 cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough a majority of signatures of the voters, harmful to the institution Yates replied and treatment put together. For sale at that if Miller was told sue!: a thing he 50 cents per bottle by all druggists. and grain for buggies and backs. A. K. Remedy, says W. P Holden, merchant and so saved the county iron) a saloon, would certainly know who was his infor Yantis, Grant’s Pass. and postmaster al West Brimfield and says the Wasco News. mant. The Webling sisters plaved to a small Dr. Kremer has bought Dr. Iziwe’s op the next time I saw him tie said it “You are a liar,” said the president of audience at the opera house Mondvy Worthy of Notice. tical outfit and can now fit your eyes sci worked like a charm. This remedy is in the college, ami was immediately evening, The troupe consists of four la- tended especially for acute throat and entifically and at reasonable prices. knocked down by Yat.-s. In falling hv dieo who ar»* decidedly English in their lung diseases such as colds croup and clinched with Yates, and both ft»ll in the manner and accent The plays were of Make your w ife, daughter or mother- wboopirg cough, and it is famous for its The S. B. Medicine Company is the street. Yates broke loose and they con the »plaint old Anglo Saxon kind and in-law happy with a drees pattern bought cures there is no danger in giving it to only one out of nine proprietary medi tinued to light until separated by were very nice, though nobody could at Howard’s. children for it contains nothing injuri cine firms incorporated on this coast friends. hear what was said, owing to the poor since 18X7 that has not made an assign ous. For sale by all druggists. Clearance sale at the Red Star Store. Mr. Miller could not be seen in regard acoustics of the hall. The dancing was ment. These hard times, with no news 20 per cent otf on ALL goods. LOST. paper advertising contracts for two to the affair, as he took the train for Sa die best part of th« play. I have three hundred acres of unim years, it speaks loudly of their merit. lem. Mrr Yates said that he deeply re proved land, coast fork of the Willamette BORN. Between Grant’s l’assand Anderson on 50c per bottle. For sale by W F Kremer. gretted the occurrence, but tin? trouble was not of his seeking, and he felt it nec river for sale or trade for city property Jan. 24, 1897. a lady's navy blue mack Last Week ’ s Wick. essary to resent a wanton insult. PAR TLOW Near this city Jan. 28, to Mr. or an orchard. J. W. G kivvith . mtosli; double cape , plaid lining, red Yates w’as fined $IQ by the police and Mrs. Sid Partlow, a son. Howard is putting out his drees goods predominating. Finder will please leave judge — LINDSAY Ati’benney ersek. Jan. 28, to The north-bound pas-enger train was it at the Grant's Paes express office ami at a very low price. Call before purchae- Mr. and Mrs. Richard L ind-ay, a daugh be suitably rewarded by E lla S immons , 4 hours late m Grant’s Pass, Wednesday elsew here. ter. Hlectric Biurrs. Waldo, Or. evening of last week, on account of a On Jones creek January 29, 1807, freight tram wreck at Gregory’s siding, If the dear people who have printing to Electric Bitters is a medicine suited HELMS to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Helms, a sun. For Nate or Exchange. on the south side of the Siskiyou moun for any season, hut perhaps more gen do will let the C oi ' mikk bid on it they tains, in California. The freight train erally needed when the languid ex BE I. DI N'G -In this city Jan 28, to Mr. and will save money. Polities or religion Mrs. W. P. Belding, aeon. should cut no figure when you want a 132 acres of river land; 100 acres was going down the mountain, when the haust» d feeling prevails, when the liver thousand letter heads, statements, or fenced, with dwelling house ; gissl title. engine and 8 cars were derailed by a de- is torpid and sluggish and the need of F.BERLE In this <*ity Feb. 2toMr. and fectivi- switch. Fireman Silsby had his anything in the printing line. We do Will exchange for improved town prop of a tonic or alterative is felt. A prompt Mrs. Robt. Eberle« «laughter. ! arm broken, his collar bone fractured ami use of this medicine has often averted the work well and don't expect Pi gel erty. Apply to I sustained other injuries. Georgia Smith long ami perhaps fatal bilious fevers. DI SBAR In Uiis cRy Feb 2, to Mr. and J as . N ui . v , rich. Mrs. L E. Dunbar a daughter. of Med to rd who was working his way No medicine will act more surely in Merlin, Or. Wanted to exchange—A new. late im I south was killed. countera» tmg and fre«*ing the system M ARklKD. proved Winchester for a double barreled Ladles ' < 'olorr-rl Mtnst rets. from the inalarial poison. Headache, breech-loading shot gun ; will pay dif- A good recommendation for Simmons indigestion, constipation, dizziness yield GAL WITH BERRY In this city Jan efernce. Call at this office. 27, <L W Galwith ami Lula Berry, by Reserved seats 35 cents, general ad Liver Regulator is, that it is purely veg to Electlic Bitters. 50c, and $I.(K> per Rev. Jenkins. A torpid liver means a bad complexion, mission 25c children 15c. Tickets on etable and strongly tonic. Then t<>j, u is bottle at Dr. W. I Kremer's drug store. I Better than Pills because easier to take bad breath, indigestion and frequent sale Clemens’ Drug More. Dorrs often ; in liquid or p >wder and w ith no griping, headaches. To avoid such companions 7 :#) Performance begins at 8. TI m * < ,'hct<*o M urdrr. take DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the Tickets on sale Friday, morning Feb. [ win'«* ibe relief from Constipation, Bil- » AL HOI N Near this city, January 31, IMPORTERS OF ANI> DIALERS IN ; iouwn'*Hs, siuk Headache and Dysp 'psia amous little pills. Dr. W. F. Kremer. 5 th. 1H‘«7, < lara M.. wife of M. H. Calhoun, « L. B Hartman, Jones ami another : i-< quick and sure. ”1 find Himmons Li- native of Steuben Co., New*York, aged 51 Following is the cast of characters in Monday last several vaqueros from ' ver Regulator a very safe and valuable man had hem ■ Ainpi ng a the MrFerin years. Williams creek were clia-ing a heifsr ‘Smoked Pearls” from "Husky Town” family medicine.—Rev. J. M. Rollins. ranch o.i| he upp'-r Chet» o. Early on Mr- < »ilh«»un wh * the mother of George to lie given at the O|>era House Feb. 9, tin* morning of the 21stof January, three - , Bert < ’alhoun, ami Mrs L. L. Jewell of' through town, when the animal jumf>e<J 1 Fairfield, Va or four dogs got to harking at the pack thi- citv ami Joseph ('alhoun* and two over a little girl and a barb wire fence at 1897 under the auspices of the Episcopal animals. Jones w ent out ami b»*at Hart younger daughters, ('lara and Helen. The the dsi>ot at the same time. The child church society : Ijoet. .. 1st Soprano mans' «h*g brutally ami Hartman said au e of her death was typhoid fever «‘on <»- not hurt, but her umbrella was bad Miss Juhn-mg 2nd Soprano ” Betsy Short.............. that all the dogs slioul«! be punished as Ira- te»l through werk<< of nursing awl care ly demoralized ' Sukev Pell ........ 1st Alto A bay mare branded J 3 on the It well as iiis. The third man, who was ■ >( the younger daughters. Her own dine»* If you need dishes, you cannot fail te ... 1st Tambo hip, strayed from Kerby recently. An cooking br»'akfast, told them to g<> »>ut- '♦pin about four weeks previous U> her ” Liza A in Sunflower make a «election from our FIVE OPEN Soprano ( information will be reasonably reward i side if they widie l to quarrel ami they »lentil All (hat loving care and M'ientifi« Angelina Baker .... nedii al treatment could »io. *a» brought STOCK PATTERNS t rainer Bro« . Alic ed by Rosalie White C ham , P hillips , did so, Jones coming back shortly for to l’» >*ron her behalf, but was of no avail 2d Tambo limali Moraing Glory Kerby, Or. hiH gun. saying “i am g*>mg to kill Hart in bringing about her re»-overy. Sweet Cider at Bartlett's. ........ Soprano Alabama Blossom he wa • a member of the Congregational man.” A moment after a shot followed The length of life may tie increased by . 2nd A !<• Topsy Purvey ... and the cook saw Hartman on the hur< b at A-bland, whither her remain- A weed in t‘.e garden can be easily de I es-ening its dangers. Tne majority of ... Soprano I stroyed when it first starts, (’onsump- , ground, dying, Jones c«»ol^ givingon th* •\<*r» taken Monday after funeral services Lucy Jane Ixmg ha«i tar »ri pl aw at the residence of L. L. BLACKBURN HOUSE BLOCK people die from lung troubles. These 1st Comedian Virginia Rosebud - SIXTH STREET ' tion « an be nipped in the bu<l By One suffering man. Ml II CaiboUB ami may be averted by promptly using One " Chloe Lively .........................Soprano M inute Cough Cure. Dr. W.F. Kre ' J'jne* said he wouhl stay witli the lb»- ber»-avp<! family havs the kindly tyni- . Minute Cough Cure. Dr. W. F. Kremer. “ Martha Washington Snowball laxly while the cook went for officers, I pathy of our entire < ommueity. tner. 2nd Comedian and tie did He was arrested ami n«>w The old way of delivering messages, by - In Grant’s Pass. Fet. I 1**7 < ’ iim I i For < ■<>!<! Adolphus Slioofly i lies in jail at Gold B»*ai h, awaiting tri MAXWELL post boys compared with the modern after i -bort Hines-. Charles N- Maxwell. Minutes ¡»“ ciii like hours when a lib- I Clementina Butterfly ■ . Pican in nier al. telephone, illustrates the o<d tedious eire»l 2!♦ year» I months I is at stake. ( r >up gives no time to send Hariman was a imneralogist ami hi» method» of “breaking” colds compared Ruth Esther White ) I for a doctor. Ifelav may mean death ' Thv gentle vol< e now is hush«! . wnh their almost instantaneous cure by Miss Lydia Cynthia Aramanllia Jefferson One Mmute Cough Cure gives instant re- rem iins are to be shipped East by way I by warm true heart ie still "Accompanist” ot <iranl’s Pass. 1 One Minute Cough Cure. Dr. W. F Kre. Ami on thy fair and happy brow i lief and insures recovery. The only harm- * Is resting »ieath’s oold chill I tner. less remedy that produces immediate re The True Remedy, Thv band« are clasped »ipoii thy brea-t The Papago Ijidiuns in Ariz ma are sults. Dr. W. F. Kremer, The warm rains of the past week have \\ • have ki.’-*•»•« thy lovely brow Dr. Vanderpool'» -tarted the placer men to work again, having an epidemic of suiali|s x I Ami in <mr a» hing heart« we know W. M, Repine, e<litor Tiskilwa, We have no < barley now. i Tne winter has thus far been of the Percy iFouglaas, a widely known Tuef.” saj a : “We won’t keep iiomM "uiien” order, stuck of all kinds running Phvs*ic, the Oregon Liver and Kidney •d large on the natural grasses, and this ' tough character and ex-convict, w»< regulator, takes the lead with ns. For withoui Dr King’s New Dinovery ft/ J. R H ai . k , Undertaker, office op ( unsumption. Coughs ami Colds. Ex ' ■ minion makes dull business for hay killed at Bakersfield, Cal., by E. I. sale by W. F. Kremer; 50c per bottle. penmeuted aitii many other», but never posite Kremer’s drug atore, where and grain men. lbe rainfall to date is Willows, chief of the fire departmen'. got the true remedy until we need Dr Iionglasa kicked down the door to he may I m : found, either day or night 1'1.03 inches for the season. Lingering Letter*. King’- \« w D.-c-very. ^ f <nh r rem»* Willow's room and was shot with a »ly < an take it* pla« «• imine, as in Our people are growing more and more m the habit of looking to all druggists charge of buckshot. J^etters for the following parties were it we have a certain sure cure for Coughs, Prentiss Selby, one of the founders un< ailed for at the Grants Pas« post- i (’olds, Wli xipingf 'ough, etc.” It is idle 1 for the latest and beet of everything in to experiment with other remedies, even the drug line. They sell Chamberlain's of the Selby smelting works, died at office Feb. 2 | Cough Remedy, famous for its cures of Oakland, Cal., after a brief illness. Moron tFred Philips Mi»* Maud if they are urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery. They are bed colds, croon and whooping cough. The normal school at -an Jo»r, Cal., I'rnviug ( p. not as goo«i, bHXkise this remoly has Alien in need of such a medicine give a record of cure« and bein h-« is guaran this remedy a trial and you will be more , graduated fifty-three new candidates t.r teacliershipe in the public «ch ds at Settlers des.ring to make final proof t*e I. It never fails to satiaiy Trial than pleased with the result. » the annual commencement last week. on their claims < an save trouble and ex boules free at Dr. W. F Kremer’s Drug The first cleanup of the llaviord Iliff John M. Sweetser. A. B. Morgan and pense by sending in name and number > tore. i pump-placer mine began la t week, Having made arrangements to of claim with description, and names of "ben it is completed tiie firm will know Ml«« Ixmda Stebbins will represent four witnesses. Applications made oct buy from a factory ouUide of the <>iit on Can»«** whether the» war.t logo ahead or not. Stanford University at the inter-colle ir»*e at the Cot aiaa office. » 32 ' combine, we now sell coffins and 1 hey have s men al work and nee about giate debate with Berkeley this year. Oregon, M described by Mr. If. W. askets at greatly reduced prices A cords of wood during the 12 hours run Tea« liar’s Kiarnination The suit brought by Healdsburg, Wem-o of Portland, assisted by a fine We furnish everything from the OFFICERS. | each lav so the ground must !>• pretty Cal., against the Iron lumen of Treas Notice »• hereby given that for th*» -!cr»*apln on exhibition, will be the sub rich to pay a profit on the work. matly trimmed rosewood coffin PrwidMt, Dr. J. Ellia Roller. i JeH ot an entertainment given at the urer Mulligan to recover S3541 49 and irpose ot mak ng an examination of all Vice Prwidwit, R. R. Fimple. Nwretery. C. A. Marek. Ilui kiln’s Arnica Halve. interest since October 2>>, 1*93, has lieen u»«rxous wb<> may offer UieuiM•ive» a- <ipera House Feb. 23d, un«ler the anspic- j whu h w sell ai $10 to the finest TrcMurar, J. D. March. Manager, II. R Connallay. 4<*a* 1 »ff» of this <*<»unty the re of Bethany ‘ hristian Endeavor > s i <loth and metallic caskets, and decided in favor of the city. Mulligan < an»h«iat**«< em< o is an expert phot»»/ 1 hold a ety. Mr guarantee the gtMxls to be fully Tux » xst salvk in Ilse World lor cuU. claimed to have been robbed. The ver county arboul wupt. ther»»of «il raplier This collection lantern slid»-« DIRECTORS. t Hou- at the Cour public examination bruiaes. nore«, aalt rtmum, tever eoree. dict implies that be had robbed Run equal to those usually wold for in Grant’» Pa«« at < ,ne o’rloi X 1 M. on tetter. rhapped handa, i hilblama. corn. es If. John Davidaun. H. R Cenno!ter. > twice the money. H J j J M /, , VVwin-»Mlay Feb. Jfl and all sk>n erupUons, and poeilireiy Dr. J Elli» Rudlay. J. D. March. R. R. Yimpte. ty. It zu R ver VaP.ey. Ac Every one The governor of v-»» fa has signed v of Jan l*/7 The only hearse in town at a I Hated thia 23.1 da > eures pilea or oo pay requirnl. 1t i» •ho.jld wee this exhibition. AduimMon, I). H reasonable rate to our patrous. guaranteed to give food «atiafaa tion or the prise fighting btii and this» makes adnits, 25c Children 15e. inoney retunded rrfce 25c per box. it possible fur pugs to meet in the aage be u«h . For aale by Dr. W. F. Kremer. CALHOUN BROS. NEW STORE JUMA GENERAL MERCHANDISE! Dry Goods! Croceries! Provisions! Lowest Prices. Give Us a, Call. J. O. C. M IMER A Co. GRANT S PASS Pork Packing House I J. II. AHI j F, Proprietor. Finest Quality of Hams, Bacon, Lard, Etc., at Wholesale and.Retail. JEWELL & DODGE HARDWARE, FARMING IM PLEMENTS, MINING TOOLS, PIPE, POWDER &c., &c. ! Medicine Taken Internally. No Hypodermic Injection. Cure Guaranteed in 21 Days. L R. HALE.