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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1897)
/ ROGL’C RIVER COURIER. NEWS OF THE WORLD. ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE. - r Robert Pr«l «1» J vung- r i.*> p-v; Koine of the lawyer» in tv rented in Tfo. ¡ai. Minister Willi*, while in the Ifabtoi • book which i. ve.U the d*r* the Fair-Craven deed and contract rai.dwkh is I an ds, disco be red the de .i.l- of life m Lo»'1 ,D M marriage content waging in the Sas J. NUNAN, P ublish «». fendants of a ton of ex-Governor pblie l ui hi. own c»rwr of moral <leg- Fran« iaco court« have had duplicate A Chicago judge Lus rendered » de- Deaha *»f Kentucky. Many year» ago The Mitchell neo tn the Oregon radaUuu. I* m * u «.«I Every Thumday copies of the original alleged deeds eUioa by which it is held that no phy- « - -n "f Govern r Ite-ha was convicted The extreme cold weather in th«» made for the purpose of entangling the lirion is allowed to charge over one sf murder, par«lone«i by his father, legmlature organised the assembly on the 2111, which makes two bodw in Eaat U aceompaaied by th« usual fre experts who pronounced the deeds ac- , hundred do!!ar» a day for service*. «nd left the country. He settled in the usciti Piper ol huDilte Coaity. Ortioi. knowledge«! by Cooney to I mj forgeries. Mark Twain 1« living at a « he.«p lodg islands and raised a family, one son the state claim lug to be the legal legis quent contiagrationa Cbi«’«‘gos de lature. partment res;>onded in one «lav to over F. Lobes of the* Rout Colton winery ing houae in l/mdon, writing a !x>ok now being a prominent clergyman in 1 The body of the late United States one hundred tire alarms. that country. ate some torplstools for mushrooms last from the Bale# of which he hoj»eH to be F<>K SALE BY T hursday , F ebruary 4, 1897. MinisU r Willis arrived at Hau Francisco The llliuoi* l.ii»l*ture a'.opted a week and wan only saved by prompt able to pay his debta. A tire, believed to have bean incen from Honolulu, en route to his former resolution thanking the Nebraska .eg- medical autittance. Mr. an«i Mrs. Bradley Martin of New diary, at Hoboken, N. J., on Munday home in Kentucky for final interment. islature fur its offer of assistance to the Kan I He go has adopted un anti-ex* York City will give a bad cn February morning burned Mrs. Nellie Schroeder $2 a Y kar , ok $ i 50 in A dvance F. A. Lofgreen of St Da«id, in Co- suffering po'jr of Chicago. perforation ordinance, which provides 10th which is to cost find five children to death. rhise county, A. T., l«as struck oil on In an Attempt to chastise a young for a fine of $5 or two days in jail or Fire in a Chin« a* theatre vaused a •A R us *« an blacksmith is reported in his place while drilling for artesian man at Campbellsville, Ky., fur un I frrujxxr¡Mt panic at Kwang Tow, Cluna, resulting the IxHidon dispatches to have nailed water. The drill encountered the oil S enator H armon , who is also both as a punishment. moral conduct, one of the regulators Shasta county has 62 saloons, paying I , in the death of three hundre«l people. iron alio « to the hare feet of his wife at a depth of 290 fret. It is of a «lark, and a defender of the young man were deputy county clerk when he is at $100 license; Kiskiyou has 90, paying William JenningN Bryan has m * cure«! as a puni-hni«»nt for unfaithfulness. He yellowish color, about the consistency killed. home in Grant's Pass, has intro $100 per year; Trinity 39, paying was sentenced to jail for two days. injunctions against a number of book of sorghum molasses, and burns read The populists of Kansas have issued Thon «a- H. Stout four years ag<> ran ily when ignited, and while burning duced a bill to raise the salaries of Tehama 21, paying $75, ami M< do« ?.p , {«ubiishers to restrain them from pulr- a manifesto to the legislature demand with $25 <|iiarterly license. Sutter, i lisliing infringements of bis new lMX>k, away from New York with a few thous has the unmistakable odor of coal oil. depnty'clerk ar.d deputy sheriff ot with no license, has no saloons at all. 1 “ The First Battle.” ink legislation against the ex -rbitant and dollars belonging to his employers. The convention of Christis < Endeav charges levied upon livestock ship) cd Josephine county to $700 a year. He has just beeu identified al Cincin Southern California recently paas<*d Spanish soldiers poisoned a well in ors is, which was to have met at San to the Kansas City market This is not a very high figure, but through one of the heaviest storms I Cuba to catcii insurgent*. A Spanish nati, where he had served time for Francisco this year, may be « ailed <-tf, known for years. At Kan Diego and company drank ol the well ami twenty- i beating hotels. Governor Mount of Indiana has the present temper of our tax-payers Coronado the short«« were «wept by the as a controversy has arisen over the signed a bill directing the \ andalia i Die United States grand jury at Bal matter of rates on the railroad«. five men «lied, whereupon the surviv rs si not favorable to raising anybody's roughest seas ever experienced there. proceeded to slay forty natives in re timore has found indictment« against railroad to make an accounting a-* to The Faciflc Poultry Amociation is its alleged debt of about $1,UUU,UUU to | Angeles snow fell in greater taliation. salary. Our county, city and school At (»••neral ('arlos Roloff, secretary of war bolding its annual show ut Oakland the state school fund under an old quantities than has been known for debts are increasing year after year, twenty The past week has been the coble Ft »f the Cuban provisional government, this week. years. charter. and his coinpatriot, Dr. Ju*c* J. Lu s, weather in the East experienced in although we are paying 4 per cent R. E. Brown, a miuing engineer of An Oakland, ('al., doctor has appar twenty-five years. At a meeting of the Manhattan Con- j Chicago e-p«*cially on the charge of setting on f<xit a mili taxes. It is a question whether Mr. ently made an important discovery by suilered, an«l many people were froxun tary exjiedition against the Spanish in Kan Francisco, has won a suit against gregational association in Brooklyn the ( 'liba. The men will be brought from the Transvaal government by which he ■uinistsrs stroag ■ * • ' 1 'r- Goodell or Mr. Harmon needsja dep accident. Two children, w hile suffer and a few deaths were reported. N«»w York, where they are held by gets damages in $5,000,000 for the prac Lyman Abbott’s statements that cer- | ing with vaccination, also developed Ex-Queen Liliiiokulani (ullod on j uty constantly and if they do, the pronounced rases of diphtheria which I nited Stat«-« Commissioner Shields for tical confiscation of valuabi«* gold min tain books of the Bibie might property I President ('leveland on Monday and I trial. ing prop«»rt!es tax payers are not unreasonable in proved of short duration, the vaccine they be regarded as works of fiction. talke<l about the weather. T. T. Geer of Oregon reached W•«»li The Epoca at Madrid says that Gen- asking that such deputies be em apparently killing the toxine of the The two wings of the two old parties | The Grand Trunk railway in Canada ' more malignant disease ington on _________ Monday ______ with th«» __ electoral ________ | eral Azcarraga, minister of war, has will, in ?_____ . . ployed as cheaply as good service has put in force a rule that bicycles vote of his state in his custody. Wash intimated in the courae of converxa- A grave opened at Vale, Or., re united in the next campaign. 11‘*; I justifies The county court knows, vealed the fact that John Willy, who i must pay fare on its trains. tion tha! an arrangeuwnt with the ington, North I>akota and Bound money democrats and the sound The reports from the famine in India Cuban rebels looking to a eexHation of messengers were delayed by snow money repul-licnHH ill form one party ' 1< Ol* or should know how much work is was buried seven years ago, had been indicate republicans will i a pad state <>f affairs in that host lities in blockades and did not arrive on time. buried alive. The corpse Lad turned and th«» silver democrats ami the silver to be done and the price to be paid over in the coffin and the position <>f OOUiitH. t'nless material mi I is f >rth- r«»a« bed soon. Cuba may poaxibly be Tom Flynn and James H. Barry, two republicans will constitute* another extra help not provided for by state the ¡iinbe clearly indicated an effort to coming vast suffering will en*ue. 'Die Unite«! States Cruiser Brooklyn San Francisco editors of weekly paper«, party. John C. Reid, who for five years has w hih- trying to get out of an ice floc in had a {»ersonal encounter on the street« law. We will have to reduce the escape. Reports from Wellefiton, Ohio and Alaska sal mon pa< kern have formed had charge of the republican state 11 the Dole ware rive it , run unto a rock a few «lays ago, and were arreste«l for Steubenville rejiort great suffering and number of officials and reduce the a combine which will completely con headquarters in New Y’ork, died of 1 ( and was marly sunk, borne of her disturbing each other’s peace. destitution. At Welleston the refusal heart disease a few days ago. lie whs ( compartments were stove in, and will salaries of all if we ever expect to trol the market. “ Little Fete,” the murdered Chinese of the miners to break the strike has m well known and popular rewspap« r send , her into dry dock for repairs. merchant aiel sport, had the most left hundreds to be the objects of scant stop increasing our public debts. The cottage of John Wolfe, in San editor for many years. Bernardino, was destroyed by fire, to The United States training ship Al- elaborate funeral ever held in San charity. At Steubenville 3'0 families i Professor Charles R. Van Hisc, hea«l , ] lian« «• ran aground near Cape llewy, Francisco Chinafown. O vhr half the allotted time for gether with all its contents. ar«- reported suffering for want of the of the geufogicul department of the j , mik I was afterwards floate«! without in The president ha« sent to the Renate necessaries of life. The boar«I of supervisors of Santa this legislative session has passed Wisconsin state univer ity, has been jury. the nomination of S. E. Din gee to be Baroara county have order« d that the Senator Dubois of Idaho was defeated and there is no sign of their organ county offered the management of the Smith Dora for re-election Mini Henry Heitfeld was prisoners be employe«! UjHlll Miss Ma Ige Elli«, a I/imlon variety postmaster at Woodland, ('a'. sonian Institution at Washington, D. A. Horn has been appointed postmas ization yet. Tuesday an attempt the roads. actress, has just recovered 3UÜ pounds elected by a combination of populists, C., at a «alary of r’MXjO, but declined. sterling from a witness who testified ter at Hornbrook. Harry B. Scull in democrats and one gold republican was made to vote for U. S, senator The Khufeldt distillery at Chicago she had apj»eared on the stage without has lx-en appointed postmaster at THE LION'S ROAR. vote. on the part of the Benson House, has been closed by the American tights on. Mi»« Ellii tie-1 for slander 8eucker, Cal. A Great Physical Effort X m Xacassary 10 j Hpirits Association. A colli-ion occurred a day or two age It paid $3.000,000 but only 19 votes were given to Mit Joseph White, a 20year-old youth and has receive«! the sum named. Produce the Full lx*tween two trains on a Brooklyn, N. a year in taxes to the government. Dr. Livingfrtour noted the odd rr- chell and one to Geo H. Williams. 'Die Cheyenne and Arapahoe In living with his parents in Santa Rosa, Y., elevated road, and an engine and It Is now understood that an extra has disappeared from home. White is The senate by a vote of 18 to 12, Krmblancr of the lion’» loar to that of session of congress is to be « ailed to dians will be represented in the in about six feet tall And weighs 180 one conch were toppled into the street. ----- Go to the the ostrich, Hays the Spectator. Mr. augural parade, by a delegation from The engineer and fireman were killed refused to take part’in the vote for «Millais Kaya that though thr roar meet on March 15th to formulate a the Oklohama reservation. pounds. His mother said he had rid an«l several passengers badly hurt. den aw av on a horse belonging to the senator. The state senate, under of the latter i*« not ao loud, it has ex tariff' measure. It is said the fight of Senator Squire Lyman T. Gage, president of the family. She says the boy is demented, The Vanderbilt« are rn -l to lie con the «ainr tone as that of the lion. of W ashington for re-election cost him President Joe Simon's guidance is actly But the <wtr»ch always roars bis Inst, templating the purchase of the Union over $20,000. One prominent labor caused by too much cigarette smoking. First National bank of Chicago, has J. E. PETERSON, Proprietor. been 8elccte«l by Mr. McKinley to be gravely introducing and passing thr J ion very seldom. This is partly Pacific railroad at the foreclosure sale. leader fook |K(MM) and skipped out. William Hill, residing in a suburb of secretary of the treasury. Fresno, (’al., saw a man wandering ALL PRESCRIPTIONS filled by Mrs, C. M. Stone, a reguk The president has remove«! Joseph bills, hiring clerks, etc., but unless breauar a “good” roar needs u great Governor Bradley of Kentucky has around his premises a few nights ago, 'Die bubonic plague in Bombât phy sical effort. The w hole interior and maciit of twenty-three years’ experience, and Patrons cn the assembly finally organizes, their muscles of mouth, throat, stomach and I>owIing as collector of internal revenue re<-<*ived a letter from Jacksonville, Fla., ami failing to get any response to his proves fa’al in three-fourths of the in Ohio for having levied assessments proceedings will not amount to abdomen are, for the moment, i*oni« rt< d on his subordinate« in violation of civil 1 signed “Feral Bryan” who alleges she calls shot the intruder with a l<»ad of cases attacked. No wonder the popu- upon oeiug served with accuracy and promptnts is the murdeied girl for whose killing number two shot. It turned out to be lation is fleeing in such numbers. anything. Most people would be into un organ of terrific sound, aud the service rules. Scott Jackson and Alonzo Walling are round dors make the earth tremble—or Fred Bowman, who was intoxicated. It is stated that Chile is defrauded to The national woman’s suf!rage soci under sentence of death. glad to see the legislature organize appear to do so. But the attitude is He *lie<l of Life wounds and the ahooter the extent of $10,000,000 annually by ety I m holding its twenty-ninth annual Die Bering Sea Com in is-ion has was held as blameless. and go to repealing useless commis not that usually drawn. Unless hr roars convention ut Des Moines, la., this th«» practice of smuggling in dutiable foimally announced that there would lying down, when be puts hi* he .d up, The application of the veteran’s g«N>«ls. sions. but they don’t feel inclined like week. be no Adjournment to Sun Francisco, home at Yountville, (’ah, to l>e permit u «log barking, the lion “emits his The Florida orange «rowers art The French colony ut Yokohama, and complete«! the taking of evidence to trust the majority and so they fir'd monn in any position, then draws DEALER IN ted to transfer its property fo the state caught for the second time in two Japan, is stirred up over an alleged at \ icloria, B. ( ’ . 'Die members of the in his neck and lower« liis head with rather dread organization this time of California has been granted by the years with disastrous .old weather. extended jaws, right down to his for< - discovery of the consul, C. Pernvt, who party left for the Ea«t, and a dedsion and there will be few tears shed pnws, ns if nlwuit to lie violently sick; is accused of cheating in a game of will Is» r«»a< lie«l later a- to the place Superior Court of Contra Costa countv. The mercury reached 20 degrees above George R. Lash, the defaulting city z to at Jacksonville and ice formed at by tax payers should the whole while at the same time the back is looker. The consul has been «ailed of final argument. Cotner Sixth and I Sb.Giant's Fass, Oregcn. recorder of Fendleton, Or., has been Tampa. home to France to explain the cn«'*. prehrd and the w*hole animal bears nil I’ajM-rs comprising legal documents sentence«! to three years and six business go by default for the next A number of New York City horse appearance of conc«*ntnite<| «train.“ The jailer at Juneau, Alaska, was bond« and securities wortli FUSI,OH* t<> IRON;and STEEL, two years. This Is (’apt Millais’ phonetic render- | ] held up bv an armed mob recently and the United S’a e Navv nere Ioni or months in the penitentiary and fined car lines are changiug to the under $4(MX). At the same time the court in ground trolley system. |ng of the round, tnkrn when listening a convict named William T. Birch was stolen at. Chicago on Satur«lay. HARDWARE aud Cap the grand jury to make a Die senate has passed a bill author I t has become very easy to rob a to three I ions* roaring their best: “Monn released, the jailer being lo«*ke<i in the tain Shaw, in whose possession tile structed searching investigation into the charges — roar — r-o-a-r — roar — roar— roar —- cell until the crowd made good its cs- piipcrs were entrusted, caused WAGON MATEF thè that other town officials are implicated izing the uppointim-iit of commission train or a stage in Oregon and the grunt grunt grunt grunt (dying cajM*. ers to an international monetary coli issue of search warrants for the house in the «lefalcation. chances for being caught and con away).” form« e. I n L vrgb V aried It is reported thnt th«* Cinr of Russia and other places where he siis)»ecle<l A Tucoma woman was refused a di Why lions roar, w hen it ought to ¡my is suffering from a blood clot in the th«1 papers might lie hidden. victed are remote, owing to the sym The legislature of Oklahoma has vorce a few days ago by Judge Kean better to keep silent, lx not yet r\ MINERS Filled Ont on Reasonable Terms, i pathy liestowed rm the accused by plainc.l. Gen. ITnmilUm w as convinced brain which will require a surgical ojr Th«- anti-Kyle men will unite upon on the gr-wtnd that a refusal by a hus- passe«l a bill prohibiting the making oi eration to remove* gold contracts in that territory. any one in the South Dakota legisla band to take his wife to a theatre was the U. S. court at Portland. When that tigers hunting in rotikpany roar to The crop report from Washington is ture, to U-at Kyle. Koine of the re General Russell A. Alger of Michi the traiu was roblied on Cow creek confuse and frighten the deer. Po*»«!- as follows: Wheat, 427,(is-4,0<i0; corn, publicans b»»lievr Pickier has had a not sufficient grounds for a divorce. gan has been selected to be secretary bly the lion roars, when prowling The Watsonville, Cal., beet sugar last year, detectives worked hard on mound a camp, in tin* hope of causing 2,2H3,K75,000; value, $41)1,<:(),000. T«»tal fair chiinee, and failing to secure any factory ha^ closed for the season. It of war in the next cabinet. w heat area, .34,610,000. \ alm* w h at, Miss Cecil Richards is the latest ar the case and the evidence all point ><>me of the draft animals to break $310,H03,(NMk Farm price, 72.6; farm votes from the d<*ino«*rata and popu was operate«! 166 «lays, crushed 163,- list.«, that Im should be wiljng to step loose; nt other times it appears to be a in the circles of pugilism on the ed toward the guilt of certain par form of eonvcrantlun with others nt a pl ice com, 21.5; wlntei wheat area, iisale and give someone else a chance, 7911 tons of beets. It paid for beets rival fi>tic stage. Khe claims to be an ex|M»rt and laltor $7.38,166. ¿2,704,<■00. Yield per acre «<• a, 11.8; ties, but Judge Bellinger threw the db<tan('<*. lie has |H)de«l th«» full republican vote in the ring ami will put on the glovt»« yield j vi a» re wheat, 25.7. A bill has been introduced in the leg 57—which is five less than enough to with any one who thinks a woman can matter out of court by nullifying islature of Nevada permitting glove The woman suffrage bill was defeated el er *. WHY NOT WEDDED. not box. contests in that state. It is umlerstood the verdict of the jury. His Honor Two < urlou« ICewMonit for llrtneklng in the house of th«* Okiohama territo Die large plant of the Frye-Bruhn to be a bi«i for the forthcoming contest Off Latimer F* Jones, the American ar N orth S ixth S treet , G rant ’ s P ass , O r . rial legislature by a decisive \ole. has shown deep anxiety on behalf mii I n tf tag «merit Compart. Parking Company, at Seattle valued at la*tween (’«»rbet and Fitzsimmons. rested on his stud farm at Sarimrough. Hiram ('. Wheeler, th«» Iowa farm | j ?_’•’><»,0(Mi, was partly destroyed by fire. Many marring« < lire Mini« -tlnicK de near Ixuidon, on a charge of forgery, of the prisoners on more than one A plaintiff in a San Francisco police dared off for peculiar rt iduidr , gen king, who was the repulilu-an randi- , Forty h<»a«l of sheep were burned to was arraigned and hel«l without bail. occasion, and the feeling in South erally insignificant, ami quite ma often dat«* court brought a quarter section of his for governor in 1801 ami was de- j I h ath, tin- flames gaining oich head- Counsel for Jon«»« Mated that the pris ear, which a drunken lawyer had bit ern Oregon is that the robbers hail on account of the rceentricilv of the Ivatod by Hora<*e Bole«, has sold his . way liefoiv thr fir«* was <1 «<• >ver« «i that This well-known and popular Hotel is the Great Headqut ten <.ff, in a bottle of alcohol as “ Ex oner was ready to face the charge gigainst him. Part of the money al- Commercial Men, Transient Families and Steady Guests. just as well be turned loose first as man iik tlx- xxomnn. Only lust month, farm of PM) acres in Sar r<mnty and tlivir rrscue was iinp«*sible. The loss hibit A.” RUJ’M Ila» iX-troit I'rce 1’i esN, a marii.ig w ill remove t«» Texas. IL* has pur is «»st:matr«l At $15,DOO, And is covered neged to have been wrongfully obtained Its sightly location insures rest and quiet from the noise last. This is a sentiment that is in New York high life urrnng* «1 to take chased n.or« than 7000 a. r«*s of ¡and by insurance. 'Die Bakersfield Californian has been had been repaid at th«» time of the purchased by Alfre«i Harrell ami will alleged forgeries, aii «1 the prisoner had motives, while tile distance (one block from the depot) is|note ripe for lynch law pluce wax canrdrd fur a \«r\ peculiar fifty mile« northeast of Galveston ami Judge Hallrt in tile I’uite.l Statu. come out ns a democratic paper. Editor since remitted another payment to his cause inconvenience. trnaon. The intended bride vs a» a prop«*«*s to establish the largest dairy Court | sriitrnred U. II. how, formerly Weeks, who sold the Californian, lias prosecutor. young and l andm ine woman, noted !n the w<»rl<l. Board and Rooms by the Day, Week or Month. president of the (’oinni.-ii-ial Bank SlNCR the Funding Bill failed, a Isiught the Encinal at Alameda. among In racquaintances forhrrdrvn^v Chief .lusti<v Fuller and AsMo<*iat*» I i>eiivt»r, S. B., teller, an<l Albert Conningham, a coachman, J. 0. BOOTH, PROPRIE bid has been received for the gov prix*11«.lies. The bridegroom, on the Justice Brewer of the United States I The California senate committee on shot and instantly killed .Mrs. Mary !>!.<». R. Miller, a cuatonier, to the ernment's interest in the Union l‘.i otlui Lund, hud by no means n strong Supreme Court have been *vl«*«*tod t«» I penitentiary | at I Ijcaveiiworth. Kan., finance has reported in favor of making Benning at her home in Chi«ago. He M mi uimissioners in the Vent- for i wrecking the Blink, hr cific, made apparently by the U. P reputation for lad ng well groomed. Miller further appropriations to sustain the then attempted to shoot the woman’s At an important function to which i w as genii need to ten years, Ik.w to state dairy bureau. tw<> b<»vs, gnt| failing, fatally shot him itselt. When foreclosure proceed he r»«corl«’<! t hr y oung l*»dy thr t ie w liich Sudan arbitration. NOTICE FOR PUBLICA Chief of Folice Crowley of San Fran self. He had an undue liking for Mrs. years ami Met ’.«-I k< n Io live The ¡Prims'MM Chimay, who eloptnl seven ' ings are commenced tn gixxl earnest, hr tuth wearing petxintrd in climbin'? with a Hungarian gypsy, has l«*ft the years. cisco has notified the Chinese that no Benning, who had forced hitu to leave ! un over h!x collar. IH n fair coni|-airoii. D ealer I n L amd O ffice at R omubi » the defendants will doubtless raise after tbldlci at Milan with an unpaid hotel [ Seciv'ary lk*rb«»rt Ims publiclv repri- firecrackers will l»e permitted during her service. M'tcrtil times ending his altrn- the approaching new year's festivities. Decembfif - bill on Lis hands. t A Key est, Fla., sj»ecial savs: A < mandrd Captain Littleton F. Walter of the money Of course, if they could I Ion to t lie fiut, left Nathan B. Deniick was burnetl in his private letter from Pinsr del Rio gives XJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVI John U nnnmakvr, the Philadelphia j . the I engineering <i.r¡s un the battle corrupt enough congressmen to let in <1 «|«ir ut w'im V the following-nani* i Indiana and Ims tub! him he house at Santa Cruz, and whether it Dews of a daring raid npon a «1« tnch- amllea of thr otbe Nulwe- men bant - politician - Sunday - m I km »I ' »hip has tiled notice ol Lit them ofl they would have been that qin fitly xhr wrote ’ nut be permitted for the next was a case of suicide or murder is not ment of Colonel San Martin’s Spanish largest Stock of HAY tn the City! x off thè man, will build a church M a a thank j would make final proof in support oi guerilla« near Candelaria, In which I months to ap|»ear a« judg«» ad clear. much ahead. Foreclosure proceed ninteli. Sh<* could ilAppllv offering b<*«'rtus»’ his store wax Mived ( ‘ twelve | and that said proof will I* it » from the big fire last wc« k. The Oakland, Cal., street railroad more than 12» of the guerillas were vocate, recorder or counsel l»efure any w i t li a k I ov viily husband, shr ex pia i ned. All Home Grown. John Goodell, county clerk oi iugs cannot be cotnnieuced against \ (’lii«*.-i;'i> man <>f musical tn«t«•« The house committee on labor lias naval court or board. It appears that managers are trying fo induce their killed or wounded an«l 100 were taken < o.. Or., at Grant’s P*”- ^ the Central Pacific or Huntington ba« L «I «»ut of thè matrimoniai l»nr- reported favorablva bill to prohibit the in an inquiry into the charge against employes to sign an agreement not to prisoner». Ten of the prisoners, being February 13. 1897, vii: Eli»* part of the road, until next January, gn n tth'-n !•»• «I»«r«H «'red nt nn «•renine’ employment «»f mnvict labor on gov- Lieutenant Commander Anderson for enter a saloon for one year. Th« man- Culm n-Lorn, were lUMcheted. Th« widow of William A Cox, (it**** other« were rvh»ase<i, save one, a lieu« sg«*rs allege that many exprn«ive a«xi- tyrannical ami capricious comluct. E. No. $750, for the SW >4 M •mm« lit buiklings. and Mr H. has that much time to party glven to celebrate thè betnMhnl At L«>w»*st Price«. tenant who headed a squad that killed donts are due to employes l»eing drunk. SW '4 am! NE >4 SW >4 *ec Captain Walter criticised the depart thnt Iti • terre of hi« future »-r «L- wnsof Dm I Ktarr J< r«lan has reported to raise the money. Everybody out «neh a pitch am pre«*hi-’<*<l thè |M>SMÌbìl- the g eminent that unless th« killing ment for reprimanding Lieutenant 8 R The California legislature has before five pi».« fito« |HKt week in that section. She names the following*' it a bill known a.« a “cinch” bill which IL- was hacki d to pieces by the infur^ 1 here on the Pacific coast hopes that Ity of flu ir rver « io» i*u «Im-ts t< gethvr. <»f |«lagir seals is absolutely st< ppv«l Ander««m without warrant. piove her continuous reside!** ated Cuban« when they It timed whc| requires that no one not a ilceused en th< '■«nl* will so-»n be extinct. Asm*mblvniau L M. L.» mlsborough I STAUFFER. the road will pass into new hands cultivation of, said land, vu BRANDY Dr OPS A MYTH. lie w as. William M. Cox. Joseph ' Indiana clergymen are up in arms ua« arraigned before Judge Hart at gineer shall I m » |»erniitte«l to ruu or A | operate a steam engine. <«f llriti'lh* I < li<irulnttrt Won'l Sacramento on several indu-tnivnUi James Neeley and William P* before thr 1« g **lature in opposition to B utlkh , a notorious Australian Mitkr ii l»<i.'ii (ila^ifut fouml against him some time ago fur of Merlin, Oregon. The lHamond Spring- creamery ill ball games on Sunday. 014 ly R. M. V«ATCM> murderer was captured Tuesday raising vourliern. His at for neys moved 1 i u in I »ol« 11 county. Cal., was destroyed disastrous fire occurred on Market to quash the indictments on i xuriuuH by tire a few «lays ago. morning on board the four masted i, Pin adeli kia, in thr heart «•! OF PENNSYLVANIA grounds, among which wa« I that the U W. White, an Oregon paujer wbo| A Living Object Lesson for Dr. Mil«»* New m-im-*« center, and m arly $3,000,- •hipSwauhilda, just as that vessel term of the grand jury finding ; i he in- w as stopping with Ben Mason's family |M»rty was destroyed, approached the Golden Gate, alter dictmeiits had expired, Monday, Feie near Independence, took ¡oison and notice fob pi biiihling was on tire rudry 8th, was set for hearing the rn» >- also put strychnine in the well an«l in a voyage from Newcastle, N. S. \V liona* Land Office at Ronebnrt Earliest an I Latest Keepers. the fee«! I»oxe« of the horses, intending, He will start today for Sydney, on Chicag«» rtp|H*ale«l to December * Mrs. Mary £ Flood, widow of tile sa hr said, that the family ami st(M k o relieve the m tFvr- Some new vanetie.» ot board the steamer Monowai, in Notice is hereby wiven thst^ should all ««-company him to the next late bonanza king, died at her s an ■« 1 mployed and * APPLE. PEAR, ing-name«i settler has tiled n charge of three detectives, who hratH isco home after two days’ illness. world. intention to make final pr»»of ’ PRUNE and PLUM. A judgment has just been ren«lere«l The First National bank of Olympia, | chased hitu around the world, and of hi« claim, ami that »aid pn* " *' - i * • I r® n .o < >unt of | at law Angeles against the Ftillman made before J. M. Chiles Co1-' Also SHADE and NU f Trees when he gets to the scene ot his palace car company for the ¡os« of cloth- heavy w ith«lrawala of «I v ¡ k > sí U l of Josephine county, Or»gus, «• crime, no question will t»e raised as BERRIES OF ALL KINDS ! Pa ar , Oregon .on February 6. 1 he Washington legislature is enj«>y- . inj and money stolen from a pa«*ei ger Wihiani I. Severn», on 11 E to his sanity and no supreme court in one of the sleeping cars. X ar «rtc. d Io bavv ing the v experience of a scandal in the , for the SW W of sec. 4, Tp 3' J. C. Hopkins and Frank Murphy will help hint cheat the gallows. i go«. The form of i alleged bribery in the señalo- i heaJthy an<i true tu name. West. who were in jail at Jacksonville, Or., u. 1 rial conti lest. He will hang if he is guilty. Be name* the following •’ II«» found Georg«» e F. Turner of Kpokane has i f r robbing the store of D. L Minkler Call at the prove l>is continuous re-riei'cr1 cultivaih.ii of, aai.l land viz J • «»ti the s«»nalorial battle in Washing- at Ashland, eerape«l. N evada gives an illustration of 1H»| C. F. Gentner W. F. Burna R« \. N. H. Harriman a Baptist min • n. 11 e a ¡sipulist, and was for- j in Oilm “high license id pugilism bv pau- Mott and A. Bartlett, all ol ister at Tacoma wh«» lias been regarded I »• «»( the nivrly a i republitun. ing a bill in its Mate legislature to ml One mile west of Grant - Pass or Oregon. ie of his |»arishionrrs as insane, U vvler’» The >• <nta R«v»a high school teachers K. M 11-Ul •igned and will preach ‘ salva- • lie. The h*v» <li ¡«covered that every pupil I permit such ng lit» as the proposed see nie at J. W Howard’s store. «14-19 EART DISKASK Is curable "For orer r sinners and santitication” on urordingly toileted to 1 cigarette smoking averages I forty year, write« ____________ one between Corbett and Fittsiin- Daniel Myers * .4 ed W. vl. ;o recali I is edict. n account» lower in i standing than pupils who do | oboi, _ Two Tairas, P» , on At » to, mous to be “pulled off” within its fr red no« .m< k ke. n thvU si counties in California -I «atferwd wttb b. art dHew First a «light Trttt irupti ted evtry y, nr. Orders I hlkofa boundaries on payment o( $t.uoo upious rainfall the past! pwipitauoc. fCBdually gn wing w«»rw Then vrv fnn n K mgs county, Cai., enjoys the dis- NOTICE FOR PVBI.ICA" * Raiafalt. bv mail will rtevive pron*pt iM'k ni«'ii and farmers are •h »rtne^of breath. • lev p lew new», «mother rent cold timtiou of < toeing the only «-ounty irav- for the privilege In this case the I phrnonu nal rain full rr attention ing *enmUoos «nd much ¡xin ta the region rrsed bv r the Nalley railroad in which L and Orricx at R oaf M* xnual« of Ohio took ph silver state shows herself more hon of the heart alarmed me and I eva»ulted a Walter M. Caatl* physktaa Heer 1 via< no benefit I tried JanuAif j 'lit of the the riflit t-of-wav is <raute«l without a ny of August, I Mil Mr. H H est than California, which permits Single col n«Ivinnation suit. ll. rlenewi In I.xi.lon Notice i« hereby triven th*«1* w ho ghr» an account of du« c^tkers and a numt^r vspl'iv.l in tlM such things, but his a law against ing name.1 «etiler ha« fil«l not* I'h.inn of rrmediee, »pending r downpour, nay« that it r\ pr-iv ding intention tn make final pr">« «» arrive.1 at i> me • l^rxe amount of .1» of th« tr.v fire a r an area of at k*a*t IOC «quart' them to please the decenter portion <>< hi* claim, and that «»id P"* mmy. bat finally Tw- total a Hu .u nt of water which lew Y »rk, A irAin J L. MALVEN. P rop , of the people male before John Good^L* came no bad that it wae ttw || hour« of preripitatHH i (tartod. nia was i erk of Jowphine county. "" woaafe few vo leave j, ^hra, aixt of thnt quantity' 4 •t an«l ar- Pa. tie ra TH • ■rant« PaM, < irvgoii on teb. Some. I comnavu.-rd For th« kidney. ui 4‘ t hours. \\ bat i« nit*an g Kmg an to Wil William Grant, on * 5 II. w ••lag Dr MiW lieart ’ iiu htn of ram tn ao abort irt a < I aas the Meth. entry No. HW>1. tor the » S* Cwrw two yean ago I •<■■ «¡6 year« oM h*v* h«<l kl.lnev Fat rtfhtee« hmjb U m 1 bar« berO wtil A;. A Ip 37 S, K s waat. by w m all ili»rt«r »ml con«ti|.«ti iii fur ’.■% year» t«<wagb TI years of age I caa gu where I *wh I t h K I He name« the followinf •’*’ Am nuw w«B— iumm I «ou H H ffraif*. hr and I sleep all wight aad wakw up as cbewr- prove Li« continuous ree aa.1 Uvrr « urr owe year I ~-d 0 toll , , fui a« a be aad co«pl»uiy rested ' « *V •ml . ultivaDon ol ea d itW cent« «ach. J. If. Kni(l>t, K<n- Dr. Mlle« Retaediwa are *>ld by all drag- Y .«k. of Kwbii •«*» l«<ltp<, Or.” For aale by W. F. Krrmvr, gists u&der a kMMtirw guarantee. firM bo<t e Haye«, Lewia Have« and P. « , trial And row oftirant’s Pa««. <trnX 'O- benefits money refunded B-wbOn Heart Met Mere re »ent free to all app< .< aata •17-a» R. M. V batch . » i aad DB. MILKS MKDICAL UU. Klbbart. lad. i All the Leading Periodicals CLKNIKNS 50°o CLEARING SALE! Commencing JAVTARY I »III, IS9) 1<H> pairs Pants, 75 Suits, 30 Overcoats, Blankets Ju Ou Oilskin Clothing, Old Stvlt Blanket Lined Duck Suits. MACKINTOSHES, also all Woolen Uni Fifteen Tailor-made Suits left on hat All of these Goods are placed on one Ct F. FETSCH i FOR PURE FRESH DRUGS CITY DRUG STORE. Agriculturalflmplement HOTEL JOSEPHINI I. STAUFFER. Good Eating and <booking Appics DANIEL MYERS, BIG RED APPLES! Yehow Apples! Riverside Nursery ► J. T. TAYLOR. MINER’S RESTAURANT!