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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1897)
♦ 1 i ♦ An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests o* Southern Oregon. GRANT'S PASS. JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 18S7. 'i , i» SHE MADE HIM HEAR. County Treasurer's Notice. Notice is here by given that there arc fund« in the count) treasury for the re demption of the following county war rants, protected Sept. 3 1893. Interest on same will ceo*e from thia date: 107. HP», IO». Gran*.’a Paas Oregon Jan 14. 1897. A. B ahtlktt . C'olMTV l'MXA»l MEM. Legal Notice eduction Sale! 20 Per Cent Off I I RedStar Store Now is the Time to Buy Notice ib hereby given that on Thurs day, the 4th day of Feb., 1897, the un dersigned will preb. nt to the Grants P ush citv council their petition for an 8- foot sidewalk to he constructed along the north wide of E street, front the in tersection of Sixth and E in a direct line to the intersection of E and 10th Sts., Thomas Simili 11. A. Rotermund Mr«. A ■». umgley <>. U. Terrill C M. Terrill B. WRiggs J. T. Galvin M Wilbur W. A. Haskins .1. T i'uffs B. O. McCulloch A. .1. Grimes Administrator s Notice. Haxiug been appointed administrator by the county court of Jo.-ephine eoun ty •tate ol Oregon, upon the estate of Au gust Crutzfedt deceased, notice is hereby given to ail parties having claims against saitl estate to present (hem to me with proper vouchers, within six months from Feb. 24, 1897. L O. Di kkkk . W AI.1K) ( >KKGON. I FIRST NATIONAL I zb jk I ’ íc OF — SOUTHERN OREGON. 1 -let WOLFF & ZWICKER RON WORKS tc [INCORPORATED] irt Oregen Sortland IT $50,000. Capital Stock, Receive deposits subject to check or on •ertiticate payable on demand. Sells sight drafts on New York, San Fran- eisco. and Portland. Telegraphic transfers sold on all |>oinU» it) the United States. Special Attention given to Collections auc general business of our customers. Collections unule throughout Southerr Oregon, and on all accessible points. J. D. FRY, President. J. T.TUFFS, Vice President. R. A. B ooth , Cashier — MANUFACTURERS OF — HIM) Kl'RSERlE ES. -I’Vilraulic nd All Kinds of Machinery for Mining- Purposes. 1 SIX MILES SOUTH OF O regon G rants P ass , — CONSISTING OF — APPLE, PEAR, PEACH. PLUM PRUNE. CHERRY, APRI ---- ALHO----- COT. NECTARINE AL MOND. CHESTNUT, .IB6E WORK. BOLTS. RODS. IRON SHUTTERS. CEÏeL« 1KADKand O rnamental T rees WINDOW GUARDS. DOORS, AND Joined th*- lirent Majority While II Was Aslrcp. H. Clay Emmett, a young cuwbox from Belton, Tex., report* a aingular find made by him during a cattle-hunt ing round-up iu the Pan-llandle coun try recently, auyw the Denver Field and Farm. The find was nothing more or less than » petrified pony, standing erect and complete in all its parts. Em mett say* that he and hi.s partner, B. C. Wisidville, were riding across the prai rie late one afternoon when their tired ponies neighed and whinnied a* if they were aware of ths presence of uuother animal. Looking around, they discov ered what they thought was a broncho tethered to » mesquite which crowned the summit of a little knoll to the north ward. They rode up to the spot and found that the horse was fastened by a chain, but stood so rigidly and seemed altogether ao inyateriiais their own hors« s reared and plunged cs if in fright. Finally they dismounted and found that the pony was petrified, not a hair or hoof nnrfss. Emmett say> that some ranchmen years ago musf have chained the poor hors<* there, leav ing it to starve upon the pl?ins. As the ribs of the animal iveire plainly visible in the ¡ m trifaetion and it seemed t > have lieen otherwise much cn»nc’:it«'<l. this is probably’ the case. Emm 'tt will arnvnge to have the strange find ex hibited in some museum. It frequently happens that horses fall into th * habit of g<’ing tn sleep while st:'”!1’- und it must have been under ’ • ’Cinn- PECULIARITIES OF MILLIONAIRES stances that the Pan-Handle broncho departed this life to • >in I he great ma <■«»• Halfpenny Htawps and Have a Foor jority. Dinner. 1 have been aakotl whether I ever re STOPPING A TRAIN. ceive social inviUilionH from million- ilres in open envelo|jes, with halfpen Important IXavovery That II hm Ju*t Been ny stamps, and what I think <jf the Mude In EurojK*. practice on the part of the millionaire«, Some important discoveries haw just «ays Ixn.don Truth. It is not oft. n that been made in Europe, says the New I am privileged to receive invitations! York Herald. from millionaires under any rircum- How to stop a train when an accident «Uincos, but it is » remarkable f: ct that is impending han long been a problem. I have had such an invitation addre.^ed Manx plans have Iwen su; g * ted, but to me at the halfpenny rate of »«ortasre, utmost all haw bis«n con ■ ¿ luulty and as others have had a similar < n - for the reason tiiat they call i\ r a quit k pericnce I suppose that millionaires as stoppage. In such a i*a*e the shock a class have a weakness for ha If ninny would be so great that thr* «tirriages postage stamjwi. Probably this uenk- between the engine ami the rear of nesa has something to do with their the train would be smashed to atonic having become or remained million and their occupant« crushed to death. Evidently, therefore, a gradual stop aire*. A worse failing on the |>art of mil page is imjK’intive. lionaires of which I have experience is An admirable plan, which mamen a that they occasionally ask their friend»- train to slow down gradually, has i*e- to dinner and sit the m down to a meal ccntly been tested at tl <• railroad sta quite unfit to rat. Personally. I would tion in Drcwlen. it is extremely sim rather that a man took a half) *•!•» y off ple und lias been found to v ork well. the postage of my invitation and .... nt No intricate machinery is required,and it on the dinner. So far as the invita the coeit must l>e small. A truck is laid, tion is concerned, there may po^s'blv the rails of which sink or slope grad be many people who. when invited to ually into a bed of san k As the train the houses of millionaires, won 1.1 wish posse* over this sund its wheels meet the fact widely known and wool*' pre with an ever-increasing rc.-islance, fer. if possible, that the invitation which «con I k - coiiivs so gimt 11.:*’ thvy ‘ houhl be sent on a postcard, so tb.”1 nil arc obliged 1< stop. TliCitoj pagi', bow who run may read. Perhaps it i: from ever, is so p radual that th l're is no this kindly motive rather than from rough s’io< 1:. The greuK r th • sw if tillCS« narsinjoiH that millionaires patronize of tiie train und the hvavit r tic- load the halfpenny post. Let us think as the more in mediate is the Ktopjxige. well of Dives as we can. No damage then is possiblt either as regards* the train or thr i iiFf’ci.g* r.s. MAKING MEN BEGGARS. An expi rimi i t w hich v. ■ i c u: fly 1 rimi Women in Loudon ( rowding Out th© with a fn igl t 1 lililí who' i ■ ! it ui ly the usefulness o lililí IV V pilli •iiuul unii Nterner Sex. “I have before» me.’’ says Walter Ur- «imple plan. Some sant in n recent isFtie of the London Queen, “the thirty-seventh annual re port of the Society for Promoting the Employment of Women. I am sorry to learn fr< m this report that the for v.or.K'U clerk» ami lMK>kke<qiers i- on the increase. IB GI«»WN ON — “At (he same time I am I •RMWPONDKNCE SOLICITED riSTlMATJW FUXMIMX» other (¡uarters that thousa sc« ’T" -r clerks arc Damping the »tit F don, wc:u’.: g out shoe leatli WITHOUT IRRIGATION. up ru;d dt"’ nstairs in the v fjV We du not handle, cultivate, 01 of try a to find plueea. _____ __ to _ propagate _ , varieties or Attempt any “T hey Gi d, instead, w< im kinds of fruit, until satisfied that they work w hi ?. j kould l.<‘cp tlie are well adapted to the soil ami climate wivez, for half the pay. *< n pern 11 ar to Southern Oregon Write for oLj< i tlon to women doing i terms to if they get men’s pay. ’rim A H. CARSON & SON, !.< up th«» men in idleneaa, if ' V like tbc laundree-e«. (iKANTs P ams . O kkgon . ALL KINDS OF “Hou «hnll we r.ahe the^v prt>m< understand the cut-throat polie I ushing women in everywhere, at gi quarter the pay and drivii ; the ri ,.d? However, there are uti.e: 1«K> acre» of land, with an K foot ii ji - u ; atisinctorv features r.l out .ilileh which water ot the eanie cover« 10*t «ere« also a mill »it.* witli p*n »lock and about MM feet of flume: loO acme Hit* fenced and 50 acre« in ¿ra«—»; 1 laritt* bam. 1 »mall one an<l dwelling house, i¡ t u Bvery article »old warranted as repreaented. Fann Produaa taka* i with 450 winter apple tree«. 40 «err» of land joining tin* .>!>• ' . in eschar?.- J. M.CHILEB. 25 acre» fenced, with water riirht . and i 40 acre» within a mile of the «Give. 20 la<*re» fenced, 9 acre» plowed, with water TT i right. Apply to Strawberry Plants. Bliciberry Plnnti an Qnjetfiej. OUR NURSERY nea Hill Land, Groceries! PERIWINKLE FAD. Cocknoy BhellflHh i t.rovtu Iu the Wiitrri of the Sound. One of the chief (I ìkih > m ’m cock ney bill of fare in Eiqrl: . ! (hu peri winkle. u shellfish l / in shape the »mall »nail, says the -t a Y«.il. ur- iwd. It ha* hithi rto I vi n piiictie.illy unknown to Ainuricn.ii epicures ami is said to be greatly inferior to the siMM ic.s of shellfish eaten in this eoun- First-class goods kept in stock and sold at the lowest prices, quality considered. Staple and Fancy Groceries t HARDWARE, TINWARE, TABLEWARE. ina b.: it Dress Making ! Flour and Feed HAY and GRAIN A.T TFLIE r. S. CASH STORE, I ront Street. Mitill Notice for Publication. ÜMfTXpSrATKM L amp O ffk e, R oskhi kg , <>gn., lanuary 13, 1897. N otice in hereby Latest Form»’ FALL OF A MONOLITH given th at the fuilowHig-named ►eitler ba* filed notteeuf hie intention to make final pruol in eiip|a»rt of hi* claim, ami that said proof will be made tedore J. M Chile«. < ounty fudge of .loaepliine Co., Or., at Grant’* Pass Oregon February ,27 1897, viz Fntr> A. Ilan if thr on liomeotend entry N4 SF. t4, N'j * K « W. He nam^i the following wi prove hi* contimioQ* renbienew upon and cultivatton of «aid land, viz: G K M. Kimen«. William Roi Barttett and Jacob William«. For Sale it the COURIER Offiee Grant*» Pat*. Oreg«.»». R M V futcm TTir«* pap*' are mat th* thing tnr lining Reg tsier cabin, wr pping bon.I Ina. pnufug un I.r rarp making curl papar« lighting firea and a boat of Awful ch OLD NEWSPAPERS! N. E. McGrew COJHIER OFFICE f •*» •• • « 1 x-Governor Altgeld of lliinoit ha« been noiuinuted by the democrats an their candidate for the United States «eiiatv. Wilcox, A. T., train}« who thought it would l>e safe to cutch chickens on baited tish hooks have been iu jail since Thanksgiving. lhe executive committee of the I a « Angeles lai Fiesta is actively engaged in the preparation and consideration of plans to make the coming eetebration au improvement over its predecessor. According to the Livingston, Mont., Post, an indiscriminate slaughter of deer, elk and antelope is going on dailv along the park boundary, in many cases the animals being killed solely for their horns and tusks. A mammoth pumpkin, three and one-liaif bv two und one-halt feet, and weighing 203 |>ounda, raised hy ¡»arter tk L'suing of Westminster, Cal., will bo forwarded to Los Angeles and placed on exhibition in the Orange county dis play in the chamber of commerce. As an instance of the growth of the Jerome milling camp, Ariioua, it ts cited tha* within the past few months building sites have been sold to the amount ol $14.063, and that on nearly every lot sold there bus been erected a building which ia al the present tiiuo occupied. 1 nt (I or to the county, have been tried and ac quitted. Robert Hurns, a young man from Chico, undertook to make a fortune in an easy way and played the races with the usmil result. He became despon dent over his losses und committed suicide. The touchers in the pulUic schools of San Francisco are in hard lines. The funds for their salaries are exhausted and no resources in sight fur meeting the deficit. Another victim of the alleged mur derer Butler, now supposed to be on the Pacific ocean on u sailing vessel from Australia, has been found. This iiiakcs three men murdered, rebt*d und buried by this mail, for whose a|>- prebension a close watch is lieing kept ut San Francisco. Clerk Duckworth of the (California assembly, who is charged with looting the state treasury by a «tutted payroll in the temporary organisation, fell to the floor unconscious while reading the i liarges against himself. The woman's Parliament of South ern California will convene at River side on Fehruary 2d and 3d. 'l he Escondido city council is arrang ing to have all the approaches to the city graded and improved. A horticultural duh has been organ ized ut Elsinore, Cal., as a result af a farmers’ institute recently held there. The Riverside, Cal., police are rouud- ing up violators of th» liquor ordinance and are getting quite a number of them. lhe Orange County Poultry umsoci - ntioii bus passed a resolution tlmt poultry of »11 kinds should be sold by weight. P>. W. Huntoon has just finishedjsur- yvyiiig th«* mouth of the Nooksack river in Washington, for the war de partment. Cougars or pantheni have been fre quently seen this winter in the near vicinity of the Entiat sawmiM in the Big Bend country, Washington. M<>torm«n on 1 ro 1« y ('»ra Are Weather i’rophrt*. Good “Tlite rain in about over,” »aid bhc motormnn on one of the open cars the other afternoon. \r» you a weather prophet?” wun asked. “I should think I tun, m « far a« dry or wi t > ii < ..-r is concerned,” he replir I. “I oil t< II whether we’ll have rain with in 21 hullrx or not. “Uow am I ubl1* toiio it? Well, it'« I Ilk“ this: Win n it’« going to rain thr bral.c-hfimllr tevomrs ntirky almost a day before. 'I'hr moformtm v ill first notice it fully 20 hours Before the storm •rives. You ran just barely notice it thm, blit thr Bt stickinrN« will incrrusc until it will be filmo«it impo<-s<ble tog< t a decent grip without tearing thr Ursh mt your Ii: mis. N ow , on Friday night, I I m gan to furl that sticky btini.urws, ami I told ii fellow v. ho wfiMon the seat be hind nu th: t it • ; im going t/> ruin. *f in •ky hum <lrar, ami after hr glun<*rd around lie said that I wusawnyoff. J «•airl *1 don’t, say it’s going to ra*n right away, but it will I«rfore this time to- moiniw,’ and it did. Oh, thrrr’« no z ,:ng l>ark on thr brake as u l*uroh«r- ter.” At 1his point in thr motorman'n r< - < a ,’O/--iehg»*r Iswndiil tlir rar. Thr fi .t -> ;it w im about fillni. bin t I mi t did not matter, ite wanted to tall, with tin* motor m«n. “Is »fir rain all over?" wa« thrqu *ry. II tlaahiBfld. “Prrttv near,” aneiwrrrd thr elrc- 8,” sonie I hr of in r tricity puiiher. “Wrll, I’m glad of that. I)<> wu now.” continued tiw latrat arrival, I pliur mom confidrnrr in a m«Hor- .iat s prr'hetjrn than I do in tbosr in. ri.- et, Item- made by thr weather signal man?” I Albany Argus. he fol ■ aaxr'a r »<■. “tao**« rd- d ample room M flat i or nior»- prr« ’ • • Wkil* delivering money for de pomt iu a bank iu New York Qty on Mun* day, a package evU lain lag $3ouu waa ■tulen from the meaaenger white hi» back was turned for a inoiueut. Rtrangth and »<« In KWfatBF avted that tte* women of the lily of Euro; c are, f»fi theaver• h atr«)ii<wr, mentally and phyw- mn the men. ¿IMMÓWs The British aleamabip Abaua, Cap tain Forman, which went aground ofl Blaukeava, ttiute bound fur Boston, Mas©., wuh run into by the British «teumship Dartmoor, Captain Nairn, at Hamburg, bourn' for NorfolA, V a . The Abana immediately tilled and sank. At St. John’s, N. F, the stramaiup Hernia from Baltimore for Newcastle, grain laden, sought refuge, haviug had her bows crushed in au ice 11 oe 200 miles off the coast The Countess ( aeteilane, fonuerly Minn Anna Gould of New York, la the mother of a baby boy. The youngster aas the recipient of thousands of dol lars worth of presents. The Cubans seem to have at last done a little real war. They placed a tor- pedo in the path of a Spanish gunboat which sank the boat and trilled a num ber of men and officers. The Illinois Paper Company has gone into the hands of a receiver. The as sets are about $03,000 and the liabil ities $60,000. The tight tietween the Arbuckle« and the sugar trust regarding the price of coffee will continue more than ever. The date of the banquet to be tend ered by the Lord Mayor of London to United States Embassador Bayard ha* been fixe»! for March 2d. The coiRUy treasurer of Yavapai Bwift A Co., of Chicago have pur* county, \. T., took In between $29,000 and ti.:0,000 recently in taxes, The chased the St. Joseph stockyards, with largest single amount received wan the adjacent town site of Hu George. from the United Verde copper com- The purchase price is said to bu $400- panv, $9398 10. 'lhe (\uigress gold OOO. Adam P. Kilhner, a wealthy dtisen company was next on the list with $2701 20, and the Prescott National of Guuveiiuur, N. Y.v committed suicide by hanging himself. He was 7ft years bunk third with $1488. A son and daughter, the hitter Kern county, Cal., officials who were of age. accused of retaining money belonging Mrs. Wilber Barber* live in Qslifornia. BRAKE HANDLE BAROMETER. 9 y it MBS. C. S. HOBBS ha« .Ire»» 'oakit.g parlor« in the Mr Arthur buihl- I in|t on Sixth «trout and »ill tie pleaeod to have the latdiea rail upon her. i SBtiaiartioei gnarantee.1. San kTaneicwo doctor* have eiam- ined the brain of Murderer lice » ho wiiM hanged at Napa last weak, and timl it much under normal weight. The orange picking in Santa Ana is ut a Mtundstill at present owing to the influx <>f foreign oranges into the Fjud- srn markets. COÎ1 l.r. In 78 SELLS at. J BRONCHO reeUn«,. It U>e Trunk Hadn't. He waa a a harp-looking little man who was handling the baggage, und it was a rosy-cheeked little woman who was watching him handling her old trunk with ungentle haste, says the Iktrvit Frew Press. Il w as not thateihe eared so much for the trunk, but she laid come from the same part of the country and knew the iMguageman’a w ife tn.- fore be did. » im I here he hail quite for gotten her. She did not know, either, that the roar of the edty and the craedt ol breaking trunks had made him deal. Just as the lid of her trunk come asunder from the body she naked, tim idly: “How ia your wife, Mr. Peter»?*’ “1 can’t help it; you ought to have a stronger trunk," answered tlu baggage man, instant if on th“ warpath. “Oh, no matter aie-ut-the trunk. How are Mary ami the c.*; 'drvn?” “Tied up with a piece of ro|>e, ma'am, it w ill look as w ell ils it ever did.’* “Mary and the children,’* shrieked the lit tie w oman. “It*» nothing of the kind. Report me all you want to. That old trunk isn’t fit for the ark,’’ and he gave it »savage kick. “I don’t cure a copper about that old trunk," screamed the now angry woman, “but if you kick it again I’ll have you arrested and fined and sent to jail. I’ve got. sonw feeling if Hurt trunk hasn’t. Bill Peters!’’ And that time rhe tmggagenmfi beard. Had — Also — Cast-Iron Structure Work. PETRIFIED S|>ecial .Master MarMiaN H Johnson sold all the property of the Platte River Paper Mills Company at Manchester, aear Denver, fur $luO,(XX\ the pur chaser being Edward Savory, acting for the reorganisation is an mil tee. i** ■■ . , V WH'irÀWir ' I TH Favorlli Burnt liiMj. For all dieaaaee caused by d«rangem*nt of th* Liver, Kidney*. and Stomach. Keep It always In the house aid you will save time and Doctor's Bills, aad have at hand an active, harmless and pat- factly safe purgative, alterative and tonic. If you feel dull, debilitated, have fr«au«at headache, mouth taste* badly, poor appe tite and tongue coated, you are «uffarlag from torpid llvtr or billousn«»*, and SIM MONS L iver regulator will cur* yoa. If you hav* eaten anything hard to dlgeet, or feel heavy after meal* or eleep- laa* at night, a dote of SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR will relieve you and bring pleaeant sleep. . If at any time you feel your system ■««ds cleansing and regulating without violent purging, take SIMMONS LIVER R egulator . e ' J. H. EclUn « Co.. PhlladelplUaU Professional Cards. ROBERT O. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. fixairr« Pa»», O bbooxl Practica« In all Ruta and F«darai Coorte Orne» ta Baas BvtLMaa. WILLARD CRAWFORD. ATTOR N EY AT-LAW. The thirty-Meond laffirteffee aaeem- Practice» in all Federal, State mi J Bo- My of New Mvlw by truM Courts. ompromiao. The coendl oooei««« «f OrriGB at R bsidbnci T hibo 8 t . N obth . aix deinot-mte aarl eix re*uMtea«B; Notary Public. bou«e, thirteen lapulitiraiM and eleven democrata. The eounoil elected Jeaeph HRNRY L. BENSON, (I).) provident, and divided the enm- mitteee «n.l rinplnyea evenly. The Attorney-at-Law. houae elected IAewellyn (R.) epeaker CHANTS PASS, OK. xml divi.lod employee and committee* ul«o evenly. •vrraa- Over the Bank. Bar Practicas In all Courte of th* Htate. The Arleotia lotfMlaHire w « h orgBU- ixo.1 by the election of FredG. Hugh«« ef Pima proHldent of tho eonn.dl and I*. Y. Cha!mere of Pima e|wakor of Uiv ARTHUR P. HARTH, houae. Doctor in Dental Surgery Deuuie MK'artby ban been eeutenoed at bant* Rota, Gal., to be executed on (Jrrtce ovxa tuk B amb April Ibth for the .old blooded murder of Gooriro Foa, a farm hand. Or«g«a Grant’« Paas, William live)*, a rancher near On tario, (’»J., wa. ahot lrea<! lu hi« boggy and Ilia lioree want borne, taking Uie dead man aafely. Tbd deed 1« aup- )>o«eil bi have lieen done hir rolitairy, aa the raiiHier ... thought to have money on bi« parton. — of the — Senator Perkin« aaye that he would pn-par, al <me* and IntrodiMW a bill fot the ereatten .d a departaiCnt of mine« and mining, and had groat Ba nm« Train« Laave Portland DaQv hope« of the »ucetM of the lueaaure. HAST and SOUTH --- VIA THK --- Route Shasta louthern Pacific Company. Tliu California legislature ha« abol- iatied tlio |M>«itioii of game wardea. TIL » ti (0 ». M ¿1UA.M. ill May, An the puriume of launctiliig the gotllwHit "Wheeling" uow Iwing con.tracted hy lie- Union le.« Work«. • W a m i tv. Portland IIM fm lv . Albany • Mr m ai . Bo»«bnrç lv . Portland xr. »V. tirante Paa« lv . ar. flan Fraa'ao lv . • JBF.B TRri Senator J. P. J on re id Nevaila wae cheaett Io auoeaed Mmaelfitt Uie Un I Uni Ateeve traine «too at East Porti aad. Oregon Citv Woodnurn, Malern, Turaar, State» up|>er brmae. mr, Coti _ G roye Medea, Jefteraon, Allxny, Cottage Shetitf Frau.ham »nd Deputy Jack Tangant, Nhedibt, llalaay, lìarrta- Allen of Brig.mun, Mont., were eh<A, berg, Junction City, Kugao», the bitter fatally, while trying to ar- Qreawell, Drain, and all etatioue from re«t Frank Morgan, an imUawr. Roseburg to Ashland inclusiva. burg lo Citiaen« id Wheeling, West Virginia, Roseburg Mail Daily will «end a committee to Aiui Francieco Edward Davie, an Oakland, Cal., clergyman, «ay* ehriatlan« can dance and play bean poker without harm. A popullnt reprtMentative in the WivNhington leglalature tea« intriniuced a measure designed to reduce «aleriH« of all alate idUceie to the Oregon level. It require* * eon«tituuoi|al amendment, which could not becatne effective for four year*. George R. lamh, iff*, recorder at Pen dleton, Orn for ex term», ia reported to be «bert m hi* oath eome RJbOO aa far a« inveetigatioae have gouu. Fwnno eouuly anpervieorH have cut the aaleriee of all ootjnty ofliolala, ex cept the physician, from ten to twenty per eent. When any part af the body hn t doing the work that nature intended it to do, It fint* the whole ay» em out of tune out ©f harmony When all of Ihr part« do not work wall tr> fether, no«e of them can work juat right Sickneaa in otic part of the body la likely to run Into all parti of the b«xiy It iin t ne< «««ary to be atek all over tha body. In ?rder that you may rej atek all over When ihtldrcn etand a row of brick* on end, they knot k the whole row down upsetting a»r briek happen* Io the health That i* exactly what __ _ when the bowel« fiul to perform their prop er function < onatipattoi matera trouble I - < the '.it.r ¡,'J* the l|vet out of order, i* bad far the kidney* bad for the atomach. It hold* in the body poiaonou* matter, and becaaie tt cannot go any place else, it get* into the blood The blood Car rie* it all over the «yetern. That make* • Inggiahn?*« latitude bod breath and fot>4 ta«te in the month fill* the *tv>marh with aa* and <-autfi windy bel^hiwg *t<^>* digvwttoa in the stomach, caueei aour stomach, hearv burn and flatulence h make* pimple» and blot< he* and cau*e* sick and bihoua he.jla< heo. Nine tenth* of all human ail. manti are due to thi* one »eemtngiy trivial came Dr. Pierce** Pleaaant PelleC* cur» conwtipotion They really rare it Nh- I b<»dy be<ume* a slave to the u*e of the “ pellet« ’• They came no griping and ar« aa mild aa they are efficient At any drug •torr Jx*ok out for the druggist who triea to sell yon •otnething which ke *ay* is "juat a* good ” There ii nothing just as gdod There h nothing that i* nearly as g'»«'d Anybody who tells you there Is ia mistaken nr worae A QfffiAT ^RMCAL WO«K PRIiR. Wr have arranged to give away abaobitcly flee roon of I)r iHerce • great bonb • Common «*e Medl. al AdvHer ” It eontatae ie*a pag^S aad more 'h«n »n* flluatratio»« eome of them la •olaee« MxAOBrr of It Mery be«« «old at the regular price |i w per <ff»pv The pr>4t* •« thia Irameaee safe have beea uard ia pabUshhis the present edition, • <oav of »bkh ariU be *eut to a * a !dre*e on receipt of n one < ent etamp* to cover cn»t of mailing ae(y. Addreaa World** LH> ar. _ : v ¿v. | ___ ____ 1 !*».■. ■ S»lem P««««ng«r Dally. I « l a Li* 1 1 ar. Portland halara tt I 10:1» a. a. » 00 a . ■. IV. 1 DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE’ Pullman BufTet Sleeper* — and — S esond C lass 8 leepino C ar * Attached to all tlnough train* Wut Side Division between Portland ud CoruHii. ■ All. TRAIN DAILY (It 1(1 PT RPtPAf. 7 iW> a a. I lv . I’urUau.l BIG ». I tt. CorvallH ar. | 1<Wr. LT. | I M r. ■ Al Albany «nd Corvelli» oonnect wttb traile, of Or. Central * Ea.t.rn Hy. 4 4£> p m T Iftp w lv at . l’PFÜMnd at . i 818ft a . ■. M< MinnviUe lv . | AJO a . a. TH HOUGH TICKim Ta all jxint« in th« Fa«ter:i Mtatoa, Cana da ami Rurope can tie obtained at loweat ratea, from J. b. I’L'KDOM, ‘ Agent, Granta Paa* K KOEHLKR. Manier. K I'. RIMI IM. A .at I* F A P Ain Portan.!, Of. —• rm mw vtgiir ROGKy S0UNTR1N NCWS ■a»van. «*g*. et «a a» T» tt>* i tirar a IB teMlapu Calvad**« «*a totee. 4MVr> levai The Silver Dail Tty lltws rtBTWe ». i