Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1887)
THE COI RI ER TO ADVERTISERS 1 • Publisher» A. A. ALtWORTH & CO âffBsrnirn HATES, Oue Year (in ad» in. Hix Muniti«. Throe Monti»' 75u Hiugle Cop«»'« . Ma Job Printing of all —is Kinds An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon. Very latest and Best Srvlcs. r—AM» vi Tlir— Lowest lav ni sr GRANTS PASS. JOSEPH IXE COIM V. OK.. FK1DAY SEPT. ’2. ISS7 Kat<*s. LINES OF TRAVEE “HURRA GRANT’S FOR HURRA!’ PASS, CAMPBELL à TUFF ss» Mi FINEST O VER 1 icturesque I ) AILROAD k oute IVANGES 225 MILES SHORTER’ DAILY PASSENGEi: TRAINS ! (Except Sundays /.env. Y squilla »> :5',l a in Alliany 1 15 p in Corvallia 10:42 a ni Corvalli» I :5S p IU „IrriV«. .lrr**e. Albany 11:15am Yoqnina 5:4 > p m O. A traina connect at Albany and Corvalli«. Fares between < orxaUls Albauy aio! San Franc!seo : Hail aii«l ('.linn ♦ 14 00. Kail and Stccr.txe 00. WM M. HOAG, <¡onerai Manager. CHAH • uggir . A. G. F. 0. I’. A-’i iil, Corvalli-. Oregon Development Company. First-Clans Steamship bet« •■■n YaQuina and San Francisco, < ■■nii'.'i ting at Yaqiiina with the trains ■ the Oreg,m Pacific ltailma I Company Emm Sun f-'iuuf'ix STORE ROOM OREGON. SOUTHERN IN >--- Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! 20 HOURS LESS TIME Accomtnodat »ns Unsurpassed lor Com DRY fort an<l Safety !—Fan's ami Freight» via, Y’ai|<iina ami tlie Oregon De- velopuient Co 's Steamships Mi l i< I.»» than by any I oilier mute lietwi'en all points >11 the Willaaitlf Valley and San Francisco ’! of 11 IVINU THE CIS NOW HOIST 7? REGON! A AC IF IC nly P opular I! I X On their Cheap Count ts in ill «ucli lines as GOODS, DRESS GOODS. HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, GROCERIES. PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, ETC. All our goods are entirely new and will I m > exchanged for cash CAMPBELL it TUFFS, Grant’« Pass. Josephine County, Oregon Store and New Loot s G rant ’ s P ass , O regon C .» i ; m : i : M ain it F uoxt S ts , Having opened a Family Grocery, I hereby announce to the public that EL REKA II1 GH SCHOOL —-VI t--- Oregon «St California UP. R. AMI < OXNEI TIONS. 1 am NJtisffed that this remedv saved my life. —J no. Webster, Pawtucket, R. 1. I contracted a severe cold, whieh suddenly developed into Pneumonia, presenting dangerous an»! obattnato bymptoms. Mv pliysieian ordered the use of Ayer’s Cnerry Pectoral. Ills in- striu u.-n- u r< ft llow< -l. and the result was a rapid and permanent cure. — If. E. Stitnpson, Rogers Prairie, Tex. Two \ ears ago T suffered from n severe Cold, which Fettled on my Lungs. I con sulted \arioe.s physh ians, an<! took the medicines they prescribed, hut received only tempi n ary relief. A irit nd induced me to try Acer’s Cherry Pectoral. After taking two bottles of this medicine I was cured. Hine« then I have gixen Hie Pec toral to my children, and consider it The Best Remedy I have a new and well selected stock of Willamette Valiev, Saturday July Eastern Oregon, Tliursdav Aug. Willamette Valiev, Tnesda» GKOCLRIi-iS, CONTE! TIONLRIliS AND TABLE WARE, Eastern Oregon, Sr.ivln 5 a.i iina City, Saturday Fought since the Sweeping Rmluction in freights, from the East, and Will on -tt • Valley, Thursday iiKtrked down at Bottom Privi s. I also s< 11 the Eastern Oregon, Tuesday /•‘.-■i.a J’fl.yiiiinl.- CELEBRATED DAVIS VERTICAL SEWING MACHINE, AVillamette Valiev Fridav Aug. 5. Enstoin Oregon, Wednesday 1 ». Willamette Valley. Tues-lay “ 1H. which has no equal in caw- of management and great range of work Eastern Oregon. Sunday •' -.1. My object is to make it to the ii.' r> -t of those Laving cash or pro A’aquina Citv, Saturday 17. Will-miette Valle.’. Thursd iv Sept. I. duce. to trade with me. Eastern Oregon, Wednesday i. .1. Nl. < ’1 III.I'.S, The Company reservee the right to «•liatige steam» rs or sailing dates. S II TOBY, Gen. F. »5 I’. Agent 2 1 Monti; » ii.-r» St.. San I rancisi-o. Cal. ’4ltt (»!■ THOROUGH AND PR ACTICAL INSTRUCTION, OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA tious of the Throat, Bronchiui Tubes, and Lung». Therefore, the importance of early uml eiTvvtivo treatment cannot be overeaiiinate<l. Ayer’a t’herrjr Pec toral may always l»e relied upon for the apeedjr «.uro of a Cold or Cough. La»t January I was attacked with n s ttre told, whieh, bv uegleet ait<l fre quent e.xpoisun s, became Morav. rin.-iliv settling t n my lungs. A terrible ci»ngii > hjd followed, aci’oiupanietl b\ paftnsln the ehv>t, from which 1 suffered intense ly. After trying various renietiies, with out obtaining relief, I commenced taking Ayer’s Cherry l ectoral, aud was Speedily Cured. CLOTHING, or farm produce. A Common Cold Is oilt n the b?£iuuing of serious »tTeo- for Colds. Coughs, and all Throat and Lung diseases, ever used in my family. — Robert Vanderpool, Meadville, i‘a. S<* ne time ago I took a slight Cold, which, beiug neglected, crew worse, and settled on my Lumrs. I had a hacking rough, and was very weak. Tin so who knew me best considered tny life to lie in git .it danger. I continued to suffer until 1 ( >mmenced using Ayer’s Cherry Pr. feral. 1.« o than one bottle of this valuable inedit ine cured me, and I feel that 1 owe the preservation of my life to it* urative Dowers. Mrs Auu Lockwood \kron. New York. Ayer's (’hrrrv Pectoral is considered, here, the on» gieat remedy for ail diseases of the throat and lungs, and is more in demand than any other medicine of its class — J F. Rolierta, Magnolia. Ark ft Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, !’i< pared by Dr I (’ Ajar v Co., Low, ii, M mfs . bdd by all Druvgi-t« Pries $1, eix bottles, $3. 1 As wc .'•hall, about the First of September, move t<> onr new and commodi ous -tore, we desire to dose out all I Near V. ildcrvillc, Jos« phine C mutv, < Ircgon, Will com nitnce its SEASONABLE G oods Third Session, 0 ctober 17th, 1887, And continue Pive Months. 1 THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE. Our removal sale wilTlx' KATES ( >!•' li ITH >N: < I oa ,‘ Connections made at Ashland a BONANZA for those in Ten Weeks, $5 OO. n¡th the stages of the ( alitornia, Oreg'in Primary Branches, per Session of 6 oo. scardi of Intermediate “ “ “ “ A 1 laho Stage Company. $7 OO to $9 < X ). Higher Branches, from Only 20 Miles of Staging. Board, including room, lights. \c., ¡ ht week, payable in advance, $2 50. 5°- T'im • l»etweeii Grants Pa«« and San I'ran- Incidentals, pavable in advance, lisco, 27 hours. Samples sent on applica Strict Discipline will be maintain cl. Special inducements offered to tion an ! orders promptly < ii.iFoirxi i i.xi' Tauss those preparing to Teach. No pai :ts or expense will lie spared to filled. Frolli Ma» t, lss". Notili, make the School equal to any in Southern Oregon, in point of South. 4 :00 ¡i in l.v, Portland Ar. 14:4'ani Thoroughness and Practical Work. 1.. 4 » a ni “ < traili* Posa I.v. 7 :1 » |> ni “ 5:4’1 “ s :if') a ni Ar. millanti Voting men will be C '“Stoi k or Good Produce taken in part pay FnllEii BulTett Sleejfn given an opportunity to work out a ¡»art of the expenses. IM ISC Tirsi St., Portland, Or. Daily lietwoen Portland and tshland. Patronage Solicited. TheO. AC. 1!. I(. l'en» makes < ■■li ne lion witli all thè Regalar Traina on th< * " ' Á y JOI I N II. I\’< >1 ’»! FastiSiile 1 >iv ision. troni fuot ol F Street Principal. 7-29eow4tn] W ewt K iiii Divtsiox. BETWEEN 1-ORTI.\M>A< oRVAI.I.IS ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Notice for Publication. M ail Tu »ix»< D iiiv (rr< u t m xi » av .) PRAC TICAL ! 1' ’. S L Lisi» amp O ffice ffice , i 7:30 m tn l.v. I’orthiml Ir. ii :15|>m K o - eih kg . Or., Au#. 15, lss7.i 12:25 p m Ar. (‘orvalli*. l.v. I :.'M> “ Notice i» I'endiy given that the follow «CUTÍA >:xrKKKM m uns mu.v ( i \< iitmm » m ing named Mettler has filed notice of her intention to make final proofin mu pi »01 1 of 4 :.’E) |» m l.v. I*i»<l \r '.» :'»• a in her claim, and that w;iid proof will h * • 109 •• Ar McMiaville L, 5 E- ” made l»eiore the Judee or Clerk of Hie At Albanyan.i Con-»llii< < <>iiiie< t with County Court of Josephine < ounty. Ore- train» -»( <Iregon and Fa- ifie ruiîr-M-l. gon, at (¡rants PawM. on I ridav, Sept. JOtli, 1KS7, viz: Sarah A I>e;<n, widow of R. KOEHLER, E. F. ÜOGERS. .Manager. <» F. A l’a»«* ,Agt. M. S, lifHii, deceased. I!om»**tead entrv No. 3M50 for the X E *| ol S W '4 X b. S E *4 am! S E ’. of X E ’4 See s Tp (»RANTS PAS' OREGON. Mho.l I ISE«»I !*. S It 6 WeM. w M She name« the following uitncwcM \ !l wat h V. « rk warrante*'! i«r one year pr >\e h»»r uontinuoiiM r-’*i lence *i|M»n, J. WIMER & SON. and cultivation of, mud I land, vij Orr WitcKs, Jtweirr ?ni gjecficla ci ill Kinds D>rown ami I . <» Burns of Wilderville, KEPT ON HAM». Have the lauréat stero in Josephine (i, W. IxwiH am! ¡1. Wet herby, of Mur phy, all of Je«e| bine Cmi ’y. Oregon. — Tlicv are the — county, which is rt<5x32 feet, and two • Jil l* iV. J oiinmtom , N umi al Instrument* Repaired, Kegi liter. s-K»a’,t BEST A N D C H E A PEST IN T H E st.»rie«, filled with |0-17tf [S2-6m .MARKET. Notice For Publication. DRY GOODS. i I L. GRAY IlllklUilllU HECHT'S J I Boots and Shoes, I' . S. J.1SI» < >» »I* E, JL»-i iu r <;, Or . Aug. 15, IMST.i Notice is lien’hy given that the ftdlow- WE BUY FOR CASH. ing named settler has tile«! notice of hi«« in; and hell for cash . intention to make filial ¡<r»»of in support of bis claim, and that sai«l pn»>f will I* made Isdore the Jii'lge «»r ( lerk <»f the Bin Rnnt Weint lid Mtisnre. (’(Minty ( otirt of Josephine Conntv, Ore gon, at <:rants Pa--. Oregon. >.iturd iv, Septend'.-r 21th. 1**7, viz. Millon R« v- nolds, Homestead entry No. 4231, for the TRAVELERS,' MINERS' AND > of X E an«! N '*» of S E *4 See 32 Tp 35, K K ♦» oe-t. \\ .M He names the following witnesses to FARMERS- SUPPLIES. pr«.»ve his continuous re*i«letice upon, an«! f*ultiVHi.««n *jf, sai«l land, lix: Jas Agee. Jesaae Mash, ll bnaii 1%’t-r-. .1 Y. Hu- We keep everything needed by the sey, all (»f «¡rant« Dass, .)«>•<• -phine I '(»»in ly, Oreg«»n. C has W. J oiiv * r «v, people. Register. a - p . i »a; < HEAP FOR < ASH <>R PRODUCE ’ r. .. . Waldo. .... Onvn. SING LEE non nil: «r»»T Washing, Ironing and Fluting. All kind» of plain and (an- y wnrk d<>i SATL-FACTKiN GUARANTEED Will ateotakecnntracto f-t »'»i h<q-p clearing, et» . H'a«h-lioil«e Ml G,l - r- . r-’’►. I M. KI' k Fl.Mill fc<i. I EK F »LII . M. I. <’.«IIS. J. hahthkim . CAHN.NICKELSBURGàCO. Maimf■»‘•tuter* me! I iii | h »rterrt tools ;ui<l Shoes, 129 h 131 Sinici? St. Se: Hutiici. Cal.. Factory, 115 A D7 II.»»»•• ~'r-1 I’ A T EN T S Obtai’i -I, ai d ali !’.'. I I,XT I«fr|t- to i»r<»ui|4ly mh «! for M»wluraf<* freM ( ' « 1 I’ < MI k »’. Hti«l V«’can ob: tin I’atiTitR in !'•*■• tini*' than tlio** r» in<»tc fr*»in Wa-liintftoii. Sen ! M«»»!«•! rr !*r.:*ing W p adv!«*•• a»* to | .it* nt.'Ulity fr«’<* ; hid ! ui - inaK«* no ubar)»'1.• m.L *■* ia Ri-un*'!. \Yi refer, Iwre, i 'the I’«»*!master, the >ii»|*Tinlcii i’»J «4 Money Order IHv., and tooth« in!* ni th«- I >. Datent Offire. |-’<>r ein *11 »r, adv ieu. tenna attd reft renueA to j ’tua! • e*' ,n V'tir un Mat«- «.r ('«airi* C A. SNOW A CO.. O| j • • •• Datent < Mb e, i-hin^’t'in, |>. rb|f| FOR SALE. White Sulphur Spiioji Hotel. íWert l>»-|«*». or R.iir .vl Tra. k. «1 ASHLAND, OREGON. .GANIARD, - Proprietor. My at« I ’ river. NO. 23. Grant's I' x « h , so named after General Grant, is a county Heat o'litrallv lorate<l in Smthern Gregnn. It in a prugmsive rai’nxvi town of ltlOO inhabitants, aoti in the main Hut'ply point for a lunce portion of country <le\ote<i to mining, luinl>ering a;ri. ultor»- and iruit-raising. (,'liinate iin- excvlhsi The Col aim Iieing the only pu|er pul> 1'nhed in Josephine county, with a-good cm illation in Jackson county, enable« it to la-one of the lawt advertising niediiiiiis i'l Southern Oregon. For rates, addiv-M I'll»’ Coi hi » a. Grant'« l‘a«s, t«n*gon. HIE EAST. of more cattle than it has waler to STATE AND COAST supply, and they are dying bv A fire in Sacramento’s Chinatown thousands. One of the employes The Indain Trouble«. of the syndicate told this gentleman last Monday morniug, destroyed Denver, Col.. Aug. 24. —Gov. Adams to-day telegraphed Secretary that losses for the previous twenty- #3o.uix> worth of property. Lamar asking him to instruct Gen. two days would average 5<x> luad A very sharp shock of earth Crook to scud troops into Garfield per day. quake was felt at San Diego on the The Political Situation. ami Routt counti's for the purpose morning of the 24th at 5:30, it tast S. vr vTix'.A, Aug. 24 -Unless the ed several seconds. of driving Colorow and his band of renegade I tes back to the reset va- talk of political kadvis here is more Two cases of smallpox have been misleading than it usually is, the tion and keep them there discovered in San Francisco. The United l.alxir movement lias already The pronii"encc given to Chi- \ ictims are a <> year-old boy, and pcta in the accounts of the Indain had the result of bringing about an a man named F. Doogliic. troubles in Colorado will make in understanding between Governor A California court has decided tcre sting a sketch of her career Hill and Secretary Whitney, La She has more than once vi-ited moot ami others representing Presi that when a man is taken ill at a Washington in company with her dent Cleveland, whereby there will hotel no extra charge can 1« made late husband. Ouray . head chief of be ¡Kifected an alliance, offensive for serving his meals in his room. the confederated bands ot I tvs, ami and defensive, that will last at least The City Guard burnt of San while there, was made much of on until after election. Neither the Diego has raised a sul»scription of account of her intelligence and her President nor Hill can afford to $5,000, and will go on a tour of endeavors to assist her husband in have their party beaten in this State the Eastern states to advertise that his efforts to check the turbulent this fall. Cleveland ami Hill are 1 town. portion of the Utes and keep at each on intimate terms with the A project is on foot to have light peace with the whites This was ¡xrson who would like to get the particularly the case at the time of Democratic nomination next year. ning trains run between San Jose and San Francisco. This would Anti-Blaine Combination. the outbreak in 1879, when it was onlv through the commanding in C hicago , Aug. 22.—It was stat make San Jose practically a suburb fluence of Uurav that the whole cd here to-day that a sy ndicate com i of San Francisco. Ute tribe was prevented from join posed of Ex Senator Conkling. Ex- There is at present a force of 177 ing the hostile band of White Riv Postmaster-General Hatton, Gen persons employed at the mint in San er Utes. eral Dodge of the Santa Fe road, Francisco including thirty-four sa Ouray was a great chief in every and George Bliss. The cajiital has men. The monthly pay loli sense of the word. In his younger been formed for the ¡»nr,wise of, amounted to $ 15,00c». day:’, he had l»ecn a celebrated war founding an anti Blaine news]»apcr A Kansas colony of about___ IOO chief ami had led the Utes in many in New York. An effort has been families exjxx't to emigrate noon to a battle with their hetidatary ene made to secure the "Star," a morn California. They have l>een cor mies. the Sioux ami Arapahoes. ing pajxr of which Ex Governor responding with the Secretary of He was of a high order of intelli Dorsheimer is editor, with the idea the Immigration Association, with gence and had great determination of having it reorganized on nn in a view of finding a suitable location. He brooked no interference with dependent republican basis, with The Oregon Developeiuent steam what he thought best for hi:; people. Hatton as editorial chief. The His word was law among his own new organ is not only to lie used ers took on railroad iron last week immediate band and had great against Blaine, but is to take the to be used in extending the com weight with the other bands of the lead in bringing out for the presi pany's railroad into Eastern Oregon, confederation. Thrown much in dency Rolxrt Lincoln of Illinois. ; and which according to rumor will contact with the whites, in a mens The idea of the combination is that eventually Ixeotue a trans-continen lire he adojited their customs. Af Lincoln's nomination would not tal line. ter the death of his first wife lie took only terminate the quarrel between The Sail Gabriel Valley Rail Chiixta to fill the place and was all factions, but would bring the road's storage house near Los An ■ married to her by the rites of the mugwumps back into the fold. geles was burned on the 25th ult. Catholic Church, lie lived in n American P-rty Necessary. Loss $j,ooo, but fully insured. A house and engaged in stock -raising. N ew Y ork , Aug. 25. An old gang of bridge carpenters who were A son of Ins first wife, his only time Knowtiolhing, who was prom sleeping in the place baiely escap child, was captued with a portion inent in the Bell and Everitt cam ed with their lives. of his band, while on a buffalo hunt paign, said to-day concerning the An attempt was made to destroy by a band of Arapahoes. The boy new American ¡»arty just Ixmi in the city ot Santa Cruz., Cal., by fire was spared by his captors, ami grew Philadelphia: "These folks are last week to effect a jail delivery. up to manhood and liecntne one of making a common mistake in try A prisoner 111 one of the cells set a their chiefs. He was young at the ing to do t<x» much. There are mattress on fire and in rhe excite time and was supposed toll ave been many good things in the platform, ment that ensued all the cells were killed. When Ouray found, some years .1 ft»”, wards, that It-, wa- living, but some things had lietter lx left opened and a number of prisoners out as there are other pirties that escaped, but were recaptured short lie made every effort toreg.iin him, already have charge of them. For ly after the fire was extinguished. but the boy had forgotten all about instance, intcmj>erence, polygamy his early d ivs, and had become so A rich nugget of gold has been and the troubles lietween capital thoroughly an Arapahoe that he and labor. If they would stick to placed on exhibition at Los Ange refused to return, though to his purely distinctive American princi les by prospectors who made a big father’« entreatie« were added the ples, as distinguished from offensive strike in the San Jacinto mountains solicitation of the Indain agents. foreignism, I believe their appeal ninety miles cast ol Los Angeles, Ouray left all his pto|xity, which everal days ago. They have al to the country would meet such re was considerable, in horses and cat spouse as would bring the old par ready sunk a shaft forty feet and tie, to Cliijxta and it may lie that ties to their senses. As it is, they have struck a ledge averaging $70 cow boys have interfered with her are cutting t<x» wide a swath’and ¡»er toil. (Jm sample ol ore brought range and stock. It is not very are impairing their strength. There in assayed $2000. probable thalshe was with Colorow's is necessity for an American party 'l'lie .Southern Pacific has decided band at the time of the collision in the United States every twenty to construct, as soon as working lietween him and theshcrift sjiossc, five-years to bring back the people f >rce is obtainable, a large railroad as she, in common with her late to their first principles. britlgc across the Carquinez Straits, husband, was bitterly antagonistic which sc,»erates Benicia from Port Another Railway Horror to his dev iltrv. The bond to which Costa. It is probable that a double D ewek . Col., Aug. 25 — An ac ■he ami lier Immediate ri'. itive 1 draw in the bridge will l»e made, to hclong is on a I te reservation ami cident ixx’urred to the east-bound allow the passage to Port Costa of not at all disposed to lx* trouble I’nioit Pacific express at Sami creek t ill misted sh»pt> ofthe wheat trade. bridge, ten miles east of here, nt 12 some. o'cltxk last night, resulting in the This bodge will do away with the The Ci»tte Gardea Scheme. death of engineer Masterson, and large tern Ixeit Solano, well known N ew Y ork . Aug 24. Some in the serious wounding of two or to all travelers. teresting testimony was taken to threetrain men. The Union Pacific The Southern Pacific Company, day by David O’Key, of the Treas and the Burlington bridges crosi in deference to the suggestion «»i ury De,»arlmcnt. concerning the Sand creek almost parallel ami with the' Railroad Commi.->sioncrs. management of Castle (.arden im in .1 few feet of each other, and when ha- deci<lcd to reduce the four ixnt migration. Charles F Hamilton, the engineer of the Union Pacific ¡>.r mile rate t<> three cents, the five a newspaper reporter, testified that train, which leaves here about thir cent rate to four and the six cent immigrants at Castle Garden are ty minutes ahead of the Burlington rate to five 011 all lines controlk»! not 1* imilted to leave nor to l»e seen train, was within a few feet of by the Central or Southern iMcIfic. by their friends until their money the bridge he was horrified to see This will reduce the rates from San has lieen changed and they have that a Ibxxl in the early ¡»art of the Frail* i«co to U»- Angles from $21. bought railroad tickets, it going evening had washed away the mid 70 at present to $15. The rates West. All provisions must lx pur die section. The fireman jnni|»e<l $7 '«j to $5 00. It is expected the chased at a bread stand which is into the stream where he stuck and reduction will take pV'O-' <"• Sep- owned by George IF Mcntz.or, who and was taken out half an hour temlx-r 1st. ¡»ays $6,orx> a year f<*r it Sixteen later hi an unconscious condition, Rich Strik}. . ent ■ 1 - ■ barged i<-t a 11 1,1 1'' ami may die Engineer Mftxtemou bread that can lx bought anywhere grablied the lev« 1 and reverse«! the Sonic excitement was created in else for ten or twelve cents. Ten ; engine just as it plunged into the tow n on Moitda« of this week, w hen cents is charged for white bread water with the baggage car on to,». Janies Slinkanl. who has lieen pro that can lx- Isnight elsewhere tor His Ixxly was bttried in the sand pecting <>n Myrtle creek for a shoe eight cents. At the bottom of tach ami has not yet lieen recovered. time, brought in a nugget of purr bill of tare is a note saying that . The engine wa. completely sub gold weighing four pounds. For prices arc regulated by the Cotnmis merged in the sand. Baggageman twenty five or thirty years mining sioners, and recommending immi Breeillove was badly injured by fall has lx-cn carried on on this creek grants to patronite that stand, .is ing tilinks. An old German wo with varied stuvess. a large amount food can I m - obtained there cheajier man living near heart! the cries of of gold having lx-cn taken out in than anywhere else. The changing the frightened people, rushed out earlv times but <>t late years the of monev is entirely in the hands of with a lantern ami stopped the ap l.xality h lx-cn abamlonvl except Schilly & Smith, who ¡»ay a large proaching express on the Burling bv an occasional prospector. A sum |»er year for the privilege. Bro ton roatl within a few feet of the lew years ago it was no uncommon kers arc requested to give a slip bridge, ¡»robably saving other lives, thing tor tlie miners to pick up a with every change of money, show as th«- bridge ot this rood was also fiftv or a hundred dollar chunk, but thev wete getting t«x> scarce for ing how much they charge. 1 he in a dangerous condition. immigrant never knows enough to profit, hence the alxiiidoiiment of ascertain whether he has lx-cn sub A voting woman of Denver was the «rreek. This piece that Mr. jecte<l to extortion or not. Immi married not long ago to a soldier Stinkard ¡»ickcd tip has the ap- grants are obliged to patronize cet stationc'l at Fort Union, N. M ¡»earatice of otliers that we have tain favored railroad lines, and to After the marriage he returned to seen that came front the same lo pay a high price for excessive bag his ,x»st am! she resumed her duties cality. smooth, as if it had Ittren gage The immigrant ha* no choice as a domestic in a I knver family. waslic'!. there l»cii g no r.iugh cor whatever as to ill* rood over which A few nights ago she, while sitting Her- There is nn lo»«H» «»■•♦ lie is r->ini* H- *’«-• I.. U.c kiwiicn, wa.» startle«! by sev are rich deposits of gobi in the vi an immigrant’s baggage to Chica er:»! distinct rap upoi» t’»«. au«»»«>»*. cinity 01 Myrtle cre-ek as the»«.' go is overcharged. It is sent In fxxiking up *he saw the fact *»t. her large pieces have not drifted there freight and coats >5.'». uh'le «« Kht hii'baml peering at her. Running alone nor for any great distance. ¡»er car load only costs $75 to the d«x>r. « jxning it, and calling, This strike will Het ¡xrople to pro« she found 110 one <>n the outside; peering, and may cn ate a milling C»tt e Dying in Te»»s. C oeopadg T ex ., August 24 -» A and then «he fainted. The sequel Ixxmt. There is a great ¡»art of gentleman just in from the I pj« is that she lias receivod a telegram Del Nor c county teat has never aiihandle nays that reimrt» of he Hating that her husimnd had dte«l lx-cn pr<, spectcd, and this !in<l may r cattle bv the Capital syndicate at Union jnsl about the hour when result m the »level-ipnt.-nt of rich mines anil tlv inltxof a thnnr; of the least lieen exagger «he saw lua fact* at tlv people I1.1 - til* ti ■and’. ¡CIlK Igo ll'.t.ibl À r l ... ....^ nw. !.. IMI ■ .»OW|*iu,H. I1,, II t *