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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1887)
41 <4 THE COURIER Local and Personal. ' Correspondence. A grizzly liear, weighing 1,400 LAND FOR SALE. l>ouu.l-s. via-, killed near Baker City Er>. C ovhikr —In your issue of A PINE 40-aeri* trai t of Deeiled Land a few days Th -c who insist the 19th inst.. you say that lk>ug- D’ irlxnit one and <>ne-hiilf mi leu fmm (i ranis that there ,::c no griezly bear in the las county makes better bacon than Pune, benntifully situated, and has plen- Blue mountain.■. will probably doubt Josephine county, because they tv of good living water. For further par- FRIDAY • ticu'ani, price Av., applv to this story. have better swine. This 1 do not M. W. WEELER, STATE ANOCOUNTY OFFICIALS The fruit crop alxmt Spring dispute, taken as an average, but I <>r at thin Office. 18-5-lm W. J. Wimer of this place, has stats errici*!«: Ranch, Wasco county, is very do deny that any county on the Pa See the advertisement of "Notice been summoned to look after the S'. !,|-|>TKR P e SN i M LR, light. The y i-*!d of prunes, plums cific coast has any better swine than Governor to Hop-pickers.” li W. M c B riok , business of the firm of \\ imer ¿c Secretary and .mailer fruits is rather Ix-tter Josephine county has. <L W. W ebb , Mr. Geo. Wimer of Waldo is r .Treasurer Sons in Waldo. The of than average; ¡»caches ahn<»st a to Two years ago, I imported from Ml-SES MAl’U A MINNIE TVFF8. H B M iili . k Senator idly convalescing. Mr. Campbell. head clerk in the tal failure and apples probably not Philadelphia. Pa.,atrioofth? small S. U. M itchell Hui-cesnor to Mrs Flanagan A Tuffs Hon. Ge-. W. Riddle cine ■ > establishment, made the step nec II. B. M c E i . ro » Snpt. IN i ' i T -tru.-tion more than one-fourth crop. Yorkshire swine. I purchased them H on . L. R. WrasTEK Circuit Judge on Wednesday’s freight. essary. , a I. r. Mt. W. A I ’ mpi . N: Co The Hillsboro Independent says M m .M C oi vi « DUtrict Attorney Dr. Flanagan advertises tn thi^t 1 Tire Josephine County Court was grain is loginning to now into the and I thing I have as good a quality covxty orricitL»: ESTABLISHMENT occupied during five days of last warehouses in greater quantities of ' swine as there is in tile United Voluey Colyig County Judge issue to do dental surgery. State-. 1 have swine that at one 1‘pponite Ciunpl» II.« Tuffs' store, on Gt 11 week in taking evidence in the J M. Payne than ever, caused by the reduction ’ Mr. Owens, of Pleasant creek, Simeon .Messenger of storing rates from one to one and year old will weigh 350 lbs. gross, f • Commissioners was in town on Wednesday, aud Hyde divorce case. The case was «freit. K. Clianslor. I claim that they are fully as Clerk taken under advisement by the a half cents ; bushel from former and ; J W. Howan! . .Treasurer gave us a call. Judge, and the verdict will lie re rates. It estimates the st rage for large 0« the requirements of our miifCRI Hi STAMPING BMÜJ id« T. G. Patterson . . .'•beri IT Mr. James Woody, who is a citi- this season at 150,000 bushels. (27-fltn market demands, ami there can be Bunch Bras, are serving their ported later. 1’il.F. Hathaway S.bon'S'.-. r-nten lent 1 ' '1 more pounds of pork for the amount customers with choice outs of <' irci it Covi-.T—Colivi- en tl e Si- nil Some mammoth cabbage have viile district, S, C., in the year The Ashland “Tidings." says: of , food consumed from this breed Monday in April, and First Monday in mutton and beef. been coming into town lately. 1794, which makes niui at this time Over 1,800 passcngei-s were carried • than any other. November The opinion of all is that out Among others we noticed one at 95 years oi l and whenever his by the C. O. it I. ’ Stage Co. ” over J ames S i - i . xce . (ot NTT ( ot ht —Convenes n the First r .Monday in January, April, July and band did wonders at the entertain Razee's feed st. re which measured general health permits it. he may the Siskiyou mountains both wavs From the Siskiyou«. ment 011 Monday night. 42 inches in circumference, and be seen walking on our - treets with during the month of July, Tile S-ptember Mr. Wakeman of Pleasant creek, weighed 18 lbs. Pretty good for ■ ¡'.’.iu- a n "i’ll,- and elastic step. company- has a bonanza in the stage Tunnel No. 4 is compieteli. Liver Pills. It is a little surprising to the route as long as the gap of the rail is building a commodious new the time of year. A. Cole is at Medford able to lx- way remains open. A large invoice of elegantly fin-, young of this day to call to mind Use Dr. Gunn’s Improved Liver Pills dwelling house for himself. PROPRIETORS. , around. for Sallow ( inp!» ’ Pimp!. < < n tin that this venerable man was co ished Coffins, Caskets, and trim The Eugene City Journiil says: The Chinaman injured by the Face and BilHouanios. Never Pickens or Bnnchtowti is very quiet «ilice the (.KANTS PAS?, - - _ OMEGON temporary with Clay, Calhoun and A company to prosjiect a niiniug gripes. Only one for a dose. Sample' late accident iti the Siskiyou tun- mings just icccivcd at J. R. Hale's Webster, the great trio at that time , claim taken by J. II. Sharp in the murder. on 6lh street, three doors from the , free at W. F. Kremer’s. (Opposite R. R. Depot.) nel, died on Sunday afternoon. Newt. Yokum Ashland, laid Post office. The largest stock and ami that after he was a man grown Bohemia district, lias been organ The flouring mill and lumber lowest prices in Southern Oregon. and married there were no such ized in Eugene with A. G. Hovey, up with rheumatism. Mil’l’LK-AGEP M EN who lack vigor and vitality can he cure 1 by Gilmore’« mill at Murphy are both running things as steam boats, railroads, President and J. J. Walton, Seen [8-26-At There are 650 feet between head BREAD, Aromatic Wine. For «ale at Kremer's ; extra time to keep up to demands. PIES, and grain cradles or threshing machines. 1 Messrs. Dcni-c & Wolcott pro tarv. A. S. Patterson. J. G. Gray, ings tn tunnel No. 2. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made misera CAKES. He volunteered in the war with F. B. Dunn and a number of others poses opening the Hop-picking sea- Mr. Webster has gone to Cow N. 1*. Steadman i« acting a« de ble by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure puty sheriff at Bunchtown. is tin' remedy lor you. Kremer'.« drn.r creek to assist in the bridge build son with a grand Ball and Supper, E”í(land, ot 1812, , at the age of are interested in it. served two years and was store is the place to get it + ....................... ing operations now going on there. as will l>e seen by reference lo their eighteen, — Also, Bo.vh'rx in — Tiios. Acy. who hid his leg bro honorably discharged from the ser- ! Jacksonville paper: Some of the a lvertiseurent in this paper. A« WCNW ’’’ ■'•■-I y your d ner ken in tunnel No. 2. is slowly re roughest characters E. A. Estes is treating his store imaginable FANCY and STAPLE ic thc«e gentlemen are very popular; a vice at Norfolk, Ya. He came to have congregated oil the Siskiyou covering. pepaia, use Acker's P;-spei a Tablets. room to a bran splinker pew tongue general good time is anticipated. Oregon iu 1852. It i s somewhat They ate a positive cure fcr I yepen.-ia, In and groved floor on top of the old Hale Nt Smith have one month's humiliating to know that the gen mountain, aud it is a wonder that digestion, Flatulency r.”.d t ;; ipation. one. With icgret we announce the de eral government me es out to this more crime needing the attention"bf work on their three mile grading M 0 guarantee them. 25 and 5U cents. parture by ye,terday morning's man and other soldiers of that war, the authonters does not come to contract vet, and 450 feet in Siski CANDIES, FRUITS. The bridge across Applegate river For sale at W. F. Kremer's. train of our editor, Mr. A. A. Ail- now at this time the meagre sum the surface. Our sheriff and his you tunnel. near Murjihy was fiui«hed on Satur CIGARS, TOBACCO. Til vr If At KING COl ’till can:!* o* worth, having been summoned to of $8 oo per month when it is a deputies are quite vigilant, however, V ulcan . day last and gives general satisfac ’ San Francisco by a telegram to at- r^YmablZ eakubuion and are on the scene quite often. Broad delivered Tree of Char<e, — —..... —......... „a that there tioti. mitee It For sale by Kremer. + For V all Paper, goto the Furni tend the *:ck be l of Ins little «laugh are not 50 » of them living at this f<H7tf R" i burg Plaindealer: Harvest JAMEr- Sl'LLIVAN of Salem, Oregon, Prof. Rork of Michigan, is ad ter. Wc sincerely hope lie ma> lure store of A. J. Sedge. 8-19-41 1 time where is there are thousands ing is about over and much of the sty* li? w:i • cured of Lsthma by «jilinoreV vertised to lecture ot. prohibition find the little sufferer sufficiently lavished upon soldiers of our late threshing done. This year's yield A full line of Saxony and Ger -'‘a .’ticti. Elixir. Kremer keel « it. in the M. I'., church this (26th recovered as to admit of his sjxredy civil war, 111 the form of petisi ;.i»e is not quite so bountiful! aa was *u mantown yarns at the S. P. I). & Just \Vh»t Tliay Ä11 Say. evening. return. 8-iqtf utuk-r the of physical <li«;ibi!ity ticifiatvd, but there will I».- a fair I.. Co.'s store. H ili. i> I). Haynie of Sal'in, I’d. sa-.r Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Boyd and ' or injuries received, and vet many surplusage for market, and as the Mrs. J. B. Hutch, of the Com be iis;** Dr. Baianko’H Cou¿h an i I. in . Call and see the new Window Syrdi» in L.< family th * m • ! » •« i->- mercial hotel, lias gone 011 a visit party of friends, of New York, who I of the same are able, and do per- ¡»rice is a little alxive former years factory results, in all s of O tlglis. to W o.lville. We wish her a took cart mgc« at Grants I'a-,«, is form 10 hour ; per day of hard labor the income from the sale of crops Shades and 5-ply Carpet at Hale’s AND Furniture Store. 8-19-.1t Cold - and Croup. a”d rvcoinniends it in pleasant trip. the way the Crescent City paper , at the most arduous tasks and com- will about equal former years. particular for the little Sampk a bot Tin S. P. I). & I,. Co.'s Clothing tie 5 cents at W. !' Kr<•n’cr’s. Our young friend Cecil Royal, «peak of our fellow citizen.; wit > ¡»ete with others in point of phx *ical I' i • reported that a wealthy San started out fin a pleasure trip three : strength receive-! has arrived. Call on them if you that never receive:! a who wa '■ quite sick for some days weeks ago. We are pleased to hear wound art 1 hence draw no pen ion Franciscan has offered $5 im », oo <» for want a nice suit. S-reitf AN.«ON HOl';;II, <»í »" * I:’-.*'!»•-, 11 j a .t, is again able to be out, wc are , the Nevada mine, Wardner. Pos «aya !;.• <iw«*s hi« li:<* to Gilinon;'« M from Mr. Boyd that the party has whatever, either from lots of health Money to loan on good security. pleased !o note. liuti«' Elixir. Trv it. It ia fer «ale sibly the wealthy San Franciscan is lx .1 • . ■ 1 tim . in service or injuries» otherwise re Krom t « drug «toro. Senator George Hearst. He lias Notesand Co. orders Ixiught. Eti The Grant.* Pas* Band is pre) ar- ceived. Our old friend and fellow-citizen.' CATAltRIl CURF.l’. ’.ii a'tli and «w lately visited Wardner, and is an quire :.t S. V. Mitchell's law office. Calls answered ing to give a grand concert and eti- lo . . iro.l, . 1R .Antone Baker, who has been spctul [50 tf. expert i:i valuing mines A pur ‘ taiinuent iu Music Hall iu about Tha Drummer Boy. < I ft-.,- DAY or NIGHT. • M ing the summer in the Siskiyou« chase at such figures by him would A fine assortment of Dried Fruits three or four weeks. Kri’iii. : hu- it •órnale t returned to this city this week, look W. M. ROYAL, P roprietor . The entertainment given on Mon boom all the mines in that region. at the S. P. D & L. Co.'s store. Mr. Sherer, of the firm of Sherer ing hearty and well as of yore. el iy evening last by Maj. Hender 4-13-41 Try our dried Apricots. They are Say« the Eugene City Journal: mred ev-oy ror.r Ir / .l.or’a celebrare«! & Jt*.ds*>u, who with his family has Mr. Baker has a fine place three shot, assisted by local talent, was a It now apjtears that the cause of fine. S-tqtf Laglisli }i :n«-«ly. ¡¿ lu guaranted prep- be.1"recreating at the coa t. is ex miles east of town on which lie has success so far as attendance and G. Davis returns thanks to the araiioa ; if 11 «1 1. i1, .. .u 1. v. .11 co.' pected home this week. a vineyard of 800 vines, lie in financial results are to lie considered. old uncle Tommy Washburnc's death, who was found dead in his people of Grants Pa ■ * ami vicinity jrou notbiug. Try ¡L A 1 la <1 ■••« wi.l form, us that he will set out. this The hall v a • well fillc 1 with an in , A Chinaman milling on Sterling I'KONT MTltKKT. arante l»i, Hir(. ■■ show ItaC'jod rfíe-1. Tiial bottles 10CbL bed not long since, was by ¡xiison. creek was caved on aud killed last fall, about 25<Jb more. Success telligent and i-.ppreci.iu.e audience. Strychnine was found in the sack of for their patronage for the last year. l ur «a!-.* l»y V. i KrvtiK r. — 1IKAI.KK IN — He will from this date jnakc Boots Bro. Baker. The performance itself was various flour out of which he had taken his l'or lani '■ !*. «id:* or clie-t, ti«** Shil- Friday. As he was alone he was and Shots cheapci than you can gel 1 If thc man who took the editor’« ly c t iticised: some holding that it bread, but as to how the ¡»oisen got «>!i'« l’f><. • i-i-r. l'ii -oci nts. F*;r not found until yesterday them in the stores. Repair.- neat •*;«! ' ;t Kr« iii, i 's ;tri’..; -tor •. Miss Currie Robertson, Miss Do ! grey hound slut out to Williams, was the wot t entertainment ever there i. »till a mystery. and cheap. 4-29-tf. held in the lull, and others that it MU. A. IJlGGINS.of'.Vi ;::i¡n:’, N. Y ra Chau«*«, and Miss Shattuck hon creek will kindly return thes.-.mej Ashland Ti ling-; The Wagner Hay« ho liad thc Pile» for n.'sriy ■! I vear.-- ored this office with their presence ! to Grants l’ass, we will bay the I wa s a decided succcs .. «X <»\r BE’ 1 1 I * t1 * t •>’ jiii *1 e.tred liv itxing Gilnnre'.« Pile Mr. Hendershot certainly drum creek duartz mill continue* to tun Blc.ol R ■ rtiti:fi. TUBAGCO, cigars. The hound is about nine I on Tire day last. Call again. WjxH'ific. Go ta Kreiuet'a ¡or it. ; moi’ths old, of «lark grey color, ' med well, and his pie< -s imitating day a:id night on rock from the to'*d. It I h n poeifivc cure tor I le/ r». Ei u CIGARS, Mr. Martin Wilii rm;. the well- lightly built and answers s to the the engine and firing in battle were Hope ledge, and the understanding tlonsorHyphilitio Polaonlnj;. It. puritfeAih» whol« nyntum, and barn; In ali Hhrumatla C \NDIES, Seethes and Ecals. known ami re«; rec tel assistant of name of "Queen " Patties are immut.-.ble. is among outsiders that the yield and Nuuralglo paini. Wo faunuiUiu it, NUTS, ETC. S iat.1 Alli.” s<«niics :r 1 heals til” incni- Mr. Burrows, has severed his con hereby warned against keeping the j is from s* to $12 per toil on rock Th (I ant 1 Pa • Band astoni shed F<»r sale bv W E. Kremt r. br.uie« ;if th ■ thr ¡mil when poi- nection with the Gem saloon. easily mined and milled. It is lliglu st Ca»h price paid for th'- r friend s, and added much to same i:i their po- session. Informa k »a > I and inllan.e.l b ’ di - '. It | r ■ rumored that the conqiany op BOHN. » ent« ni’lit rh eat « a tul tighti;-. < aeri-- Hoover & Son are preparing to tion c.-mcerning, or the dog herself. ; the progr.r. 11c. 'Pile singing of (multi v Produce. Hides, 1‘urs, Ii„* eh ot, ettre« e.eaghs. ei etp. a 'lim i ■ ’ put in a new and general «lock of will be thankfully received at this; the local double quartette i * also de erating the mill will put up a twen BEAI. - In Ibi» <iiy. lue. Unii, I *S7, t>> I'oltl«, briiiichitis. 1 :i-lineili.1. v.!v«>pin^ ty-stamp null soon, but nothing I'll«* . 1st«’, serving of pr i:~.e, and the male quar office. ilio win* <.f o T Beili, a mui Tim fu < ' tsli mil all other ll;ro..t an l isti" I: ■'•■ hardware in connection with their tette de-'-rved an encouraging word. more than rumor has leached us tli**r it. rupi. Uy improving. Give me a call and lx- Convinced, hies. No other til'-.licin«- (« «nco -stui : f irm machinery and wagon business. Mr. J. Christie will please accept .-\s for Maj. Hendershot’s vocal per - >ct fliui i'i l'iiriiig 11 i«al catarrh as California Cat BROCKMAN -In .l imp oif-la, preclari tb.e thanks of the entire corps of Rev. J. Riddle preached his fare ti Cure. iii' enormous as 1 im * Ina I'.Mli, 1SH7, to tlie win* of A. I. formance the least -. iid the so mest The fruit evaporator lately erect this office for the finest melon we <1 mi imi ¡or th. s ' stand ird ( 'aiit*>rni.i re- well sermon on Sunday evening, Brockninii, n hoii . mended. A drumming entertain id by the Willamette Valley Fruit i.i'l. '« confirm their merit* «>'• I u;i'l ¡'here was a large attendance. The have interviewed this season up to ■ ment is nece-v.arily not musical, and Packing Company will begir. oper a 1 »'ut 'lv c”i iri 1!■ 1 bv W 1'. Kr.-ni; r, discourse was eloquent and impres date. Thc melon in question was G kant ' s P as - - - - () kk <M)N. although Mr. I lendershot's perform ations today, commencing on •I L'., at $1 a p r-k u.'. Tin for 42.5 .*. a fine specimen of the variety known sive. ance is certainly very clever, w*- can plums. Next Monday the machin as the “Cuban Queen" and i* well SHILOH ’S VITALIZED i - w h xt v u Mr. John Goodell has takeu his worthy of its name. Messrs. Chris hardly imagine parties atten ting ery will lx* started in full blast. n ' -I for Constipation L< • < f Appetite. I M. NICKERSON, l>izzi:»eMg, an*! all sytiilcinH of Ry«p» : i wife with him to Cow creek where tie & Sandford are shipping a-, thc such a perfortnanee more than otici The company has purchased in1 It to lie will be engaged for a few days rate of three car-l«oads a week of Asa novelty, the Major'is a suc- Southern Oregon 17,00» bushels of Price It) and 75 cents per bott-. Waeoii and Mattlit ReMr ill 3 Speclillj. — 11-aliT ill — f for sale at Kremer’s drug store. in building the new wood and iron ¡ccss. 'A repetition would almost apple', and Mr. Tres itt. manager these melons from this point to Al-| AGE.ST3 FOR TIIK amount to a nui nice. ST A I T ,Emi<l 1 A N< ’N’ THE WIFE, MOTHER AN’i> MAID bridge. of the company, left for the tqqicr bany, where they find a ready mar-j wh » ^111 b?r from Female W’eaknusf, will valley to-night to procure more. A. J. Sedge has had a well dug ket. Our devil says he wishes, fin I Gilmore’» Aromatic Wine a po iti ve Temperance League. in front of ltis furniture store on melon-time would last always. Cur*. Kremer lias it for sate. Before the Rip Van Winkle own — ami — Hi- <>¡H-iit il up a new »to, k j'i«f n-i-'ind, A league ha* l»ecn er * of property located between Jack i-iinsi-ting iu part ut veOÄOAX ] y.iV?! Main street. The well is fifteen Mr. J. W. Howard, our esteemed feet deep and has about eight feet • -njaster. returned home 0:1 Fri formed i:i Grants P.i«.», having for sonville and ■ thi* city can expect Fresh Canned Fruits. Fi warranted, is bwau.-i» it b t'.-> best of water. SHOP ox H st ., xh A r 6 th . day of last week, after a mont'.i’s its object th*, successful agitation of any thing like a Ix»s Angeles lx»om jllcod Preparation known. It will poei- Candies, Nut-. tively cure all i>,o«xl liises««*?. y t I s ti e Th.- S. P D. & I.. Co. have the o ’ kjiicc . During that time lie visit the auv .idmeiit published on th«- in land which they have for sale, <-.or Tobaccó, Cigar., I at. bist litre of Dre*s Gingliams, Prints ed his lather and mother now living 4th page of this i««t:e. The le-.tqx - they mast do some I.os Angeles ad constitution. JttuieEilxT, v. u guarantee iu aud Indigos in Grants Pass. iS. 8-19 in Missouri, and two sister* ami a ranee ¡x«qdc of this lo ditv are fully The price realize«! may Notice for Fubiicatioa. Kremer keep» it. I< -Cream h Specialty, brother in Kentucky, all of whom awake to thc haul fight before them not be a» large in every instance, but Mr. Cunningham, the new section I H. I «su Orni k , ) IH-51Í ' NERVE-LIFE AM’ VI; >i' : -:< rv,l he found in good health, He took and are organizing thoroughly to there will lx- big money circulated R i'btirg, «>n :*•», .fnlv l-.’th, IHX7.Í ia men anil w.otnen by u-v.n *•■*(> ¡. r- -. boss, has been installed in his p'osi- vary oil the wari ’ ii«.*. Foll aving boom comes, and it wherever the N’eti i* lieroby given tli.«t III«* fiilluw- Aromatic Vine, For sale at Kremer .-* tion. left by the resignation thc Oregon bort line an ! southern are the off: -racketed by the leagm : will not come of its own accord, in.’ iiaiiii-d «i'ttl.-r h;l* han tili'ii noli«'«* oí dr;: {'■tore. * of Mr. Jas. Macdonald, who has a lines «lovin and found the trip both There must lx: something done t<» ‘ C. F. Walker, President; J. .V hi» inteiiti.i'i lo malo' final prqof in hu ¡>- WILL YOU SUFFER with Dvapepma position as conductor on the O. I*. dusty and warm. I11 Kausa-. when l>**it *<í hi« rlaiin and ili»« **.«i l prooí mil bring it here.— -Mercury.. President; M. l'tl< , he passed through they had had no Chile«, Vi> n:i.l Liver <'vmpiaitit ” r:i.i. ’ii’» A it:,’: r R. R. 1*.' mado !»’i. re ilu' lti'ji»t*'r ot* R«s*eirer S< cret iry; J 1! I laic, T tmmu is guaranteed to cur-.* yon. (io to Kre rain to soak the ground for eighteen The Jacksonville "Times," says. *'¡ I s L.eid OHiis* *• Rci'biirg, Oregon, We neglected last week to notice months. And in Kansas and Illi Mrs. Chi'. «. Mt R. zee. Mrs. S ..- mer’« drug afore an»! get it. Private la*»««ui» ..«i Saliirdity, Aug. L’i fli, l«X7, va: John I. C. Coleman received a sample 1« n**w |'i;'j»;ii-> I to give Privi the removal from this precinct of nois thc crops were worse than in and Mi,» Myra Wheeler were ch*»x •||H>:| the Il «•;*-*■«. 11<>i io O'. i .I i-ntrv No. 3H”A, for 'd -d-'(i Hon. A. C. Stanley, C«re For Tile«. ibi' H 1. ..i NU i, N W i, <4 H W l, Sro which was found while digging IT,UTE, Pile* are froqncntly preceded byaaense Mr. Chas. Crane, who has gone to any other district he passed through, as cxi.cuti.y committee. A me. ” o. I ' I. '■■ N|. ( _«j T|, ;o S R ■ VIOLIN. of weight in the bal k, loin« and lower Albany, near which he is engaged the cur.i crop being gootl for noth ing will b called alter the lectu a w 11 back of Nichol's Bro«., drug • w.'-i U »1 He ñame« thc* í'illowing part “f the abdomen, caueing the patient as Chef de Cuisine for a luaioer ing but very poor fodder. For on Friday ev< ¡ling PIANO. «tore in Sam * valley. The Vein with”i**i'« to prove til» i'onlintiou» rm»i- to suppose he ba* «>me affi • tion of the camp. grain it would not yield one bushel ORGAN’. I tv ii | mwi , tiltil eiilti vxtiou <»'. a>ti*l lamí, struck is fourteen feet from the kidney« or neighlmring organ«. At time«, «ir. Frank Ni l.iv, ( ha». ttevtoH, ttavto At a meeting of the executive •*u.face of th? ground and is four aymptoma of indigestion ar* pr---- nt, fl.i. Mr. Noltner. of Portland, son of to the acre. He found his people Ornny i i «• In-'nimunt. I Yr p:<rti* u- « ■ ,lon, * iarn-lt I'rt. kelf, »11 ot Luekv f7-£Mrn nlem-v, nneaaine«« of the «torn.u h, etc. the proprietor of "The World" pub well but anxious to migrate^Avest committee of the Southern Oregon fci t wide. The coal ha* been test- Ln•«. eiiqiiitc at thin otHuu. * >n*','ii, ,'**eplitn** < •■tinte, Or A moisture, like po «perabon. pi d ;■ mg lished at the above nam' d place, Mr. Howard thinks that it would Pioneer S ••iety, held at A-hland. ed y blacksmith« uni by ¡«rsons ( 'n o* W Ji'lIXBTttM, Beard of Kqualixitwa. 11 very •liHa'/rwable itching, alter gvttfnH M I vm be a good thing if the dissatisfied President W. C. Myer an«l Vice who < laitn to know what gtxxl coal Rc/iMer. was in town on Wednesday of thi warm, is a common iittcndmt ! - i. Pu «¡dents I ., f Th mi tsSm.tli a.i'i is. and it is said t<. lx.- first ck A. NOTI* r Í» h. rvhv 1 i-.vii tli.,1 week on business connected with people of this district could onlv Bleeding and Itching Pile« yii 1 at <; Notice for Pr.blicatira. get a glimpse of the realities of life P. Dunn appointed the following I b> the application of I’r. I'.-anko « I ion of the country has ut i.<|ualonilón «¡II mwt ,it tl that paper. Remedy, which ai t« dir ctly n[» n tin in the east. Tire priix: nf real estate persons a* a committee of arrange a nmnlicr of coal veins running ( J«rk'a olili e in <>* l'.i*>*. < t s. I »so < irm i-, 1 M'.mhlV A':<! i-' L'oll. I k . , 1. Mr. Win. Ulrich, of Medford re-i has gone down considerably and merits for the coming reunion: J. C. ¡.art« eflected, ab- rbing the Turn- . * •’- Iti.-i-hi.rx <iregiHi. July l.llit, IW7.) it is certain to prove of pimi of vf|ti.ilniing the fa ten of 11 laving the intenre itching, and etl-* ting a dent agent for tire Imperial Fire In cattle can !»c bought for a merely ¡ Tolman J.«cob Tiiomp«« n. A. D through it. b ail i i* )« f..,iy idvrn liuti tli-.i follo«- III p. r*. ih i I.moni - to have L value at no distant day. i>ennsn<*nt cure Price 50 cent«. A l lo -« surance company, of London, was ia.' naiw- l- oli r lina tllwi timi -f ig bis fully «««.-►»vd «ill preMUit lie nominal sum. Water for drinking Helman, W. W. Kentnor and B F. The I’r. Bosanko Medicine C«»., Piqua, O u t •::i|.*n 1 , in.,1. . .inmuraiìIMa pniof ili Dr A C Helm, of Ashland, ha* trt'iori» tin- Boar I at the .i'*<>* in town on We»lnesday; in conncc and stock purposes has tobe teamed Myer. Tht committer met at that 8ol«t bv W. F. Kretii'-r, Grant's I »-*. ipp.irt . i.f hi« «daini, nini that r.iid JAS 8. 1.1. tion with insurance business and from holes in the river beds, and p!a<- la la«t Monday to arrange for told his entire band of horse», inarcs pl 10 : molai*! Is> ma<h* tiriórr ilio Jud^r *>r M Md A and muks in Klamath county , with UK FKEELANV, of the M. E church, t«x>k several policies. there utii-m, which will take pla. . taken altogether the prospects are , i li-rk <>i tliv i'omrty < onrt i>f J<m-pl>iue wo that two Is'ttle- of <.ilnior« '« Aroma th«- ; xciptio-.i of twenty head of • orniti Or- goii, at» l*.i«a, iireirmi, Estray Notice There will be a camp-meeting most disheartening. to the south 'in A-dilan i September 8. c-. k ;. tic Wine ure.i I;:« wife -f N. tokih I'• ■ ■ - l’onlay. In. ->>. Iss?, viz, Win M mar s. to L. II. B. W.xxlruff, Wixxlruff. of lx»« ity tind Sleeple««ni-s- Kremer k it- 5 held on Williams creck at the old eastern farmer. Large emigration I olii, lliuiviiM I ri,tri Xo. Min furila* The fisheries department have re Angle * the well known buyer who to the west will certainly result in camp ground, commencing Sept, N >, nf SE1, N.-I « T|I XI SII5 «..»! W CROUP, WlIixil'lN*. (<•! *111 : I ha * bought many horses in southern I k M I li* ria Ulva fhe f !!*>« u itiie-M», t , Broochitia immediately reli 've*! by ’’ 1- yth. 1887. Rev J. W. Craig pr< «id the winter and spring. In fact all ceived inf »-mation of the seicure o: Oregon and northern California du pr*** '» iiia rt *i.iinii**ti- i -i |. i. w , rtti'l uh> Cun' Kn-tm ’ k'"*» ing. All arc invited, especially all that keeps the people from coming more Canada sealing ves»ds in tht ring th* J :*t few yeais. The baivl vultivadim 1 1 f> tul 4 . to this coast e:i masse is the imp»«- North Pacificocean by United State* ministers of all denominations. B.*i.jimm » ■ ' l *-!(. >'ii,.u, Ci.ik, Mui.:. *, ••old numbered 540 head, and the complaint °f sibility of securing cash f»r their crui*ers. Wiavlvr a 'I ««t «iraulrt l'i*«, J*ws*|¿iin i It is learned that th< ¡nice was $65 round, making a to- thousands miienng from A* ’•.*«. 1 y" Mr. B. A. Williams ho* secured property As it is, every train to i . ariti < >1 *N*HI • eumption. Cong!.«, «to LU ’ » ; ¿-7 the agency for one of thc mo«t im W. T. ami Idaho m crowded with commanders of the United State t Vil «•• \V J, ,¡*«Tes, !’► Illi cnii«er*i th «*. are in the Alaskan »er «-•.«■• ’7';e«; by Mr. W.#o*liu,T MM Acker s Ergli.h Remtdj’ It ¡s ’ • *'» 7 I V. t It.M.t««.*» preparation kn'.wn fi-r all I.unz Trot.■<]>•«. proved wire and picket combined disgusted eastern farmers aeekimr 4i..»:«„ T---' li week, and the remaining 140 head fences. He ha* the h«-«t maehin«-»»- new iiv » ivm VM IVULllLlCl w livre th’ sold on U p"- t'" g - ■ «iiiiit •*« iivcrcu aa mx » ii as they for manufacturing and is prepared living without Huni rur nan* oy W . 1 • kf iner. are l.:r p J in from the range, * r 7,. *wa.a«^«*|' »wa*vaa»|i^ aaaV tiaitV. to thrir families. a ir v .17'..._ ? '■ company. nds' to continue the "I cheertulhr rome **n«-*' I The little *on of Mr. Ahlf. pr pm lor ot the City but with a smaller Warrants for p uns am' Vo ir ARi’MATb WIN! >1 at » * »• - ft I t ti-ittl h«-lH x-vere acci- Market, purchased nine bead of fat nmti met with qtii ■ f the N»>r hw»at, ttn’nFttd J y (Tidings. It «lid new life ai; l ' - i to fit6.2 u 3.« xxj 1: e b.-e.t » •i»«n ka«*i .4 dent Wednesday at burg. The •Í ID 11# cattle from Mr Joe Through this « fr.»i- PKüFK^rLT m L!> * < •X nt TC k I u from the treasury child wa* pLying 1 ilo Everting Star Jump-off Ji* preci net. I 1 ’nfiirtu It did f<*r *11 ml ►' '< h M ■ n thi <>»»»% »• r<»rt p:;va c it clctww In iti. ¡«a¡x-r puLlt-die More than tlie <1 ' f »» i I« p ml falling fir ward upon his mout in the tl tlii» I age p.iymcnt, tar only i ”, "i** y »« h 1 evsttng thmiÿhirtH m ly two bead were lost 1 4 fl».- k-Kr F*xr *«le *1 Kremer’» diug «< r> ck it was fotced bock in the of g • enimcnt receipts ; «unte, hai* *u «pen in San et while driving to tins place. bfwwthanai. t yfW-w ó'limit <«« .«w I * * r- li b« h rd I ranchea It has !x*en in ci RIHLOH'S * QUUK *n . C« - 4 ’ inflicting quite a were ditnre si:..e the fir*t nf balance aie pasl'tred lit Miiitd .i* t 'ure I» ••kl by us on a mar inier I’ iu -'UE i i. .lixmt yz Vi '••:■ cures t • Mr. Baker, who has been work ing in the main Siskiyou tunnel, say s that .t will be finished iu three - Mr. D. ’V. Han'lin is stil confined weeks. Ths probabilities are that liefore January ist, the road will be AUG. 26. 1*87. to his bed. Mr. Razee has cotton iu bloom in completed aud through trains run ning. his garden. Mr. Jvwett, : t.i-mer from treat Fort Werth. Texas, is iu U.wu, and expresses himself as highly pleased with J »; - h.iu. cuti'.y as 1 home for ai’ricu'itnri- He gives a sad «L'scripti*»: u last ye tr* ■ fanning in ;'cxa.», wire v owing to the drouth, pfkties had to consume the weeds graving on the wayside for fo »d. Th teen coimtie produced nothing an there was not 100 bushels of col rai -e*l in the county where he •cAled led during the year. His crop fiytu 12 acres com, 12 acres wheit, end 12 acres cotton, was just seven bushels. Mr. Jewett need fear nothing of the kind in Josephine. Here the people have alway s had enough to cat and to spare and that too, without much exertion. New Millinery Store. Millinery and Dressnraking CITY BAKERY, SOMERVILLE & AXTELL. GROCERIES, CITY EXPRESS Delivery Wagon. Commercial and other travelers Irunks Delivered Promptly, ■Vcowsas E. A. ESTES, . Tropical FruitUtaple and Fancy G liOCERI ES, PIGNEY & COOK, GlacksmHhs and Horse Sliders, G ROUERIES, John Deere Moline Walking Ri Jing Plows and Cultivators. Music Lessons. PROF. SUTTNER*, f «