» \ few day s since there was tcle- riiE coi kier ——« * grajdx-d an intcrvii -,v with J. J. 1 mx.x. , ' 'SN..X. LOCAL M.NiKG NEWS. [ p rn:;.ti na of the c.'.mtry Rich <MrixD1»co^..ha». been mid. :-!l aml '* - t. auH Oflcial Paper er JowjBke Cmiy. 5rt?0T. Byrne, formerly of the Oregon Rail in th. Seat l.taaff.. i' lrU" :1 ‘ J"1’1/”'; ___ i:i a c-ati.rary t-> tms, nad Six m;ks South oftirantH Jt| -j way & Navigation company, that bett.rabandon them beforeexpend- < '<mnty, < >ro"un. Mr. James Maloney is proqxc. jt ; -•RIDAY, AUG. 1887 the Southern Pacific de ;igned to be on Grave creek. Having concluded to ck-.se business at this place, I am offering m> ing tlu-ir capitul. We are satisfied A H. CARaON & SON, come part owner in the Northern large stock of The "Dutchman" lode 0:1 Wil that those who have it:vested money Re,-ist ereil ai ilio i’-fa Gm.fu Proprietors. Pacific terminal company, which liams creek, has been relocated, and ami hard work in developing per I’acs, Ore., m Seuend-Cln Matter. manent and deep mines will reap a manages the termini! busine-s of there are prospects of its being harvest here as q*.ii<.kly as in any; the lines running into Portland. worked by a company. CORRE U'ONDEN' E. other section cf .America. Every Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Queens Ware, CotlMfetillg of Will. Biglow, prospecting for a gulch and stream testifies that th? Speaking of this matter, a Southern Ws invit» e.>rr..»p‘>a fen<freni all APPJ.E. PEAR, Eugene firm thinks he has struck Iiinson ribjwts of io u! and i.tiv-r in- Pacific director said that the three gold is here. PEACH, PLUM. t -r. s-... Glass Ware, &c., &c., companies controlling the terminal it rich on Williams creek and hrs taken up several qttarlx claims. With cadi lettor thè mene and i ! Iross I.--:-! Ik : confi - ej to a PRUNE, CHERRY company's slock were at one time He intend-, to push prospecting on ¡1 iTro: < t :.:'.* V. k.it.? II mse, ami AT' GREATLY RKDLJCED PRICES. i>( thè soli ter io r • piir • 1, e j •« i.t'.-. APRICOT, NECTARINE, h 'tit for unblieatlon. 1 working in harmony with each oth these claims at an early date. will 1: . b ar of hi - name being ALMOND, WAI.NUT er, but cf late their interests l:ad -------- A Full Line of-------- The "Laura May," a new quartz mention -: 1- : pos ible Republican CHESTNUT and BOOMING become of a conflicting nature. The lode now being developed on Gold candidi'.'?. The sk-.-otiug of h:.; GROCERIES Hill by J. B. Hutch of the Commer kit’. Shade and Ornamental Trees, The advancement, push and de companies referred to are the O. R. cial hotel at Grants Pass, promises death have macean indelible i:n- Will be kept in Steck. Grape \ ines. Currants, Goosberries, velopment of the present age is sim & N. Co.; Northeim Pacific, and O. well. A shaft has been sunk about prt ■ *ii u; oil his mind. Blackberries, Raspberries, ply marvelous.- From the slow-fa & C. A re adjustment of their af- th'iriv feet t and rich quartz is being PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Strawberries, Figs. ding sturdy industry of the last de fairs is now necessary, and steps taken out. Mr Hutch has refused he'.ice to iLe Fuel. offer of several thou-and dollars Etc., Etc. cade, there seems to have been a will be taken ere long to formulate an for the mine; for, as he says, if it is r Thanking the- public and my many customers for their patronage in < ' -i* Ik < an* -i- inn witl.uut irriimtion complete summersault, and every an entirely new plan with reference worth anything at all, it is worth i r¡’iUr..¿ pl.iiit, al on bed lull land, and all of known van,.. Y • A i !»2, 11 e J I thing now goes by "booms.” The to the operations of the corporation, ' more than $5,000, and he may as worth, the past, 1 can now make it to their ties that mieived in Southern Oregon ali*» u!l uu rhe authorities of each company run (| lc r j s j- o f development as TI.eHe cont.*iiipliitin(? tree planting will wind scarcely cubalms but we have !M<; well to . ¡Hit our Orchard and Nur.se-v Advantage to Call on me Before' Purchasing Elsewhere. or <lo write a "blizzard,” and the town or coun will meet soon and discuss the anyone else. us for price ]i.-t •' I changes to be made. i Hop Pickers. Post-offi.-e—Murphy, ,1. aephin * Ye editor paid a visit to the ty that cannot get up a Loom can tv, Oregon. R. 1L Station, ..rants k L A dispatch from Wilkesbarrc, “Pathfinder" on Hamlin’s moun- I! 'IN t of ibp will com mence at make no appreciable progress. In A. H (’ARSON A s,i\ !i •. tuiK-l, IS.S7. Pa„ dated Aug. 23d says a n iase of tain' »’**l>posed to be a spur of the \V" ;, s . : t• • 6-17tfj Indiana and Ohio, the towns are S-L’G-lt Jewett lode, or, a continuation ot booming on the strength of oil wells church members went to the works the real loleit- If. About this 01?. N E W and gas wells. In Kalinas they o( l1'’- Susqtichaua Coal Company fabulously rich ledge there arc many HO? PICKERS’ BALL!! boom their towns on railroad pr< s- Naticoke on Sunday t > prevent st .¡c-. but there -*cems to be no — Tii -re will L.* ¡> — pects and sell property agragating t le payment of the company's la- doubt that it wts the best thing ' while it lasted that has been struck millions of dollars in a few weeks,' borers. Ministers here have fre Fiont St., adjoining Courier Office, in Oregon. However, the rock which, but for the fictitious value qtxently preached against -uNi dese- gradually became poorer and the GKA.NTS PASS, OREGON. FHŒNIX. Oregon, and OAKLAND, California. • * ■ | p.’en at t'i II >;»!> >*1*.* oIDeniai <« Wei- fixed upon it by the bootners, would cf-Rio*1 of the Sa ibato, and often mines were finally abandoned - after We liuv.‘ opened a Firat-Class | ;,,i!r cott, on ■ 'X* to • ' it. ••• The * •»-. n. irl v $eoo,ooo - w, aacsvs been izv . k .,4 taken luivvu out. *;:i'.. * lie practically worthless, and would ®2nt :l P'1«- put a.stop had and i.-cd Store in die building foti,-er|T Our Stock this season Cannot be Excelled on the Coast as a collision Hundreds of parlies have since that p.,*:.,. TN- r , ■ 1 , T >07 not find a market at a moderate result was disastrous, o. cti[ ied us a Fuddle and liarne-s s!./ and a t'™ prospected in vain for the main 1 'J a-’(" ^(1 O/. wlicicv.e will keep conaumtlv , ,, ¡U1J: .Vitin r in Quantity, Quality, V.iricti”. . Size if Trv’s, nor Health and Vigor price iu half a life-time. In Cali- occurred with 300 miners, and for sale th ■ fast brand., oi ‘ I ledge of which the "Jewett" was ,-^r,---- - ,r , ,. of “ ime. Embracing al! the Leading Varieties of fornia they are booming their towns fight ensued. Men furiously etiga- conLedL*l to >.<? ------ - - «ron ’a ' «« aid b.H-dfi*.D - 92.30 Flour, Corn and Oat Meal. APPLE. PEAR, PEACH PI.UM, PRUNE, APRICOT, principally on climate, and in San s" ‘ *’*1 Ea***e with stones an 1 clubs wav detached. Messrs. Stickler. | 1x1 lw i*i'd, and Jose alone*, real estate sales this for weapons. The riot lasted half ,r Stirling, Ingram and Keenan, with NECTARINE, CHERRIES, ALMONDS, Etc., Etc. Wheat, Bark v, Oats, Mill -------- 000-------- * summer have aggregated ns much an l;<>ur and several men were others ini r. led in th.- ’ Pathlind and ( hop fTcJ, ILMSE i WOt.UOTT. as a million dollars in a single day, struck down, Dozens were carried <r,” are now confident that they;-., , SPECIALTIES.' have struck the main ledge in its ' ’' ' away on improvised stretchers with and everything pertaining to a with Los Angeles and San Diego primitive formation. The mine" i.-> cracked and bleeding hea Is. To FIRST-CLASS FEED STORE crowding close upon her heels as I situated about a mile up the moun ’ I . ; :-r.i K, I competitors. In this day of booms, day itis reported that more than six tain from Mr. Hamlin’s house. The V/. RAZEE A. SOI*!. ty rioters were seriously hurt, many F. Barry .Pear/ the I ■ l;tfe hbippinz variety. • ' : ... Or., Ang. 15, ISST.f it is quite time Oregon towns were fatally. . , An investigation will lie editor -objected to there being no * Proprietors., Muir Peach, lire ’Stone) still heads the liut. •" • i- I" ; by givn That the follow- , trail and to the loose nature of the working, and Grants Pass in par- made, with possibly arre.ts. inc i ! -"tiler ba-tile I notice of his E&r.aday'8 Cling, the tanner ’ ^ pride. hillside which was also as steep as intention to m ike llnal |.ruo; in n i;>p< rt . ticuiar. Kelsey's Japan Plum, has no peer. -------- She should arouse herself, Ashland Tidings: Mary Cat!.er- a hou- :; but it had to be done, and oi hi* claim, ami that sai l proof will t,e , 11?..9 da EargCUt Prune, never ht*;‘or<* offered in Orv;»nn. Il ia stretch her half-l>etiumbed limbs, ■ , ine Butk-r, ’ wife of W. EC. climbing ----------- . C. Butler, W.X.* , , after some . arduous ...... .......... ° the- ••• — in..'In before th" .bulge or t'lerkof the. • In u hh h, in a dnu«I .state, forms file ui lvhrate 1 ( rune D Elite, r look about at the fine opportunities died Friday at the li me of her sis party arrive ! at new working -. An C'- intv Court <>f Jx'-cphine Conntv, Oro- (French (’onst-rves), CHEAPER THAN EVER! fa*eti ’ and make the wilderness how). | ter.Mrs, V, in. Breeding, at Green . open cut ' ’ h * * is '*■■" ’• — made ■'■ between * Berkeley Goosbcrry, the n.-'-t profitable of th -m ail. . twenty an I thirty feet into the It N . . . J,. ■■ \v ¡. For natural resources, beautiful and ?■”? Lh« vil>" ™ad' F mey (i ...ds of all kinds, . dd ,*t Languedoc, King's, Soft Shell and Paper Shdl Almonds. had been ill fora long time with a mountain and a surface of rock ten | W :, ?_*.- -''t. s E 1. ■*: . i! 1. ' •.• ;; i BED ROCK PRICE '-. varied scenery, neither ranting complication of diseases and h id or twelve feet in height is exposed. , ' .' ’ ■’ ‘ l’ - ’ ’ ’’ • * ■ f- LARGE STOC K SHADE an I ORNAMENTAL TREES. Witcheta, swelling San Diego nor gone up in th.- mountains in the T: ■ 1..-1," seems to run North-east , . \‘ .................. ' "’;' Summer Silks, - 55 ct-. p r vanf. l.'. t'r,.'ri'i-i>s, i.lirub-. roses, i lcnc.lisand plants, snia'l fr iiin, grape strutting Sail Jose can show a per hope of overcoming an attack of ami South-west, and so far. shows ao.l euilivati..!) <.f. sel faifa. Viz: Wni. Lawns, - - - - 5 “ vines, etc., etc. ipma'i mid Wil-on -------- Bain , . -------- , vlti. b't’JilD, 1 ventage over us; ami for climate, we ,. malarial fever. ’r be funeral was on a main vein of quartz about five feet ' i h rank < tthvr g'.'.l- in :-r >;>orti.>i,. Aiuk‘*r*on (iru i-t Pus, p. S . .‘re p'irt !i.isi»> cH.v.h r *. |ar‘i*‘ intendin' | I.fit I; v. ¡11 (¡nd Saturday, and the earthly romaines wide. There are also several small can defy any or all of them to a test were consigned to their last resting er lodes exposed by the cut, and all Ho’ton, »< Kerbyviile, a.!! of Josephine it to their interest to coni'? and sei» our slock anti learn our prices. I will not be Under Sc'd, ('o.mty. Oregon Cat,'.!, v.b s mailed gratis upei aj-plieution. Addra... ill coimnuni. alions to for the championship. Yet, we are - ,p, m the carry more or less gold and other C has . W. J. V/. HOWARD. without a boom" of out own. But ............ presence of r t ■' ’’e sorrowing family, minerals. The ledge has everv in S-BC-iit1 Reiri«ter. IIAMMON BROS., we must have one, and how are we neighbors and friends. Catherine dication of being a permanent one rhe nix, lacks' :: ' (Hintv, Oregon. .-.ni For Salo Cheap. to get it? With the completion of J°th.nso,'.’ Jvas ,,orn Br”w» country and should improve in mineral, al NEW FUENimr STOKE . z. . r . . ' Ohio, bebuarv i i 1847, S it and Febuary i 14, an<l ivttttr* came though present assays give in some 1 the C. & (). 111 a few weeks hence Ohio, with her parents, John and Mary cases as high as $200 to the ton. Ono Fr ?■': Mil-Il < 'oir iin.I one Tiiröe- A. J. SEI ICrli, S H lx' K> JUDSON, will be our opportunity. W by not1 Johnson, to Southern Oregon in There is no doubt that extensive quart r .b-r-x-v Bull Enquire at ' l.'in St., U i. 4tii i -: i i '. h Crini:. P» 8-lflj ‘ S. ~ 1*. I). A !.. Co. Store*. DEALERS IN ----- make an attempt, at least, to run in 1 1852 their home being a donation qn.irtz deposits have been struck in — Has just openod a Nev.- — r V/ANTED. a lioom on the completed new road. i claim adjacent to that oi Jami-., their primitive condition, and we j S J I OLXrn RE STORE It can be done easily, ami will not Hamlin, near Jacksonville. She sincerely hope the owners may more was married about twentv-fivc years than have their expectations ful 100 IIOI> 1’1 Kt.RS. Address, V* here Will lx- kept oa li-.nd :-. I ¿.rfsfe c>t much. It will only take a ¡ago, and her husband and four child filled. 6th St., between M *.in and H, Grants I'- > ,vs3, Or. J. s DENISE, ...... **n kin.ls of united effort, and by a pull alto , ten survive her. For more than Have the Largest and most ( ompl.-t - sto. k in jl>. ir Hu • ia So t-1, i-. Or-on, which I Furnilere, Btddi.i-i ric’t-ro Frsmci, ' lervilie Or. After doing the mountain, we 8 .'i-lin! , they will sell . ! r- . , r. c. gether the population of this county twenty years she had lieen a sufferer were taken to Mr. Hamlin's placer Crackei*. Etc.. Etc. SHEP.1FF 8 SALE. L< >\\ AS 'I IIIC LOWEST. can lie doubled in one year, ami our ill consequence of injuries received diggings. He has very rich ground I'* r-i'r oa •><, V •?>.!..-w-!'i-.in«... !s-a*T."t.s BY VHtri’E of i,i ex-cution d-ilvi-- 1 tc., made to i . i ki. Si . • :■.! attvi.-ti' n frxit hills along Rogue, Applegate | by a fall into a fireplace, and d-.ith and is preparing to work a large * AGENTS 1 )R THE CELEBRATED I out of tin- I ir. -.:t ( <,-.111 oí ilie St i ,. >iven to came without terror, area during the coining season. The and Illinois rivers, and those bor <>i < Ir.-.oa ¡or .Ju-eplii....... mini v, on th,* ;:<l I NI) ISHTA R'lNfL W. R. Skelton, while camping want of water is all that prevents ■ lay "f Vi h -*. \ I * -sf. nd to i., ■ ,|¡- dering each little valley, will be handsome money from being real [{^pairing and all kinds >•( w.-tkin u*y r s-t • I a:i I ileliv.Ti-.l; ia hi vor <>f S uivi. ! on the banks of the* Spokane at lir-.e i.eatlv and proiopt.'v , o-cufe't. made to blossom with the fragrance 1 tent, had a fearful ex|x.*rienct ized from this placer claim. It ' Huiutiff, who reco ■ ■ I a j 1 L- ì -I 1, ■ ", . : , , , of paradi -e. By all means let us with a rattlesnake which, but for literally pays from the grass roots 1 t '" ila II,erte, ue III the ji.ee nuai.-d ( ' art, 'j! down, and dirt taken from any lo-1 , !'ïv  r/r.1 L fir th rer's invest in a first-class I moiii . I timely presence of mind, would • *n the y.l dnv of Ausiist. fl. 1«7, an I . tin* herei,-miter <1.* s-rilieJ re il pro- ' have undoubtedly terminated disas cality in the vicinity, shows colors. against /CENT 1 !>*■'.aiL'ing te 11. S 1 t.ivetipiirt at! 1 f trously. With his wife, Skelton His father will probably join him Pertv The Medford Transcript says: fv! the l-.lli n IhiveniHTt. his wife, ile.etid mt *, I in his work this winter. mu commanded t-> levy up.>u ati l sell sài I "The Grants Pass Courier man had been picnicking, and on their ! Rf CINE The mine which the editor most I'D ; ~<>t erty to satisty the j idgincit of S.mi- gives the personified inertia of that wav through a shady grove they m-1 lt.ini !« for the mm of jl,hi.'.14, and bl town a regular shaking up, now stopped to rest. Skelton, selecting appreciated was in Mr. Hamlin's the further sum of|lh>2) alt. -mev's lie UliBMll.!.! days. He takes the fossils by the a comfortable looking place beneath garden, and we believe that this is n*i<l th*- --an of p.'u 4 I. t-isfs „nd ■lisbiir-- Ixiot strapsand just lifts them where a tree, sat down upon a rattlesnake, one that gives the best general re nienfe. ami also the fists of and np,,,, this Tic let Mid they can see a little of theenterprt e which lay cosily asleep on the sults i-* Southern Oregon. There mi': ilei in obc lieiii-e t > sai 1 « * it. I di 1 1: a<’c. ground. The snake instantly struck is no doubt in ottr mind that the on the 4- li div of August, A. II. Is ST, 1- -, y of the outside world." on-aid redly ac,..rdi-ig to )J1V, a.it «¡4 iwtrouaee is resfr-.-t- If the will was equivalent to the him in the hip three times, and the golden fruit of Southern Oregon "¡1er f< r sale tor cash in hand, nt public .1.. it - I, iia.l satisfaction g ¡arai leist tliir.l time actually shook itself all will, before bug, "get away" with a-ii-tn a, to the highest bid 1er. at the I y deed, our esteemed cotemporary I over. Skelton seized a club and the golden quartz. The plums < '-uri II :;<■ .¡ ist i>> Grants l’ass, in s.iirl would be nearly right; but unfor killed the venomous reptile, and which Mr. Hamlin „ grows __ arc par- ( outdy and .**t.dc. on Ch Hied Blacksmith and Wagon Shop tunately our moss backs aresocom- 'with rare presence of mind com-ticularly fine and received our well SaUinlav, S pt. loth. 1S87, itienccd a series of applications to merited attention. At two o’,'!*, !< <,f said d r., ji| (I,.. rj a,, pletely fossilized that it requires neutralize the effect of the bite. T<> ottr .veteran prospector, Mr. . " '*•■ at J int r. ,-i th-sai I 11. ■; p.ivn- T own LO th more than newspaper articles to stir He drank milk and cut deep gashes Stirling, belongs the credit of find I ori a*:d Eih-n paven¡*..rt, d ien l.mis in i . them up. A few hundred pounds in the flesh around the bite apply ing the "Pathfinder." The whole mid to all o' th.- following de-, ri', • 1 .■ t| i'Oli HAIHEin I’lKMNlX |»-rly to-a it _■ of dvniinite might give them the ing thereto fresh meat, and indulged 1 ice of the mountain for about three pr* Hi*- l. i-t I. df >f (lie Northea * quart *r, necessary elevation, but even then in large potations of whiskv. In a miles h is been located. Autocrat Wood Force i.- ti; : ■ nd t -. !,v ' p:.::ter if th.- N , rth- 't's k on hand. to ,, tl er wiih tv..* lots ti| - The great question among local east qa.irter, and the North-west *¡ , inter they would require new eyes to see few hours swelling set in, and for 1 'li which tint rliojis ar- located. Also, serious effects were anticipated miners is: Who owns the "dry * I the S.nith-e.ist ipia-ier oi Section i hir- lieyond their own noses. Our hope time ' one acre of ground favorably h.x atc l for -1. in Ion. .|,.p 'fidrtv-s--ven !T ... itti 1 *t J111 [ >H, but the young man has now almost digging** " So soon as our article - t I -. If.inge residence. Call on ,.»• addn ss Six a \V, t. Containing < is in the enterprising men of the entirely recovered fioni liis utifortt*. up >c the re -otirces of that field had Hiu. lreil mid Sixty a. r.-s, situale I in ,1m mike forman . town. They may, by their exam nate meeting with this dangerous been publi-hvd, claimants fa-gan to ■ i on Comity, Oregon, with all an.I And all good* handled by ■k' l'.m; Phoenix, Jackson Co., t>r ev.-rv of the appurtenanc. s thereto l„- ple ayd precept, do what tlu- news viper, appear, until now it is said some . STAVRR & WALK RR, pnjier aims at. If we can unite pro Oregon has opportunities to lx forty men claim to own the locality, Given nn.fer my hand this 4th «¡.iv of Including the ----- gressive* men and keep them awake, come a great water power state, including Mr. H Pajie of Jackson August, Iss;. Cor. of Fiont and 4th Sts.. ville. who claims a deed of the EMPIRE MOWERS, REAPERS and BINDERS. T G PATTERSON. and we shall lx- greatly astonish.-d all will be well in time. Sheriff. Grant ’s Pass, - - Oregon. if we do not see investments made whole pl icc. It >c*enis hard that HYDRAULIC PIPE and GIANTS Rv R. R. M oriuh , Th;- FEOri.E'S MEAT MARKET is Furnished on short notice. We cordially invite all to examine our goods (’..•a, Lucien Fairchild, Com in manufacturing sites fa-fore t.-n after one nia.n has w.ake I upa tiling S-’ lfeputv now op ---. ;lI*,l prepared to supply ciistotn- wars are over, bv the heaviest c.q a.m.la, -a u|,f ¡K-,p tlie fa*nefit; but ami prices before purchasing. in itidi-t in Chief of the Grand Arm) italista such is fife. em wiili the choicest cuts of nt Am ; 1 \\ have • I the Republic, has met .move: wavs contended th.it Mexicam *t Friend Stirling will pr ■¡»ably be BEEF. MUTTON. PORK W. N. SAUNDERS. whelming defeat at the hands of ton could fa* spun so much che.ipc: m**rc caritul as to " hos • land he Salesmen Wanted. PROF m.OOM All kinds of the Grand Anti) po-ts of New York here by water power than it costs pros[K-cts in future In the mean I< fitting up a lieu We are in want of a few moie men tune, we hope the ?'..!■■' < ■1 .; COUNTY SURVEYOR, s A L ’ S AC, K s to work it upin California bv steam, in In» efforts to secure their endorse to canvass for the safe of vlloice varieties their claim to the "dry diggings," I 5AKBER SI I( )1> of And General as to more than cover the differ Nursery *"t<» k. To mm who can in.ike A share of the public patrouag. re incut u- tlie new |K*nsion bill, w hich cnca in Ireight. In a word we will give the man wlm w Led up In tin* old I antral Hotel building, where a success of the feisine-« we can pay e>«sl spectfully solicited. •was drafted by national executive il.iitn that, while Oregon 1. mien salaries or commission and give pen ia- LAND tlu- mine, a lair share. A Cr H NT, he g lia raille*., to give Hatfefaetion in BUNCH BROS.. nent employment We have manv r w The idea that surface mining 4-stf; oflieets of th- order, and which is to southern California a- ( ple.isu < Will I» always readv tea Iv to Locate Proprietor* and choice -|»*,:ulties, both in the fruit SHAVING md HAIR CUTTING. r.lonc was practical in southern known .among Grand Armv men as resort, it is a far better business aiouc and ornatm ntal line, which others do mt ah parties .mining Io him. on Vacant I„md sud that no gold lay deep l. i lies' Hair-cutting n spu i.ilty. ham1 >*. Address at onv . with refereii'-es oi all <le*«.*riptioiw. ijuuii as "the pauper jxmsion bill." The country anil affords letter oppor Oregon below tile knrl.iee is gradually la ■ tunities fm pin-kv md industrious L. L MAY & CO.. Nurserymen, PRO! Bl.OOM will .-nri* C -r*-«, Bun- GOVERNMENT. SCHOOL draft was prepared several months voting men to ing exploded The m "i intelligent i•*:•» . In -roMinr mil nails; -• ■>, warts « lo st ST PAI L, MINN 1. H. AHLF • Proprietor. ago, and Fairchild issued a pro if they have th accumulate fortunes and expvricnc. 1 of the manv pros- taken and .Hit with.Mit pain. 1 i't bit <>t vcononiv ¡K-etors now working this part of clamatiou catling on all Grand Arno or self denial [Ex. No .-tire, no pay H.lti RAILROAD SECTIONS. M ain S tig it . G rant ’ s P as «. tin- country agree in thinking that ,>osts to vote upon it in hop. t of I.atcrep. rts from Columbia. S. C., ] pe:m.incut mi’- s in southern Ore At nraaonebfe t.-niw. He has also some GRANTS PASS Brick! Brick!! Brick!!! securing their approval. The pro *•''( disK-ouraging news cotitin- gon ; must lx* deep mines. The clamatiou < 1 the Commander in ties to CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE. come from the flvxxlcd dis 1 great couvulsions of nature which BARBER SHOP Fresh and Salted Beef, Pork, Chief following closely upon hi dt tncts in lower Carolina ( heaper than the Cheapest, along the 8-12 h ive at some early period visited — KNI) — nunciation of tlie President for ve S ’fa MUTTON, ■' r . |]| . ; , iv l.a> ken '.km — AT — toeing the dependent jxmsion bill leryserious question now fafor A W-. County Treasurer ’ s 6th Notice. e ent formations different and dislixigtd BATH ROOMS! POÎIK-S tr<u:v **'■*-•« was a signal for earnest discussion the rice planters is wh it dispe TA TTT TT ■ n-nr.-.' .XMttOU quartz le lees until now it t XI. H . HAKU11M b of the subject of pension bills In all • • Orrt< ► in; Cm xtv T ki v . i hfr , » üGBÜÄxi ä FKESLEY \ VT> VrN* ' *■ V aaa^tav Ml Hie HCZ!. mes on the the most expert examinations to •“ ... u.n» tniu, posts There are fiflv three 1. •• »••X« .1 * • • LA., It,* Wo J I l 'n '»’n •»» f.v »Jv-A . 4 ..» ’Í •» • * k*»V * plantations until the firs w.ix ill th»» t*ltv ■»M'T t-va/ve» -<* »I«, - Noti.-e j, hereby given that there an* have fitte.! un in OHintHlhm with th» ‘ ir Bacon and Lard a car. ■ '■ 1 ’> K 1 C K YA lx’ 1 ). funds in the County Treasury for the re- - '• ■ -' r> fat t’.um to discovered are ■ tn their primative Ton« biKiiu 4M, arrived at their decision la ever) earn a 1 lying, ,md nt the meantime poaittona or no. The deep ledges d* ninti«n of the following Cotintv War ALWAYS ON HAND. instance they have declined to en they will have - tn — All kin.ii* of — rants. pr t, <1 to No. 2U. July tj ]«, Hot and Cold Baths. ■ lie .-»* supplied with alone tannin, n -rth cast and soutli- dorse "the pauper pension bill.' food. If nothing Namberw 2, 5 's •* 7, - ~ - - 112, <- 1 l.i, -- 1 8, 0, J ’ , I'Kl ! - M* >)»!'.!{ \Ti!, Hiid SaP.ii, t„.n ia d< Meat Delivered any place in To*« west arc to lx* d.cjx-ndc.l upon, MASONRY WORK 13. 11. 17. 2H ami liavi announced their stipjs>rt nvgr.x-sduritfa the next I G-.iar,intv**.l. albs >):h<*r< arc mere s';.!* and po, kets InU-rvxi tm tiw same will c < mm * from ■ 4 the service pcn Em ’»ill M* x free of charge . SfEKrr, Ibex will st 1 Ifak.rv this date til Itiou J w. H oward . Trv i- urrr. a Siw ?[ tie milt r.rrwue Silicio BEIILDB MRSERI! DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, 100.000 frees io Seek, STAPLE GEO. W. RIDDLE, TREES! G RAND BA L L FREES' TREES! Hammon Bros.’ Nurseries, Flour, Grain, and Feed Sfere, Goods!! Ä ]-: I-warc, I md Tin-ware. I n Plows, ACME HARROWS. VICTOR WIND NI r. i.s 1‘IWLE’S HUT llIRkET. New Barber Shop! City Market V tvt4% ■> , A • 1 Iv recen 'I in >’ piv i X. I J »