THE C<H i: i i !: TO ADVERTISE Publithert A. A. ALLWOATH i CO Grant's 1‘ am . *» named after General Grint, is a county seat lentrally located in Sxtthern Orviroa. It is a ¡.rocrensive railroad town oi ItklO inhabitants, and is tln< main supply |«>int for a large )>ortion <>i country devoted to mintug, rainherina a.-rk-ulturv ami truit-raiaing. Climate un- exeelfod The Cot » ilk Iwung tin? only (Hiper pub- I *heil in Josephi-te county, with a R<«xl circulation in Jackson osmty, enables it t 1 lx1 one of th'- I-ext a<lverti«ing mediums in Southern Oregon. For rates, address T he Cot Kit-R, Grant’s Pass, < »regvxi. smacturi. One Years fit»Mvan Six Months. Three M.xitfo- ......... Single CofftM........ 1.. »2.25 10» Job Printing of all Kinds —IN THE — An Independent Paper, Devoted .-.specially to the Interests of Southern Oregon. Very Latest an I 1! -r m \ —AND AT rm: — I., IWCHt^ Iiixill- ! - I?.»t<-s. (ill ANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE t'Ol'NTV. OK.. FRIDAY AKE VOI ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- LINES OF IK PASS, GRANT’S HURRA HURRA! For Toilet Use. CAMPBELL à TUFF Ayvr’s Hair Vigor keep« the hair soft and pliant, irnpiirts to it the bistro and freshness uf y »nth, caus« s it to grow luxuriant^, eradicates Damh utf, currs all scalp diseases, and U the iu<*t clean ly of all hair pr.’parationa. CAN NO,V BOA>T OF Il I VISU TUB STORE FINEST ACIFIC OPULAR ictumqi DRY Willanette Valley aad San Fnaclsci ' ' AYFR^Q H 'T* Vigor has me HlLIi O p.-rf.M t si.ti.w ..»< iit»iu I was nearly I »al I hr six years, during which time I used many hair ¡»reparations, but without MU'ce.s. Indeed, what litrlo hair 1 had iv.s gruwiug thinner, until I tried Ayer’s Hair Vigor. I uaed two bottles oi the \ < »r. aid my head is now well coven d v itn a new grow th <4 kata — Judson B. Chapel, Peabody, Mass. ains! Lmre Ltanf. ... Vaqnina 8:50 a m 1 Albany 1 15 p in Corvallis 10:42a m | Corvallis I 5s p m Airin'. Arrin. Yaquina 5 :45 p tn Albany 11:15am O. AC. trains connect A! u.. .eid t’> irvallis. Fare» between Con allia a d Albany and Kan lì-anri-p.» : ■ Tl » Itail »ml Cabin Rail and Steerage UM. M, HOAG, General Manager HOGUE, €11 \ < A. G. F. & r \ _ . I rv.i'.h OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA — via — Oregon & California R. R. ANI» CONNECTIONS. VIRflR ' ‘ b ‘ntv* th® ¥ IMUI!, anp» arance of thw hair, may bo preserved for an iiuletinite p«»riod by tb.v us.-of Avr'; Hair Vigor. •• V dis- * iso of the scalp caused rny hair to be- < omo li ; >’i a id dry, and to fall out freely. Nothing I trfod seemed to do me any good until I commenced using Ayer’s Hair \ i_t.r. Three bottles of ; ; .» t -r. »1 mv >mlr t«> a 1 ealtliv condition, and it is now soft and pliant. My scalp is cured, und it is also iree from dandruff. — Mrs. E. K. Foss, Mil’.x uukeo, \\ is. Ayer’s Hair Vigor, told by flruggi.!. and Perfumor,. (¡ ham ' s P as ■ O regon C arnei : M ain A- F ront S ts , <>• July 3). Aug. 4 ». “ 14 “ 2 >. . “ 25. “ 3?., The Uon.p.iny reserv • th • rigid to change ctqamers or sailing dati ‘S. S B. T<>!'. i. 1 . 1 . Agent 2)4 MontgUinerv St., San I'ram in(’a!. [41tf AND CAI’S, BOOTS AND SHOES. U AfP become weak. gray. liriiSi anj faded, may have new life and color restored to it by the use of Ayer’s Hair V igor. M v hair w as thin, faded, and dry, and fell out in large ouantities. Ayer * II.»ir Vigor stopiwd tn»» falling, nnd restored my hair io its original color. As a dressing for the hair, this preparation has no equal.— Mary N. llaimu.»nd, Stillwater, Minn. > Fimt-Claaa ’Fteatuiliip Line L-’v. -n Taquina -.nd Fan Francisco, Connecting •’ Y upiina with th ■ trains the Oregon Pacific Railroad Company 1. ~ t ■ GOODS. CLOTHING, HATS All our goods are entirely new and will be exchanged for cash or farm produce. CAMPBELL A TI FFS, Grant’s Pars, Josephine County. Oregon w ‘ Company. Oregon Deyelopnient Aug. 5. " 10. “ III. . 21. ii GOODS, DRESS GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. (¡ROUERIES, PROVISIONS. CROCKERY, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, ETC. DAILY PASSENGPl. i.. (Except Bund.o- <e|.t. 4 < OREGON. SOUTHERN Oil their Cheap Counters in -ill such lines as Accommodations Vnaurpu-- -1 :.rC.mi- fort and Safety !—Fan - .. , i l r .Ini via, Yaquiua and-tlm Oie.- n I - vclopuaent Co 'a Steauc-b > NICU Meas than by any other routn hetw.'.-n all point« in the Willamette VailI'ri l iv Eastern Oregon, Wedu. -day (Vin&inette Valley, Tuesday Eastern Ou-g >:>, S i-i lay Yautiinil t'itv. S ifurd iv M’illamette Valle . Tiiur- l ii Eastern Oregon, W • In .tiy LN Bargains ! Bargains ! 225 MILES SHOR 1 20 HOURS' LESS TIME l'r" Sin • *. >:..i-., -tt» v Eastern Ore >:>, Tli"!--,!.:•. M’illuinette Valley, T > - lr. Eastern On _ in, Sunday V. 1 uiina Cit' , Satur I ty Will unettl V.dle . Thur-11. Eastern Oregon, Tuesday ROOM Ilavir.g opened a Family («roccry, I hereby announee to thè public tbat I bave a liew and well selevted stock of GROHiRIES, CONTE'. TIO.\ERIES AND TABLE AVARE. Bought -ib'-o the Sivoeping Reduction in freights, from the East, and 1.’ 'lo-,VU at Bl t'-H'i Prie 1. I al o sell tl.e pytn-r. 1 : -> i .•proiup* .-i.-tion, au.l wonderful curative prep''.tic., c^-ily place Ayer’s Pills at the head of the list of popular remedies for Sick and Nerv ous Ileada. li< s, Constipation, amt »11 ail ment, originating in a disordered Liver. I Lave been a great »offerer from 11 .»•»!» in-, and Avera Catliattio Pills are the <>n!v medicine that has • yer given un* relief. Ouo dose of flies.- Pills will quickly move my bowels, and free lux 1.. I I I101 -I pain.— William 1. P.Ute, Rmhiuuud, Vu. if Ayer’s Pills, l repare.l by Dr.J.C. Ayer ic<’o., Ix>v. ell, M om . Sv.'J by ull Dealt r» in Medicine. CELEBRATED DAVIS VERTICAL SEWING MACHINE, which has no cijual in east- of management ami great range of work. I My object is to make it to the interest of those having cash or pro- <ince, to trade with me. .1. NT. ( 'I II I J’.H. As we shall, almut the First of Septenilier, move to our mw and commodi uns stote, we desile tocln-e out all ELREKA HIGH SCHOOL' OF THOROUGH AND PR ACTICAL INSTRUCTION, Near Wildervillc, Jose phine County, < »regoli, Will com mence its SEASONABLE GOODS Third Session, 0 ctobsr 17th, 1887, and 1 educe thestoek as low as possible before our re nioval. And continue Five Months. THE MT. SHASTA ROUTE. Coinu-i'ti .ns mudo at Ashland with Ihe stage« of tli ( alifornia, Oregon & I lati« Stage Compaio. Only 20 Miles of Steuing. Tim ‘ between Granta i’.i and San Fran cisco, 27 bom-.«. imw. evi.irorsiv Lxrr.Eis Taux» North, I ront May 1, 1S<7. South. I 00 p in I.v, Portlaii'l Ar. 1'>:49 a in 0:1 ) a in “ Grant« Pas» I.v. 7 :45 |> III 5:40 “ 5 a m Ar. tshlanil " rüiiEcü Baûiit aiesrers Ihiily Iwtw« -ti l’ortland and Ashland. Th-G. A ('. R. 1!. Ferry makes C.,n- m-ction w ithnlllhe Ur-rtilarTrains < t'th.- Eaxt Side l»ivision, frein 5x4 oi I str-.-t. W est Sun. D ivihon . M ail T ii . vins H. vii . v ' iitht si snvv.) r :M a m I.v. Portland Ar. 15 p m 1:25 p ni Ar. Corvallis I.v. I OO “ f VKAIX» DAILY (r.AH I T SI MIAY.) 4 :3fl |> ni I.v. I'ortland 8:00 “ Ar. McMinville Ar !>:<»!« ni I.v. 5:45 “ At Albanv and CorvaliG c ■ * with traina of Oregon and Pacific rai'road. E. P. ItoGERS. G F. A l’.iss ,Agt. R. KOEHLER, Manager. HIM ELLANEot *R. J. WIMER & SON. Have the largest »tore in Josephine county, which is 05x32 feet, »nd two »torie«, filled with Thoroughness and Work. ; JOI I N II.' i\’< >1 ’>1 i U.S ¡. asi » < »n<r, R oshhi ho , Gr . Aug. ¡5, 1HH7.I Notice is hereby given tlial the follow ing named settler has filed notice of her . intention to make'Inal proof in support of her claim, ami that said pr.«>i will Is- made la-fore the Judge <>r Clerk of th.' County Court of.Josejdiine County, Ore gon, at Grants l’a-s, on Friday, f-ept. 3'tli, 1887, viz: Sarah A l’- an. widow of M. S. Pean. d<-. e.i-cd, II ,'m--'< cl entry No. 3850 for the N I-. ' ( of > W *4 N <i( S E 14 atid S E ' 1 of N E ', Sc« 8 Tp :’7 S R I, West, W JI. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous n -i fence 'ipofi, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Orr Frown ami I . G Burn-of W’dderville, <1, W la-wi- and II Wetiierhy, <4 Mur phy, all of Jo ephme C-iunty, Oregon. •'¡ has . tV. J ohnston , Register, s-r.Mit] Oregon. F A X » Principal. J ’ ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Notice for Publication. Gin Honest Welilt ani Keuire. s thk All kind. plain and fancy work done. S atisfaction <,riKi>riu> Will . -..take contrarti* f« wex«! • hopping, uleMnng, Hr. IW-rt rn Z- Ze*?- Subscribe to the C ocbier - ¿MAIER <;RANTS I'». Boots and Shoes, — They arc the — BEST AND CHEAPEST IN THE MARKET. [52-6111 M. I. CAIIM. J. HABTIIRIM. ► . MK KEOBt K«?. < EKF W1 YI CAHN, NICKELSBURG & CO. Manufacturers and linl«>rters nt Boots and Shoes, 129 & 131 Saistae St. sn Fi aaclsci. Cil.. Factory, 115 Zc ¡17 II.<• » « Str » t. OREGON. KEPT ON HAND. Musical Instruments Repaired, 10-17(1 P A Ì EN T S OhtHirpil. iui’1 ali l’Vfi ’NT at- t<*n<tcil toami O t rate 0 <• • i >ur office 1M opp*>«itr tb‘* I . f*. Patent <>!líu-, .nel wx* » an «»Main in leaa time than t¡»«a**«- remote ir»»in Wahl»iliston. S pim I Mtwlt’l or Drawing We a»ki-*»* a - lo pah ntabiiity in-eof charge; and we rrwik ii >< !..ir_. L * | m '* ut i- *<•< ii' -l W. r» fer, Lore, h» the l’o*tmaster, the Su|«er¡h1e! »b ut »»f Money Order Div., and to official* <»f th»- P. S iaih*nf <)tli« w. í»»r «•»it, a hire, term* and referen» »••» to ai-tual « lienta in vour »»wn Mate or C cam - I C. A. SNOW A CO., ' i.| • ot<- I'atent < ill • ■ , W.i In listen, 1>. ( (JHrCiu FOR SALE. While Sulphur Springs Hotel. U. GÄNIAHU, - 4*.* - r1*. PRACTICAL J E W EL EK, fr Proprietor. ar>T '^Washing, Ironing and Fluting. C. L. GRAY, — ¡ Axr> Î- — Wert </f D“|^d. on Rvilrvwl Tra' k.) SING LEE i BllklMilllM 4 liiiiiirs WATCH ■Sülzte 11 AHHLANP, OUEfiON. •on Üi liS & KING, I > - Practical Patronage Solicited. U. S. L aw O i rn r. Roaxnvko, Or , Aug. 15, 1887.i WE BUY FOR CASH, Notice i* hereby given that the MI 'W ■ I • ’ r* ■ - ANI» SELL FOR CASH, intention to make final proof in eii|>f»>rt of hie claim, and that raid |>toof will lie made liefore the Judge or Clerk of the Coumy Court of Josephine County, Ore gon. at < :rante Paar, < iregon. <>n Saturday, SepIrnilsT 24th. 1887, viz : Milton Rey TRAYELERS. MINERS' AND nold«, Homestead entrv No. 4231, for flic S .1 N 1. >. .'. 1 N b. oi - t. -■ Tp 35. S li •• o. st. V. M FARMERS SUPPLIES H< nan»-« the following witn>-.M>« t<> prove hi« continuoua rveiden.-e upon, and l uitivafion of. «aid land, viz: .las. Agee Jewie Ma«li. Holman Pet.-r«. J. Y. Hue Me keep everything m-edi-d by the wy. all of firanta Pass, Joaephine Coun ty, Oregon. people. I'HO W. JoltxsT.At, Register. 8-lftflt] HEAP FOR CASH or PROVCCE ... Samples sent on applica tion and orders nromptlv filled. fr-v“ Stock or Good Produce taken in part pay Young men will lx- given an opportunity to work out a part of the cxjieiises. ■"(,*•1 Notice For Publication FaM», DRY GOODS. Strict Discipline will be maintain ed. S|s al inducements offered to those preparing to Teach. No pai ns or ex|<-n-e will be spared to make the School equal to any in Southern Oregon, in point of 7-29 cow 4111] 1.1 TWEl'.N rollì i.AN1>A( ORNALI 1- Our removal sale will be a BONANZA for those in search of RATES < )E Primary Branches, per Session of s> 00. Intermediate “ 6 00. Higher Branches, from $7 00 to >9 < .1 ». Board, including fom. lights. X-c., per week, payable ill advance, $2 SO Incidentals, pavable in advance, S'». j’lr iwint A* e»»nirn*»»fot h ,H» i»»r Familfo*. ax*rBgei> < ¡*rh» «l to ari*I fr<«n th»* Hotel I KEK OF < IIAKGE. l’atro*»« will lie wupfdir t with li<4 ohi lUtii’i irriti tI m ? raiij<rt>> WHITE SULPHUR SPRINT N! y Finr Ftwilc H*ncb and kt»4-kr*i p I ■/» nn!«** irotfi < ILf« |»oj. k» r. Tbi# ranch a a* formerly known • Northrop Kanjfe. I ha,»- si* I <»l rattle (rotti 4 to 7 »• >4 ¡tea*I “I fffo’k < 4ttb* '¡h*«whi n/»» i» 5 mile* iwpiarx; • .« •! v^Mojcwt loentrv ami wih kropS ‘¡jtl oi ► hr. a il>r«rtitfh the wfatrr, I tnnn r rat»UF i* » .flpaMr «d fr< o to Thrrr ix ai«o far k.*Ur *l, a i;oo I hou*M», ♦»» I» arittif ir ***«. 2 of footws ami tli»- nnttawi. ■rnentM. |’*»r iitrfhrr p .t’ it«»- ( «•» K1E« < tf»4 r .HHF.HI Vol X’<Fl: THE EAST. * selves to secure buisness from Or egon and Washington Territory dealers. It is deemed certain that the through rates of freight tube ea- _ t iblishcl from San Francisco with the northern territory will be very ¡,)W ¡n ortjer that a succr-ssful com- petition may lie waged against the steamship lines. There is a pros- pect, as a traffic ____ man pointed ,__ _ t«K>, , ________ _ out to diy, that the Southern Pa- cific Company will establish a new rate sheet for Oregon and Washing ton Territory from the Atlantic sea- board. STATE AND COAST A trike on the Mexican Cental road seriously interferes with the ' running of trains, about fifty etigi- 5 Milk and Wuter Verdict by ths Coro- neer-i li iv ing l<-!t their locomotives rcr’s Jury. with firemen. C hicago , Aug. i8th. A News Chatsworth special says: The cor Capt. A. N. Fullis, of the schoon oner’s jury has agreed on a verdict er Angel Dolly, drew a rifle toward regarding the big wreck this morn him by the muzzle when it was dis- ing. which holds TimotliY Coughun chargi I. killing himself and badlv the section foreman, to appear be wimndiug one of his crew. The fore the grand jury, and negatively accident i ecurreil at Onalaska. Senator Sherman arrived at Ta exonerates the railroad coui]>auy. The catupany is not censured f->r coma on M-mday of this week, and Tacomi's Boom. running double-headers, for the lax when he was driven around the] system of track itisjiection or for town expressed much amazement Tacoma is wildly hilarious over anything else. The verdict simply at the rapiit development of the the rapid increase of property. C. says that the failure to patrol the country and the apparent thrift’Tf C. Perkins and D. D. Ryan staked track for six hours before the train the city, lie leaves to morrow to out the smelter grounds to-day, and came along, and the habit of burn visit other Sound cities. contracted for all the hard burned ing grass close to the track, is a Tin sale of the Camas mine No. 1 brick that the two brick yards could subject for criticism. The friends 2, iii Idaho has Ixten consumated manufacture, and set about hiring of the road oil the jury had better for $2,750,000 in cash and mortgage men to begin work immediately. staying qualities than the jurors bonds, and $1,250,000 in the com The building, when complete, to who wanted to fix part of the blame pany's stock. New York parties gether with all appurtenances will on the management .ire the purchasers. An expert says cost $1,. v ■0,000. Five hundred men there are from twelve to twenty feet' will lx- employed. The capital of Washington Correspondence. of quartz, averaging $33 in car-load I the company is $2,600.000 which is .ill paid in. The whole of it will lie lots. W ashington , Aug. 12, '«7. ' used in the business. There also, The welcome and decided change H. - Payson, __ , United _____ has been located at that place what Capt. __ A. __ iu the weather, predicted by the States engineer recommends appro promises to be the largest saw mill Signal office, to take place on Sun |>iiations fiir next fiscal year’s ex- and sash ami door factory in the day, arrived on schedule time. The penditurci as follows: Sail Joaquin world. The site is located almost thermometer has fallen from the river, Cal., Ji 19,000; Mokeluinne »¿joining the smelter works and nineties to the sixties, and sleep is river, $2.000; Petaluma creek. $2,- work will be begun at once. Their possible in this sun baked town. 000: Sacramento and Feather rivers, capital is only measured by their 1 he strain has been too much for $40,<««■; Humboldt harbor and bays necessities, as the syndicate can the president however, and lie finds $250,000. command fifty millions. They ex- that he cannot wait for October and Over $55,000 have been contribu his western trip until he leaves ted to the relief of the sufferers by I e t to expend in the neighborhood of $1,000,000 there. No wonder Washington and his executive du Nanaimo disaster. The com i Tacoma is happy. ties again, so he has made an en the ’ltee have determined to book The Blood-tiiirsty Redtkin». gagement with Senator Retina of ni and children to their origin West Yirgiuia to go with him on a widow-- A dispatch from Rawlins, \Vyo., al homes, providing trans|x>rtation fishing excursion some time this and all incidental expenses, and says: Rejxirts from Meeker are month, to some one of the many subsequently purchasing an annui very conflicting. The telegraph lieautilul fishing streams in West I ty for them. lines are down, and all news is from Yirginia. Whatever his enemies parties who come in, and is general The remains of the late Arch- ly second-hand. Several skirmish may say of Mr. Cleveland, they must unite with his friends in de bishop, C. .1. Seghers, who was es have occured. No whites are re- daring him the be t of sons in-law. murdered last November by his at jxirled him. The whole country » His devotion ami consideration _ ..... .................. for teudant, Fuller, in the interior of is aroused. Senator liddy has call motlu: ............... of Mi . Ala ka, has I kcu taken tji St. Mi ed on the governor of Colorado to Mrs. Folsom, the .... ......... Cleveland, is as exceptional as it is chads, San Francisco. Tile mill send government troops. A dis admirable and will win for him the defer expresses great fiegret for the patch from Meeker, dated Monday • teem of all women at least, though deed, lnii he will soon have to face morning • ays: "Mr N. Major has the me'.', controlled bv the ancient the jury ami answer for committing ju>t returned from the Ute camp, af- prejudiie against mothers 111 law, the foul crime. tci holding a conference with Col may look upon his conduct as a At the Bank of Murray may lx? orow and other chiefs. Mr. Major weakness. seen a nugget recently taken out of requested them to leave the state. The president's journey in Octo one of the few placet claims which They protnissed to comply with ber, will extend no further west1 are now being worked, wliich weighs , thi- demand. They a >ked fifteen than Kansas City, and no further 33 ounces, 4 penny weights and 10 d ivs in which to gather their Stock south than Atlanta, (la, but he grains, lieing over four ounces larg and allow their wounded to recover. will include Mobile, Ala., in the er than any heretofore pnxtuced in Tin-request was granted, audio route. Several members of the the Cœur d’Alene placers. It is further trouble is anticipated." Cabinet will lx? of the party. A Meeker dispatch savs: "It s not as smooth as most of the large The United States Minister to nuggets, appearing to have been rep tied that during the skirmish France, ex-Governor Rolx-rt Mi- washad but a short distance. The with Kendall's . party . Sunday the in Lane of Maryland, is in Washing owner is unwilling to state where it dian killed was a son oi Colorow ton on a leave of absence from his was found. .... .1..- and 1 1 l — eh r ..r of .1 the party. This ....... news |»<>st of duty at Paris, It is said has not reached Colorow, but when Golden trout are found in but one that Minister McLane's return to it doe-, it is thought it will so en- in the world that is in the rag • the old m hi that he will make the United Statesis to look after place 1 his private interests which have ' J brooks of Mount Whitney, up near an immediate attack upon this place the banks of everlasting snow. an I inaki a de.per it; effort to repeat suffered by his absence. They have a golden strifie down the ni.kss.icre <d 1M79. There are A complete rejiortof the tnetluxls of conducting work in the Treasuiv each side and arc the most beautiful about p>> w 1 :i. -:i and children here iJepartnient has Ix-en prepared for fish that swim. Those who saw 1 now.” the Senate Committee who are in the fir->t specimens of these trout A T, u )h Snaks blory. vestigating the methods of the sev that were brought down from the h ad of Whitney cicek, thought eral I h-partments. San Francisco, Aug. 19.—J . I). Secretary Endicott has left for a that they were made up for show Andrews, whose laim is near Oreg that strips of gold-leaf had Ix^en month's vacation at his home in on City, ii amusing certain circles Massachusetts, and Attorney Gen glued to their sides. her • by relating his experience 'll William Egan <>f this valley has o egon. As a mi] 1.', oneof the cral Garland is on his native heath at Little Rock, Ark. He is also a dis' wred an extensive salt marsh, leading local paiicrs here will to disciple of Isaac Walton, arid when about 80 feet across, says the Lake- ut >rrw print the f »Lowing story told last heard from he was preparing to view (Or. i Examiner. Around by Mr. Andrews: go on a long fishing jaunt on < >ua- the edge the ground is covered ‘ Let me tell you a f c uliar ex cliita liver. The piscatorial art is with a three-inch layer of good salt. perience I had with snakes. 1 have not the sole pro|»erty of this Admin All through the center the water is .1 farm on the Molalla, a few miles istration, for it was the sport and thick with salt. It is considered a from Oregon City, near an oblong, pastime of the precceding, as well valuable find for the conununity, ro. k covered hill calk'd Rattlesnake as the present one. We all remem as well ns for Mr Egan It is locat hill, which for yea s|a»t has just ber how keen a follower of the r<xl ed 10 miles cast of north of Silver been swarming with them. Well, a the late lamented and genial Presi lake. Mr. Egan is now busy build year ago last spring they -warmed dent Arthur was. Indeed, there is ing vat to evaporate the water into into my w heat field so thickly I a "fascination frantic" in that de salt. couldn't cut it when i*. was ripe. licious but indescribable sensation Salem, Or.. Aug. tM At turner This inav soiin I odd to you, but that the nibbling of a fish at the about 12:30 to-day a young lady! it is a fact: so I got some of my end of a line gives, to which ]>oli- named Lydia Denyer was danger- to help rae, and I ploug- tics and ambition can not compare. hurt by a freigt train, wliich ed several furrows around the field, Secretary Whitney absolutely re which was engaged in switching and then set fire to it \Yed of all fuses to allow the expenditure of. out empty cars to be left at the the sizzing. and frizing and strange any more money to repair the old warehouse Miss Deuyer attenip- ! s pt iwkes and ii'.ise-syou ever heard • lnp ' Monocracy." The Secretary ed to cross the track just as the en-1 we had them there! Of course they evidently believes in a new navy as gine was about to start, supjxising ran from the fire, but the hair ropes well as a stronger navy. she would have time to dosoliefore ■ in the further side turned them un A full bltNxied Omaha Indian is it got underway. She vvasdi« qxnnl- til we had a complete circle of fire a clerk in the Interior lJepartment., ed. however, in her expectation«, around them. Well, when the He was recently promoted from a and was struck and thrown spine wheat was burned off there were salary of $i,<sx> a year to one at twenty feet away. Site was taken thousands of dead rattle makes. $1,200 a year. His services have iq> in an insensible condition Tin y thicker in the middle of Ix-en efficient and he has merited the field than anywhere else, and Accidental Fratricidr. the promotion. His name i- Fran were twi-ted and tied together in Greenville. Cal., Aug |K Ted- knots and bunches almost as big as cis LaFlesche, and he often acts as die Scheiscr, aged 10 was shot nnd a liarrel. I guess’ we must have interjiretcr for the Government. killed to dav b, Ills brother Andrew, made wc.-p of the tn that time The Herald to-day says: "Cal aged it. while hunting. TerMie for they haw never put in an ap- ifornia |x?ars, peaches, plums and was in the bttish. and Andrew, arc | rears nee there since. apricots, of much larger size than ing something move, thought it fruit grow in the East, were plen was a bird and find, the charge en The Ix-st medical .authorities ac tiful in Washington and Fulton tered his brother'« breast near the knowledge tic value of Avcr’s Pills, stand Markets yestarday. Oti one left shoulder anil producing a fright and pn ■-cribs them with the utmost in Barclay atreet, outside of t hi ful wounltl. onfider as the in t effectual Washington Market, there er ere Co*rpaling fcr Oregcn Trade. remedy fi r diseases caused by de pear* from California exectly twice 1 he sir.»' O<;r RartlitL;, TliC) »»ere •A!tl...uRl. iliv ireigiit trahie lA rangement of the stomach, liver, marked ten cents apiece, and big. this coast is large nt present, there mvl hnwvfa !-;'-, ..loioieu piiini» were tor are owicattons that it will lx? great If you tie sire to pviSNexs a Ix.'.uli- ty cents a dozen. There were Cal ly increaM d this fill The openingoi ftil complexion take Aytt's Sarsa a road to Portland, which will lx? in ifornia jx'ar», almost as Urge as cantaloupes, selling at $6 per t -x November, wilt set freigt flying be parilla. It fit an« a mill purifies the tween San Francisco mill the Oregon I i F kk I an.l removes blotches an I of eighty to ninety ]xars. nv-lroplis On the strength of the l-' i] -. making die -kin Mnooth Charts of th< Pkiada chance of ojx-ning the road at an :in<l clear, and givttic it a bright .v>.l he. to the direct ev < Take it ■•arty date merchants an«l --hip} _ t. .. . .^ THE CHATSWORTH DISASTER. » •»’Ten ft ft »» ,« ( , ., * • • ' ' 1 ” 'ft 4 I } r < -