15 3'1'CSQ IP! ARRIVAL AM» DI F \| TI RE MAILI? which -took away a section of his HOTELS AND KESTAt'KANTS FRoM CiKI.NTM I'ABS TO < UKM FNT CITY, S Caldwell, who murdered Keen moustache, with the remark, "You But Ix-fore v.ui <Io that, come ’round to » — of ----- , are you not dead yet? haily Except Sunday. at Bunchtown, on Siskiv >ti tnoun- Whv didn't von stop the train when Lv. Grant’* Pa**, , 6 h A. %. M. m . Arrive 1 a . m . MROIIEi KEKS HARNESS SHOP tiiti. was examined on Thursday FR«»M G.t IMTH |*%»M T<> <1 VI.ICK. of la.t week before Justice Eubanks I told you?” There are great hopes of the rob leaves S.ttiird.tv ( » at I a in at Ashland and committed to jail bers ’ capture, as a recent rain makes Arrives z>ain • day). <» :'J0 i> n> < 'or. 5tli and Mitin Sts. without bail for murder in the first OFFICE HOV RS. «iegree. Keen, whom he murdered it easy to track them. H. SIMPKINS. Proprietcr. Neither the U. S. mail nor the opeti ev<»ry day <*xcvpt Snnday, was buried the same morning at 11 A. M. to k ;jo I*. ’. M. Open Sun- The Ashland. He was a quite and well passengers were molested. day from 8 .3 ) t«» io v m . were fully half an hour ri W hite C ooks ! respected young man. and a very robbers J. W. I(uiv I*. M. the express car. large luneral was the consequeuce. fling This house* has just la-en tho It is admitted by officers of Wells. SOCIETY NOTICES. roughly overhauled from base The Southern Pacific company are Fargo that #5000 was taken. It is ment to attie. Bed* nice and G rim ' s Piss l.mx.i-:. No. K-l, A. I’. <t exerting their energies toward the generally believed that the amount A M.—Hold their regular meetingx on clean. The tables art* sup completion of their road over and was nearer #20.000 or more. Saturday evening on or lieforv* the full plied with the best the market through the Siskiyou mountain«. Five hundred yards north of the m«xm. hivix B rowkk , \V. M. affords. Work on the remaining 500 feet robbery was found a sack contain J. \\ . I low mi, Sei-’y of the tunnel is being pushed with illg 1000 .Mexican silver dollars, left \ ¡siting I nitln rx eordiallv invited hi TERMS REASONABLE. attend. great rapidity Not a minute of by the robbers They were trailed 4-1-tf the twenty four hours in the day, or two and a-lialf miles further north. »•<*1.1'1 s Iti 11:. I. (> o. E.—Me,*txeverv And bu\ a New Set of Hand made the seven days in the week, is lost. Here they seemed to have divided Satunlnv evening at 7 :3 »ut Iheir hall mi Three gangs are at work, changing the plunder. A number of gold Sixth Street. Visitino l.rotlierx cordiallv or «'i S addli I AKN 1*2 CUTIEH every eight hours. invite«! to uttcnd. coin sacks and coin paper packages COMMERCIAL HOTEL ! Contracted Scratche«. Sei■tics, 1!. R. Moiirns, n . G.. 1 keep everything in the Harness and Saddlery line, and have one A murder and suicide occurred had been opened, which indicated Mtuclei, | Sprair.», Lumbago, T. A. hris, See’y. (¡RANT’S PASS, OREGON. that a large sum of m >ney had been of the best stock of goods ever brought to Southern Oregon. ErupUom, last Wednesday morning in a l<xlg- Rhenmatinr., ( Strains, I "■ II- .Josephine laxlge, l~t». mts'lx at Hoof Ait, I use nothing but the BEST leather. Stitches, ing house at 32 4th St. San Francis taken. Certainly they had all they This Hotel has Ix-eti thoroughly Burn', tirant x I iisx, tirxt Snturdayofeaeli month Screw Stiff Joints, Scalds, co. Michael Kennedy, a keeper at could carry. Harness Xlrnlt* t< > Order. at 11 o’el.x k a . m . W. M. Poi i.o< i< V/orme, Backache, Etings, renovated and Sheriff Shibell and posse were on the Cremorne theater, was shot four Swinney, flails, W M. B.tes, A. J STROHECKER, - - - Grants Pass, Oregon. the trail at daylight. The robbers R efurnished T hroughout Saddle Galli, times .and had his tlin.at cut by Fan I Sores, Braise*. •’>-271 f Bissi li I. oixii . 1. o. G.T.. I!»:; —Meets were on too-: at the place the money Pilei. Spavin Bunion*, ny Hendry, a woman with whom it Sample R'x»ni'> and increased bed Com every Fridiiv evi ning al llale'x hall was opened. Cracks. i, i- said he has lieen living for a year 'V. .1. R izi;,:. W.C. T ding facilities have been added. A A THIS GOOD OLD STAND-BY past. She made an attack u|x>n Give Them a C lance. 4 Till: TRAVELING l*t'BI.K' WILL I'ISli R rn»ii I'm,)«* for cverylMMiy exactly what i«rlnlni* I K kkiivvii . i . k I. oim . i . No. r>.>, |. ( ». < ». I r y. Kennedi while he was asleep, and Tluil is to s.iy. voiir lungx. AI.«<>aU forlt. «»nroftherea t»na for the gr»?at ftojiularlfy <»t _ Aleets evm v otlier Satnrda.v evenin-, afterward shot herself once and cut your bro.itliing inacliinery. Very »nndi-r- BEST Al i <>.MM(»DATIONS, the M'latanit Liniment l.t found lalts univrranI \ ¡sililig brotlieis eordiallv inviteli to ut- ml imicliinery it ix Not only tin- l.irg. r npplirnhility. Everybody needs aut-h u medicine. DR. W. F. K HEMER. Pi op r. her own throat. Jealousy is said to lir pasx.i_.ex, but the tlions.,mix of little tet'd. _ All. Pi .1111:1:, X G. Tlie I.11 mherinan needs it iu caaeof accident. I ' W. I . uni «. S. e'y. be the cause. Main Street, tulx-s ami eavitiex leading from them . The Ifouwewlfe needs it for general family use. Grant’s Puss, Oregon. The Cnunlcr needs It for his teamsand Ids men. When tliexe are charge I ami choked .losi l'iitsi: Eoi nr No 112, A. <». E W. The mammoth monument of Dr. with The DIccbnuic needs It always on bls work matter which ought m t to he there, I.ieet.s every 1 rida;.- evi ning at G.l.l l'eb bench. H 1). Cogswell, of Sail Fransico has 1 y.’xir .‘ann.yhait^^^ Is Connected With This House. The Miner needs It In case of emergency. lo«s Hall. Brothers in goni stamling reached Oakland station, laden up- wbat they ,1 >. they .-.i-inot >l<> «ell cordiali«- «i lei misi. Tbe Pioneer needsit—can’tget along without It. —DKAI.KR IN— -•* ('all it cold couk I i . croup, pneumonia. B i. Wii iiins, A!.W THE UAH Is SITTI.IEI» WITH TIIE on twenty-one freight cars, ,... the * The Farmer needs it iu his house, his «table, i'<inxuni|>Lo > or am of the family and his bt-ick yard. 1!. I.. Bi s'.-t s, Iteecrder. freight costing over #5<>x». Tl — of , catarrh, 1 11 throat and nose and head and limo <>h- Drugs, Patent Medicines, Steambout man or tbe lloatitiau needs removal of these masses to the cent -.tractions, nil are i> i.l I All ought to be Finest Wines, Liquors & Cigars, It The in liberal supply afloat and ashore. Gì s- I . 0 is l’oxr X'o;;ti, G. A. |; ni ets ktot rid of. Tlr-re ix jnxt on • sure way to The Ilorne-ihncitr needs it—it is I j I best etery has began. The base bl.x k of Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Oli die i rst Wedne-.'ay in ea< li niontii. While the Reading Table ix That ix to take Bo.-- friend and safest reliance. stone, weighing twenty five tons, -j-t ri.l <>t them 3. K l'tiispv, The Stock-grower need ; It—It will save him ehec’x German Syrup, which any drug SUPPLIED WITH THE LATEST Perfumery, Toilet Articles, ( orniminder was loaded upon a truck s|x?cially gist thousands of dollars and •». world of trouble. will xcll you at ”1 cents a Ix.ttle. Tli<* Kail road mnu needs It and will need It so sent from the East to transport the i:Ven if «-verythinz t else has failed you, NEWSPAPERS. Sholder Braces, Trusses I I’KOFHSSIOXAl.—i.n<¡ i long as his life Is a round of accidents and dangers. heavy piece. Eighteen horses '01 may <le|xm.l ii|xm this f<>r certain, The Buck woodsman needc it. There is noth were required to haul the base block.1 -- ■ fill the ■ system with quinine A POOL TABLE MAY ALSO BE ing l.ku It as an antidote for the dangers to life, Don't S. I’. MITCHELL, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. In loading it. street car rails were to prevent or cure Fever and Ague. The Merckunt needs It about his store among FOUND HERE. ATTORNEY AT I.AW. lient and crosswalks were broken bi A>er< Ague Cure is ,he s)K.cjf|C for • o ------------ hls employees. Accidents will happen, and when these come the Mustang Liniment is wanted at once. (iaasr'a 1 ’ ahs , - - - . (hmGO.X. the great weight, .atid a tire ten in- this disease, and leaves no poisons Wines and Liquors for Medical Purposes. Kei pu Bottle in the Ilouee. ’Tis the best of Pure ches wide came off one ot the truck to producedizziness, deafness, headj I propose to koep a strictly first- economy. Physicians Prescriptions C< mpounded Day or Night. wheels. Keep (i Bottle in the Factory. Its Immediate Will practice inali Stato an | I'c lord class bouse. Give me a call. ache, or other disorders. use in case of accident saves pain and loss of wages. (•< oin ts. Otlicr on Main street. The leading citizens of Seattle J. B. HUTCH, Keep u llottle Always in the Stable for A FINE LINE OF CIGARS ALWAYS KEPT ON HAND. uae when wanted. have formed a company and leased Grant’s Pass, - - Oregon HENRY L. BENSON. the Occidental hotel, which will at r \t"onicy aii:! I oiinctllorat Lav.’ KERB WILLE DIRECTORY. once l»e fitted up into one of the fi nest hostelrics on the coast. The O ffici : -With Hott. S. U. Mitchc’l. hotel cost originally over #150,000. I NION HOTEL. <¡1. ixrx r.v . <»ti< k ,\. f(¡.| 7 C. M. STONE, I'l,<>l'it, Seventy-five thousand dollars will One of the Best Hotels in South lie expended on additions and in Main Street, (•rant’s Pa:-s, Oregon. PORTLAND. Or. tetor improvements. There will ern Oregon. also lie a reserve fund of #50,000 on DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY,------ The Leading Hotel of Portland. which to draw in case the hotel does not at first pay expenses. The GOOD BEDS! GOOD TABLE! Dries, ralent Metlcines. fericjiery. Toilet Articles. Shoulder Braces. Trusses. EL. new house will lie handsomely fur Eroe Coach to and from this And the liest oí Accommoda’ions. nished and provided with all mod BEST BRANIIS OF CIGARS ANU TOBACCO. POPULAR HOUSE. ern improvements, it being the in tention of the citizens to maintain CHARGES REASONABLE. School I Books. I Books I and | Stationery an establishment that is surpassed -FIRST-CLASS LIVERY STABLE. - by none in the Northwest. THOMAS GUINEAN, A Full Line "1 Pa'utr, ils, Varnishes and Brushes. ().:*. .s. Mrs. Ellen Ryder, Proprietress. Fruit Trains to the East. PrOprieTOr. PHS1CIANS ’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. « lllice in < in h KiHBYvn.i.r...................................... O regon Tri-weekly fruit trains are now being run from Sacramento to Chi S. Vf. WILLIAM NATURE cago and New York. When the NOTAR service was first inaugurated, but 011c train was run weekly, but the \ N I » railroad people lielieve that in a DRY GOODS & GROCERIES short time daily trains will lie put L. S SivilTH, Proprietor Absolutely Pure, ( oild-'m-.-. a Specially. I.-g ii Inxir Eor g<xxI hargainx in the line of on. The first shipment of Califor nieiiN promptly I. Thia pow<lt»r never varies A marvel oi GRANTS PASS. OREGON. nia grapes to the East this season purity, Bats. Ceps. B go I s End Shoes or General Grocsrles Htreiitfth ami wlmleMometieMs. was made on Saturday, when a train Mure t*e(»m»iiiieal than the ordinary kimh, S X I I I II ) > 1<( ) SS., - - - I ’r« >1 »riu't« ips;. M •’»:<' XL. And everything in the way of «if eighteen cars of miscellaneous and cannot he wold in eoni|»etition with SAKE mH I FAST 6th street, Grants’ Pass, Oregon. W. E. KREMEi:. M. I» . fruit left Sacramento. A second the multitude of low test, ah >rt weight MINING SUPPLIES. ------------ o------------ alum or phosphate poudera. Sold only train left last evening. The sched I liV'ici; ii ani Sur^cni R oyal B akino I’ owuer (’<»., ule time to Chicago is 1 10 hours, in cans. AGENTS FOR Till-: CELEBRATED Th .se w ixliing bargains xliotild call oil " I, ..... W all -r . \ \ * iu-. -l 1 ’s Pl.-.x, .... the only stops made living for fuel, Fine Buggies, WILLIAM NAVCKK. water ami exchange of engines and Mitchell and Lewis Wcigcns, Hacks, Buggies and Carts, Hacks and Carts. crews. Each car is loaded so as to K utiivx h i < >KE(ioN XI INISTI RS. V(H \L!M- I’l III It ----- Also, Agents for ------- contain 22,000 pounds of fruits. * 1 speakers and the I’ndessioiiH gener- Train Robbery. ally recommend SANTA Alili', ax tlic KERBYYILLE MILLS. Special Terni' to Commercial 1<\ K’XI I N<; I XI I ’L!•; XI ENTs, best of all inedicitiex for diseases nt the The west bound passenger train THROAT. P. M. MILLER, • - - . - Pi ( IlEST. I.I'NGS Travelers. Any of which we will exchange for hay and grain. «m the Southern Pacific was robbed < l.iij. -. Beware of Imitations. near Tucson on Thursday last, and Horses Boarded Reasonably, and Having completed our new Stable, we are now prepared to furni.-L ' '. that* our tnuh mark, HANI \ \ I 11 between #20,000 ami #50,1x10 taken S.itiMai tioii guaranteed. ^51J —The Best Oí— (Mlhu* nt r. sii|<,t»u ‘, rorpor Main on every l»ottle. Satiniaetion guarnii* the best of accommodations AT REASONABLE RATES. from the Express car. The train in Ilii.-il <i:i',.s. Ca]] att.-mlel any hour, teed or money refunded, by \V I-. Km - il.-ty m- niglit. was run off a switch near Pagago, Horse Shoeing and Wagon Repairing a Specialty. alxntt fifteen miles east of 'I'ucson. DIRECTORY. A T., by four masked men. The engine was ditched and the express j. s. HOUCK. o : i <. ■ > n . car robbed. The robbery owurred JACKSONVILLE at the same point where the west bound express was roblied in April Kt itm vili .E < hiF.Gt>\ last. Three torpedoes had lieen C. LE.MPERT. M. I» , fastened on the track to warn the RICHARD P. GEORGE engineer and compel him to stop — DEALER IN — (Talliate l.fip'ic I Diversity.Ger. J. C, WHIPP, his train. The plan to turn the Keeps the Einest — switch and ditch the engine was < .ills rep< nd:* I to ut all hours, dav • r S T O V E AND T I X W A R E, night < Mli> e *opp<?-ite Slover’r» hotel, thought of later. — JOB WOKK. RICH AS — hiukson vide, (Iregon. As soon as the train went into the < »eilend ( 'on tractor in ditch the robliers, who were upon a 1»1:. ( H AS. W. BEAI < CI. Roofing, Spouting, ami Repairing i J! kinds a specialty, And all other Liquor* bank, commenced firing Winches Marble, Stone ur Granite. Dentist, ter rilles. They shot twice into the’ AND DONE AT REASONABLE RATES. —Its: ll.»o KRI I’x TIIE— sleeper, and twice through the ex G ilint ’ s P ass i Bo <■<>'. •I. S. Houck. ('mitral Point. press. They then went to the mail I lo gon. Very Ikst Brands of Cigars, Cemeteri Work a Specialty, car and made the agent come out All work warranted. Ollie-» on Main 1 V»n’t tail to call at the and go to the express car. They NOTICE ! NOTICE ! ! NOTICE! I i I str.-et, above* Post Ofliee. ordered the messenger to come out. Prompt Attention given to all Orden« THE KERBVVILLE SALOON. but he would not open the door. »Ink»* no »1 i«tnkv. by L'Iter. [il-ioti THE PRIVATE VANMONCISCAR They then blew the <l<x>r open with DISPENSARY. THOSE DESIRING TO SETTLE IN By dix|x-lling the xvuiptomx xo often a giant cartridge and forced the NEW TIN SHOP; for Conxinnptiou S.sri \nu mail agent to go into the car ahead. mistaken Tlie 111 1 RRM* <41 1DK ta has brought gladmixx to mam a houee- » ». II STARR, 1’RuFRirroK, The oldest and most sueuessful s<|N‘ri;iP l*»iir«l Kept. a.ii<l Hlarth, Two of the robliers then went in, hold and by promptli breakmg up the ist on J he Coast, assisted by an eminent of ra*h year. 31*4 pa|(ra, — 1 »valer In — and otic of them held Route Agent t'ough iind Cold that 1.10 often dciclepx Mtirgeoii ircin the East. Loth regulargrad- Gault and the mail agent in one into that fatal disease wdl vet nave thou nates xxith long ex|»erieiicv in the treat from an untimely grave V011 Will do well tn consult the undersigned at ment of all end of the car. while the other cov sands make no mistake Io keeping a txittle of fe', t 11 ’ j tndir«,wlib or<r ered Smith, the messenger, with a this plea« <nt remedy alwai x in the liocs Clroiic, Nervous ¡11 3.600 illustration« • CENTRAI 1 ’( » I N i , Jicl<>s« >1 1 c'< H I 1 11 v. revolver and made him open the whole I'irfure Gallery. <41% KS AV holesale Prh ea safe and put the money in a sack PRIVATE JOB WORK IMINE ON SHORT IN THE CENTRAL PART OF THE ALI FO R N I A dtrcct to coHiutrf r» on all good« f*»e They struck him over the head « ith *j^i 1 »ineaneH xucli a« cl- | m r«ot*al or family u » m *. Tell* how to notici :. LT“” Ic, t the l '11 I a revolver once, but did not injuie onirr, and giv«a exact coat of etery I ì< »ira«' I ¿i vol* Valley. <>u the O X ( ’ ILuli-o.ul. sS <lle tize.l anti »>1’1. thing you u«e, rat. d- L. wear, or him much. Prices Modenite. hare fun with. *1 n.**r IXA ill AIII. f : single <>r — married ..... There were four nu n in the gang «« it tai it information gleaned The Shipping Point for the piincijial ¡xirtion of the grain producing men, and all wfio GRWTS PASS. OREGON J k ~ stiffer f. mu the market« of the world. Ate < Ine was on the bank, one outlie from *»iil mall n ropy i'll» »', to any a I- part of the County. opposite side of the train, and two dreaa U| m > u receipt o* 10 eta. to defray LOST MANHOOD. « X|»< n«* of mailing, l.et ua bear fiuiu » r \R \\ lì I I» \ I1ISITIX I! ( I KI went in the express car Address or call on C MAGRUDER, Central Point. Oregon. Il* ■!»<■« (fully* Nervous l»ebility, sp.-rm .torrlieii. Smii- A complete description of the rob ( V for < Uairh. Gold in the Ileal. Il.n you. nal l.os«.... s.-xnal iK-eay. Failing Mem MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 2 ïîi 6,000,000 peppole I ever. Rose Cold. Catarrhal iVafne «s and bers has lieen obtained, and thci ory. Weak Eyes. Lu k of Energy, fni|w«li- ^•1 A Vi uba-wh Vv<*i.ur. < hiraga« III. S»re Eves Kestort-s the «»‘use of ta«te are believed to lie the same who and mentx to Marriage ; also Bl<»«i and Skin GO TO THE SUPPLY STORE smell. removes Kid taste and un l'i«easex. 'vphillix Eruption«. Hair Fall -<■ . - ■ roblied the train in April The tail i»lea«anl breath, resulting fr»»m < atarrh D. M. FIRRY A CO. •n* tdiuit I ml I.» br th* ing, Done f’ainx. Swelling«. Son* Throat. n combinati.v.i of I’honphoni«, .V'bumcn, Pn> way company and the express coin- I a-v an I plv.is int to ti«*e Follow «lire» itaiiSTstillata I l.xT«. Effects ,,f Mercury, Kidney and h o ». I. me, S.wl.1 timi Iron, which ad on the I» lA* r<>rld. pan\ hair each oflicrc I #i«»xifor tioib* and a Cun* i* warranted bv alldrtm « Bladder Trouble«, Weak Hack. Burning L 0 !H ffRRTXCO: Ner* r r «I *.t< inrrh, Hr’« . • i f the trial ’ v» Il I L I . f. K it I». \ I I lì \ I the arrest of the robliers Another 'll Dll \l i OMI‘\\> OroGII < IllaOr««*««. !»*• I'tine. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture—n*- • ppvllte, analatlu*» Dl^ntion, Curlmg !>y«- I » "F l»a A l »»x^4 I :♦ (L'lieril Mimn.v <>. seao liiog iieiuim-ut. |>run>[‘t relict engine was sent out from Tucson \,i r ciMTt aoir pay a-IV errn i,u., r !•« , Nv«ii mgi« and cun1 for life. • For IHH7 ‘ In* ni-.'-», k.. »« ra! 'cbiîit V. t of A I- in:!?:-, li-itc!'. .-.:: ! t!;c tram k.mliil will h* m«tl*<1 CHARLES deckefì A * , À lupi. •rat! u I i( »I 1 i ISEN i ;.*< tor ««ale bv W F Kremer, Ih-n into that pl.in • «**.*. tv ait truer 1» !'• «torta nn 1 î'pliepajr It« cfflecfa • ant«, ami BRANI» Gl WINE' l.lQl'ORS INI» » ¡<» 1RS KEPT LN ST<M K < onsult eontidentiallv, call or write No. RFsT Koiiert Hradiorit. fireman. had a L t< la#t n J Ambo, Jumbo. a I i < oliat iti al. n its nutriti««* I..-.’ and !.'14 Third street. !;Wti A i loM. call for his life A« he gained «|U a UIk h X • (t !»*•«• or- !»ey«»n 1 Ci iii >a: l*» ti iiith Thu Oruihal Abietine Oinlijieut i lQ d«<nn< it 1 >i:< ’KER Ik ).\R| >1N< ; 11« it -<i:: < 1h«*r t rr ar*tlomu Î a ectimi f* shuwn by the track after the engine overturned I’Ut up in lar *v tW'»-ounce tin b MIX >• U to Subscribe for tbe C ockier . J <11 F»-r» fwr the liMrcat;t:‘ u i > ei*t»t of flu* REIT IN I IRsT-( I \>> STYLE. \M> Till lie naw a man whom he mistook in i« an ah* »luh» cure tor old Morv*», I TRAVELING 1'1 I'.i 1< will a»*-' ••ixf I Wttllll lw, ehii|»|n»d hands i.nd all '•kin crup pntkrnt. and t'i « f e«>ugh c ■ ». it ht I .e the darkness for Engineer Guthrie, tion*. Will p<»Miivvlv ture all kind* ot MEET WITH EVERY KINl'NEs' \NI> ATTENTION. «» ton>* •<*■’/ •went«. It I rain, nvi «•. ash I It.'«» a THE FI0NEF2 AND ONLY NEWEP a FEB md said to him “Are you hurt?” pdri. \*k for the Onunial \Lielitic Oint- !w*r t«»ni«*. rtcr. I ..•«» - rr 1* !*’•» B. « HRR’ A ee <41 In W I Kr. li,. r :j h Hi received in opl' .» pi**t»»l 'hot n*trryit t M ch. Pul lj«l,.-1 in ¡■i.i.it Cixuil). Livery Stable in Connection. STATE AND COAST NEW HOTEL BEAST Mexican Mustang Linimeni NATIONAL Till: I.IIE IIIk Sll>\ Druggist and Apothecary, SCHOOL HOOKS, HOOKS HI) STITIOSEHl. POWDER Esmond Hold, ECITY DRl g STORE.E LIVERY STABLE! Xew Liverv. Peed and Sale Stable! BLACKSMITH SHOP. r BA XIS. PHYSICIANS, -.-Central Point Tin Shop,? Marble Works-*- S Towns O FERRY’S SEEDS Southern Oregon I FE ESSENCE Por l)rv--j¿oo(ls and (¡rocerks Waldo, Oregon. / è »autt »»» UV‘ iih .C II Vili vvaiao, uregon. I^illi«h«s| ¡n Toaephjjp County.