(f unfinur<l G/ ¡mg* ) h aven Where is lie ea soul tl at dies not thrill with immortal desire to share in that gran 1 review ami receive the "well do:ie"’of the great commander. The principles of our grand army- are founded in "fraternity , charity and loy alty.” Let us etnbcxly them in our practices and in all our deal ings wLh each other. Ixt us re member the widows and orphans of our deceased comrades. Life with many of them is a hard and bitter struggle. They have waited long and patiently for recognition at the hands of the g< verme it their hus bands helped to save, búlalas have waited in vain. Their companions gave the best y ears of their lives to their country, and in doing so, con tracted diseases or received wounds from which they suffered long and weary years, until death came as a welcome nte-senger to releas - them from an existence which had be come unendurable. Let the recol lection of what they l.a e done and suffered that you might have peace ful homes, and dwell in uninter rupted juietness, l>e an incentive to stir your hearts to acts of kindness and words of cheer in their behalf. Tlic interests of the American Cattle Trust Company arc to be centered, it is said, in New York. Chicago and the great cattle ranches of the West. HIP. HIP. HURRAH!!! HOTELS ANI) RESTAURANTS. ARRIVAI. AND DEPAltTURE MAII.S raoM <; k ixts r i.» tu « KEserXT « ITt : FOR THE CELEBRATED J- SOLID COMFORT SULKY PLOWS!!! NEV/ HOTEL MJ Cor. 5th ami Main Sts. W hite C ooks ! This hoiisu* ha* just lieen tho roughly overhauled from base TERMS REASONABLE. 4 :-f' jl <ioi.mtx Ri i . k , I. 0.0. F.—Meets every Watunlav evening at 7:30 at their hall „a . ixtit street. \ ¡«¡ting brother» conli illv invited to attend. Tv n cK; U- Mom«. N. g . T. A . D eax , Sec y. ctmiss COMMERCIAL HOTEL .’3 Contracted Mínele,, Eruption!, ta.' Ail, sWcw Worms, Swinney, Saddle Galls, Piles. Scratches. Sciatica, ' Sprains, Lumbago, GRANT’S PASS, OREGON. Rheunii-tiim, | Strains, Stitches, Burns, This Hotel has been thoroughly Scalds, Stiff Joints, Backache, Sting«, renovated and Bites, Galls, R efurnished T hroughout Bruise«» Sores, Bunions, Spavin Sample Rooms and increased bed Corns, Cracks. i ding facilities have been added. 1 ’.179,me ••7. fii-stSaturdavofeaehmomf, at 11 o clock . a . m . W. AL P jllock , J’ 7’ OUR WALKING PLOWS e E conomist ’’ COOD OLD STAND-BY W. M. B anm u Lmmi , I. O. G.T., 49.3—Meet’, every Friday evening at Hale'a hall. W. J. R azer , W. (.'. T K eriiyvii . i . e 1.01«,E, N o . »5, loo p - Meet« even other Saturday «.,•«.,fi’, a ìsiting brothers cordiallv invited to »7- ,eli‘ w L- a h . P latte «, N g . S. »A . I- oRBEs, See’}-. JosEi'inxi: l.oix.t No 11J, A.O. I \\- meets every Fliduy evening at Odd l eg I oaas lall. Brothers in good Ehm din - cordially wc*lc<»mod. Is Connected With This House them, but a gentleman said he had eu’Fon E ai . e p . y all I> ruogist < seen the plant on the high peaks around the Yosemite, growing close VANMONUISCAR up to the snow, and that it was THE PRIVATE DISPENSARY. called snow pl >nt. The plant had no leaves, and consisted simply of a The oldesl and most HllceesHtul H]W*cial- .stalk, scaly at the base, and bearing ist on.the Coast, assist -'I by an eminent a spike of bell-shaped flowers, each Hurgeon from the East, Loth regular grad with a long stipule or strophined uates with long ex|H-rience in thetre.it- leaf, the whole above the ground lieing of blood re<l hue, and looking as if made of wax. To any one PRIVATE having a knowledge of lrotany it biwascH HiK*h as ef was apparent that the plant be fect th»* young, Mid- longed to the-family Ericaceiv, the <IIe aged ami old, Heath trilie, sub family Monotrop»-. Mingle or married An Oregonian reporter took one of men, and all who Hufier from the plants to Professor L. F. Hen derson, who, although he had never LOST MANHOOD, seen the plant, at once recognized Nervous Debility. Spermotorrhea, S«*mi- it as the Blood plant. Sarcodes san | mil L okkcs , Sexual De. av, I'aiiing Mem- Weak Ey»’s. Lack of En»*rgy, lrnp«*di- guinea It is very rare, anil there | orv, to Mairiiije ; also BI< rm | and Skin are probably very few in this state nnutH DiNvasvH. Syphillis Eruptions, Hair Fall who have ever seen it. It is proba ing, Bone I’ains, SwellingM, Sore Throat. lily a parasitic plant, but this is dis I’I cits , Eir»‘cts of Mercury. Kidney ami Bladder Troubles, Weak Back, Burning pnted by some. I line, < ¡oiiorrhca, (¡l«s*t, Strictur«*- re Esmond Hotel, Cor. Front and Morrison Sts. One oí the Best Hotels in South ern Oregon. The Leading Hotel ot Portland. GOOP BEDS! E hm . Coach to and from this K eiiiiyvii . i . k , .•fitti] It is claimed that Colorado will l>e $3,000.000 richer in sheep this year than it was last. This will be from the lamb crop and the estima te 1 value of the sheep. Cilifoniia has the only !>eet root sugar factory in America. It is lo < ated at Alvarado, and is moderate ly successful. ----- LIVERY STABLE! L. S SMITH, PB.Y GOODS & GROCERIES Hats. Cíes. Bcots and Shoes or General Groceries 'r KA XI s f. , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ouiiuos. Office in Orth building, Oregon street s. W. l’ORBEs, Ki:iun - n.i r: \\i> Ai.rinu xe , .I om : eii :\. < 'i" m y . Ox: y. Collections a Specialty. Ix*gal Instru ment« promptly executed. \I.. \v. F. KREMER, M. !>., nil STITilWEHI, Physician and Surgeon. ()------------- Purposes. <¡ hunt ’ s P ass , .... FINE Hacks and Carts. Special Terms to Commercial Travelers. WILLIAM / Satisfaction guaranteed. .33 tf The Rogue River Distillery, HANLEY I’ropr. BOURBON. DRY GOODS & GROCERIES H ats , C aps , B oots and General Mining Supplies. Office on Main street, near »Irtigstore. S. J. < »KEG«’N. DR. CH AS. W. BEACOAI, Dentist, Central Point Tin Shop,E MU I S M. MILLER, HOUCK, G rant ’ s P ass A N 1) T I N W A R E, —JOB WOKK, 8VCI! AS— Flour, Cracked Wheat. Corn Meal AT DONE REASONABLE NOTICE I I RUCHINtiS. PLUMES, Oregon. NOTICE!!! THOSE DESIRING TO SETTLE IN RICHARD P. GEORGE Towns of Southern And all other I j.juoni New Goods Constantly Arriving. Addrexs or call ou C. MAGRUDER. Central Point, Oregon. FERRY’S SEEDS TIN GO TO THE SUPPLY STOKE, SHOP; Fur Dry--c(X»ds and (¡roueries. General Mining Supplies O. II. STARR, l*xi>rxi»-r>>*. —IV.iler III— CHARLES BEST dr«. Ft* Í roie.-e WkkiK •rwW H \ «Mivm JOB WORK DONI-! ON SHORT NOTICI Prices Mod te. B M. Ftllt to Cto Dotroit, M ch. GK X BRAND* OF AVINE* DE» ’KF.1Î i20tf PA TENTS IN THE CKNTMAI. TART OF THE THE KERBVVILI.E SALOON and HATS. LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S COLLARS, VELVETS, SILKS, s »TINS, INE INTS, LAI E BON- NETS, LADIES' UNDERWEAR, ' I Na 1 , Ji tdx Sa< ) I I L < >! 1 1 1 t V. I liouru«' llivur \ alle.v. on th«'O«k <’ IL-uli-<>a<L The Shipping Point for the principal portion of the grain producing part of the County. A W2?» 4Vatonali Ivruar» 4 hi»-»uu»». 111. TIPS, RIBBONS, BONNETS, — and — LACES OF ALL KINDS. Oregon Will do well to consult the undersigned at CKNTRAI Hua a new line of . GLOVES. CORSETS, RATES. Jackson Co., NOTICE ! Ki hid vn i 1 MRS. M. HYDE M MX XT.. In front or the Factory. Roofing. Spouting, and Repairing of all kinds a specialty, AND •I. s. Houck. O r EG i >N. All work warrant, d Olfice on Main street. a’xive Post Gdiee. — DEALER IN— I’uoi-'ii. STO V ES NEW (’alls rcj»on»le»l to at all h »’irs, »lav or nidit Office op;»<,-it«‘ >lu,>r’s hotel. Jacksonville, Oregon. PROPRIETOR MONTGOMERY WARD <t CO. J DB. I . W. VAN DYKE l’HSK IANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. Kerbyville P. O. Building. CHEAP FOR CASH. D. M. « ERRV A CO. are aduni t.-d | N • íih LAUIST SUDSMIN • r (Aa aerfei. 0 M FERRY a CO S IH•.'»■»IWe rrlpU.e â Uileed SEED ANNUAL For IÖU7 will be tua i leal free to an amfiti'anta, an 1 tu la*» •• >**'<> a Al k1 Without K» u dh»nn« it. ■ h«MÎW'»N«< U» all «im.-c at res. 1«-»«<- -, corti-r Main and rhird Hfrcetri. (.’all att s:,!.-1 any hour, lay or nigl.t. APOTHECARY,------ \lt\NTT'FD 2”/ 6,000.000 LLOELLUSg O rego M. C. LEMI’ERT, A». I»., ; Books. Books I and Stationery A Full Line of Paints, il s. Varnishes and Brashes. Graduate Leipsic L’nirersitv.Gcr, Those wishing g«w»»l bargains must not fail to call at the TO. SUIT. Tlir III 1 r.HS» Gl'lDK <■ Me |»t. nini March» c » m li y rar. ti' 313 h <11 j tnchea,with oc « r 3.500 illiurtratioua a Mhoh* l'Ir ture «¿allrry, <•14 KS Wholcaalr «iircct to eoa■«•«»»»• »■• ou all for |H i-wonal or fitiiilly uor» Telia how to ordii, un«l gite» riact rosi of ereryr* Ihlug yott u«e» riti» drink, «rar, or *>•»*< fili* <vith. Thrmr INI 41.1 4 111.H IUMH c S roiitaln tuformatlon t;l«atir<l fieni tl»<- m.iiktls .«i fli< ssorl.i. 41, «III inali il copy FKb F‘ to any n.i- <lr«-«a tipo» rrrrtpt ot’ IO et», to <l«finy ripeti« of maltinte, I«rt na bear frvua 11« fully, .... OCEGON. Drugs, ratent Medicines. Perfumery, Toilet ¿rficles, Sbculder Braces. Trasses. E!c tri: AM's P'SK - - - - - - ()-- - - - - English and G rnian Spoken. —Tlio Beri Of— WHISKEY, S A T1 S F At ' I’lON til W. H. FLANAGAN, M. I). S h »» es . School RY E — In Quantifie* and at— AND PEST BRAND« OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO. —AM — And— I HAND. Grant's Pass, Oregon, DRUGGIST - DI il i i: is — K) RIIVA 11 1 7 ON P koi -’ h , Main Strut, N. DELEMATER. r nA JL KEPT ALWAYS C. M STONE, ( »KEG« N And keeps constantly on hand J ACKSONVILLE DIR ECT< >R Y. PRICES CIGARS Gil «XT’s P.ISH, NAUCKE, K erbv vnii', fi^ll orwt's B<>ard»*d Reasonably, and CORN OF LINE Physician and Surgeon, KERBWILLE (i Olil i; y. J \('KS«>.\VI1.I E, Th »so wtailing bargains riiould call on Kinnev .Y CUREiÄ law . AT Physicians Prescriptions Compounded Day or Night. A .MINING SUPPLIES. - --■-O..... - < aton A < ¡arret!, Genera! Agents. r \R \\ n i : i > \ it » siti \ i: cure for < atatrh. Cold in th«* Head, llay Fever. R«» m ’(\i|d. Catarrhal I »»*aiiicss ami S»rc l*y» s. Rcst«*n*s the senso of ta»tv ASTONISHING SUCCESS and smell ; rvmov«*s I«a»I t iste ami un- It is th<’ duly of vverv |»cr-«ui who lias pka^ant hn»ath. resulting from Catarrh tis,»d B iwu I uh -’ s < t«*riiian Syrup to lut its Easy and pleasant t»» use. Ftilloa dire»** wonderful qualitii’s I h » kti«>un t<» their tioiis an<l a ( lire is warranted bv alldrua- lrit*nds iu curing ('oiisuinptioii, s**vt<ru gi«-ts S< n«I f r « in'ilar t«» VlddriXI. (’oughs, ( roup, Asthina. Pnrumonia, an<l MI.HICAI. COMPANY, (»roville ( al. in faci all throat an i lung diseases N«» \-k i SANTA ABIE CAT RCURE. ihtsou can ii -«»' it without innne<liate re liof. IhrtH» »los»‘s viili rriievt* nnv «•as»*, 1 or sale by W I . Krenn r, l»niggist an»l w<* consider it the »lot v <»f all l»ru^ gist» to ru« oiiiineiid it to th * po»r. dying Jumbo, Jumbo. l'oiiftiiinptivv, at Icari to try one iMtle, as The Original Abietm«» Ointment is only *4d,(kM) d«u«*n iMit’les wen* *old la-t year. put lipin tar- two-ounce tin hnxeu, am’l •I»ld no <»ne e i«e where i» f li’ ’>• v< 1“ n»- i I :t i ure for « id r»oh a, otuns. Mirtwct. su»*h a ine«lieine as lie* tiernian wounds, ehap|»*d liandm j.n«| all -kin erup- •»vi'iip ranno! I m * too u idriy know n X'-k Wdl I'oritivelv cure all kin«|s 4 our «lriiggi»»l ubou! it. Sample Isiitli*» to pilo- k"k forth«* Original Al ¡«»lineOint* iry, mo I«I at h) ( » nt.-<. Regular six©. 7a mont <«*’d h». W I Krvn.ur .; > o 1‘iits. Soklhyall I»ruggì-traini lkalvr> ii. the United ite- and < anad.i « :if-« for tlu C oi rif . ii attorney NOTARY PUBLIC. Liquors for Medical Wines and Pure Oncuox. And cv. rytliing in the way of JOHN A LIF0RN1A. IlllllhS - Eur good bargains in the line of . IL K. HANNAH, I11MS, MIIOOL Proprietor. JACKSONVILLE, OR. HF WARD $5 000 I or a better ■ r lieu. iIc.K.int 1. turd« f ■: the yule o( < oUMUint'tioii, Couebs, \«tli- in.1. < roup. Whooping ouijh and I’ron- < Inal I'loubleH than GKI F.N S I I N«i RESTORER.S\N \ \BII KRIFTINI and MOI N I ti.N It VI.M COUGH < I R| Not a Secret C<>in|iound \ complete mixture without the addition of am i»>« ilers. XATIONAI Drugs, Patent Medicines, * Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Sholder Braces, Trusses. -KEEPS- - II. KELLEY. — DEAL Ell IN— (¡HANTS PASS - prm tic • ri u!| fl,.. Courts ( Mice in Court ! Iou Druggist and Apothecary, O ki - i .- in - Will pruetiee inali State IJ ] Eed -il Cntirtx. Offiee on M tin .-«revt. Murphy, Josephine County, Or. STABLE.-- - (bt.iNT’x P ass , «INVILI DR. W. F. KREMER, Frop’r, Main Street, - - . . _ Grant’s Pass, Oregon. Mrs. Ellen Ryder, Proprietress. ProprieTOr. PHYSICIANS. Fine Buggies, The first sheet of tin ever pro duced in America was made at Youngstown, Ohio, lately Here tofore the manufacture of tin plate It.is lieen a secret owned by the But ish government, ami all attempts of inventors had failed; but it is said that the l>cst judges could not tell the difference I k -I wcch the Ohio product and the best grade ot ling liah plate [Ex. LIVERY ATTORNI-Y AT LAW. IHr For further particulars of Prices Etc., call upon our local agents, GEO. W. RIDDLE, at Riddle and Grant; Pass. DR. J. HINKLE, Central Point. A. DUNLAP, Phoenix. C. FARNHAM. Ashland. Ou Address GOOD TABLE! --FIRST-CLASS THOMAS GUINEAN, S. U. MITI HELL, Fwo lkiys’ 'Fest 'Priai. Connecte»! with this hotel is a < IIARtü S REASONABLE. hhx ix thl ; l’HOFES’MH »N A I.- ■LEGAL Our PLOW S are given to the Farmer on a HOUSE. POPULAR M.V a «¡I N. L«mAN PoiT N,,;,9, G. A. R. n„.,,N oil the nrst Wednesday in ; u< h ....... . . J. K I’ ioney , _________________ Command, r. (000)------------------- And the best of Accommodations. and cure f»»r lift*. B oston , June 15. The officers of ( oiisult confidentially, «'all or w rite. No. the American Board ¿of Missions 132 and 1.34 Third Htr«*et. |3Btf have received the tidings of a taniine now prevailing on Cilicila plain, in Asia Minor. The harvest has just ■ INISTERS, \ ()C \I.I>TS, PCBI.K passed, but not a single speck of * speakers and the Proi'essionK gener grain will lx-cut on all the plain, ally recommend SANTA ABIE as th«> I m * h I o» all medicines for diseases of th»’ ordinarily so fertile. Ahead}- the THROAT, ( IIEST. I I N«.S most of the farming villages are de Beware of Imitations, serted. The committee appointed that oiirtraili* mark. SANTA ABIE, at Adena has presented an appeal to on ever, bottle Satixfiii lion ^iriran- the benevolent people in America ix t. «-«l or money refunded, by \\ I' Km This section of the country contains mu. over 100,000 |K*oplc of whom 80,000 are destitute. An earnest appeal for aid is made by the American l>o.-”-d. Have Reversible Points and Shares. 40-I y ] UNION HOTEL. PORTLAND, Or. ■ tin 11. I.. Br.xsi's, RecordiT. WIMER & MEE, KERBY VII.I.E DIRECTORY. Total ceive scan hing tr»*atment, prompt relief i:< n il m G b . ant ’ h P ash L. imìe , Nu. S4, j- A A. AL—Hold their regular meetings Saturday e.uning on or ix-lore the full ln'."”L- ,, I’"«« B roweb , W. Al •I n I I oh Igo, Sei ’v Visiting’brother« cordially invited to attend. Mexican Mustang Liniment plied with the bust the market afford*. 7 Absolutely Pure, .,,, • ¡00 t> SOCIETY NOTICES. ment to attic. Beds nice and clean. The tables are Mip- POWDER M. t <> gaucf ornc-K hoi ux . < »ttiee o|>eii every 4 iv ex.-ept Sun Gv frolli 7;»> A. M. toM:30F. M. Om.,1 Su„! «lay from S:3!) to 10 «. m . ‘ ■1. W. lioWABP, P. M. Proprietor. THE LIlE lilli SIIM\ Small pieces of nx-k from a big blast completely riddled the roof ot O. II. Blount s store in the Siski yous recently, and one large rock entirely demolished the front porch. By the same blast a freight wagou, 3<><> yards away on the road, lteavi ly loaded with cement, was struck by a flying nx-k and knocked over oil the road and down the grad« The driver had Ix-cn warned, and took his eight horses away before the shot was tired. (Tidings au. uHix-r» Ix'avex Suturilav Arri rea ( xanie day ). 111 H. SIMPKINS, - THIS This powder never varies. \ marvel of THE TRAVELING PUBLIC WILL FIND accomplishes for everybody exactly what iselaimc«! “And when von ulcep in w.lumn silence, purity, rirength and wholeMomeneHM. for It. One of tiie reasons for the great popularity of Mor»* economical than the onlinarv kinds, ’Neath the moon and evening «lew ; BEST ACCOMMODATIONS. the Mustang Liniment is found in its universal Stranger hands which you have Strength- and cannot he robl in <*om|H‘titi<>n with applicability. Everybody needs stu b a medicine. th»* muititiid«* of low test, rii »rt weight May strew lillies oyer vo l. [t*ned, The Lumberman needs It In case of accident. alum or phoMpliat»* powder*. Sol«l onlv The 11 ou »e wife needs it for general family u e. Who honors virtue plants its s.-e<|s, in cans. R oy \i B aking i ’ ou i » ek ( ’ <»., The ( niinler needs it for his teamsand His men. Within his own awakened bre.u»t; The Mechanic needs it always on his work 3<i-1y 1(W Wall St., N. Y. To rijs-n into glorious deeds. bench. And make hiinself and others blest. Th© Miner needs it In case of emergency. The worth von thus commemorate The Pioneer needs it—can’t ge: along without It. THE BAH IM HI l’I I IEl) WITH THE The Farmer needs it lu his house, his stable, Shall shod its spirit round vour way. And, Is- you faithful s.s>n or late and his stock yard. Finest Wines, Liquors & Cigars, The Steninbont man ortlie Bontinnn needs Shall hold voi r sou within its sway.” It In liberal supply afloat and ashore. The IIor»e-fiincier needs it—it Is LI. best While the Reading Table is Rira and Beautiful Plant friend and safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs It—it will savo him I k a combination of Phofphoru», Albumen, Pro Monday's Oregonian thus de tozoa, Lime, Soda and Tron, v.hlch r.ct on the SUPPLIED WITH THE LATEST thousands of dollar» and •», world of trouble. The Itnilrond man needs It an«l will need it so Brain, Nerve ) mid Stomach. i!irr< . Jn/ the NEWSPAPERS. scribes a rare plant that it has re long as his life Is a round of accidentsand dangers. nsaiatintf I»!^cHti<m, i uriiof I>ya- ceived: A few days since C. B. apjietite, The BnckivoodNinnn need.-. It. There Is noth I In every form, Headache, Neuralgia, ing liko it as an antidote for the dangers to life, A POOL TABLE MAY ALSO Carlisle, at the rooms of the State JiiHomnla, Gciieral Debility, Want of Vi limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. Board of Emigration, received by tality, T.ervotiM 1 ‘rout rat Ion and Impo- The Merchant needs it about bls store among FOUND HERE. express froai Win. M Clow, of Mc teiicr. I i HyNterla and Epllepay it< effect» his employees. Accidents will happen, and when tire iiiiu'idil. I i Consumption its nutritive tliesccome the Mustang Liniment is wanted at once. Allister, Josephine county, a tin Keep a Boll le in the House, *Tls the best of x. •«• bey<»n I comparison with 1 propose to keep ii strictly first- can, in which, planted in mould « ther preparation». economy. I action is shown by class house. Give me a call. Keep :i Bottle in the Factory. Itslmmedlatc frOIll 3 pitIC forest, were I1\C smgu I . |j l0 jucreaHinnr »( re»>gt?i and ------- V.elfçht ...„ ...—------ „ -------- . --------- „..i of the use in case of accident saves pain and loss of wag s. lar and beautiful plants. No one patient, ntul T «• lt.ss of cough aa«l night J. B. HUTCH, Keep u Bottle Alwuyain the Stable for who saw them knew the name of Nweats. It I < a brain, nerve, and llf<» < irant’s Pass, Oregon use wbeu wanted. giving tonic. Price, G1 per l»«»tfle. Eighty Thounnd Peopl» Di-.titute Failure or Crop». Daily Except Sun Liv. Lv. Granfa Pax», « ... M. Arrive 1 .« DECKER. lf«>mr* «\ ......... B< »AKI >IN< ; KITT IN HRST-4 I ASS «TYI.E. AND THE Ktc„ Etc., Frop’r. I’UB l IU THE BEST Washing, Ironing and Fluting. 11« »USE! M! ET WITH EVERY KINDNESS AND ATTENTION. Liver) Stable in Connection. SING LFr ..«-I 1 iA -lot K. TRAVELING -------- Obtained, ami all PATENT busmen at tended to promptly and for .Moderate fees. Our otti.-e is opposite the I . S. Patent < »ftic»\ and we can obtain Patents in Io* time than those remote from Washington. Send Model or Drawing. Weadviseas to patentability free of » barge; and we make no » barge unless ¡»atent is Mecured. M»’ refer, her»*, to the Postmaster, the Superinten«ient of Money Or»ier Div., an<l to officials of the C. S. Patent Ofth’e. For circular, a«h ice, terms and referent'es to actual client* in vour ow n State or L’oun- (A SNOW & CO Opposit»* Patent Office. Washington, !».(’• will Waldo, Oregon. All kind. plain and fan.-v » rk don«'. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Will al.«>take . ..ntrn. u for u.x.b-lioppmg, «•lenrinir, etc. M a.-Ii-h..Ht«c on Gilbert creek.