Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1887)
is.*-*//ro,. Id pt/r.) Immigrate,!! trout Inland since the introduction of the Crime's bill has rapidly increased. The State Grange met at Salem < n the 24th. Gov. Pennover de livering the addres. of welcome. ladies expelled, boasted that she was going to do as she pleased re gardless of my rules, “that Robin- son would not expell anyone; he Is only trying to bluff us. " She at the same time was expecting to teach this spring. Toward • the close, these two girls seemed to have nn almost utter disregard for the rules of the school, 2ad would have been expelled more tlnn two weeks liefore if it had not been for the re gard I had for the feelings of their parents. I think the young gentle men will have to get their friend to try his hand at another article be tore tliev can convince the public that their treatment wat anything more thin merited. I would fur ther add that Mr. Crow is a nice young mm, a good student, and would not intentionally break the rules of any school if he was not led on by more designing persons. J ohn H. R obinson . Nature v V b.’.iutiiul world w« live in ' grandeur <»f mouutnin«, ». .tu«! ilioit«jind« of mem» (Vo hi dvMrv no b«‘tter health; but h>»w often do »• •|»lr» tool like giving it , « 11**« on rag»« I nini worn , whvn thorv i« n»> oecrt- miflerer < uii pr<M»f that I make them l»orn, Dy«- ir • empiami uro the di- eevfinD -the iH»r cent of • llii i. lenes» lmiigo«ti hi , V <. «then *«, N it voir* Ht*d, Pal ier diMn-R Of A»«!! IV i d i» bri h I rd Mexican Mustang Liniment TERMS RE KSUNABl.E. i ■: J w .♦»»♦.♦oe... >♦ c ♦ ««*4 CENTRAL HOTEL! GRANT’S PASS. OREGON. thoroughly renovated and T hroughout TRAVELING Pt'BI.IC WILL FIND rilE BEST AC( Tin: Uli’ '«is sum Is Connected With This House. THE BAI! IS HII'I’IIKD WITH THE Finest Wines, Liquors & Cigars, While the Reading Table is SlT’I’LIEDWmi THE LATEST NEWSPAPERS. A BE POI ND HERE. I propose to keep u strictly first- class house. < live me a call. J. B. HUTCH, <¡rant’s Pass, < 'n non ^Di^K'H Mich a« <»f- ProprieTOr. < ’oii«iilt contidcnti div, t ail or write. Xo. l.”»2 and l.‘»4 Third «treet, [3(>tf PHYSICIANS, 1 miHse"' xi The i DIRECTORY. JACKSONVILLE, OR. HANLEY I’ropr. — —O'- ' - IF Thor«* wishing good Ivargains iinirt not fail to call at the Caton »V Garrett, General Agent«. Kirbyville P. O. Building, Kitmev À Wolter«, Igelits. Medford. K lkhymi . i . e , BOURBON. I $5 000 REWARD $5.000 I« th r or indu |,’eas’.int r niuth f«»r : > ’ ' . i <■»!,’’•-». iftth >. < i"’.i¡». Wh«»(’j»inz ••■nuli and Bron id rioiil»!'--' th.m GKI EX s I I Xi. ^ioKl’K.s \\ \ \BIE. \BII I IX» I ABB X T UX BAIAI < (MA ill! IRE t a Set rut ('«Hiipomid A complete . . - - 1 c ut \ nti ii > i i -, » si ri\ 1 < 1 1:1 f for l .vt.urh. Coid in thv Ih' i.i. Il.vv l evvr. Ih»•*<»< ‘old. < atarrhal I Vaine! N UMl Kv«t<»res I !u* «.mse oí taxtv Sore b!y» uni «lindi; renioven l>a<l teste and un- i lvj'.int Urvath. n^nlting fn»m t'atarrh I' t") and pi. ìs in» to uhì ' l’olio« dìrtH’- ti 'ii-* ai’.'l al ine ix uarranted bv nil'lrtitf- * *i<l for « irei»! *r » ’ ABETINI'! M!.i»l< Al CG.\ir\NY. Orovill.» < . \-k r SANTA ASIE CAI R CURE ( l'or -al«* l>\ W. 1 Kn’tii. r, hniggi«<t Jumbo, Jumbo. Hie Origlimi Abietine Ointment ¡«only pill up in * iwo-oiince tin box«*«, «nd isi an ip 1» for <»M «ore«, bum«, wound«. inA» ;.nd all skin rrup* re all kind« «4 MONTGOMERY WARD <& CO. <’¿7 sk W Wabonte Awvuitr, < hiii^ts Ili. ■».OOO.OOOn.cnjys* FERRY'S SEEDS deting a to r all HFwev prr 1 RWM .»r p* *hht»* •* -» I 1 r-w * VLlrvM m rtm a m •. . Pe?v't, *1 c . ALWAYS KEPT ON CI TY DRl’G STORI St rt et. y AND M. MILLER, APOTHECARY,----- School Books. Books , . ! and Stationery PIISICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. HOUCK,- S —DEALER IX — AND T I N W A R E, W ork DONI- ON SHORT NOTICE Modenite. < >REG«»N. C. l.EMl’ERT, M I» , Tra inate Leipsic I nivcrsity.Ger. Calle rci«>:ide«l Io at all hours, d*v < t niglit < Mfiee;* Slover’s hotel. Ja< ksotiv alte, Oregon. AND •I. S. Houck, DONE \T REASONABLE RATES. Central Point. Jackion Co., Oregon. GO TO THE SUPPLY STORE Div-gouds CHARLES I’.KINI - OF and Groceries. DECKER, Prop’r. WINES I.lQl'tiRS INI» CIGARS -----------------< >— ■ — DECKER < I kegox . 1’.<>ARDIN<; KEPT IN STOCK. IKHsE! KITT IN I IR>r-( I «TV1.1 . AND THE TRAVELING Pt'BUC MEET WITH EVERY KINDNI -S AND UTENTION. Will ------- . - -o------------- - Livery Stable in Connection. MRS. M. Il Y DI MAIN ST., in front of the Factory. Ha« a new line of Rooting, Spouting, ami Repairing of all kinds a specialty P A T EX T S JOB DK. F. \V. VAN DYKE All work warranted. Oilice on Main street, above Post Office. —JOB WORK. St en AS— I-EST THE KERBYVILLE SALOON O kkuc S'. .... Dentist, Cd 11 ral And all other Liquor* I Mu t fail to vail at the I» Physician an I Surgeon, G h \ nt ’.« P ass General Mining Supplies Etc,. Etc., Verv Best Brands of Cigars, W. II. FLANAGAN'. M DR. CH AS. W. REICOM, For VI.SV. M>:|n Tin — Calls resjMn led t > at a'.l hours, day << night. Office on Main street, near drigstore. A Full Line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes. RICHARD P. GEORGE — II. O regon . - ( ill KN I S I’ VMS BEST BRANDS OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO. < '.in l*c Supplì. <| at Rca» I’riws. K kkhv iiiii , - Dregs. Patent feiuiaes. Pefflmiery. Tcllet Articles, sioniier Brace». Trim Etc. English and German Spoken. I’ k < *I*’ k . CHEAP TOR CASH. Physician an I Surgeon, G rant ’ s P ams , Office at resi.Icncp, cvrn.'r Main and Third Htreets. Call att-mdcl any hour, day or night. <«rant’s Pass, Oregon, —DRUGGIST W. F. KREMER. G rant ' s P ams , ◄ Legal Instru MEDIC XL. HAND. MILLS. D. M. FiRltY A CO. <• admitted t<> t* the IAROIST IHhMil IR 'A* irorM. 0. M FERRY X CO S IUat.«r«»ed. IN« ert^ll»r * I rlr*4 SEEOANIKJAL Foe 1887 br meiRwl FRKE to «11 BPfMlcante. an I U‘ U»t «eaaii l . < IftdOMKe i;. without or. f CIGARS r Flour, Cracked Wheat. Corn Meal . sto V 1 :s TUr li! X (CRN* <H 1!>K ls tMBiinl K<*pt< and March« rm-hytar. f tl • 31 4 |mg< •« * iti’, Itti «1% « r 3.000 illnutration« a vt.oh Pktiirr <«nllrry. U1V KM M ho lesale Ptlir» •lirrct L> conjnni « r.v ou all (¡ cmm I s fi»r | h rsonat «ir fhmttjr umi » Trll« how lo ortirr, nnd «ite« ranc i c<Mt of ncry- liciti . ytita t»*c, cut, drink, west, « r h«». tu* si Uh. ’Ih ree IX\ M.l Alll.K lUNi'i* «cintain Information slcanrd iioin ri» mal k, f. <»f «he ssorhi. V i sa ili mali a vopy PIIKIl lo naiy ad» drrmi ti|M*n ir«-ript o» Klctw. lo d* fray rape«»*« <ii malllns. l.«-t taw bear Cruna yutt. lìeaprt tlYilly, ‘ OF LINE O regon . h V _ FINE —The Best Of— PRICES TO SI IT \ l'isp \( T1ON CI ARAN I’EED Collection« a Specialty. ments promptly executed --------------- Q--------------- RY E - In tju.ntitiea «n<l nt— fi - KERBYVILLE I’ — Ami— CORN WHISKEY, S. W. FORBES, i’lii «ici.ui« Prescriptions Compounded Dav or Night. J mil’. i \ iiiii . ti : iiiti : ii —Article of— - < >KEU(»N. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Sholder Braces, Trusses. S hoes . Mining Supplies. General < lHEG"N NOTARY 1TBL1C. Mitin — AND---- Rogue River Distillery, JOHN A and H. KELLEY, ATTORNEY AT 1 \W. Office in Orth lxiildino. Or r’jgnn F»r?(‘t. —Dl VI IK IN — B oots Will practie? in a’i State mil Federal CourtH. Office on M tin street. K erbyvii . li : vxn At ritov«»’, J omki - hink C oi srv, Or..' oos. < > ki : gox . H ats , C aps . Oaraox. .... —DEALER IN— NAUCKE, And keeps < »»nstant!y on hand JACKS! INVÌI. I J- G rant ’ s P ar «, J acksonville , Th i - i * winhing bargain» should call on DRY GOODS à GROCERIES S. V. MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ATTORNEY AT LAW. < >■ A N. DELEMATER, I'HOKSdSloN VI.—LEU II. H. K. HANNAH, MINING SUPPLIES.— WILLIAM Commander. Will practico in ail tin* Courts of the State. (»Ilice in Court Hott«.-». XATIOXAI Ami everything in the w.ty of s M. W G i n L og ... I’ okt N o 3!»,G. A. R. I1KH.,S on flic lirst Wedtiesilay iu each mouth. •I. K 1’ ignev , J acksonvii . i . k . Sdii» BflllliS, HOOKS VXD SWIO.SEIÌL - o-------- For good bargains in the line of for Medical Purposes. Hals. Caps. Boots and Shoes or General Groceries Pure Wines and Liquors ---- ()-------- t^r Horse« Boarded Reasonably, and Satisfaction guaranteed. ■* 33tf: *>• r < > kkgon <>. r w <Md Fel- Mandini Murphy. Josophino County, Or. STABLE.-- LIVERY K I HBVVH.t.i:, St»«» that tmr tr.i le mark. S \ \T \ \ Bl 1!. i« oil every lx>ttle Sa!isfaetit»n -guaran teed or money refunded, by \V. I'. Kui mi a. WIMER & MEE. DRY GOODS à GROCERIES Proprietor. Fine Buggies, Hacks and Carts. Beware of Imitations. 8n’>‘ For further particulars of Prices Etc., call upon our local agents, GEO. W. RIDDLE, at Riddle and Grant» Pass. DR. J. HINKLE. Central Point. A. DUNLAP. Phoenix. C. FARNHAM. AJilaml. Or Address Druggist and Apothecary, -KKEI'H- (.RANTS PASS, OREGON'. ISHTI RS, Vot’AldSTS, 1TBLK ‘ 1 «peakers aii'l tin* rmiesMionM gener ally recommend SANTA A Bl I! as the best «>» all medieiiifH for disease« of the 1 llh’o VI . ( Ill ST, I I NGS. Two Days’ Test Trial. Coimeeteil with this hotel ix a K kkiivvii . i . k , LIVERY STABLE! i' l : a ----------------(000)----------------- ill GOODS SHIPPED DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY and sold HLL t<> the f irmer at from 25 to 50 per cent, less than similar Goods are sold at. Our PLOWS are given to the Farmer on a And the best of Aeeoinniodatioiis. WILLIAM NATURE I *.< >1 II HEN EH Have Reversible Points and Shares. 40-1 y] Mrs. Ellen Ryder, Proprietress. ::<;tti L, S SMITH, J< «i i him i . i * i „. i - No i|j, a . ine-t.« even Fridav’evoning at i14 ’ ,,!r,,l"r’* «'»"I cordially welct med. .. , „ B, A- M’ ii . liam «, II. L. L esson , Recorder. HOUSE. THOMAS GUINEAN, W. M Ki khvvii . i r I.oixiK. No. M5, I. O o F -.XlectH even’ other Saturday evening' \ Kiting brother» cordially invited to n't'. e »’• F lattr «, N G S. u. roRiiEH, Sec’y. GOOD TABLE! --FIRST--CLASS D"«r*. IM', meet«» n B axser la>DGK, I. (I. G T„49.i-M.*eta verv 1 nday evening at Hale’s ball. W. J. R» zee , W.C. T DH. W. F. KREMER. Prop’r, Main Street, ..... Grunt’s Pass, Oregon. GOOD BEDS! LOST MANHOOD, Nervous Debility. Spcriilotorrhea. Semi nal LoNHeM. Sexual Decay, I'ailing Mem ory, Weak liye-i. Lack of I’.iiergv, Impedi- ineiifs to Marri.igc; also Blood and Skin l»i«r:mvH. Svphilli« liruption«, Hair Pall ing, I’one I’.iiiiH, Swelling«. Sore Throat, I leers, Lflect« of Mei’ciirv, Kidnev and Bladder Troubles, Weak Back, Burning Ciine, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture re ceive ««‘arching treatment, prompt relief and cure for life. OUR WALKING PLOWS <*ne oí the Be-', z Hotels in South- __ trn Oregon. <11 Alili! S REASONABLE -' - >< t th« vomu* Mi I fe. *■ <!!<• aged and old, IgJ «ingle or married b W\ men, and all who Muf! t from , ** * 1 .rant h ass, first Saturday<rfe«v h month I at 11 o’clock a . m W. M. P ollock M. . T he ECO MOM 1ST’ accomplish?* for everybody exactly what Uclaimcd for it. One of the reasons fur the great popularity of the Mustang IJnlmcnt la found in its uuiverenl n pplicnbility. Everyixxly need» euch a medicine. Tlie I.uuibernian needs It In case of accident. The Housewife needs It for general family use. The Cannier needs it for his teams and his men. Tiae Mccbuulc needs it always on his work bench. The Miner needs it In caae of emergency. The Pioneer needs It—can’t net along without It. The Farmer needs it in his house, his stabl ■, and hh • t - K ■* .1 1 The Strninbotit innn or the Bontmau needs it in liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Ilorae-fnucier needs It—it Is bls best friend and safest reliance. The Stock-grower needs It—it wilt save him thousands of dollars and a world of trouble. The Hui I road innn needsit and will need It so long as his life is a round of accidentsand dangers. The Buck woodmuian need3 it. There is not - Ing like it as an antidote for the dangers to life, limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. The Merchant needs Itabout his store union? his employees. Accidents will happen, and when tiiesecome the Mustang Liniment Is wanted at once. Keep n Bottle in the House. ’Tis the best of economy. Keepn Bottle in the Factory. Itslmmedlalc use in case of accident saves pain and loss of wages. Keep n Bottle Always iu the ¡"Hable for use when wanted. I NION HOTEL. PORTLAND, Or. PRIVATE Contracted Muaclea, Eruptions, Hoof Ail, Screw Worms, Swinney, Saddle Galls, Piles. SeratchM. 8f rains. Strains, Stitcher Stiff Joints, Backache, Galli, Sores, Spavin Cracks. KEKBYVII.I.E DIRECTORY. (’or. Front ami Morrison St«. POPULAR (¡OLIVEN Ri I E, I. o.o. F.-.Meet«even Saturday evening at 7 :30 at their hall (m Mxth Btreet. Visiting brothers eonlial^ invited tu alterni. y t v tv c1{; K m,,rk,s. N- g . T. i . D k . ix , Ker y. cuties Sciatica, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Burns, Scalds, Sungs, Bites, Bruise,. Bunion,, Corn,, I’Sinoiid Hotel, Cbronic. Nervosi « ai G iakt ’ m 1’ vsk I.iuHit, No. H4, A. F a A M.—Hold their regular inee'tingii Saturday evening on or l^fore th-(„n tnoon. D avis B rowkr , \y v, J. W. How mu », Sec’y vtu-nd1'1 '"11 ru*,"’rM ‘’ur'liully .invited to THIS COOO OLD STAND-BY ii .MMODATIONS. The Leading Hotel of Portland. The Glenn ranch comprises 52,- <x h > acre», of which 25,000 are in grain this season. Of the 25,000 acres 1 4,< k 10 were slimmer fallowed nnd 9,00’ winter sown. F. C. Ltisk who has charge, is confident that thv product this year will lie 25 bushels to the acre. There are, at pre-ent engaged in summer fallow ing 10,000 acres, So S-inule team«, making (>40 head of mules at work This is but little more than one-halt of the work animals on the ranch In 1SS0 the Glenn ranch produced 1.255,0 *' bushels of grain of which I . ** 1 »acks wctc barlev and the lemiimler wheat. [Marysville A| 1 The dispatches say that recent rain* throughout the northwest have extinguished most of the for e-4 fires that have I m - cii so destine live of late. Joe Sartori» lx>«s mason under Col. Scobie at the R R front was dangerously if not fatally stabbed bv a chinaman recently, says the I nion r SOCIETY NOTICFS. affords. R efurnished orricK hovm . Office i.jx-n every day exee(g S(ln,|a.. froui 1 .30 a . m . to H:30 »*. m Ojien <mi’ .lay from S 30 io io ». m . ' , ln ’ __ J- M'. H owabd , P. m BEAST Ì Tliix lioiMe lias just been tho- ; roiinlily overliaule*l from I iu . m *- : ’in-ill to attic. Be*|. i.i«-** an-l’; clean. The table, are »up- t plied with the Iieut the market f TLv olilfst «iiitl lit«»rit sii< « sful spi'cial int on^tlic (’oasi, I by an (Hiiinvnt Hurgeon Irom thè Kawt, l.oth regulargra<l- uat(*M witli long <*x|N*ritMi<*(» in thv treat- in«*iit of all I rep Coach to anU irum liiig— . my burglarious friend. 1 shall throw up nothing at all ! 1 am under the protection of the I'nitcd States Mutimi Accident As so-iation. 520 Bro ulwav, New York. Il voti wound me I get S50 a week. If disabled pcrm.meiitlv. I get 51x1. If vou hit me in the eye I get fvt,5<x>; for lxith eves I get $5,01x1; lor hand or iv»<»t $5,000; tor Imtli »1 o.oov And it you should kill me in . Liiiiilv get $10,(xxiatidcould live in opulence for the rest of their lives. Blaze away."—[Kx. M. F«<iM u«um r VMM TV. « mice . lx*av»H Saturday . ' Arrive. i»alre* .Uy). (¡.(X)^ Proprietcr. W hite C ooks ! THE VANMON CISCAR Hi* Wouldn't Scire Daily Except Sunday, Lv. Grant’s P««*, « Arnvr j y < <>r. órli and Main Sts. Cousideriug the inclement weath er during the first quarter of this year, the progress of track-laying lias been very great. The Railway Age reports that t ,040 miles of new Absolutely Pure, main track on 49 different lines, in 25 states and territories, were layed This powder never varies. A miirvc! of Mtrenjrth nnd wholesomene«*. during the fir->t three months of purity, More economical than th * ordinarv kind 1887. On this basis a total con and cannot he hold in competition with struction of to lo.txxt miles the multitude of low te t. sh irt weight would seem probably in tH.H7, were alum or pho«pliat»* powflcr.». Sold only P owder (’ o ., it not. the abive journ il says, for in ran«. Box \i B xking IM Wall St., N. Y. the general uncertainty, relative to the operation of the Interstate Com merce law. The mileage laid in the period under review is the lar gest ever laid in that time with one exception. This was in 1882, when the total mileage built ex bt a combination of PhofphoruR, Albumen, Pro- ceeded 11,500 miles. The bulk of togon, IJrne, Soda nnd Iron, which art on the the track laid was projected previ-, Nerve;! rind Ht< in rich, i n rtn Ing the ous to the enactment of the law appetite, aswiatinf; Digestion, < tiring Dys- i <*pain, in every Grin, Headache, Neuralgia, above mentioned. The next few ItiMoirnia, Gent ral Debility, Wr.nt <>f Vi months will decide definitely tality, Prostration and Impo whether the present year will ex tence, I.i \vrvuu8 Hysteria and Epilepsy its effecte ceed all but the one mentioned, or I nr<> D.uizlt ul. In Consumption its nutritive whether the law will discourage «¡uallth-fi n:o beyond comparison with further extension. Halt of the to <.th«T preparations. I s uetioii lh shown by Inrrrnsliif; strength end v. eight of the tal mileage laid is to be credited to the patient, mid f1 gh of rough mid night Texas and the Indian Territory, a At «-at k . It Is a brain, nerve, and life Price, &1 .CO per bottle. each of which has built 250 miles. giving tonic. r«rEoit H ale by am . D ruggist Kaunas has built io> and California 70 mild. The remainder of the to tal is furnished by numerous exten PRIVATE DISPENSARY. sions scattered throughout the va rious states. [Bradstreets. The Oregon atul California con template putting into force fishing and hunting excursion tickets to different points alone its line, but no further south than Gold Hill. According to the plan outlined, this excursion train will leave E Portland at 4 r. on Saturda and K ith <j«k Hill at 7 rtuiylay. KcJLmhig. k ive Gold U'rii at p. m . Sunday, and arriving in Portland nt ro'o'clock Monday wiftffng. Along the line thefinest fishing can lie found within two miles of tin track 011 the east side, and within five miles on the west side. Sport that can be had in Oregon lor the cost of a railroad ride cannot be obtained in New York, unle-ii th? angler belong-* to some club having a lease to a trout rivet or creek, and in Canada a royalty of $100 to )<ii,ooo a season, payable to the government is re quired. [Oregonian. rmni aaixr« r im ro rKRW < fTy ‘ SOLID COMFORT SULKY PLOWS NEW HOTEI TI iìh Hotel Ims I m ‘(| i Good Move ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE MAILS { FOR THE CELEBRATED !* H. SIMPKINS. Rjilwjy Building in Is 7. ENJOY LIFE. HIP, HIP, HURRAH’’! HOTELS ANI) HESTACR AXTS. Waldo, Oregon. SING LEE I tbtain*-.1. andan PATENT l*m«ineMs at tended t*> i>r<>m|4l}-and for Moderate fem Dvrs TUF ul HT • »nr *»tli*-.* 1« *>|*|»*iii<* the V. S Patent ',l uni »v can ..1 ’ .»in Patents in less Washing, Ironing and Fluting. ten thoMe remote from Wat»h ngtuo Send Model r Ikawing We trivial 1- to patentability free of charge ; and we m ike no i Ivanrv unless patent is secured. All kinds of Me refer, her»*, t*» the Potentester, the s is rintctideiit of Money tInter I'iv., nnd StTis! UTION i.F IR INTERI». (of the I’ S. Patent Office. For *ntr,i.-ti< for wood chopping, idvice, terra, and reference» to ut« in voi r own State or Coun- rl.’aring, C * SNOW 4 CO GIOVES. CORSETS. RVCHINGS, I’LI MES, TIPS. RIBBON'S, BONNETS. and HATS. LADIES’ and CHILDREN S COLLARS, VELVETS. SILKS, SITINS. INFINTS. LACE BON NETS, LADIES’ CNDERWEAR, — and — LACES OF ALL KINDS. New Goods Constantly Arriving. i20tf Brick! Brick!! Brick!!! Cheaper than the Cheapest. — AT — D. W. HARDIN’S BRICK Y A RD — All kinds of MASONRY WORK Promptly and neatly executed Cali at thè C ovrier Job Office fi* Supcrior Job Work.