tí COURIER. Local and Personal. Or. Clann'a Improved Livor rill*. Our friend J. C. Wilson leit a Levi Knott of Portland died at Postmaster Beach of Althouse. Notice. sample of rye at this office which Denver, Col. the 28th inst. of can brought Chas. Felt over last Thurs- Under extreme necessity we are Retuovo* Con st! pattes, prevent* Malaria, cun * l») «i>ep*i*, and give* new lWeto the measures 6 ft. 4 inches. How’s cer of the stomach. arge, compelled to call on our customers ■vsteni. OSclal Paoer of Jsstpllie County. Orem. Having has commenced Only one for a done. Free <u>- that. who are indebted to us, to call and pies at \V 1 Kn-iuer’*. To-day is the Last day of sche See our new ads. this week. "■itfttlc their accounts, or the said FRIDAY, JUNE 3. 188’ Remember John Goodell will ap which closes on the summit During our absence last week n necessity will compel us to place SHILOH’S COUGH «nd Con*umption Look out tor the Drama on June pear in that laughable farce, “ Don't cess, peace, happiness, gCAxfhealth gentleman from Applegate called 8 th. Cure is sold by u* on a guarantee. It STATE ANDCOUNTY OFFICIALS Judge From Appearances." John and good will. Prof. H. L. Benson at our office and stated to our fore them in the hands of an attorney cure*Consumption. Kretner keep* it. ♦ Gov. Hendrix is not as well as for collection. » tati orriciAU: is the best in the State. * has given us a good school and ad man that he had discovered a sure NERVE-LIFE AND VIGOR nurtured usual. PlONXY & C ook . SVLVMTIR pKSSOYEB, iu men and women by u*eing Gilmore’* vanced his pupils in all their studies and efficacious remedy for cut Governor The festival given last Wednes Miss Lucy Goodell of Drain is in 1» \V M c B ride , Aromatic .Vine. For »ale at Kreiner'* ... Secretary 5'*o 3*____ , ,____ day evening bv the Methodist work for which lie deserves public praise worms. “Take," said lie, “a piece drug *tor*. | G. W. W ebb . Treasurer town. and future remembrance. "Finis Pro. Morris, a graduate of Fow of the Democratic Tinies and tie ers.proved a successful and a pleas H. B. M iller Senator “ V-C xxCNVV would enjoy your dlaaar Phil. Butcher now holds forth in coronat opus.” around the plant and the worm will ler & Wells Institute, will give a •J F. V. M itchell Representative ant occasion. and are prevented by Dy«- E. B. M c E lroy Snpt. Pub Instruction Ashland. leave suddenly ami never return, free lecture at Music Hall, Grants pepaia, um Acker’s Dyapepnla Tablet*. We regret having to lay over Those contemplating the erection Ho». L. R. W ebster Circuit Judge Don't miss the drama for it is ex that Nickle cannot dun it for sub Pass, Saturday evening, June nth, They are * positive cure for Dyapapaia, In- W*. M C olvig District Attorney cellent. of houses, will do well to remember some important communications scription.” "What’s your name?" illustrated by 16 skulls and 200 digestion, Flatulency and Constipation * Qiitcliin0' J* \frv\w* until next week. Our readers will Sit’d our devil “That makes no life size photographs, colored por M o guarantee them. 23 and 60 ceMh Kitty, that wedding cake was are doing some tine work in that please look for a piece ot luterest Volney Colvig .County Judge difference," replied the disciple ot traits iu oil and Indian ink sketch For *alo at W. F. Kreuier’«. immense. ing history relating to the Indian i M. Payne line. J Comaiis-ioiu r* Edson es; all tlfese you can see at the lec MIDDLE-AGED MEN who lack vigor Simeon Messenger wars of the past, and also an im Chas. Rlecly has gone to Ger a.id vitality can I*» cured bv Gilmore’* K. Chanwlor Miss Cora Smith, a former typo portant article from our time-hon Clerk many to remain. The quartz le Ige discovered on ture room the first evening. Front J W. Howard Treasurer in the C ourier office, has taken a ored corresjiondent at Althouse. the hills southeast of town a few seats reserved for ladies. Lecture , Aromatic tViue. For sale at Kremer’* r G. Patterson We met our friend Eli Taylor at school at Galesville, Douglas coun Sheriff 5'S7’3t Both will appear next week days ago by Messrs. Sterling a to commence at 8 p. I. ■•. F. Hathaway Schoo'Superintendent Gold Hill Monday. NOTICE TO MINERS. ty, We wish her abundant suc W anted . — Two Fine Young acciT C ovet —Convene» unti e Second A gentleman just over from the mining ex[>ert, and Strickler lias Mares for cash at the lowest cash Lots of gold dust coming into cess. font met to let to sink 50 feet on the Monday in April, and First Monday in Illinois Valley says he heard more turned out to be immensely rich. town from Foot creek. Diviaion mine, and to run adrift 250 feet November Hip, Hip, Hurrah! Everywhere slander and neighborhood gossip of Mr. Sterling had some of the ore prices. Enquire of J. C Boyd. the St. Peter’* mine. For particular«, There will be an abundance of else but at Grants Pass the fourth 1 ivxtv C ovet —Convene* on the First (5'27lf on apply to E. S. Smith nt the mine* on a deleterious nature and wrangling assayed by Mr. Keenan who is al Monday in January, April, July and peaches in Josephine county. will be celebrated in some shape. A fine six-year old mare to ex so an expert, which the latter gen < i rave elevk, or to John Goodell, at tirant* September of the people during a short stay Remember the G. P. D., June Get up a dinner, picnic,—anything. than he has heard where he lives tleman informs us, went over$60 to change foi as good a horse. Also, Pa»*. 5-13-21 8th at Music Hall. * Let's have something. one double mattress; one 52 inch the ton. We asked Mr. Keenan in many years, and is much su- Attention Farmers! James Neely and wife were in Emil Pfaff is in this county di prised at it. We have known that what he thought of it, and his an mattress and one ’4 mattress, all I have a One Twine Binder and town Wednesday. rect from Vienna, Austria, seeking a very troubled condition of the swer was that the rock was the coil springs and nearly new. to sell reduced prices. Enquire at this îr Combined Reapers and Mow Alec Watts is meeting with good ten thousand acres of land for a social mind exists over there, and best he had ever seen around at [tf ers, all new, and of the Osborne success mining on Days Gulch. colony of his people. Josephine we believe the scandal mongers to Grants Pass. We will know mote office about it ere long as the parties pro manufacture, that I will exchange W anted . -A good milch cow l>e great enemies to tlie public good Look out for posters for a grand county has it and our people should ■ ' grain, after harvest, bacon, hors- pose to continue work on it. Enquire at this office. [5?tf and the progress of the country as point it out. ., cattle, or the cash, at the follow- fourth of July celebration at Foots much as any other criiuiu.il located Money to loan on good security. Tlie music furnished by the choir among us. We believe, in fact we John M. Lewis and Mrs Ella M ■ g very low prices: Binder, S185; creek. Notes and Co. orders bought. En Alex Ortne and Mr. Otten, of at the memorial services is said to know, it is the duty of every news- Lewis desire to thank the people of quire at unbilled Reaper and Mower, S135. S. U. Mitchell's law office. T?.»,-,♦■ • rrn»'«» si« 9 r*-1« have been the best ever heard in Sucker creek valley, through the o~-‘ - -- i •- - -• raucr the ' to «vor up r-r [50-tf. our town. We icgict that <1 fui- on them, and drive them trom the x'ui uiLu Gi t’.vir many v«nrine«ses yesterday. J as . W. W imer . ► rorei i>ioin..ty in rhe country for mer appointment prevented our shown them during the sickness, St-3m] Murphy. Or. A $650 school house is being country, as they would the deer skin sale or rent. Enquire at Cot kieh built in the Swinden district near presence on that occasion. ner or the petty night thief. We art death and burial of their dear son. office. [5<>tf- j J ohn M. L ewis Hereafter all notices of any na Gold Hill. Misses Kate Anthony and Linnie attempting to place settlers upon ANSON HoVGII. of Blackh’-rrv, III«., E lla M. L kwis . ture or kind in our local columns A party of Government geologic Trefethen are visiting Josephine the vacant lands of that section but »ay* lie < we* hi* life to Gilinore'» Mag will be charged ten cents a line al surveyors passed through this county from Smith River valley. 1 we are afraid bad impressions may | netic Elixir. Try it. It I* for »ale nt At a meeting of Gen. Logan Post, Boots and Shoes, Kremer’* drag »tore. t The former went up aS far as Ash delay the work very much. Please .rst insertion and five cents a line place last Tuesday. No. 39, G. A. R., the following — Tliev aro tlie — SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made miiiera- land. They seem to like Southern dotit misjudge the motives of the every subsequent insertion. [3-1-tf. Our dramatic club is far lietter resolutions were adopted: ble bv that terrible cmigli. Shiloh’* Cure BESTAND CHEAPEST IN THE WILL VO!' Sl'ITElt v.;:!' Dvspepsia than anv of the traveling shows Oregon, but think it is awful hot. C ourier in this matter. R esolved , That we tender our i* the remedy lor you. Kremer'.* ding and Liver ComplaintShiloh'* Viializer MARKET [52-6111 J. C. Whipreturntd from the coast t The Gen. I.ogan Post, G. A. R. sincere thanks to Mr. H. C. Kinney »tore ia the place to get it i* giLir.mteed to euro you. G < to Kre that come this way. Tuesday, having sold nearly S2.000 held impressive decoration services T eam F ou S alk . — A tine »pan of mer'* drug store and get it. t "The Last Loaf,” at Music Hall and his choir of singers for their worth of marble work on his trip. at this place last Sundav, The kind services, and for their excellent geldings, weight 2500 ths. Sound, DR. FREELAND, of tlic’M E ihurch, will be splendid. ,'.y* that two l»utle • of' >i!ni. r ■’» Aroina- We regret the further controversy His wife came down from Jackson veterans and comrades assembled music rendered at our memorial ser and true. Five miles west from ic Wine cure I hl* wffe of Nervous Debit- Grants Pass. R. 1). S anford . over the recent disturbance in the ville on the evening train meeting ¡at Music Hall at 11 o’clock. The vices held ou the 29th ult. v and Sleep’, .sue«.«. Kr incr keeps it. ; him here. They tarried here for a officers for the occasion were. Com-, SJtf] Eureka High School. R esoia rd , That we extend our X vV 4. 'A r •' ■ r ih- ■-■I - time. mander, J. K. l’igucy; Signor Vice sincere For 1.11110 1’iick, aide or cheat, u*o Shil thanks to the ladies who so oh'« Mr. Fayle has bought a lot in 1; l’orou* Plaster. Price 25 cent*. For Commander, Mr. Behine; Junior SALEM^ÓRÉGÓ'NjJjp teed, ltisa fiwiilvecu - forr E. l Saturday, Sunday and Monday kiudlv assisted us in furnishing *nle nt Kremer'« drug »tore. t tionaorSypl.'.liric Pobwm'mir. Itpuriilcstbs , i-lxis place and intends to build a were three of the hottest days e\ er Vice-Conimat.der, Dr. W. F. Kre whole raid Letus:J-sa'l Eheuraatic lesidcace immediately mer; Officer of the day, J. E. Peter flowers for decorating and beautify G. Davis returns thanks to the POSTAGE PAID BY-V s ; 'TRY TH CM. and Neuralgic pain«. We ruaraatco ik Miss Lillie Nickerson has our . seen in Southern Oregon in May. son; Adjutant, Valnex Colvig. Af ing the hall. jieople of Grants Pass and vicinity JCrem -r h 1* it for t rk.. R esoi . vt . d , That a copy of these for their patronage for the last year. thanks for a fragrant boque'. Mrs. The thermometer ranged from 102 ter the impressive ritual services of to 107 throughout the country on To Builders and Masons! resolutions be handed to the C ock He will from this date make Boots O. Sargent accompanied her. Sunday. It is said it was as high the Order, the choir, under the ier for publication. and Shoes cheaper than you can get A smelting works would pay as 1 to at Woodville. direction of Mr H. C Kinney, sang J. IL PlGNKY, them in the stores. Repairs neat largely in Southern Oregon. Why several «elections appropriatt to the Commander. Prof. C. W. Ganiard of Cal., will , and cheap. 4-29-tf. don’t capitalists put one up ? occasion. Rev. J. 1’. Coleman de arrive at Ashland in a few days. livered the memorial address. The JAMES SI'1.1.1 V AN of Salem, Oregon, Mr. Smith, our efficient street He is a brother of Oscar Ganiard. , WiHlams Greek Whittling®. nay* he wnncurvdof Aathnia liv Gilmore'* commissioner has been doing some i formerly of this county. The gen oration by Mi. Coleman, both here Magnetic Elixir Kremer keep* it. • The underaignod i* prepared to furnish and at Ashland is highly com Crops look well here. good and substantial street work. 111 A I' H At 'KI N’t i l 'Ol’GH canbe *0 tleman would like to locate iu mended , and it surely made a favor The Chapwan saw mill runs day quickly cured In Sliiloh’aCure. Wagunr- We will commence the publica ■ Grants Pass and organize a 1 >rass able impression upon the minds ol ,ini] n; nntee it For «ale by Kremer. t ----- 1 it, ------ ----------- tion of the G. A. R. sermon of Rev. band. Come boys, now is votir • those who t heard «specially those , N otice . Having concluded to Io partie» in need of *n< li an article at hi* , Mt. Bryant is not able t<> sit up. i chance. J. P. Coleman next week in full. who may yet harbor any of the bit o’lSA'.’.'itinue business at this place, all kiln !*., mile* ci!»t <>, Rock Point, on th* (>( | He is very sick. CRtH’I’, AVIIOOl'iN • < ’ i EG ì I and line of the O A C. R. It., in ’itinntitie* to ter feelings and remembrances i.. M. Brockman put tt]> a Bedroom Suits, Children ’ s Car knowing them»cjve* indebted to me *uit large Bruni'ìiiti« ¡'.imi ’ilialvlv ri'liewii bv ■•hil- piirelniMcr* If ile»ire<l, lie will ahlp i Mr. II. Darnell is clerking at the that awful war, during which sol quantity of snow last winter, which riages, Boy’s Wagons, Croquet Sets are requested to come fcrward and . to anv point h ini; north or aoulli on thia « di’* Cure Krvmvr k<» ;* il. t ‘ poured out I Chapman saw mill. much noble blood was | settle up by June rst, 1887. NA«I. «1 rva*<»liable rate*. THE ' M AID and Hammocks at Hale's. 5-20-3W of course hardened into a solid block of cnniv-icn This ice is now for upon the sands of the valley, Mr. i (). F Russell ■» working for Mi 4 JJtf] V, liti Si, II J , I ' I V. ! . .1 • »’»■■., A l.< '".ili G eo - W. R iddle . S. U. MTEAKNH. Three ot Tom Haymond s horses Nnd Glint ' Immuti '' t a | in lots to suit, and is very nice. Woody of this place, a veteran of cliacl O'Brvati at th-old Stcatnl*>at J oil* 11 V 111 «, of Ratal ia. N Y., »ay* • ' near Woodville got seriously cut sale Pô« sJTCË. (’tire. Kr r.i'T ha* it 1 >r ih : We saw some of it Tuesday, and it the war of 1812, was present and ledge. . “I i-lieerlullv lommetieed on a barlied wire fence a few days looked Your AROMATIC WINE; splendid, seeming to defy seemed deeply interested in the Mr. A. S. Shier and Finnic L. Ctvcv’x. t t; ago. My Fine sb irk Ranch and atock, aitu-' It did new life ami vigor send I the present heated term. services. Thus ended the first G. Priest are talking of extending their thousands anfferlng freni A.-:lhma, Con- Through thi« week frame of mine. ated IIS mile* from finrnl* I’*»» on Rogue A. R. memorial services ever held , Thos. Perry across the river from mining ditch this fall. river. Thi* ranch wa* formerly known u* i-umptioii, Counlis. <■:<'. DiJ yoa «ver try It ’lid for all mv »tomai li ill* Walter Suttoti editor of the G >'.<1 in Josepliiue county. .Adser’a Enpr'iali !!*-n.’ l*’.' It I* Ih* Lesi this place lias a fine location for a More than the di»tor and hi* pill*.'’ the Northrop Sto, k Range 1 have till Mr. Shoemake and wife have re Beach Gazette give u» a pleasant head ol beef cattle from 3 to 7 year* old, preparati:’!! kunwn f-r a1! I . ih ; Tr:>ul ' *, fruit farm For *ale nt Kreiner'« 'ling »tori' He also makes some call Tuesday. Mr. S.—is a brother Last Sunday as the tl shades of I turned home. They have been in and liO head of *to, l: < attic. Tho winter soid ou a pix-ilivo guarani« ,.l 10c., 50c. good shingles. 1 range i* 5 mile* »qimro; (14’1 Hi re* »nr- M AK KI I I». of our old friend James M. Sutton, evening were falling behind stately ' Lower California for eight months. Fvr sale bv W F. Kr. ui. leve l i subject to entry) and will keep 250 W’n Chapman and Emma Baine formerly of the Ashland Tidings. h 11» and over lovely dales, a com William Morgan has returned ANSEN - JOHNSON —In thi* city at head of »took thrmigh tin winter. The of Kerby came over last Friday in He reports everything prosperous pany was made up tor a hand car home. He and his mother have H the residenr*. of Him Henry Thornton, »ilinnier range 1« capable of keeping from company with Miss Anthony and in and around Ellensburg. Call excursion up the Rogue liver from been visiting relatives and friends at l>v John tiiHMÎvll, J. P , Mr Cha« I 500 to IUX1 lieu I There i* alao some farm that nestled little hauilet, Gold Hill Miss Trefethen. Han*cn to Mi»* Hetty John*”ii, all of ing land. .1 ••■! 1.....ae. IM) bearing fruit Willow Springs. again. lie will attend the Grand tree* 2 head of liorsc* and tile ne< e***ry thi* county. A. J. Barlow of the Barlow Hotel, I Lodge of A. F. & A. M. at Port C. <). Biglow, one of our most J. D. Scharff, traveling salesman farming implement* For further par The voting couple ha* our thank* for was master of ceremonies, the bal enterprising men of this creek, will <•; ticular*, apple nt the t'orniEK oilier. for Messrs. Neustadter Bros., has land before returning home. akc and a call at our residence May ance of the company consisting of JOSI I’ll YOt’NKKR. lx-en in this section. He sells a James Jordan has rented the Com Mrs. Barlow, Mrs. Sampson, Sr., soon have a large amount of hay to the *tin ever »lune bright iifion them. VJO-.lm large quantity of goods. mercial Hotel to J. B. Hutch, of the Mrs. Sampson. Jr., and son, Mi»»e- handle and take care of J. Davidson, Russell it Co., are eee »ee *eee»»eee«*>« Jo Bowers while unloading car Central, moving into Mr Stiles' Julia Woods, Ada Emerick, Nellie wheel: some time ago. had the mis house last Wednesday. Mr. Hutch Barlow and little Dotta, W. P Ja through cleaning up on Trail creek. fortun to bruise one of his feet, immediately took charge of the coby (postmaster). Win. Stuart and We hope they made a good clean-up, But l*,f<in* you do that, com* ’round to from which cause, he now goes on house. The Central will lx- used the writer. The ladies being seated as they worked hard all winter. in Connection with the Commercial Nelson Warner informs me th it crutches. on the platform, the masculine gen tor sleeping purposes and sample der proceeded to pull up a grade 60 Mr Caldwell, of Steamboat, is rapid- Henry D. Ktibli and Miss Maud roomr Mr. Htit"b is a f- , . in 15' cleaning up. He says the pro» W Si Cameron of Jacksoti county, were the hotel business and he now has feet to ¡lie mile iLi a points:?: mile» pects are favorable tor a g'**’i clean distant from whence we could see married at Jacksonville on the 25th a good stand. CATAKRH ( UREI», and^wect the celebrated Table rock standing up. •.uh l»v Shi’.o’iX ’ tt.urb R» in- of May. Success, happiness and Any jierson that wants to sub out it all its grandeur, 1 sublime Jacob Hardesty while working !'•. Prico 50 i-. ntH S.e.d Injut’tor fr«'v. long life to you. ’ n »einer ha* it ior salc t 0:1 the roof of Dr. Flanagan's resi relic of the master baud of creation. scribe for a local pi;>er, will do well We were shown a specimen of dence last Saturday, by the giving “On and up, wh -re nature'» heart to subscribe for the Cot'RlKX, as it MR. A. HL .(iIN>,V»’\4»niln/. N. Y gold the other day frqm the old away of the- scaffolding was precipi Beat* strong amid the lull" is one among the Ijest papers south ud he ha ! tho l’.le« for i. iHv 4 » vu.ir*. I W;H cnrvtl bv unir.g Gilmore*:“ l*ile Pomeroy diggings on Pleasant tated to the ground a distance of Mt. McLaughlin gray and gttrm I II !• creek taken out by Owens Bros, over 1 2 feet, I11 the descent he looks down u]*>n us as much as to »•vifle. Go :<> Kremor’i for it. « /'mm tfu* iStntinrl. which weighed $22. struck 011 his s back ' across the stag- say, "you never come to see me." ] vcaxäovv , Near the end of our journey, we Ilegler Brother-. & Aldrich ate Our old friend Dave Crosby and ing breaking a plank in two. • warran'.ed, i* becauso it ia Iho Fest ..jod Pre]>*mtion known. It will j>o«l- August Bretano were thrown from The gentleman was fortunate to passed out of the richest iron ore in erecting a five stamp mil! on Hum rcly eure oll Blood 1>I e**e* : u a wagon at Medford last week and receive no injuries lieyond a badly the world into a granite formation bug creek, where they have a large » hole STrt*tn,Hi><l tli"r ’ir-l:ly Lullds up tlie passing over the line which is as and permanent ledge. coostitution. Iiemember, wo guarauteo iL severely hurt. We hope they may sprained arm which he now carries marked as the carpenter's scribe on in a sling. soon be 011 deck again. To comply with the California Kreiner k<»'p» it. And buy a New ,'x.-t of Hand made a boar:!. We pasxtcl picture*q'.ie law, L C. Coleman lias been ap There is much dissatisfaction over When it comes to the fact that woods, sharp curves near the mad poiiite<l administrator in that state Not fa ( alifornfa ID ar, L\ ix’.N or <'i S addlp Anvbod'- can catch .1 c»»!<I thin kind <»f the expenses of the Hamlin case in we have got to abandon our fight water? of a turbulent stream lashing of the estate of Morris Mensor, de father. The trouble i« to let go, like Jackson county, so we are informed. for the public g»**i and clothe our itself into foam; drank ice cold ceased. I keep everything in the Harness and Saddlery line, and have otic ■ ie man who caught the l>ear We ad- We do not pretend to say that they columns to suit the wishes of a spring water and picked lsiqiiets of of the Iiest stock <>f g<*xls ever brought to Southern < >rcg<m our rea«Icrs to pun haw of I»r. W. F. could have lieen avoided. John Roten, of Willow Springs, cranky old stiff or lose his sub wild (lowers, but we did not sweat, n h.> tins recently kicked by a horse, ¡•¿rentier, a bottle of Santa Abie, the ( ali- I use nothing but the BEST leather :<»rnia King of (.'«»nsuniption, Asthma. Will Leonard and Sophia Hansen scription, you l*t your dear life for the thermometer wa • not above died from his ¡"jury last Monday. < >«' 11< 1 I; 1 ri > 1 sS ,\ 1:11 k • t (> < ) i’< k- r. We too. The master at last announces Bronchitis, Cough* ami Croup CurcF.and of Althouse accompanied Chas. we will lose the suliscription koep it liiin ly. Tis plvaninx to lov ta-te Hansen and Betty Johnson to this are running the Cot kitR for what that we have “gone 1.11 enough'' He was buried in the cemetery at A. <J STROHECKER, - - Grunt? Puss, Oregon. and death to the u I mvc complaint*. Sold we believe to lie the greatest good and we turn back The grade is this place on the following Wed 5-271f Lt I! a Untie or it for *2 50. California place, acting as brides maid and nestlay. to the greatest number and we will steep and the car almost runs itself Cat-R-Cure '«riven immediate ndfr»f. The groomsman at their wedding. We have Iweti handed proof not lie dictated to by any botlv to We are requested to "al! sit down" •’atarrhal virus i* soon displaced bv it* A Eustick for several years trav the contrary sheets of “Hill’s Annotated Code caling and penetrating nature. Give it which most of us did: the two Mrs. trial. Fix month.* tr’atment *1. nent eling salesman for Messrs. Knapp of Oregon." When this 1**>k it ■’v mail *1.10. Our visit to Ashland last Satur Sampsons and Mrs B.irlow were out. Oregon will have the l»e»t an Burrell & Co. of Portland gave our sitting in front, their feet almost office a pleasant call Wednesday, day was a pleasant one. We found On we go at a notated code that has ever lieen SHILOH’S VITALIZE!! • ’ ,t you Mr. E. is a very clever gentleman. the town full of life, the fruit trees touching the ties Having concluded to clow* bu»inc’. at this place I am offering my need for C onstipation Ln«» of Appetite, rapid speed, the grain on every written for any state 111 the Union. laden with fruit and everybody ap large stock of riir-iines*. and all »ymtoins of Dyspepsia 'loin KvlIUCl sold 4 Hr>r> jMitlllds A. J. Barlow will soon build a We visited the hand rustling i:i the breeze, the of hides t<> X A Handl this week. Price 10and 75 cent* per bottle It ia large hotel at Gold Hill. Plans parently happy. for sale at Kremer'* drug »torr. t office but wa» unfortunate round outline» of the hill tops lying DRY GOODS. FANCY GOODS luded t. too pound» ol have already Ixeti drawn Mrs. Tidings in not getting to *ee Mr. Ixed- the against the clear horizon like huge deer skins, or all that remains of ItaowMMAs Barlow i* an accomplished lar.d editor Our old friend O*car Gan wooden buttons on an overgrown * *> deer. The deer skinner is Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Queens Ware, nred every year by Ackers celeb-ated lady, and will build tip a large pat iard keeps the White Sulphur coat on whose broad sides the oak. unterr.fied. English Remedy. It is a guarante-1 pr« p. ronage. Springs House in good shape in con fir and pine inter 1« k. and in whose aration —----- 1 : > if " it “ d" » r. " )t h pyon it will curt Glass Ware, &c., &C., “ A »ingle dn»n will We learn that Mr- Colvig of Rock nection with which he has white branches the 'inxio i- bird wa • he- you notnÍDg. Try it. Roll of Honor. sbo* it* good effect. Trial bottl'* 10 eta. Point, who was reported as having sulphur baths which is an attractive its nest that wc do not approach to* near. As darkties* »teals upon AT GREATIA K’ Kin :c K 1 > I ’RICKS died last Monday evening, rallied feature of his establishment. For sale bv W. F Krem-r «. a peculiar feeling of safety lurks in from her c3niato«e condition and is A Line <>f < are For ril*«. John M Lewis for «ix \ ears night our mind, and we think of the fierce 'inewhat better at this time we are Pile« are frequently pt»» 1 clerk at the Portland |»>st office, who and ferocious redskins who used to pleased to say. STAPLE GK()( EKIES of weight in the hack, b with his family came up recently tread t|iese very paths, the thought IM •KJ part of the ah-b incri. can« Rev. ----- walked into the coach to visit his relatives on S leading 11* off into a deep reverie, Will !w kept in Stock 95 97 to auppone he bn« *< me « the other day with a regular coni- creek, had the misfortune tr 95 .96 when quick as a fl ish tbefc-t of the kidney* or neighboring '>r tnashing air. We were away down his only child, a little boy or »yinptom» of indiaeMion j PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS ladies in front ere -truck and a »tart- ‘.H yonder among the common herd, Saturday from diptheria or ulcncy; uneanineaa "i the ling sound like the rattling of ten Will •ma >n 94 IM A Motature, like pre«p hag hence he could not see ns, but we other throat effection Mr. thousand steel chains ring* out up El 95 •17 a very disagreeable itc saw him all the same. nd. Bl 99 and wife returned to this pla<* X on the »till air producing much ter Thanking the public and n v man’ ■ >*t>m<rs for 1 heir patronage in warm, i* a '•ommon at 1 9.1 Tuesday . enroute to Portland Bleeding and Itching 1 Mrs. McCully of Glendale while ror hi our coinpatiy. We have rim Mar the past, I can now make it to their I • to the application of I ruling I'*» in deport- over one cxlrc«nely ratlie- tlx* out riding Saturdav had the mis much distressed at their «ever Remedy, which act* >]• (Jllic McCallister. Otis Mrs Iz ris when she fortune to get her arm broken. The »nake t*»sibli two. A few mm T Advantage to Call on me Before Purchasing Elsewhere. I*trt« effei ted. abnori’ir ng a team became unmanageable and in a very sii k woman. *1 MarF>n n Griffin and McC iaring the intense it, hi (J Of iiennani nt cure. Pri'»' nptin to jump from the buggv tender » mpath'e* of y i attempting The Dr Bo-anki> Me l »he fell and l,vke Ivr arm. a* _ . 'fl - J 4----------- ciLaC* 1 , 11 _____ «•*» e* . ’U- ~ «X.Ù* LIME! LIME! L I M I I • ■ -„.i .»,1-1. 1 ■■imi e i>: I1> gri