I ll E COI 11 I ER ------- W“ W J. WIMER. ’- TO ADVERTISERS Publisher. srn.s(’Riprro.\ 11 a ti :\. One Year in advance) Rix Month*. Three Months Single Copias. 12.85 41.25 1", Job Printing of all Kinds —IN THE— An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon. Very Latest and Best Styles —AMD AT THE— Lowest Laying Hates. LINES OF TRAVEL. VOL. 3. GRANT'S PASS. JOSEPHINE (’OUNTY, OR.. FRIDAY MAY 27, 1SS7. "HURRA FOR GRANTS PASS, HURRA!” CAMPBELL à TU FF CAN NuW B’>A*T OF IIAVIMU TUE FINKST regon I pacific nly P opular O t railroad K oute STORE ROOM IN SOUTHERN OREGON. NO. 9. Grant’s ae named alter General Grant, in a county seat reuLally located in Souihern Oregon. It la a progreaaiva railroad town of luOO ini abitanta, and is 1 the main supply point for a large portion of country*<levote<i to mining, lumbering agriculture and fruit-raiding, l litnate un- i excelled The Cot rie * taring tin* only paper pub lished in J.aiephine county, with a goo«l circulation in Jackaon «ountv, anahlea it to be one of the lx*at atlvcrtiaing medium« in Southern Oregon. For ratea, address T he C oi rikr , Grant’« Faaa, Oregon. S. A. GREENE & SON, A Sin Francisco Opinion. claiming »«Ivenxdy anv |>orti<>n «f «ai«l WANT INFORMATION ABOUT OREGON "St lVters-’ mine or «urtava ground, are Wisconsin Railway Sends for IO, A Main St., - - - Grant's Pass, Or. rvquimd to file thvir adven«e claini» alili The rail connection of this city OOO Pamphlets of "Oregon I with the Regi<ter of Ilio t’niled States Land Oregon will tie complete this i Opposite the R. R Shops ) as It Is.” Ofllcc at i{o.-«el>iirg in the countv of l«oug- year, says the S. F. Alta, and our laa. and St ile of Oregon, «luring th<* «ixtv A few days ago the board of Im merchants are preparing to take dava |«eriod of piiblieution hereot, or they a ¡il tu* barre«! by virine of the proviaionw migration received a letter front advantage of the fietd it will open of thè Statuto. — Dealers in — James Barker, general passenger to their trade. The completion of C ha «. W. J ohnrton , a belt railway ami traveling agent for the Wiscon- this line completes . _____ Ml-flOdsj Regiater GUNSMITHS. Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! Guns, Revolvers, Pistols and sin Central line, whose headquarters around the United Stites from Port is in Milwaukee, in regard to ob- land Maine, to Portland Oregon, 225 MILES SHORTER! taining pamphlets for distribution. A passenger can start at one city U mitro S tate * L am » O ffiur , ) IWii-Tattle. Cïtliir, Fire-Worïs. 4c.. it. Mr. Baker desired to know at what ami travel to the other, with one O11 their Cheap Counters in all such line«, as 20 HOURS' LESS TIM El Or.. May 4, IK87.1 figure the lx>ard would 1« willing to exception, in sight of the mists of NOTICE is hereby civon that Willanl Accommodations Vnaur)wssed for Com DRY GOODS, REPAIRING. A SPECIALTY. Young whose Office athlress is Cas furnish to.ooo copies of “Oregon as «xean or gulf, or within sound of fort and Safety!—Fares ami Freights BaT All work guaranteed u« DRESS GOODS, cade Dx kx, Wasco (’• unity, Oregon, has It Is" to the railroad company, ami the surf, the whole distance. It is via. Yaquina ami the Oregon Ite- H4ti this day tiled his application for a patent allow the Wisconsin Central to print a new idea. Cities have their belt velopment Co 's Steamships CLOTHING, for 1501) linear feet of the ‘Tividend” an advertisement of that road on the 1 lines of street railroads, but here is ureii i.k'.K that' by any mine or vein, bearing e«»ld, with turface other route l>etween HATS AND CAPS, ground feet in width, situated in back of the pamphlet. After con a l>elt put around a continent. The all points in the BOOTS AND SHOES. Grave Creek Mining District, County of sidering thr proposition the secre result of finishing the new road is FRONT KTRKKT, flrs.ur.u, Orr K »s. WiilameUi Valley anil San Francisco!! GENTS’ Fl RNI8IIING GOODS, Josephine and State of Oregon, and desig tary of the board was authorized to expected to lx* very important to nated by the notes and olheial plat DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS — DKAl.EK is — GROCERIES, now on file in the otric»* as lot No. ,3H in inform Mr. Barker that 10,000 the trade of San Francisco. The ( Except Sundays) unsurvryed lands. Said lot No. 38 ls‘ing copies would lx: printed for the sum Oregon country, which is now to PROVISIONS, de<criln'«l as follows, to-wit: of #450, or less than that number at lx-for the fitst time pierced by a I^tarr Learn. CROCKERY, Beginning *t post for south-east corner the rate of $50 pei 1000. The offi- San Francisco road, is rich in nat- Yaquina fl :20 a m Albany 12:40 p m of claim 37, for corner No. 1, and from cers of the railroad company had ural resources which will find their Airier. .4 rrire. TOBACCOS, GROCERIES, which a pine 24 inches in diameter. I»cars Corvallis 10:33 a m Corvallis 1 :22 p m CIGARS, ETC TOBACCO, Portland will be north 42 dog*, east, 17 feet. \ [ inc s in seen copies of the pamphlets in ques-t outlet h'ere. Albany 11:20am Yaquina 5:45 p in ches in diameter I »ears north 12 (legs tion. and desire«! much to have a helped by the connection as Balti- 0. A C. trains connect at Albany and CIGARS, west. 3.3 ir t, and di*, cut on vlaim 38 large number for gratuitous distri- more and Philadelphia are helped Corvallis. bear* north 830 feet, and locating monu bution. Mr. Barker has been noti by their connection with New York, itr- All our goods are entirely new and will he exchanged for cash CANDIES, Fares between Corvallis ssd Albany ment bear* south 87 deg*. 10 mill, nest, an.l San Franelseo : NUTS, ETC. 1148 feet. Thence north 70 deg*, east, by 1 fied by letter of the terms on which We want all the great anil thriving or farm produce. CAMPBELL «t TUFFS, Rail and Cabin »14 00. improved solar compass, (var. 19 degs. the pamphlets can lx* had. and it is j cities on this coast that commerce Grant’s Pass, Josephine County, Oregon Highest Cash prieo paid for Rail and Steerage 9 00. east), 200 feet summit of ridge bearing quite probable the conditions will, can build, for they must all lie al- and west minus 15), 62» feet, dry be accepted. WM. M. HOAG, Country Produce, Hides, Furs, east ways tributary to San Francisco. gulch course north (minus 3.5) 825 i<M»t, General Manager. Such an arrangement would be Trade will get a great fillip with the PINE LUMBER CO. CHAS. C. HOGUK. Hto . Ktc. spur lH‘aiw north (plus 15i, >25 feet cours* north-west (minus 15) 1025 very advantageous to the best in completion of this new road, and the A. G. F. A P, Agent, Corvallis. Give me a call and l>e Convinced. Gulch spur l»vars north-west (plus 10) 1500 terests of the state, as the expense event is a jubilee day for Califor- (i«t feet, — manufacturers of — feet, set post for corner No. 2, from which of the printing of the pamphlets nia.—[Tidings, Oregon Development Company. | (minus 35), a lir 15 inchea in diameter , is ar* west 13‘2 feet. Thence north 20 I would l>e borne by the railroad com Seeking Investmente. First-Class Steamship Line between Lumber, Doors, Windows, degs. west on east bmindary 3 m feet, cen pany and the pamphlets would l>e Yaquina and San Francisco, ter line of claim plus 20) 600 feet. set post scattered far and wide. There are ! When Mr. G. Shindler returned Brackets, and Mouldings. < 'onnecting at Y.iquin.r with the trains of f«»r corner N«». 3, from which (minus 20) the Oregon Pacific Railrot 1 Company a hinre] 10 int hes in diameter, bears north about fifteen weeks t<> yet elapse be- from Switzerland a short time since, • u) degs. west, 8 feet. A tir 12 inches In fore the commissioners’ resignations He was acompanied by Mr. H. Naff From diameter, bears south 31 degs. west. 10 ate to take effect, and during that and Miss Emma Staub of Zurich. Mnv 19. Willamette Valiev, Saturday feet. Thence south 70 «legs. \V on north interval a vast «leal of very import Miss Staub is an educated, refined “ 31. Eastern Oregon, Tuesday Ismndary 675 feet, gulch course north ant information might be dissemi HOUSE and STORE FINISHINGS. June 4 Willamette Valley Saturday and wealthy young lady and the minus 13 I 1500 feet, jumt corner No. 4, Our stock of “ 11, Eastern Oregon, being the same as corner No. .3 to claim nated, About the 1st of next Sep object of tier visit here is to find a “ 1«. Willamette Vnlley Thursday <37, (plus 175). from which a fir 12 inches tember the board will in all proba- suitable investment for a large " 24. Eastern Oregon, Friday in diameter. Iwars south 2s (legs, west, bility dissolve and pass out of exist- amount of capital which she repre- “ 28. Willamette Valiev. Tuesday —The Introduction of— I > feet. Thence Month 20 degs east on J uly fl. Eastern Oregon, Wedneolay line bet"«M*n claims 37 ami 38, 265 feet; ence after its career of usefulness, sent«. As either she or Mr. Naff From San Frantineo; Is now complete. It sur summit of ridge hears east and west (phis Between now and that «late every sjicak English they have employed Latest Machinery, Mav 1Ö. 35 ) 600 feet, post corner No. 1, the place thing possible will be accomplished Mr. Anton l’fanner, a Swiss farmer Willamette Valiev, Monday passes all our previous dis Eastern Oregon, Tuesday “ 24. of livginnitig, and containing 20. 65 acres. in carrying forward the work, ami living near Forest Grove, to act as plays of rich Willamette Valley, iturday “ 28. HAS ENABLED THEM TO REDUCE PRICES FIFTY PER 'Hie location of this mine is rec«»rde«l in June 5. i the ofliee of the County Clerk of Jose- the proposed arrangement with the their guide and interpreter, and Easter t Oregon, Sunday NOVELTIES, 9. Willamette Valley, Thursday CENT. BELOW ALL FORMER RATES. phine county, State of Oregon, in Vol 4, railroad company mentioned will lie ¡they started yesterday for a tour of li 17. Plustern Oregon, Friday Mining »cords, paure 686. The adjoin- one of the potent means of assisting inspection through the Willamette including the finest stand Willamette 1 alley, 'i' e <.luv 21. For Price List, address, 3. P D. & L. Co. ing claimants art* Willard Young and I 'd the matter. Especially so, as the valley and Southern Oregon, Mia» < 29. ward Sanderson Smith. Any ami all per stock of immigration literature now 1 Eastern Oregon, Wednesday ard styles for early Slim Staub says owing to the uneasy Grant's Pass, Oregon. sons claiming adversely any p«»rti«»n of The Company reserves the right to mer, and many novelties on hand is getting low, and the de feeling in her country on account said I dividend mine or surfaee ground are « hange steamers or sailing Bates. exclusively our own. required to file their adverse claims with mand continues as active as ever. of the war impending between S B TOBY, lien. F. A P. Agent the Kegistcr of the I’tiited States Land [Oregonian. France and Germany, many of the 2 )4 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. <> I lice at Roseburg, in the county of Doug Swiss are looking towards this (41tf This Immense Stock las, and State of < >regon, within the sixty The La Camas Mill. country as a place of rafttga from days jR’riod <»f piil»licuti<>n hereof, or they necessitates close prices. THOSE DESIRING TO SETTLE IN w'll lx> haired by virtu»* «»f the Statute. Contracts were let Thursday for war s alarms. It is to l»e hopeil OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA CflA«. W. J«»I1NSTON, the completion of the new paper mill that Miss Staub may find an in Orders solicited, and Sam ---- VIA----- 5-<b6)ds| Kegister. of Southern Oregon in La Camas. The brick work was vestment to suit her, as it may be ples sent on application Oregon & California FL R. awarded to Cauuto & Zanello for the means of bringing others of her Mining Application No. 51 Will do well to consult the undersigned at $3569, an«l the stone work at $4. 1 countrymen here and the swiss are AND CONNECTIONS. U nited S tate * L and (> ffi < k , ) The caqientcr work, trusses for roof, a very desirable class of emigrants. rare frcm Portland to San Fraucisoo, CENTRAL POINT, J.-ickson County. R ohu I hh ^, Or., Mav 4. windows, etc., waa awarded toS. J. —[Oregonian. Limited $30, Unlimited $35 NOTICE i* hereby given that Willard IN THE CENTRAL PART OF THE Egbert, L. Tidland and Thos. Tec Fro. Land, Going Fast. | Yoiinu, "hose i»o*t oificc iu LI ivmn i* ( ’ an- 18G First St., Portland, Or. i a<l»‘ L<»ckM, W. imco county, Oregon, bus son, of La Camas, for $44< xj . The Cloae Connections ipade at Ashland Hojerne Riv«r Vnlley, on the < > At <’ Railroad. ’ thin «lay filed hia application ior a patent roof of corrugated iron containing Every train brings in a lot of new with the atagea of the California, Oregon i for 15i)0 linear feet of the * Summit ” mine* about 230 s«piares was awarded to settler«, wltodon t let the grass grow The Shipping Point for the principal portion of the grain producing V Idaho Stage Company. or vein bearing Hold, with *ur(ace ground part of the County. <KX) feel in width, aituated in < irave I ’reek J. C. Bayer for JifiNj. The build , under their feet to any great extent Only 29 Mlles of Staging. Mining I'i-Mrii t, County of .Josephine, and ing is to be completed by the 1st of while making a rush to get some of Address or call on C. MAGRUDER, Central Point, Oregon. Mining Application No. 49. Time between < 'liants Pass and San Fran Stale of Oregon, and designated by the July, and it is hoped thafthe man the virgin dirt lying around loose in cisco, 27 hour.«. field note« and «»l!i< ial plat on file in thia ufacture of jiaper will be tiegun by this vicinity. Ami their haste and U nited S tates L and O fei « i . / ofliee a* lot No. .39, in iin.Miirveyed land*. Roseburg, Or.. May 4, 1887.( < Al.IFOBNIA EXI’BE^S TRAIMS DAILY . Sai«l lot being described as follow*, to wit the 1st of August. The machine anxiety is comendable, for the time NOTICE is hereby given that Willanl Beginning at a |«o*t Het in a mound of room will lx* 56x156, and the bleach is rapidly approaching when free North. nth. From May 1, 1887. Young, w hos<* (M»st ofliee address is Cas st.»nr I feet wpiare for corner No. 1, from ing room and w « kk I pulp mill Xox lands for the homeless will not be :00 p m Lv, Portland Ar. 10:10 a in cade Locks, Wasix) county, Oregon, has which locating monument beam north (14 132, with two 12 foot stories. The ha«l for the taking. It will uot lie Pass I.v. 7:05 p in :(10 a m “ Grants I thisday filed his application for a patent deg*. 15 min east, 404 feet. 1 run north long till lands now selling for from Snow-Flake Brand — The Best in the Market. 5:00 “ “ :00 a m Ar. tshlami for 1500 linear feet of the “St. Peters” 29 «legs west on line between claim* 37 walls and floor of the lower story mine or vein, bearing gold, with surface and 39, (var 19 dega. .30 min. east) .3 '0 will lx- of stone, and the upper »lory $300 to $500 a quarter w ill lie scarce Ask your Grocers for it. I)ont lie put off by lx-ing PllllM Palace Sleeping Cara ground 690 feet in width, situated in feet, post corner No. 2 of claim 37, and of brick. As only the upper floor an 1 hard to get at from 1,590 to told that anything else is as good. Every sack of I Grave Creek Mining District, County of «•enter line of claim .39. 600 feet, a fir 14 and the roof trusses are of wo«xl, the $2,500. Many an old tinier who tally between 1 Porthind and Ashland. Josephine, and State of Oregon, and des inch«*« in diameter, mark it for corner No. building will be as nearly as possi came to Dakota e ight to ten years this Flour warranted to make .... O. x,. « x . R. R. Ferry makes Con ignated by th ••field not*-, an I olliwial plat 2, from which (ininua .50; a fir .30 iiichea The A ('. nection with all the Regular Train* «w the on fll<* in this office as l«)t No. 37. in un- in diameter lieara aotith 18 dega eaat, 25 ble fire proof, ami theie will lie no ago can look back nt the golden op White, Light, and Sweet Bread. East Side Division, from f«x t of F street. surveved lands. Said lot No. 37 being fe«‘t. Then«*i* noith 7>5 <lega .30 min west dry stock kept in it. The building portunities lie has lost, in not taking described as follows, t«»-wit: <»n n<»rlli Iwnindary, 150«» feet. Set | m » h | for rag picking ami cutting, 30x60 land at Government price, now Fac simili of Brand displayed where on sale, urf W i st P ii > i : D ivision . There being no public survey or vstab- for corner No .3, fr<»m which 'minus 250) feet, is of «*■! h 1, u«id is situated fifty worth in some cases, as much for an lislied corners within the r»*«piired limits, a laurel 6 inches in diameter lieara w« 4 E. C. LANDERS, 3 ET W E E N PORTE A N D 4 COR V A LL18 The acre as a quarter section was then I therefore establish a loating monu 14 j 2 lent. A laurel 6 inches in diameter feet from the main building Ashland, Or. 43-3”>] ment, or initial |s»int with which to con bear* Mouth62deg*, east, 22 feet. Thence bleaching and washing of stiaw will worth. Such experience will lie the Min. T rains D aily (ar* i:rr si npav .) nect said survey. Said monument con Mouth 20 «legs, east on end line parallel be done in a separate room forty' exjrerience of others, who neglect to 7:30 am Lv. Portland Ar. <> :15 p tn sists of a trap rock in place, 8 by 10 fort with end line of claim No. .37,425 foot, take advantage of the present low 12:25 pm Ar. Corvallis Lv. 1 :3t) “ at the base and 8 feet high, and marked Kiimmit of ridge bears east and went {|»lna feet from the main building. The EXFRESS VRAtNS DAILY (KXCKIT at N DAV.) on the south side then*«»f with the letters 75 , 600 feet, *« t post corner No. 4, fi«»m mill will lx- finished with the most prices for land. Low prices may S. P. cut with a chisel in the r«s k. From which i.iimi•< 10) a yellow pine, 24 in approved style of cement chloride prevail for a time, but a rise will 7 4 :30 p in I.v. Portlan«l Ar 9 :00 a tn the locating monument, Sexton mountain dies in diameter, I m irs Month 85 degw. vats an«l draining rooms, a hydrau surely c&me in the future. So catch and H:00 “ Ar. HcMinville Lv. 5 :45 “ ls*arM S 36 deg. 29 min W, alioiit 6 miles. went, It feet hiaeov'Ty shaft and cut lie elevator and all necessary labor on now. —[ Bowdle Pioneer. At Albany and Corvallis eonnect with ♦ G hant ’ h P ass . O regon Dutchman* Peak in the Siskiyou moun I war north 13 dega. eaxt, 250 feet Thence saving appliani ««, w ill be equipped C orner M ain A F ront S ts , trains of Oregon and l'a« ilic railroad for tains near the State line bears S *a «leg Mouth 75 «logH. .30 min cast on M«»uth The Pacific Improvement Com Yaquina Bay. W. Dy aorta hydraulic mine on T«rn East boundary I5oo fed, |»o*t corner at place with an 84 inch Fourdrinier ma -------- o-------- creek I>esrs S 52 degs. W. Pettingills of la ginning fplua 23 » , containing 17. 04 chine, a 54 inch double cylinder, pany thnt is, the Southern Pacific Local tickets for sale and bavL'a^e cheeked at Company's up-town ofliee, Having ojiencl a Family Grocery. I hereby announce to the public that boils«* on < irave creek bears S 39 «legs |<i acres. and four u « m >«I pulp niachiaea. In Railroad Company has Ixmght the min . W. Said monument is hwated on 'The location of thia mine is n*cor«li*«l in corner Pine an«l Secoml streets. Tickets I have a new and well select«*«! stock of addition to other precautions against new narrow gauge line between the summit of .Mt St. Pet»*r, on the divide the ofli.-v of the* (’ourit \ ('jerk of JoMt'phin«* for principal points in California can only Portland and Dundee, the key to between Grave ami Coyott! (’reeks, and County, Oregon, in Vol. 4, Mining Re fire, jx-rforated pi|>cs will be stretch he procur'd at the Company’s office, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES and TABLE ware , at the liead of Tom East creek 1 <*om- cord*, on page 631. The adjoining claim ed over the roof tre ses, which by the narrow gauge system in the Comer F and Front Streets. Portland. Oruon. Willamette valley. The chief pur ineiwed said survey at the S W c*>rner at ant* are Edward Kanderwon Smith and Bought since the Sweeping Reduction in freights, from the East, and |M»Ht No. 1, from wiiieli the locating men- Wrl'ard Young. Any and all praons turning a valve outside the building pose of the purchase was, no doubt, B KOKHI I B l P I....... I ■ ument ¡¿ears N .10 «legs. E, 525 feet, ami a claiming adv$»rady any |H»rtion of aai I will thoroughly drench the wool to «retire a level route into Portland Manager. G F. A Pass ,Agt. niarke«! down at Bottom Prices. I also sell the w hite-oak 10 inches iu diameter l>ears N Summit mine, or aiirface ground ar« re- work. [ Albina Courier. for the O. & C. trains and for 58 degs. W 10 feet, and a black-oak 15 «plired to tile (heir ««Iverar diaims with MiacKIXANKOUa. CELEBRATED DAVIS VERTICAL SEWING MACHINE, inches in <liainet»*r iH'.irs N lidtg«* W 11-th«* Rogistcr of the I’nitod Stat«- I,and Portland money grinds wheat in through California trains. Either feet. Thorn«' I run N 20 «legs. W on W to flour at Salem, Silverton, Day the link between Junction City and which has no equal in ease of management and great range of work boundary of claim, var 19 «legs. 39 min. ton, W. T , and a dozen other Corvallis will lx* closed, or connec E. (Instrument used is impr«»v<*d solar places; makes paper at La Camas, tion l>etwcen the East an«l West My object is to make it to the interest of those having cash or pro conifiasHz. 300 feet—Mvnter line of claim, J. WIMER & SON, phis 35. 600 feet—set poat lor corner W. T., and at Clackamas, Oregon; side lint • will be raade at Ray's duce, to trade with me. No. 2, on di vid«* l/etwecn Grave ami Coy ,T. M. CH1LFX extracts line from the quarries <4 Landing and all () & C. general Have the largest store in Jonaphina ote creeks, from which a fir .'16 inches in Josephine county, makes lumber at trains will come in on the Westside. diameter l>ears N ?.5 «legs W 11 feet, a tir •entity, which is ASx.32 «act, and two Grant's I’a s and on the lower Col A third mil will probably lie laid, 5 40 inches in diameter In srs ** 70 deg*. E, PIGNEY à COOK, stories, filled with 85 feet. Summit sliaft l»ears H 70 «legs. timbia, and makes cloth at Oregon making the m i l available for both E, 340 feet. Them «* N 70 «legs. E on N G rant ' s P ass , OltEGOJt. City and Brownsville. It dig-, tn standard am! natrow-gauge cars.— boundary, along hill-side faring north, the mines of Eastern Oregon nn«l [Coast Mail. 15O0 feet. Het a post for corner No 3, ------ A N 1> ------ Idaho and Southern Oregon. It from which—150 a fir 12 inches in diame The water war rages fierce'y in ter 1«rar* S 28 «legs. W, 15 feet. Cut No. saves the merchant, the farmer and Califoniia Judge Cross grant«! 3 bears S 13 «legs W, 260 feet. Then<*e the miner from the bankrupt court an injunction in favor of riparian WJ BUY FOR CASH, S 20 min. eaM on « a-t si<le line 265 feet— in bad years. Portland has not owners, thus depriving farmers of of ridge, «^ mhs »* east and w»*st phi* AND SELL FOR CASH, SMITH BROS., - - - Proprietors. summit reached out as she might have clone. the use of the water for irrigating 35. rxy9 feet set pont f«»r*«»rnrr No 4 from Acr.%5:4 for the She could and shotil«! have ten lac purjx <«s just at the time when it which — 35 a pin«- 24 inches in diameter, 8th «treat. Grant»' Paaa, Ora«on. Is’an* N 42 «legs . • ast, 17 f»-et A pine 8 John Deere Moline Walking tones an«l mills where she has one, Sift Hoaeit Weiilt nil Meuurt I o w 1 absolutely e -ential for their inches in diameter I- ar* north t2 «leg»* but she has l«een quite as active as crops. The fanners gathered and west 33 feet A «-abin snd spring and — and AGENTS FOR THF. CELEBRATED the country has been, and has in bla« kWuith th« p liears south 54 «leg»* at last . tints were determined to west 850 feet lH«c<ivery shaft No. 1 ami fact done more for the country than tan the he 1 1 gates and use the TRAVELERS,' MINERS AND Mitchell and Lewis Wagons, Hacks, Buggies and Carts, tunnel ls.*ar n««rth ss «legs, west a«»2 fest the country has done for itsalf.— waler in s; of the injunction It Ixs ating monument fwars south 87 d«*gs. [Oregonian. FARMERS' SUPPLIES. ----- Also, Agents for ----- 10 rnin west, j|4s (**!. Then -esouth 70 wotil«! aecm in that case that might I. -- *«■-! i •*!« I- indary I. > Mr« A. Douglas celebrated her would make light.--[Chronicle. (vet— summit on line plus 125,15*0 (»•••t- FARMING IM I ’EKM KNTS, lot «1 birthday at < »maha on the 9th. j4aee of tieginmng. and « «.sitaming 2*». <►> We keep every tiling needed by the Recently the Oregon race hones Anv of whs h we will exchang . f^r ha;, a . grain. Among those present were relatives Rapetta, Villard and Lady Duffy, 3« barri» irr the CofBlER. peopto- representing five generations She runner : ami Alta trotter, have l<eii Having completed our new Stables wr are now prepared to furnish ■ recited two poeim le.imed in her to Denver. Col., to participate 4. TEE FI0NFE2 AND Û.UY NEWSPAPEß youth at Sunday school an«! enter taken the best of accommodations AT REASONABLE RATES. m the races thereon May 2 tth. They (HEAP JAI tained the assembly with interesting will aK> 1* entered ia easiest*, in Aii'l Horae Shoeing and Wagon Repairing a Specialty. w aide. reminiscence« (Ex. other Ea.larn cities. [Ex. VER icture3que «'ANGES A MINI T 1 O N Mining Application No. 50. E. A. ESTES, Tropical Fruits, Staple and Fancy SUGAR DOOR & 1 Fully Ready! Spring Dress Goods The improved Towns Ashland Citv Roller Mills ire Xcw Goods e Choice Ecads in Every Line. BLACKSMITH SHOP.