Till-; COI RIEH There having been considerable speculation in the public mind with « •<:■<’. tret::- ran .al < t t!.'. !■ -.Hid hott-e and machine shops from this ¡»lace, we concluded t<> interview the boy s at the shop» an ! Earn their sentiments. They informed us that the water at this ¡»lace is the most suitable for steam of any on the road. Me s irs. Wilson and Wood inform us that during three y ears that their boiler liaslSeen ttsetl here, Wants to Know. 170TICE TO MINERS. (.*»:.tract to ! t to sick ’>') fret on the I ivi-i» i n ine, and tm iu <1 Iri.t r", 1 feet <> 111:«-.-;-. |-.'ti I * mine. J . r f..i. ti. ularx. uj p'y t»» E. F Smith ut th - injure mi tirriiiisl: 01 to Jeha (iou l-:l, at1 ir.mts J-„ ft I3--t FREES!: TREES' TREES! Let’s climb over to the top of the Coast Range mountains and yell over at Coos and Curry to know h ;w tho-. like annexation by this FRIDAY. MAY 13 1 •; time. That state of affairs will not last, gentleman, at- won’t have it. Registered at tie- I’ «t.itn.e in ». . T H E Josephine want- het Senator back. I’aee, Ore., a-» Svnid -( ’la«* Matt r. —[R< gite River Courier. Our St<>. k this season Cannot be iAcelledoii the Coast The Bandon Independent Record­ COHHESi’.»•. »EN- F. .'»’ ah.-r ill Quantity, Quality, Varieté *. Six- >f Trees, nor Health and Vi^or er has always looked upon the Jose­ of •ani », l.ml.ra ing all the Leading Varieties of We invite r<>rr<'-i"ii ¡ n. ' i- '.» ■ " phine county annexation as a polit­ itone on »ubje h <>i lo, .J .o.l o i,.., ical job, on par with others that it Will I« ¡11 t’l" hl.idol! an 1 liter Juno 1-t. APPLE. PEAR, PEACH. PLUM, PRUNE. APRICOT, tereat ■». st.ibfi- of I.. S Smith, ' NECTARINE, CHERRIES, ALMONDS, Etc., Eie. Willi each left r th" name rind ■ I ire-- it has never been cleaned out and is has in the past characterized a ; bar­ 1 »s7, at lb" L." >. A few tuoni ap- ter, combination and trickcry in the < ir i’ii I'.v- < i > of t lie render i- o• .»tir ■ !, < , . i!'.> free from corrosion of any kind, interest of would-be great men, who pr it J tn .ires i' ia b t.ik -ii b.-'i-l .•< thane ooo •ent for pul ii. Cion iilrea iy i-'ivi. - I. 1 r furtli.-r infornia- the common custom being to clean are as insatiably ambitious as that Uon, writ • ur .i.-, !y t - EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS. !.. : UTIL out boilers every three months. they are unscrupulous an i indiffer SI ’ICC IA ET I ES. 6-13-’.:ii Manager. ent to general public weal. Jose­ There is general complaint of the phine ought never to have been de­ The coercion 1 ill is the all ab orb­ water all along the road south cf prive! of her Senator, at lea.t not County Treasurer s 5.:i Notice. ing topic in London. I this place. We were shown a sam­ by annexation to a couple of Coast (irrn r ■ r r:t : < ’ M NTV TsEAHt'llEn. I P. P.’.rry F. 3r; the 3- -t late »hipping variety. Gr.ii.t- « l‘i-’-, M .V 13tb, 18(7.f The Albina Weekly •'Courier" ple of the water used at A.shland, counties with which it can have no M-r'r Pc-aeh, :r. i'-tmi< still beaus thu list. iutercotir ie or common interest, ow­ Nollce is l.er '.y , i.: a that tiier» are just out is a spicy six column which was taken from the boiler, I’anaday's Cling, the canner’s pride. ■ ■ l'ri-.isnry for tin- re- ing to natine’. formidable mountain ur.ds ia tin which, Mr. Wood says, foams so sheet. • ■ !•■ '."ri"" i '.»iitifv War­ ’ Erdsoy’» Japan Plum, hus no peer. barriers, and for other reasons. — ( I I r.;-.'-. I r -d ; ns tn July 1st, 1 t v»- Robo de er.i rort Prune, never b-foro oflrred in Oregon. badly tti the boiler as to indicate a [Bandon Recorder. • . <■?-». i :*. t',,;, i;",4, Numb -is r Canadian annexation is tie tight «!• h, in :t di:»st Htate, forma the celebrated prune D'Ente. sufficient supply of water, when in •. (¡7 1, > i;?;:. 1-71, f»7n. I HIT, •'<»(, c< Attlu time the legislature had i Freni h (’onaerveH), possible. It is po - able Canada may ¡1. 7 i t. 4 1. 7 14, ti'»4 i (»77, o? , reality, there is but little; or, in the bill for annexation before it we Berkeley Goosberry, the mo.t profitable <>t them all. become a part of t' • '1 State- | other words, the boiler is full of were at heart opposed to being o: tla «.ini» will <-(*a«e from Laf'j'j.vAue, King's, Soft Shell and Paper Shell Almonds. J. W. l-OWAllP, A private letter dated at Adam • foatn instead of water. That gen­ jointed with Coos and Curs y, yet T: .•u*iiii:r. LARGE STOCK SHADE and ORNAMENTAL TREES. Ridge, Ohio, April 22d, says: "I. tud tleman also showed me a sample of we could not as the publisher of an 1. Ç. .« . is high here. A poor man cannot soapy sediment which settles in the ¡„dependent paper, join in with the Ilvi-r/re. i:r, siimbs, roses, clematis and flowing plants, small fruits, grapo vine», etc., etc. get a home; that time has pa ed. boiler and around every valve and Democratic proposition which was l.V V«U i un <•• -i-utji-i ilaly !-,- We have garden made but nothing ¿"X'.r“ Bip'irrhasingelHewlit-re, parties intending to plant treeswill find vent hole. He said the water at to annex to Jackson county. We »•Ivd 'Hit a- i H ('1» r* of 111" .- It to ti. a l..t rest to cotne and see our stock and learn our prices has come up yet." ■h; ('or.-ily, on th' 1 Medford and Gold Hill was little believed annexation to the corintie- " ° ('.. d. , s mail 1 ratis upon application. Address «11 communications to 2d <1 :i •: 7, ;. i I b> ::r? direvt.'.l Col. Sam White is;: ■ ci.ltd with liettcr, and ..¡at¡1: ' Mr. McCarty above named would prove so unsat-1 aI„; j ■ . o' K asper Kilbli Chas II. Carter, in law practice at! engineer < n the .’ hlattd engine, isfactorv that in tlie change sure to y '• : , ; , ,r - •, . i- .. r -1 1 I'ho tiix, Jack -on comity, Oregon. ftltf I jtiHuin. ;.t a'iu <: in eiif u.iiii '.i.si-ri-of i Pendleton, under tile firm name of complains of that v : -r, ami takes follow it we of Josephine would ix-rt.ii 1 I: a «fl 1 , ._■■ ui tin abavi- Court 0:1 •! »y " <«! i. A,-rii. I * ;-, n>: l .1'aii.st Carter it White. Succe. s, Sam all the w. ter litre that he c at. stand a chance to regain our Sena­ tl ■ l.t'i I fl ■ h I: •r«*inait< r • ‘ r !..... ti'n'l r-al | •: •:> I-. Come down to busine*s and y u The-, boy think the slit»] will tor. tF'hmgi’. - > -•'r ;■ Nt-rvtna-i raid Wai- will l»e astonished with your own never leave the good water here, Li N d • à ! ir.' ’, I am corn- success, for you have fine natural ■I t 1 !.• . ■ • ua Il «al.| projxrri.-.- Chief of Police Parish, of Port- and add that they have far better i v th • j uL'tii -nt ol K f- --r KnlJi ability. land, has closed the gambling houses water in the well here than flows in ■ !: > 1 .■ :, lot- t'.i-•'■ìli of ??• 4 I t, in that city. . i-t ■ : n frci'i t!i-.» I.’1! 'lay o' : Where will you find a bett. r cli Rogue river, and far better than I at t'i" r.ita of ci.lit pere,-mt. . The town of Montague is laid out there is anywhere else 011 the road. mate anti more healthful country :i-: i ’Ii : ."'a r s. : i . ; yd.S'i This feature added to the fine switch into 178 blocks of 32 lots each., ..-•d !>■'• -r m ■ • :i-l .'.both ■ co.-;.. ' than Josephine and Jackson coun I it-•> > il.i - a :'¡‘. ; a-» I i : o'n'.li ••»<•• : tracks, and our opinion for it, the making 5696. ties? Think of this. Ottr people ! I di'! . ni. of sai I d iv, ali of the The Capt. ha . nt 4 > year.; of his and take no other I Germany, 60.000 from France and riuht. title .Hid ii>i"i-.• -t Ol ti." li I A::_ ■- Has anybody thought about th life at sea beginning a mariner’s life 80,000 from Ireland, l lino New mari nnuth of range 854 when SeUwood, Aiouia , _________ thirty-.-ev.'n ing Rogue river and its tribut trii how he lost lii.s vessel in 1 ; al*", th.-¡ib r -t quarter of tho , Capital stock *150,000. Work to ur Hintn ns . 1. ‘ , north-west „.turti r of (.»-<■! ion one (1) in I with c.itfish and had, or even Get Mrs. Van Dy ke was but four months Dttfin as soon as possible. ; township thirty-i iaht aoiitli, r Hire old. While the ship was sinking -0 in-res, situ­ alxvttt eight (8) '»i-*t. e »i :.ii: man carp? Rogue river is one of An English .......... ,..n........... syndicate j _______ is __ . purchase the Mulatto mine i r ’ at.-.I in J. *,'I»I.I.l" i'..',:.' ■, l -r iti. A. D. HELMS, Frvn’r. the finest streams on the c 1-.'. and lie gathered the little babe from the Witness my hand h ; ■ .. bed and wrapping it in a blanket 6(.o,o «> pounds, if a title is cleared thi»* 5th li li' .»i Mav i *47 would afford fine fishing at little Senator Hearst, of California, ï G. i’ATTER.-'O: . s’ln-riir. cxjieiise. These are two very im . he and wii’e v.i :.- taken aboard an up- St a .;! c and Fancy Groceries Fy 11. It MoiUUs, i » ,-¡. iiv. is said to have offered two million , other vessel to watch the ship, his jxirtaut interrogatories. 5-6-4W dollars for the mine two years ago, ! home, with all his earthly effects go ;rs, Tobacco, Nuts and but the price was refused. It is but 90 miles through a very- to the bottom, and a ; his insurance I M. I. <’A «. xter: a hrv :«>. Candies, Fruits, and a Articles have been filed in the of­ J. i; m .1 M. ci i.r V r.vi. low pass to the fines' redwood tint [xilicy had just expired he was left »aj.i rlor brand of fice of tliej-'ccrelary of State incor­ l>er on the coast, and 50 mile of [K'liniless in the world, arriving at porating the Jackson County Tele-1 KN lx I » GO( )i )S. that dist.tn e is through gtatid I'o , op;It J R. R. Depot. Incorporator San Francisco shortly afterward. plume company. ests of sugar pine timlx:. Red Hi . account of the awful volcanoes, Will Jackson, J. B. I’radle, Jeremiah .a Nunan, and A. L. Reuter. Capital wood railroad ties and stigar-pine on the islattd . last January’ would : ' st/ii'k ir t.oco. Al-o incorporating lttmlicr will cause the building of a I slir the spirit of a cast statuary J the Forest Grove Creamery and ' branch road from here to the coast. Just think of molten lava bursting Dairy company D. C. Stewart, These ties about 10 years, Henry Burton, and J. E. Bailey, in- against one fourth Ot that time fi r ’ frmn-<',w ttp of a m ountain 5000 co; porators. Capital slock, $t,6oo. ¡29 à 121 i3í Si.. FikäfEl». Cil.. other kinds of timlxi , while a b .11:1 feet high, in a Stream a half-mile hi -[ News. tiful supply of -.ig irpine is not to width and rushing down 011 a de- Factory, 115& 117 Hay es í Tile forty horses in training at be found any whereel* in thi i cline of 300 feel to the mile sweep- the Hill-boro race track, with their Evett in California it is fast
  • r 1. it entered the ocean. At night it A number of the trotters are driven — ; Low AA M’lilx I.()Wi through town every day, and on t ’ T S MAUD TUFFS. was a bright red, illuminating the out into the country for exercise. Speaking of the connection of Sueees-or t<> '¡r* Plana..111 & Tulls AGENTS FOR THF, CEL).» It heavens so that the finest print was T he be ;t horse in the talc are in the O. it'C. and C. N <>. i.iiho.i l easily lead at a distance of nine t:. lining here. Next week we in the issue of Novembci 2 >th wc miles. This fiery flow was kept up _____ shall give a list ofstalik*. with|H*d- said: ESTABLISHMENT lor two weeks. 1 ortunately the igrees of horses, for the information "From a gentleman just up from (low was through an unsettled see of the Independent readers, which San Francisco, who is posted, we tivo wbat is known as State that ought to be itivi digate.l, Ix-ing absent; when last seen he was the ('lister f"nl. on raid st real.1. and a! >ait There is extensive work going < a and the derelict ones put on their -hoveling -«’al at seven bits, with seven miles south of til ants I’as . in .h .* - pliine County, Or 4 >n Tti • -d I I’.ri R in the mines on Whisky ctcck. Jo-i pegs. The postal laws arc very the intention of raising money to lie a ‘-Pratt’s Tru*< <’iiinl'iiiati'.ti." the plline county. Potty or fifty . l.iims strict, and no allowances whatever enough to buy some of tho.-e fine main sp in to lie about 14 > feet long, wi'h are being worked, and ■■ ,| returns vi ws of M..:-hfteId and have his prnl>:ihli I > |. et of tresth appro.ich are realized. Sometimes $40 per arc made for incompetent officials, I'aeli bid i.-i' shall deposit with hi- bid "phiz" taken -cabinet size at five p«-r cent, ei theiini'i'.int... ueb bid. as day is taken out, and in t ar d o and they should be removed from McMillan'.-- gallery --[Coast Mail. by law re»|uir. I, which s lid am- 1111’ h:»!l recently one miner took out 11 irly office. Wc have been mailing the And diaved at Prcsslv ¿i Co- be forfeit d t > tho County in e:-e th- $300. An average of $5 per day 1* Cot’itiKR one year and have I kcii award t* m id.- Io him. a i-i In- fails, nez- burns. Th t'. paper adds a safe crtlculation in tin > mines ' I ts or r '.'i*-t for ths ix-riial <>i two d; vs be eiged during that time with so | Tidings. P. S. -Who. ve. will give infor- liter sin h i»»r I i* made to him to enter into 1 outract and file bis bon I in the In addition to the above, we can much complaint from different quar­ mation ii’ticernit-.gthe above child mani err piired l y. and to the satisfac­ And all goods handled by ters and for different causes t't&l we will be p:■••vented t > the full extent tion o; * ,i I ; 'oitniv (’. U. !>AV18. ----- Including the ------ 1 'otintv .1 it.lge. creek has shown us a t.-w ounc. • of plaints are made, we shall take up EMPIRE MOWERS, REAPERS and BINDERS. < iron' - Pa-«, Or., A pi II 11. 1 »87. SMITH Ó DAVIS, coat e gold from their claim win. a the question' and insist upon it tin HYDRAULIC PIPE and GIANTS they took out at as high a rate as til we gel it. Furnished on short notice. We cordially invite all to examine our goods THOSE VvxiO WANT GOOD a half 0/ a day . They aie highly and prices before purchasing. In the election ol 1884. the vote new*'. pleased with their outlook, and arc AGENCY. of the four parties then represented getting the mine ready t r me A- was as follows: EX PRESS RUN HACKS .Hid cisive work. 4..’44,344. K.'l>.ib!ic.in, WAGONS. CIIEAI*. »;T do well to call upsi IS'to ■ mile, 4,'JI|J>17. Verily, the laborer an>l prslucet l’n »hibitimi. 1 11,071. A - l i r. li Greenback. • . are the kings of the land Without J W HOWARD. ft-1.ill The ; .1.1 Franc i *c-> Chronicle con them, the business man would h . AGENT 1 >R I' M. <•-' uKN'l < t ii to close his dooi- Th - idea that duties that in the presidential strug­ ¡ Iti we would notice a man < t tmans gle in 1 -s*. there will be three pat­ AND Aii.niuistr-.tor s Hotiî». quicker than the p- r man who p Is ties in the field the Republican, !S k'.lVC •rm the public that he i« now nicely locate ! cm the corner of for his bread, is erroneeu-- \\\ do Democratic and latbor party, to say \i>Th i !u ’• ' • î • •• -. , 6TH AND H STREETS, GRANT’S PASS OREGON, not claim to be so simple a; th 1: nothing of the Prohibition and i»4niiiiiMratî«»n ite •»( \îe\ II. A nd« i- '»n, lat«* J«vs* phin • -int'.. Oro- mid the gentleman wh- -tigi c te 1 it G.vcubu'k parlies; the former of With a large Assortment of have iH't n It» » last week is mistaken. M c admit which is growing somewhat, while G .mn.. ;. I ani! t ’iiiT ìlap I it * í«*n. nn i« r*i*£D« !. in th * ♦ . ;rt that "money rule but ln-lbic it hx'phine 1 b. iiii J .• ? \¡ ri! 1.’. Flunks Delivered Promptly, the Grcenbm k patty is g-adually gut its eommis-ion 1 wancc, vl m >nth« hence the rich man pl it s cond VERY LOW FOR CASH. OR MARKETABLE PRODUCE. D ■• DAV or NIGHT, -i at my » in Alt- The Southern Pacific will build fiddle and always will. He cann t ’■ *c me-before purchasing elsewhere. a branch road into eastern »n-gon move j peg wholly independent of W. M. ROYAL P :o?R!ETo Uii - summt 1 comm-rn man r.f phy -Ra! toil Oleh! Paper 61 Jeiijlllie Cc'dltr, W. L. BLACKBURN AGENT AT GRANTS P.^ Hammon Bros.’ Nurseries, — FOK THE — Brownsville Woolen Mills Suits IHCFIX. Oregon, and OAKLAND, California. — Made to Order, at_ $¡2.50, S23.50, $25.00, $27.50,4 JJ9.5J Call and Seo New Style« Having ha I Ten Years exnerim,^ ■ taking Measure.. m ..I p.ste.ln.vreli* their Hinde of Cutting, I . 6053, N E \V Flour, Grain, anil Feed Slore. Front St., adjoining Courier Office GRANTS PASS, OREGON. W I- huve opeiiPil W I irst-cias» and Eeed Store in the building furmEU occupied a* a saddle and harness shun «here v.e Will keep constantly en h.Ja and for sale thu best brands of Flour, Corn and Oat Meal. Wheat, Barley, Oats, Mill and Chop Feed, Bran, and everything pertaining to a FIRST CLASS FEED STORE. W. RAZEE & SON. Proprietor... 3-tt'I IIAMMON BROS., NEW FURNITURE STORE! A. J.SHDGR, Main St., (lx-t. 4th mid 5th) Gran!» Pa»s. —‘linn just opened a New — If You wish to Buy a (Food White FLKNITt Qr Colored Shirt, Ask for the STANDARD SHI KT I ' N I > Il D TA Tx 1 NO. iin ’ ail Lin < Irrten, I! : 10 tin Ou., 'lay (>. I.W| X< I’.- ■ is h'.-reliv given that th" foliinr- ■.,< n i-., ■ I ■ 'tl. i has tiled inXiio of h r in.eti’:..;i : ■ . l ike :.t:a ] r i.i in s-.l¡ po t 1/ o r e: :i.n. and that said prisif wi:l bs in . le I ore ti e .hnl.-e in Clerk of the ■ r. yt ■ i- i .loss'ine County.Qre- a 1 i.-.i:.)■-! e . < iro n, o . < uunlay. ' :-:e I (til viz.: H.ii ' i.b b. t'aili , •oiineri.» wulowoi I!. !.. Kitterman. (!:■- CÀHN. NICKELSBURG à CO.. Boots and Shot Nev? Millinery Store. . .e '. tin ÓC MIDSON - ;, ii r ■' :: 7 v.e-t, \v M. -. ; T;- Cil AS. W. Jo;iM-l S. and Wagon Shop T own LOT'S . HA 1,1 : in Pi ÎŒNIK i: 't ? í?» tn Germany n .Murpliv ('ree!;. Jonephint eoiH'ty. Oregon, eiulit inileH sonili "f Or.'ntk a Pir-.t-ela'--* l'LoVltlNl. Mll.l. vi::> p .’.leni Mai Linery, ili'tn» -•• • 1 ".'.k .1:1.1 h i- .1 ; ,1 >.f eust'ùn Tho i'ARAi contains 1 iier.is ,, t 1 O acre* under ■ulti', iti. :, ; ni*'» I On-liurd, gii.l :Io'iE()('LE’S HEIT ll lilkET. 1 ’ump», Grant’s Puss, - - Oregon. WALKER, City £xp«$$ ani Oeliraj NEW STORE! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES! LIN INGST()NI-1 V.\NCfcl Delivery Wagon. BOOTS and SHOES. DRY GOODS. . t-l .- Regi »1er. ìaii LT i ¡i. asj Caita Ciicptii Ming aid «akiiii Ftas. CITY EXPRESS ,\o o' N !! I , ;o;,- W I.. , f s 1. î 5-1.Í Ct1 Millinery and Dressmaking Machinery, ...I ei.t' V iioiii. S W In : cetili:.uoas n : eniemon.iii dciilti- - cion of, said la ..!, vi.: : Juk i '.'» I) .ugl-, \l". - I.ooîi.u ‘ Jan * i *. I ■ v. i », tie-. . Lewi* Jr. all ol A't'iou*e, Just 4 nil.» Count-. O. 1. oth s:. Chilled ltE STOHE Where will be kept on hand a-d for xal» all kinds of Fui-r.itura, Bedding, Pictur# Frsnm, Brackets, Etc., Etc. Door-Frames, Window-■'rimes, brackets lite., made to order. Ftieelal attenti, n given to Cor. of Front and 4th St*.. I The PEOPLE'S MEAT MARKET is now «.pet: and prepared to supply custom­ ers with the choicest cuts of BEEF. MUTTON. PORK. All kinds of S A U S A C A share of the public patronage r»- speetfullv solicited. BUNCH BROS.. Proprietors 4-Stf’ Market Proprietär. J. H. AHLF M aix S treet , - - •G rant ’ s P*»«- Fresh and Salted Beef, Pork, MUTTON, PORK-SAUSAGE, AND BOLOGNA. Bicon and Lord ALWAYS ON hand . Ment Deliver'd any place in To*11 FREE OF CHARGE <; ,r, .( rey . Dt;