Dr. U.nn’a tm;>r...'l Liter Pill*. Correspondance. EVERYBODY his brother and the sub-contractor Call at my office for copies of the Removes Constipation, prevents Malaria, were out cue night similarly ex­ cures lh»p>‘pria, anil gives new lifeto the M edford , Or., Feb. it, ’87. ’’Southern Oregon" to send to your system. Only one for a dose. Free sam­ [siscl. Tlie route is broken via Where, O where is Jack ? E d . CouuiBR:- We have been so friends W. L. B lackbirn . ples at W. F. Kremer’s Monkey creek. busy for the past few weeks that we Singing school all the rage. 47-2t] A gentleman just up front the have not been able to comply with !S8;. FEB. x8 FRIDAY iVE WARRANT Gilmore’s Magnetic There will be a wedding in town noies If Bourne did spend ÿSo.ooc in Elixir to relieve the Asthma iu one min­ our promise to give you a weeklv ing things vigorously. From his ute Kremer has it for sale ♦ hi., efiort to defeat the incorporation letter. Will you forgive usfordiri- STATE AND COUNTY OFFICIALS next week. Mi SAIB—At Gal ice creek, on Feb 10th report of the rush and bustle going lection of duty? "HACKMETACK” a lasting :.nd fra­ Go and see a genuine artesian bill, the votes cost hint >20,000 STATI OFFICIALS 1887, to the wife of X McNair, a pair grant perfume. Price 25 and 50 k > Opium Circuit Jinlgo announces twin babes. H an . L. R. W ebster Kerbyville to his farm on Jerome thinks the Courier did him an in­ be large. er JfrpMne, but gives the child Natural Now Has Fahla. District -Attorney Wu. M. C olvig justice by stating last week that lie Willis York is the happy daddy prairie, where he will lie located in Protracted meeting is going on in ____ I had ___________________ lawn troubled all winter with cold cure Jrutn pain. Price 35 couts. Bold Ly COUNTY OFFICIAL«: charge of the county poor. We un had been caught in a parliamentary McGee and Zimmerman's hall at and |min in the cliewt «mi gut no relief W. F. Kremer. of a bouncing baby boy. County Judge Volnev Colvig derstand that out of five paupers iti trap in the House by the opponents this place, and much interest is mail- from remedies rccoinmemled bv Druggiut.' REV. W. F. REQVA. Baptist church, J M Payne Sim White is clerk of the railroad • Cominin.«ioners \Ve simply ifested in them bv the people. Rev. •''‘.^1. ¡an- «»..• time ‘ w.i- Aurora, 111 sa's that Gilmore s Aromatic the county, but two have applied to of the incorporate bill Simeon Meneng, r committee of the Senate. - ... re 1 • 1 a - advert!«!!:# Dr s ( .»u^h and ................... Clerk him fur county support, up to this reprinted tlie news just as it came J. C. lktker of Salem is now aiding , Ullg Svru|, 1 ba,t |1!tle faith, but Wine is a household remedy i.ml that no C. K. Chanilor. Treasurer in the Oregonian. His letter shows in them. Quite a number have pro- thought ’ to try it us it la-t resert, now; I family should be nit bout it. For sale at j W. Howard Mr. J C. Boyd and wife, from time. ; _ __________ Sheriff New York, are in the city. T. O. Pattoraon conclusively that he fully considered fessed conversion and many more l>elieve «-ven more than they tell ine of it» Kremer's drug store. The 100 yard foot race run at liis motion l»eiore he made it and ,r,' Ed. F. Hathaway . Schoo’Superintendent qualities. [From The News. Thonanndi of Cuuoumptlv««. the w I- of lite curative nualitie». I he New«, This is the last week of the pres Portland on the 10th inst. between Eiiaabethtiiwn. v'ntcvtT C ourt —Convenes out! « Second Elisabethtown. Ky.) Ky.) Hampie Sample bottle bottle five five the final passage of the Senate bill are enquiring tlie way ot lite. Have receive'! benefits iron tine.'» Monday in April, and First Monday in ent session of the Oregon legislatui e. Ed. Skinner, an Eastern sprinter, The Solons of the Oregon Legis (.ellls al \y. F. Kremer'«, Lung Restorer. Hanta Abie, in invahi.ib clearly proves that he did not make November - prep iralioa for Cough», Colds anti all if- We regret to learn that Miss Mary and Harry Struve of Seattle, for the blunder attributed to him by the lature seem to l>e in quite a muddle C ounty C ourt —Convene« cn the rir-t on the act to incorporate Grants IS cs V y C* ^‘¿’"X'ubl'Twiih fe tiona of the Throat, Chest and I.un.t- Monday in January. April, July and «nd Decker of Waldo is not enjoying ÿiooo a side was won by the latter Oregonian. Pass. It occurs to us that any who Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or N"t a secret compound made from Abie­ by six to eight inches. Time, 9 '/. September. as good health as formerly. During the past few days a good are interested in the future growth Stomach Disorders, can be relieved tine Bal >am and Mountain Balin, Pli.v- seconds. About $251x1 was bet 011 »ieian», Minister», Voealhts ant! Public many complaints have been made ami developement of Grants Pass at ouco by using Acker’s Baby Roothor. Speaker» luknowldgeit the KingotCoogh The tug Pelican, wrecked at the result. OUR BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Smith river recently, has been at this office, of the constant destruc­ would favor the act. Grants Pass It contains no Opium or Morphine, Cures, for »ale by W. F. Kremer. honeo is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by We leant that tlie store of Win. tion of deer going on throughout raised and is not ranch damaged. GRANT'S PASS. ought to be an incorporated town. W. F. Kromer. Pernell, on Applegate, was entered the county; and several have com REV II B. EWELL, of Pavilion N. GENERAL MSBCHANDISB. Mr. Kennedy, traveling sales­ by some unknown person and a Elder M Peterson was in town Y., says of Gilmore’s Aromatic Wine ■ “I plained that about ten deer a week L. V ascx —Cor. 6th and II streets. SHILOH'S CATARRH llF.MEDY — n believe it to lie a most desirable remedy man for Fleischner, Mayer & Co., , quantit-. of goods taken. No clue last Wednesday. __ • Gxo. W RtnnLE—Main st , near 5th. positive cure for catarrh, diphtheria, an I to I>« placed in every family.” For salt» was in town Saturday, as jovial as to the robbers. This is the second are killed just above town, by run­ Wonder why the editor of the de- canker rnoutii V'AMrBELt. ATi rrs—cur. 6thA list*. — ----- "i For sale at Kremer's ning them into the river with at Kremer’s drug store 1 8. P. D. A I. Co.—office and store cor- ever. ♦ time Hilly has been robbed of goods. hounds. We hear that alioui. one funct Monitor remains so closely drug »tore WHY WILL YOU cough when Shi­ 6tli and Main streets. It must be getting monotonous. — ' 1 Wil l IS I.. CULVER of Pavilion. N. loh'a cure will giveiminediaterelief. lYico Prof. T. Shattuck has leased the hundred have been killed on Det-r housed up? GROCERIES. i., s.ivs ilmt Gilmore's Magnetic l-’.li-or 10ct».. 50 eta.. and $1 Miss Carrie Baker has recently '■ For Balo at Kru- H. L. Robinson place for a term of [Sentinel. | creek during the snow storm, and J. M. C hiles —cor. 4th and Main sts. cured liim of a long standing Throat and tner's drug store + trouble > .—i i.., Kremer sells it i J B. MvRsn.vLi. A Sox— or 7th & Main. five years. He moved thereon last Ed Hathaway, County School Su­ that they are poor—really not fit to taken a position in the Medford High Vun- E. A. E stes —Main st., bet. 4th & 5th. Sunday. School. eat. From the pi'e of hides shipped perintendent, called to “shake" on A. D. H elm —Main st near Gtli. C onsumption C ured . Rev. A. Brown of Williams creek We understand ti e Signal Service last Wednesday, having just re from here on last freight, these re­ iTTOBWEVS-AT-LXW An oleen visiting friends in PRIVATE DISPENSARY. predicts the most severe storm this D avis B rower —6tli st near Pontofllcn. practice having hud placed in his liunds S U. Miri iiM.L—Main st next door to coast has ever seen, to occur on to­ he bad been dividing a school dis­ are ashamed to think that the jXHir Medford returned home last Mon by an Ea.-t India Mm.-'iouary tlie forniul« trict. LU-went 4‘rwuL luge to Wolf deer family must be exterminated, day. While here, he gave us a good of a einiplo vegetable remedy for the The oldest apd most huccmbìu ! special­ C ockier office. morrow. S am W hite —Main st , bet. 4th an 15th vrii-'K on similar businc s. Eft maljys and are consoled when we look sound logical sermon on the text, ■pcedv and permanent cure of t'onaump- ist on the Coast, «saiated by an eminent Jack Messerve, the butcher, ha>^ a good Superintendent. DR'. Q BTOl.CS ■ al’.ead but a few years to the time "Come and See." tmn. Bronchitis, t’ut.inli. Aothni.i. ami surgeon from the East, botti regular grad­ all Throat ami Lung affections, after hav­ uates with lung experience in the treat­ N ational D bcg S tork —Main st near f/h. sold his interest in the bu»ines^/to when but few, if any deer will lie Rumor has it that a certain Pro-1 ment of all The Grants Pass Charter incorpo­ ing thoroughly tested its wonderful cura­ Crrv D rug S tore —Main st bet 6tli a 7th. Mr. Ahif who will continue at the left to be slaughtered. ft-ssor in Medford will wed one of tive powers iu thousands of cases, feel» it rating the town, passed the Senate rtTYBtCIANS AND SI MEONS old stand. Chroilc, Nenon» aai his duty to milk* It known to his siitfer- It seems that the human family i his pupils on Sunday next. with but one dissenting vote, and W F. K raxkr —at Nu’ional Drug Store. ing fellows. The recipe sent fiis1, to all Gen J. G. Wall of Crescent City, there were but four dissenting votes is naturally sinful, and that had no, PRIVATR F. W. V anoyk —Main st bet 6th and 7tli. Beautiful overhead to-day. who limy desire it, with full directions lias bought property at Alatneda in the house. The water bond was effort been made to cultivate and W. II. F lanacan —full street below H. for preparing mid Huccessfully using. Ad­ Diseases such as ef­ 1 ’ i.ow P low . and will remove his family to that changed from $40,000 to $30,000. raise it above the plane of the lower WATCnES ANO JSWELRV. dress, with stamp, naming this patwr. fect the young. Mid- place soon. Dm M. E. CASH, ' die aged and old. <’. L. G ray —cor Main and 5th sts. The manufactory exemption clause order of dumb brutes, it would lie /•’/•«m Ihr Ashland Tiding*. 210 Grand St., Jersey City, N. J. single or inurried M. V. L oomis —Main st let 5th an 1 6tli. The shipments of Gold dust from was stricken out. rattling aloug to-day without supe men. and all who The Portland Telegram and other 34-Smj MISCELLANEOUS. this point by the Wells, Fargo Ex­ With all our riority over them, Buffer from E W. James of Albina recently papers were informed that the snow A. J. SrRoHECXXR—Saddlery and Harnes.i press Company, averages about <7,- ‘rifle with any Throat or »slv.'t and killed an elderly ’lady by boasted highness, goodness and , was three feet deep in Ashland. AlvrW V Lung Disease. If you havo LOST MANHOOD, shop—Main st., above 6th. greatness, there is occasionally a V. J. S edge —Furniture dealer and Archi­ 000 per month. ...v.. « Cough or Cold, or the children are Nervous Debility, Sjiermotorrbe.'i, Semi­ the nameY»r Newt'»n. He did not That was about two feet three inch- tect—Main st. bet 4th and nth. deener than the ticonle here could threatened with Croup or Whooping Cough, nal L oshc ", Sexiial Decay, Failing Mem­ See W. L- Blackburns ad. else­ know tlie gun wa.-, loaded and point- ; growler among us, W. R azee a Sos—Flour and 1 ee I stcro— eti< aeeper . •. tnan me - people • ncre count 1 uw Acker'« English Remedy «nd prevent ory, Weak E vch . Lack of Energy, Iin;» di- Who paints thing« rod, where in this issue. It may not lie 1 ing it at her, pulled the trigger, find it in town. Main st adjoining Courier building. • farther trouble. It U a positlvo cure, mentH to MnrriiiE’e : also Blood mid Skin Like a bear with a sore head. generally known that .Mr. B. is a S herer A Jurisox—liar bvare and Stoves shooting her dead. The Oregonian It is reported that the residence Mid we guarantee it. l’rico 10 and 50o DiwiiseH, Svphillis Eruptions, Hair F ill­ Free from pestilence of any and all —6th »trect, b 'tween Main an I H first class tailor. thinks the hanging of a few such ing, Bonn PuiiiH, Swelling», Sore Thr it, kinds, enjoying the finest climate of Mrs. Jas. Miller of Brownsboro, For Hulo bv W. F. Kremer. P igxky A C ook —Blacksmiths—11 street, l lccrs, Effects of Mercury. Kidney mid SHILOH'S ('('RE will immediately re­ Bladder Trouble«, IVouk Back, Burning R. D. Hume is having three fools would stor> such recklessness. , on the face of the earth, where cy- was consumed by fire on the night near corner of Cth While Jas. Savage and son; were ■ clones, blizzards head-lice and itch of the 7II1 inst. Some clothing left lieve croup, «hooping cough ami broil- Urine, Gonorrlieii. Gleet, Htricliire -re ft. A. (inrr-NE A Sox—Gunsmiths and schooners built at San Francisco, chitin. for s«de nt Ki Viner’s. t Machinists—Main st bet‘th and 5th. ceive si'Hrching treatment, j^nipt relief for the Crescent City, Smith river were mining near Rogue rivera few are not known, and where the ntel- hanging too near the fireplace, is C itt M arket —Main st near 5th. and cure for life. days ago, they caught a huge wild ; the supposed cause of the fire. and Rogue river trade. Cure Fur I'lle». ' odious voices of the mocking bird P koi ’I. k ’ s M arxkt —Cor Front m. 14111 sts cat in a very jieculiar trap. All at and mud turtle echo and re-echo B< >TII HMXEH <). II. S tar —Tin Shop—cor 6th A II st». The Ashland City Roller Flour ­ Files are froquently preceded by n"<>n«e Until yesterday morning, we had once the giant refused to throw a from ant hill to ant hill and from ing Mills are not running this week, I "f «"iirlit in the buck, loins «nd lowor ( 'insult I onlidentiall' "AllUk write. Ho­ L. S. S mith —Livery stable—H st bet 5th not received the Del Norte Record stream of water, notwithstanding it le'and 154 Third Htni't^^S ..>lt' an-1 6th. to an accident last Frulsv Frulsv l>«rt th« accident last l>,,rt of th. 11,8 «Momen, •‘'"j""»'". <-au.inu ' '!»' patient P»»!’'" gopher hill to the fish trap down on owing or Gold Ik-aeli Gazette, for two Snrrri B ros .—Eee 1 Sta'ue—6th st. . . to suppose tie has «oine affection of the ' , , • r ill ., 1 to Hiipis»«« ho lui« Borne affection of th" was set under 150 feet pressure.1 Rogue river. ‘ l)r ncighlioiing ... . orgaii«. At ... Yet amid all this evening the breaking of the jron . |i ... i(|IU 1 VH time», C entral H otel —J 1>. Hutch, Proprietor weeks. They look natural. The water was turned out and the ' splendor and squalor, some will per­ pinion of the crain «hiving shaft. HyinptoniB of indigeHtion uro present, flat —Main street near Sth. The steamer "Crescent City" will giant taken up, when a huge wild ' sist in growling. The poet said, I A new pinion had to be cast, and it ulonev, unensiiie«« of the stomach, etc. G rants P ass A cademy —Henry L. Eon- make regular trips between Cres- cat ’vas found inside. son. Principal. will probably lx- several days before A moisture, like rircsperution, producing “Mun's a fool M rs . M. H ydr —Milliner—Cot rier bnild- cent City and San Francisco, until a very disagreeable itching, after getting Win-Il it ’ s hot lie wants it cool. the mills can lx- started again. The suit of Steelman vs. Fred iiig. Main street, between 1th an I ■ th. the new steamer is completed. Harm, is u common attendant. Blind, Man'" 11 Io,'! ” L ewis S trong —l'Totiring Mills, Murphy. L. S. SivilTH, - Proprietor. Geyer & Sons, tried a few days ago; The Yreka Union has been pur-! Bli'i'.ling mid Itching Piles yield at oms- J ames W WiMlt’t—Mm-yy—.".'ent f< r the Why. sirs, a foreign war might chased by Messrs. R. Beers L«x>s | i" tlie upplii iition of Dr. Bosiinko’s Pile Farm lands can be bought here at Woodville, on a charge of intimi­ GRANTS PASS, OREGON. Economist Sulky 1’1 >w and Mason A at very reasonable prices, but when Remedy, which nets directly upon the dation regarding certain tools in awaken us to a realization of our and Royal G. Brown, who took isirtH effected, absorbing tho Tumor«, h 1- Hamlin Organs and Piano“. it comes to town property, the pri­ tlieir mine on Grave creek, District- utter littleness. The Pacific coast possession last week. Mr. Loos, a l.iving tin* intense itching, and effecting« JACKSONVILLE. Attorney Colvig moved to have case might lie the seat of war. Should former proprietor of the pajier, is a permanent cure. Price .50 nt». Address, SAFE and FAST R ogve IU veu D istillery —John L. Han­ ces asked are beyond all reason. I Dr. B.mmiko Medicine ( o., Piqua, O. lev, Proprietor. Mrs. C. H. Haskell and daughter dismissed and costs taxed to Steel­ this occur, then we would have writer and publisher of recognized The J acksonville ’.I aelle W obxs —J. c after having tarried iu Portland sev­ man, which was done. Had Mr. something to growl about sure ability, and Mt. Brown, formerly of Sold by W. F. Kremer, Grant's Pa»» enough. A British gun-boat could Jacksonville, is a good printer and Whip, Proprietor eral months, returned to this place Steelman listened to friendly ad­ IMPOTENCY in man or won tin cured and Surgeon. ( l.CMPERT L cmi ’ ert —Physician Phys? vice this would have been avoided. take the entire coast prisoner. One a steady, reliable young man of by < iilinore'a Aromatic Wine. For sale on Tuesday's train. They are wel ­ ATTOr.MSYM-AT-LAW. shot front its battery would end the at Kremer's drug store t The Roseburg Review, speaking fight, and then we sour, crusty cuss­ much promise. Success to them. H. K. H axn . ih . come. 1!. ARELY. I < >R DYSPEPSIA and liver complaint, The mining ditch was carrying a WALDO. A private letter received at this of the O. & C. train, which, es would have the satisfaction of volt have a printed guarantee on every It never fails J Wmra A 80*"General Merchandi«? place says the recent snow broke manned by J. F. Kearney, conduct­ seeing our fathers, brothers and | large stream of water during the Isittlc of Shiloh’s Vitnli/cr Special Terms to Commercial t —Main Ktreet or, Ed Elliott, engineer, R. A. Al­ roosters killed; our rails, lien-houses storm last Thursday and becoming to cure. Forsuleut Kremer's, through the roefs of a number of Cut«. D e , Kr.a—G.-ni-r.i! Merchandise, clogged with snow, overflowed its len. fireman, F. Lucavish, brake- Travelers. IAN A and reliable Mcdlclneaare thobsat old buildings in Canyonville, Doug ­ and hog pens burnt up: our turkey Hotel ami Liven -t.i'-l"— Main st. man and B. F. Harvey, baggage- gobblers and geese trotted to death banks in the northern part of town w" VW j# ¿«pend upon Acker’s Bl,xxl El­ CENTRAL POINT. las county. I forse» Bonrdod Rcasonabl;.- .ml has been prescribed for years for all lm- 1 man, made the run in the night at the end of a fish line; and this and for several hours ¡oured the ixir ,T. H» H ouck —Stove- anil Tinware. purltlssof the Blood. In every fortuof Scrof­ Sstisfiction guaranteed. .68-7 con- Mrs. T. A. Ilood has been U. M-toiv. i»zr.—Ileal Estate. whole stream down the steep hill­ during the recent storm which broke Syplillitlcor Mercurial diseases. It Is 33tf) fined to her room during the past the snqw blockade, removing trees, country being the scene of battle, side. cutting, washing and burying! ulous, KERBYVILLE. Invaluable. For Rheumatism, UaanooquaL woulc not have a house standing in various lots in* serious way. The week with a severe attack of ueu- Wx. N. vuckb —General Merchandise. For sale by W F. Kremer. S. A. GREENE & SON. N Drt iicvTTrp—General Merchandise. ralgia. We are glad to learn that from the track, etc., between here it in six months—then would ypu and Riddle, gives all of them a reg- growl? It's not a good sign of n damages were shared by Messrs. U nion H otel —Mrs. Ryder, Proprietor. she is recovering. 1 ular "send off,” classing them as highly manured intellect to growl! Sackett. Willits, Patrick, Songer| i NOTICE, K eiibyvillb M ii . i . s —P. M. Miller, l’ropr. R icxakd P. G eorc : —Saloon—.'Iain st. Our school moves along so quiet­ , “faithful servants." so much; and then its the handmaid and Helm. The-owners of the ditch Those knowing themselvcr indebted Io ly, so successfully and so much to, ’X" Logan Post No. 39, Grand Army of dyspepsia, either one of which will pay for the damages, it is said, I Hr W I Kreiner, prior to Januarv 1st, the benefit of the town, that it re-‘ 1 of the Republic, was instituted in will induce the other. I,et 11s tie a without being first compelled by: 1881!, will please rail and settle, a* I need fleets great credit upon those most this place on Wednesday, Feb. 16th currycomb to a fence rail and scratch law to do so. money. D.i rot wait, but call and settle without furthvi delay . The renders of the COURIER are io- concerned in its management. 1 1887, by F. IL I>amb1 Dept. Com­ each otheis backs, and see if we 45tf W I KREMER Now that the bill granting the f ained that we have ma le arrangement» won't feel better. We regret to lose Hon. Henry- mander, with 18 charter members. Oregon Railway & Navigation <0111 for clubbing that iainous 43-culuinn week­ County Treasurer'« Notice. Rogers as one of our citizens. He ■ The following officers were installed: We are indebted to our school pany the right to bridge the Wilain- ly story paper, Tn:: 5 anker B lade , a has not sold his property here vet J. K. Pigney, Commander: J. W. A M r N IT ION ette lias liecome a law, work will clerk, W. I.. Blackburn, for the fol < Irric» or rut ( ’m sn Tur imi 1.1 h , ) )>criodical which needs no recommenda­ not Griffith, Sen. Vice Commander; W. lowing statement showing the finan­ commence without delay. Mr. Geo. and it is to be hoped he ina Grint» l’a»s, Jan 28th, 1S57.f FliilU-Tàcïle, Catlerr. Flre-Works. 4{„ &{. tion from us, a" one of the brightest, and that he may soon return. F. Kremer. Jun. Vice Commander; cial condition of our school district, R. Morison, the well known engi­ Notice i» hereby given that tliet« «rei cleanest and beet story pa|»er» in Ameri­ Antone Behnte, Surgeon; J. P. Cole­ and amounts received and expended neer. will have charge of the con­ fumi» in th" ■ 'otintv Trea-ttry for the re- ¡ REPAIRING. A SPECIALTY On last Thursday Win. Moloney, ca. Each numlxir contains nine or t-.n 'l.'tiipli'in of the fi'llowing i'ountv war man, Chaplain; Volnev Colvig. Ad­ H' AU work guaranteed v-3 < ompl«te «torie». one or two :e: i: 1« by ■ Sr., who resides on Jump Off Joe. jutant; S. A. Greene, Quartermaster; from April 20th, t S.S6, to January struction. He has already l»een tel rant«, | t . itaated to Augual •• 1 -1 IMÍ egrapltcd for and is expected to ar ­ 15th, 1,887; while under a shed covered with Nuiiilieni 115, 116, 117, 1 IM, 140, 141, Il W best authors, poetry, lion-■ hold recipes, J. W. Colby, Officer of the Day; rive in a few days. When he was 142. 143, 144, 145, «S 124, 146, 147, 11N, witty Ravings, and in fact everything snow was caught by the shed falling Calvin Jones, Officer of Guard: J. S. Received from State and Coun­ ? 385 80 here last fall he made all nect sarv ty tax that goes toward making a bright and in­ on him. From the effect of injuries Plaster, Sergt. Major. Ri....ivi'd fr< in dlatri' t tax col­ soundings and the general plan of Obtained, and «11 PATENT bn»in<- »at­ received lie died Monday. teresting story paper. The recalar pn : 1,612 71 ie. ted tended to promptly and for Moderate Ire» the structure wai prepared long Chas. Saunders and George Stur­ Received from tuition of oul- The Yankee Blade i tj. I a y. ar. We J. H. Ahlf gives notice this week <>ur office is opposite the I' H. Patent I i rj 42 since; so there will l»e no time lost geon came out from Galice creek sidc Hcliolar» to date offer to either obi "r new ni'■" ri hers. of dissolution of partnership. Mr. 1 'fli e .".d wg can ollts'll I'll -nt- ti l<—- Money borruwi'd, dua Nov. 10. on preliminaries. Work on tlie pas last week. They report deep snow time than those remote from Washington The Koavx R iver C oi bier and The Ahlf is a live man and conducts a 1SH8. Send Model or Drawing. IVeadvise a-< -enger depot and general offices of Yankee Blade from now until D e. 31«t, first class meat market where every­ ; in that section and the miners jtibi- j Business Chongo. tn patentability five of charge; and wo I2JM7 93 the company at the south end of 1887, for »3.00 The regular priceof both thing in his line can be found in­ lant. Mr. Saunders says there are luake no charge lliih sr. |m>ei>t is «ecti.etl. Couch lake will probably begin ear papers is »1.25. Tluwe who wish to take cluding sausages, corned meats, &c. extensive mines of both quartz and Amounts paid 01.t 1»twi«'ii We refer, here, to tin» Pootniastcr, llm T1>c late firm <>i .1 W. Howard Co . placer in that section which, up to líalos above nientior.i-d ».’,1121 71 ly the coming spring, and on the has Iwen diKHolvod, John W Howard Sup. iintimdent of Money Order Div., and advantage of this extraordinary offer, can 323 III freight dcqiot also. The protracted meeting held at this time have not been explored. ('anti on hand Property in having Ixmglit out Mr Nirknll'a inti’riM t to off! ials of the U. B. Patent Office. For secure a sample copy of The 5 ankee D ip circular, advice, terms and reference« to Conch addition is certain to advance in Haiti co-partncrahip bui»itieFH Blade by sending their addre“ <•» to the the private residence of J. A. Freas- He predicts a bright future for that »2,947 03 btn>inrM« will hrreafter lx? carried on at actual clients in your own Sialo or Coun­ Livcnspar- section because (he says) the mines ure conducted by Revs, and those who IxHight four years Publishers of The Yankee Blade, 20 H ip old biiMincHH pla« <•. by J. W. Howard. ty, write Io C. A. SNOW A CO., ger and Freasurc, closed last Sun­ are rich and time will bring capital ago feel a great deal easier than1 h ho -h’^irt'K to thank th** customer*of th».1 (tppisiite I’ntunt (ftl'li", W ashington, I >. < . Hawley 8t . Boston, Mass. In ordering day by the baptism of Mr. C. John­ I which is alone necessary to make they did last week when they heard lato firm for their |>aHt patronage, and pleaie remit to this office the amount son and Mrs. S. Huffman in the Galice creek one of the most itn- C. To GRAY, of the veto. With the bridge, the hope*« By fair dealing and reasonable above stated, giving your full address. of »1,035 3 2 dejxits and the terminal buildings pricfM, to rr<« ivo hia »hare of the trade in 1 portant mining camps on the coast. | river at this place. the future. Tho Ixxjk accountfi ami note* This includes the above item of 111 Albina, costing fa,<">1.000 or eople of Jacksonville are W. FI. Rtimlev of Jacksoil county ARE YOU MADE miserable by indi­ ¿75'» whi' 11 i ■ not . iztli. Judgement for and accomodation trains running up Wigci am Macliiae Rmalrlii i s;eciil!7. machine and had no hesitancy in able people .and progrès- ivc business ‘ call on or address the C ourier plaintiff tn the sum of is.-,. "6. Case to the White house, at al«»tit the pronouncing it a success. 45tf. AGE?«'TS I'OK THE same hours as the steamer ¡»ellwood apn-.aled to circuit court. men. M AIN NT-, In front «f Ilin Factory. I,. Leonard of Democrat gulch Same party vaninciiced action on now makes trips, we may lk fora During the recent storm, the mail.« QiOXVVrC ¿VVCXXX certain In their was in town Monday having been have been olistnicted on both of the the 14th against defendants to re­ continuous town along the west I la» a now line o. an* Ackar’a Draper?» Tablet^ banks of the Wilanictte a- far as the — and — GLOVES. CORSETS, Recommended by phyaiciana and eiidur«f‘d to Jacksonville. He informs us that mail routes from this county into cover ]»>- "'»ion 'if two horses, one Red house, within five years. Land RVCIIINGH, PLI MI S. by all who have used them, dbe best an aged Frenchman in tlx: employ Del Norte Co.. California, the car­ wagon and b'l""' . C.'->- to l< tried is ' heap and the -ittnlion first class. TIPS RIBBONS, BONNETS, remedy for Dyspepsia, FlataknI C oe - of G. Karewski at Jacksonville was riers suffering great itarthhins in ' stipalion. Ouaraatced, and sold at 25c. by found dead in the hog corral and And it mav 1*. Iieforv the end of the and H.kTB. SHOP OX II AT., Ng.Alt C'TH. .r c year, that thelfig hotel will lie start ­ LADIEr ami I Hll DREN 4 3V. F Kretner. partially devoured by the hogs i G lare ( ni.i.Ana, ed touar.l completion, and the con THE REV GEO H THAYER of J B Last June we carried the Repub­ s win «. ter of the city «ill join in the for both mvseif. Bourbon. Ind., say»: XPT ». lican and Dem.XTatic ticket« in our watd march. Verily the booin is on wife owe a.ir lives to slii'.oh'« com r 4 wee paper during the canva/». at th- I Send for quotation for raw Fun tion cure ” F >r «.J at Kreiner * Portland mian. thr ■ »ttœee« LACES hkioa to ■tore dav . an J ! ài nie ISiEt lull GIVE YOUR CHILDREN, fo A NA.*» H #V»s< Vvzxrse i tT. al •h’* «’.«t'lerli r< and colds, croup, whooping > HIE COURIER. escili P idît of JosggSiae Crusty, or?»». Local &ùd Personal. Mr. Bryant of Lous« creek informs us he has a young calf which weighs only 24 lb» and that it was so small it could nut run with the cow. he having to raise it "by hand. ’ THE VANMONCISCAR GRANTS PASS LIVERY STABLE! 'r p : g \ XI s. Fine Buggies, Hacks and Carts. Spocial Announcement! Guns, Revolvers, Pistols and P A T E N T S Practical WatchmakcR J E M E L E n, PIGNEY à COOK, MKS. M. HYDE John Deere Moline Walking Riding Plows and Cultivators,