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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1886)
TO ADVERTISERS. W Publisher WiMER J s' I ’BSI 'RiP T1OX R ATE S, One Year (in advance) Six Months. Three Month» Siti/e Copies Job Printing of all Kinds An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon. —IN THE— Verv Latest and Best Styles. — »ND AT THE— I.iviii— «• st ILit' -. 1' koee —!•>- «i.— legal . Attorney at Law & N otary Public G r cxr’s P ass , .... O blgon . Will practice in all the i-ourt- of the Sl it-. Otfice oft Sixth Btnwt, near |*>st- oflice. S. V. MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. G hast ' s P ass , .... O beg s'. Will yr.s '. * in ill State ■ ud F« Jetai Court-. Offi«v "’i Main str t. SAM. WHITE, ATTORNI:Y AT LAW. G s \ nt '.» I’ a -, - - - - O bkgon . Will practice in :èi th ■ * "iirt < oí tlir - I!. KELLEY. ATTORNEY AT I.AW. J acksonville . .... O regon . ■ . : ' 1. Will pracieo in State. Olfit'e in Court Hon-.'. II. K. HANNAH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. < >REGoN. J WKKoNVILI E, Oiliee in <>r'b i 'ií liii.'. <>r ."ii sirret S. W. l'ORBES, NOTARY l’VBLIC. K kru '.'*11.1.1. ini * Ai.nioiri , Jo* ni'iiiNK (' l NTV. O'.,*'..'N. 1 u’h'i'tii i:s a >;■ eiallv. 1.1 al Insil i:- nient* promptly exeente'l. M..DK VI.. W. F. KREMER. M. I>„ Physician and Surgeon, .... P ash , O regon . l tout all hour?, day or ( ‘alI k ii’uht. W. H. FLANAGAN, '(. 1». Physician and Surgeon. ... G rant ' h P a :-, O regon . - .* - . ' Thirl -'i""'.-. Call at' *:: l ' 1 any li" u. i av or nigh. HR. F. W. VAN DYKE - G ran rs P a *3 - () ri . g <» n . English ani G rman Spoken. < iHii'e on Main ’r.-et. n ar ilr'iz stun*. Calls roponib'4 * *it :i:l hour-, il.iv or night Office o’»p**':ile -lovers hotel. Jacksonville, Or. .■>:>. 1>R. CH AS. W. P.EACOM, Dentist Oil EGON. G rant ' s I' a .-- All work wnrrint I. Office <>n Main strict, above O!îi Mí.«Ci'Ll. \NEOl >. NEW 'FIN SHOP; < >. II. ST \Illt, I’ k "I'KI>: t n, —IVa’.er In— Stoves. T I'.'. V I. . I. H< 'RT JOB WORK DONE ON NOTICE. Prices GRANTS PASS. Moderate. • - OREGON. WILL. Q. BROWN. Assayer & \nalyti< ¡I < h mist OREGON XK'KKL ■f INE, RIDIH.E. I 'EGI.As I 1>: NTY 1 t » « inn«!- of « N » • • Ml.NER F.XAMIM.D IMI RI »’’'RTl D t l’’»\ Away i«»r Gobi ani Sii ver Aa»»ay i«»r 5»iek»*l »»r Cobalt A rm . v Cor Ì axi *I « • ■»¡’l**r * • 2 IO New Store New Goods. J. B. MARSHALL & SON Wish to inform the people of Grimt’s Pas* au«l Rurronnding nfry that they have a new »tork <4 Groceries, Candies, Tobaccos, ----- AND CIGARS----- Glass-ware and ouecib - whiv . They have also iu Connection» FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT when-they will fee I the hungry. ICE CREAM ! ICE CREAM ' ' Once. Tri ■' or Tliroe time« a W. ■ k. and will furnbh l»r- team for FeMival« and all Public Gatherings. —ruar *1*» Flot ip anti PEAL !>— 1 ’l’ov.-:< >111" Subscribe for the Cot RISK. THE PIONEER AND ONLY NEWSPAPER Publish""! ■n -P N O. 39 Co’tespon<i«nc« The Ir-i nigration Office. man better fitted for the duties of the fire a?-ay, when an assay offici „„ . r . • .. secretary than Mr. Carlisle could lx* is not convenient. The best way i- The grouiuls of objection to the found by aU ,ueau> nwke the G arden C ita Minn., Dec. ’86. to grind up the rix’k to a fine |x»w Et>. Corxi' r - Jtrst the other board ot immigration, as set forth changes. This i#a public and not a der, add a little potash anil p >ur it — MWI'FACTVKKRS OF - by local papers in different parts of [K-r-onal matter. But we must pro- into a -aucer or -mall pan, or dish da. I was rending a gentleman in the state, are various, but the most te-1 earnestly against the proposition of any kind, and when nearlv a’l W. T. i formerly of the Minnesota Lumber, Doors, Windows, general, j>erh.’.ps, grows out of the to ab >lish the immigration office. panned down examine it closely for valley > which spoke of the West with glowing enthusiasn which re Brackets, and Mouldings. fact that the office of the board is at We cannot leave new comers to fine color- of gold. Portland. From this fact as a basis shift for themselves and perhaps re For Pyrites of Iron or Copper Sul minded me of my own home paper it is assumed that the board is a turn to the East in disgust with our phuretes The best way to test.them a copy of which I receive occasion — IND ALT. KINDS <»F— Portland institution, and that it ex neglect. It is a duty of courtesy as for gold is to boil the powdered ally and which is a most welcome ists solely for Portland's advantage well as a matter of pub’ic interest, to mineral in strong caustic of potash, vi- itor: it sems so like a visit from The Dallas Ititnizer refers to it a give them a cordial reception and and then wash or pan it on', as be a ilear friend from across the moun lienefitting "not the whole state, but such information as they require. fore nieutioticxl, and examine- for fine tains. There i- ,ui.e a contrast in tem a little coterie in Portland who de And it is the proper business of the colors of gold. perature between Minnesota and state to sec th it this i , done.-- [Ore pend upon crumbs from the state ta Cinnabar Quicksilver) Ore -The Introduction of— ble to fill their hungry bellies.” gonian. Mercury is most always combined Oregon. We have had snow here sine Nov. joth, with Vn.’perature We have of late seen many other with sulphur. It may be deter MINERS' TESTS. varying from to to 12 nlx»ve to 26 criticisms in the -ime spirit, al mined by either the dry or wet wav. though none, we believe, so coarse Some Practical Tosts tor Ascertain In the dry wav place some of the lielow zero, and the little zephyrs whirling now in every diffetion. ly expressed. Others declare that ing the Nature of Metals. powdered on- in a test tube with, an HAS ENABLED l'HIM TO REDVCE PRICES FIFTY PER their sections get no benefit from the flakes sometimes sailing round iron nail and heat it over a lamp . ri M< .V. ■ and round in circles instead of fall the board. The Pendleton East flame, ami hold over it a bright CENT. BELOW ALL FORMER RATES. AH that’is necessary for the pros sheet of copper. It will six»n be ing, and snow drifted as high as Oregonian says: We. this side of the mountains, arc asked to con pector to have with him in his coated with mercury, which by rub y our head in some places and the 1. For Pri Li t. .aldrc s, S. P D. & L. Co, Just an tribute to defray the expenses of search for precious metals is a small bing it with a bit oi cloth or pajxtr ground bare in others. Grant's Pa--, Oregon. this concern, and get nothing in re package of filtering paper, a few test will give it a bright lustre. In the nounce a poem on "Beautiful Snow” turn. Immigrant- should lx: al tubes, one hand mortar, a blow-pi|>e wet way in nitric acid will precipi to the average Minnesotian in win lowed to stop over a day or so at and a spirit lamp, together with the tate the -.line as silver, but will lx- ter time if von wish to make a sud GRANT ’ S PASS, HURRA:" "HL FIRA den exii from- this world. Still Pendleton and other F.v-tern Oreg. >n following chemicals: chloride of mercury; pla«*e the pre towns to look around. Then we 1 | k » uiii 4 Imttle Sulphuric Aeiil cipitate on a hot iron or shovel it there are pleasures unknown to war- met climates, the merry music of Il ydrix’hloriv “ CAMPBELL à TUFF could reasonably i xpect to get our 1 “ will soon volatilize. \i sleigh-bell- can I k * heard at any share of those coming from the East." I I •• « Ammonia Copper Ore Will soon dissolve hour of day or night, almost, and c IN M W HO\>r OF HAVING THE Referring to this general subject, the I <>z yellow Prussia!« P in nitric acid very -lowly in hydro the gay laughter of merry-makers Benton Leader ays: "The state And .1 lew crystals Sitlplio-cvaniiie of Po chloric acid. All copper solutions snow balling, skating, or sleighing, immigration board is a fraud, and t:lHi*ilim. FINEST STORE 1.0 >'l IN SOUTHERN OREGON. arc cither blue or green. When di rings through the keen, pure air, The orc. to lie tested, should lie should be abolished by the legisla solved in nitric acid, add ammonia while in Oregon, 1 presume the first ground to a fine powder in 111 tnre. There is no particular sense water, an<l it will turn an intense grass is green, the sun shining in taxing people to pay for a clerk iron or steel mortar, although in l»lue color, or place it in a dilute so warmly, and birds singing. some cases the original rock will do. for real estate agents ami railroad : Î The summer is the beautiful part Alumina May well be detected lution of copper and a little y ellow corporations. If immigrants want prussiat of potash and it will give a of the year here and the winters to come to Oregon, they can find when dry by applying it to the tip mahogany colored precipitate; or the way1 now. The legitimate way of the tongue and suddenly with place in the dilute solution a clean there. When I left Oregon itr June O:i ti: ir Cheap < '»'Hiten* in all siu-li linea as to attract people is to treat those drawing it. If alumina is present piece of iron or knife blade, and it coming eastward, I saw no more DRY GUODS. well who do come, ami build school it will reveal its desire for moisture will -oon lx* coated with copper. Ix’autiful spot from the valley of houses and lx? white. Mr. Carlisle by adhering to the tongue. Before With lb«- blow-pipe it colors the bo the Willamette through the south DREsS G()<>DS, isn't needed to stand at the gate and the blow pipe, when moistened with rax Ix-atl green when hot, and blue ern part of W. T., with its grand CLOTHING, show people where to go. Ix*t Mr. nitrate of cobalt, will give a clear when cold; in the oxidizing flame, scenery, its mountain- covered with' luxurious vegetation; its lakes and Carlisle step down. He is the tilth blue color to the flame. Il ATS AND CAPS. red when cold. fountains around which waving wheel on the wagon; he is a suj>er- Chromate of Iron Place some of BOOTS AND SHOES. Antimony I- scarcely attacked grasses, flowers, anti vines blend in fluity. Let us strike him out, as the powdered ore in a test tube with GENTS- FURNISHING GOODS, by either nitric acid or hydrochloric a tangled mass; through the superb the lawyers say, as surplusage." II ' ’ 'Old boil: it will color tile al, but will readily dissolve in towering cliff-of Rockies; over the GROCERIES, Tlie.-e few extract. illustrate the a »th (aqua regis), when water will vast lumlx-ring ami grazing section»» tone of a criticism which is becom fi PROVISIONS, ecipitate a basic chloride of anti of Montana and the rolling plains of ing very general. P pny. ’ With •■■■' tile blow pipe it is ............................ Idaho where the range of vision CROCKERY, The immigration office, including w -tinguished by its' extreme fusi- einbr.u < nothing but a boundless I p the whole work done under the board TOBACCOS, litv and vapor in the candle flame, reach of green, (retching away to costs the state $5000 i»er year. It CIGARS, ETC. is a public institution and therefore p d gives off white fumes and a sul- the blue edge of the horizon, with i 8 —0---- iur odor. tin sign , of habitation excepting a fair subject for public criticism; here and (here a si.d house over Tellurium Is found native, alsy I ' re ' iitirely new and will lx* exchanged for casti hut criticism, to be respectable, mbitied with gold, silver, lead and grown with turf with one or two ought to be intelligent. The immi CAMPBELL & TUFF», ore, _ „1 take timony. To _ test ____ the _____ ___ a windows set back from the surface gration office is at Portland liecause Craiii’s P.i»s, .1 sepliine County, Oregon mil piece of the ore and place it on 8 or to inches, and perhaps several it is the objective point for all im y white piece of crockery—n bro children play ing hi (he door yard migrant-. It is here for precisely il plate will do and heat it with while the mother sits on the green, the same reasons that the railroad e blow-pipe flame for a few min guarding the < ittle from the crops, j land agencies and ticket offices arc cs; now place a drop of strong than 1 found here in Blue Earth here. It is purely a matter of bus lphnric acid on the dish and let it Co., Minn. iness and convenience. If it were Garden City is about tlx- size of de down to the heated fragment. < . M. STONE, Pnor’it, anywhere else it would lx- out of the - soon as it touches the orca beau- Grants Pass, and like it, a growing range of newcomers. Portland Grant’s Puss, Oregon, cares nothing for this petty office as til carmine color takes place, and railroad town. It is situated oti the d< banks of the Watatiwon river ami icn cold the color will fade. a matter of local advantage. She DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY,------ w has no ax to grind in the matter of Tin Ores There arc two kinds of i | miles from Mankato, the third ai locating immigrants, since the set sr i ores, the oxide and sulphuret. city in size in the state. A. M. tlement of all sections ire alike prof may lx* suspected by its specific h ¡table to her; and surely it cannot •avity 4.3 to 7.1. The oxide is the A Humiliat 'd Editer. t< lx* believed that the expenditure of •aviest. In color it varies from BI.. T l": INI« 1)1' ( l<,\KS AND TOBACl o a the $5000 or $4000 per year paid for s most white to dark brown, and A country editor was made to rough all the shades of rosin. It writhe in kevt.i t humiliation of Books and Stationery rent ami clerk hire is a matter of School ! Books. much account to Us. Portland ay lx- distinguished from iron hy spirit on receipt of the following would gladly see the immigration u ing insoluble in aqua regia. With scathing criticism <»u the conduct of I »rax and carbonate of soda on his paper by a sttbscrilter: A Full Lino oi Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes. office moved elsewhere, to the state o capitol. to Eastern Oregon, or for areoal, it gives a globule of tin. D eri : S ir . I hereby offer iny that matter to Chicago, if in another e >r a good test it is best to mix re-igna bun m a subscriber to your me .»¡ the powdered ore with twice paper, it being a pamphlet of such location it could do better work in I ll . ;\NS’ 1‘ : . i llli’T 'iNS < \RE1TLLY COMPOUNDED. settling up the country While the n weight of cyanide of potassium small ' ■ ins. 1.ell e as tnt to Benefit immigration office is located at Port c a crucible, and ftr-e It in a forge, my family by takin' of it. \\ hat land, it is not under Portland man e Jen a button of tin will l>e ob you iv ed in your slictc i-hranes an’ agement. Portland has but two 0 ned someone to russcll up news at»' rite members of the board [ Me--: 1 >«xld Nickel Orc - There are several cdd'.'o; al- ott live topicks. N<i \ X 1 > and Corbettj and th. idea th it tin . w -Alz ,»f nickel «.res. It is lmrd to mensh’iin has b en made in your ‘depend upon crumb:, from the -late- Manganese Di--'»lved in nitric di- tinguish it. if not in th- l:.:nAi of -h«-t< of :::■ but lu ' rin’ a poland chi table' is absurd. Such i<x>llish talk <>r hy drochloric acid gives a faint a competent assayer. The pah- green nv pig wighin’ ,y>9 j>oti!id.->. or cf is a poor reconqx'Hse for lalx»rs ¡x?r- pink color; filter. and to the filter oxide orc, when filtered Iron» it-ac the *ip in the chickens out this SXHTII I5ROS.. - - Proprietors;. formed in the public interest '*.1111 ate add sulphide ol ammonia, it will id solution, will give a pale green w .iy. You stetijn- ly ignore the fact out conijicnsation. then give a flesh colored precipitate precipitate with yellow prussiate of that tie tater bugs is eatin' things 6th street, Grants' Pass, Oregon. It should be borne in mind that of the sulphide ol manganese; with jxitash. The copper nickle is ¡'ale iq> out here, an' say nothin’ 'Ixiut --------- o the board of i'vmigration h not the blow-pipe, reactions. Com Hi Simp-oii's durham butt calf Having completed or: new Stables we are now prepared to furnish the privilege diq “ition: that it can pound-of manganese color th«- bo copper red, but it ha- to lx1 purified breakin' its legg failin’ down a well, from other metal- Ix forc- any satis the best of accommoilat! : AT REASONABLE^ RA I'P.S. settle immigrant, her« or tiler« at rax bead amethyst in the oxidizing factory te-t can lx- made. It may oi of grandma Sipes havin' the sore its own will. All it can do is to ll.irnc. Two important wvddin’s lx- s'itnewh it indicated by the blow eyes. Hoi . S1 ng an . W ’gon Repairing a Specialty, furnish information to those who I: »n • >ri 1 >: -olv' th'- powki pi|x- on charcoal, 'flic borax liead here has xen utterly igknorcd by wish it. Immigrants arriving at with nitric acid filter, dilute with will lx' bln«- if cobalt predominate-, your columns, an' a two kohtnui Portland, as they do at the rate of w .ter and diviilc into three test and brown if nickle prcdoniinatrs, obiti huary, writ by me on the ddli perhaps eight hundred |xr week, tulx's; to one add a drop of -ulpho a- tiny are mo-t always associated of grappa Henry , wa.left out of want to know many thing- alxmt the cyanide of fx»ta-'ium a bl iod red t< »get her. your ilictc, to say nothin' of a alfa- RIKTOH— country, where to go. when to go and coloration take - place: to another Bismuth The ores of bismuth ixtical jHx-iii lieginnin- with A I* how to go. To supply this inform add a little ammonia water a red .-in more fusible than lead ami* arc lot Andy and also f< 1 Aik. writ ation. circulate immigration d'X'U dish brown gelatinous m r", will easily reduced in the yellow flame by my darter. Tin i-> wh> vour ments in the East and to answer let take p1.i< ' - to the third, add a little of the blowpipe; with carlxmite of ■■¡¡etc i. mi; 11 you : he;< ter- of inquiry. 1- th whole bu*in .olution of M ilov, pin ■ iateof pot.i Ji sexla gives a reddish white metal; don’t want eddytoryals front this of the immigration office. It is an (ferrocyanide of ]«ot.issium) a blue when dis solved in nitric acid, water place and ain't goin „ ’ to nut in no < »Itl.'.oN, (.Jai kson County) t' entrai . P iis r absolute necessity I'hree years ago precipitati will ix-i'ii! This prove will precij>itale it as a white oxide news in y. i.iir -In to »vc don't want it was found that many immigrants i onclnsivcly the pre tence of iron said slide. Yonrn in disgust. ----- )o(------------- Arsenic- Readily oxidizes at a actually turnefl 1». ck and returned compounds. H iram I> oaks . low temperature into white fumes. t«> theiz home,throu li -beerdisgust, pleted ni . new Stabb- I am prepari <1 to— P S. — If you print that obitchu- Ixad or Galena < >i I>rop a lit It cannot l»e fused to a mctali«- -late not being able to obtain al Portland tle nitric a- id on th« ore. then add on charcoal, but when heated gives ary iu your ,ext ishoo i may sign common information a- to the coun agin tor a ottr‘liete. II. D [Ix>u- FURNISH THE BEST OF HAY AND GRAIN. a little water, then .1 cry stal of iixlide off a garlic smell. try. They did not know where to isville Courier Journal. of potassium a bright yellow pre These texts c an most all lx- made To I lay mid Gran 1 ’< r 1 !■ a< 1. • >v«-r X’ iulit. 7 "» < *tH. seek, and business men had neither cipitate will nt once form, win« h by boiling the |xiwd»*rc<1 mineral Lately a redwood tree w: » vit on time nor disposition to hunt them -hows lead to lx: in the ore. These with aciils and filtering into a te-t BEST <>F ACCOMMODATIONS FURNISHED FOR the lilk Rivet, llumlxildt county , tip and set them aright. In this e te-t can all lx- • hown with the fil till«/ says the Trinity Journal which w »s mergene v the lx»ard of trade at its There arc other test- equally as sawed into twenty one cuts, four of own charge, organized the inimigra tered solution in test tubes. Silver Ores Powder the ore and gmxl a- these, but my aim is to give which were sixteen fed long twelve J. S. HOUCK. tion office It was felt, however, that this thing. Ix.-mg a matter of boil with nitric acid in a t'-st tube, but a few and m ike them as simple were twenty feet long aud five were PRopnirroR general advantage, ought to lx- sup th n filter an<l drop into it a little as possible. They are Intended for twenty-four feet l< ng, making the ported by the state. The legislature ■ alt w iter or hydrochloric acid; a the pr'xq*-« tor and not for the ama total length ¡24 fact. An accurate J. H. F isk . w-as applied to and very pro|x-rly. white curdy precipitate of chloride teur assayer. tally at the mill showed that the of silver i-thrown down. Thi» 1- ti «. twenty one log 1 furnished 79.756 a good test for all silver o:« ‘except Bogus silver dollars me floating feet of lumber. I Yreka Journal. The latter <lid the board of trade IX— ♦ To these alxmt in this community. The. arc not ask. however, to lx reimbursed ing the chloride <>r< A kinds of orcs the powder should l»e a trifle thicker than the good dollar The lady lawyers of the (’nitei! for the expenses of the office before placed hi a test tulie, »»¡th strong and the words over the eagle, ‘‘Tn States are agitating the holding of the state t«xik charge. —J«»B ammonia water, and corked tip and G«xl we trust:," are -lightly blurred. a eonventioti shortly at Ann Arlxir, The board, we lx lieve, ha let stand for a few hour . th n add There are also said to I* some coun Michigan, the main objxtoi which not to def g'xxl work, but it i \r I. and nitri'' acid in dig! t excess and the terfeit fifty cent pieces in circulation. 19 to endta or to secure for theirsex or its agent- that chloi ide of silver will m >» u f.illglown, A little attention may save our A -cat 011 the Supreme Bruch, is Iwlieved that l»et RATE" a white curly jicecipi readers from loss. [Eugene City nomical service << ( I . {Olli is Guard Gold The I phdicill - a new Ja Icon I J. ». H HOUSE and STORE FINISHINGS. I he Latest Improved Machinery, Bariniins CITÏ DRl’G STORE. New Liver, Fe d ami Sale Stable ! 1 ip I'i* . ’ ÜRKNTS PASS. .K'SEPIHM: ( OEM Y. OR.. 1RH>A\ I »EC EM BER '2 I ISS6. SUGAR PINE DOOR & LUMBER CO. browek . D avis VOI Grant'« l’as«. -■> named afar oeneral Grant. ■- » eonnty seat eentrally located in Southern Oregon. It in a progressive railroad town cJ 1000 inhabitant», and ia the main supply psinl for » large portion of country devoted to mining, lumbering agriculture and fruit-rnieing. t'lmiate un excelled The Cot Hi! « being the only paper pub lish. I in .loeephine county, with a good circiihttton in Jackson county, enables it to l.-ony »i the best advertising medium« in Soiitism (>regon. Fur rate«, ad.lre«« T he Cot KtKH, Grant’s Pass, Oregon. BLACKSMITH SHOP. New Feed anti Sale Stable, Central Point 'Fin Shop,: STO V ES T I N W A K E,