Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1886)
have too much weight. Because we cannot the entire county I W 1 ■■■ 11 forward at once is no reason that we n shall not push any of it. If v.e can FRIDAY. . DEC, 17. 1886. get half <>f it up now, the other half ReyUlerc»! ui the 1*« wt « »Hi«-«* in Grant*« can be brought up on a (»lane of e<j lality at no distant day. Fa**. Ore., a« !a«,c »n<r<’la*« Matter. THE COI KIEL’ Paj!r of J M / Orem. (dUUESPoNIIENt E. We invite corr,-s|H.ri.len, o front all »<•< - tiiMix oii »ubject» <>f 1 - al and oilier in- t'*rests. Willi eaeb lotter the natne an I addresx nf the »ender I« r<*'|iiired. e«|»-< ially if »xut for publi, atiou e ■ 1 ------------ ---------- -------- — EDITORIAL NOTES AND NEWS. We appreciate the following com plimentary notice from the Medford Monitor: We had the pleasure of a call by our old friend \V. J. Wimer, editor of the “Courier." Mr. Wimer is one of the live men of Josephine county, and is doing more j»erhaps, than any other man to bring his county and its resources fairly lie fore the publi -. He has made the “Courier" a newsy journal, worthy the literal patronage it is receiving Success to you. brother Wimer. From Central Po!nt. Dec. 14’ 1886. NEW FUKNITUBE STORE! A. I. SEDGE, * Ed. Cm RIER Please note ship M Mjin St. • ’ tth amt ’h Crant* Pa»». ments from Central Point, Ix-ginninv — Ila* jiibt opened a N sv Jan. 1st, 1886 to Nov. 24th. 1886: 104 cars, weight 2,158,905111s. and 56,6« this of stuff shijqied 111 small Wh.-n* wi:l lx* k<*pt "ii han I and f<-r xalc lots, which will make nearly two all kind» of car» more. Is Central Point deserv Furniture, Cmjdmg. Picture Fram.’i. BRUTAL MURDERS. ing of R. R. facilities? Brack?!». Etc., Etc. W. C. Leever. Uoor-Frame», Wiixk,w-Fr lines, Br.u »••Is Without giving the disgusting Etc., m ide to order. S ,*cial attcuti in Vet, Central Point is entitled to details of murder, we will say that given to during th? past year some of the R. R. shipping facilities. The I’ N 1) EH T A K I N < i. most horrible and sickening mur quantity of freight shipped as shown R**ir.tiriiiL'and all kinds of work in my line nuatlv »* m 1 pr unpt'y execute I. ders that were ever committed, have in the above statistics, proves that — ALSO — fallen upon the people of the United beyond a doubt. It is a shame the Manufacturer's States as if to cast ail everlasting O. & C. company has not built a dejxit at that j>lact . The» have de AGENT blot upon this day and age. Re for the cently, if possible. they are becom jxits on their line at place-- of much i:tg more prevalent and revolting in less imjxirtance. then why not build the methods adopted by the red- one ¡it Central Point. Be jiatient. handed villain whose i.ili.imanity gentlemen, its coming: you will get Ft i:\HT KE STOKE Sclliny Oui (it Close Business!! Home Seekers, Attenta FOR SALE il iti iamt u 1:1 ,Un • •" Having con 'lude*! to ilo«* lil " ‘Wrtu s ana 1 er ^,,' . ■* bucine" at thi- ]>l.icc. I am offering tuy large stock of DRY GOODS. from Grant’s I'asa 011 Xortli»i,|»,<L*l diver Thi» farm contain. rich river is.ttmn land in i-ultir«,,.7s' SOucresoI tin* »mm- quality.Tj* III» balance is of the finest MigarJ?* other tiniher and |M»ture land. Tla.** good mill site ; conntv road mn.h/’ place, g<xxl living Water running the place near buildings; also g,mJ?“ 1 1 large bouae, larae barn», «^J* smoke house and other out bnitn* voting orchard ; garden and,3 all under fence; very healthy < hl this farm can be raiw-d the tl I ■ com, sweet potitoes. nieilous, t»m„. gram, timothy,clover,ett p" | I’KICKS. ¡H-aelms. would make several good Ii- ni. «, ;,ul‘ the climate and other advantage«\-A lx* equalled in Oregon it would Im , for colonists or others to mvi-Migat-.* lore htiving elsewhere. * GE11RGI. R. GOWAN, 25 Gm] Grant's P,uv, FANCY GOODS. Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Queens Ware, Glass Ware, &c., &c., K’f 1 II :CEI ) AT GREA TIA A Full I.ine of RACINE UKOCICKIES STAI ’1.1-2 V !\l) illlJJ Administrator’s Sale of R- Property. Will be kept in Stock. enables him to dip his hands in the your dejxrt vet. (Ei>. life blood of hi» fellow being ns if /•’»/• / dm ier. the dear old mother and father toiled A «haro of public IN TIIECOl’NTY C0I RT0, J,»,p|,. That Bull-Qx Steak Again. sitting ill Proliate. their lives out raising victims for IN Till .MATTER of th.- Estate ot their glittering knife blade or intis M r . E ditor : Some time ago amm A. Beach, ,k*ci*a»cd. ket ball. The cause of all this arises there appeared in your valuable pa- tn pursuance of an order of the l',r-; Thanking the public and my many customers for their patronage in from the looseness of the court- and ]>er. among “Murphy Items," some Court, made the It',th day of Ovtst», cutting remarks in relation to the the past I can now make it to their lssi>, the undersigned. Administratiir , the corruption of the jury system. hotels of Jacksonville, about tough the estate of Risis.»ni>a .V Heacli, 4. . eased, »1 ill offer for sale totl»* Iii<|w The Cot'RlHk is entitled to the As long as our laws sein jurors the steak, socta. ]>er meal etc. 1.(1. 1 >.\\'l I )S< )N, bidder for cash ill gxdd coin of the I'nit^ Now I think I have discovered confidence and patronage of the | k - o same as we do fish, without regard States, on the Lca 'ing Portrait and Landscape the cause of this Murphyite strouble pie liecau»e its page- are clean, and to their fitness, just so long may we 17th Day of December. 1886 and that is. he took his meals at the instead of belonging to rings and cxjiect crime to increase from the wrong hotel. I have l>een some at 2 o’clock p. 111. of said day, at tlu*d»G ¡ng house on said pro;x.*rty, all the righ cliques it is the medium of the ]>eo fact that the assassin has come to what acquainted with the other lio- title amt interest of the said Rosanna A 125 First St., Portland, Oregon. believe that between the laxness of tel for the past few years, and alw.r s pie and its columns are oj»eu for Beach at the date of her decease, toti, OjuNi'ile First N Bank. following real pn>|>erty. to mt: I their free use against rings and the law and the popular notion that found everything well cooked but Tlu* undivided one half in the South, and properly cliques, 'flic fact that we exclude to commit big crimes and get clear not by Chinamen west '4 of the South-west '4 of sIM^j„n( El I ¿ST - < ’I .\SS Wilk’ K served. We would recommend and lie* Soilth-eu-t '4 of '*e,-(i.«* a from its pages all licensiousness ami of punishment is a boon to great that our Murphy friends and all Ln all Branche*. <4 lownship A". South Range, 7 West.Jiv blood curdling historic of crime ness. and so many others escaping others going to Jacksonville, try the chine Countr. Oregon ri ! < )T< >< ; ha ri i y . GEO W. II.VNSE't, found in tixi many pajiers now davs their just desserts, that of course he other hotel where meals are given Administrator ■ I saxl Estate for 25 cts. each. E ater . that tends to inflame the public will too. Juseplmie Coimtv, Nov. 12, 188*;. Now. what are the people going (32-41 mind, and parti, ularly the young Picture» Enlarged in NOTICE. to do? We do not lielieve in any and curious, renders it a valuable NOTICE Ik'gH leave to inform the public that he is now nicely located 0:1 the corner of form of mob violence, but when the All ix-rxon« holding priHe.-tcd County family paper. NOTICE is hereby given that I willa;. laws are inactive what course is left Scrip lip to June ISth, ISSI, which has 6TH ANO H STREETS, GRANT’S PASS. OREGON, ply to the County Court of .losephiii. Ix-cn advertised, but not pr< «elitist will On the 10th proximo. the Oregon the people. They must protect please prexent the xaiiu* for puvm.-nf. County, Oregon, on th** Jth dayniJa. With a Large Axaortuieat »i ua’y, 1x87. for a license to sell spirillum , OUT DOOR GROUPS. J VV. HO WAR I >, legislature meets at Salem for the themselves. It is an incontroverta- limit or vinous liquor.» in tin* precinct i lire. Ri, Isso. TreaHiirer RESIDENCES. ETC.. transaction of such business as may Idc fact that without one single 1 :w i.rants I'ass, said County ai»l !M.»l.-, »1,.. DRY « ]| «npp." 1 sac I upplic a. ion «it Ink.- al INSTANTANEOUS PROCESS. projx-rly come liefore it. At the court or statute in the land, we lowing |S*titioil. And everything to h ■ found in i l-’ir t-Class store, which I « ¡11 sell ¡K>-;im regular session two year-- ago, our would be much lietter off. The !•. II. BERKoUillS. VERY LOW FOR CASH. OR MARKETABLE PRODUCE PETITION. count» acquired lour townships of j.eople, if left to settle their own The Publi«* Examination L»r i<-In i ’ m loth'* Honorable 1 omity Court of Jam- try Call and see me lwfoiv purchasing elsewhere. territory from Jackson county which troubles would by a system of club (’rrtiliratv- will I mi held at Grant ’ P.v*** phine ('ounty, < Iregon : oil \Vc<ln«‘H<lay, I 22«I. HsG. Parties was decidedly the most important laws such as has been used b\ them desiring ( ♦•itiliuatvs . an lind in«* at Sain Your l«-litioners would respectfully n-| ( I Tout an«i Morrison Sts. twvv.n resent that we ami each of us are leial legislative step that boil» ever took on the frontier hundreds of times, White’ law oilier, Main street, 4th and 5th. .oteis and r --ul *nts <4 the Prei-ind .i PORTLAND. Or. in liehalf of Josephine county. arrange all questions coming up j I I». I' II VITIAWAY, Grants Pass, Jivcpliini* C,xin»y, Oregon, < 'ounty School Slip. At the special session in Novem with fairness and justice to all, and that v.e an- :t<-<|!tninte I with l>. II I'»- roii ih- .md Mould most resiieetfully n-p b;r, 1885, an appropriation ol $i<>, the muiderer would perlmp »hake resent that he is ¡1 suitable person |>, Last Notice. oxr was voted with which a fine hands with the dev il from a tree-top «1 nn »on sli.aild grant a saloon lio 11« an i « • <1*1 bi this, onr petition, pray tlu: WE HEREBY givi- noti.»- licit all pur- Free < ’»»arh to uul froiw this wood ami iron bridge was built the same day that he should slay you gran' toliima license to wll spir.iua» c ti»'« owing ns either on NOTE or VC POF’ULAR HOUSE. a toss the Rogue river at this place, his victim. The silly manner of CI >1 NT iTiii-t make settlenn-iit of tin- 111 ill an.l vinous h'.pmrs lor the period« H, Gr. tits Pass, Ot’. six m.jtitlis Irom date such mi fi . e hundred and ten feet in jnvteiiding to administer justice by same lwior.- Januar.- 1st, *S7. At that CHARGES REASON VBI.E. »»ill ever pray. I.lli-tw lime, »II r- maining uiqrai.l «ill he phu-eil p.rlin 1:1 *’• »;:t ìier.i < V lì , wnitTi length These two legislative the courts and juries of the land w ith Judge I In >wer lor ,, >U." tion. .-Mid II. H. MILLER A < <». acts have given Josephine conn these limes reminds us very much i.< >\\ i ’. st . PrOprieTOr. 'Ills s'l III ti-ont ot ills l-'fO-l .ry. ty an impetus second to no jxirlion of child's play. Children play Ila 1 a lie« of of Southern Oregon Had out ‘Tnill," .1ml “house keeping." and All tli-He who know theniMrives indebt GI.O'.'ES (ORSETS, Representative and Senator been» otlici childish amusements N K W ed to tin* Lite firm of »1. Winn . A Sons, Bi t HINGS, I'Ll MES, “asleep“ while in that body, we that require a large fund of imagina either bv Note or Book account, will TH .- RIBBONS, l',ON',ET.s. pleftR« Hettle the same I »e fore the 1 iist da\ would to day have no head to our tion t<> make it look like a reality. and IU1* of January next, or we will be compelled commercial affairs. Grants Pas-, So it is with our coutts. It looks to fore« bcttleincnt of the saw. i . aihi - and < illl.nitEN’s Front St., adjoining Courier Office, COLLARS, VELVETS, »ll.KS. 37-3t J. WIMER t SuN would have Ix-cn in Jackson conn like our juries throughout thc whole GRAM'S I \SS, OREGON. s ITINS, INI VNTS, I ACE BON- tv, and from its advantages ot po length .uni breadth of this fan conn NETS. I VIBE.-' i nherweak , NOTICE. We lia»' <'|.vm-d a I n«t-Clas« 1-1 ur sition on the railroad, would bave try are saying 'lets play jury ." — and — NOTICE ixlwiel » given that tin* un- and Eced Store in the building form, rly effectually »ap|>ed the vitality from “Ix t us play that w< are tr» big a OF ALL KINDS. der«igned nillappli to the County Court occupied as a «ad*lie mid harness simp, But criminal." &c. But the law abid of Josephine ( omit», Stale nt ,( Oregon, at where we will keep < um.nuitly <11 hand all the resources of this count» mid for sale the liext bran Is iH i New Goods Constantly Arriving. by wise legislation the result ot a ing, p»ace seeking citizen has to ( Ilia next regular term, »iz On the nth day of January, 1XH7, tor a license to sell keen business sagacity four town draw severely upon hi» imagination xpiritiKiux, in.ill and vinoux liquorx in ships including our beautiful citv, to make their efforts look like jus <|iia,ititicM less than one gallon, in the ’ Precinct ot« l’asx, JowphineCoun were annexed to Josephine, the tiee to the majority ty, On*gon. ami «ill xiipi« rt said aptrli- cation «uh the following petition. Mount» seat mined to the newly ac and everything pertaining to a I II III T( II CRANKS qnired town and bridges built in FIRST CI ASS FEED STORE. PI TITI< in Muring free travel to and from itdi On Nov 28th. Mis-. Sadie Allen Toth - Honorable Co-mt» ( ouit of the W. RAZEE & SON. State of I Iregoti, for Josephine < omity rectly to the benefit of the people of i.f Buffalo and George Hazlett made 34tfj Proprietors.. Your petitioner» repn o-nt that we. and the county. .1 successtill »•«»» age over Niagara in each of ux, are inhabitant« of the I'rc- Though some of the measures a double barreled barrel The ap cmet ot t,rant'« I'ahs. in this ( unt» ami i ills Stat.-», and legal voters therein. That J ti-mling toward out present tale of ertures were 12 by 15 inches into IE I hitch I* a suitable («srnoti to «el! xpir prosperity and advancement were which the fools squeezed themselves, iliious. malt and vinous li,|iior in i|itati- tities les» than one gallon, and pray »our l<x>ked iijh . ii at the time of their ett something like sardines ate packed Honorable I hm I v to grant lum In ruse to L. S S.v.lTH, actuieiit with a sprinkling of dis . in a can. Pretty fix to be in; the xo sell for th» iierioil of -------- months Proprietor. from the date of ancli liecn«c. favor, none can deny that all ha authorities ought to have |>oured GR VXTS !■ VSS OREGON. hl ended well, and Josephine is the ascetic acid over them and sold the And all goods ham NOTICE. gainer. By all these moves a little plant for jieeper sauce. Butthegirl city has lieett made of which we says, ' When 1 was lieing taken up NoTK I. .■ huiv’bx given licit tin* ma»' all ieel proud and it lielotig» 111 the elevator, I guess every man (•rant* !*a*s Brcwvrv <\»inp,«nv will .q>- ------ Including the pl\ to the County Court «»i .I«»*»» phine to the county that has made it. All kissed me a dozen times That of ( 'ounty. State of < nt the next regu EMPIRE MOWERS REAPERS, .mil BINDERS honor is due however to the men itself, justified the risk of the ven lar term, iz : On the 5th <i:i\ «»I Janua 1IVDRAI LIC PUT', and GIANTS n, 1887, f«»r a I iuuiim 1 t«» aril malt litpiun* who placed it within our grasp age. The iiiiiii I k - i of men in the el lor a term of »¡.x month* in ipiautitie* lrs> Furnished on »hurt notici W e cordially invite all to examine our good A feu more measures are (lending <\at<>t figures prominently in the than one gallon, in the Precinct of « Irani.* and prices liefore purchasing. I’.iMM, .hteephine County. Or, „'Hi.and will nt this time in behalf of the genetai ease, however: and we would like to support said application with the follow- ’ ;i W M N I ’I I» \ 1 I I. welfare of the county and if we have Sadie go on and tell whether Main ger. would continue to prosper, it l>e they were al! kissing her at once, or I *1/1 Ei K )X, come» our duty to lend our mite to bv turns They must all have in To the li ‘Untatile ( mintx t oiirt of the State of Oregon, for .lo.*vphii.e (. ounty . .R'.vt « P as «, < »|{E<,, ward moving the vehicle ot progress dulged at oner ot else the elevator Your |*etitionvr* represent th c we, and another turn of the wheel. By this was .1 long one or there were not «'aulì of u* are inliabitant* of thc 1‘n'einct we mean the incorporation of the more than fiftv men in the elevator. of (iianlA l‘a.** in (hi» C«»unty ami State, Having opened a Family Grocery. I hereby announce to the public that ami le^al voter« therein that Win Neu I have a new and well select, d »to. k of t >wn <>f Grants Pass and the con Its a fact, however, that ki'sug can rath. Manager of the i «rant* Ba.*« Brewery Yourself ant! train, buy an s ruction of a large irrigating ditch I k - done pui< ker than any other kind ( ’ompany i* a suitable person to *>11 malt < or <>[ I rout ami Itli St« , hquotM in «piantiüvHi le** than «>n<* gallon, j \ X r \ X r f e** 'I a 01 Ixith side» » of Rogue river by of work, can't it Sadie:‘ h side n aittl pray your honora’>lx I mr I v to grant Lie mt’s Pass. - - Oregon. 1 I « 1 A him !icvn*c to *' • *ell i<»r the ¡»erithl of *i\ which a i large ' extent of country may A SOCHI OUTRAI.Í iirontli« (rolli the «late of much lirvnm*. I- eight sim e tlu- Sweeping Reduction in freights, from the East, and b- brought into cultivation, and 37t.l Ila- l’EOl'I.E S Ml VT M VKKI.T is A Portland voting man whop.irts marked dow n at Bottom Prices I also sell the siilki. - all run on wheels. No Tongue, greatly enhanced in \ alue. At first n.,w ojier. ami pr.*|urcd t<> -upply custom- his hair anil name in the middle, n «h i:ng land side. Runs < >N E-THIKI' ers with tlic choicest ent« <>f sight, this might seem to 1st aiio- called G Wilder Pease w.e on easier th in the old style. Sold by gclher for tlu l>enefit of Grants Tuesday sued I»» .111 up'tait florist BEEF. JAS. W. WIMER, «l ieh lias no e,pial in <*»*•<• of management and great range of work. which »uch Pa» but mi . h is not the case. On " i the ignominious sum ot MUTTON. ON CHRISTMAS DAV. Mt RPHY,................................ ORWiOX. Mv object is to make it to tlu- interest of those having cash or prie a count of the piogrcss made tn the was claimed to he due to said uj» PORK. \l«o. Agent for the Celebrated ria-rp will Is* a Turke» and IV-ef «hoot ilticc. to trade with me. start llonst for a bouquet of irys.111 ing match »t Grants 1'is-oii Ih'c. 2Mb, cmnt» th. amount of taxable jm- MASON & HAMLIN FISH and FOWL themums. asjMragus. tennes-semu» Iss. Ctiri-tini day nn lertlu* i.ianag»*- _____________________________ • •M. < '1111 « EX |Hrty has I kcii mcreu'td from Sis; ORGANS and PIANOS incut Bl Ni || |!K(»s and horseradish, which the upstart Vi pri, • ranging foan 341.1 729 in 1N.S5, to S.61S.024 hi 1880. tloiist made for the elegant young I or Jo-x-phine County. Eight to Ten Cents per P und. While this is-o and wInk* the main man (Ex Addre»«, J.VE W. WIMER NOTICE , .’<U kind* t»f The said up-wart had no right to impetus ha* liecn uu this «ide of l^tf Murphy I »reg. m _ ALI. tin«» «bo km.« tliem.eli.Mi in- Hays Hill. n<> |a»rtioii of the counts site. Itecause the I rkj net contained .lehU iltu J U II «.ml A ( .1 cither by M V. LOOM IS, V ’tu - •!' ». lilt . W ill I' 1 ' V ' ■etile the 1» injured l>y this growlh and thc no wild onions skunk eabb ige , caj - name N‘D»n> the I ir*t da\ « Watchmaker iN .Jewel’'** January next I ut up bv Fxpcrieni*vd Fi lax|M» cis. and thetefoie the jKojtlc cue |.ep|>er and »nrpet tacks, with t»r w< will l»e C'»inpe!h*»| t l«ree a «.Mile er«. A *h«n of tliv pul»li Gnixr’x I*»«», «... (iwEi.'X. inrin. J VV HOU VRI'A CO *pvt tfuiiy m4l< ik'd. have been Is-nelitted l>ecause thc out which, it was iiiiomplete. 34t.i Nov CHARLES DECKER. WATCHES. BVNCH BRi is tax list has lieen grcatly incrcxsed < I jh KS, ST T.RVNIG OP WINP'. L1QI UKS VN1> < ,,.xKw kept in Routing F i'íurft. IV.oriel k \\ hat to the bcm St uf them all J EWE! BY. wish l<> imprc's ii | h > ii the tcad HPEl fA’ Ll s \M’ tt< rv* oil Wil 1 n:< 1< l.R IB > \ RI I|N< i 11< >( .-i:: h»r > m ! v t»r Rvut. thorn mind is fir»*t. du not 1< hx,»rit < SEWING M WHINE NEEI'I ! ’ well :,da|.h‘d KITT IN I IR*«r-< I V»' 'TV I I AN? Dll Tl; ug of out 11 pn sent.ili\ < «. The» FOR > VI,E 'V1LIV, prune WILL rt a I n 4. « l or part i MEET VV FH EVERY RlNIhM — Al> trrENTKiN t* <!<me noble work lot th< \I1 Wtirk Guaranteed to U|ve 'Ml I II l;i;n and d<» n>»t ht *<• l»oll d PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Advantage to Call on me Before Purchasing Elsewhere. PHOTOGRAPHER CFO. W. RIDDLE, NEW STORE! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES’ LI VIN( ;ST( )?<!-: VANCl^ India Ink, Water Colors or CKA Y( )N. BOOTS and SHOES, Esmond Hotel. I lie Leading Hotel of I'ortkmd. GOODS, L. VANCE. S I I 1-2 R F2 R ¿V Jill )S( IN, and Tin-ware. THOMASGUINEAN, MBS. M. HYDE Notice. Flour, Grain, and Feed Store, Flour, Corn and Oat Meal. Wheat, Barlev, Oats, Mill and ( hop Feed, Bran, GRANTS PASS Tlw World Renouned J bssEIJ Chilled Plows ACME HARROWS, VICTOR WIND M L. VERY STABLE! Autocrat Wood Force i ’irmps WALKKK, Fine Buggies, Hacks and Carts. Special l'erms to Gmunercial I ravelers. Store and IF YOU WANT TO SAVE I’Eiii’ir/x m; it iiiiiiiET. GROCLKH CONFI? TIOM-.RIIS \\l) TABLE WAKI.. Sulky or Walking Plow* Turkey and Beef Shooting Match CFLEBKATED DAVIS VERTICAL SLAVING MAlHINL. GO TO THE SUPPLY STORE s A i : s \ « ; K s ?or Div-odods General Cd'occncs. Minin? Snpphc*» EK., tic.. Prop’r. Notice. Waldo. Oregon. • >VTls| V TIi»N it! It