cor K ....... i .. i¿ il m TO ADVEKTISERS. Publisher J WIMER g S/ /.’S« 7.77’7/«« V Ì l TES, jhi in ad van«-- $1 25 K M »nth*. 7- M* ■r 1? Months 10c ffiB J ■ Copie* Printing of al) Kinds Jot —*m Bp the — Verv Latest ani Best Styles. ■Ë —ASI» AT THE— Eivinir » Italos. ' PRÍ )FE WX A L—LEGAL. Attorney at Law 4 Notary Public P ahs , - - - - int ’ h O keg ' im . W I practice in all tin1 courts of the Stat • > tn.- e on Sixth street, near post- ofli. S. V. MITCHELL, I ATTORNEY AT I.AW. ’ VKtsr'ft B ass , .... (I kkuo *. Will practice in al: State an 1 l-ejeral Cour: Office on Main street. sAM WHITE, I ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' -lisea'« B ass , . - - - O hi . gox . Will practice in all the < 'ourts of the State 11. KELLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ,1 Will practice in all the Courts of tie <|»te ( i;li,-. in <' t 11 11. K. HANNAH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ^J acksonville , . • - - O regon -. Office in Orth bitt line. Or .on street S. W. FORBES, NOTARY PUBLIC. RtBnv,-li.l.E «Xi> At.Tilot : E, .!■ •’L.eniN: Cot ntv , O regon . M f < oil ■'tion- . "i »cialty I Instru- &pnts promptly «-xe. :tc«l. MEI»" IL. W. F. KREMER. M !>., Physician and Surgeon. Ski.wr’s P am », - - Or./«» •*<. ------- HCalU respondc 1 to at all huurx, day or nigit. w. ii. flanagan , M. d . Physician and Surgeon, I JB ka X t ' s Bi'S, .... ■Office at resiilenc •. < >rner Main and Th r I street Cail .i" ! I any hour, dw or nigh. DR. F. W. VAN DYKE - *■£«it i X rs P ass Ou::.,oN. English and German Spoken. ■ Oilice on Main street, near »! rug f’tore. (’. LE.MPERT, M. !>., Ci binate Leipsic University,(S r. I (’alls rep »nd m ! P» at all hour«, d iv or night. Oilice oppo- tt* Slovur’a hotel. Jacksonville, Oregon. DR. ( H AS. W. BEACOM, Dctntist, ( I I All work warranted. luercial Hotel. misi - LI Oilice at (’om- vneo ; TIN SHOP; NEW < >. 11. STARR, Pi ■ enicioii, —lfe.ilcr In— Steves, I . Pump'. Pipe'. Etc., Etc., Etc. JOB WORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Prices GRANTS PASS. Moderate. - - - OREGON. WILL. o. IJROWN. Assaycr & Analyti al Chemist, enrr* x •’ ■ Nfixr. RIDDLE. DOUGLAS COUNTY, OGN < nu»dr <»f * <»it»|ilex Sul>#tR< < MINF.S l \ IMIS. 1» AND REI’«»RTTh I T *• - A*» miv for < ¡old and Silver Away for Nickel <>r Cobalt Aiway for l*ead or Copi**r ch win: in . . I 3 («» <> M 2 txt management —oF THE— Central Point Hole), LEWIS PANKEY. Meals, - (¡KANTS PASS, .IOSFPIIINE ( ()( MV, OK.. I'KID.W I >!'.( I Al BEK 17. isso. •) The Telegraph in Oregon. »V .pr 25 Cents. IL.ving latch* taken charge «4 this li«»tcl the nndr<ig«ie«l W<»uLt re'j»-, :t’i-x ’ -rm the public that the taWex will b--upplie.| with the l>ert the market atf««r«H I.F.wts P axkkv New Blacksmith Shop, LEWIS PANKEY. Proprietor. C extra i. F oist Horse-Shoeing n Specie ty 1 would rwpevtfully intortn the puLli that having lately taken charge th Black-amith Sh »p at Central I I woubi H*-k a liberal »hare J jttLtronagp I- f . aa i> P anel . SuleKTÌlx? for tilt C*’FBIEK. THE PI0NEE1 AND ONLY NEWSPAPER N( >. 3S Cable» Laid by th« Postal Company (/’’ruff« <>vr /if'íftbir f 'w egraph company was old to the Acro s the Columbia and Willamette. WASHINGTON LETTER Western Union, the office remaining (Ot . .! V. h . 15 in the .-.ame place until tS;.», when Ve.'terdae afternoon the Portland O.i Wednesday the employes of W ashington , Nov. 4. '.s >. — MANI EACTVRKRS OF— it was mow 1 to tlu' Neu Market office of the We -tern Un;on Tele- About the tittle this letter re idles tl Postal Telegraph Company suc- bliK'k where it remained til! »ester graph cotnp.itiv was tnOved from .day. Of hundreds of interesting ct -sillily accomplished the feat of Lumber, Doors, Windows, the New Market block to Katnni’s- incidents counecte 1 witfi the ,-wrvice Mitt the two House ; of the Forty living the cable across the Colum Ninth Cotigress will meet an I o,s.-n bia river at Kalama. Tlie cable is block, corner First and Pine- street. Brackets, and Mouldings. This is th second time the Western in Oregon, which space forbids pub in the usual way for the short busy one and a half inches in diameter lishing one is worthy of mention. Union hi-; movexl in the twenty session. The rush of Congre o.a.-a and weighs seven tons. There are — INI» ALL KINKS or— years it has served the Portland It was a case of transmitting a very to the cits, and of the crowd that five separate wires, which are important message before office public. J?he occasion gives .tn op sis «»'clockon theialw.iv- t »lion • th 11. b gan ye<<: 1 lied from one another by means of ’ portunity- to relate '»me facts con , "hours.” / About rublier. It is similar in size anil morning of August e. 1.873. Hf- ( day. in I will e »atinue for th-- tl. xt apjKaratiee lo the Atlantic cable. nected with the early history in Plummer was awaken; I with the month. The indications are that Thi' cable was wound on a huge telegraphing tti Oregon. The first line in this state was built by Wm. ■l artling me-.sage that the town was there will be pretty full reprei illa tcel, which was placed on a barge. lie dressed hastily and 1 (? Johnson and associates in 1S55. burning —The Introduction of— tion of both Senators and Congress This was t«»wcd down to Kalama, It ran from Portland to Corvallis, rushed out doors. He was met by and one end fastened to the Wash and was illy constructed. The Port Mayor Henry Failing anil others, men 0:1 next Monday, when the ington Territory side: The barge who urged him to telegraph to Or- gavels fall simultaneously in bath w .; tlieti slowly towed asross the land office was located in A. M. and I.. M- Start's building, on the ■ _ >n City and Salem for help. Nei etuis of the C ipitol. river, a distance of 3,900feet. Then ther of these offices opened till 8 o' The question which excite - the the wire was cut off, after making HAS ENABLED THEM TO REDUCE PRICES FIFTY PER southeast corner of Fourth and clock. That was an hour and a half Stark, where tlic Oregonian office most attention in the minds of the dm illowancc for a drop sufficient now stand-. Warren Davis was away and moment; were precious. CENT. BELOW ALL FORMER RATES. to tev-11 tlu bottom of the river. «0 Ill the vain hope that he might re members who are coining in, is the first operator. There was very- as to allow vessels to pass. The eeive an answer, lie called up Salem atrif" For Price List, address, S. P D. & L. Co. whether anything can or will be shore end was then fastened to the little busine and in a short time the line was abandoned. M <nv farmer , and kept up the call for several min done with the tariff this winter. (>tegon shore, anil the party returned ('.rant ' Pass, Oregon. and merchants in the Willamett« utes. I-;. A. Brown, now operator The high protectionists are bound to this city, arriving back at 12 o' valley had. subscribed to the stock. at Heron, Montana, was the station that there shall be no reduction of clock on Wednesday night. agent and operator at Sakin. He FOR - GRANT’S PASS, HURRA !” In 1856 and '57 the wire, which had was Yesterday a <ection of the same “HURRA up, ready to sell tickets for the purely protective duties, if it can In.- fallen from the poles, gave a great cable was laid across the Willamette deal of trouble t: resident' of the Portland express. Being sort of prevented, lhetcioim leaders are riVer in a .similar manner. One end CAMPBELL á TU FF valley, and it was not uncommon lonesome, and for want of any thing as anxious that some dcfereuce shall was fastened to the East Portland for horses to stumble over it. ' The better to do, he connected his instru I k - paid to the promises of the party shore and then the barge was slowly- C AN NOW BOAST OF I1AV1MG THE failure of this enterprise worked one ment with the main wire and heard to which the majority belong. One taken across the river to the fool of important measure into the state the Portland call, which he tinswered Pine street, where it was made fast. FINEST STORE ROOM IN SOUTHERN OREGON. constitution. Several prominent. promptly. D*-. Plummer told him of the things which the President is The distance act«" • the Willamette members of the convention favored Portland was burning and' urged credited with saying in regard to at this point is about 900 feet, but ---- o a clause making stockholders of a him to send down town tor an engine. the tariff is that it should be ar it took considereble mote than tha- corporation individually liable for G M. Stroud was conductor, and lie ranged with reference to economic of the cable, as it rests on the lx»t its debts; but s> many members was urged to hold his train a lew interests instead of political condi tom of the river. The laying < were stockholde rs of Johnson's tel minutes, hi the mean time C. 1). these two cables only consume« y A egrapli line, and had lost enough Failing, train dispatcher of the (). Sc tions, that as a party issue it is dis about one half the material on ham! C. was awakenened and hunted to tracting, and as experience for sev- It will be stored awav to be used i without paving salaries to employes On their Ch' ,ip Counters in :dl such linen as still unpaid, that they succeeded in his offiice. He ordered the track eral long and fruitlc-s years has either of those already laid should DRY GOODS. passing a me.-sure to the effect that cleared and the express to make shown, leads t>> no practical results, ! l>e broken ■ 1 destroyed. [News. stockholders should be liable ouly Portland in the le.ast p'»;.-,il«tc time. nor even points out practical meth DRESS GOODS, To be Tried for u Brave Act. for the atuout t «>f their stock. John S iletn had responded with an engine CLOTHING. son after a while deserted his lam and a hose cart, both well manned, ods of reform. Captain M. A. llackett was .sunt which were loaded 011 a flat ear and HATS AM) CAPS, A Penn-ylvania member elect of mon 1 I« f>re Inspectors I.otan and attached to tile express. It made 'file next telegraph company was the Fiftieth Congress, whohaslieeu Fergti'on yt 'lerday to undergo an BOOTS AND SHOES organized bv J. E. Strong of Salem, the unparalleled time of fifty miles here during the week, was talking investigate «n on a charge of having GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, fifty-six minute ;. An incline had and construction >va • commenced in in about the surplus millions and about left the wheel of the steamer Rowe GROCERIES, the spring of 1.S63. \V. S. Ladd, 'been prepared at I. street, East Port the probability of the Administra na, < 1 which he was in command land, the apparatus quick! v ran down PROVISIONS. 11 W. Corbett and other prominent tion being able to submit a pion for <>n the morning that John Barrett bti'iness men of Portland sttbscrilied to the slip tnd th :.ce act. >s.; the riv their reduction, lie thinks a great was drowned, si t eral weeks since. (')<( M’KEIIY, liberally, as did the well-to-do nu-n er on the Stark - t/ et ferry . It was <l-.-al will depend u[K»n what the Wlic't Birrett fell overboard the TOBACCOS, of the east side of the Willamette giv.-n a po-iti >n at Front and Mor President w ill say ami lie thinks the lioat w.t; stop|»ed an I backed to ri ■ >11 a.t'i saved the St. Uharies hotel CIGARS. ETC. valley. Strong's plan was to build mdpo'sibly a great part of the bus President before him now the keep from running over him or get Portland to Yreka, the north greatest opportunity of his life. It ting too far a wax- from him. Then ern terminus of the Caliibrnia Slate iness district. amounts to a crime, said lie. to heap '.ii! u.i' lattchi d, till ns no one Telegraph company-’:; line, Enough > up needier s taxes in the Treasury . Ge «■ i >uld go in it. C.npt. Hackett O.u-Gnj the U u,tilla P. >: rvatlon. to pay the stock was sttbscrilied iu lime of peace, and if the Presi- or farm produce. CAMPBELL it Tl FF-», went. The skiff filled and he came cost of construction, Poles were it t t'; 1 bo' ' iml . 1 11st it The Um iidl i In-'Innsh r.'k-eid He f ■ nt’s I’a: . Jos- phi ne County. < hi yon erected as fur south as Canyonville, I cd at List io accept tile terms of set In will h... ¿the country to back ■ ltd till in hi- jxiwerto rescue Barrett Dough.-; county, ail I the wire tlement propo <1 by th. government him. iii-l is now lo l»e investigated for and othc, material on b >;ird th le two ycais ago, and allow the bulk Just at this time the Pre.-iidcnt is 1 . i’tg tin v.h< 11 to try ami rescue American 'hip Noonday fi n Bos of their reservati'in to be sold to giving the last polishing str >kes to tl drowning titan. It seems rather ton. which wa . wrecked ofl the i- 11 whit-? settlers. It is a magnificent the message with which lie hxs lieeti a st: urge proceeding, to say the ralloncs in the spring of 1865, the lx«dy of land, comprising 256,000 wrestling for the last lew weeks. least. Three witm-'scs were exam C. M. STONE. Pitop’it, line could not I k - finished. It was acns. After establishing the In He lias had a very hard time with ined m olcrday and the matter vas operated in a very lame sort of way dians in severalty and reserving an the figures of those surplus millions continued. - | < Iregotiian. Maine Str t, ----- - Grant’s Pass, Oregon. as far as Eugene. It', the summer ample projiortion of wood and ¡»as and in trying lo solve the problem , Our Railroad of 1861. Strong transferred tlu line lure land forllieirti w, the remainder • i:i- ni" t lb- 1: . t.l <• ----- DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY,------ to the California company, and the estimated at 145,«xx> acres, will he —so hard a time, indeed, that he Dms. Pateit MEdiclnes. Perrumerr, Toilet Articles, SlODlier Bra««. Tro»«, Etc. - tockholdet s lost every cent tin y sold at auction. Only 2<«> acres has grown nervous ami irritable an 1 ■ \\ < are thankful to our exchanges put itt. 'i'hev receiv'd a little in will lx: -«Id t«> a single bidder < 1 Li of cxpl< 1 -ivc o\ er the work, to the great getteralli tdrtbe kindly w n ttt which --------- ()--------- direct lienefit the next year by e agricultural -ind 40 of w.i >d lan 1*. consternation of his obsequious at- they have notice I the Umpqua R. R., DL.'T BRANDS Oi’ CIGARS AND TOBACCO curing teleg.aph c.»¡iiitin:.- ation .«nd each buy er mti'l tnak« oath ’ tend.nits. Secretary Manning’s an hut one of them scenrs a little skc|> with the out'ide world. lie is buying said land for his own utial re|xirt will deal almost exclu- tical and says tiller mentioning it. School I Books. ' Books I and ! Stationery In the fall and winter of i.s(>3 4. II 't and (K'cupation, and not for or on .ivcly with the surplus and the be t "if it is H good as rc|H>tte 1 etc.” . the California company completed account of, or at the solicitation of method of reducing the taxes, ami Well now we want to say that it is the gap betneei. Yreka and the any other, and that he h is made no it will be interesting to see whether :«' good as nqiortvl ami letter, it don’t believe it come and tier. A Full Line of Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes. Willamette valley. R. R 11 line contrict whereby the title thereto he or the President can prodm e the von There is not another such a la now manager of the L<«- Angeles <>f 'hall directly insure to tile benefit of better financial matter. ---- ■ ■ < I--------- fice, was superinten«lviit of co:' another; and before a patent b ill The report of the Postinaster vorablc scheme running 1< k > sc in th • PHSIUI.WS’ PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY CO.MPOI N1)ED. struction and afterward* wasdistrict issue for untimbered lands,the pur General was l»cfore the public more wixxl, of <)r -gon. We expect to superintendent with hea'l.piartcrs chaser shall make s.itisfactoy prrxif than a week ago, but the report of git a ride (free pas* of course) on here. Subsequently It buil the that he has resided on the lands pur Secretary Endicott will not amount the Um apt.i River R. R. inside of Tick this in line froai Portland to The D.i’h.- chased at least one year and has re to any thing this year, ttor will that etyhli’ ti month.;. for the Oregon Steam Navig ition duced at 1« a -t twenty-five acres to of the Attorney Gem rd. Sccretaiv your hat lor future reference.— vmipany-, and the line from here to eultivati m.” Thi r« ,illation i'd«- Bayard will make no rejiort, but I Echo. ------- AND ------- Victoria for the California comp in’,. »igned to prevent the purchase of will repre ent the State iAtparlnieiit Connection was made with Cali the land by ‘•grabber-," and to pro by sending to Congress the diplo fo: ilia and the« ast in Fcbruar v 1 - tect the country from the evils of inatic dispatches of the year. Jle W- ofte'i a-ked why-we don't Thi.-, line served a-, the only tn< 1i- speculative and mon »poly owner is n >t di «.tragi -1, however, bv tl. ■ metiti' .;i that ' ■» and so” was sick, SMITH BKOS.. - - - 1’roprivtorts. ura of telegraphic communication ship. indifference shown nt the last ses or that "stick and -tick” a party w as 6th street, Grants’ Pass. Oregon. with the east for more than ninetc . n Although the Indian* have fully sion of Congress t<< his rccommetida- vi-itingiiiy fdks; wky don't y«-a --------- o--------- years. On the 8th of Sept', tuber, • tions. Secretary Whitney will ask lt. -. «methi .g ab.utr.i i.i.n.i 1883, the completion <»f the N. 1'. for five more tnilliotis this year in fir. erable time must elapse liefore it •. '1 . <• • r.e-. - bevre ,f.;t:\ Having completed our new Stables we are now prepare.', to furnisli R. R. gave a -e< »nd line. can l>c carried into effect. The land addition to what has already been .me visiting vi u, and as long as w - th bc-r*. of '.'comn-'.'dr.tiot: ■ AT REASON ABLE B ATI-.'- In March. 1884, Dr. O P. S Plum must all l>e surveyed atid ¡«litted, given f«»r a new navy, and Secreta are kept in -tack ignorance how can mer. the well known phy'ician and and the Indians must make their ry Lamar will reiterate hi -views on you expect it' to publi -it suck fart». Hor Shoring and Wagon Repairing a Specialty. druggist arrived li ’ re from Calif' 'i ni 1 elections. After that the 1 md to the settlement of the Indian prob Send or tell n- the new- ami we will and. on April 1 -t i' -tltll d the dtlti« b-. sold must lx.- advertised. lem. vl.idl publish it |T« b poll’ of manager of the Portland office He advoeak > a geiiciotis policy The money accruing from the »ale KOBER T W EST R O 1’. No Pay Term. For the first month or tv.o he v is of tin *'*C lands will lx- used to < .tab on the part «>1 the Government to tninnger. operator, in ssettger ati«l li-dt the Indian’- in their new homes, wards its wards, and at the same —FROPRIKTOH— Al .1 k ,;.i! ii b: cling of the Board line-repairer. Part of hi - duties was in maintaining x'liools among them, time recommends such measures as of Director , a tew «lay • since, the to keep the line in repair half w tv etc. Every dollar <»f it is to l>e re will result in their liecoming indc to < )t< g< 'll Ci 1 Tie.’ first ofluc was served for them, and it will lie ex pviiduit->f its fostering care. Our S' l: <1 ckrl T I--r«l, pri ciitcd a a little comer 6x7 f siirrotnuk «1 pended under government authori Indian |K»licy, he insist*, is based <>n r-' <«t wh: sl-'i’.ve<l ■ Irakint«. ampl-. by a railing in the Pioneer hotel, on ty . The lands whi« !t they retain considerations of national honor and siifti tent to mil the public school the north-cast corner of Front and tn severally will not lx patented lo philanthropy rather than of trade or full nin months al>s<»lutely free, no C intrât . P oint , • (JackRnn County; - O uhoo . n . W.ishingt«»n, owned bv S N. Arrig them inidviflnally for twenty years self defense. Last year he said the rate bills no nothing This speaks ------------- )<>(------------- oni. This was th’.’ heart of the rnd arc not to b; taxed «luring this Indians as a race are few. p«»or and wi ll for the Ro'i burg schools. I.<- busines' - rcti ni of Portland at that period. It is h<q»ed in twenty year.-» harmless, at <1 they have a ju*t claim < ■ r«- one contribute to this good — Having Conipleteil my new Stable 1 am prepare«) to— time. Th Portl t<> make the Indians independent. for help ami protection whi< h should work. —[ Ex. big” from the won The st heme ol guardianship is a lie scrupulously- reflected. Tw- ti «our bushels of very eliborate one and contains mi The well worn argument that it wheat v,< t pook-1 at the warehouse FURNISH THE BEST OF HAY AND GRAIN. a coniparitively lar and not at low rati nute provision f««r every emergency would lie cheaper to keep the In in Hill'Gir«« one day this week, and 'Id I 1 ay :iti< I < ■ I-.-1 ii I , I I « ■; t< 1. < > v< r N itzli t. <.«<'!-. ten words to San and which is believed to be WÎ within the dians at a fashionable hotel thin as sobl f««r cents per bushel. This one b.)itn«ls of p 1 -stbihly . [< > ogontnn. they arc now «halt with, isoftenre is a fan price, u“d we suspect other St.50 for the next BEST OF ACCOMMODATIONS 1 URMSIIED FOR Hol’.SES five. word beyond ten c vived by- western jteopk who come | m > il> will soon I k - tunned in thy Another Pionc r Goni. To New' York the here The argument is strictly county and equally satisfactory ten word*. Be*id< true, but the trouble lies in the tact p::«< sobt.lined on sale, It is hard of thè carly -------- J . S. HOUCK .-------- to pay for the Unit« di« 1 at thè that the United States ha-, no right ty pO'sibk- lwtter prices will >»e real revenue stamp win ■e of his sis FRorRicroR r-, Pat 1 intuì to save money tn that way. The iz«<l -oot: -in t.i'-t. wheat tn.av soon 10 !>e affix d So earl », aiu r a li ig and pain- Indians enjoy no privileges that are take .1 tumble imi leave the farmers thing like tbre c -t 'S Dece i' hi his Dot theirs by right, and those can iu ti much worse condition tliau if 1 ir of toll. In 18 , tl> tluv u< u now. [Hillsboro ♦ li «pearance not I k - taken away. !« oil removed to the Ar I i' ■r carly in cot? itry would mike money L» tin lude lxiKlent. nd —DEALER IX — tlu- ivirtheast corn iltics V nt'. I mm - act. hi A luotul.l lmolilotive for the Stark, tiienv ir l tr Mr. Iginiar's report ttled up Hi STOVES AND T 1 N W A K E, hotel Theoflh • N'iith« tn I a; ih«- R lib >adCotli|>Aity , h of Adi breadth of view and for« of the hotel ofii 1 to be itsed on the svrilchliat k over ti; -o h< [»itably sion which give's the i-l «h- nit C l‘(C ad- lui-arrived at S|>r:tgnv «Oil CT«.a»«l > rapidly ttl-. -*» of thè literary»alite not alway It h i-.t« ’t wheel - and weighs in \V T d< ;> -tri it ««I’ 1» < '.-1< l 0'. 4 their in a state paper. lx»»t Rixifin L Spoiitinii, an ! K ‘pairing of all k iiî b a 'pc. i iltv. f h • 11 î »« ¡ s. when in working lartlerf bv tlx c .tir.t.ii 4etie 4tii ■’ ■•.’J • .Cl,;' »11» • -MÌ UtW lw z > iii-OT' !M>* h IU limiers i.< (went) -ions for tjn <1 ir AM» DOSE \T REASONABLE RATE'i. Monitor. fit ’ n nh th< C »• tu ‘ • I tam GT and u' »itX • hilt” satrtlw. ”il k « H-o.k, Centra f »ft J at r <» IJ Í (f 1.»it I.MIK- SUGAR PINE DOOR & LUMBER CO llAVIS BROWER, • "<ii. VOI Grant's Pis . -■> named after General Grant, i» a eoiuity neat centrally lo.ate.1 in Southern Oregon. It in a progrewwive railr- i l town of uul mhabitantM, and is th. main supply point it* a large ,s>rtion of country devoted to inining, hunlieriiig 1.11 ilture and fruit-núauiu. t lunate m.- ex.elk-d. The < ot iiii r fs-ing the only (taper pub lished in Josephine county, with a g<»> ! circulation in Jackson county, enable« it to be one of tile l>est advertising mediums in Southern Oregon. For rates, address T iik Col Kirn. Grant's Pass, Oregon. HOUSE and STORE FINISHINGS. The Latest Improved Machinery. Bargains ! I Feed and Sale Stable! BLACKSMITH SHOP. 1‘ Central Point Tin Shop,